Home Mushrooms Entertainment and games at corporate events. Competition Whose finger is stronger? Game for New Year's corporate party: “flying gait”

Entertainment and games at corporate events. Competition Whose finger is stronger? Game for New Year's corporate party: “flying gait”

A corporate holiday always strengthens relationships between colleagues, even if they were once strained, the holiday will improve them. And for the best corporate event, we have selected competitions and games.

Guess the famous person
Those interested are divided into 2 teams. The celebrities that everyone will guess must be written down on cards and placed in a bag or hat, from where they will be pulled out. When one team pulls out a piece of paper, they must describe the celebrity without saying the name. And the other team must guess. Whoever guesses it right more times wins.

Guess what?
The goal of the game is to blindly guess who is in front of you by touch. Participants are not allowed to speak, and the one who touches should not grope the participants; only hair, hands and clothes can be touched.

Find a bagel in 15 seconds.
The competition is best suited for playing outdoors. On no tall tree, a bagel is hanging. The Victim is blindfolded and spun around several times. He is given 20 seconds to do everything, during which he must find a bagel and eat it.

Guess the questions.
A lot of people can play this game. One person makes a wish for someone from the group, who is also participating, and the others ask him questions, answering which, everyone will understand who the player made a wish for. Questions should be like “If it was a plant, what kind?”, “If it was a car, what kind?”, “If it was an animal, what kind?” and so on.

Fantasy game
Participants are divided into 2 teams. One person from each team leaves. After this, the presenter says one word (long, wide, tall, thin, etc.) associated with the physical or moral abilities of people. People who come out will have to show something on their body related to this word and compete with each other. The game is very fun if you use your imagination. For example, it may turn out: the longest is the tongue, the shortest is the time of listing letters in the alphabet, the highest is the distance of raising the eyebrows, and so on.

Make the person leave.
2 participants sit on chairs facing each other. Their goal is to do something cultural so that a person stands opposite, and another can take his place.

For example, you can hug, kiss, make strange noises and so on.

Answer the question quickly.
Participants sit in a circle. The presenter will be in the center and will ask questions to which participants are given 1-2 seconds to answer. The questions are so elementary that you don’t really need to think about them, but as a fact, many are lost due to the fact that little time is given.

What day comes after Friday?
What was the name of the first president of Ukraine?
How many hands do you have?
How old are you?
What is your name?
What city do you live in?
You are bald?
What letter comes after I?
What is the year now?
What is your father's name?
What's 2 2?
What number comes after 8?
What month is it?
How many children do you have?
What street do you live on?
What are you sitting on?
To a man: did you wear a dress today?
To a woman: did you shave today?
What color is the sky?

Competition "Broken Phone"
Everyone sits in a row, the first player thinks of a word or phrase and quickly whispers it to the next one, and so on. After a word has passed through the entire chain, the beginner announces the intended word or phrase, and the last one announces what came to him. As they say in Odessa, what was hidden and what was revealed are “two big differences.”

Competition "In my pants..."
You will need:
Headlines cut out from newspapers (not necessarily funny, it will become funny in the game) as much as possible. The most important thing is more.
All this is folded into a paper envelope, glued together like pants.
Participants sit in a circle, and then pull out the prepared clippings and, with the words “In my pants,” read what is written on the piece of paper. It should look something like “in my pants... - Putin visited Agriculture". And so on in a circle until the pieces of paper run out.

Ring throw.
Empty bottles and bottles with alcohol and alcohol are lined up tightly next to each other on the floor. soft drinks. Participants are asked to place a ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 m. Whoever manages to put a ring on a full bottle takes it as a prize. The number of throws for one participant must be limited.
The ring is cut out of thin cardboard. Ring diameter – 10 cm.

In a plate
The game is played while eating. The driver names any letter. The goal of the other participants is to name an object with this letter contained in the currently on their plate. Whoever names the object first becomes the new driver. The driver who says the letter for which none of the players could come up with a word receives a prize.
It is necessary to prohibit the driver from always calling the winning letters (e, i, ъ, ь, ы).

Participants sit at a table. A driver is chosen from among them. Players pass candy to each other under the table. The driver's task is to catch one of the players passing the candy. The one who is caught becomes the new driver.

The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses a concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words or sounds. The second team tries to guess what is being shown to them in three attempts. Then the teams change roles. The game is played for fun, but you can count points for solved pantomimes.

Perhaps make a guess: individual words, phrases from famous songs and poems, proverbs and sayings, idioms, fairy tales, names of famous people. A concept can be shown by one or several people.

The best compliment.
Because the a real man must be gallant and be able to find an approach to a woman’s heart; in this competition, participants compete in delivering compliments to the fair sex.

General holidays are always great. Colleagues open up in unexpected ways, new acquaintances are made, friendships are formed, the team becomes more friendly and united. But feasting and dancing are not enough for this, so competitions for corporate events are an obligatory part of the scenario.

Competitions for corporate events with prizes:

"Bottle Catcher"

On the floor you need to line up empty and full bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Participants in the competition must place the ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 meters. If you manage to “ring” a full bottle, then it goes as a prize. Each participant has 3 attempts. Throwing rings are cut out of thin multi-colored cardboard, the diameter of the ring is about 10 cm.

"Big races"

Two “paths” are lined up on the table from scrap materials - plates, glasses, glasses. Two players participate per elimination. They are given balls and straws for cocktails. The participants' task is to get their ball to the finish line as quickly as possible by blowing on it through a straw. The winner of the final “race” receives a prize and the title “Schumacher of the Night”.

Competitions for corporate parties at the table

"Test joke"

Unfamiliar abbreviations are written in a column in advance on pieces of paper. Opposite each of them, participants must write any proverb or line from a song.

After everyone has completed the task, the presenter announces the decoding of the abbreviations and invites them to read the results out loud.

It is better to come up with abbreviations based on the theme of the holiday, for example, PPG - the first Monday of the year, LO - summer vacation, PIK - bonus based on the results of the quarter, LRG - best worker of the year.

"Do it"

Those sitting at the table are divided into several teams. Choose general theme competition - numbers, animals, winter, etc. Teams must take turns recalling a line from a song that matches the theme and singing it out loud. Whoever lasts the longest wins. As a rule, the most resourceful ones win, who, for example, even confidently associate the song “You Left Me” with the theme “animals.”

for corporate events

"Who am I?"

All sorts of names, not the simplest ones, are written on the cards in advance (for example, “tank”, “lemur”, “hip”, “bun”, “fairy”, etc.) and placed in envelopes. The host invites the guests to choose one sealed envelope each, pulls out a card from there so that the participant cannot read it, and attaches the inscription to his back. Over the course of the evening, participants find out their new “names” from each other by asking questions. You can only answer “no” or “yes”. The main thing is that the “name of the evening” is not attached to the participant forever.


Only men participate in this competition. They are invited to feel “a little pregnant” and attach a large balloon to their stomach with tape. A box of matches is scattered in front of each participant. The task is to collect all the matches as quickly as possible without bursting your “ pregnant belly».

Competitions for New Year's corporate parties


In a large box, you need to put funny wardrobe items in advance: “family” panties, a red clown nose, colored caps, baby bibs, foil wigs, huge bras, etc. Participants line up in a circle and pass the box to each other to the music. The presenter periodically stops the music. The one who has the box in his hands must, without looking, pull out the object and put it on. The main condition is not to take off this “outfit” for an hour.

"Snowball in a Spoon"

Two participants are given a tablespoon and a cotton wool snowball. At the signal they run to different sides around the Christmas tree. Whoever returned to the leader first and did not drop the snowball won.

Selecting suitable competitions for a corporate event is a fun and easy task. The scope of the holiday can be absolutely anything - from a luxurious restaurant to an office room, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is the atmosphere of fun and ease, because this is what brings people together and builds the team spirit of the team.

