Home fertilizers Preferential loans for small and medium-sized businesses are now issued differently. A loan for starting a small business from scratch in Sberbank and other banks

Preferential loans for small and medium-sized businesses are now issued differently. A loan for starting a small business from scratch in Sberbank and other banks

Many entrepreneurs today cannot do without loans to small businesses from the state. 2019 will not be an exception and funds will be allocated from the budget to support individual entrepreneurs, as well as other representatives of this direction entrepreneurial activity. The majority of businessmen who wish to develop their business use state assistance.

The right to receive money on favorable terms are those enterprises where the number of employees does not exceed 100 people, the turnover on accounts is up to 800 million rubles a year (previously it was 400 million rubles a year). Now it is not easy to ensure the development of business, as due to the instability of the currency, the rent upward, the cost of purchasing goods increases. All this leads to the need to support small businesses by the state.

Many banks offer to receive their loans for the development of entrepreneurship in the country. But their conditions are often not very favorable. In addition, there are a number of factors that hinder the issuance of money to small businesses. These include:

  • a significant tightening of the requirements that banking institutions set for customers who want to get a loan;
  • general economic influences;
  • a significant increase in the cost of loans for small businesses;
  • reduced consumer opportunities;
  • decrease in the number of borrowers with a positive credit history.

All these factors significantly stop lending to entrepreneurs, which in turn hinders their development, especially against the backdrop of fluctuations in exchange rates.

It is worth noting that often even those businessmen who agree to receive a loan on the terms of banks are denied loans. This is due to various factors:

  • the entrepreneur does not have a positive credit history, which can be justified by a recent activity registration;
  • banking specialists do not consider the direction of the client's activity profitable, that is, such that it can ensure the return of credit funds and interest for use by the entrepreneur.

But there is a way out for such entrepreneurs. In 2019, as in previous years, there will be a soft lending program aimed at providing state support for small businesses.

A microloan for the development of entrepreneurship is financial assistance and state support, which is issued in the amount of up to 3 million rubles for a period of 1-5 years. Their issuance is designed for enterprises that cannot obtain a loan from commercial banks on their terms.

The money that is issued by the state as assistance to the development of small businesses is issued exclusively as financial assistance for the development of activities. They cannot be used for personal purposes. A prerequisite for issuing such a loan is the target orientation of money. State bodies carefully control the use of money. An enterprise that has received financial assistance from the state can expect extraordinary inspections at any time.

Small Business Relief Fund Video

But at the same time, such a financial assistance program has a number of advantages:

  • low interest rate for the use of money;
  • minimum requirements for the borrower;
  • simplified registration system, which allows you to quickly get it.

It is worth noting that another advantage of loans to support small businesses is the possibility of obtaining them in many financial institutions in the country. Of course, not all banks or credit organizations are accredited to provide such assistance through state funds. Therefore, before you start processing all the documents, you need to accurately clarify the possibility of obtaining a loan to support your business in a particular organization.

The main goals of the state program of assistance to enterprises were determined, namely:

  • improving the functioning of the credit guarantee agency;
  • protection of microloans through refinancing from the Central Bank;
  • activities of guarantee funds in the regions of issuing loans to support small businesses;
  • maximum openness of government orders for small businesses.

But besides this, external Negative influence on the development of small enterprises, despite state funding, which is associated with such factors:

  • the maximum focus of commercial banks' money on refinancing the external debts of large companies;
  • a significant increase in the cost of bank loans;
  • deterioration in the state of loan portfolios.

That is why the state is trying as much as possible to allocate money to support small businesses.

Where can I get a soft loan in 2019

Ministry economic development continues to implement a program that was put into effect back in 2005, which is aimed at the maximum possible support for entrepreneurs.

Most banking institutions consider the issuance of money for the development of small businesses a very risky and unpromising activity. But at the same time, many of them issue preferential microloans at the expense of state support.

The leaders in issuing this type of loans in 2017 were the following banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • Renaissance;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Bank FC "Opening" (on this moment This bank is undergoing reorganization).

In 2019, they continue their activities in this direction. But there are also other financial institutions where you can apply for money on a loan on preferential terms as part of the state program to help small businesses.

But still a leader in this direction is Sberbank of Russia, which is one of the largest financial institutions in the country. Many programs are being implemented here to enhance the development of small businesses in different regions countries.

