Home fertilizers How to eat in Israel. Israeli cuisine - traditional dishes: baba ganush, shakshuka, forshmak, hummus. Recipes of national cuisine. Shops and markets in Israel

How to eat in Israel. Israeli cuisine - traditional dishes: baba ganush, shakshuka, forshmak, hummus. Recipes of national cuisine. Shops and markets in Israel

Yokamon! Good afternoon dear readers, today I decided to touch on a very interesting topic. Let's talk about what the gesture "Thumb and little finger protruding in different sides". Do you believe in the existence of sign language? How often do the movements of the hands and the formation of some figures replace the usual vocabulary? Do you know what the thumbs up and pinky gesture means and when it is appropriate to use it?

Aware that this gesture should not be done on Caribbean Islands? Read on, the most interesting will follow.

One gesture across many continents

This strange gesture, called "Shaka", is often used by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes and grappling fighters.

The gesture, when the thumb and little finger are protruding, and the rest are pressed to the palm, can be seen not only among wrestlers, but also among people from the world of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Today it is often used and ordinary people, and on different continents it can be deciphered and understood in different ways. For example,

  • if taken as a basis American system gestures - this means the letter U,
  • in China - the number 6,
  • and in our country this gesture symbolizes phone call if a person puts his thumb to his ear,
  • or an offer to take drugs if you put it on your lips,
  • if the hands are located at the level of the abdomen, the interlocutor offers you alcohol.

According to many sources, this sign is most often used when greeting, along with it, they are mainly pronounced with the words “Shaka, brah!”. The inhabitants of the islands, as if asking a person to relax, take your time and remember that life is beautiful and everything will always be fine. In Hawaii, everyone uses this gesture: athletes and even politicians. Besides greeting, "Shaka" is also used to express your gratitude and if you want to say goodbye.

By the way, the "Shaka" gesture is used in the movie "Secret Soldiers of Benghazi". The picture was taken this year. If you can experience the heroism of the American soldier without criticism and can watch Hollywood show the East in movies, I see no reason why you won't like the new picture of Michael Bay.

Putting aside electronic world, the director with identical pomposity shot the project much better, and we have to admit that he did it very well. If there is nothing to do in the evening, watch this movie and write in the comments what this gesture meant in the last minutes.

Where did the gesture come from

After viewing the picture, I became curious, how did this sign end up in everyday life? Who started showing it first? Why not use forefinger instead of pinky. According to the first two versions that I could find, "Shaka" is associated with an ordinary guy. Kahlil Haman who worked last century in Hawaii.

One day he had an accident, as a result he lost all the fingers on his hand except the thumb and little finger. Many believe that the guy always greeted with his right hand, and people saw only two fingers. This gesture was liked by the local guys, who began to say hello in the same way. A few years later, the gesture spread throughout the island, by the way, almost all locals sure that this version is the most truthful.

Second version

the gesture became popular after Haman got a job guarding trains carrying sugar. An accident happened to him past work. He had to inspect the trains and drop off the children who constantly tried to ride them. After the inspection, the guy raised his hand up, thereby showing the driver that he could move on and everything was in order.

Another version of "Shaka" is associated with

According to legend, the shark attacked the surfer, but he managed to escape, while he lost three of his fingers. The guy never gave up surfing and greeted his friends with his right hand, using this particular gesture.

There are sources where it is written that "Shaka" was used by labor immigrants as an offer after a difficult labor day drink a glass of beer or something stronger.

It is interesting how semantic a simple sign can be, for sure, many do not even think about what they show when they simply randomly cross two fingers. After reading the forums, I realized that our people perceive Shaka differently.

What does protruding thumb and little finger mean?

  1. I am a rocker
  2. Goat, gore, gore.
  3. Sex act. By the way, that's why I wrote earlier that it's better not to show it in the Caribbean if you don't mean sex. If you point your little finger at some girl, while the thumb is protruding, she may take this as an insult and sue you for harassment.
  4. Hard bass dance.
  5. Nike trademark.
  6. Relax, take it easy.
  7. For mercenaries, it means "Jumbo" - in other words, this is their Code.

Do you know what this or other gestures mean? Well, for example, a gesture of two fingers in the form of the letter B? Or, for example, what does the tongue gesture between two fingers mean? Share your guesses in the comments.