When a company celebrates a holiday, subordinates inevitably have to contact their superiors. To prevent such a pastime from becoming boring and obsequious, you need to look for additional solutions. Funny competitions for a New Year's corporate party with jokes that will allow the entire vacationing public to relax and have a wonderful evening can be a great help in this regard.

  • Movable
  • Musical and dance
  • Alcoholic
  • Table


The road to the festive table

It is best to set aside time for this competition for adults at the beginning of the New Year's corporate party. It is necessary to divide everyone into two teams, to which the leader will ask comic (to put it mildly) riddles. Each correct answer is accompanied by a step in the direction of the table, and each incorrect answer is accompanied by a step in the opposite direction. Here are some questions you might have:

  • A hairy head fits neatly behind the cheek - what is it? (Toothbrush).
  • What can you see in the woman who raised her leg? There are 5 letters in the word - the first “p”, the last “a”? (Heel).
  • He takes from one place and gives to others - what is it? (ATM).
  • Why do goats have sad eyes? (Because my husband is an asshole).
  • Where your hair doesn't get wet even in heavy rain? (On a bald head).
  • Is it possible to kill a mother-in-law with cotton wool? (Yes, if you wrap the iron in it).
  • What is Adam's front and Eve's back? (The letter a").
  • Small, wrinkled, every woman has it - what is it? (Highlight).
  • Why do women scratch their eyes in the morning? (Because they don't have eggs).
  • What is on a woman's body, on a Jew's mind, is used in hockey and on the chessboard? (Combination).
  • What should you do if you get into the car and your feet can’t reach the pedals? (Move to the driver's seat).
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign).
  • The more there are, the less weight. What is this? (Holes).
  • Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (Spare).
  • What is it: 15 cm long, 7 cm wide and very popular with women? (100$ note).

Riddle for the boss

To hold this cool competition for a New Year's corporate party, it is better to choose a time when your bosses will come to the party. When the boss appears, all the staff stands in a row with their backs to him, each with a Santa Claus hat on his head. The boss must recognize each employee from behind, without seeing his face. If he recognizes every single one, then the group will sing something for him, and if he confuses or forgets someone, he will have to fulfill that person’s wishes.

New Year's couples

When New Year's company Having already warmed up and relaxed enough at the festive table, you can organize a competition to identify New Year's couples. Everyone breaks into pairs (not necessarily by gender), comes up with funny names for them, for example, Estonian policeman and drunken Santa Claus, and a corresponding character for these characters. funny scene. When all the couples have presented their miniatures, the audience chooses the most artistic one, who is awarded a prize.

New Year's police patrol

To competitions for New Year were exciting and interesting for everyone, in the New Year's games, from among the participants until the end of the party you can choose a “police patrol”, whose task will be to ensure that everyone smiles, no one is sad, does not shy away from participating in competitions and has fun. For despondency and sadness, there is a strict punishment - to fulfill the team's forfeits, otherwise you will not see bonuses in the new year.


The presenter prepares tokens with the names of fairy-tale characters in advance and distributes them to the competition participants. They must use pantomime to make it clear to the public who they are portraying. The task can be simplified somewhat by narrowing the type of characters to New Year's ones or, for example, taking only animals. The audience will determine the most artistic mime of the work collective.

Draw a New Year's boss

For this fun you need to prepare a sheet of Whatman paper and a marker. Participants in the competition take turns drawing out their forfeits, which indicate the part of the boss’s image that they will have to draw. Then, also one by one and blindfolded, the participants approach the “canvas” and draw their detail of the boss. Since he must be New Year's, his clothes must resemble those of Santa Claus, and his face must have thick beard. Everyone will have to show intuition so that their part of the body ends up in the right place, but you also need to place a sleigh, reindeer, and a bag of gifts there.

In general, Picasso would be jealous of the result, and the boss would probably like it too.

Sleight of hand

To run this competition for 4 participants, you will need a stool, 4 eye scarves and 4 tablespoons. The stool is placed upside down, the participants are placed near its legs with their backs to the stool and blindfolded. Agree, the most fun competitions for a New Year's corporate party are those where participants need to do something with their eyes closed. So, the presenter gives them the command to take three full steps forward, after which each person is given a spoon and tasked with placing the spoon on “their” leg of the stool. The audience can give hints, guiding the “blind,” but behind the general hubbub they can make out little. The spectacle turns out to be hilarious.

Round dance

Guests of the holiday silently dance around the Christmas tree. The presenter explains the rules - he will ask the question “Do we all have...?” ending with a body part. Having heard such a question, the round dance participants must take each other by the corresponding part of the body. It all starts with innocent hands, but then the presenter moves on to ears, noses, and then even to breasts and “fifths” (if the composition of the company allows).

Siamese twins

The competition must involve randomly selected pairs that are paired back to back. Then you can playfully mock them - let them quickly make a circle around the tree or dance a waltz, or even better - a sailor's apple. Oh, and such a “Siamese twin” will make everyone laugh!

Passionate encounter

This competition is intended for real - married couples. Spouses are placed at some distance from each other, and between them open bottle with an alcoholic drink. The husband is blindfolded, given a good spin, after which he is asked to approach his wife and hug her passionately. He carefully tries to move towards her, because he is afraid of knocking over the bottle, but he has no idea that it had already been removed by this time.

Enjoy the gift

After presenting the gifts, you can hold a competition like this. The Snow Maiden chooses how guests should carry their gifts: placing them on their heads, holding them between their legs, on their shoulders, etc. It is important here that the gifts are not breakable or too heavy.

Santa Claus bag

All participants in the feast line up in a row, with Santa Claus at one end and his bag of gifts at the opposite end. When the music starts, the last participant picks up the bag, spins it around himself and passes it into the hands of the next one in the row. At some point the music stops, then the participant who was holding the bag at that moment must perform some number at the request of Santa Claus. And only when the bag makes it all the way to its owner will he begin distributing gifts.


Everyone loves it at corporate events funny competitions with unchildish overtones. So if you are confident in the adequacy and good sense of humor of everyone present, include this fun in your list.

Volunteers are called to participate in this competition - 5 females and 6 males. Women stand in a circle facing each other, legs spread wide, which form a kind of mink. The men walk around outside the circle with music playing. When the music stops, each of them must immediately stick his head into the free “hole”. They need to hurry, because one will not get the mink. The unwary player drops out of the game, giving way to a new one.

Do you want to add other “adult” competitions to your collection? You will find them in another article on our website.

New Year's cricket for men

We need four brave souls, to whom the presenter gives each woman's stocking, in which lies a potato. They fasten the end of the stocking to the belt so that the potato dangles between the legs. Using this device, each participant must move a personal cube from one point to another. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner. Potatoes can be replaced with a banana or any other heavy object.


Two or more pairs of players can take part in the competition. Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The task is for one of the pair to wrap it around the other, turning him into a semblance of Egyptian mummy. The task is timed, but the quality of the work is also assessed.


They compete in the competition in pairs, each participant is given a snowflake (a piece of cotton wool) and a spoon. They must, without dropping the snowflake, carry it in a spoon from start to finish faster than their competitor. The competition can be turned into a relay race between two teams.

All participants in this fun and cool competition for a New Year's corporate party form a circle, holding hands. There should be no sharp, breakable or other dangerous objects nearby. The host tells each player in his ear the names of two animals. And he loudly explains to everyone that when he pronounces the name of an animal, the person to whom it was whispered must quickly sit down, and his closest neighbors on both sides, sensing his intention, must prevent him, supporting him by the arms. This must be done at a fairly fast pace, without breaks.

The thing is that the host calls all the players a whale as the second animal. At first, he shouts out the name of one or another animal with understandable consequences. But at some point he says “Whale!” - and everyone falls to the floor together, because there is no one to hold them!


The presenter is looking for three participants, who are given 3 balloons, a felt-tip pen and tape. They must make a snowman from this material. The winner is the one who manages it the fastest and does not lose a single ball.

