Home Grape How to get a loan to buy a home? Consumer loan for the purchase of housing. How to get a mortgage loan to buy a home

How to get a loan to buy a home? Consumer loan for the purchase of housing. How to get a mortgage loan to buy a home

In this article, we will look at how to get a loan to buy a house. Find out if banks issue loans for construction country house and how much is the down payment on a mortgage or consumer loan. We have prepared for you step by step instructions on obtaining a loan and collected feedback from borrowers.

TOP 7 banks issuing loans to buy a house

A loan to purchase a house is not among the priority areas in the bank lending sector. But this service is becoming more and more in demand and popular among citizens, as a large number of people prefer not apartments in stuffy cities, but country houses.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of credit institutions where you can apply for this type of loan, including without a down payment. And below we will find out whether it is possible to get a house for the purchase or only a mortgage is suitable for this purpose.

The credit institution offers its clients to apply for a loan for the purchase of finished housing with an initial payment of 15% of the cost. As a down payment, the bank can take into account (if any). Lending is carried out only in rubles, and maximum size loan - 85% of the value of the object.

The following can serve as collateral:

  • the property to be purchased;
  • land plot with a house on it.

The application is considered within 2 - 5 business days. If approved, funds can be provided in one amount or in installments. You can, in in full or partially by writing a statement.


Lending is carried out only in rubles. The pledge of acquired real estate, the guarantee of third parties, as well as the pledge of housing already available to the borrower, serve as collateral.

Funds are provided in full, at a time. There are no commission fees for processing and issuing a loan.

This banking organization has several credit programs:


The bank's program allows you to purchase a cottage on secondary market real estate. The conditions for issuing such a loan are as follows:

  • mandatory down payment - from 40%;
  • you can attract relatives as co-borrowers to increase the loan amount;
  • the income of not only official spouses, but also civil ones is considered;
  • for the down payment, you can use the maternity capital.

The decision on the application is made within 2-5 working days, about 3 days it takes to approve the object you have chosen. If you plan to repay the loan ahead of schedule, you can either.


When contacting a credit institution, you can use special program acquisition of townhouses with a land plot in settlements, which are being built by the Gazprombank Invest group of companies. The loan is granted at a time, with a minimum installment of 20%.

Mandatory is the insurance of the property, voluntary - personal insurance of the borrower. The application is considered 1 - 10 business days from the date of submission complete package documentation. In this case, the terms of lending are determined on an individual basis.

The bank's program is called Free Meters. With its help, you can buy a residential building with a land plot or get cash to build a house yourself.

One by one loan agreement no more than four co-borrowers are allowed. The loan amount is up to 70% of the property value.

There may be surcharges on this loan. In particular:

  • if you are not a payroll client: +0.25%;
  • your co-borrower IP: +1%;
  • if you confirm income with a certificate in the form of a bank: +0.25%;
  • no life insurance: +2%.

Loan payments must be made every month, in equal amounts.

You can take advantage of the opportunity to receive credit funds for both a residential building and its share, as well as a townhouse. The initial payment for this loan program is from 50% of the market value of real estate. An apartment that the borrower already owns can serve as collateral.

UniCredit Bank

This bank has a program "Mortgage loan for a cottage" with an initial payment of 50% of the value of the object. Funds are issued on the security of the purchased and the land on which it is located. Mandatory participation of a realtor in the transaction is not required.

If you have a spouse, he automatically becomes a guarantor for the loan being issued. At the request of the borrower, the income of his close relatives, as well as all payments that can be documented, can be taken into account.

How to get a loan to buy a house?

Since your home is increasingly becoming a dream a large number people, we will figure out how to get a mortgage to purchase it or get a cash loan.

So, to apply for a loan, you need to go through several stages:

  1. Choose a banking organization with suitable conditions for you. This is very important, since not only the peace of the whole family, but also its financial situation depends on it. Therefore, the choice should be approached with all responsibility.
  2. Submit an application and the required documentation package.
  3. Wait for the decision that will be made. On average, it takes about 5 business days.
  4. Find a home that meets all bank requirements.
  5. Provide all paperwork for the selected property.
  6. Assess the property. This largely depends on your credit limit.
  7. Insure housing. it additional protection from different kind risks.
  8. Conclude a mortgage agreement. Read every line, anything that is not clear, ask. Special attention pay attention to the payment scheme, commission fees and other costs.

