Home Mushrooms How to peel almond nuts. How to peel or shell almonds. Video: how to peel almonds

How to peel almond nuts. How to peel or shell almonds. Video: how to peel almonds

How to quickly peel almonds? This question is often asked by those who purchased nuts in the husk. In our article we will tell you how to do this. In addition, we will describe the technology for washing and drying nuts. They will also be considered beneficial features.

Preparatory stage

How to peel almonds? Very simple. First, place the roasted almonds in a deep bowl. Then pour boiling water over it. Leave for ten minutes. Then drain the almonds in a colander. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with water (already cold). Then let it drain.

First cleaning method

How to peel almonds? Take one nut. Squeeze it with your fingers. As a result of such actions, pure almonds will pop out of the skin.

Repeat the same procedure with each nut. In five minutes you will quickly peel about three hundred grams of almonds.

Second option

How to peel almonds? First, place the nuts on a towel. Then fold it in half. Then rub the almonds with your palms through the towel. This cleaning method faster than the first, but in in this case Pieces of husk may remain on the nuts.

If you use the second method, remember that almonds contain essential oils, they can leave permanent stains on the towel. Therefore, use something that you wouldn’t mind throwing away in a pinch.

In the microwave

How to peel almonds in the microwave? Take a deep bowl (not iron), then put the nuts there.

Then pour boiling water over them. Place in the microwave. Turn on the device at full power for about thirty to forty seconds. Then remove the plate from microwave oven. Cool the nuts. After which all you have to do is remove the skin and enjoy the tasty and healthy nuts.

How to wash?

Many people are interested in how to wash peeled almonds. After all, people often take it with their hands (perhaps not always clean). Therefore, rinse the nuts thoroughly with water.

This procedure will not harm the taste of almonds. Wash thoroughly under running water warm water. Then dry the nuts either in the microwave or naturally. In addition to washing under running water, you can use boiling water. Pour it over the nuts for a few minutes (up to ten).

After processing, the almonds must be removed from the water using a sieve. Just don't drain the water. Since there will be dirt at the bottom, which will again contain kernels.


When you peel the almonds, you need to dry them immediately. This can be done in or in the oven. This method the most efficient and fastest. Place almonds on a parchment-lined baking sheet. During the drying process, do not forget to stir the nuts every ten minutes. Then cool them.

You can also dry the nuts naturally. But this will take about five days, depending on the room temperature.

Take a tray and cover it with paper. Place almonds on top. Cover it with paper. Thus, the dried nut is great for creating almond flour. The latter can be stored for a long time. How to do it? We'll tell you below.

Almond flour

Almonds can be made into flour. Using a blender, grind the dried and peeled nuts. The finer the grind, the more tender the confectionery products made from this flour will be.

If you want to make a very fine grind, then grind the nut with powder (sugar) in a 1:1 ratio.

What are the benefits of nuts?

Almonds are often called the king nut. Why is that? Because these nuts are incredibly healthy. Almost half of the substances in almonds are fats (more than 49%). Contains approximately 20% protein per 100 grams of product. Almonds also contain beneficial alimentary fiber(approximately 12%). These nuts contain carbohydrates (10%), ash (slightly less than 3%) and water (about 5%).

Almonds also contain saturated fats(4 grams of total). This nut contains fatty acids such as palmitic, stearic, margaric, arachidic and milistic.

Almonds also contain monounsaturated acids (about 30%). Particularly valuable are linoleic and oleic.

Almonds are also rich in vitamins. Contains riboflavin, pyrodixin and thiamine. There is also vitamin B9, PP and pantothenic acid. These nuts are also rich in macroelements. Almonds contain a lot of phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. If we talk about microelements, the nut kernels contain a lot of manganese and copper. There is also selenium, zinc and iron.

Beneficial features

The good thing about Almonds is that if you include them in your diet, you can overcome various diseases (even chronic ones). At the same time for healthy person These nuts are incredibly healthy. Just a couple of kernels per day is enough. Sweet varieties of almonds are considered the most beneficial. These nuts help remove sand from the kidneys. They are an excellent aid in the treatment of urolithiasis.