Among the loans that will enable small businesses to receive money, there are the following:

  • "Business Trust": up to 3 million rubles for a period of up to 3 years with a rate of 16.5% per annum;
  • "Express overdraft": up to 2 million rubles for a period of up to 1 year at a rate of 15.5% annually;
  • "Business-Invest": starting from 150,000 rubles, the maximum amount is determined individually, for a period of up to 10 years with a rate of 11.8% per annum.
  • "Business Turnover": starting from 150,000 rubles, the maximum amount is determined individually, for a period of up to 3 years with a rate of 11.8% per annum.
  • Sberbank in some cases is ready to provide a loan at 11.9%.

A variety of programs allows small businesses to choose the most suitable for their activities and the level of its development.

Individual entrepreneurs who are planning or are already operating in the field of Agriculture, it is best to contact the Agricultural Bank. This financial institution has a number of programs for issuing money on credit for the development of small businesses in this direction.

Entrepreneurs are offered the following loan options:

  • "Seasonal Crop Standard": the amount varies depending on individual needs and solvency;
  • "Micro overdraft": the amount of 300 thousand for up to 1 year.

Each bank has its own programs with various conditions lending to small businesses. But all of them are more profitable in comparison with similar loans that are not issued as part of state assistance.

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“On Amendments to the Rules for Providing Subsidies from the Federal Budget to Russian Credit Institutions to Compensate for Lost Income on Loans Issued to Small and Medium-Sized Businesses for the Implementation of Projects in Priority Sectors at a Reduced Rate.”

What is the essence of the changes?

According to the updated rules, the maximum amount preferential loan issued to a small or medium-sized business (SME) for investment purposes, reduced from one billion to 400 million rubles. Wherein maximum size the total amount of loans that can be issued to one borrower for these purposes does not change and amounts to 1 billion rubles.

Why did the rules change?

The amendments were prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia as part of the implementation of the priority project "Small Business and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives" and are aimed at increasing the availability of the concessional lending program, including loans for the implementation of investment projects, for small and medium-sized businesses.

It is expected that by reducing maximum amount banks, taking into account the additional state support provided to them, will provide loans more SMEs.

Are there specifics for micro-enterprises?

Yes, a quota has been set for them - at least 10% of the total amount of loans provided for by all loan agreements concluded by the bank under the concessional lending program is intended for micro-enterprises.

Are there minimum loan requirements?

Installed. As part of loan agreement for investment purposes, an authorized bank may provide a borrower with a loan for the implementation of a project in priority sectors in the amount of 3 million rubles.

For how long is the loan issued?

The rules for concessional lending provide that, under a loan agreement for investment purposes, an authorized bank can provide a loan to an SME for a period of up to 10 years.

What soft loan rate can SMEs expect?

The rules for concessional lending to SMEs stipulate that a bank may provide a borrower with a loan at a rate of no more than 6.5% per annum for the implementation of a project in priority sectors.

What industries are prioritised?

Such industries are listed in Appendix No. 1 to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1706 dated December 30, 2017. In particular, these are:

1. Agriculture, including the production of agricultural products, as well as the provision of services in this sector of the economy, including for the purpose of ensuring import substitution and the development of non-commodity exports.

2. Manufacturing industry, including production food products, primary and subsequent (industrial) processing of agricultural products.

3. Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water.

4. Construction, including as part of the development of domestic tourism.

5. Transport and communications.

6. Tourism activities and activities in the field of the tourism industry in order to develop domestic tourism.

7. Health activities.

8. Collection, processing and disposal of waste, including sorted materials, as well as processing of metal and non-metal waste, garbage and other items into secondary raw materials.

9. Activities of enterprises Catering(excluding restaurants).

10. Activities in the field of personal services.

11. Sectors of the economy in which priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering in Russia are being implemented, etc.

How much money is allocated for the concessional lending program?

AT federal budget for 2018, 635.5 million rubles were provided for these purposes. Due to the fact that loans with a low interest rate are in great demand by SMEs, the Government Decree of April 28, 2018 No. 803-r increased the financing of such state support by 805.3 million rubles from the reserve fund of the Russian Government.

When does Decree No. 1212 enter into force?

The updated rules will apply from October 23, 2018.

