Home Mushrooms The tallest buildings in the world. The tallest houses in the world

The tallest buildings in the world. The tallest houses in the world

Tall skyscrapers often scare people who are terrified of heights. However, even on the observation decks of such buildings it is quite safe. To compare the sensations that overwhelm a person who stands on the highest building on the planet can only be compared with the impressions of the first flight in an airplane and the view from a window from a height of a thousand feet. And such a comparison is true, since some skyscrapers "hide" their upper floors high in the clouds. We made a rating, where we entered the most high buildings in the world.

Kingkei-100 (China, Shenzhen) 442 m

Kingkey 100 is a multifunctional high-rise building located in Shenzhen City, right in the heart of Guangdong's financial district. At first, the skyscraper was called "Finance Center Plaza", which was later changed to "100" in order to indicate the number of floors.

The height of the Kingkey 100 building is 442 meters. It was built in 2011 and is the fourth tallest building in China.

The lower levels of the skyscraper are used for various offices (68 floors), followed by the KK Mall shopping center and the St. Regis Hotel. The last four floors are given over to the Heavenly Garden and elite restaurants.

Willis Tower (USA, Chicago) 443.2 m

Built in 1973, Willis Tower held the title tallest building in the world about 25 years old, and until 2009 was named Sears Tower. The 110-story building is located in the North American city of Chicago.

AT this moment Willis Tower is the second tallest building in the United States. Its height is 443.2 meters.

More than a million Americans and tourists visit the Willis Tower every day, as the building is included in almost every tourist route around the famous Chicago.

Zifeng Tower (China, Nanjing) 450 m

The tower called "Zifeng" was completed in the middle of 2008 in the business center Chinese city Nanking. It has a stepped shape and contains 89 floors. The original design was developed by American architect Adrian Smith.

As the third tallest building in China, the tower is 450 meters high.

The façade of the building is made of glass and steel, which, reflecting the sun's rays, give Zifeng Tower a stunning sparkling look. Inside are offices and entertainment centers, trading platforms, an observatory and luxurious restaurants with hotels.

Petronas Twin Towers (Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur) 452 m

The Petronas Twin Towers are a unique architectural masterpiece of the twentieth century. Built in 1998, the building has become the main attraction of the city of Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital of Malaysia. In plan, the whole complex resembles an eight-pointed star in the "Islamic" style.

Two identical skyscrapers are 452 meters high and have 88 floors each. They are interconnected by an original glass passage at the level of the forty-first floor.

Tallest building on the planet Petronas Towers was from 1998 to 2004. The Twins are very popular with tourists, as evidenced by the difficulty of getting a ticket to visit this magnificent skyscraper.

International Commerce Center (China, Hong Kong) 484 m

The Hong Kong Commercial International Center was built in 2010 in the city's Kowloon area. Currently in the territory autonomous region The PRC has over 4,000 buildings with over fifty floors, but the International Commerce Center is the tallest in Hong Kong.

The height of the 118-storey building reaches 484 meters, which is the third highest in all of China.

Inside international center observatory, shops, offices, shopping centers, as well as a luxurious hotel - the world-famous "Ritz-Carlton-HongKong", which has seven stars. From the panoramic platform you can see Hong Kong and Victoria Harbor.

492 m

The World Financial Center, as the name suggests, is located in Shanghai. Its construction was completed in 2008. Per original design, developed by the American David Mallot, the center is popularly called the "opener".

The tallest building in China reaches a height of 492 meters, and on its 101st floor there are conference rooms, hotels, office rooms and restaurants.

On the 100th floor, there is a unique observation deck with a magnificent panorama of modern Shanghai, including the famous TV tower "Pearl of the Orient".

Taipei 101 (Taiwan, Taipei) 509.2 m

Located in the capital city of Taipei, the 101-story Taipei skyscraper opened in 2003 and is the tallest structure in Taiwan. Externally, the skyscraper resembles the Tower of Babel

The height of the building (including the spire) is 509.2 meters. For such beauty, designers and builders received 1.7 billion dollars.

In addition to ordinary offices, restaurants and hotels, Taipei 101 has the world's fastest elevators, reaching speeds of up to 50.5 km/h.

