Home Mushrooms Salting milk mushrooms recipes. How to cook salted milk mushrooms in a hot way recipe and algorithm.

Salting milk mushrooms recipes. How to cook salted milk mushrooms in a hot way recipe and algorithm.

Mushrooms are great gift nature to man. They can be collected in different corners our country and prepare a variety of dishes based on them. Mushrooms are well absorbed by the body and saturate it with many nutrients... But only those that have been collected far from industrial enterprises and highways. These mushrooms can be boiled, fried and cooked in the oven, and they are also great for preparing blanks. Let's remind our readers how to salt white milk mushrooms at home?

White milk mushrooms are excellent mushrooms for harvesting for the winter. They can be collected in mixed pine-birch, birch and deciduous forests. Milk mushrooms are wonderful mushrooms for pickling, which can be done at home.

How to salt white milk mushrooms for the winter at home?

For pickling milk mushrooms, you need to prepare five kilograms of milk mushrooms, a couple of glasses of medium-ground salt, tubes of dill without umbrellas, horseradish root and leaves, garlic, cherry or currant leaves.

Peel and rinse the mushrooms. Transfer them to an enamel, plastic or glass container ( excellent option there will be a bucket, basin or wide pan). Pour the prepared mushrooms with cold running water and cover with a flat plate of a suitable size. Place a small oppression on top (a jar filled with water).

Take the mushrooms out for three days in a fairly cool place. Do not forget to change the water to fresh water three times a day.

Then take out the milk mushrooms, sprinkle each mushroom with salt and send it to the salting container. Place peeled cloves of garlic and small pieces of horseradish roots between the layers of mushrooms.
Cover the mushrooms with gauze, folding it two to three times. Spread horseradish leaves on gauze, this will prevent darkening of the milk mushrooms. Place the rest of the greenery on top.

Place such oppression on the mug so that the mushrooms are completely covered with the brine that comes out of them. Take the container with the fungus to a fairly cool place and leave it on for one month. But at the same time, make sure that the upper mushrooms do not dry out, otherwise they may become moldy.

Salted mushrooms need to be transferred to sterilized jars, but they do not need to be sealed with lids. Rinse the top layer as needed cold water... Keep milk mushrooms cold.

How to cold salt white milk mushrooms?

To carry out such salting, you need to prepare one hundred and fifty grams of coarse salt, five kilograms of milk mushrooms, ten leaves of cherries and currants, a couple of dill umbrellas and a couple of leaves of horseradish.

Rinse and soak the mushrooms to remove the bitterness. It is advisable to soak the milk mushrooms for three days, periodically changing the water to fresh.
Place currant and cherry leaves on the bottom of a suitable container. Add some of the dill to them. Put the milk mushrooms on top, with their caps down in one row and salt. For a pound of mushrooms, use about thirty grams of salt (a topless tablespoon). Put a layer of mushrooms on top again, adding dried dill and salt to them. In this way, salt all the mushrooms. Put horseradish leaves on top of them, cover with a piece of clean cloth. Cover the prepared mushrooms with a large flat dish, put on a light oppression and put it in a cool place (in the refrigerator, cellar or basement). Leave the mushrooms for forty days, after which they will be ready to eat.

How to salt white milk mushrooms hot?

To prepare such a blank, you need to stock up on milk and water. For a liter of water, you will need a couple of tablespoons with a large slide of rock salt (for brine and the same amount for cooking), twenty to thirty peas of black pepper, ten peas of allspice and a few cloves. Also use bay leaves, currant and cherry leaves (focusing on their availability and your taste preferences), a few cloves of garlic and horseradish.

Peel the mushrooms and rinse them well. Prepare a large enamel or stainless steel pot. Boil water and salt (with a tablespoon of salt per liter). Dip the milk mushrooms in boiling water and bring them to a boil. Cook for fifteen to twenty minutes.

While the mushrooms are boiling, prepare the brine. Dissolve salt in water (a couple of tablespoons per liter), add all dry spices. Boil the brine in a separate container. After it boils and the salt dissolves, drain the water from the boiled mushrooms. Send milk mushrooms to a colander - so it will drain off excess fluid... Send the mushrooms to the boiling brine and cook again, now with spices.

Remove the pan from heat, add garlic and horseradish. Spread it gently over the entire volume of the mushrooms. Place a circle on top, and put a not very heavy oppression on top. He should not flatten the mushrooms, but only lower them under the water. Send the milk mushrooms under pressure to a cold place. After five to six days, transfer the mushrooms to sterile jars, fill with brine, add a certain amount vegetable oil and bottle up. Send the jars to the cellar or refrigerator for thirty to forty days, after the mushrooms will be finally ready.