Almost like Russian roulette

The presenter calls 6 daredevils and presents them with 6 chicken eggs, explaining that one of them is raw, and the rest are boiled. Next, the participants must take turns taking the first egg they come across and hitting themselves on the forehead with it. Everyone is anticipating that if someone is unlucky, they will get a raw egg. Special sympathy will be given to the last player, who simply must come across the ill-fated raw egg. What a relief the daredevil will be when it also turns out to be boiled. He deserves to receive a prize for courage if he was not afraid to break this egg.

Several guys can compete and are asked to choose a pretty lady from those present. Then the presenter asks the men what part of the body they were attracted to specific women. They name them, for which they are given the task of writing an advertisement for these body parts. The most successful advertising option is rewarded with a prize.

In order

The presenter blindfolds all participants in this competition and whispers in their ears their place in the queue. Then a signal sounds, according to which everyone must line up in accordance with their numbers, without uttering a sound.

Hit the target

This is a well-known and very fun competition, which is more suitable for the stronger sex. For it you will need empty bottles, and for each participant pencils and pieces of rope about a meter long. The pencil is tied to one end of the rope, and the other is tucked into the belt. An empty bottle is placed on the floor in front of each participant, into which he must put his pencil without hands.

Baba Yaga

This competition can be designed as a relay race between several teams. Participants in the game must race in a mortar (bucket) with a broom (mop) forward to the line and back to their team, passing the baton and props to the next player. Since the “mortar” is small, only one leg fits into it, so you need to hold the bucket with your hand, and the other will hold a mop. The racing is a lot of fun!


To conduct this competition you need to write on scraps of paper various tasks, roll them up and put them in balloons, which you then inflate. The presenter gives the players balls, and they must pop them without their hands and take out the task that they have to complete. You need to come up with fun tasks, for example:

  • climb onto a chair;
  • crow and announce that Santa Claus is approaching;
  • depict chimes striking;
  • sing a New Year's song;
  • eat a slice of lemon without sugar with a smile on your face, etc.

Musical and dance

Best Dance Group

Best funny New Year's competitions are often associated with music. Those wishing to take part in this competition should be divided into 2-3 teams and each should be given their own song. In a short time, the team must come up with an original New Year's dance based on its motive, which must include bows and support. The group whose dance the public likes the most should receive some kind of prize.

Guess the melody

If you are present at the holiday good musicians, then you can arrange the next competition with them. The orchestra plays the melody of a New Year's-themed song, and listeners must remember the words from it. The participant who picks up the most songs will win. Here it is advisable to use not only hits that set people on edge, but also rarely heard songs, so that people have to rack their brains.

Everybody dance

Anyone can take part in this dance competition at the New Year's corporate party. You need to ask to start either a fast and moving melody, or, conversely, a slow melody. Participants in the competition will need to dance only with a certain part of the body in accordance with the card drawn out by each, on which the active part of the body will be indicated, for example, head, fingers, legs, stomach, “fifth point”, etc. The one whose dance is the most expressive will win. will receive a prize.

Follow the link and you will find even more New Year's competitions for your corporate party on our website.

Dancing on an ice floe

When the first dance break begins during a break in the feast, not all guests take advantage of it. The presenter can easily take note of such “lazy people” and mentally “sentence” them to participate in the next competition. A sheet of newspaper is placed on the floor for each participant in the competition, who, on command, begins to dance on it. Then the music is turned off and the newspaper is folded in half. And again dancing, but in a smaller area. And so on several times until the newspaper turns into a piece of paper. The audience rewards the best dancer with applause, and then everyone moves on to real dancing.

Let's sing, friends!

Particularly popular music competitions for a corporate party on New Year's Day. In the competition described, all guests must be divided into two choirs. First, one choir asks a question by singing a line from a song, for example, “What should I give you, my dear man?” The rival team must give a worthy answer: “Million, million, million Red roses..." The competition continues until one of the teams has an answer.


Think for three

Cool New Year's competitions for corporate parties are never complete without alcohol, and so that the team not only drinks, but also has fun, you can turn drinking into a game. For example, in this competition you will not need to jump, run or squat, but only drink.

Teams of 3 people must participate, each of which is given a bottle of champagne. The presenter gives the go-ahead, upbeat music is turned on, and the teams open the bottles and try to drink them as quickly as possible. For three it's not that difficult. The team that is the first to raise the empty bottle up is declared the winner.

New Year's cocktail

Several people participate in the competition, a blindfolded presenter and a “bartender”. The latter must prepare each volunteer a personal cocktail from any drinks present at the festive table. The bartender picks up bottle after bottle and asks the “host”: “This one?” When he answers in the affirmative, the bartender pours the ingredient into a glass, and so on until each participant has 3 in their glasses. different ingredients. After this, all that remains is to make a toast and drink a cocktail.

Champagne in a glass, tangerine in your mouth

Participants are divided into teams of 3 people, each given a closed bottle of champagne, an unpeeled tangerine and glasses. At the go-ahead from the leader, the teams must open their bottles, pour out the drink and drink it, then peel the tangerine, divide it into slices and eat it. The team that finishes everything first will be the winner.


Get rid of your significant other

Competitions and entertainment for the New Year can lead to anything, so it wouldn’t hurt to come up with explanations for different situations for your other half in advance. Participants take out forfeits, where it is described specific situation, for which they will have to come up with witty excuses. Situations may be like this:

  • there are traces of lipstick on the collar of the shirt;
  • a napkin with the number of some Tamara was found in his trouser pocket;
  • the wife came home wearing men's shoes;
  • what's a man's tie doing in your purse?;
  • the husband is wearing his underpants inside out;
  • I receive an SMS on my phone saying “thank you for the hot evening”, etc.

Treasure for the boss

This competition will show how well the boss knows his team. The host receives one personal item from all participants in the feast and puts them in a box or bag. Naturally, the boss should not see this. Then the presenter invites the boss to take one thing out of the bag and guess the name of its owner.


Between active fun and games, you shouldn’t forget about table competitions at the New Year’s corporate party, because they help restore a little strength, but at the same time do not let the team at the table get bored.

The presenter prepares several simple phrases, for example, “The storm covers the sky with darkness.” The participants in the game must take turns pronouncing it, but in their own way, giving different intonations: interrogative, exclamatory, sarcastic, sad, angry, etc. The player whose imagination in choosing intonation has dried up is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who came up with the last pronunciation option.

You can change this competition at the table a little: the presenter himself tells each participant the intonation with which he should say the phrase. The one who was the most convincing wins.

Which competition did you like the most? Do you know others interesting competitions for New Year's corporate events? Share your opinion and experience in the comments - our readers will find it useful!

Holding competitions and games is, without a doubt, the central link of the holiday. To stretch your legs, show ingenuity and dexterity, have fun yourself and please others, this is exactly what all the festive events are for. We offer fun competitions for New Year's corporate parties, to some extent they overlap with the New Year's theme, but still are not highly specialized, they are rather universal.

Dumpling maker


Friends! Shouldn't we do some cooking? No, no, dear ladies and housewives, don’t rush to throw tomatoes and cutlets at me, that’s not what I meant at all! I am delighted with your culinary talents in general and today’s table in particular! You are inimitable and delightful, and not a single most famous chef of the most famous restaurant could cook better than you did for us! I just want to present some elements of culinary art in the form of a game! Let's try some cooking! Today we will cook dumplings. By the way, dear hostesses! As the main experts in food preparation, I want to ask you: are dumplings a simple or complex dish? Ah, that's it! Store-bought dumplings are easy to prepare, but making them yourself is a difficult task, it’s an art! Thank you. So, today we will not look for easy ways. We are starting a competition called Pelmennitsa!

Since real dumplings are not easy to make, the contestants will do this in pairs. Participants will distribute responsibilities among themselves. One of them will make dumplings (lepilytsik), and the other will throw the finished dumplings into the dish (kidalytsik). And this is also not an easy matter, as we will see. Let's cast lots to determine the order of the pairs' competition. Okay, first two couples, get ready!