Most banking organizations allow you to fill out an application for lending directly on the official website. This is convenient and saves a lot of time. In particular, such a function is available on the Sberbank website.

House Requirements

The property you have chosen for purchase is carefully checked by lawyers and specialists of a banking organization. Not only legal, but also construction risks are analyzed.

That's why close attention is given to the following criteria:

  1. The quality of the material from which the house is built. This has a direct impact on its lifespan.
  2. The physical condition of the house. It should not be dilapidated, require major repairs.
  3. A private house must have all communications. We are talking about the availability of water, light, heat supply.
  4. The house must be detached and with a land plot.
  5. By the date of construction, restrictions apply to panel, adobe and country houses made of timber. If they are over 10 years old, the bank may refuse to lend.

An important indicator is the location of the house. The city line is considered the most favorable: if the property is located in a remote village, which is difficult to get to, it may well be considered unsuitable.

Of course, buy a house in countryside real, but the requirements of creditors will be tough:

  • the house must have a clear address;
  • it is necessary to have full access roads;
  • the house is suitable for year-round living;
  • the nearest office of the creditor bank should not be more than 50, and sometimes 100 kilometers;
  • wear of structures is no more than 45 - 50%;
  • if the house is wooden, it is necessary to have a fire coating.

Note that the land on which the house is located should be classified as land for individual housing construction.

Documents for obtaining a loan

The list of required documentation includes:

  1. Borrower's passport.
  2. Certificate 2-NDFL (sometimes acceptable in the form of a bank).
  3. A photocopy of the work book.
  4. The second document of your choice: TIN, SNILS and so on.
  5. Marriage certificate.
  6. Birth certificate of the child/children.

Together with this package, papers for collateral are provided:

  1. Cadastral passport for a piece of land.
  2. The original extract from the USRR on the absence of encumbrance.
  3. Those. real estate passport.
  4. All papers confirming the ownership of the house.
  5. Extract from the house book.
  6. Notarized consent of the second spouse to register real estate as collateral.
  7. appraisal company report.

This list can be expanded or shortened depending on the policy of a particular credit institution.

Pros and cons of buying a house on credit

Before deciding to buy a home on credit, you need to weigh all the positive and negative sides such a deal. First of all, decide if you have enough Money to repay the loan on time.

Keep in mind that there will be additional costs: insurance, payments for various services And so on.

Now let's take a closer look at the pros and cons. So, pros :

  1. Real estate can be used immediately, as soon as you sign the contract.
  2. The loan can be repaid early to reduce payments.
  3. Confidence that the acquired object is legally clean.
  4. Opportunity to own a home short time, without long-term accumulation of funds.
  5. You can pay off interest on a loan using tax deduction.

From cons also nowhere to go:

  1. Large amount of overpayment for the use of the loan.
  2. Need to pay extra. expenses (notary services, etc.).
  3. You can live in the house, but you have no right to sell or donate it.
  4. Difficult loan processing.
  5. Risk of losing property in case of payment delays.

AT modern Russia For 90% of citizens, regarding the solution of the housing problem, there are only two alternatives: rent a living space or take a mortgage. Both are financial yokes, but a mortgage is different in that at the end the living space becomes the full property of the borrower. But how to get a loan to buy an apartment? By the way, 95% of housing mortgage loans are those that are taken to purchase an apartment in apartment buildings. A private house, even on credit, few residents of the Russian Federation can afford. In a home loan, it is important not to make a mistake with the bank. Although most banks offer to buy an apartment similar conditions, there is always a chance to find a credit institution issuing soft loan for the purchase of housing category of persons in which the borrower falls. If you decide to take a loan to purchase a home, where to start?