Salted milk mushrooms can be eaten by themselves. They can also be used for making pizzas, pies and salads as delicious filling... There are recipes for making caviar and other delicacies based on them.

With the onset of the mushroom season, the people went to the forests in families and returned with carts loaded with fresh, dried and salted mushrooms. Our ancestors collected only white, milk mushrooms and mushrooms. And it is not surprising, because real whites, milk mushrooms and mushrooms do not have poisonous counterparts. Therefore, about mushroom poisoning in Russia before mid XVIII century there is no information.

In Russian national cuisine mushrooms have always had a special place and there were many recipes with them. These are pies, soups, hodgepodge, roast ... Salted mushrooms were especially appreciated - fragrant milk mushrooms, they were even exported to neighboring countries.

There are two ways to prepare mushrooms: the so-called "hot" method, when the mushrooms are pre-boiled, and the "cold" method, when the mushrooms are salted raw. Today we will figure out how to cold salt milk mushrooms in jars. But to treat yourself to such milk mushrooms, it will take more than one day and even more than one week.

And, of course, in order to cook salted milk mushrooms in a cold way, first we have to go on a "quiet hunt", milk mushrooms like to hide among the needles or under the foliage.

We clean and wash the milk mushrooms from forest debris. To get rid of the bitterness, milk mushrooms are soaked in water for 2-3 days, changing the water in the morning and evening.

At the first stage, we need to salt the milk mushrooms, so only mushrooms and salt are needed. We take salt not iodized and without any additives in the form of vitamins.

Salt consumption per 1 kilogram of mushrooms - 1 tablespoon. True, I already do everything by eye, for several years I got used to it and learned it. Put some salt on the bottom of the bucket and put the soaked milk mushrooms, salt again. And so, layer by layer.

In the middle of the bucket, add a teaspoon of sugar, for better education lactic acid bacteria. By the way, in the old days, milk whey was used for this.

The bucket is filled with mushrooms. We put a plate and a small weight on top, which can then be increased. I have in this case- a decanter of water. We leave the milk mushrooms for a day.

After a day, a lot of fluid will be released.

At the second stage, we need fragrant leaves, spices, garlic and horseradish. We clean everything and clean it. Chop horseradish and garlic into slices. It is good if there are oak or cherry leaves.

We lay out salted milk mushrooms over the jars, sprinkling with garlic and horseradish slices, add peppercorns, black currant leaves and laurel. We put the mushrooms more tightly, but without fanaticism.

We close the lids, but not tightly. The process of salting and fermentation is in progress, so brine may leak out. At this stage, I place small plates under the cans. We send to a cold place (refrigerator, balcony, cellar) for 30-40 days, where salted milk mushrooms will reach the required degree of readiness in a cold way.

Now you know how to cold salt milk in jars. Bon appetit!

And this is for your mood! A squirrel gathered mushrooms with us.

The question is quite relevant, so we will try to enlighten you in it and moreover in as much detail as possible. We will share with you only the most interesting options blanks.

We collect mushrooms.

Milk mushrooms are one of the most common (and most beloved!) Types of mushrooms in Russia. Here they always grew up in large quantities... All mushroom pickers love to collect them, regardless of experience. And all because they grow up as whole "families". You will never confuse breast milk with other types of mushrooms. They have a subtle sweet scent similar to that of honey. This smell is emitted by droplets of juice on the "cilia" of the mushroom plates.

Preparation for salting.

Once you've picked the mushrooms, they need to be properly prepared. The preparation stage involves stripping and soaking. Thanks to the last procedure, you can get rid of the unpleasant bitterness that mushrooms have. Some mushroom pickers prefer to grease only the caps. In this case, the legs can be prepared in another way. For example, fry in a skillet. It is recommended to soak the lumps for 2-3 days. During this time, the water needs to be changed several times a day. In order to calculate the amount of salt required, use a simple formula: weigh the mushrooms and calculate 4% of them total weight... This is exactly how much salt is needed for salting them.

You will definitely appreciate and.

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in banks?

For salting mushrooms, as a rule, wooden tubs or barrels are used. However, for small volumes, small glass jars are also suitable. Salt must be poured to the very bottom. Further (to add flavor) leaves of cherry, horseradish, currant, as well as garlic cloves with dill are laid out. Only after that you can start laying the mushrooms. They need to be laid out only with hats down. Sprinkle the contents with black pepper on top. You can also throw a few lavrushkas into the container. Make another layer. Repeat the bookmark in the same order until the entire container is full. Top with cherry and currant leaves. Place a lid or plate on top. Press down the entire structure with a load. Place the container in the cellar or refrigerate. In just a month you will be able to enjoy an excellent dish!