Two finger gesture in the form of the letter B

From historical articles it became known that during the Hundred Years Wars, a pair of fingers were cut off by the French, which they used to draw a bow. And those who had all their fingers in place teased their enemies, showed "V".

Even today, this gesture is forbidden in France. And also it is not recognized by almost all of Europe and England. For example, approximately 7 years ago Barry Ferguson and Alan McGregor were expelled from their football teams for displaying a "V".

The second meaning of this sign is "Victory". It was used during World War II by Winston Churchill himself. He made the “V” sign popular and in his understanding it meant victory, but in this case the palm had to be turned out with the back to the public. Many countries perceive this sign as a simple demonstration of the number "2".

Gesture "Goat"

In Russia, this gesture is called “horns”, “flasking” or “corn” and everyone interprets it in their own way. In Central Europe in medieval times, it was used to protect against the evil eye (like you collected a muzzle in your pocket). You can find references to this sign in many books, it is even drawn in pictures. Band frontman Black Sabbath made this gesture the most important in his life: now at a concert of various musical genres, he shows "Horns" as if approving the group. But, you don’t need to show this gesture to an Italian man or woman. In this country, it means the one who has been horned. So try not to show "Heavy Metal" in this country.

Do I use gestures when chatting with friends? Probably more no than yes. We are all different, and everyone has their own perception of the world, I can offend someone, to someone, on the contrary, I will flirt, although I was not even going to do this. It's better to use words instead of gestures. But I'm sure that at the concert "Korn" the gesture "Shaka" or "Goat" will be more than appropriate.

Share your thoughts in the comments. It will be very interesting to read. And don't forget to subscribe to. All the best and see you soon!

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Incredible Facts

For the first time in history, genetics defeated Down syndrome. Scientists have managed to disable the extra chromosome at an early stage of pregnancy.

Thanks to this laboratory experiment, which ended so well, there was hope for a possible cure for a genetic disease characterized by cognitive impairment.

An experiment that ended in one of the laboratories American University, is a breakthrough in the field of genetics.

Scientists boldly say that in vitro experiments open up new possibilities for future chromosome therapy.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts proved by example that the extra chromosome, which is the cause of Down's syndrome, can be "turned off", after which the fetus will develop normally.

This discovery is important evidence that the underlying genetic defect (an extra chromosome) can be eliminated at the stage of cell development.

The experiment, carried out by American scientists, will improve scientists' understanding of the fundamental biology behind Down syndrome, as well as help in the future to develop medicine and improve therapy in the treatment of genetic abnormalities that cause fear in most of us today.

Down syndrome: causes

Most people are born with 23 pairs of chromosomes, including two sex chromosomes (46 in total). Patients with Down syndrome are born with an extra chromosome, which is formed at the stage of embryo formation. As a rule, an extra copy is observed on chromosome 21.

Researchers are confident that so-called "trisomy 21" causes cognitive disability, Alzheimer's disease, leads to a high risk of developing leukemia in children, heart disease, and is also the cause of endocrine system dysfunction.

Unlike genetic disorders caused by a single gene, the genetic correction of an entire chromosome in a trisomic cell was, until recently, beyond the realm of possibility.

That is why any genetic disease was considered incurable. However, geneticists from University of Massachusetts managed to perform a real miracle.

Now we can say with confidence that the experiment, during which scientists managed to suppress the extra chromosome, was more than successful. Thanks to stem cells, the extra copy of the chromosome, which is the cause of Down's syndrome, was simply "turned off".

The experiment was a real breakthrough in medicine, as well as a hope for all mankind that in the future it is possible to recover not only from Down syndrome, but also other genetic diseases, the names of which alone inspire fear in us.

Down syndrome on ultrasound

The so-called screening test for the detection of Down syndrome in the fetus is carried out between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. Uzist determines the thickness of the collar space.

Ultrasound, which measures the subcutaneous fluid in the cervical region of a child, makes it possible to talk about the likelihood of developing the disease with almost one hundred percent accuracy.

Analysis for Down syndrome

There is another unmistakable option - a blood test, which can reveal a genetic abnormality. Special Analysis blood determines the level of beta-hCG, as well as the PAPP-A protein.