What is needed for the competition:

  • Caramel in blue and red candy wrappers.
  • Paper for notes.
  • Stool.
  • Pot.
  • Matchboxes and tablespoons for catapults.

The Lepilyts are given a handful of caramel - one in blue candy wrappers, the other in red. The number of caramels in both handfuls is the same. They, the lepilyts, are also given a stack of ordinary paper for notes. Caramel is “minced meat”, paper is “dough”. The lepilytsik must wrap the “minced meat” in the “dough” and pass the finished “dumplings” to the kidalytsik.

Each thrower from a stool, using a catapult, must throw the finished products into a pan standing a meter away from him. A catapult is made from an ordinary matchbox and a tablespoon lying across it.

The pan is common to both teams. As soon as one of the competing pairs exhausts the supply of “minced meat” (caramel), the competition stops.

The number of accurate hits for each team is counted and the winner is determined. As a reward, he receives a kilogram of real, most delicious dumplings, which he invites everyone to taste the next day.

By the way, there may be more teams competing in this competition, if there is required quantity caramels of other colors - green, yellow, etc.



People meet, people fall in love,
They get married.
I'm so unlucky in this that it's just

Now, this was a man's song. Now can I have a women's one? Just a couple of phrases and that’s it, I won’t torment you anymore:

And I have enough gentlemen,
But I don’t have good love...

What do you think? Is it better not to go to the Star Factory? Yes, to be honest, I didn’t even hope. Just pay attention to what the songs are about: someone loves or wants to love, but it doesn’t work out. For a song, the theme is good, it touches the soul, but for a person, to put it mildly, it’s not very good. And all because of what? Due to the inability to make an oncoming movement in time. I would like to hope that this does not threaten you and me, but just in case, we will still practice during the game called Engagement!

What you need to play:

  • Ring with a diameter of 10cm.
  • One and a half liter bottle.
  • Rope.

What is betrothal? Right. Betrothal is putting a ring on the finger of the chosen one - the chosen one. Since people do this seriously at other times, let’s take up engagement lightly. We will select participants - boys and girls, they should be divided into pairs.

A string must be tied to the ring, which is attached to the girl’s belt so that the ring does not reach 10-15 centimeters to the floor.

And the finger will also be rather big. To put it bluntly, the bottle itself will be the “finger” on which you need to put the ring. The bottle is placed between the young man’s knees. The boy and the girl stand facing each other at a distance of half a meter. They are faced with the task of getting engaged, that is, putting the ring on the “finger” as many times as possible in one minute.

The engagement can be organized differently: place another couple of the engaged couple next to each other. The organizers of the competition assign prizes to the winners at their discretion; a hint will be a list of lottery prizes and a list of traditional gifts with non-traditional accompanying text.

Pirates of the 20th century


Can you name the first domestic action movie? That's right - "Pirates of the 20th Century." Many of us probably still remember the excitement that once reigned around the film: rumors, queues, enthusiastic stories of the lucky ones and hundreds of thousands of boys shouting “kya-ya!” they broke their hands on boards and bricks. Now you won’t surprise us with such plots and tricks, but let’s shake off the old days. I invite you to the game Pirates of the 20th Century!

What is needed for the competition:

  • Two ropes.
  • Ball.
  • Kimonos and karate belts (which ones will be available).

We won’t shoot, and there’s shooting on TV almost every minute. Let's add variety. Today every man's weapon will be his own body.

Let each of the game participants try on a kimono and a karate belt. You have to hit the target exactly. Taking into account the general relaxed and blissful festive state, the goal will be soft and safe for the hands and feet of the “karateka” - an ordinary inflatable ball, like children play on the beaches. But for you, warriors, this is a scoundrel who must be defeated!

Two assistants must horizontally hold a taut rope, to the center of which the ball is tied with the help of another small rope. First you need to strike the “enemy” in the head. To do this, the assistants must raise both the rope and the ball to the appropriate height.

Stage 1

Those wishing to demonstrate their martial arts“First, from 3 meters away, they must carefully look at the target and remember its location, after which they are blindfolded. They then move towards the enemy and strike. One approach - one blow. You cannot feel the space in front of you and look for a goal. He approached and hit. Got it - well done! Let's take it sailing. If you didn't hit, you'll have better luck next time. It's a game.

Stage 2

After checking the strength and accuracy of your hands, you need to try your legs. Otherwise, what kind of karate is this? The assistants must lower the target to a height of 1 m from the floor - and a new series of approaches and strikes.

The luckiest one will receive a “black belt in large daisies”, established by the ladies present, and the honorable right to open bottles with the edge of the palm.



It just so happened historically that the desire to imitate is strong among our people. Especially everything abroad. Well, what can you do? Even the greats were guilty of this. Peter the Great, for example. And he made an army in a foreign style, and dresses, and all sorts of other things. And there was a fashion for German, and French, and simply overseas. And so it still continues. Are you smiling? Please. Most best repair which one is considered? That's the same, “euro”! What about entertainment?! Now many of our people are learning to play their baseball, and not them learning to play our rounders, although there is no fundamental difference in the games. Well, what can you do, as it is, so it is. Bye. And, according to fashion, we will also call our next entertainment in a foreign manner. So, let's play Golf!

What you need to play:

  • Potato.
  • Strings.
  • Children's bucket without handle.
  • Two leather belts.

The name is similar to English golf. And in essence it’s a little similar: we will also try to get the object into the hole. Only this will not happen on a green lawn, but right here, in this room. And the “ball” will be limited in its mobility, because we will tie it with a rope to the belt of one of the players. The ball is a potato.

The “hole,” on the contrary, will not be fixed, as in classic golf. The “hole” in our case is a small children’s bucket without a handle, which will also be suspended from the belt of the player, this time a woman. It is attached to the belt by threading strings through the holes of the bucket (you need to prepare two trouser belts in advance).

Players, standing at a distance of 50 cm from each other, without touching the rope with their hands and without lowering the “shells” to the floor, must hit the “ball” into the “hole” as many times as possible within a certain time, for example, in 1 minute. They compete in pairs.

Cat Basilio


Dear friends, let me carry you out short test not so much on knowledge, but on speed of reaction. The question is quite simple: list the five senses that nature has endowed humans with. I knew you could handle this easily. So, vision, hearing and smell. We use them when we determine something at a distance. And taste and touch help us with direct contact with an object.

Probably, it would be good to learn to use the last two from a distance: they are just bringing us the salad, and we are already saying: “Oh, that’s not necessary, you have bitter cucumbers there!” Or in the kitchen, determine the temperature of the water in the kettle without touching it with your hands. Dreams, dreams... But do we need to change them? No, as for the taste, let it remain as it is, otherwise all the charm of tasting will be lost good wines and exotic dishes. But let’s try to develop the sense of touch a little, as one famous literary hero tried to do. I offer you a game called Basilio the Cat!

What you need to play:

  • Cane.
  • Bandage.
  • Stool.

As you know, despite the “Blind” sign, the cat did not suffer from lack of vision and only felt objects with a stick for the sake of appearance. So you try to determine what is in front of you. Take a cane and lean on it. A blindfold is put on the eyes.

Objects that are at hand are placed on a stool, and those who want to participate in the game try to understand what is in front of them. For the correct answer - a prize (for some a full glass, and for others the title of “chief seer”). If the answer is incorrect, the player gets a forfeit.

Table Roulette


Gentlemen! I hope you know what roulette is? Let me remind you, firstly, a tape measure is a measuring tape enclosed in a case. Secondly, it is one of the most popular in the whole world gambling. True, there are several types of “national” roulettes. Of these, the most famous is the Russian one, when they use a revolver with one cartridge in the cylinder. Everyone takes turns cocking the gun and putting the barrel to their temple. There is an American race of ten cars on a mountain road, but only nine have good brakes. There is a French one - spend the night with five girls, but only four do not have AIDS. I also suggest you play roulette. She has no nationality. It doesn't even have an established name. So let it be just Table Roulette!