Are you dissatisfied with the salary you receive? Or maybe you dream of working for yourself? Purposeful and self-confident people can count on the support of the state. At the same time, there are many options: you can get a grant, if you need it, by defending your business plan, or you can contact one of the banks that have received accreditation.

If you already have an idea and want to bring it to life with your own business, but there are not enough funds to implement it, then loans for the development of small businesses from scratch can solve the problem. Such a loan can be obtained from some financial institutions. At the stage of choosing a partner, you should first of all pay attention to those who participate in state project which involves providing entrepreneurs with the necessary financial resources.

Their product lines have affordable loans for small businesses.

Lending to small businesses in 2017

Today, for most of the leading banks in our country, the issuance of products that do not require collateral is becoming a priority. The model is based on the analysis of a large amount of data, for example, the movement of funds in a client's account. As a result of the study, the bank forms individual conditions for each of its clients. They are reported using Internet services, mobile applications, mailing messages.

Some financial institutions already have a line of similar loans for developing small businesses from scratch:

1. Sberbank offers a product called Trust. The loan term for this product is three years, and the interest rate is from 16.5 per annum. In this case, the borrower can expect to receive an amount of up to three million rubles.

2. Raiffeisenbank offers a product called Express. For this product, the loan term is up to two years, and the interest rate is from 14.9 per annum. The client can expect to receive up to two million rubles.

3.Alfa-Bank offers a product called "Partner" with a loan term of 13 to 36 months and an interest rate of 12.5 to 19.5 per annum. In this bank, the client can expect to receive up to six million rubles.

But there are small business loans secured. More on this later.

State assistance to small businesses

Currently state authorities realize that small and medium-sized businesses in our country are the most important factor both political and economic stability. The type of entrepreneurship, which relies on the activities of small organizations, allows you to provide:

New workplaces.

Use of innovation.

Development of new sales markets.

Increasing efficiency in the use of production resources.

The development of competition.

Reducing the level of dependence on exported raw materials.

It was decided to introduce affordable loans for small businesses. Government program on Entrepreneurship Development was developed back in 2014 and the support strategy was approved by the authorities for the coming years. Its main goals include:

Increase the availability of loans.

Form single system guarantees.

This program allows you to access funds at a rate of about 11 percent.

In addition, the Central Bank made a proposal for small banks at the regional level to lend to small businesses. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to adopt a number of laws regulating the financial sector, taking into account the main individual characteristics.

State loan for small business development from scratch

In order to support SMEs in Russian regions there are funds that support entrepreneurship. Such organizations are entitled to provide loans directed to the acquisition of fixed assets or to replenish working capital. Such loans are issued at a minimum interest rate. That is, these are soft loans for small businesses.

Nuances and rules of registration

The borrower can be both an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity. They must simultaneously meet several requirements at once, which are listed below:

Must be registered and operate in the region where the microfinance organization is present.

Individual entrepreneurs and enterprises must exist for more than three months, or must belong to the categories of beneficiaries (for example, they must be participants in a program called "Youth Business of Russia", or entrepreneurs who have a large family).

They must be fully capable and legally capable.

Prohibited Targets

It is forbidden to issue a loan for opening a small business for the following purposes:

Activities for the manufacture of weapons (with the exception of products of a souvenir and decorative nature).

Trade in animals of rare species.

Activities related to foreign exchange transactions.

Activities for the organization and conduct of gambling business.

Investment and lending activities. The only exceptions are cooperatives.

Activities for the provision of insurance services.

Activities for the production and sale of alcoholic and tobacco products (but only if such activity is the main and only one).

Who is not eligible for a loan?

Also, entities that:

They are financial companies.

They are parties to an agreement involving production sharing.

What is a small business loan without collateral and guarantors?

Agreement provisions

The received credit funds can be used only for certain purposes, which are strictly regulated. These include:

Starting a business from scratch.

Acquisition of items and funds that are necessary for the conduct of the main activity. However, they must be used for more than one year.

Replenishment of existing working capital.

In this case, the loan will be issued on the following terms: if the borrower operates in the field of trade, construction, services, manufacturing and agriculture, then he can expect to receive a loan amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles for a period of up to 36 months. The application in this case will be considered within two weeks. Upon approval of the application, the funds will be transferred to the borrower's current account, the interest rate will be from 7.5 to 15.5 percent. Such a loan involves a commission in the amount of half to one and a half percent of the amount of borrowed funds. However, this commission is not charged if the loan is taken for the purpose of starting a business from scratch. At the same time, the Fund will control that the funds are spent strictly for their intended purpose.