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in banks. Hot way.

This salting option will take you much less time than the previous one. It is used, as a rule, in the heat, when the mushrooms need to be prepared very quickly. Boil the mushrooms first. If you have a small amount of fruits, then you can boil them in portions. After each cooking, you need to pour fresh water into the pan so that the bitter taste is completely gone. The cooking process takes approximately 20 minutes. Wash the mushrooms in cool water, transfer to a sieve, drain off excess liquid, transfer to a separate container, sprinkle with salt. How to calculate the required amount is indicated in the previous recipe. Season the mushrooms with onions, dill, garlic, horseradish, cover the container, set a heavy load, keep in a cool room for 6 days or a little longer. That's all - you can serve the workpiece to the table.

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in banks

Dry method.

Sort out the mushrooms, sort, soak in a large number water. The soaking rules remain the same as in the very first recipe. During soaking, the mushrooms will become elastic and lose their fragility. This is the main indicator that they are ready for salting. Place the cabbage leaves on the bottom of the glass jar. Arrange the mushrooms in rows, sprinkle them generously with chopped dill, garlic, currant leaves... Sprinkle salt on each row. Move the next row again cabbage leaves... Tuck the edges of the leaves inward a little. Immerse the enamel lid on top, lay the oppression built from improvised means. One option is an old dumbbell wrapped in a clean plastic bag.

Put the container on dinner table... Several times (about once an hour), remove and open it. During the day, you need to check if everything is going right: whether gas is released, whether the aroma improves. Prepare glass containers, clean them baking soda, wash, pour boiling water along the contour of the neck. Arrange the mushrooms in clean jars, cover with fresh currant leaves, cover with cabbage leaves. Close the container with plastic lids, put it in the refrigerator. The fermentation process will continue for about 1.2-2 weeks. During this time, the container will slightly leak, so at the end you will need to rinse it again. You can put a towel under the bottom of the container, which will absorb all the released liquid.

We present to your attention several delicious and simple recipes pickling milk mushrooms for the winter... Salted milk mushrooms have long occupied a place of honor on the table of Russians. To this day, the white lump is considered the most traditional mushroom for cold salting and even considered "royal". There are two ways of pickling milk mushrooms - hot and cold pickling. Milk mushrooms can be salted in various dishes: in wooden tubs, barrels, (now many mushrooms are salted in plastic barrels, containers), you can simply in large glass jars.

Cold salting of milk mushrooms

Cold pickling recipe for pickling milk mushrooms at home... When salting these mushrooms, a huge role is played preliminary preparation... The milk mushrooms collected in the forest must be carefully and thoroughly cleaned of the ground (it is better to do this with a brush), rinse several times with cold water and cut off the legs. As you know, the milky juice of many lamellar mushrooms has natural bitterness, in order to get rid of it, they should be pre-soaked for several hours (12-24) in a basin with cold water, changing it several times.

Then, after soaking, you can start salting. Milk mushrooms, like other lamellar mushrooms, are best salted in a cold way in a glass or ceramic dishes... To calculate the required amount of ingredients, the mushrooms must be weighed in advance: salt per 1 kg of mushrooms, 40 g is required, pour salt on the bottom of the cans, put currant or cherry leaves on top, horseradish (roots are better, but leaves are possible), dill umbrellas and cloves of garlic. Then lay the milk mushrooms down with their hats. Add horseradish, black peppercorns again. Add salt and alternate layers in the specified order. Finish the topmost layer with horseradish leaves. You can taste such salted milk mushrooms in just a month.
Tip: in order to enjoy the salty lumps faster, you can blanch the mushrooms in boiling water in portions using a colander before putting them on salting.

Hot salting of milk mushrooms

Hot salting milk mushrooms 1 recipe
The cold method of pickling mushrooms is quick and practical. But among lovers of salted milk mushrooms, it is also popular hot way salting. Unlike the cold method, with the hot method of pickling the mushrooms, they should be boiled in boiling water beforehand. Boil the mushrooms for 15-20 minutes and the already boiled milk mushrooms are salted. This method of hot salting of milk mushrooms also allows you to cook delicious mushrooms very quickly. It should be remembered that already boiled mushrooms do not have such a pronounced aroma and taste of cold pickles, the advantage is in the speed of cooking.

