Home Indoor flowers The largest and oldest building. The oldest buildings in russia

The largest and oldest building. The oldest buildings in russia

It is generally accepted that the Ancient World is a set of civilizations that existed on earth from prehistoric times to the beginning of the Middle Ages. The framework is very conditional - for they are their own, for America - their own (the beginning of the colonization of the continent by Europeans).

Amazing legacy

During this time period, there were several civilizations with their own culture. Famous buildings and buildings of antiquity have survived to this day. There are not so few of them, but the most striking heritage sites of the past include such as the "City in the Sky" or Machu Picchu in Peru, the Baalbek Temple of Jupiter in Lebanon, the famous Egyptian pyramids of Giza, a suburb of Cairo. The list of antiquities includes the aqueducts of the Roman Empire, the glazed windows of Alexandria that appeared in the first century AD, the remains of Greek temples, the Jervan aqueduct in Iraq, and the concrete domes of Roman temples.

Civilizations close to us

There are always ancient sites on every continent. But for the inhabitants of Europe (in the geographical sense of the word), the ancient world is associated primarily with Greece and Rome, with the Egyptian Cleopatra, since both Julius Caesar and Antony loved her.

In addition, they and other ancient Roman emperors dreamed of enslaving Egypt. Russian literature and art up to the beginning of the 20th century are associated with the myths of Greece and Rome. And the Mediterranean civilizations are considered the cradle of humanity. Therefore, to consider in more detail the famous buildings and buildings of antiquity, you need to start with Greece and Rome.

Acropolis - a pearl of world architecture

There are a lot of monuments from prehistoric times in Greece, and the whole country is dotted with the ruins of ancient Greek palaces and places of worship. It is rather difficult to count them, but there are objects that are considered symbols of the Ancient World. The most important of them is the Acropolis, located in the mainland in the city of Athens. This is a kind of fortress, standing on a hill, the height of which reaches 156 meters in height, it is 300 meters in width, and 170 in length. It is a well-fortified upper city, towering over the unprotected lower one. The Acropolis was the place where the temples of the gods, patrons of this city, the inhabitants could hide in it during the war. The majestic Athenian Acropolis is its well-studied history.

Parthenon - the dominant of the Acropolis

It should be noted that sculptures and statues from this Acropolis are in many museums around the world. It houses 21 objects, the most significant of which is the Parthenon - business card not only Greece, but the entire ancient world.

Included in the list of "The Greatest Temples in the World", it was built on the foundation of more ancient temple in the 5th century BC by the architects Kallikrates and Iktin. He dominates the entire area. This ideal, harmonious structure is rich in unique features... But dozens of books have been written about each of its smallest details. The only thing that can be noted is that it is all surrounded by columns around the perimeter (this form is called peripter). This is what makes the temple irresistibly beautiful.

Athens - a treasure trove of ancient architecture

Other structures Ancient Greece on the territory of the sacred center of the Acropolis are represented by such temples as the Erechtheion, dedicated to the legendary Athenian king Erechtheus, the Areopagus (authority), the temple of Athena-Nike. Throughout the entire capital, there are ruins of many other temples, since all of Greece is a museum of ancient culture under open air... These are the temples of Olympian Zeus, Nika Aptera, Apollo at Delphi, Poseidon at Cape Sounion, Hera on the Peloponnese peninsula, Demeter at Eleusis. These are the most famous buildings and structures of antiquity, created in Greece.

Priority of places of worship

In more late period In Athens, one of the first meteorological structures was built - the Tower of the Winds, 12 meters high, with a base diameter of 8 meters. The parameters of these ancient museums are perfect, they lie at the basis of all architecture and are studied by all the architects of the world.

Of all the above objects of antiquity, only the Areopagus is an administrative building, all the rest are religious buildings. The largest sanctuary is Olympia, which is located on the Peloponnese peninsula. It was dominated by the cult of Zeus.

The main business card of Rome

The Great Roman Empire is the oldest civilization in the Mediterranean, originating from Ancient Greece. According to legend, the direct descendants of Aeneas, the hero of the Trojan War, brothers Rem and Romulus, fed by a she-wolf, founded Rome and the greatest empire that gave the world a great culture.

The structures of ancient Rome in this article are presented by 10 of the greatest architectural examples, with which many inhabitants of the Earth, even those far from scholarship, are familiar. Who doesn't know the Colosseum - main character Rome? A half-ruined outer three-tiered wall surrounds an oval arena. In ancient times, the total number of arches on the wall was 240, 80 of them are in the lower tier. In the arches of the first and second floors there were sculptures - works the best masters Rome.