What you need to play:

  • Table.
  • Card deck.

Two cards from the deck are put aside, and the rest are scattered on the table to form a small mound, that is, a pile of cards in which they lie quite freely, but not a single card is completely separate from the others.

After this, the set aside cards are placed in a house on top of the mound. All players must take turns pulling out one card from it. This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the house on the top. If it does fall, the player whose actions caused it performs the task of the other players, or takes off one item of clothing, or is punished in some other way.

For example:

  • puts 10 rubles “on the barrel”. The winner will receive the entire amount collected at the end of the game.
  • runs for beer, vodka, etc.,
  • drinks a glass of vodka,
  • washes a dirty plate
  • sings a song, etc.

The loser can be punished more severely - excluded from the game, or a "survivability" limit can be introduced. Let's say, punish up to three times and only then take him out of the game. So choose your punishment, determine the limit of “survivability”, and go ahead!

Rhino in love


My friends! And when you're in last time fell in love? However, the couples present may not answer the question. Even if they fell in love with someone not so long ago, they will still say that love visited them when they met their half. Maybe “unpaired” guests will be more frank?

I ask this question, trying to find the most “freshly in love”, so that with its help we can remember as accurately as possible what happens to us at the moment of “the heart being struck by cupid’s arrow.” So, the signs of falling in love are approximately the following: sleep disturbance, rapid heartbeat, general absent-mindedness, periodically replaced by attacks of uncontrollable work enthusiasm...

Is that all or is there something else? That's it! I deliberately did not name it myself, waiting for you to say it: bursts of creative talent and inspiration, including among those to whom the Creator clearly lacked talent.

Yes, everyone starts writing music, poetry and paintings. Almost without exception, everyone is human. What are the animals like? I wonder if, when falling in love, they are capable of creative impulses? Let's do our research. Let's play Rhino in Love!

What you need to play:

  • Canvases.
  • Markers.
  • Two hats with earflaps.

Imagine a rhinoceros. Introduced? Now think about how this animal can paint a picture inspired by his love? I think the only one free part body, that is, a horn, because only four limbs can hold it, so heavy. So you will have to depict a drawing rhinoceros on all fours.

The canvas is fixed at a height of about half a meter from the floor. And the felt-tip pen is inserted into one of the lapels of the hat with earflaps. It would be better if two “painters” began to create at once.

If he draws a “rhino,” then a rhino. If “rhino,” then she should depict a rhinoceros. And if he and she draw at the same time, then they will have to draw from nature, which will be nearby.



Ladies and Gentlemen! I want to ask you two questions, answering which you will receive prizes. The first question will be easy. Please name the only Russian television program in which you can win a lot of money by participating, and which was born in our country, and not “written off” from foreign analogues? That's right, this is the program “What? Where? When?". The main expert will receive a prize. The question is easy, so the prize awarded is small (at the presenter’s choice).

Well, now - the second question. I am addressing you as a team of experts from the just named program! Choose a captain, great! Let's get to know each other, captain... Very nice, croupier! You know the rules of the game as well as I do. You will have one minute to discuss. So - silence in the studio! An intelligent casino plays against experts!

...In world nature, -
In the struggle of the elements, in the gradual development
All beings, all forms were created
And they lit up with mighty life!

Dear experts! In one minute you need to name the author of these poetic lines! Time has passed, we are waiting for an answer!

(One minute later, after the answer from the “experts”, who probably went crazy.)

“The struggle of the elements, the development of gradual ...” should be understood as “natural selection, heredity and variability.” These lines briefly outline the theory of evolution, the author of which is Charles Darwin, and the author of the lines read is also Darwin, but not Charles, but his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin. Half a century before his grandson, he outlined the theory of the development of the animal world in his philosophical poems! The experts lost this round!

...We lost, but, I hope, we weren’t upset, the question was from the category of “unanswerable” and is unlikely to make it onto the table of a real game. I asked it for the sole purpose - once again remind you of the connection between all living things. Let us remember, let us understand the importance of the issue, and the process of transformation, necessary for the game Reserve, will go easier.

What you need to play:

  • Blindfolds.

All participants must leave the table and move chairs and other objects that will interfere with the movement of animals throughout the reserve as far as possible. Yes, everyone present ended up on the territory of the reserve. All participants in the game are animals, its inhabitants. They are faced with the task of finding their blindfolded relatives by voice and characteristic sounds.

Everyone is blindfolded. The presenter approaches everyone and speaks into the ear the name of the animal that the player will imitate. Each player will have at least two, and more often, more relatives.

At the command “Start!” relatives must find each other by characteristic sounds: grunting, hissing, etc. and unite - hold hands. As soon as the players are sure that they have collected all “theirs” from the territory of the reserve, they raise their hands up. If you are truly the first and have not lost anyone, you are winners. You receive prizes, congratulate each other and go your separate ways, get new “roles”, etc. That’s the whole game.

Apple carving


Gentlemen! Have you ever thought about this question: is it difficult to be a genius? No? But just think about what it’s like to be ahead of the rest - inventing, designing, composing, writing, drawing, playing?.. How much hard work and diligence is needed to achieve ordinary human abilities develop to the level of genius? Or is it simpler? As one of the heroes of the film “Spring” reasoned:

“What about scientists? It's easy for them! I sat down, thought about it, and opened it!” Was Pushkin simply born Pushkin, Einstein Einstein, and Maradona Maradona? For example, have you tried pole vaulting? No? What if Sergei Bubka is dormant within you? Have you ever tried to turn a block of granite into a beautiful sculpture? In vain! I already see Michelangelo in you! We urgently need to make up for lost time and get busy... No, we won’t pole vault - there is no pole, and there is nowhere to fall from such a height, the sofa is clearly too hard, but sculpture is a completely different matter. Moreover, Michelangelo himself said: you just need to take a piece of marble and cut off everything unnecessary from it. We are unlikely to find marble now, so we will hold a creative competition called Apple Carving!

What is needed for the competition:

  • Apples and teeth that are in the mouth.

The name probably explains everything. Or rather, almost everything. Each of them has the tool that sculptors will use - teeth. At the same time, the “chips” will not disappear - they can and should be eaten.

What figure to “cut”, or rather, “sculpt”, is decided collectively. Both individual sculptors and creative teams can compete, if, of course, they have conceived a composition of several figures.

Girl with a paddle


I would like to start the next stage of our holiday by talking about trails. No, not tourist ones! not about animals and not about the paths of war. We won’t join the partisans yet either. The path interests us in Pushkin’s understanding of it. Can anyone quote Pushkin's most famous line about the path?

(It may well happen that at a fun holiday you will need a hint.)

I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands.
The people's path to him will not be overgrown,
He ascended higher with his rebellious head
Pillar of Alexandria!..

It is this “folk” and “unovergrown” path that I propose to trodden, without delay, right here and right now. You, of course, understand that such a unique path can only be trodden by creating an equally unique monument. According to the classic, it should be “not made by hands.” The question is controversial. Therefore we will go our own way. Is there anyone who wants to try on the laurels of Zurab Tsereteli? Or is the style of another master closer to you? Amazing. So, let's start a creative competition called Girl with a Paddle!

What is needed for the competition:

  • Blindfold.

When working, each sculptor will need two volunteer assistants. One of them will be your clay - a masterpiece will be sculpted from it. The other will act as a sitter. The most important condition for holding the competition: the creator will have to work in complete darkness, that is, blindfolded.

The contestant is blindfolded. The sitter (the audience can help) takes some bizarre pose. It is advisable for the sculptor to move between the sitter and the sculpture with extreme caution so as not to crush their feet.

When the sculptor decides that the work is finished, he removes the bandage. Both he and the audience must compare the original and the copy. The greater the similarity, the fuller the glass is poured to the creator!