Almonds are also useful in case of disturbances in the urination process, as well as for enhancing potency. Nuts also have choleretic properties. By consuming these kernels, a person improves blood composition. Therefore, almonds are often used to treat anemia. The nut has a beneficial effect on the liver and spleen. Due to its composition (the presence of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus) it has a positive effect on vascular system and heart. Regular consumption of nuts also improves brain activity. Almonds have a positive effect on nervous system. He calms her down. Almonds also help with insomnia. Thanks to this, you can avoid using medications.

Almonds have antioxidant properties. The substances contained in this nut prevent the destruction healthy cells. This means that the risk of malignant tumors is reduced. Almonds also prevent the development of cancer. Sweet varieties of nuts are good for the stomach and intestines. Almonds are also an excellent cosmetic product. The nut is also used externally. For these purposes it is used almond oil, seed emulsions. These products are used for both skin and hair. They are also used for stretch marks and cellulite.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to peel almonds, as well as the benefits of this nut. We hope that this information was interesting to you.

Gourmet almonds are a delicacy among nuts. It is tasty and a storehouse of benefits. Almonds are used in medicine, cosmetology, perfumery, wine production, confectionery and much more. Rich in valuable oils, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, the nut was known and valued back in ancient Egypt. But the taste and benefits are found only in high-quality nuts. Therefore, it is important to be able to properly peel and store them.

Conditions and periods of storage of shelled and peeled almonds

We are used to nuts being sold already shelled. This makes our life easier, but such a product requires special conditions storage

How to store shelled almonds

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
  • the storage place should be dry, cool and dark;
  • Only completely dry nuts are suitable for storage, without signs of spoilage or mold;
  • Fruits should not be stored next to strong-smelling foods, they will absorb the smell;
  • the storage container must be hermetically sealed; a glass jar with a lid or a container with a vacuum device will do;
  • Dried nuts tolerate storage better; fried nuts will go rancid faster;
  • Do not mix almonds with other types of nuts;
  • when storing almonds in original packaging, follow the recommendations on the label;
  • if the package is opened, pour the fruits into a jar or container and place in the refrigerator;
  • almonds cut into petals have a shorter shelf life than whole almonds, and almond flour even less.
  • The kernels are stored in the refrigerator for up to six months, in the freezer for up to a year.
  • When frozen, almonds do not lose their properties and taste.

In addition to the refrigerator, it can be stored in a cool pantry or on an insulated balcony if the temperature there does not exceed 16-18 degrees. But under such conditions, shelf life is reduced.

Almonds should not be stored without packaging. outdoors- within a few weeks it will deteriorate.

A sign of product spoilage will be a rancid smell and a bitter taste. Do not try to revive such nuts; a spoiled product will only cause harm and can cause poisoning.

Fruits in shell are less finicky to store, but here, too, some conditions must be observed.

Storing almonds in shell

  • For storage, only dry nuts are selected, without mold or rust stains, with intact shells.
  • storage containers must be air-permeable; these can be bags, boxes or glass jars with a loose lid;
  • Storage in plastic bags is not allowed; moisture remaining inside will lead to rapid spoilage of the product.
  • When storing almonds in shells, good air circulation is important;
  • relative air humidity should not exceed 70%;
  • the lower the temperature, the longer the shelf life;
  • at temperatures from -15 0 C to 0 0 C they are stored for up to 5 years, from 10 0 C to 20 0 C - up to 2 years.

Important! The shelf life is indicated from the moment the nuts are collected. If the almonds are from last year's harvest, the period is reduced.

For storage, it is better to give preference to nuts in shell. They retain their nutritional properties and taste longer and are less finicky in storage. And those purchased during the season will save your budget. One problem is that you will have to free them from the shell yourself.

How to peel

The nut kernels are enclosed in a hard shell, the strength of which depends on the type of almond. Paper varieties have a thin and fragile shell that can be broken with your fingers; peeling such almonds is not difficult.

The thin shells of paper grade almonds can be broken with your fingers.

Nuts with thick, strong shells will require more effort.

To peel almonds that are firmly in their shells, you will need special tools.

How to crack almond shells at home

  • nut cracker;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • garlic press.

Advice! When chopping the nut, position it so that the applied force is on the edge. Then the doors will open from the impact and the core will remain intact.