So, let's take a closer look at a small business loan without collateral and guarantors.

Preferential lending to small businesses

In the field of SMEs, a federal-level Corporation was created, the main purpose of which is to coordinate the actions of various structures. This Federal Corporation, together with such structures as the Central Bank and the Ministry of Economic Development, have developed a program called "Six and a Half." Its essence lies in the refinancing by the Central Bank of those participants who are ready to provide resources on favorable terms. Such refinancing is carried out at a rate equal to 6.5 percent.

In accordance with this, the use of borrowed funds costs 10-11 percent of the loan amount for starting a small business. Priority sectors include:

Service delivery area.

Sphere of agriculture.

Manufacturing industry.

Sphere of transformation of agricultural products (both primary and industrial).



Activities for the generation of electricity, production of gas and other resources, their subsequent distribution.

Such concessional loans for small businesses are provided for certain conditions. The goal should be to acquire fixed assets or support existing activities. The borrower can expect to receive amounts from 50 million to one billion rubles. Multiple loans available total amount which should not exceed 4 billion rubles. The term for granting such a loan from the state for the development of small businesses is at the discretion of the company. The interest rate on such a loan will not exceed the rate set by the Central Bank. It should be borne in mind that the corporation will add 3%, which is a reward for the guarantee provided.

Consider small business loans secured by various banks.


This bank is an accredited institution to participate in the state program to stimulate loans to SMEs. Rosselkhozbank has a fairly diverse range of products. The main benefits are:

Long term loan.

It is possible to provide large amounts.

The repayment schedule can be quite flexible.

There is an opportunity to get a deferral of obligations.

There are two most popular schemes. The first is called Investment Standard. Under this program, it is expected to receive an amount of up to 60 million rubles for a period of up to eight years. This program has additional opportunity- a grace period of up to one and a half years will be granted. A deposit is required here.

The second popular banking product is "Quick Solution". The amount of such a loan will be up to one million rubles, the crediting period - up to one year. This product provides for an unsecured collateral structure.

Small business development loan from Sberbank

This bank is also a member of the concessional lending program, while actively developing such areas. At the moment there are two most interesting proposals.

Banking product called "Express secured". The loan amount can be from 0.3 to 5 million rubles with an annual rate of 16 to 23 percent. The term of this product is from six months to three years. The peculiarity is that the loan can be obtained for any purpose.

Another solution is "Business Turnover". The loan amount is from 0.15 percent with an annual rate of 11.8 percent. This product is provided for up to 48 months. Feature - provided for the purchase of goods, raw materials, to cover the costs of the current period.

Features of small business lending

The SME segment saw a record increase in delinquencies in 2015. Due to the high probability of non-repayment of borrowed funds, financial institutions began to offer such loans much less frequently. The number of loans issued fell by more than 25 percent. The speed of restoration of the situation directly depends on the effectiveness of the measures taken by the state.

In the near future, several of the most important problems are to be solved:

High cost of loans.

Mandatory need for security.

Expansion of opportunities for refinancing.

What other loans exist for small businesses in Russia?

Loans to small businesses at no cost

Subjects who meet certain criteria can count on this type of assistance:

The share in the authorized capital of another legal entity should not exceed 25%.

The average number of employees should not exceed 100 people.

Income from all activities received for last year, should not exceed 800 million rubles.

Government subsidies provided to small businesses can only be provided on the condition that a legitimate activity is carried out and the entity does not have outstanding tax debts. In this case cash can be budgeted different levels, and the loan has a strictly fixed target character. How to get a loan for small business development?

What do we have to do?

Support for SMEs is under the control of the state, in this regard, it is not difficult to find a solution:

It is necessary to prepare a project, and then contact the local Employment Center. If more is required large sum, then you need to contact the FPP.

If there is security, then you can contact the bank. This will allow you to count on a fairly serious capital.

If you are going to start your own business from scratch, then you need to follow this algorithm:

You need to find an idea that will be interesting.

It is necessary to develop a project that will be viable.

Prepare a package of necessary documents.

Get the required amount of money.

Start your own business.

