Home Grape Fennel for a newborn: harmful or beneficial? We brew tea with fennel for a newborn very carefully, contraindications and side effects. Fennel tea is a healthy drink for children and mothers

Fennel for a newborn: harmful or beneficial? We brew tea with fennel for a newborn very carefully, contraindications and side effects. Fennel tea is a healthy drink for children and mothers

In the first months of life, the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn child is populated with beneficial bacteria. Until the process of formation of microflora is completed, food is not digested sufficiently, and its fermentation occurs. It leads to increased gas formation, which causes pain to the baby. This phenomenon is called colic. You can alleviate the condition of the baby with the help of carminative drugs plant origin. Consider how fennel is useful for newborns in the fight against colic.

Fennel (Voloshsky, pharmacy dill) is a herbaceous umbrella plant with a spicy anise aroma, which has long been used to solve digestive problems. In folk medicine, all its parts are used - greens, seeds, rhizomes. Drinks are made from them.

Fennel is commonly referred to as dill.

Fennel contains:

  • vitamins - C, groups B, A, PP;
  • macro- and microelements - zinc, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, copper;
  • other substances - essential oils, acids, and so on.

The plant has the most pronounced effect on the child's gastrointestinal tract, namely:

  • relieves spasm of smooth muscles and increases intestinal motility, thereby facilitating the passage of gases;
  • improves the breakdown of products by increasing the secretory activity of the digestive glands, which helps to prevent the process of gas formation.

Other properties of fennel:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • withdrawal nervous tension;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • liquefaction of sputum in the respiratory tract;
  • slight diuretic action;
  • slight laxative effect.

External use of an infusion from a plant contributes to the disinfection of mucous membranes and skin, as well as the removal of irritation.

Fennel tea is useful for nursing mothers, as it has lactogenic properties.

Contraindications and rules of use

Fennel infusion helps with colic

The main contraindications to the use of fennel:

  • individual intolerance;
  • epilepsy;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • serious cardiovascular disease.

Like any medicinal plant, fennel can cause allergies in babies. It can appear within 2-5 days after the start of use. Warning signs:

  • rash on the body;
  • hives;
  • increased colic;
  • stool disorder.

Minimize risks unpleasant consequences You can follow certain rules:

  1. Start giving your baby a fennel drink no earlier than 7 days old.
  2. Coordinate treatment with the local pediatrician.
  3. For the first time, offer the baby ½ teaspoon of tea or decoction in the morning.
  4. If well tolerated, increase the amount by 2 times daily until the required dosage is reached.
  5. For 5 days, do not introduce new products into the menu of a child or a nursing mother in order to accurately track the absence of an allergy to fennel.

At the slightest suspicion of hypersensitivity to the plant, it is necessary to stop its use and consult a doctor. In the event of an allergic reaction, it may be necessary to prescribe antihistamines.

What is the best way to offer a drink to a child? It can be mixed with expressed breast milk or baby food. With kids on breastfeeding it is advisable to use not a bottle, but a small spoon or syringe without a needle.

Recipes and dosage

Fennel is used to make tea (infusion), decoction and "dill water". The dosage must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Tea (infusion)

The most effective tea option from intestinal colic It is made from fennel seeds, but the green parts of the plant can also be used.

Recipe #1:

  1. Grind 2-3 g of seeds in a mortar, coffee grinder or with a knife.
  2. Pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  3. Infuse for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Filter.
  5. The total allowable amount per day is 15 ml.

Recipe #2:

  • Chop dried or fresh herbs.
  • Raw materials in the amount of 1 large spoon pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  • Insist 15-30 minutes.
  • Filter.
  • The total allowable amount per day is 50 ml.


To prepare a decoction, you can use seeds or fennel roots. Recipe:

  1. Crushed raw materials in the amount of 5 g pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cook for 2 minutes.
  3. Insist 10 minutes.
  4. Filter.
  5. The total allowable amount per day is 10-15 ml.

"Dill water"

Contrary to its name, Dill water is made from fennel seed oil. For preparation, add 0.05 g of ether to 1 liter of boiled (not hot) water. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks. Shake and warm before use. You can give your child up to 6 teaspoons of liquid per day.

General rules

Raw materials for making fennel drinks can be bought at a pharmacy or assembled on your own. In the latter case, it is important to thoroughly dry the seeds and grass. It is better to store them in glass jars.