If you have to crack nuts often, it makes sense to purchase a nut cracker. This can be a portable model in the form of tongs or a solid device based on the action of a lever. The nut is placed in a special nest or recess, then the handle is pressed.

After this, all that remains is to free the kernel from shell fragments.

Several varieties of nutcracker - gallery

Due to design features In this model of nut cracker, compression occurs from the sides of the nut The longer the nut cracker lever, the less force required to operate To crack several nuts, all you need is a portable nut cracker with a small lever Nut cracker in the form of tongs works due to the force of the pussy hand

It’s easy to make a simple nut cracker from wood yourself. This will not require much effort, and it will work no worse than the factory one.

How to make a nut cracker with your own hands - video

Not every home has a nut cracker. If you need to split several fruits, a hammer will come to the rescue.

For this purpose, both a regular steel hammer and a wooden one are used.

When chopping with a hammer, it is better to wrap the fruit in a towel so that the shell does not fly apart.

According to the principle of operation, a manual nut cracker is similar to pliers. They can also be used for cracking nuts. Place the nut between the lips of the tool and squeeze the handles - the shell will crack.

It is easy to split almonds using the same method.

Another handy tool for chopping almonds is a garlic press. Place the nut into the garlic well and squeeze the handles. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to control the position of the nut, which is why the kernel will not always remain intact.

Some devices have teeth between the handles; you can place a nut between them.

Use steel appliances; aluminum ones are not designed for such a load and will quickly break.

This is interesting! The almond plant belongs to the plum genus, and what we used to call a nut is not one. This is the kernel of an inedible fruit.

Almonds freed from the shell are covered with skin. It is edible, although it is bitter. But it happens that the kernels need to be peeled, for example, for baking or making marzipan. There are several ways to do this.

Peeling almonds

The most obvious way is with a knife.

Method 1 - with a knife

We scrape each kernel with a knife until complete cleaning. The method is ineffective, requires a lot of time and effort, and part of the kernel is also peeled off along with the skin. Only suitable for cleaning multiple cores.

Method 2 - soaking

The cores are poured cold water and left overnight.

Cover almonds with cold water and leave overnight to soak the skins.

During this time, the peel will become soft and it will be easy to separate it from the kernels. To do this, just press on both sides with a large and index fingers and the core will slip out of the shell. If it does not give in, pry it with your fingernail from the sharp end of the core and pull. After this, repeat the pressure, the core will slip out.

The method is effective, but requires a lot of soaking time. Suitable if this ingredient of the future dish is needed the next day.

Method 3 - blanching

Fast and effective way, allows you to clean a large number of nuts Before you begin, prepare everything you need.

  • heat-resistant bowl;
  • kettle with boiling water;
  • slotted spoon or colander;
  • small plate or dish;
  • a bowl for peeled kernels;
  • container for husks.
  1. Place almonds in a heatproof bowl and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 10 minutes.

    Pour boiling water over the almonds and leave for 10 minutes or boil for 1 minute. Peel the almonds. Drain the water from the nuts or drain in a colander.

    If you really don't have time, boil the nuts for 1 minute on the stove or place them in the microwave at maximum power for 2 minutes.

  2. Pour off the hot water and add cold water. Leave for 5 minutes.

    Drain the nuts or place in a colander

    If necessary, repeat steps 1 and 2 if the peel does not come off easily.

  3. Place the kernels on a plate.

    Clean by pressing down on the thick end of the kernel with your fingers.

"Swim" in cold water almonds optional. Simply remove from hot water onto a plate and let cool slightly before peeling.

How to quickly peel almonds - video

To speed up the process, use a towel.

Method 4 - with a towel

In this way, many nuts are peeled at one time. Its disadvantage is that not all kernels will be preserved intact and those remaining unrefined will have to be processed one at a time. And then it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to wash the towel clean.

Testing different methods of peeling almonds - video

If you replace the towel plastic bag, the process is simplified.

Method 5 - with a package

  1. Place the blanched nuts into a bag, tie it and rub it in your palms until all the nuts are peeled.
  2. You can use a rolling pin and roll the bag of almonds on the table, but then there is a greater chance that the kernels will be damaged.
  3. Pour the peeled kernels into a sieve and shake. The light husk will be on top, and the kernels will be at the bottom.

