Home Grape Men are socionics. Maxim (logical-sensory introvert)

Men are socionics. Maxim (logical-sensory introvert)

Male portrait of Maxim Gorky from Lyubov Beskova

Maksim Gorky. Portrait of a man

Reliable, correct, responsible MAXIM is distinguished by good posture and wide, straight shoulders - he has a real military bearing. Any shape will suit him. True, with his short hair he looks neat and fit in any outfit. It moves calmly, measuredly, never fusses. An open, strong-willed, courageous face inspires confidence - it is immediately clear that such a person will not engage in intrigues and intrigue.

At the first contact, MAXIM shows himself to be a correct and benevolent interlocutor. He smiles affably, demonstrating how glad he is to meet you. He has a captivating smile that makes his sullen, withdrawn face magically change.

If there is no specific topic for conversation, MAXIM is not too talkative. He is also not one of those who, among guests, strives to take on the role of toastmaster. Him systems thinking and if you come up with a decent topic, it will give you a logical basis for anything from computer work to art and love.

Try to shake him a little, joke and giggle, and you will see how he suddenly laughs and smiles in return. He generally likes the atmosphere of a holiday, carnival, theater. He will gladly spend time in a restaurant, at a bright, beautiful show, join the general fun at the disco, run around in a red cap and play the fool during the New Year's celebration in the office.

MAXIM is not only responsive to fun, but also touchingly sentimental, although it is difficult to suspect such a strict, dry person. He is able to become so imbued with compassion and pity for the hero of a melodrama that he cannot help but cry. In the service with the bosses-MAXIMS, there are sometimes bouts of unexpected, unmotivated pity for the employee who should be fired. Especially if his relatives fell ill, the dog suddenly died or his wife left.

But in fact, MAXIM's main dream is that there should be no chaos, no uncertainty in life, so that everything around is simple, understandable, reliable. He plans his life and is sensitive to sudden changes. In addition, it is difficult for him to understand how events will develop, he hardly foresees where troubles can come from and at the same time does not want to listen to the predictions of others. All this leads to the fact that MAXIM usually learns only from his mistakes.

But representatives of this type are well aware of their rights and obligations and are able to strictly fulfill them, therefore they make excellent, reliable and responsible workers. This is probably the only type who indignantly dismisses even one suggestion that it is possible to have an affair with an employee. An employee for him is not a woman. She is at work in order to work, and not in order to twist love with her. He never confuses office and personal relationships.

MAXIM is reliable, the responsible person you can rely on for both service and family life... But he will not take action until he is given clear instructions or until the situation is absolutely clear. He strives for complete clarity in everything - both in business and in relationships.

A 38-year-old man has lived with his girlfriend for three years. Since it seemed to him that their relationship was good, he invited her to marry him, and in the meantime he began to build a house for his future family... However, it suddenly turned out that the girl had allowed herself some kind of romantic adventure with a young man from another city. MAXIM's first impulse was to break off relations with her, but doubts accumulated in his soul: it was not clear how this could happen if, as it seemed to him, everything was fine with them. And he decided first to "conduct an inquiry": to speak frankly with her; sort out everything properly; to understand what happened and to what extent her hobby was accidental, unintentional; find out how she assesses the current situation; how seriously he takes it and what he is going to do next. Without this, he could not take any drastic steps.

MAXIM is suspicious of strangers, with distrust, but if he is drawn into a conversation about his family, he can open up and say a lot of unnecessary things. We can say that representatives of this type are distrustful of everyone precisely because of their great inner trustfulness and willingness to open up. But since they do not understand people very well, they prefer not to open up to anyone, only the closest ones.

But if you entered this circle (for example, married MAXIM), you can safely begin to feel like stone wall... This seemingly serious and gloomy person adores his family and is ready for everyday feats for their sake. At home it is kind, gentle, caring husband and a father for whom the interests of the family always come first.

Of course, MAXIMOV have not only responsibilities, but also hobbies. They love to collect collections, and the most different. These can be collections of coins, matchboxes, metro tokens, bus tickets, stamps, tags, etc. Men of this type are also attracted to history and politics. And in fact, and in another they are good at understanding, in any case, they are happy to talk about it.