We looked at small business development loans from scratch.

Start-up entrepreneurs and small firms often face the problem of lack of financial resources in the course of their activities. attraction bank loan- The event is very costly.

What are the conditions for providing state financial assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in 2019? Answers to questions in this article.

Features of obtaining IB loans on preferential terms

AT Russian practice only those enterprises that will provide an effective return for the entire national economy as a whole can count on obtaining soft loans and the opportunity to take advantage of loyal conditions for attracting bank loans.

What criteria determine such a return?

  1. The number of jobs created (especially this aspect is significant for the economy of Russian regions);
  2. The volume of tax revenues to the regional and federal treasury;
  3. GDP growth at the level of individual regions and the entire state as a whole.

In order to effectively support enterprises capable of generating favorable trends in the Russian economy in 2014, a national wealth fund. It is through him that subsidy programs are currently being implemented. interest rates, providing guarantees and sureties to small and medium-sized businesses.

In order to take advantage of the financial support of the Fund, it is important for a business entity to prove its readiness to provide economic efficiency for the entire national economy as a whole.

What support can small businesses expect?

The Government of the Russian Federation on a regular basis provides regional budgets with financial resources that should be used to support small and medium-sized businesses.

Why is it important for the state to develop this segment of the national economy?

  • Firstly, these are the beginnings of the future big business - the pillars of the national economy;
  • Secondly, these are additional jobs, an increase in GDP and tax revenues to the treasury;
  • Thirdly, it is a way to form an effective competitive environment in the market that can positively influence the quality of products.

There are several groups of Russian business entities that can count on receiving state financial assistance, including:

  1. New firms that are taking their first steps in business;
  2. Enterprises engaged in the production of products;
  3. Companies from the field of ecological tourism;
  4. Business entities involved in the creation of masterpieces of folk art.

Support for SMEs in Russia has several main areas, including:

  • Financial assistance, in the form of concessional lending to small businesses and its subsidies;
  • Non-financial assistance in the form of significant for the business sector free services(training, consulting, holding fairs, providing land and premises, etc.).

It seems appropriate to analyze in detail the key options for state financial assistance.

Subsidy from the labor exchange

This is the most convenient way to get cheap start-up capital. It is relevant for entrepreneurs who have effective business ideas, but do not have the means to implement them.

How to take advantage of this government support option?

  1. Register with the regional employment center and receive the status of unemployed;
  2. Form a high-quality business plan for the future business with detailed calculations financial results and substantiation of the significance of the project (projects with a social focus are approved in 100% of cases);
  3. Submit a business plan and an application for consideration by the grant committee.

After receiving a positive decision, the entrepreneur registers firms (in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC), receives to a bank account state aid, starts activity.

At the end of the quarter or year, the businessman is obliged to provide government bodies a report that the allocated funds were spent for the intended purpose.

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Property assistance

In 2019, property support for SMEs will be expressed in such activities as:

  • providing real estate for rent at preferential rates;
  • sale of property values ​​by the state at low prices;
  • formation of infrastructure (business incubators, technology parks, etc.).

Grants from the state

Grants are a type of gratuitous financial assistance from the state.

They are entitled to:

  • Entrepreneurs whose activity in the field of trade or production lasts less than 12 months;
  • Businessmen with an ideal credit history, who do not have tax debts and other obligatory payments;
  • Firms that create new jobs in the national economy (especially at the regional level).

In order to become the owner of a grant from the state, an entrepreneur must prove the fact that he did not participate in other programs, did not receive grants and subsidies. And also to be trained in the basics of doing business at special courses organized by territorial employment centers.

SME lending

Denial of grants and subsidies is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​creating your own business. Small business loans from the state in 2018 are provided at a rate of 0% to 6% per year.

You can count on such conditions for attracting borrowed funds:

  • Firms that develop innovative industries;
  • Enterprises engaged in the production of import-substituting products;
  • Companies that create equipment and mechanisms for the production and processing of hydrocarbons.

All the industries listed above have received such high attention, since they are recognized as priority areas for the development of the national economy of the Russian Federation.

Non-state grants for starting a business

Creating your own business should start with working out the issue of receiving gratuitous assistance, which, first of all, are grants. It is allocated by non-state funds operating under banks, investment companies and financial and industrial groups.