When holding a competition, it is important to remember that the time of loners has largely passed; now even creative workers often unite into teams. Therefore, newly-minted sculptors can compete in pairs and even trios! True, the complexity of the original compositions in this case will also increase! They will be created from three or even four people. And true art lovers will consider it an honor to take part in them!

penny basketball


Tell me, that is, tell me, please, what can I do with the money? You can, I remember, “row them with a shovel”, you can “bathe” in them, “shed with golden rain”. Anything else? Yes, indeed, “paint the toilet with them,” “light the fireplace with them,” and also “throw them into the wind.”

Have you noticed that most of the expressions that we remembered answer the question: what to do with money if there is a lot of it? But how to answer a more pressing question: what to do if their cat cries? Here, none interesting recipes folk wisdom did not provide for this. We will have to look for a way out ourselves, and not in theory, but in practice. They offer you to get rich in an unusual way- “know-how” of our own design, because no one has ever played basketball with coins. Let's try! Ladies and Gentlemen! Attention! Let's start Penny Basketball!

What you need to play:

  • Porcelain plate.
  • Coins.

The principle of the game is extremely simple, on the one hand, and gives unlimited scope for variations and improvement, on the other.

A team of two (to begin with) people distributes sports equipment among themselves: one - a large small porcelain plate, the other - several coins (of the same or different denominations - by agreement with other players).

Partners are located at a distance of 1.5 to 3 or more meters from each other (the higher the class of the players, the greater the distance). One of them throws the coins he has, the other tries to catch them using a plate (and only a plate!). And this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, because they have the property of bouncing off porcelain. You will have to put in a lot of effort, dexterity and dexterity to keep the money flying at considerable speed on the plate.

When conducting a team competition, each team is given the same amount coins of the same denomination. The winner is the one whose catcher catches the most coins with the plate. And now - possible variations of the game:

after a series of throws, the thrower and catcher change places, and the total amount caught is counted;
During the entire series of tosses, the coins are not removed from the plate. Only coins remaining on the plate after the end of the series are considered caught;
the thrower may be given coins of different denominations, and therefore of different weights. The heavier the coin, the harder it is to catch;
each subsequent throw is made from an increasingly greater distance;
Each player on the team is both a thrower and a catcher. Everyone has coins and a plate. The throw must be made absolutely synchronously;
the number of players in a team can be increased to 3 or more. In this case, all players make the throw simultaneously.
There can be a great variety of game options. Go for it!



Friends! Shouldn't we talk about roots? No, not about the roots of plants or words. Let's talk about our roots. That is, about who we are, where we come from? Do you know your grandparents? Still would! What about great-grandparents? Already difficult. What about great-great-grandfathers? Perhaps there was no need to ask. Meanwhile, we all had them, they were doing something and somehow having fun, in the sense of relaxing. But how? For us, who love to have a good rest, we can certainly find a suitable experience in the past. For example, get-togethers. Like in the song: “Come to me, my friend, let’s sit and eat!” So you are welcome to the Gatherings!

What you need to play:

  • Stools.
  • Towel.

First they sit in pairs. Everyone is on their own stool. And so that it doesn’t get boring, the players are given a towel - one for two. One end of it is placed on one stool, the other end on the other.

Of course, everyone has heard about “pulling the blanket over oneself.” The players have something else to do - pull the towel over themselves. The players sit on a towel and grab the stool with their hands in order to more securely secure the towel between the stool and... and themselves. They secure it - and on command they begin to move forward, only each in his own direction.

The towel is first stretched, and then left with someone who is stronger, more dexterous and more persistent. The winner rejoices, the loser gives way to another candidate for the honorary title “most diligent.” The most sit-down person is determined by, more won martial arts.

Having “sat enough” one at a time, so to speak, in the individual competition, you can move on to the team competition and “sit” in pairs. For this type of gathering you will need a wider and stronger towel; and so - everything is the same.

Well, sitting poorly is better than standing well, and sitting well is better than sitting poorly. So take a seat and fight for the right to sit well!



Agree that quite often, by combining seemingly incompatible things, you can get a nice result. For example, in sports: dancing plus swimming - synchronized swimming, hockey plus summer - field hockey, skiing plus acrobatics - freestyle. Now let's try to combine something close to us in this way. For example, money and hands are commonplace. What about money and legs? Most likely no one has tried it yet. We will be the first to know what happens if you hold money with your feet and then put the money in the right place, while competing with each other. And it will turn out to be Rublatlon!

What you need to play:

  • Coins.
  • A glass.

Compete better teams. Each participant from the starting line must reach the goal (cup) and hit the target with a coin, then remove it from the cup, return to the team and pass the coin to the next player as a relay baton.

The most important thing: you need to carry the coin to the goal on the toe of your foot, simply placing it there and not holding it with anything. You also need to throw the coin into the target (into the cup) only with your foot, without helping yourself in any way.

If a coin falls off your foot while traveling, you need to stop, put it back in its original place, and only then continue moving. If the coin does not hit the target on the first try, you need to put it on your toe again and then try to throw it again. The team that completes the distance will win, and, naturally, throws before the other.

After the first winning team has been determined, the second round of competition can be held. It may differ from the first one, for example, in that there will be two coins - each for both socks. Everything else is the same.

There may be a third round - if you place the coin on your head and thus bring it to the target. In this case, carrying is much easier, but hitting the target is not an easy task, especially if you put one glass on both teams.

And one more thing: get your camera ready, otherwise such pictures will be lost for history!



“How many times have they told the world…” that “you can’t even take a fish out of the pond without difficulty,” “however, everything is not for the future,” and everyone is waiting for their sweet pie... Almost according to Krylov, isn’t it? In my opinion, even worthy of applause... Why am I all this? Yes, for tea, my dears. For tea, or maybe for coffee, or maybe for soda, because today is a holiday! And these drinks should be served with something sweet. Once it’s supposed to be, so it will be. But there is one, or rather two, but.

The first is that there is nowhere to put tea, coffee, or sweets - too much of all yummy stuff has been eaten.

The second is the same “fish from the pond”... Do you feel where this is going? Right! Before you get delicious tea and sweets, everyone will have to shake themselves up a little and work hard. By the way, the process ahead of us all is very exciting, similar to fishing, only it will take place on land. So, I invite everyone to the Sweet Stadium!

What you need to play:

  • Candies.
  • Paper clips,
  • Ropes (according to the number of participants).
  • Plates (also according to the number of participants).

On various kinds-dromahs usually test equipment. The participants of the game will have to turn into candy harvesters different models. They will be called: KUK of the “Misha” system, KUK of the “Natasha” system, etc.

Cleaning up the candies is made possible because each candy has a firmly attached protruding hook - an unbent paper clip. Each candy harvester has a rope ring of such a size hung around its neck that when the COOK gets on all fours, it does not reach the floor a little.

Harvesting at the sweet spot should only be done with the help of this device; helping yourself with your hands is strictly prohibited!

Another. Two combines should go to the sweetdrome and start harvesting candies at once - we need to know which KUK model works more efficiently! The tests will be held according to the Olympic system - the loser is eliminated.

Only candies placed in the bins of the homeland are counted - in these plates, everyone has their own. You can't unhook the candy with your hands either. And finally: you must not touch your opponent’s rope with any part of the combine. Get ready - the harvesting begins!

Shall we dance?


My friends! My speech will probably be the shortest I have ever given, and there is a very good reason for this. This reason is this. The reason is the cassette, which is already in the tape recorder, ready to be played to sing us the most beautiful slow composition of all existing ones. So, as they say, “let’s dance, Lucy!”

There is only one condition of the competition: let the partners for this dance - note, a very slow dance, a very beautiful, very erotic dance - so let His Majesty choose the partners. Everything is very simple, like everything ingenious. I place a chair in the center of our dance floor, and I need a volunteer to sit on this chair for a while. Young man, please sit down! And now - music!