To manifest physical strength MAXIMS don't like it, if only as a last resort. First, they try to dissuade a person from his aggressive intentions, to settle the matter peacefully. And only if this does not work out at all, they beat so that it does not seem a little.

The inconvenience in relations with MAXIMS is due to their stubborn unwillingness to respond to your quite serious business proposals, for example, tomorrow to quickly glue your wallpaper in the kitchen. They will also not like your sudden request for a loan of money.

In one phrase: Do what you must


Reliable, correct, responsible MAXIM is distinguished by good posture and wide, straight shoulders - he has a real military bearing. Any shape will suit him. True, with his short haircut, he looks neat and fit in any clothes. It moves calmly, measuredly, never fusses. An open, strong-willed, courageous face inspires confidence - it is immediately clear that such a person will not engage in intrigues and intrigue.

At the first contact, MAXIM shows himself to be a correct and benevolent interlocutor. He smiles affably, demonstrating how glad he is to meet you. He has a captivating smile that makes his sullen, withdrawn face magically change.

If there is no specific topic for conversation, MAXIM is not too talkative. He is also not one of those who, among guests, strives to take on the role of toastmaster. He has a systems mindset, and if you come up with a decent topic, he will give you a logical basis for anything from computer work to art and love.

Try to shake him a little, joke and giggle, and you will see how he suddenly laughs and smiles in return. He generally likes the atmosphere of a holiday, carnival, theater. He will gladly spend time in a restaurant, at a bright, beautiful show, join the general fun at the disco, run around in a red cap and play the fool during the New Year's celebration in the office.

MAXIM is not only responsive to fun, but also touchingly sentimental, although it is difficult to suspect such a strict, dry person. He is able to become so imbued with compassion and pity for the hero of a melodrama that he cannot help but cry. In the service with the bosses-MAXIMS, there are sometimes bouts of unexpected, unmotivated pity for the employee who should be fired. Especially if his relatives fell ill, the dog suddenly died or his wife left.

But in fact, MAXIM's main dream is that there should be no chaos, no uncertainty in life, so that everything around is simple, understandable, reliable. He plans his life and is sensitive to sudden changes. In addition, it is difficult for him to understand how events will develop, he hardly foresees where troubles can come from and at the same time does not want to listen to the predictions of others. All this leads to the fact that MAXIM usually learns only from his mistakes.

But representatives of this type are well aware of their rights and obligations and are able to strictly fulfill them, therefore they make excellent, reliable and responsible workers. This is probably the only type who indignantly dismisses even one suggestion that it is possible to have an affair with an employee. An employee for him is not a woman. She is at work in order to work, and not in order to twist love with her. He never confuses office and personal relationships.

MAXIM is a reliable, responsible person who can be relied on both in service and in family life. But he will not take action until he is given clear instructions or until the situation is absolutely clear. He strives for complete clarity in everything - both in business and in relationships.

A 38-year-old man has lived with his girlfriend for three years. Since it seemed to him that their relationship was good, he invited her to marry him, and in the meantime he began to build a house for his future family. However, it suddenly turned out that the girl had allowed herself some kind of romantic adventure with a young man from another city. MAXIM's first impulse was to break off relations with her, but doubts accumulated in his soul: it was not clear how this could happen if, as it seemed to him, everything was fine with them. And he decided first to "conduct an inquiry": to speak frankly with her; sort out everything properly; to understand what happened and to what extent her hobby was accidental, unintentional; find out how she assesses the current situation; how seriously he takes it and what he is going to do next. Without this, he could not take any drastic steps.

MAXIM is suspicious of strangers, with distrust, but if he is drawn into a conversation about his family, he can open up and say a lot of unnecessary things. We can say that representatives of this type are distrustful of everyone precisely because of their great inner trustfulness and willingness to open up. But since they do not understand people very well, they prefer not to open up to anyone, only the closest ones.

But if you entered this circle (for example, married MAXIM), you can safely begin to feel like behind a stone wall. This seemingly serious and gloomy person adores his family and is ready for everyday feats for their sake. At home, he is a kind, gentle, caring husband and father, for whom the interests of the family always come first.