World Trade Center 1 (USA, New York 541 m

World Trade Center 1, also known as the Freedom Tower, is the central building in the new complex of lower Manhattan in New York.

With a height of 541 meters, the center occupies the third position in our ranking tallest buildings in the world and holds leadership in the Western Hemisphere.

This building was erected as a memorial to the events of September 11th. Inside there are offices, restaurants, as well as a stunning observation deck that rises to 415 meters.

Abraj al-Bayt ( Saudi Arabia, Mecca) 601 m

The Royal Chapel, with the main tower named Abraj al-Bayt, is a complex of seven skyscrapers located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

It is the 120-storey tower of Abraj al-Beit, equipped with a clock in the style of London's Big Ben, which reaches a height of 601 meters and is the second tallest building in the world.

Inside the entire complex are luxury residential apartments, helipads, hotels, boutiques, as well as a huge car park.

Burj Khalifa (UAE, Dubai) 828 m

The Burj Khalifa, known until 2010 as the Burj Dubai tallest building in the world. The structure, whose shape resembles a stalagmite, is located in the United Arab Emirates.

Construction of the 828-meter Burj Khalifa was completed in January 2010.

The building has 163 floors, most of of which (154) are residential. In addition, there is a huge hotel, offices, an observation deck, a shopping center and underground parking for three thousand cars.

well-known catchphrase"Size doesn't matter" applies to many things, but not to buildings. Since ancient times, man has been trying to reach the sky by inventing various devices and inventions. To date, the upper floors of the tallest buildings in the world (skyscrapers) are “floating in the clouds”. We offer you to take a tour of the 10 highest skyscrapers in the world, which amaze with their grandeur:

10. Kingkey 100, Shenzhen, China

Photo 10. Kingkey 100 442 meters (1449 feet), 100 floors.

Kingkey 100 is an ultra-tall building in the Shenzhen province of China. The skyscraper received this name for the number of floors - exactly 100 (68 floors - office space, 22 floors - the St. Regis Hotel, a shopping center, and on the top 4 floors there are restaurants and a "sky garden"). The height of the building is 442 meters, the skyscraper was built in 2011 and ranks 10th in the world (1st in Shenzhen and 4th in China).

9. Willis Tower, Chicago, Illinois

Photo 9. Willis Tower - the tallest building in the United States.

Willis Tower is the tallest building in the United States, until 2009 it was called the Sears Tower ( Sears Tower). The skyscraper was built in 1973 and for 25 years it was the most large building in the world. The height of the Willis Tower is approximately 443.3 meters (110 floors and 104 elevators). The tower is visited by about 1 million people a year, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Chicago.

8. Nanjing Greenland Financial Center, Nanjing City, China

Photo 8. The Zifeng high-rise building, also known as the Nanjing Greenland Financial Center, is the 3rd tallest skyscraper in China.

Nanjing Greenland Financial Center is the business center of Nanjing in China. The skyscraper was completed in 2009. The building ranks 3rd in China among ultra-tall buildings and 8th in the world. The height of the building is 450 meters, 89 floors. The financial center houses offices, shopping centers, restaurants and hotels. On the 72nd floor there is an observation deck with a panoramic view of the city.

7. Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Photo 7. The Petronas Twin Towers have the largest concrete foundation in the world.

The Petronas Towers are located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The building is also called the Petronas Twin Towers. The project was completed in 1998 by two different construction companies to create competition. The construction cost the customer, the Petronas oil company, $800 million. The height of the Petronas Tower is 451.9 meters (88 floors). In a building with an area of ​​213,750 m² (corresponding to 48 football fields) houses offices, exhibition halls, gallery. On the 86th floor there are viewing platforms for tourists, the towers are connected by a covered passage in the form of a bridge, which ensures fire safety.

6. International Commerce Center, Hong Kong, China

Photo 6. The tallest building in Hong Kong - International Commerce Center

The International Commerce Center is located in Hong Kong, China. The skyscraper was completed in 2010 and is the tallest building in Hong Kong. The height of the building is 484 meters (118 floors). On the upper floors The five-star hotel of the Ritz-Carlton company is located, it is the tallest hotel in the world. Also in the commercial center are office space, shopping centers, banks and restaurants. On the 100th floor there is an observation deck for tourists and travelers.