Here it sounds, and two brave girls who want to dance should approach the sitting young man from behind and put their hands - one on his left shoulder, the other - to the right. The young man, without looking, selects one of the girl’s hands placed on his shoulders and goes to dance with the owner of the hand.

The remaining girl should take a place on a chair, two young men come up to her and put their hands on her shoulders, etc. That’s all the explanation, there’s only dancing ahead!

Competitions and games for the party

Competition "Playful Teeth"

Guests are divided into pairs: man - woman. The partner’s task is to move, blindfolded, the clothespins (pre-fixed by the leader) from the partner’s back to the chest with his teeth. The pair that completes the task first wins.

Competition "Shock Workers"

3 couples are invited (girl - boy). They must be unfamiliar or unfamiliar. The presenter is recommended to connect them himself. It will be more fun this way. So, the girl has a frying pan tied to her belt in front, and the guy has a ladle. The couple is placed facing each other at a close distance. Now the presenter needs to count the number of beats in a certain time, for example, per minute. You need to hit the pan exactly with the ladle. The one who scores the most wins.

Competition “Take care of your eggs!”

A prerequisite for the game is a noisy, cheerful company of the appropriate age. Only men take part - 4 or 8 people. A plastic bag with two eggs is hung from the front of each person’s belt so that it hangs between their legs, the players are divided into pairs (at random or by lot, it is desirable that the players in pairs are of the same height). Next, the players stand in front of each other, spread their legs and squat slightly. Then everything is very simple, they fight with eggs, the one whose eggs break is eliminated. This is how the semi-finals and finals are held. The winner is the one with at least one egg left intact. Fanfares, prizes, guests (especially girls) are rolling on the floor laughing.

Competition "Chocolate"

Two teams are participating. The presenter prepares two identical chocolates. At the command “Start”, the outer players of the two teams, sitting next to the leader, quickly unwrap each of their chocolate bars, bite off a piece and pass the chocolate bar to the next participant. He, in turn, quickly eats another piece and passes the chocolate to the next player.
The winner is the team that eats its chocolate bar faster, and there should be enough for all the players on the team.

Competition "Elephant"

The hostess offers each team a piece of paper, on which they collectively draw an elephant with their eyes closed: one draws the body, another draws the head, the third draws the legs, etc. The one who draws the fastest and most similar drawing wins.

Competition "Arrows of Cupid"

A game for an unfamiliar company without complexes or a fun party.

Girls and boys are invited. Girls stand in one group, boys in another. The guys have small inflatable balloons in their hands, their task is to hit the girls.

If a guy hits a girl, he comes up to her and kisses her. The girls' task is to dodge the balls.

Competition "Match"

The lights go out, the participants sit in a circle next to each other, and a saucer is placed in the center of the circle.

Someone lights a match and passes it to a neighbor (so you have to sit next to him), who gives it to his neighbor, etc. In general, in a circle. Anyone whose match has gone out can be asked absolutely any question by anyone. An answer to it is required, except if the question is completely compromising.

As practice shows, after a couple of warm-up questions, people get involved, and the questions are quite interesting.

And the saucer is needed to throw burnt matches.

"Pass the bottle" competition

The participants of the game stand in a circle (alternating: man, woman). The first participant clamps a bottle between his legs, preferably a 1.5-2 liter plastic soda bottle, and passes it to the next one without touching the bottle with his hands. The other participant also picks up the bottle only with the help of his legs. The game is on for elimination, the pair that drops the bottle is out of the game. The last remaining pair is considered the winner and the most “skillful”.

Competition "Boxing Match"

Before the start of the competition, the presenter calls two real men who are ready to do anything for the sake of the lady of their heart. The ladies of the heart are present right there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. The gentlemen wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The presenter’s task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask for short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in real life...

Competition "Bogatyrs"

Music, slow for 9-10 minutes. Couples, a man holds a girl in his arms. Whichever couple lasts the longest wins. When fatigue appears, players either guess or are told to put their partner over their shoulder, sit them on their shoulders, etc.

Competitions for corporate parties
Thematic selection interesting games and competitions for the company from the “Contests at corporate parties” section will help make your holiday more fun and memorable.

Are you looking for fun and original competitions for a corporate event with colleagues? The Holidays Workshop collected 10 the best entertainment for an event in the office. These competitions are ideal for any corporate event and will allow you to have fun with your colleagues.

Fill the box

In the middle of the room there are 2 large boxes - they will be “boxes”. Two players are selected. They need to fill the boxes with any items in the office within a certain time, for example, 1 minute. The main condition is that you can only bring one thing at a time. The one in whose box there are more items wins.

Flying gait

This fun should be carried out in a spacious room, after removing breakable objects. Ropes (7-10 pieces) are pulled in the room at a height of 40-50 centimeters from the floor, constructing a “road with obstacles.” The participant must walk along it without touching the threads and remembering their location. The player is then asked to do the same thing blindfolded. Only while he is preparing to overcome the route does the leader remove the ropes. As a result, everyone present gets a unique chance to see the general manager walking with the gait of a proud flamingo.

This competition at a corporate party should be held with male colleagues. For fun, you should prepare balloons and boxes of matches (according to the number of players), and tape. Those wishing to take part in the competition attach inflated balloons to their stomachs with tape and are asked to collect matches scattered on the floor. The one who completes the task the fastest wins. And whose “belly” remains intact.

Tricky partner

For the competition you need 2 pairs of players, many small inflated balloons and two large bags. One participant from the pair collects balls into a bag, and the other must interfere with him and burst them. A few minutes are allotted to complete the task. Then the leader counts the balls in both bags. The player with the most whole balls wins.

For this corporate event competition, employees are divided into 2 teams. In front of each of them is a large Whatman paper and pencils. Players' task: draw an elephant blindfolded. Each person must depict only one part of the animal's body. The team that finishes it faster and whose creation looks more like an elephant wins.


It's calm but quite fun entertainment, which is suitable for a small team. The game can be played at the table. The first participant thinks of a word and whispers it to his neighbor. He tells the next player a word that is associated with the mystery. Everything is repeated until the last participant says his word out loud. The option may be very different from the original and be quite unexpected.

If suddenly…

This competition for a corporate party will not only add positivity to the holiday, but will also allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about your colleagues. No props required for fun. The host asks any player a tricky question related to his responsibilities. You can ask an accountant what he should do if a child painted an important report that needs to be submitted tomorrow. You can ask the director what he would do if he lost the entire salary of casino employees. Then everyone present votes to choose the most resourceful player.

  • you're stuck in an elevator with the CEO,
  • all employees quit,
  • fell asleep at work and the boss saw it.

Find the candy

This is an interpretation of a familiar children's game, but in the presence of a drunk company, it goes off with a bang! Participants sit at the table and choose a driver. The players' task is to quietly pass candy to each other under the table. The driver's task is to catch someone in gear. The caught player becomes the driver.

Transformation wand

A fun dance competition that will definitely please everyone present! To carry it out, you need to prepare a cut of various famous tracks and props - any stick about a meter long. Participants stand in a circle, dance and pass each other a “turning stick”, suddenly the music stops. The one who has the props in his hands goes to the center. The presenter announces that the “turning stick” turns into a microphone, and the participant turns into a world-class singer. He needs to portray the most gorgeous performance of his hit to the music. Then the DJ plays any popular track.

It is important to ensure that everyone present takes part in the game and stop the music on the right employees in time. Programmer Vasya in the image of a romantic violinist can be very surprising.

Here are a few ideas of what the “transforming wand” can turn into:

  • violin,
  • rock singer's guitar
  • mop,
  • fishing rod
  • hockey stick,
  • barbell

For this entertainment, you need to print signs in advance with in different words(but not very simple). For example: cutie, lemur, container, etc. Then the presenter attaches a card to each participant’s back. The player's task: find out what is written on the back by asking questions to others. They can only answer “Yes” or “No”. The one who guesses the word faster wins.