Of course, MAXIMOV have not only responsibilities, but also hobbies. They love to collect collections, and the most different. These can be collections of coins, matchboxes, metro tokens, bus tickets, stamps, tags, etc. Men of this type are also attracted to history and politics. And in fact, and in another they are good at understanding, in any case, they are happy to talk about it.

MAXIMA do not like to show physical strength, if only as a last resort. First, they try to dissuade a person from his aggressive intentions, to settle the matter peacefully. And only if this does not work out at all, they beat so that it does not seem a little.

The inconvenience in relations with MAXIMS is due to their stubborn unwillingness to respond to your quite serious business proposals, for example, tomorrow to quickly glue your wallpaper in the kitchen. They will also not like your sudden request for a loan of money.

Portrait of a woman by Maxim Gorky

In one phrase: Do what you must

Functions: Logical-sensory introvert (Rational)


Slim, fit MAKSIMKA is one of the most strict and definite girls in socion. Youngish, slender, but at the same time strong and hardy - in her youth she gives the impression of a real elf. She has a pretty face with symmetrical features, so it is not for nothing that she is compared to Malvina. At the same time, you cannot confuse her with any other girl - you just have to pay attention to her clear figure and firm gait.

In clothes, he prefers a strict style, complete lines and muted tones. The idea of ​​symmetry and uniform (not necessarily military) is close to her soul. She does not like to stand out and look extravagant, so most often she chooses not only calm colors but also traditional forms. You will never see a skirt with a slanting hem or a blouse with an asymmetrical neckline on MAXIMK.

She avoids unexpected moves and is quite predictable, not only in clothes, but also in relationships.

At the first meeting, you will be provided with cute smiles and flirtatious looks. MAKSIMKA will be happy to laugh at your jokes and keep the fun going for a while. She knows how to be charming, and also to seem tender, fragile and defenseless, if she decides that she needs it for some reason.

But make no mistake, it has a real iron rod inside. And as soon as she feels that the relationship has begun, she will less often make eyes at you and more often show her demanding and possessive nature. At the same time, in their hearts, MAXIMKI are often romantic and sublime, and they also like to imagine themselves as heroines of some novel or film.

If you like MAXIMKA, she will not advertise this, leaving her partner to be the first to take the initiative. His excessive passivity can lead to a fading of feelings in this girl. She is focused on being looked after, sought, and demonstrated to her. This is due to the fact that she does not feel very well in which direction the relationship is developing, and is afraid of being rejected. Moreover, any uncertainty scares her. And this is another reason why she will not be the first to show her feelings.

If MAKSIMKA is talking to you, this does not mean that you have become her friend. The level of confidence in women of this type is raised very high. They do not consider a person to be a close friend or beloved if they do not trust him 100%.

From a letter from one MAKSIMKA: “I also don’t like that my own thoughts and feelings in the evening may not coincide at all with what I thought in the morning. It annoys me.

It turns out that you can't trust yourself! It's unpleasant somehow. Who can then be? "

Do not provoke jealousy in her in the hope of rekindling her feelings. She will not fight for you, but will simply decide that you are an unreliable partner. You will hardly achieve her location even if, letting on the mystery, you disappear, then appear, then call, then disappear from her field of vision for a long time. Remember: she will not tolerate any uncertainty.

If you managed to earn her trust, make sure not to disappoint MAXIMKA - the second time she will hardly believe you. But if this girl saw in you a selfless friend and a faithful knight, she will become your reliable and loyal companion.

MAXIMKA - right girl, she seeks to live her life without any surprises. She knows what she wants, tries to live according to the plan and does not like when circumstances interfere with the implementation of her plans. She is wary of everything new. She has planned not only the next week and weekend, but also has a plan for two or three months and even two years in advance. Everything is planned: study, career, marriage, children (dates of birth and number), moving to new apartment, acquisition washing machine traveling abroad.

It is clear that in order to accomplish all this, willpower and determination are needed. MAXIMKA has both, and these qualities are enough not only for her, but also for those around her. You can't get overwhelmed by this girl. She will not get tired of forcing others to make her plans come true every day. Maksimka will neither plan nor do superfluous, but if she has already conceived something, then do not expect that it will soon pass for her.