The brightest and most characteristic

The Appian Way is also familiar to many, because they know about the sad death of Spartak's companions, chained alive to the pillars along it, from school. And the final shots of the cult American film touched film lovers in many countries of the world.

The famous buildings and structures of antiquity, located in the ancient capital, are worthy of the Roman Forum, which already during the reign of Tarquicius the Proud became the center of political, cultural and religious life Roman Empire. Here are the temples of Vesta, Vespasian and Saturn. Tragic or happy pages are associated with each of them. ancient history... The well-preserved Trajan Column dates back to the beginning of the 2nd century AD. 185 steps located inside open onto observation deck located at the 38th height. The sculptor Apollodorus of Damascus erected it in 114. She symbolizes the victory over the Dacians.

Next on the list

The Roman Pantheon is unique - the temple of all the gods. Built in 126 AD, it dominates the Piazza della Rotonda.

How the famous buildings and buildings of antiquity looked like, you can find out by looking at the marble Arc de Triomphe Titus. This oldest building was erected in 81 in honor of the capture of Jerusalem. An arch rises above Via Sacra. Single-span, it has a height of 15.4 meters, a width of 13.5 m, a span of about 5 meters, and a width of 5.33 meters. Any chariot, including a quadriga, could enter such a gate. Preserved bas-reliefs depicting Titus with trophies. The Jewish temple was destroyed by him to the ground, and the victors got his main shrine - the minor. All this can be seen on the bas-relief.

Famous Roman Baths and Unique Temples

The list of masterpieces of ancient Roman architecture continues. Where did this name come from? Caracalla is the nickname of someone who lived in the 3rd century AD. Ancient Roman baths are a special world where the elite of society enjoyed themselves, went in for sports, waged intellectual disputes, and concluded contracts. The entourage corresponded: the walls and the actual font were made of the best varieties marble, sculptures were everywhere, including the statue of Apollo Belvedere.

The seventh line in the list " Architectural structures Ancient rome”Occupies a composition of two temples of different configurations - rectangular and round. These temples were erected in honor of Portun (patron saint of ports) and Hercules. They are located on the left bank of the Tiber, in the very place where ships used to dock.

Mausoleum and catacombs

The eighth number is the Field of Mars - the left-bank part of Rome. Behind him is the Mausoleum of Hadrian - an architectural monument-tomb for imperial family... On a square pedestal with a side equal to 84 meters, there is a cylinder with a diameter of 64 meters, crowned with a statue of the emperor in the image of the sun god, driving a quadriga (team of 4 horses). This huge structure was not used for its intended purpose; it became a strategic facility.

The last in the list of the most important architectural masterpieces of the Roman Empire are the famous Catacombs. This is a network of structures (60 in total), interconnected and intended for burials (about 750,000 burials), with a total length of 170 km. Most of them stretch along the Appian Way.

Masterpieces of the East

The greats of the world are worthy of complementing another grandiose monument. This is Great Chinese Wall, the length of which from edge to edge is equal to 21,196 kilometers. Erected by one-fifth (exactly one million) of the country's population in the 3rd century BC, it clearly fixed the borders of the state and made China impregnable. This is a unique monument of antiquity. And the pagodas and Buddhist monasteries India? After all, these are also monuments of the ancient past.

The first Russian architectural gems

All of the above, as well as structures Ancient Rus, belongs to the great world heritage. Only our civilization is young in comparison with others. The most ancient architecture in our country is considered the architecture of Novgorod, Pskov and Kiev, in which from 989 to 996 the Church of the Tithes was erected, destroyed by Batu.

The next most ancient by our standards architectural monument of Kievan Rus is the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov, well preserved even now, then the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. The first cross-domed structures were always based on a cross, and the temple was crowned with a dome. Such churches are the main type of ancient religious buildings in Russia.

Byzantine masters and their offspring

The first stone churches were built by masters invited from Byzantium. Russian religious buildings did not blindly repeat Byzantine architecture. Our churches have bright personality... Yaroslav the Wise was actively and on a grand scale engaged in construction. He, concerned that a huge country had just adopted a new religion, wanted to approve it with the grandiose construction of temples. The largest, which at that time had no analogues anywhere, even in Byzantium, was the 5-nave 13-domed one, laid down in 1017.