5. Shanghai World Financial Center, China

Photo 5. Skyscraper in Shanghai - The Shanghai World Financial Center was recognized as the best skyscraper in the world in 2008.

The Shanghai World Financial Center is located in Shanghai, China. The skyscraper was completed in 2008. The height of the building is 492 meters (101 floors). The building houses conference rooms, shops, restaurants, offices and a hotel. Observation decks are provided on the upper floors.

4. Taipei 101, Taiwan

Photo 4. Taipei 101 is the tallest building built in the 21st century.

Taipei 101 (Taipei 101) is located in the capital of China - Taipei. The building was built in 2004, the height is 509.2 meters (101 floors). Offices are located on the upper floors, while shopping centers are located on the lower floors. Observation decks are located on the 89th, 91st and 101st floors.

3. World Trade Center 1, New York, USA

Photo 3. World Trade Center 1 - the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.

World Trade Center 1 (One World Trade Center) or Freedom Tower is located in New York in lower Manhattan. This is the central building of the new World Trade Center, located on the site of the previous complex destroyed on September 11, 2001. The construction of the Freedom Tower was completed on May 10, 2013. The height of the skyscraper is 541 meters (104 floors + 5 underground). The building houses offices, shops, restaurants, viewing platforms.

2. Abraj al-Bayt, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Photo 2. Abraj al-Bayt - the largest structure in the world by mass

Abraj Al-Bait Towers is a complex of high-rise buildings located in Mecca. Exactly this tall building in Saudi Arabia with the largest clock in the world. The construction of the tallest of the towers Clock Royal Tower (Royal Clock Tower) was completed in 2012, its height reaches 601 meters (120 floors). At the top of the tower there is a clock with a diameter of 43 meters, four dials of which are installed on 4 cardinal points. The giant clock is visible from anywhere in the city.

1. Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE

Photo 1. Burj Khalifa - the tallest building in the world is located in Dubai.

Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world located in Dubai, United United Arab Emirates. The project was created as a city within a city: its own lawns, boulevards, parks, and was commissioned in 2010. total cost construction amounted to approximately 1.5 billion dollars. The height of the building is 828 meters, 57 elevators are installed. Inside the complex are offices and shopping centers, apartments, the hotel was designed by Giorgio Armani. At the top of the building are an observation deck and an observatory.

Almost every country has record-breaking houses - these are the largest residential buildings, castle houses of a huge area and private houses. Largest cities of the world can boast skyscrapers of incredible height.

Where and when were the first skyscrapers built?

Tall houses began to appear with incredible intensity in America at the end of the 19th century, which was associated with the desire to use the rising cost of urban land to the maximum. Since it is possible to build a building from bricks, the height of which does not exceed thirty-three meters, the height of buildings under construction at that time had strict restrictions.

It was not until 1880 in the United States that an architect named William Le Baron Jenny proposed a completely new technology construction. At the heart of the building was a load-bearing frame made of steel, which carried the main weight of the structure. Thanks to this technology, it became possible to build high-rise buildings, which became known as skyscrapers.

In 1885, the first ten-story house with a height of forty-two meters was built in the city of Chicago according to the technology proposed by Jenny, and then he became the first skyscraper. The house was owned by an insurance company. The world's first skyscraper was named The Home Insurance Building. Six years later, the ten-story high-rise acquired two more floors, thanks to which it reached a height of fifty-five meters. The world's first skyscraper existed until 1931.

Despite the fact that the first skyscraper was built using the technology of William Jenny, the so-called "father of skyscrapers" is considered a different person. We are talking about James Bogardas, who used cast-iron and iron columns and beams during the construction back in 1848. Bogardas built the five-story Cast Iron building in New York. However, it was not considered a skyscraper.

The biggest castle house

As you know, the family of Elizabeth II has several famous estates, including Holyrood Palace, Windsor Castle, and Buckingham Palace. The largest castle house in Berkshire is Windsor Castle, which has been owned by the current Queen of England for over sixty years.

The area of ​​the castle is about forty-six thousand square meters. It has undergone many changes and repairs in its history, today it has about a thousand rooms. Built by William the Conqueror in the 11th century, this castle occupied a defensive position. It is located in a place that has almost never been threatened by conquerors. After Elizabeth II came to the throne, Windsor Castle became the main royal house.