Being neat, diligent and responsible, girls of this type usually do well at school, although they do only what is asked and nothing more. Stormy student life not too attractive for strict MAXIMOK. Due to their exactingness in relationships, they do not have many friends, and even so they rarely complain about failures in their personal lives and do not talk about what is going on in their souls.

Family for this type of woman is very important, because it is a safe haven where she feels protected from the difficult outside world... Therefore, the house is given Special attention, there must be order here. Pets will receive everything they need, but nothing more. Nobody will be hungry at MAXIMKA, but don't expect any pickles. She will not tell how and what she cooked, but there is always something simple, but satisfying in the refrigerator.

MAKSIMOK makes strict, demanding mothers. And if they do not skimp on the manifestation of feelings and observe the measure in the "training" of their children, then the latter grow up to be positive, well-mannered and disciplined people.

A high sense of duty in women of this type extends not only to the family, but also to work. MAKSIMKA is ambitious and strives to make a career, although she will never neglect her household responsibilities. The bosses highly appreciate the diligence, responsibility and reliability of this fragile girl, who after some time perfectly masters the necessary skills and knowledge. It soon becomes clear that you can really rely on her. So her career growth is guaranteed.

Representatives of this type greatly appreciate the atmosphere of any holiday (the most beloved - New Year). They will never miss significant family dates, they will certainly arrange a home celebration with the presentation of gifts, a feast and the invitation of close friends. Leading a rather closed, measured lifestyle, at the same time they are not averse to having fun in the company, laughing and fooling around, but only if they consider this company their own.

So find a good reason, arrange fun party and invite your MAXIM (or MAXIMKA). If they know that they are here ready to entertain and amuse, then they will certainly come. And maybe they will even bring with them a false nose with glasses and a mustache. And they will do so only if they are sure that the owners will gladly pick up their tomfoolery.

A.M. Gorky

In provincial cities, all intelligent people know each other, they have long blurted out in front of each other, and when a new person enters their environment, it brings with it a completely natural revival. At first, they are glad to him, they rush with him; more or less cautiously feel for whether there is anything special in it, while sometimes scratching it a little. Then, if a person is easily identifiable, they define him with some word, and - the job is done. The new person enters the circle of local interests and becomes his own person, and if local interests do not cover him, he will miss loneliness and, perhaps, will drink, get drunk from the circle - no one will interfere with this.

There is a strange haste in the matter of knowing the soul of our neighbor - we are always in a hurry to identify a person as soon as possible. This haste in most cases leads to the fact that subtle traits and shades of character are not noticed by us, and maybe even deliberately not noticed, because, not fitting into one of our standards, they prevent us from quickly ending the definition of a person. And, probably, it often happens that these traits - perhaps very important in a person, ready to develop in him to originality - do not develop only because they remain unnoticed from the outside, and, perhaps, the person himself becomes infected with inattention to them and struggles with their growth, fearing to be different from people. If these features and shades are especially prominent, they cause even a hostile feeling in society, and then they begin to treat their owner in the same way as the beggars on the church porch to their comrade, who received from the merchant's wife more than they did.

Half a year has not passed since the day when the architect Akim Andreevich Shebuev came to our city, and they already started talking about him, he became a welcome guest in all intelligent circles. He immediately aroused general interest in himself, but at the same time, no one liked him. Judgments about him were very diverse, but equally restrained, dry, and behind them one could clearly feel something unflattering for the architect: some kind of distrust and even hostility towards him. He not only defied definition, but the further, the more he noticed some heretical features. The very fact that he went to everyone and did not give preference to anyone, aroused hostility towards him. Each circle has its own morality, its own sympathies and tastes, invisible but strong ropes, which, tying all members of the circle into one whole, delimit it from other circles. It was noticed that Shebuyev did not want to tie himself with these ropes and even boldly and derisively tries to confuse or break them. And this aroused irritation against him, but at the same time increased interest in him.