Classification of residential property

And you need to start with monitoring the residential real estate market. Of course, there are many classifications - the type of houses, the year of construction, even areas. But there is a basic one:

  1. Primary housing. These are apartments in new buildings that have just been rented out or are about to be handed over by the developer. Pros: the borrower is the first owner, new house- new renovation, most of the new buildings are skyscrapers, which means that there is an opportunity to settle on high floors, the absence of problems with the property rights of the previous owners (after all, there were none) and, as a result, the absence of the need for title insurance. Cons: fixed prices for square meter, unverified quality of housing, some uniformity of modern “anthill” new buildings, in addition, new buildings are often rented out without providing infrastructure - a cluster of shiny brand new 30-story buildings on the bare rocky wasteland of the city outskirts (a very common picture in modern Russia).
  2. Secondary housing. It is clear that they mean settled apartments, which already had owners. Pros: the quality of the apartment has been checked by previous tenants, you can bargain with the owners about the price, which you can’t do with a developer company, the property offer itself is more diverse, developed infrastructure (nearby schools, shopping centers, pharmacies, children's and sports grounds, parking). Cons: the risk of discovering defective property rights from previous owners, many secondary real estate objects are not subject to the mortgage conditions of most banks (too old, emergency, communal).
  3. Turnkey housing. In principle, this is a kind of primary housing. Shareholders give money to the developer in advance, when the house itself can only be in the drawings. Pros: the most important and attractive - such real estate is much cheaper (sometimes 2 times). Cons: the most important and obvious - the developer will go bankrupt or turn out to be a fraudster, and then the equity holders will have neither money nor a roof over their heads. There have already been many such cases in Russia. This implies another minus - in the bank, in order for the loan to be issued, additional guarantees from the client will be required - guarantors, good pledge, a large down payment, all insurances will become mandatory and so on.

Basic set of personal documents

Next, to get a loan to buy an apartment, you need to analyze your financial position and collect a minimum package of documents in advance. When buying a home on credit key value the following documents and conditions:

  • the borrower's income must be such that the monthly installment loan should not "eat up" more than 40% of this income. It is convenient when there is more than one borrower (the presence of co-borrowers), the most common case is married couple, because then all calculations are carried out from the total family budget. 40% - this is just a convention, loans for the purchase of housing can be taken, even if the monthly installment will take away 50% of income. The main thing is that the client has living wage, otherwise the bank simply does not have the right to give a loan to such an insolvent client;
  • Russian passport indicating residence permit (permanent residence);
  • certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL, taken from the tax service. The data will be presented for the last six months, it is almost impossible to take on housing without this financial document;
  • work book, where the signature of the employer is, confirming that the client has a permanent, official employment for the last 6 months. The presence of a “white” salary and a minimum six-month work experience in the last vacancy are mandatory mortgage conditions in any bank in the Russian Federation. Often, when there is a requirement for a total work experience in one or more jobs in one year;
  • men under the age of 27 must provide a military ID or registration certificate;
  • if there is real or movable property in the property, then you need to prepare documents proving the right to own and dispose of this property. For real estate, this is a contract of sale, or a deed of gift / testament, and from movable property, banks consider only cars as collateral, and not all of them;
  • if there is any bank account, you should take an extract on its condition;
  • if guarantors were found, then for them the list of documents is usually limited to two points - a passport of the Russian Federation and a certificate of 2-NDFL;
  • if the borrower(s) intend to use the funds maternity capital(usually to pay a down payment), then in order to obtain a loan from a bank for the purchase of housing, you need to prepare documents on the rights to the capital, a certificate of receipt, a child's birth certificate, confirmation parental rights or guardianship;
  • the conditions of many banks make it mandatory to have an insurance policy for the life and health of the borrower, especially if the borrower is elderly;
  • By the way, about age, the main age limits: from 18 years to 65 years (at the time of debt leveling). However, in reality, these limits are shifting - few banks will agree to borrow a large sum For an 18-year-old client, even 20 years is not enough for a mortgage loan, and with guarantors and collateral, many institutions support lending to clients who are 75 years old at the time of repayment.