Dill water (fennel) is sold ready-made

  • It is desirable to brew a drink in a thermos. If it is not available, a glass container is suitable, which can be wrapped in towels.
  • For filtering, it is worth using a sieve on which several layers of gauze are laid.
  • It is necessary to give tea, decoction or “dill water” to a child in a warm form after meals or in between meals.
  • The daily dose should be divided into 3-4 doses.
  • It is desirable to prepare a drink at a time.

Fennel infusion should not only be consumed orally, but also added to the water for bathing the baby. It promotes healing of diaper rash and relieves nervous tension. In addition, the product can be used to wipe problem areas on the skin.

Pharmacy preparations

Based on fennel, several drugs are made that are sold in pharmacies and specialized stores. baby food. The most popular of them:

  1. "Plantex" - granules in bags containing seed extract and essential oil fennel. The substance from 1 sachet should be dissolved in 100 ml of water. The drug contains lactose, so it is contraindicated in children with lactose intolerance.
  2. "Bebivita" - tea in filter bags, consisting of dried fennel seeds. The product does not contain additives. It is necessary to pour 1 sachet of 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. "Hipp" - granulated tea from fennel extract. The composition of the drug contains dextrose ( grape sugar). Dissolve 1 teaspoon of granules in 200 ml of water, do not insist.

Pharmacies sell ready-made "dill water". Please read the instructions before using it. The concentration of essential oil in products from different manufacturers varies, and this affects the dosage.

Fennel for newborns - effective and safe remedy to relieve colic. When using it, it is important to follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor and monitor the condition of the crumbs in order to notice an allergic reaction in a timely manner. In addition, fennel infusion can be applied externally to solve dermatological and neurological problems.

During the first months of life, almost all babies suffer from digestive problems, which are expressed in periodic colic. Fennel tea for newborns is a real salvation and safe first aid. The product of natural origin is able to cope with unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the condition of the baby within 15-20 minutes after ingestion.

Although fennel does not help to speed up the recovery of intestinal microflora and the entire digestive tract, along with massage, it will quickly calm the child. If the product is brewed according to all the rules, then fennel tea will only benefit the newborn, avoiding allergic consequences and relieving the baby of painful spasms and bloating.

Fennel tea for newborns: description and benefits

Fennel is a relative of dill. All its components, which have a pleasant spicy aroma, can be eaten and used to make medicinal tinctures. Fennel contains a large number of:

  • vitamins,
  • mineral components,
  • glycosides,
  • Essential oils.

Dried seeds, grass and plant roots contain high level these substances. Usually, decoctions, tinctures and teas are prepared from them, which normalize the condition of babies. Together with these decoctions, you can use essential oils or herbs that are diluted in the bathroom when bathing a newborn. Oils or decoctions from marshmallow root, chamomile, oregano or thyme help the child relax and get rid of diaper rash. This bath should be prepared for babies 1-2 times a week.

During therapy with the use of children's fennel tea, it turns out:

Along with the above influences fennel decoction contributes to:

  • Normalization of the entire gastrointestinal tract of the newborn;
  • Ensuring better absorption of calcium, which is necessary for growth and strong bone structure;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Maintenance of the nervous system.

Fennel has many positive impacts on the health of the child, but it is better to first consult with a pediatrician about the use of decoctions from this plant, which is not a prophylactic.


Treatment of colic in a newborn with fennel should be taken seriously. Doctors advise not to use decoctions and teas from this plant for preventive purposes or for a long time, because it can be addictive to the product.

Cases when fennel tea is contraindicated:

  • Allergy to the product;
  • Epilepsy.

Testing for allergic reactions in an infant is to use the minimum dose of decoction from the plant (3-4 ml). In the absence of redness or rashes, the dose is gradually increased, be sure to monitor the reaction of the baby.

Brewing fennel tea

Properly brewed tea will help save the newborn from painful colic. Consider how to brew tea based on different parts plants.

  • Decoction of fresh fennel fruit

Fresh fennel fruits are finely chopped with a knife. One teaspoon of chopped fennel is enough for 1 cup of boiled water. Experts recommend making each new brew only from fresh fruits to make the tea more useful. The drink is infused for 30 minutes, then filtered, cooled and given to the child in a volume of 10-15 ml.

  • Fennel herb infusion

To make tea, take one tablespoon of dried or fresh chopped herbs. Fennel is poured with boiling water (200–250 ml). Tea should be infused for half an hour. Then the tea is filtered, brought to room temperature and give to the baby. prepared infusion Can be mixed with expressed breast milk or formula artificial feeding. A newborn should be given no more than 50 ml of this tea per day.