He immediately attracted attention from the outside. He was a man of about thirty, of medium height, broad-shouldered, with a large head on a strong sinewy neck and disproportionately long arms. Nature must have been in a great hurry to create it and therefore finished it extremely casually. His face was rough and cheeky; a wide forehead protrudes too much forward, which is why grey eyes sunk deep into orbits. The long, humped nose curled ugly towards the light brown mustache and, together with the thick lower lip, which seemed dismissively protruding, gave the face a mocking and unpleasant expression. But his lively, shining eyes somewhat brightened up this clumsy face, and when he smiled, it took on an expression of good-naturedly intelligent, but again somehow condescending. He spoke loudly and confidently, accompanying and emphasizing the speech with strong angular gestures. long arms, and his voice had some indefinite timbre, as if it had not yet worked out. And in general there was something unfinished, angular about him. He dressed in very expensive suits made of some particularly dense and durable fabrics. Stitched comfortably, they were distinguished by their apparent disregard for fashion. Either he appeared in a long frock coat, buttoned up tightly up to the collar and looked like a military uniform, or on his broad figure there was some kind of an Austrian jacket. And this especially annoyed some.

If he really is the original, - said our smart and reasonable doctor Kropotov, - why then emphasize this with a costume? And why - since he wants to attract attention to himself even with his appearance - why not then dress in red or blue?

The doctor was a respectable man and loved order terribly. Walking along the sidewalk and seeing a pebble on it, he certainly threw it out from under his feet onto the pavement with a dexterous blow of his cane, and after that he always looked around him as if inviting all people to take an example from him. He had already solved all the questions long ago, and everything in life was simple and clear for him. His mood was calm, his appearance was impressive, his speech was confident; he had a lot of practice in the city among the merchants, played small at the screw and was looking for a bride. He had a luxurious blond beard, and during a conversation he always stroked it with a slow and beautiful gesture. Tall, healthy, he kept upright.

Shebuyev outraged him from the very first meetings.

Have mercy! - he even said somewhat offendedly, - after all, this is God knows what! Everything in his head is confused, mixed up, and he decisively does not have what is called a certain world outlook and for me, so to speak, a diploma for the title of a cultured and, I will say, an advanced person matters. I, of course, will not deny his mind, but I will say - this mind is a gross, inflexible mind, primitive, not limited by the discipline of logic ...

The doctor had a huge supply of adjectives, and when he began to define something, it was as if he was laying bricks on the subject of the definition. Since, for all his merits, the doctor was also a liberal person, he considered it his duty to carefully attend the Saturdays of Varvara Vasilievna Lyubimova

They gathered around this woman in a small, close circle, perhaps the most interesting people in the city, and she enjoyed sincere respect among them. As a midwife, she also studied abroad, brought from there a diploma for the title of doctor, but did not practice as a doctor. However, this diploma gave her the opportunity to teach a hygiene course at the local girls' gymnasium and at Sunday school. It was arranged thanks to her good relationship with the governor, from whom she received, and also, probably, due to the fact that there was something irresistible in herself, sincerely and deeply disposed everyone to her. Educated, hard-working and modest, she was beautiful with that healthy Russian beauty, which is now rare, for some reason fading from generation to generation.

Reliable, correct, responsible MAXIM is distinguished by good posture and wide, straight shoulders - he has a real military bearing. Any shape will suit him. True, with his short haircut, he looks neat and fit in any clothes. It moves calmly, measuredly, never fusses. An open, strong-willed, courageous face inspires confidence - it is immediately clear that such a person will not engage in intrigues and intrigue.

At the first contact, MAXIM shows himself to be a correct and benevolent interlocutor. He smiles affably, demonstrating how glad he is to meet you. He has a captivating smile that makes his sullen, withdrawn face magically change.

If there is no specific topic for conversation, MAXIM is not too talkative. He is also not one of those who, among guests, strives to take on the role of toastmaster. He has a systems mindset, and if you come up with a decent topic, he will give you a logical basis for anything from computer work to art and love.

Try to shake him a little, joke and giggle, and you will see how he suddenly laughs and smiles in return. He generally likes the atmosphere of a holiday, carnival, theater. He will gladly spend time in a restaurant, at a bright, beautiful show, join the general fun at the disco, run around in a red cap and play the fool during the New Year's celebration in the office.