The world's largest private house

There are many large houses in the world, but there are much fewer large private houses. The largest of them is Antilia. Its construction began in 2002 in Mumbai for an Indian billionaire and his family, and is now completed.

The height of the house is twenty-seven floors, corresponding to sixty standard floors. "Antilia" is able to withstand an 8-magnitude earthquake. The largest private house has nine elevators. There is a parking lot on six floors, where the owner's car collection is located, and the seventh floor is reserved for a private car service. Another floor is a small theater. This is followed by floors with ballrooms, swimming pools, gardens. The family of a millionaire occupies four floors, and three floors - six hundred people of service personnel. The main concept of the project is a mixture of architectural elements and styles, which, being connected in series, never repeat. There are no repetitions in finishing materials.

The biggest in the world a private house It is also the most expensive private building in the world. Its estimated cost, together with the land on which it is built, is estimated at about two billion dollars. This is not at all surprising when you consider that the owner is Mukesh Ambani, whose name ranks fifth in terms of capital in the world.

The largest residential building in the world

Among all residential buildings built on the planet, the house in Volgograd is recognized as the largest. Its length is one kilometer one hundred and forty meters. This nine-story building was built in the second half of the seventies of the last century. You can see this longest residential building in full only from a bird's eye view. In form it resembles capital letter"e".

There are one thousand four hundred apartments and many administrative premises in the Volgograd house-record holder. Residents of the city call it "gut" and are proud of such a landmark. In Volgograd, there is also the highest monument to Lenin - 57 meters. .

Another contender for the title of the largest residential building in the world is located in the city of Lutsk. In shape, it resembles a "honeycomb" and is located on two streets - Youth Street and Sobornost Avenue. The townspeople call it the "Great Chinese wall". Its length is one kilometer seven hundred and fifty meters, but if you count with all the "sprouts", the length will be two kilometers seven hundred seventy-five meters. The house began to be built in 1969 and was completed only in 1980. The long building united forty houses of different heights, where one hundred and twenty entrances.
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Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in Dubai and the tallest skyscraper in the world. The shape of the building resembles a stalagmite, which rushes up to 828 meters. The building has 163 floors, on which there are 9 hotels and a system of fountains. The total cost of the construction is estimated at $4.1 billion. And this is for the most startling facts about the Burj Khalifa.

1. The tallest building in the world

It is common knowledge that the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the entire world. However, how tall is it compared to other monstrous structures? The height of the Burj Khalifa is 828 meters, and the height of the second tallest building in the world (Shanghai Tower) is 632 meters. The difference is more than obvious. The Burj Khalifa is also three times taller than the Eiffel Tower.

2. Inside the building

Those who think that the Burj Khalifa is very impressive from the outside, simply have not been inside a skyscraper. The highest observation deck is located at an altitude of 452 meters. In total, the building has 164 floors, 1 of which is underground, and as many as 58 elevators that travel at a speed of 10 meters per second (these are one of the fastest elevators in the world). Also in the Burj Khalifa there are 2957 parking spaces, 304 hotels and 904 apartments. Interestingly, the Burj Khalifa provides special system elevators designed for evacuation during a fire.

3. The skyscraper was designed by the Americans and built by a South Korean company.

While the Burj Khalifa is located in Dubai ( original name skyscraper - Burj Dubai), the building project was developed by the American firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Chicago engineers helped develop a special support structure that resembles a three-pointed star. The construction of the building was entrusted to the South Korean Samsung Engineering and Construction.

4. Multiple records

Everyone knows that the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. In fact, the Dubai skyscraper holds not only this record. This is the highest free standing building, the building with the highest residential floor, the building with the largest number floors, a building equipped with the highest elevators and the second highest observation deck (the highest observation deck is located in the Canton TV Tower).

5. What was needed for the construction

In order to build such a titanic building of almost a kilometer, it took a lot of time and effort (namely, 6 years and 22 million man-hours). On especially busy days, more than 12,000 workers were at the construction site at a time.

6. Huge weight

For the construction of a huge building it took great amount materials. One aluminum went so much that it would be enough to create 5 A380 Airbuses. 55,000 tons of reinforcing steel and 110,000 tons of concrete were also spent. This is approximately equal to the weight of 100,000 elephants. And if you take and fold the reinforcement from the building in a row, then it would stretch for a quarter of the Earth.