For 10 kg of cooked under hot salting mushroom, you need 1/2 kg of salt, 2 bags of allspice and 2 small bags of bay leaves. Place the boiled milk mushrooms upside down in a saucepan, sprinkle the layers with salt and spices. Cover the mushrooms on top with gauze in several layers, then a wooden or plastic lid of a suitable diameter and on which to put stone - oppression. Milk mushrooms are stored according to this recipe in a cool place (in the refrigerator or in the basement, insulated balcony). Send the salting to a cool place to ferment, for 2-3 weeks. When salting, it is important to observe the proportion of mushrooms and salt. If the milk mushrooms turn out to be a little salty in your opinion, do not be discouraged. You can slightly soak them in water for 2-3 hours, and then rinse with boiled water.

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in jars, cold and hot, recipes

The choice of recipe depends on the quality of the mushrooms themselves and your taste preferences. Fresh milk mushrooms often taste bitter, this is easily removed by soaking. However, it is possible to salt the milk mushrooms in a cold way without preliminary soaking; it is replaced by the residence time of the mushrooms in the brine.

Cold salting - recipe

Cold salting of milk mushrooms is a rather lengthy process. But mushrooms harvested in this way are much more fragrant and tastier than pickled ones.

How to salt mushrooms? Cover the bottom of the dishes (enameled pan, ceramic or glass barrel), prepared for salting mushrooms, with various available spices - dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves, black currants, throw in a few peas of allspice.
Lay the milk mushrooms with their hats down on the resulting base. For more rich taste and to save space, lay everything in layers.

The optimum thickness of each laid layer is 5-8 cm. Young mushrooms can be laid out in thicker layers.

Sprinkle each mushroom layer with salt. When salting mushrooms at home, salt is usually taken about 3% of the total mass of mushrooms. For flavor, you can add bay leaves, a few grams of spices per 1 kg of mushrooms (not counting the spice layer at the bottom of the jar).

Cover the mushroom layers with a cloth, and cover with a lid (a plate is suitable), freely entering the cavity of the vessel. Put oppression on the lid. Ideally for these purposes oppression is suitable in the form of a stone, previously washed and scalded with boiling water (for oppression they take granite stones, in no case limestone).

After a few days, brine will appear, and the mushrooms themselves will noticeably settle. As the mushrooms settle, the space is filled with new layers of the mushrooms. This procedure is repeated until the container is completely filled.

After filling, the milk mushrooms are allowed to brew for another 3 days, after which the salted mushrooms can be laid out in jars, closed with dense plastic lids and stored in a cold place for the winter. It is not recommended to ROLL salted mushrooms in a cold way, under tin lids on long time ... The fact is that under anaerobic conditions, botulism bacteria can develop in banks. If you plan to pickle pickles in large volumes recommend next way: place the mushrooms in layers in a barrel and pour over with brine (1 liter of brine per 10 kg). Close the barrel with a lid of a smaller diameter, put oppression on top, store it in a cool place in this form for the winter.

The recipe for the correct salting of milk mushrooms in the hot way

Instructions on how to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in a hot way will be less detailed. Cope with the task of salting milk mushrooms for the winter in banks is not difficult for any experienced housewife:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • Several leaves of black currant;
  • A couple of carnation buds;
  • Peas to taste;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • Salt (to taste).

Clean and rinse well the milk mushrooms collected in the forest, carefully remove the pieces of earth. Rinse well. Dip the mushrooms in boiling water, add a few peppercorns, 2 black currant leaves, cloves and cook the milk mushrooms for about 15 minutes.

Drain through a sieve without pouring water and transfer the mushrooms to a separate bowl, enamel, glass or ceramic (now food-grade plastic is often used for storage). Add bay leaves, chopped garlic, peppercorns, salt well and pour over everything with the mushroom broth, in which the mushrooms were boiled. Put a lid on the mushrooms according to the diameter of the dish and put a stone on it - oppression and leave for a day in a cold place or refrigerator. Salted milk mushrooms are almost ready to eat. If you want to store them for the winter, the previously drained brine (to avoid botulism) should be brought to a boil, the mushrooms should be put in sterilized jars, filled with hot brine and rolled up under tin lids.

When it's mushroom time in the yard, it's time to figure out how to salt the milk mushrooms in a hot way. Mushroom pickers simply adore lamellar mushrooms, since it is they who have an impeccable taste in salted or pickled form. It is about waves, russula and mushrooms, but it is the mushrooms that deserve special attention and are in great demand since the time Ancient Rus... The secret to the successful preparation of such pickles is that you need to calculate the amount of salt used with maximum accuracy.