MAXIM is not only responsive to fun, but also touchingly sentimental, although it is difficult to suspect such a strict, dry person. He is able to become so imbued with compassion and pity for the hero of a melodrama that he cannot help but cry. In the service with the heads of MAXIMS, sometimes attacks of unexpected, unmotivated pity for the employee who should be fired occur. Especially if his relatives fell ill, the dog suddenly died or his wife left.

But in fact, MAXIM's main dream is that there should be no chaos, no uncertainty in life, so that everything around is simple, understandable, reliable. He plans his life and is sensitive to sudden changes. In addition, it is difficult for him to understand how events will develop, he hardly foresees where troubles can come from and at the same time does not want to listen to the predictions of others. All this leads to the fact that MAXIM usually learns only from his mistakes.

But representatives of this type are well aware of their rights and obligations and are able to strictly fulfill them, therefore they make excellent, reliable and responsible workers. This is probably the only type who indignantly dismisses even one suggestion that it is possible to have an affair with an employee. An employee for him is not a woman. She is at work in order to work, and not in order to twist love with her. He never confuses office and personal relationships.

MAXIM is a reliable, responsible person who can be relied on both in service and in family life. But he will not take action until he is given clear instructions or until the situation is absolutely clear. He strives for complete clarity in everything - both in business and in relationships.

From life: “A 38-year-old man has lived with his girlfriend for three years. Since it seemed to him that their relationship was good, he invited her to marry him, and in the meantime he began to build a house for his future family. However, it suddenly turned out that the girl had allowed herself some kind of romantic adventure with a young man from another city. MAXIM's first impulse was to break off relations with her, but doubts accumulated in his soul: it was not clear how this could happen if, as it seemed to him, everything was fine with them. And he decided first to "conduct an inquiry": to speak frankly with her; sort out everything properly; to understand what happened and to what extent her hobby was accidental, unintentional; find out how she assesses the current situation; how seriously he takes it and what he is going to do next. Without this, he could not take any drastic steps. "

MAXIM is suspicious of strangers, distrustful, but if he is drawn into a conversation about his family, he can open up and tell a lot of unnecessary things. We can say that representatives of this type are distrustful of everyone precisely because of their great inner trustfulness and willingness to open up. But since they do not understand people very well, they prefer not to open up to anyone, only the closest ones.

But if you entered this steep (for example, married MAXIM), you can safely begin to feel like behind a stone wall. This seemingly serious and gloomy person adores his family and is ready for everyday feats for their sake. At home, he is a kind, gentle, caring husband and father, for whom the interests of the family always come first.

Of course, MAXIMOV have not only responsibilities, but also hobbies. They love to collect collections, and the most different. These can be collections of coins, matchboxes, metro tokens, bus tickets, stamps, tags, etc. Men of this type are also attracted by history and politics. And in fact, and in another they are good at understanding, in any case, they are happy to talk about it.

MAXIMA do not like to show physical strength, if only as a last resort. First, they try to dissuade a person from his aggressive intentions, to settle the matter peacefully. And only if this does not work out at all, they beat so that it does not seem a little.

The inconvenience in relations with MAXIMS is due to their stubborn unwillingness to respond to your quite serious business proposals, for example, tomorrow to quickly glue your wallpaper in the kitchen. They will also not like your sudden request for a loan of money.


    - "Doesn't it seem to you that life would be simpler, more convenient, less controversial, if it were not for all these Don Quixotes, Fausts, Hamlets, eh?" (M. Gorky. "A Story about a Novel")

    We are humanists. We don't notice anyone until we are hooked ... (With a silly threat in his voice.) But we are waiting to get hooked!

    I'm a manager. In any case, it is necessary to be interested in the relatives of subordinates.

    It was Bismarck who said: "Order frees the mind."

    As a result of the first marriage, you understand what a responsibility it is.

    If you like a girl at work, I will gradually bring the relationship to a friendly one. The rest - it seems to me that this is superfluous.

    I will do my best. It didn't work out - then I wash my hands.