According to a blood test, doctors accurately determine the degree of risk of developing a deviation. In women bearing a fetus with Down syndrome, the concentration of beta-hCG and PAPP-A protein differs markedly from the prescribed norm.

Both tests are accurate, however, if there are some doubts about the normal development of the child, the doctor may order both tests at the same time, thereby increasing the accuracy of the results.

Screening test

The benefits of a screening test in the first trimester of pregnancy are clear. First of all, this is a high accuracy and almost error-free determination of the deviation development.

An important fact is that this analysis held on early stages pregnancy, which allows, if a disease is detected, to conduct additional research, as well as decide what to do with the fetus next: terminate the pregnancy or still give birth to a baby.

In any case, the earlier the disease is detected, the less traumatic consequences threaten expectant mother if she decides to have an abortion.

The main disadvantage of the screening test is that it is not carried out in every clinic and not in every city. Many are also deterred by the high cost of such an analysis. As a rule, a screening test for detecting Down syndrome in a fetus can be done in metropolitan clinics.

Down syndrome: signs

At birth, just by looking at the child, doctors can accurately determine whether the child has a genetic disease.

People with Down syndrome have certain features in appearance, which make them similar to each other, and also distinguish them from others.

Typically, children with Down syndrome:

- flat face

slanted eyes with raised corners,

One transverse fold on the palm,

Protruding big toe

Excessively developed skin folds on the foot.

1. Middle finger

Thanks to Hollywood exposed middle finger became famous all over the world. At the same time, in no country does this gesture mean something positive or peaceful. classical meaning this phallic gesture is very harsh, and it means an abrupt end to the conversation and a wish for travel in a certain direction.

According to anthropologist Desmond Morris, the display of the middle finger, symbolizing the offensive display of the penis, is one of the most ancient gestures known to us. IN Ancient Greece pointing the middle finger at someone was considered a serious insult, as it meant an accusation of passive homosexuality.

In the comedy of Aristophanes "Clouds", Socrates, undertaking to teach the sciences to an ordinary peasant Strepsiades, asks if he knows the poetic size of a dactyl (literally "finger"), to which Strepsiades readily shows his middle finger. The philosopher Diogenes said that “most people are only one finger away from insanity: if a person stretches out his middle finger, he will be considered crazy, and if he is index, they will not be considered.” They also told about him that “when visitors wanted to look at Demosthenes, he pointed to him with his middle finger with the words:“ Here is the ruler of the Athenian people.

In ancient Greece, pointing with the middle finger accused of homosexuality

In Rome, the gesture, and with it the middle finger itself, was called the "shameless finger." The gesture is mentioned by a number of Roman authors, for example, in one of the epigrams of Martial, an old man, proud of his health, shows the middle finger to the doctors.

2. Up or down thumb

Gesture using thumb often demonstrates the attitude of a person to what he happened to see. Thumb up - "I like it!"; thumb down - "I don't like it."

This sign is often associated with the tradition of ancient Roman gladiator fights. French historian and archaeologist Jerome Carcopino in his book " Everyday life ancient rome. Apogee of the Empire" noticed that when it seemed to the crowd that the vanquished defended himself with all his strength, the audience waved their handkerchiefs, raised their finger in the air and shouted: "Let him go!". If the emperor agreed with their wishes and raised his thumb up, the vanquished was forgiven and released from the arena alive. If the spectators, on the contrary, believed that the vanquished deserved defeat by his cowardice and unwillingness to continue the fight, they put their finger down and shouted: “Cut!”. Then the emperor, putting his thumb down, ordered the slaughter of the defeated gladiator, and he had no choice but to expose his throat for a “strike of mercy”.

In Iran, a thumbs-up is a threat of violence

The raised thumb is interpreted differently in many countries. If in Germany it is peacefully neutral and means the number 1, then in Greece this gesture will be similar to the phrase “Fuck you!”. In Uruguay and Iran, a proudly raised thumb symbolizes the male sexual organ, and the gesture itself means the threat of sexual violence.

A sign in the form of a ring formed by the index and thumbs, were given to people by divers, who thus inform their partner that everything is in order with them. There is also a version that this is an invention of journalists who sought to shorten the most common phrases.