Dry canning of forest mushrooms provides for no more than 40 grams per kilogram of mushrooms. However, salting in a cold or hot way needs to be calculated correctly. percentage- about 4% of the total weight of forest mushrooms. Cold recipe salting in roast summer time of the year must include a blanching procedure. To do this, send the prepared milk mushrooms to boiling water for 5 minutes, and then rinse them thoroughly, cool and only then start salting. If you do not have a huge saucepan in which you can boil all the collected milk mushrooms at the same time, you should not boil several portions in the same water. From this they will become dark, and the bitterness will not go away.

Of course, it is necessary to cook salted milk mushrooms in glass jars or in dishes with an enamel coating, but it is really correct to prepare such preservation in capacious deciduous or coniferous barrels. The dishes must be properly prepared, which involves soaking for two weeks in a regular cold water that needs to be changed every few days. Mushroom pickers also recommend steaming barrels using soda ash and juniper.

Advice! Sometimes salted milk mushrooms are too salty, but this problem can be easily dealt with. Usually, before serving, such canned food is served after a thorough rinsing, but they can also be soaked for several hours.

If you do not want to spend too much time preparing the forest mushroom canning, it is always best to use hot pickling of the mushrooms. We suggest you understand this culinary process in more detail, as well as familiarize yourself with all its intricacies with the help of selected recipes, painted step by step:


  • fresh black milk mushrooms;
  • rock salt;
  • leaves of currant, cherry and horseradish;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice peas.

Cooking process:

  1. Hot salted black milk mushrooms will certainly become an exquisite decoration for your festive table and an interesting variety of daily meals. Freshly picked mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, and then washed under running water and filled with a huge portion of cold water. Then you need to send the mushrooms in a saucepan over medium heat, boil the broth with food and then cook for another 10 minutes. When the milk mushrooms are ready, drain the water from them, rinse gently, cover with cold water and boil for another 20 minutes.
  2. Then the broth must be drained, the black milk mushrooms must be discarded in a colander and left there until they cool completely. After that, the recipe for cooking milk mushrooms in a hot way provides that they need to be laid out in layers in a saucepan, restoring each of them with a little salt, peppercorns, bay leaves and horseradish leaves with currants.
  3. On top of the mushroom layers, you need to lay clean gauze, folded several times. You should also put a round plate or a small flat dish with a weight on it so that the mushrooms are better marinated. If you are interested in hot salting of milk mushrooms in jars, you can put them directly in glass containers. However, one must take into account the fact that the mushrooms will not be under oppression, so they should be laid as tightly as possible to each other, without leaving even the minimum free space.
  4. This recipe for hot salting of milk mushrooms for the winter allows you to eat mushrooms in 2 weeks. To do this, immediately after sorting into banks, they must be put in the refrigerator. In the case of marinating in a pan, it is worth removing the gauze from the pickled milk mushrooms, and then serving them to the table after rinsing under running water. Black milk mushrooms are most delicious in vegetable oil with the addition onions or garlic. Bon Appetit!

Another option for hot salting of forest mushrooms


  • - 1.5 kg.;
  • water - 5 l.;
  • rock salt - 0.3 kg.;
  • allspice and black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dried dill umbrellas - 5 pcs.

Cooking process:

  1. Any recipes for hot salting of milk mushrooms in jars or other dishes begin with a thorough pre-processing. The fact is that such forest mushrooms hide very well in the ground and are covered with leaves or dry blades of grass. Cleaning them from dirt and forest debris requires patience and time, since only after soaking can a perfectly clean surface of the products be achieved. Try to free them from large elements, and then fill with cold water and leave to soak for 4 hours.
  2. Cooking milk mushrooms for the winter in a hot way does not need long soaking, since in this case the mushrooms are freed from bitterness by boiling. Dial a full pot water to boil with the addition of a small amount of salt. Next, you need to dip the mushrooms into it after a short soaking and cook them for another 20 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, you need to prepare the pickle for the milk mushrooms in a separate saucepan. To do this, you also need to boil water, and then dip peppercorns, laurel leaves and cloves in it. After the second boil, you can add salt. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and add dried dill umbrellas.
  4. Throw the boiled milk mushrooms in a colander so that the excess liquid is completely glass. Now you can salt the milk mushrooms in a hot way directly into the jars, having previously laid out the spices from the marinade on their bottom. Then, on top of them, it is necessary to densely lay the mushrooms, cover them with other spices and pour over the spicy marinade.
  5. Milk mushrooms in brine should be completely covered with liquid. In this form, it is better to store them in the refrigerator for 3 days. Avoid the formation of voids in glass containers by tamping food as tightly as possible, otherwise they can sour. If you want to close them tightly with a lid, first pour a small amount of vegetable oil on top into each jar. Store this preservation under a canned lid in a cool place. You can eat them in 30 days.

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