Basic set of documents for real estate

Photocopies of all documents should be made, as they will be requested by the lender with a copy of the mortgage agreement. Of course, in each particular case, other papers may be required. These are just the main ones. A separate package of documents will need to be collected by those borrowers who run their own business. For here the income of the client determines not the level of salary, but the profitability and liquidity of his enterprise. Suppose the problem with a loan for the purchase of housing is successfully solved, and the bank gave a preliminary "go-ahead" for a loan. The second package of documents will concern the mortgage object itself:

  • conclusion of the experts of the appraisal firm, which not only confirms good condition houses and apartments, but the market, liquidation, investment and other types of value of this housing are manifested (the main one is the market value). It is recommended to hire an independent company at your own expense, since bank specialists will deliberately underestimate the cost of an apartment in order to reduce the size of a potential mortgage and thereby reduce banking risks;
  • cadastral and technical passports of the object (issued by the Bureau of Technical Inventory - BTI);
  • an extract from the State Register (it is necessary for the bank to make sure that there are no encumbrances on the object);
  • if we are talking about secondary real estate, you will definitely need documents confirming the ownership of the seller;
  • real estate insurance against physical damage will always be mandatory (at the expense of the borrower, of course);
  • in other banks, they may also require title insurance, since the protection of the borrower's property rights directly relates to his solvency and the safety of the collateral.

The listed documents and requirements are what you should expect when applying to any public or private bank for a mortgage. It is impossible to take into account everything, so you need to be prepared that the lender will put forward some additional conditions. When wondering where to get an acceptable loan to buy a home, you need to understand that profitable loans can be found in almost any bank. Another thing is whether the client can meet all the requirements in order to get a good loan. For example, under the military mortgage program. Or a mortgage with a tiny interest rate for Russia of 9%, but with a gigantic down payment of 60-70% of the total mortgage amount. For the completely uninitiated, you can give a certain average list of conditions under which Russian banks issue loans for housing:

  • annual interest - 15%, but in different circumstances and different banks, this figure ranges from 8.5% to 30%;
  • down payment - 30%, but also varies from 15% (or the absence of such a contribution due to expensive collateral) to 75%. Since not everyone can afford to make this first large payment at a time, others use mother capital, others use savings under the military mortgage program, others take a consumer loan, others sell a car / garage / cellar;
  • a house/apartment purchased on credit is in standard practice bought in this way for 20 years. Most mortgages have a maximum term of 35 years. However, there are exceptions - short-term mortgages (5-10 years) and extra-long-term (up to 50 years);
  • the annuity type of monthly payments prevails over the differentiated type. Annuity payments do not change throughout the entire payment period, i.e. annual interest are always charged from the initial amount, for example, from 1 million rubles, even if there are 150 thousand left of the entire loan. Differentiated payments decrease over time, since every year interest is calculated from the remaining amount. The amount of that part of the contribution that goes to repay the body of the loan does not change in any case;
  • mortgage loan amount. It should be said right away that in Moscow and the Moscow Region it is much higher than in other regions of the Russian Federation due to the extreme high cost of capital real estate. For 2016, in the regions of the Russian Federation, the usual amount of a mortgage loan is about 2 million rubles. Minimum size mortgages are in the region of 500 thousand rubles, and the maximum is up to 20 million rubles;
  • penalties for late payments good reasons. Here, all banks act in approximately the same way - first, penalty interest is charged (for each day of delay), then the debtor is searched, negotiations are underway to repay the debt, and if they do not give anything, confiscation of collateral and / or debt collection through the court and bailiffs;
  • each bank maintains its programs for solving delinquency problems for good reasons: refinancing, restructuring, loan holidays, forgiveness of part of the debt, and so on.

This article goes over the details related to how to get a loan to buy a home, the prerequisites for this financial act, etc. It must be remembered that it is better to spend more time and get an acceptable loan than a bad loan.

The determining factor in justifying interest rates on mortgage lending programs is average cost housing in the region. Today, Moscow banks issue mortgages for an apartment in Moscow from 7.4%. The maximum limit reaches 15-18%.

Features of lending in Moscow banks

The presence of significant risks for the bank. A thorough check and assessment of an apartment for a mortgage in Moscow is being carried out, as well as increased requirements are placed on potential customers.