7. Heat resistance

Dubai is very hot, with an average summer temperature of 41 degrees. In July 2002, Dubai recorded the most heat at 52 degrees. Naturally, a building built in this country must withstand extreme temperature fluctuations. That is why over 300 Chinese cladding experts were hired to develop a cladding system that can protect against local temperatures.

8. Power consumption

Naturally, for normal life such a huge building requires a monstrous amount of resources. For example, the Burj Khalifa requires about 950,000 liters of water every day (while Dubai uses an average of about 200-300 liters of water per day). Also, the building consumes a huge amount of electricity (about as much as "eat" 360,000 hundred-watt light bulbs).

9. Washing a skyscraper

How they clean and wash 26,000 glass panels that always look perfectly smooth. Responsible for this are 12 machines, which weigh about 13 tons each, moving along special rails on the outside of the building. The cars are serviced by 36 people.

10. Floral design

The design of the Burj Khalifa was inspired by the hymenocallis, a flower that has long petals radiating from the center. The three wings of the Burj Khalifa diverge to the sides like these petals.

one. . located in beautiful city Dubai, UAE. The height of the building is 828 meters, the height of the roof is 636 meters, the number of floors is 163. The skyscraper was opened in 2010. The shape of the building resembles a stalagmite. known throughout the world under the name " Burj Dubai» (« dubai tower”), renamed it, dedicating the building to the President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan.

2. Shanghai Tower is an ultra-tall building under construction in the Pudong district of Shanghai, China. According to the project, the height of the building is 632 meters, the number of storeys is 128, total area- 380 thousand m. Already after 2016 it will become the 5th in the world, taking into account also the India Tower in Mumbai.

3. Royal Clock Tower (Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel). The building is located in a city known to all Muslims Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The height of the building is 601 meters, the number of storeys is 120. It was put into operation in 2012. The tallest hotel in the world, the largest building in the world in terms of building volume with the largest and highest clock in the world.

4. World Trade Center 1 or Freedom Tower (One World Trade Center). skyscraper hotel located in New York (USA). Its height is 541.3 meters, the number of floors is 104. It was built in 2013. This is the highest office building in the world and the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.

5. International Financial Center (CTF Finance Centre)- ultra-high skyscraper, built in the style of modernism. Located in the city Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. The height of the building is 437.5 meters, the number of floors is 103. The skyscraper was opened in 2010. It will be fully built in 2016.

6. Taipei 101 (Taipei 101) - skyscraper located in Taiwan's capital, Taipei. Its height is 508 meters, the number of storeys is 101. It was built in 2004. Tallest office building in the world prior to the Freedom Tower. The architectural style in the spirit of postmodernism combines modern traditions and ancient Chinese architecture. The multi-storey shopping complex in the tower contains hundreds of shops, restaurants and clubs.

7. Shanghai World Financial Center). Skyscraper in Shanghai (China). The height of the building is 492 meters, the number of floors is 101. The skyscraper was opened in 2008. The building has received the following awards: Winner of the highest observation deck in the world, located on the 100th floor of the building (472 meters above the ground); the best skyscraper in the world in 2008.

8. International Commerce Center) - a skyscraper built in 2010 in the western part of the district kowloon hong kong city. This is the tallest building in the city. The height of the building is 484 meters, the number of storeys is 118. It was put into operation in 2010.

9. Twin Towers (Twin Skyscrapers) is in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). The design of the skyscraper was attended by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who proposed to build buildings in the "Islamic" style. Therefore, the plan of the complex is two eight-pointed stars. The Petronas Towers houses offices, exhibition and conference rooms, and an art gallery. The cost of the project is 2 billion ringgits ($800 million).

Petronas Tower 1 (Petronas Tower 1)

Petronas Tower 2. The height of the building is 451.9 meters, the number of storeys is 88, it was built in 1998.

10. - ultra-high building, which houses the business center of the city Nanjing (China). The height of the building is 450 meters, the number of storeys is 66. It was put into operation in 2010. Mixed-use tower - the building houses office space, lower floors equipped for shops, shopping centers and restaurants, there is also a public observatory.

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