Grants affect interesting and promising, from a commercial point of view, sectors - agriculture, innovative production.

Assistance can be provided in two forms:

  1. On the terms of the irrevocable provision of funds, but with the fulfillment of certain requirements.
  2. In the form of an interest-free loan that must be repaid after a certain period.

Both in the first and second cases, the recipient of the grant is determined through a competitive selection conducted by a special commission: participants submit an application and a package of documents with a public offer that describes in detail the goods offered by the company and indicates their cost.

The main difference between grants and non-state funds government subsidies consists in the fact that in the first case, the commission selects promising and cost-effective projects, and in the second - mainly socially significant ones.

In 2019, those businessmen who plan to implement bold, but at the same time quite real and profitable projects, can count on grants.

Loans for small businesses from the state

The state forms and supports special preferential lending programs for SMEs. As a rule, they are implemented through a network of partner banks (Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Russian Agricultural Bank, etc.), in which a part of the interest rate is subsidized from the budget. As a result, novice businessmen can get borrowed funds on very loyal grounds.

Lending to small businesses in 2019 provides for the opening of overdrafts, revolving credit lines, single loans to enterprises from priority sectors:

  • socially significant projects;
  • construction companies engaged in the construction of economy-class apartment buildings;
  • production based on the use of eco-technologies, etc.

There are several more options for government lending (in addition to subsidizing the interest rate):

  1. Provision of gratuitous subsidies to cover part of the principal amount of the loan or interest on it.
  2. Provision of state guarantees and guarantees for loans to small and medium-sized businesses.

The main feature of state lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses- its compensatory nature.

Borrowed funds will sooner or later still have to be returned to the lender.

However, there are many people who want to receive borrowed funds with state support, because:

  • First, the rates on such loans are extremely low (0-10%);
  • Secondly, preferential programs also cover start-up entrepreneurs who take their first steps in the market and are considered commercial banks in the form of highly risky clients.

Procedure for obtaining a soft loan

In order to become the owner of programs for the provision of borrowed resources on preferential terms, an entrepreneur will need to perform the following actions:

  1. In one of the partner banks, choose a preferential program for business.
  2. Prepare all the necessary package of documents and an application for raising borrowed funds.
  3. Submit papers for consideration by the banking commission.
If it turns out that the borrower does not have collateral, the bank applies to the fund and requests the possibility of providing a loan guarantee. The Fund studies the borrower's business, its prospects, its importance for the national economy, etc. If the fund agrees to provide a guarantee, then an agreement is concluded between it, the bank and the borrower.

Funds that interact with banks in issuing preferential loans to entrepreneurs operate not only at the federal, but also at the regional and municipal levels. In order to clarify the list of partner banks, a businessman can contact any of them.

It should be noted that the funds work not only with banks, but also with microcredit organizations, the conditions of which are more suitable for companies with a short production cycle.

The conditions for providing preferential loans for business in Russian financial and credit institutions are extremely similar to each other - they are distinguished by a low rate, loyal requirements for customers, as well as a long term for using borrowed funds.

Particular attention should be paid to programs back-to-back loans. They are provided by the state at minimum rates so that small and medium-sized businesses can pay off their debts to commercial banks.

It is worth adding that in 2019, programs of gratuitous financial assistance for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia will cover enterprises in innovative industries, agriculture, the creation of essential goods and import-substituting products. The rest of the firms should immediately focus on preferential loans.

  • most programs are implemented in regional level and have their own specific conditions (for example, the guarantee may cover the entire amount of the loan or only a separate part of it);
  • it is important to give Special attention preparation of documents - most often it depends on this positive decision in the matter of providing assistance;
  • when attracting grants and loans through the labor exchange, it is important to realistically assess your capabilities in terms of efficient spending of funds and obtaining a positive result.

If an enterprise has debts on taxes and other obligatory payments, is declared bankrupt or has already received a subsidy from the state, most likely it will not be able to receive preferential financial assistance.

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Wanting to organize their own enterprise, many are faced with a lack of sufficient funds. Getting a bank loan to start your own business helps to solve this problem. Often a loan to start a business is the first step on the way to private entrepreneurship.