For many, buying an apartment on a mortgage in Moscow is one of the ways to acquire housing, as well as to make a profitable investment.

The least risks for the bank are cooperation with a trusted developer, with whom there have been long-term partnerships. For this reason, it makes sense for the client to turn to offers from the financial institution itself. Detailed overview market offers of an apartment under a mortgage in Moscow with a list of real estate objects being sold in 2019 are offered by Sberbank.

There are enough people who want to buy an apartment on a mortgage in Moscow, which allows banks, even in conditions of intense competition, to make serious demands on the applicants for mortgage offers themselves. So, today's client should:

  • be over 21;
  • have at least a year of work experience, and preferably more than 3 years in one company;
  • confirm the regularity and sufficiency of their income.

Additional conditions and factors

In addition to standardized basic requirements and conditions, Moscow banks form a number of additional ones, based on internal indicators of the development of a financial institution.

So, depending on the volume of debts on mortgage loans, in certain periods the percentage of unsecured transactions may be reduced.

In other words, preference will be given to those clients who take out a mortgage on an apartment in Moscow with the provision of other housing as collateral. At the same time, applications are approved by clients who make a significant initial contribution. In this case, an online calculation is made using a mortgage calculator in Moscow. Great importance It also has transaction and life insurance for the borrower.

Many are interested in what kind of loan is better and more profitable to take today to buy an apartment? After all, in addition to mortgages, there are other ways, for example, a simple consumer loan.

Housing loan

When purchasing housing with a mortgage, you leave it as a pledge to the bank until the time when you fully pay off the debt. It is a targeted loan for the purchase of housing, which most often acts as collateral. Thus, the bank is trying to get guarantees of your solvency.

In case of problems with payments, your property will be disposed of by the lender. He will be able to sell it to pay off your debt. You are at risk of being on the street.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply once once. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17% - this is a clear robbery. Look for best offers. They are there, you have to look for them. And do not forget to read this note before applying, it will help you not to make serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Oriental is more likelyFrom 11.5%Design
Tinkoff credit card0% for 55 daysRequest
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 12%Design
Alfa-bank credit card0% for 60 daysRequest
Sovcombank quick responseFrom 12%Design
SKB-BankFrom 19.9%Design
UBRDFrom 15%Design


In the case of a consumer loan, everything is simpler, you can avoid the mandatory provision of housing as security. This will allow you to freely dispose of the acquired property, for example, to rent or sell.

However, there are also disadvantages - you will not be able to receive an amount of more than 1-2 million rubles, you will be assigned a high rate of 16-20% per annum, and at the same time you will definitely need a guarantee individual, let's talk about it.

Saving money for a purchase is also not the best the best option. While you are adding "ruble to ruble", a big inflation may occur in the country and your savings will lose their value.

If you do not have enough to buy a certain amount, then you can use simple lending. At the same time, you will find a simpler registration procedure, as well as the ability to avoid the mandatory provision of purchased or existing property as collateral.

Consider the disadvantages of obtaining a mortgage:

  • Typically requires a down payment. The more you can deposit your own funds, the more you will be trusted as a borrower. In some cases, additional guarantors are required.
  • The registration process is quite laborious and long. It requires a lot of effort and time even at the stage of preparing documents, which have to be collected a lot. This is followed by the stage of finding suitable real estate and carrying out the necessary procedures for its insurance and evaluation. In some cases, the entire registration procedure is delayed for several months.

This purchase option, despite the many disadvantages and difficulties of registration, has positive aspects.

  • For example, in the conditions rapid growth housing prices, you can profitably buy "your corner" and at the same time pay the debt at the old price.
  • You can use special state. programs
  • If you are officially employed, you will be able to receive a tax deduction of 13% of the debt and interest.

Calculate your costs with our online calculator:

Rate % per year:
Term (month):
Credit amount:
Monthly payment:
Pay in total:
Overpayment on a loan

Use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculate early repayment you can on this page.

  • For some clients, such as young families, they offer reduced rates, as well as the possibility of obtaining a deferment at the birth of a child. Large families can cover part of their expenses at the expense of maternity capital, this is described in this article.