After cleaning with soaking or blanching, the almonds are washed with cold water to prevent the kernels from darkening. Then dry in the oven at a temperature of 60-80 degrees for about an hour. Soaked ones take longer to dry than blanched ones.

Dried fruits are fried or used raw, depending on the recipe.

Reference. There are bitter and sweet almonds. Only sweet ones are eaten; bitter ones contain toxic substances, it is considered technical and is used for the production of medicines and other purposes after special processing. Eating bitter almonds is dangerous to your health!

Using the above methods, both raw and roasted almonds are cleaned. The fried one should be used immediately after cleaning.

Despite their high cost, almonds are popular due to their nutritious and healing properties and excellent taste. It improves brain function, digestion, metabolism, hair, nails and skin condition. Especially useful for pregnant women. By learning how to properly store and peel almonds, you will add sophistication to your culinary masterpieces and enjoy the pure taste of the royal nut without any bitterness.

Do you need to peel almonds?

Are almonds a nut or not? The almond tree is one of the species of the Almond subgenus of the Plum genus of the Rosaceae family. Its fruit is an oval drupe, inside of which there is an edible part - the “nut”. Outwardly he looks like apricot kernel. Thus, almonds are a stone fruit.

Widely used as food and in cosmetics, as well as in medicine. It has been grown for over 4000 years. Almonds contain almond oil, vitamins, proteins and fats, a little sugar, minerals, the amount of calcium, magnesium and potassium even exceeds that of nuts. Just 20 grams of almonds per day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by exactly half. In addition, it reduces blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

There are sweet almonds, almonds and bitter almonds. Sweet almonds and almonds are eaten, the crumbliness and taste of which are highly appreciated during the Christmas holidays. Used raw, roasted, in chocolate and in various dishes, especially baked goods. Almonds are used to make marzipan, liqueurs, and sweets, to which it imparts a refined taste and unusual aroma. Most often, peeled almonds are required. We’ll look at how to do this quickly and easily in detailed instructions.

Almonds are very beneficial for human health. In them great content various vitamins and microelements that stimulate human body. We'll tell you how to peel almonds later. Regular consumption of almonds reduces the risk of diseases such as:

  • heart attack;
  • visual impairment;
  • anemia;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

IN for preventive purposes It is enough to eat at least 10-15 pieces of nuts several times a day, for both adults and children. Children are recommended to chop nuts.

Many people wonder how to peel almonds. So, everything is actually very simple.

As a rule, the store sells dried nuts in shells. When eating almonds in pure form Almonds need to be peeled. Also, peeled and roasted nuts (both whole kernels and chopped) are widely used in many culinary recipes, when preparing various cakes, cookies, marzipan, pastries and other dishes, both to improve the taste and as a decoration. In all recipes, it is recommended to pre-clean the nuts, since the peel can affect the quality of the finished product, noticeably deteriorating it.

How to peel almonds? Peeling nuts from the shell at home is not the easiest or most enjoyable process. How to peel almonds without problems? This can be done in several ways.

Peeling almonds: method 1

Take a deep bowl and pour almonds into it. Then pour boiling water and leave to cool for 10 minutes, or just boil for no more than 1 minute. Then drain the hot water and pour cold water over the almonds for about 5 minutes. After this, press on the nut. If it easily pops out of the shell, then the trick was a success and you can start cleaning. Otherwise, repeat the procedure.

What is positive about this method (peeled almonds) is that:

  • nut kernels practically do not break during peeling;
  • high-quality cleaning.

What is negative about this method is that:

  • the cleaning process takes a lot of time;
  • nuts are processed one at a time.

After peeling, the nuts must be placed on a sheet or paper on a wire rack and placed in a warm oven (temperature up to approximately 80 degrees). Keep them there as long as they soak until completely dry (about 40 minutes). And only then fry in a frying pan or in the oven at temperatures up to 200 degrees.

Peeling almonds with a towel

Just as in the first case, pour almonds into a deep bowl and pour boiling water for 10 minutes, or boil for 1 minute. Then the water is drained, and the nuts are poured onto the table on half of a towel laid out in advance. Cover the almonds with the other half of the towel and rub them vigorously with your hands. Then they select already peeled nuts, and the rest are also tindered. The procedure is repeated until all the nuts are shelled.