  • fennel seed tea

A teaspoon of seeds is pre-ground in a mortar or coffee grinder. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30-40 minutes. Then the infusion should be filtered and cooled to room temperature. The baby should be given a teaspoon of this tea at every meal. Newborns tolerate this infusion well, which is characterized by quick positive results.

  • "Dill water"

Some people think that this tea is made from dill, but the main ingredient is fennel essential oil. Doctors advise purchasing a ready-made drug in a pharmacy so as not to get confused with the transfer of milliliters into drops, because of which the baby may experience an overdose of "dill water". Pharmaceutical product should be stored in the refrigerator. To prepare a decoction, 0.5 ml of fennel essential oil is enough, which must be diluted in a liter of cooled boiling water.

Sometimes allergic reactions can occur 5-6 days after the start of herbal tea use. Therefore, pediatricians recommend not adding new products to the baby menu for the duration of therapy, so as not to be mistaken with the cause of the allergy.

If after fennel tea no side effects were detected, then the use of tea continues safely.

When a child is naughty and does not want to drink infusion, you can use a syringe without a needle, with which the collected liquid is injected over the baby's cheek.

Prepared fennel tea

For those who don't want to mess with full process preparation of herbal tea, specially prepared decoctions are sold in pharmacies. Instructions for the preparation of tinctures are always indicated on the product packaging.

Since the product is in high demand, the baby food market is characterized by a large number of types of fennel teas, which are represented by disposable tea bags or instant mixtures. But a young mother needs to seriously approach the choice of a composition suitable for her child. in tea product It should be free of gluten, artificial colors and flavors, and sucrose. It is worth paying attention to the presence of lactose in the mixture or brew, which some people cannot tolerate.

It should be remembered that tea for babies should not be hot; the broth should be served for them in the form of heat.

Fennel for women during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, women should carefully use herbal teas so as not to harm the unborn child. Fennel helps relieve morning sickness and is recommended for nausea and vomiting.

With complex flow pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage, fennel tea is prohibited. The plant contains certain substances that are Negative influence on the muscles of the uterus. The components activate the walls of the organ and increase the risk of miscarriage. To once again not cause complications, doctors advise pregnant women to give up herbal tea and use proven remedies for toxicosis.

But during lactation, the use of fennel broth will be a good solution. As you know, the properties of the plant contribute to the increase and establishment of lactation. Infusion and decoction of fennel seeds have been consumed by women since ancient times and only a positive effect was observed from this product.

Two teaspoons of seeds are crushed and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Herbal tea is infused for 30 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and drunk. To increase and maintain lactation, women should drink 3-4 cups of decoction per day. The drink can be consumed warm or hot a few minutes before feeding.

Fennel tea is safer than chemicals, and more effective than ordinary dill water. Therefore, many mothers prefer fennel tea..

One of the most big problems that mothers face is newborn ailments. Their fragile body suffers during the adaptation period, but the choice of means for treating babies is extremely limited. Therefore, alternative medicine comes to the rescue, which offers an effective and inexpensive remedy for newborns - healing tea with fennel.

What is fennel

A perennial plant with a pronounced spicy aroma, outwardly resembling ordinary dill, is called fennel and belongs to the umbrella family. It has a fleshy root and a straight stem, on which the leaves are actually located. Just like dill, fennel blooms with small flowers. yellow color, which are collected in inflorescences. After flowering, light and small seeds are formed on the inflorescences - the fruits from which the popular drink known as fennel tea is prepared.

The plant has a rich composition, which contains minerals and vitamins, fatty acid, flavonoids, as well as biologically active components that have an antispasmodic effect. Essential oils, also found in the plant, give the tea a light, sweet anise flavor. It is cultivated for its seeds, whose benefits and healing properties are recognized by traditional medicine.

  • heartburn;
  • dyspepsia;
  • diabetes;
  • increased gas production.

Beneficial features

Like all herbal drinks, fennel tea can do both good and bad. Without a doubt, it is an indispensable tool for both newborns and adults, as it relieves bloating and relieves painful muscle spasms. However, no less important useful properties fennel tea can be called help with:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • edema;
  • neurosis, stress;
  • lack of appetite;
  • insomnia, sleep disorders;
  • insufficient lactation in nursing mothers.