These are the kind of competitions for corporate events with colleagues that the Holiday Workshop offers. What are you playing?

Competitions for corporate parties with colleagues: top 10 fun things to do for a holiday in the office
Competitions for corporate events with colleagues: a selection of the best entertainment. Cool competitions for corporate parties with colleagues for any holiday in the office. Funny Games for large and small companies.


The best games for corporate events

Creative, intellectual and active competitions for corporate events.

Games for corporate events

Widely or simply, in an office or a cafe, through the efforts of top managers or ordinary colleagues, but it will happen - the New Year will be celebrated in every office. We know how to have fun this evening. We have the top list of games for corporate parties. You have the initiative and good company

Another New Year's corporate party is an opportunity to go for a walk New Year's dress, chat with colleagues in an informal setting, but a Christmas party at work is a celebration among your colleagues and management. And this celebration has its own rules!

Education abroad

How to resolve a conflict with colleagues and get a promotion without a higher education

Game for the New Year's corporate party: “DO NOT REMOVE!”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: A large box or opaque bag in which to collect various comical things: children's tights, boxer shorts, bra big size, bonnets, clown noses, etc.

ESSENCE: At the leader’s signal, the participants pass the box to each other to the music. As soon as the music stops, the one in whose hands the box takes out one thing from it and puts it on himself. The condition is not to take it off for the next half hour!

CLUE: Don't forget to charge your camera. When else will you see the guard Vasily in a 100°F bra!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “LOVES - DOESN'T LOVE”



ESSENCE: The presenter (the most active of his colleagues, you can take on this role) asks everyone sitting at the table to say which part of the body they like and which part they don’t like of the neighbor on the right. For example: “I love his left knee and don’t like his nose.” At the end of the revelations, the presenter asks everyone to stroke (kiss) the “successful” places and pinch (bite) the sufferer for the “unsuccessful” ones.

CLUE: It is advisable to have colleagues of different genders sitting next to each other.

TIP 2: Having bitten the system administrator in the ass, return to your work computer and do backups all important documents. Maybe he will take revenge...

Game for New Year's corporate party: “FLYING GAIT”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Bottles (plastic or glass).

ESSENCE: Bottles are placed in a row in front of the volunteer, at the same distance. He is blindfolded and asked to go through an obstacle without touching a single container. While the victim is indignant at the difficulty of the task, the bottles are removed. As a result, you get a proud flamingo bird, diligently pacing around the office.

CLUE: Remove dishes very quietly. She will still be needed.

Game for New Year's corporate party: "FISH-WHALE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Room (see Hint).

ESSENCE: Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. The presenter speaks into each person's ear the names of two animals. Then he loudly lists the animals, the person, having heard “his”, must sit down. The task of his neighbors is to prevent this from happening. The game plays at a fairly fast pace. When everyone gets the hang of it, the presenter will say “Whale” - this is the animal that is wished for each participant in the second paragraph. The result will amuse everyone!

CLUE: Prudently clear the area within the fall radius of your colleagues from sharp and breakable objects. Not everyone is happy to land on a hole puncher.

Game for New Year's corporate party: “COMEDY OF POSITIONS”

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: Any, but only male.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Inflated balloons, tape, matches.

ESSENCE: There are men in the group who still want a million dollars and who still wonder what it's like to be pregnant? Great, this game is just for them! Tape tape to participants' bellies Balloons. A box of matches crumbles in front of each “pregnant” person. The task is to collect matches as quickly as possible and not let the “belly” burst.

CLUE: Is it worth limiting yourself to just one? balloon? Give Chief Economist Sergei Ivanovich one more try!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “WHAT IS MY NAME?”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper signs with funny, not the most in simple words on them (lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.).

ESSENCE: Everyone receives a new name for the evening - a corresponding sign is attached to their back. The players' task is to find out their nickname from others. Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. The winner is the one who first guesses the inscription on his sign.

CLUE: The bread slicer will be offended if you click on it like that for the next year.

Cool game for corporate parties: “WILL BE COMPLETED”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Maybe the desire to sing (with skill it’s more difficult).

ESSENCE: Divide into teams depending on the number of players. Together, choose a theme for the competition, for example, love, snow, animals... Each team must remember a song “on the topic” and perform a few lines from it. Those who last the longest win.

CLUE: Be creative and don't be afraid to argue. If you wish, you can prove to anyone that the song “You left me!” dedicated to a real animal!

Game for New Year's corporate party: "BIG RACE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Cocktail straws and ping pong balls (according to the number of participants).

ESSENCE: Prepare the path: place bottles, glasses, glasses (in general, everything that comes to hand) on the table so that paths are formed. Players will chase their balls along them, blowing on them through straws. The one who arrives at the finish line first wins.

CLUE: It’s good to play in pairs for elimination: a new participant takes the place of the loser. At this time, the rest can sing in chorus the song “...chase in hot blood.”

Competitions for corporate events with colleagues: “TRIAL CARTOON”

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: From 5 to 20.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pencils, paper and erasers.

ESSENCE: Each player draws a friendly cartoon of someone present. The portraits are passed around in a circle, and everyone writes on the back who is depicted in the picture. When the art goes around the circle and returns to the author, count the number of points (i.e., correct answers). The author of the most recognizable portrait wins.

CLUE: To ensure that no one is left out, draw lots in advance to see who is portraying whom. And there’s no need to draw personnel officer Glafira Pafnutyevna a mustache like Budyonny’s - in fact, the stubble above her lip is just beginning to form...

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “WHAT, WHERE, WHEN”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens according to the number of participants.

ESSENCE: Everyone is sitting at the table. The host asks a general question, for example, “who?”, the players write the answer, fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and pass it to the neighbor on the right. Next it is set next question, for example “when?”, the procedure is repeated. The game lasts until everyone has filled out their sheets. Then, amid friendly laughter, the presenter reads out the resulting stories. You probably learned a similar game back in school.

CLUE: Having a presenter is not essential. Everyone can ask questions in turn. At the same time, you will find out who, when and what is actually doing late at night on the office sofa...

Competition for a corporate event: “FULLY AGREE”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens or pencils.

ESSENCE: Break into two teams. Each person receives a sheet with categories marked on it, such as city, river, country, technology, plant, etc. Select a letter of the alphabet and start the game. Within a certain time (a minute or two), the team needs to remember as many suitable words as possible.

CLUE: Categories can be professionally oriented, this will unite the team. How nice it is for friendly car service workers to jointly come up with the fifteenth name of an engine part starting with the letter Ш!

Game for a corporate party at the table: “FROM A TO Z”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Knowledge of the alphabet.

ESSENCE: The game is simple: Starting with “A” and further along the alphabet, everyone comes up with a congratulation for “their” letter. The author of the funniest phrase wins.

CLUE: Don't skip the letters G, Zh, J, Ъ, И. It will be fun. Wow!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “YES NEVER!”

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: From 7 to 15.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Chips for each participant, at least three pieces.

ESSENCE: Honesty game. The first player says: “I have never…” and names something that he has never done in his life. Everyone who, on the contrary, had the specified experience, gives the hero one chip. Everyone’s task is to come up with something that he has not done, unlike the majority of those present. The one who wins after a certain number circles collects the most chips.

CLUE: You can use matches, pre-cut pieces of paper, or large beans as chips. But you should not use the acquired knowledge about colleagues for your own selfish purposes. Just think, secretary Irochka never came to work on time, but she won!

Game for New Year's corporate party: “FROM A NEW LINE”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pens or pencils, print out the beginning of a famous poem on sheets of paper.

ESSENCE: Let everyone add their own rhyming ending to the given poem. Believe me, even the popular “The bull is swinging...” with light hand your colleagues will find an unpredictable happy ending (or maybe not a happy one!).

CLUE: Prepare a few printouts, the game is addictive. And listen to what this bull will eventually come to...

What fun competitions for corporate events do you know?

Competitions for corporate events
Fun and funny games for a corporate event or a friendly party!

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