The main differences between a mortgage and a consumer loan

  1. Mortgages pay less interest than cash loans.
  2. Provides a number additional costs which sometimes makes it less profitable than a consumer loan. These costs include independent evaluation housing, real estate insurance and property rights. With cash loans, insurance is not required.
  3. The acquired property will not be pledged to the bank until full payment debt. That is, you immediately become the owner. And in case of problems with payments, they will not be able to take it from you if it is the only place of residence.
  4. A decision on the application will have to wait up to 5 days.
  5. The term of the agreement reaches 30 years, thanks to which the monthly payments are much smaller and more affordable for most of the Russian population.
  6. Programs allow you to choose a repayment scheme:

Now many who hear such words as “mortgage”, “housing loan” from others often think about buying a new home on credit. People are thinking about how best to use it after choosing a loan and not regret it later, and is it even worth trying to get a loan to buy a home?

Mortgage is known as a special purpose loan for the purchase of housing. At the same time, to obtain it, you will need to make a deposit, which may be the acquired housing itself. This is necessary to guarantee your solvency to the bank. In case of problems, you run the risk of moving to live on the street, and this serves as a good incentive to always remain an exemplary borrower. In most cases, the bank goes forward and gives delays and additional features to pay off debt. A housing loan is a loan in which the borrower can purchase residential real estate with the help of guarantors.

trying take out a loan to buy a home, some part of people meets some problems. If you are looking for, and intend to do so, then you need to have 15% of the amount of the purchased housing to deposit the initial amount and also need to attract a certain number of guarantors who, if necessary, will be able to bear the obligation to repay the loan. In the process of obtaining a loan, you will have to deal with a lot of various “paper” cases. You will need to provide a certificate of income, you will need many other documents that will need to be certified by a notary, in addition, before directly obtaining a loan, you will need to fill out a number of various questionnaires. After the bank carefully examines all the documents provided, the borrower will have to find suitable housing, insure it and conduct an appraisal event. In general, the entire procedure from the beginning of the selection of housing to the approval of the application can take from a certain number of weeks to several months. But believe in the end, all the shortcomings will be covered a large number positive points.

Is it necessary to take out a loan to buy a home?

Housing that is bought on credit immediately becomes the full property of the borrower of the loan. It turns out that the funds that are paid on the loan go directly to housing, to its redemption. But with the option when you think about buying a home for your own money, it can pass big number years before you save the full amount to buy an apartment and still need to pay rent for your family. While you are saving money to buy a home in the country, major inflation can occur and the funds will significantly lose their solvency. In the case of buying a home on credit, the interest paid on the loan is rigidly fixed and in no case does not change throughout the duration of the loan, regardless of any inflationary processes. Because mortgage provided enough for a long period, then there will be a great opportunity to deposit small amounts on a loan that will not put you in a difficult financial situation.

By the way, with a mortgage there is a great opportunity to save a lot. There is a so-called housing tax deduction, when 13% of the cost of housing bought on credit will be returned to you by the state. But the refund amount cannot exceed 2 million rubles. But the deduction is possible only if the loan is taken for strictly targeted needs. If you take out a loan to buy a home in cash, you use the funds to buy an apartment, then the deduction will not be possible.

The bank usually asks the borrower to insure their own health and ability to work to insure possible risks. This event will be beneficial not only for the bank, but also for the borrower.

An excellent solution is to save money on a loan and do not forget to take into account critical issues with a mortgage, there will be the help of a so-called loan broker. The broker will take care of all lending issues - he will collect all Required documents, help, will select the most optimal option for you loan program.

You can also save a lot of money on mortgage lending if you use special government programs, created to support certain segments of the population in their desire to purchase ready-made or under construction housing. These are programs such as “Housing for a young family”, “Affordable housing”, etc. Under such programs, you will not need to make a down payment and interest rate they are usually very acceptable.

So, today, many lending institutions offer you various programs housing loans, characterized by a variety of conditions, rates, etc. You just have to decide for yourself whether you will master the mortgage loan.

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