Fennel tea for newborns and nursing mothers

All mothers without exception know that fennel tea is the first remedy for colic for newborns. He takes off pain syndrome, reduces gas formation, relaxes the digestive tract. Moms, especially nursing ones, know how to brew seeds, because they themselves take healthy drink.

Despite the purely positive characteristics of tea, we still recommend that you consult a doctor before giving fennel tea to your baby and drinking it while breastfeeding!

Fennel tea is considered for nursing mothers effective tool restoration of the body weakened by childbirth. It also improves lactation, which helps to prolong the feeding period of the baby. Fennel tea or decoction for nursing mothers should be introduced into daily diet because it:

  1. relieves stress and nervous tension;
  2. normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  3. reduces the risk of developing colds;
  4. does not affect the taste of milk;
  5. perfectly absorbed by the body of both mother and child.

Positive dynamics from the intake of tea with the fruits of the plant by nursing mothers was noticed by specialists in the course of the study. However, before prescribing fennel for use by a nursing mother, it is necessary to find out if she has intolerance to any components of the plant.

Children's fennel tea can be prepared easily and quickly at home. Properly prepared, it will bring a lot of benefits. However, manufacturers of baby food produce tea for children both in bags and in special packages. The finished raw material includes both the main component and other herbs. At breastfeeding this tea will help improve digestion in the first days of a baby's life.

Fennel tea brands

Now on the shelves of stores you can find tea with fennel for newborns from manufacturers such as Bebivita, Babushkino basket, Hipp, Humana and Heinz. It can be conveniently brewed for babies, as it is sold in ready-made bags. There is also a packaged product on sale. trademark Fleur Alpine Organic.

Each sachet contains a gram dosage of powdered raw materials. It is important to note that ready-made formulations for babies do not contain dyes, stabilizers and preservatives. However, before using fennel tea for newborns, you need to read the instructions and find out the dosage.


Herbal tea from fennel fruits should be taken with caution if there is an individual intolerance to the components that make up the plant. It is also not recommended to drink the drink when:

  • epilepsy;
  • cardiac arrhythmias.

Experts do not advise drinking tea with fennel during pregnancy, since the plant contains substances that are antagonists of female sex hormones.

How to Brew and Take Fennel Tea

For the preparation of a herbal drink, both the leaves of the plant and its fruits are suitable. There are many recipes for how to brew fennel tea, and each of them, depending on the purpose, differs in composition and dosage.

There are many recipes on how to properly brew fennel tea for newborns. We list a few of the most popular below.

To prepare a drink at home, it is necessary to place the fruits of the plant in an amount of 2 g in a teapot and add hot water 90-95 ° C there. Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes, then strain.

Another way involves making tea with lemon balm, thyme and fennel. To do this, you need to take three types of raw materials in equal parts and steam them for half an hour in a sealed container. Such a drink will help calm the baby, normalize sleep, nutrition, stool. The same benefit is provided by anise tea, which is prepared from fennel with anise. To enhance the effect of a healing drink, it is necessary to prepare tea from the fruits of the plant and thyme. It is useful to add it to baths for a newborn.

Another recipe for making tea from fennel fruits states that it is necessary to pour crushed plant seeds with boiling water and leave for an hour. After that, strain the mixture and add boiling water to the original volume (200 ml).

Babies after birth need a reverent and careful attitude, and sometimes pharmacy support. All mothers know that gastrointestinal tract in a newborn, it is sterile and bacteria immediately begin to enter there, which cause pain and colic. Tea with fennel comes to the rescue, the usual “dill water” among the people.

Beneficial features

Fennel is a medicinal plant from the celery family, which was actively used in Ancient Greece. It is often referred to as sweet dill. He possesses medicinal properties and contains components necessary for the body: rutin, carotene, anethole, essential oils, ascorbic acid. Fennel seeds contain essential vitamins and beneficial minerals.

Tea strengthens the immune system nervous system, normalizes digestion, helps to absorb calcium necessary for the formation of the skeletal system and relieve your baby from pain, cramps, colic and bloating.

Tea also has a therapeutic effect, it helps a lot with the disease. respiratory tract, clearing them of mucus. Fennel is an effective expectorant, applicable for the prevention of colds.

Rules of use

Tea belongs to the methods traditional medicine. Despite the apparent simplicity and harmlessness of dill broth, you should be aware of the rules for its preparation and use.

How to brew

  • crush a teaspoon of fennel seeds, pour 1 cup of boiling water;
  • cover the tea leaves and leave to brew for 50-60 minutes;
  • the resulting drink must be filtered from the seeds and diluted boiled water(200 milliliters).