IN this method the good thing is that he is faster than everyone else. The bad thing is that:

  • not all nuts will be shelled;
  • the towel not only gets dirty, but may even tear;
  • not all nuts will be intact after peeling.

Then dry in the oven at a temperature of no more than 80 degrees. Don't forget that peeling the almonds is the first step. Remember that the last process is very important, and in order not to mess with it, you should take the matter seriously.

Peeling almonds: method 3

To remove the shell from the nuts, they must be placed in a colander. Then place in boiling water, keep in boiling water for several seconds (up to 1 minute). Then take them out and check if they are easy to clean as follows. Take 1 or 2 nuts and squeeze them with two fingers. If the peel is easy to peel, the nuts are removed from the water and peeled with your hands, squeezing between your fingers.

After cleaning, be sure to dry it in the oven at a temperature of 50-80 degrees. Then fry in a frying pan or in the oven (temperature 180-200 degrees).

Peeling almonds using a bag and a rolling pin

Pour almonds (almonds in shell) into a deep bowl, pour boiling water over them, and leave for no more than a minute. Then drain the water and pour the nuts into a small bag. Place the package on the table. And use a rolling pin or your hands to grind the bag of almonds. Then pour the contents of the bag into a sieve, the shells will be at the top and the nuts at the bottom.

Select peeled almonds and dry them in the oven (at temperatures up to 80 degrees). You can fry it either in a frying pan or in the oven (temperature range 180-200 degrees). You can set it a little more or a little less degrees - pay attention to the fact that everyone has their own oven and it heats up and works differently.

Peeling almonds: method 5

If only a few nuts are needed to prepare a dish, then one of effective ways- This is peeling almonds according to the principle of peeling a tangerine. Just pry the peel with your fingernail, remove it from the nut, or hook it with a knife and scrape it off. When cleaning with a knife, you should take into account that you can damage and clean off part of the nucleolus itself.

This method is good because the nuts do not get soggy and do not require additional drying in the oven; they can be immediately fried or used according to the recipe. Remember, the most important thing is to dry them a little after water. You can use a colander to drain the water. Well, or another method that will be convenient for you.

Peeling almonds: method 6

Place almonds in a deep bowl. Fill with water (not boiling water) and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water and peel the almonds by squeezing the kernels with your fingers, or wrapping them in a towel and pressing on them (cleaning nuts with a towel).

With this method, the nuts take longer to dry in the oven (temperature from 50 to 80 degrees) than when scalding them with boiling water.

Store peeled almonds in an airtight container in a cool place. Now you know how to peel almonds and how to process them correctly.

How to peel almonds: Video


It’s not for nothing that almonds are considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity, because they contain great amount useful microelements, including tocopherol (vitamin E) and B vitamins. The unique composition of the product is also ensured by a high content of vegetable fats (about 52%). But to get maximum benefit from eating almonds, they must be stored properly and be able to peel them.

  • frozen (the freezer keeps the product fresh more than a year and is not at risk of growing mold, in the refrigerator - up to a year, but you should not re-freeze the nuts - they can spoil);
  • at room temperature (almonds will retain all their taste and beneficial properties for several months if you keep them in a cool and dark place in a hermetically sealed glass or plastic jar);
  • in vacuum packaging (before opening, almonds are stored for as long as indicated by the manufacturer, and after - depending on temperature conditions: cold or at room temperature).
  • This is interesting. Chopped almonds have a worse shelf life; moreover, they can spoil the taste of whole kernels if they end up in the same container.

    There are only two principles for storing almonds indoors - the most common way to store the product:

  • maintaining the humidity level (no more than 75%);
  • maintaining the temperature range (16–18 degrees above zero).
  • Please note that two conditions are the same for both shelled and peeled nuts. Only their shelf life will differ: peeled nuts are stored less than those that have not lost their shells.

    Of course, to taste qualities almonds are completely preserved; in addition to observing the basic principles of storage, it is necessary to take into account a number of subtleties of nut content.