Is it possible to get a business loan from scratch

Taking out a loan to develop your own business is considered a risky deal for a banking institution. There is no absolute guarantee that a loan to start a small business from scratch will be paid off. In case of ruin, a newly minted entrepreneur may declare himself bankrupt in a month and refuse to return the money. However, funding for entrepreneurship is gradually being restored. It is possible to take a loan for a business from scratch, subject to strict conditions.

Under what conditions is a loan issued for a business from scratch

The probability of obtaining a loan for a startup increases if you have:

  • Good credit history. Lack of successful past loans, outstanding or late payments can lead to a refusal to grant a loan.
  • Competent business plan. The obvious possibility of making a small but stable income from their business will incline experts to make the right decision.
  • Parallel employment. Stable income allows you to safely repay a loan to start a small business from scratch.
  • Collateral property. This is a solid money-back guarantee that speaks volumes. serious attitude client for lending.
  • Third party natural person as a guarantor.
  • Starting capital, which is at least a quarter of the required amount.

Which banks issue loans for small businesses from scratch

Those who wish to organize their own business can use the help of financial institutions. A small business loan from scratch is issued in:

  • VTB24, offering the most low rates for legal entities, various conditions. The requirements for LLC and sole proprietorship differ significantly. Loans often require real estate as collateral.
  • Sberbank, which issues loans under the Business Start product. Funding is provided for the developed project. It is possible to work as an entrepreneur on a franchise.
  • Rosselkhozbank representing various loan products for the development of small businesses. There are no limits on the amount.
  • Alfa-Bank, among whose proposals there are only two types of financing. At the same time, management declares working with small and medium-sized enterprises as a priority.

Banking Methods for Small Business Loans from Scratch

The challenge for financial institutions is to determine the degree of risk in lending to small businesses. Banks use two methods, one of which is the review of the application by experts. The decision to lend depends on the result of a subjective check. Another way to determine the degree of risk is to use automated system"scoring", first tested 50 years ago. An unbiased program counts points, sums up the results based on the data entered in the client's questionnaire. Types of scoring:

  1. by points (you need to get a certain amount, most of those who apply do not pass it);
  2. against fraudsters (through behavior analysis, it identifies factors that indicate a non-purpose loan, a potential threat to bank funds);
  3. against irresponsible clients-borrowers (delay is being studied).

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch

Providing profitable loan to create your own business involves a strict procedure. How to get a loan to start a small business:

  1. You should send an application to the bank. The appeal indicates the type of activity, the lending program.
  2. Next, you need to provide information about financial condition small business. The amount of profit, credit history are important.
  3. Then the accepted application is considered, the terms of the loan are approved - the amount, terms, type of loan.

A loan to start a business from scratch in Sberbank

A loan for a startup, starting a business can be issued at a bank branch. How to get a loan to open a business in Sberbank? For this you need:

  1. Contact the institution, having a package of documents with you.
  2. Choose the right loan program.
  3. Get registered with the tax office individual entrepreneur, pass the entry into the EGRIP.
  4. Consider franchising programs offered by Sberbank partners.
  5. Choose the right franchise.
  6. Detailed development of a business project based on the selected program. Required to create marketing plan, determine the location of the office and other nuances.
  7. Prepare a package of documents for a loan to start a small business from scratch. The set includes the original and a copy of the passport, TIN, IP registration confirmation, commercial plan.
  8. Apply for a small business loan.
  9. Collect a sum of money (30% for the first installment).

How to increase your chances of getting loans to start a business

Wanting to take a loan for his business, a novice entrepreneur should choose as carefully as possible the bank in which he will be served. Nuances:

  1. Making a decision on financial institution, you need to ask what offers he has for small businesses.
  2. Useful advice from partners, friends who work with a particular bank.
  3. Loans are more readily issued for an already developing business. An application with an attached project has little chance of financial support.
  4. It is desirable that the enterprise be solvent, exist for at least six months.
  5. An additional factor in favor of the bank's consent to grant a loan is the presence of collateral. Real estate, cars, technical equipment are considered as collateral.

How else to get a loan for start-up entrepreneurs

Alternative way receiving financial assistance - consumer lending. Loans can be made to individual company or online. The property is used as collateral or support for guarantors. Such loans are unprofitable for the entrepreneur due to inflated interest rates. Remember: in many regions there are funds that support small businesses. These organizations act as guarantors for loans from the state or issue small concessional loans to entrepreneurs themselves.

Video: do I need a loan to start a business from scratch

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