Do not add sugar, honey or other products to tea, it will lose its beneficial properties.

You can buy ready-made custard bags, which are very convenient to use. The brewing process is the same as regular tea bags. The granules contained in paper packaging dissolve very quickly.

From what age

Colic is a problem for newborns, so it can be given to a child almost from the first days of life. The pharmacy sells ready-made formulations, on the box the manufacturer indicates the age of the child from which it can be used.

How much to give

Fennel drink is considered safe for the baby, but it should be given wisely, because too large dosages can cause allergic reactions and indigestion. For the first dose, it is recommended to start with 1 teaspoon to see how the body reacts to the decoction. Further, the dosage rises to 3-6 tablespoons. A child up to a year old can drink no more than 50 milliliters of tea per day, and from a year the allowed dose is 100-200 milliliters. And this dose also needs to be taken gradually.

When to drink

Fennel tea can be offered to the child in between feedings as water. You can also drink 40-50 minutes before feeding, 20-30 minutes after.

How to choose tea

Tea for newborns should not contain sugar and other flavoring additives.

Hipp (Hipp)

The composition of this product includes only fennel seeds, it can be given to the baby after a month. Hipp does not contain sugar and additives that can cause allergies in the baby. The product is available in the form of sachets that are convenient to brew.

Babushkino Lukoshko

This herbal tea can also be given from the age of one month. It will relieve colic and bloating, it is applicable as a mild laxative, so it is important to observe correct dosage according to your baby's age.

Bebivita (Bebivita)

It dissolves quickly and contains not only fennel, but also dextrose. It can be given to babies from one month old. Up to a year it is better to dissolve one spoon per 100 milliliters of water, after 12 months you can brew 2 teaspoons.


A product that has in its composition not only fennel, but also cumin. It is given to children over the age of one month. Tea is sold in a package, but in the form of a loose mixture, without division into bags. It should be steamed in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 100 grams of boiling water. A pack of tea should be enough for 50 servings. The composition contains cumin, maltodextrin and lactose. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the body and start taking it with minimal doses.


You can not take tea with individual intolerance. Allergies are extremely rare. It is also worth abandoning the product for epilepsy.

Fennel is so good at dealing with a number of childhood problems that it can be used safely, naturally, following age-specific instructions and dosages.



Fennel is a real pantry of useful substances. The list is impressive: vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9 and PP, antioxidant - vitamin E, ascorbic acid(up to 90%).

In addition to the above: calcium and potassium, magnesium and copper, phosphorus and sodium, iron and manganese. Fennel seeds contain essential (up to 6%) and fatty oils, which give them a characteristic taste and aroma, flavonoids and carotene.

The nutritional value of fennel is as follows (content per 100 grams of product):

  • Carbohydrates - 52.3.
  • Proteins - 15.8.
  • Fats - 14.9.
  • Omega-9 - 9.91.
  • Omega-6 - 1.69.
  • Sterols - 0.066.
  • Saturated fatty acids - 0.48.

Harm and contraindications

The use of drinks with fennel does not harm the children's body. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance, expressed as an intestinal disorder or allergic reactions (skin rash, rash, itching).

Preliminary consultation with the pediatrician of the child before the introduction of a crumb of a new product into the diet is required!

How to apply and for what?

For preventive purposes or for routine use

IN preventive purposes experts advise using fresh fruits. A small spoonful of finely chopped fennel is infused in boiled water (200 ml) for half an hour, then cooled and watered to the baby in a volume of 10-15 ml.

With colic

The so-called “dill water”, which actually turns out to be fennel essential oil mixed with water, will help to cope with the colic of the child. In a liter of cooled boiled water, 0.05 oil is dissolved, it needs to be slightly warmed up before use.

This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. In all other cases, drinks should be prepared immediately before use.

For vision

The help of the plant in the treatment of glaucoma has long been proven. In addition, it can be dripped into the eyes or applied as compresses - the antioxidants contained in the plant relieve inflammation.

Rinse the fresh leaves thoroughly, chop them finely, pour a glass of boiling water over them and leave under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Moisten cotton pads with the cooled solution and apply to the eyes for a few minutes.

To improve digestion

To stimulate digestion and improve liver function, you should prepare the following drink: mix chamomile flowers and fennel seeds in equal proportions, pour a glass hot water, insist 15-20 minutes. Previously, the seeds should be crushed in a mortar, getting rid of the outer shell.