  • The farther the nuts are from the sun and light, the longer they will delight you with their taste. In addition, you should be concerned about the issue of “neighbors”: kernels absorb surrounding odors very well, so you should not store them next to foods with rich aromas.
  • The storage container must be glass or plastic, but must have a lid and be absolutely dry. By the way, after opening the factory packaging, it is better to transfer the nuts to a jar so that the almonds do not acquire an unnecessary aftertaste. If you decide to freeze almonds, you can do this in any packaging, even in a plastic bag.
  • A pungent odor with notes of bitterness indicates that the product is spoiled.
  • Nuts affected by insects or mold can be washed, but the inside of the kernel will still be affected, so such almonds should not be eaten.
  • How to peel and peel almonds

    Processing of nuts occurs in two directions: first we get rid of the shell, and then the husk.

    Clearing the shell

    You can get rid of the hard shell using a good old nut cracker or an indispensable hammer. In the second case, the nuts are wrapped in a towel or newspaper to prevent the shells from scattering.


    It is not recommended to eat nuts in their shells. The fact is that this element of the fetus contains benzaldehyde and amygdalin - substances that affect the rate of tissue regeneration and thicken the blood.

    There are 6 proven ways to get to delicious kernels.

    Removing the peel using water


  • Pour the nuts into a deep bowl, fill with boiling water, and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Drain, fill with cold water, leave for 5 minutes.
  • We press on the nut - the kernel should easily slide out of the peel.
  • If the almonds are not cleaned, repeat the contrast soaking again.
  • Dry the kernels for 3–5 minutes in the oven at 50–80 degrees, fry in a frying pan at 180–200 degrees.
  • This method allows you to clean the nuts efficiently and also avoid breaking them. But we cannot help but say that the processing is delayed, because the kernels are cleaned one at a time.

    Option with a towel


  • Pour boiling water over the almonds in a deep bowl and leave for 10 minutes (you can boil for 1 minute).
  • Drain the water, pour the nuts onto part of the towel laid out on the table.
  • Cover with the other half and shake thoroughly.
  • We select the cleaned kernels, and the remaining three again, etc.
  • Dry in the oven and fry in a frying pan.
  • With this treatment, the nuts are peeled faster, but there will be a lot of “fighting”, and the towel will not only get dirty, but may even tear.

    When cleaning with a towel, there may be quite a lot of damaged kernels, so this method is suitable if the almonds are needed in crushed form.

    Boiling water method

    This cleaning option is similar to soaking in contrasting water.


  • Pour almonds into a colander.
  • Place in boiling water for 1 minute, no more.
  • Take 2 nuts and squeeze them with your fingers. If the core pops out, then you can continue cleaning, and if not, then repeat step 2.
  • Dry the nuts in the oven and fry them in a frying pan to your liking.
  • Peel the skin using a rolling pin


  • Pour boiling water over the nuts for 1 minute.
  • Drain the water, pour the almonds into a bag, and place it on the table.
  • Using a rolling pin, grind the container with nuts. There is no need to press the almonds too hard with a rolling pin.
  • We select ready-made peeled kernels, and repeat the procedure with the rest.
  • Dry and roast the almonds.
  • The advantage of this method is that all the nuts are peeled at once, but the disadvantage is also very significant: the kernels will be severely damaged by the rolling pin.

    The principle of peeling a tangerine

    This option is suitable for situations where only a few nucleoli are needed. It is enough just to pry the husk with your fingernail or knife and remove it from the nut. If you use a knife, remember that you must act very carefully, otherwise you may damage the nucleolus. What's great about this method is that the almonds don't get soggy and don't need to be dried.

    A method for the patient

    For such cleaning, you will need to pour water over the nuts, not boiling water, but regular water. room temperature, and leave to soak overnight. Then drain the water, press the almonds on the sides with your fingers, remove the kernel, dry it and fry the “prey”. Please note that it will take a long time to dry the nuts - about 10 minutes.

    Video: how to peel almonds

    How to peel roasted nuts

    If the almonds were roasted with their skins on, just rub the skins with your fingers or a towel to make them peel off. Although you shouldn’t send the nuts to the frying pan unpeeled if you care about the full aftertaste of the fried fruit: the kernels are better fried without the skin, and they turn out tastier.

    The rules and principles for storing almonds, as well as options for how to peel them, will be useful not only for those who like to treat themselves to tasty and healthy nuts, but also for those who like to add nuts to baked goods. Ruddy nucleoli with unique taste will add an exquisite aftertaste to any gastronomic delicacy, especially baked goods.

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