    And the ROBESPIERS are so boring, I have not even seen MAXIMOV. (Notices ROBESPIERA) Well, I'm in good sense this word.

    The idea of ​​loans is awful! Who only came up with this! You never know what can happen?

    He good man... He has a PhD in mathematics ...

    I don’t like to watch movies from the middle or a TV series from the fifth episode. I don't understand such people: what will they understand? I don’t like it even when I’m distracted from watching - after all, you miss something, then you don’t understand.

    Globally, of course, I have a goal. Life is divided into stages: buy a car, buy an apartment ...

    All changes must be recorded. The pact helps you cover your back.

Gorky Maxim

A.M. Gorky

In provincial cities, all intelligent people know each other, they have long blurted out in front of each other, and when a new person enters their environment, it brings with it a completely natural revival. At first, they are glad to him, they rush with him; more or less cautiously feel for whether there is anything special in it, while sometimes scratching it a little. Then, if a person is easily identifiable, they define him with some word, and - the job is done. The new person enters the circle of local interests and becomes his own person, and if local interests do not cover him, he will miss loneliness and, perhaps, will drink, get drunk from the circle - no one will interfere with this.

There is a strange haste in the matter of knowing the soul of our neighbor - we are always in a hurry to identify a person as soon as possible. This haste in most cases leads to the fact that subtle traits and shades of character are not noticed by us, and maybe even deliberately not noticed, because, not fitting into one of our standards, they prevent us from quickly ending the definition of a person. And, probably, it often happens that these traits - perhaps very important in a person, ready to develop in him to originality - do not develop only because they remain unnoticed from the outside, and, perhaps, the person himself becomes infected with inattention to them and struggles with their growth, fearing to be different from people. If these features and shades are especially prominent, they cause even a hostile feeling in society, and then they begin to treat their owner in the same way as the beggars on the church porch to their comrade, who received from the merchant's wife more than they did.

Half a year has not passed since the day when the architect Akim Andreevich Shebuev came to our city, and they already started talking about him, he became a welcome guest in all intelligent circles. He immediately aroused general interest in himself, but at the same time, no one liked him. Judgments about him were very diverse, but equally restrained, dry, and behind them one could clearly feel something unflattering for the architect: some kind of distrust and even hostility towards him. He not only defied definition, but the further, the more he noticed some heretical features. The very fact that he went to everyone and did not give preference to anyone, aroused hostility towards him. Each circle has its own morality, its own sympathies and tastes, invisible but strong ropes, which, tying all members of the circle into one whole, delimit it from other circles. It was noticed that Shebuyev did not want to tie himself with these ropes and even boldly and derisively tries to confuse or break them. And this aroused irritation against him, but at the same time increased interest in him.

He immediately attracted attention from the outside. He was a man of about thirty, of medium height, broad-shouldered, with a large head on a strong sinewy neck and disproportionately long arms. Nature must have been in a great hurry to create it and therefore finished it extremely casually. His face was rough and cheeky; the broad forehead protruded too far forward, which made the gray eyes sunk deep into the orbits. The long, humped nose curled ugly towards the light brown mustache and, together with the thick lower lip, which seemed dismissively protruding, gave the face a mocking and unpleasant expression. But his lively, shining eyes somewhat brightened up this clumsy face, and when he smiled, it took on an expression of good-naturedly intelligent, but again somehow condescending. He spoke loudly and confidently, accompanying and emphasizing the speech with strong, angular gestures of long arms, and his voice had some indefinite timbre, as if it had not yet developed. And in general there was something unfinished, angular about him. He dressed in very expensive suits made of some particularly dense and durable fabrics. Stitched comfortably, they were distinguished by their apparent disregard for fashion. Either he appeared in a long frock coat, buttoned up tightly up to the collar and looked like a military uniform, or on his broad figure there was some kind of an Austrian jacket. And this especially annoyed some.

If he really is the original, - said our smart and reasonable doctor Kropotov, - why then emphasize this with a costume? And why - since he wants to attract attention to himself even with his appearance - why not then dress in red or blue?