For immunity

5 grams of fresh or dried fruits are boiled for 30 minutes over low heat, the broth is filtered, cooled and given to the child 3-4 times a day (10 ml).

With the flu

To overcome the flu in a child, mom can do this: crushed seeds (5 g) pour water, cover with a saucer and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Water the child for several days, observing the proportions according to age.

With a cold

The following recipe will help to cope with the symptoms of a cold: pour 2-3 grams of crushed seeds with a glass of hot water and leave to infuse for 25-30 minutes. If you have an essential oil on hand, you can also use it, but the dose should be carefully measured - 0.5 g per liter.

Where to get?

You can buy the plant in the seasoning department of a large grocery store, or in a pharmacy.. The latter option is preferable: you can be sure that the collection and preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with all the rules, and expiration dates are strictly controlled. The stems of the plant should be resilient and hard to the touch, the seeds should be brown, with smooth, not dried edges, and the aroma should be fresh, with a clearly noticeable hint of anise.

A package of ordinary fennel weighing 100 grams costs 140-150 rubles. Store the plant in a glass or porcelain bowl in a dry, dark place. Polyethylene should not be used for this!


Packaged herbal Hipp (Hipp) for a child

Tea from the Hipp brand contains only fennel fruits. It contains no sugar, flavors or preservatives. It can also be given to newborns, but it is important to follow the prescribed dosages:

  • For newborns, a packaged Herb tea(in a package - 30 bags). A child can be given no more than 100 ml of drink per day.
  • Starting from 1 month, you can drink a drink from fennel extract (100 gr. in a package). The recommended daily dose is 150 ml per day.
  • After 4 months and up to a year - granulated tea with a small amount of sucrose, which is conveniently dissolved in water. Sufficient volume - 200 grams.
  • One-year-old toddlers are allowed to give 2-4 tea cups per day.

The drink is easily digestible and made from products with low allergenic properties, however, judging by the reviews, in half of the cases it does not desired effect and parents have to resort to additional measures. The average price in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 230-250 rubles.

"Grandma's basket"

The composition of the tea "Babushkino lukoshko" is similar to the product described above and there are no additives. Heavily crushed raw materials are packaged in convenient bags (1 g of powder each) and are easily brewed.

Consumers like "Grandmother's Basket" for its effectiveness, availability and natural composition. The cost of packaging in stores ranges from 90 to 110 rubles.

Humana (Humana)

Excellent quality - that's what we can say about this product from Germany. Manufacturers specializing in the development of baby food for over 60 years have created a mixture of high quality materials - cumin extracts, fennel oil and maltodextrin.

The drink has a mild pleasant taste, helps to reduce intestinal spasms and colic, reduces gas formation in the intestines. One caveat - it can only be used from the first month of a child's life.

Important! Since lactose is also included in the composition - babies with intolerance to this substance given tea absolutely contraindicated.

For preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the dry mixture in 100 ml of warm boiled water (up to 37 degrees) and stir well.

Bebivita (Bebivita)

Instant tea, which is available in pale yellow granules, or in sachets. Contains a small percentage of dextrose. It has a pleasant taste and smell, but the shelf life of an open tube is limited (2-3 months). According to the instructions, the proportions are as follows:

  • Babies up to a year need to dissolve 3.75 gr. (1 tsp) in 100 ml of warm water.
  • For older children, the amount increases: 2 tablespoons per 200 ml of liquid.

The average price in pharmacies in St. Petersburg and Moscow is 150 rubles per pack.

Fleur Alpine Organic

Another delicious helper in the fight against colic. One filter bag contains 1.5 g of fennel fruits, there are 20 pieces in the package of such bags. Sugar and other excipients are absent. This tea can be given to a child from the age of one month.

How to brew for newborns: Pour 1 filter bag of fennel tea with a glass of hot water (200 ml) and brew for 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to give crumbs up to 5 months a day more than 50 ml of tea, in the future the amount should be increased to 200 ml.

Attention! Drinks containing fennel, a child under one year old can be drunk daily for 2-3 weeks, after which a break for the same period is required.

The average cost per package is 200 rubles.

Seeing the serene smile of your child is the greatest happiness for parents. Therefore, when faced with adaptation problems in new conditions for the baby, do not panic. Pay attention to the tools that have been tested by time and many generations of dads and moms. Fennel is an indispensable medicinal drug, affordable and safe, for your crumbs.

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