However, in France, Portugal and some countries Latin America beloved by Americans and many Europeans, the “OK” gesture is perceived as indecent and symbolizes the anus. This can be felt especially acutely in Turkey, where a finger ring is an open accusation of homosexuality. But in Tunisia, this gesture can be interpreted as a threat to kill a person. In the United States and Russia, the OK gesture is perceived as normal, which cannot be said about Brazil, where it is considered very obscene.

In France, the “OK” gesture is a symbol of the anus.

We also note that the OK gesture has more than 2500 years of history. Among the ancient Greeks, he was a symbol of love, personifying kissing lips. It was also used to praise the speaker for his speech.

4. V (Victoria)

This is one of the most common gestures in the culture, meaning victory or peace. Shown with the index and middle fingers of the hand pointing up in the form latin letter"V".

The history of the origin of the Victoria gesture goes back to the Middle Ages. According to this version, during Hundred Years War the captured English and Welsh archers, who intimidated the French, were cut off precisely these two fingers on their right hand so that they could not use their bows in the future. The archers, knowing this, teased the French before the battle, showing them intact fingers - "Fear, enemies!".

During the Second World War, this sign was heavily popularized by Winston Churchill to indicate victory, but for this the hand is turned back to the one who shows it. If, with this gesture, the hand is turned with the palm towards the speaker, then the gesture acquires an offensive meaning - “shut up”.

During World War II, Churchill popularized the Victoria gesture.

Another meaning of this gesture is associated with the popular film "V for Vendetta", in which the sign V stands for main character, an anarchist terrorist wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.

5. Sign of the Cross

In Christianity, this gesture denotes a prayer ceremony, which is an image of the cross with a movement of the hand. The sign of the Cross is performed on various occasions, for example, when entering and leaving the temple, before or after saying a prayer, during worship, as a sign of confession of one's faith and in others cases; also when blessing someone or something.

In Orthodoxy, the sign of the cross characterizes the bodily expression of Christian dogmas, the confession of faith in the Holy Trinity and the God-man Jesus Christ, the expression of love and gratitude to God, protection from the actions of dark forces. There are three variants of finger composition: two-finger, three-finger and nominative finger-composition.

So, the two-fingered was adopted along with the Baptism of Russia and prevailed until the reforms of Patriarch Nikon in the middle of the 17th century and was officially recognized in Moscow Russia by the Stoglavy Cathedral of 1550.

It was practiced until the middle of the 13th century in the Greek East. Later it was supplanted by tripartite. When making double fingers, two fingers right hand- index and middle - are connected together, symbolizing the two natures of the one Christ, while the middle finger turns out to be slightly bent, which means divine indulgence and incarnation. The three remaining fingers are also connected together, symbolizing Holy Trinity; moreover, in modern practice, the end of the thumb rests on the pads of the other two, which cover it from above. After that, with the tips of two fingers (and only them) they sequentially touch the forehead, abdomen or lower part of the perseus (chest), right and left shoulder. It is also emphasized that one cannot be baptized at the same time as bowing; the bow, if required, should be done after the hand has been lowered.

Using the three fingers to make sign of the cross fold the first three fingers of the right hand (thumb, index and middle), and bend the other two fingers to the palm; after which they sequentially touch the forehead, upper abdomen, right shoulder, then the left. Three fingers put together symbolize the Holy Trinity; the symbolic meaning of the other two fingers in different time could be different. So, in Russia, under the influence of controversy with the Old Believers, these two fingers were rethought as a symbol of the two natures of Christ: Divine and human. This interpretation is now the most common, although there are others (for example, in the Romanian Church, these two fingers are interpreted as a symbol of Adam and Eve falling to the Trinity).

An Orthodox priest, blessing people or objects, folds his fingers into a special signet, called nominative. It is believed that the fingers folded in this way depict the letters ICXC to get the name Jesus Christ in ancient Greek spelling.

Catholic prayer books, speaking of the sign of the cross, usually cite only the prayer that is said at the same time (In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti), without saying anything about the combination of fingers. Even Catholic traditionalists, who are usually quite strict about the rite and its symbolism, admit the existence of various options. The most accepted and widespread option in the Catholic world is the sign of the cross with five fingers, open palm, from left to right, in memory of the five wounds on the body of Christ.