The doctor was a respectable man and loved order terribly. Walking along the sidewalk and seeing a pebble on it, he certainly threw it out from under his feet onto the pavement with a dexterous blow of his cane, and after that he always looked around him as if inviting all people to take an example from him. He had already solved all the questions long ago, and everything in life was simple and clear for him. His mood was calm, his appearance was impressive, his speech was confident; he had a lot of practice in the city among the merchants, played small at the screw and was looking for a bride. He had a luxurious blond beard, and during a conversation he always stroked it with a slow and beautiful gesture. Tall, healthy, he kept himself upright.

Shebuyev outraged him from the very first meetings.

Have mercy! - he even said somewhat offendedly, - after all, this is God knows what! Everything in his head is confused, mixed up, and he decisively does not have what is called a certain world outlook and for me, so to speak, a diploma for the title of a cultured and, I will say, an advanced person matters. I, of course, will not deny his mind, but I will say - this mind is a gross, inflexible mind, primitive, not limited by the discipline of logic ...

The doctor had a huge supply of adjectives, and when he began to define something, it was as if he was laying bricks on the subject of the definition. Since, for all his merits, the doctor was also a liberal person, he considered it his duty to carefully attend the Saturdays of Varvara Vasilievna Lyubimova

Around this woman gathered in a small, close circle, perhaps the most interesting people in the city, and she enjoyed sincere respect among them. As a midwife, she also studied abroad, brought from there a diploma for the title of doctor, but did not practice as a doctor. However, this diploma gave her the opportunity to teach a hygiene course at the local girls' gymnasium and at Sunday school. This was arranged thanks to her good relations with the governor, from whom she received, and also, probably, due to the fact that there was something irresistible in herself, sincerely and deeply disposed everyone towards her. Educated, hard-working and modest, she was beautiful with that healthy Russian beauty, which is now rare, for some reason fading from generation to generation.

Tall, slender, with a powerful chest and an oval face, with a huge braid of brown hair, she moved smoothly, held her head high, and this gave her figure a proud and courageous posture ... She looked very good dark blue eyes beautifully shaded by thick, almost black eyebrows. Calm, caressing and intelligent - he somehow immediately evoked a respectful feeling for this woman, arousing everyone's desire to please her. Always beautifully affectionate, always friendly, she knew how to somehow smile especially, - a calm cheerfulness breathed on the person from this smile. Her voice was soft, chesty, but she spoke a little, briefly, and in every word she felt the sincerity of a straight and uncomplicated soul. At her evenings it was always noisy, and her restraint and silence were especially noticeable in the revitalization of the guests. She had one oddity - she did not like women, and she had no friends, except for Tatyana Nikolaevna Lyakhova.

Tatyana Nikolaevna was in charge of the Sunday school and loved her work with all the strength of her heart, and her heart was good, inexhaustiblely kind and, it must be, as lively, quivering, speckled with radiant wrinkles, like her sweet face. She was the widow of the honorary magistrate and chairman of the congress of world leaders Matvey Kirillovich Lyakhov, who died of a heart failure eight years ago, on the day of his arrest. only son who just graduated from university. Tatyana Nikolaevna buried her husband, accompanied her son to Perm and, returning home, all went to her school, and before she was dearly beloved by her. In the same year, her son died of consumption. They said that, having learned about his death from an official paper, Tatyana Nikolaevna raised her meek eyes to heaven with fright and timidly, shuddering all over, asked:

Well, why is this? .. For what is it? ..

And three days later I started working again. The school was like a temple for her, and she tirelessly served in it, full of sacred awe and unshakable faith in her work. She was small, thin, nervous; on her wrinkled, pinkish face, like two inextinguishable lamps, glorious, childishly clear eyes burned. Always dressed in the same smooth black woolen dress, she, like a swallow, from the bottom to the day with small and quick steps, rushed through the streets of the city, looking for lessons for young people, visiting a teacher moping with fatigue or a sick teacher, forever with books under her arm, forever preoccupied and alive ... Her heart, probably not stopping, ached from longing for her son, but no one knew how and could not, like her, encourage tired and yearning people ... Everyone loved her, although at times they made fun of her for what she called her faith. And her faith was clear and naive, like herself.

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