Israeli food is the richest category of food and is constantly growing. Israeli cuisine has been influenced by both neighboring cultures from the Middle East and the recipes of immigrants from North Africa and Central Europe. In addition to visiting sacred places and swimming in the Dead Sea, you need to try various dishes. Here is a list of the very best!


This is a North African spicy egg dish. tomato sauce. It is often served for breakfast, so you can start your day with shakshuka during your trip to Israel. Appetizing and hearty meal will fill you up for a long time.


This dish consists of balls of crushed chickpeas served in a pita with a variety of toppings. Among them: fried eggplant, spicy pepper, french fries, pickled cucumbers, caramelized onions. Any combination is guaranteed to be delicious. This is the perfect meal for quick bite suitable even for vegetarians.

Freshly baked pita

If you head to the outdoor market, you can buy a stack of hot pita for an incredibly budget price. Anyone who loves bread should definitely try the pita, it's incredibly delicious.


This chickpea paste is popular throughout the Middle East and is sold in stores almost all over the world. Of course, nothing beats hummus from Israel. Hearty and fragrant pasta is perfect for sandwiches, as an appetizer or sauce. There are many options, so you are sure to find the one that suits you.

Israeli salad

This is a simple salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, lemon juice And olive oil. This is a great side dish and a great addition to falafel, and besides, such a salad is low in calories. Without remorse, even people on a diet can enjoy it.


Chicken, lamb, turkey or beef, fried on a skewer and cut into thin slices - that's what shawarma is. Every connoisseur meat dishes must try the Israeli version of this popular product.


Immigrants from Central Europe brought schnitzel to Israel, where it is served in a pita that turns the dish into a street food. Looks very original meat sandwich.


This is a Jewish dish, which is spicy sauce made from fresh peppers and seasonings. It goes well with almost any food and will win over anyone who likes spicy food!

Jerusalem bagels

These donuts are softer, sweeter and longer than the American variety known as bagels. Most often they are served in sesame seeds or with spices. This is the perfect dish for baking lovers.


These are sweet and sticky chocolate dough pieces that are quickly addictive! Rugelac is sold in many pastry shops. Go shopping on a Friday like the locals who stock up on dessert before the weekend.


Pies filled with cheese, potatoes, spinach, mushrooms or meat are sold everywhere: in ordinary stores, in coffee houses, and on street benches. Try at least one variety to get familiar with this common dish.


The name means "within the cream". This is a combination of cookies, marshmallows and chocolate that will conquer any sweet tooth. Similar variants of soufflé are found in other countries, but in Israel they are especially popular.


It is a fruit with a soft and sweet core, covered with a tough and prickly skin on the outside. Some compare him to the Israelis themselves, cold only in appearance and kind in their souls.


Made from tahini and sugar, halva is a dense dessert that is sold large pieces. There is different tastes, from vanilla to coffee, so that every sweet tooth can indulge in a real delicacy.

Israeli wine

Israel annually produces thirty-six million bottles of wine each year. Many vineyards offer tasting tours. If you are interested in wines, be sure to try the Israeli one. It is not the most famous in the world, but it deserves attention.


These are traditional donuts, which are an obligatory part of the winter holidays. If you find yourself in Israel for Hanukkah, you will definitely try this pastry with a sweet creamy filling.


This is another seasonal dish. The name of the cookie can be translated as "Aman's ears". The name is associated with a legend that is remembered before Purim. Bakery triangular shape can be filled with both poppy seeds and fruit jam, sometimes even caramel or cottage cheese.


From chocolate bars to hard candy and sour marmalade, street markets sell an incredible variety of sweets. Take a bag and put on whatever you want, completely forgetting about the calories and the dangers of sugar, at least for a while.


Studies have shown that eating these peanut-flavored corn sticks reduces the likelihood of a child developing a peanut allergy later. Adults also like this dessert, try it while traveling and you.

pomegranate seeds

This fruit has a great symbolic meaning, it represents abundance and fertility. Pomegranates were even depicted in ancient times on coins. Nowadays pomegranate juice are sold from street stalls, and grains can be eaten on the go. This is not a fruit unique to Israel, but the association with this country is there, so do not miss the opportunity to eat pomegranates during your vacation.

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