Triumph of Orthodoxy

It was followed by the Cathedrals of Sofia in Novgorod (1045-1050) and Polotsk (1060). They were also considered 5-aisled, although most Russian churches are 3-naves. The dome was supported by internal pillars - hence the names: 4-, 6-, or even 8-pillars.

The Assumption Cathedral was built by specially invited Greeks in 1073-1079 Kiev Pechersk Lavra... This temple, called the "Great Church", has become a model for Orthodox buildings under construction throughout the country. Such religious buildings as the Vydubetsky monastery in Kiev (1070-1081), Savior-on-Berest (1113-1125) belong to a new type of cathedrals, since they all had an extension (narthex) with a staircase. The most ancient temples had no vestibules at all.

Since the construction boom launched by Yaroslav the Wise, all the Grand Dukes have been actively involved in urban planning. In addition to architectural monuments, masterpieces remained for descendants applied arts and literature. The Tale of Bygone Years was first mentioned in 852.

Original taken from d_popovskiy in 25 ancient wooden buildings of the world

I already wrote about the surviving wooden buildings in Manhattan... Today I propose to look at the old wooden buildings from different corners the world. Many of them have already been mentioned by me on Facebook. I did not have a special method of selecting buildings for the post, everything that accidentally fell into the field during Internet surfing and seemed interesting to me was immediately sent to my wall. The only limitation is that the buildings had to be built no later than 1700, i.e. late XVII century. Thus, the post contains 25 buildings representing 10 centuries of wooden architecture. Not being able to actively travel the world and photograph all these objects myself, I had to resort to the help of Wikipedia and Flickr.


1. Pagoda and condo in Horyu-ji
Ikaruga, Nara, Japan

The temple was founded by Prince Shotoku in 607. In 670, due to a lightning strike, the complex was completely burned down and was rebuilt by 700. The temple was repaired and rebuilt several times. Work took place at the beginning of the XII century, in 1374 and 1603. Regardless, it is believed that 15-20% of Kondo's buildings retained the original temple materials during renovation. This makes Horyu-ji (pagoda and condo) the oldest surviving wooden buildings in the world.


2. Kirkjubøargarður
Faroe islands

Kirkjubøargarður is one of the oldest inhabited wooden houses in the world, dating from around the 11th century. In 1100, the bishop's residence and seminary were located here. After the Reformation in the Faroe Islands in 1538, all real estate catholic church was captured by the king of Denmark. Today this land is owned by the Government of the Faroe Islands. The Patursson family has been renting land since 1550. The house is a museum, but the 17th generation of Patursson still lives in it.

3. Grinstead Church (St Andrew's Church)
Grinstead, Essex, UK

Grinstead Church is the oldest surviving wooden church in the world and one of the oldest wooden buildings in Europe. Initially, it was believed that the church was built in 845, but the latest dendrochronological research has rejuvenated the building for two hundred years. The brick extension dates back to the 1500s, and the white tower dates back to the 17th century.

The church is an example of the traditional Saxon construction method.

4. Shakyamuni Pagoda at Fogong Temple
Shanxi, China

Shakyamuni Pagoda at Fogong Temple is the oldest wooden pagoda in China. It was built in 1056-1195. During its 900-year history, the pagoda is said to have experienced at least 7 major earthquakes, one of which almost completely destroyed the main temple complex. Until the twentieth century, the building underwent 10 minor repairs.


5. Headquarters in Urnes
Urnes, Luster, Norway

Stavkirka is the most common type of wooden medieval temples in Scandinavia. From the XI to the XVI centuries. in Norway, about 1,700 stadiums were built. Most of the buildings were demolished in the 17th century. In 1800, there were 95 such temples, and only 28 buildings have survived to this day. In Norway, the attitude of the people towards the stave and the replication of their image is twofold. On the one hand, the government is pursuing an active protectionist policy in relation to cultural heritage, the majority of the population reveres them as shrines. On the other hand, belligerent representatives youth subcultures, pagans and Satanists methodically destroy these ancient monuments of architecture. The only thing the Norwegian government can do to prevent arson is to install expensive tracking and fire extinguishing systems.

The headquarters in Urnes is the oldest surviving headquarters in Norway, built around 1130, a monument world heritage UNESCO.

Ornament on one of the walls of the Urnes Stavrka:

6. Hopperstad betting
Vikøyri, Norway

The headquarters was built in 1140.



7. Headquarters in Heddal
Heddal, Notodden, Telemark, Norway

Headquarters in Heddal is the largest surviving frame church. Exact year construction is unknown, the building dates back to the beginning of the XIII century. The church was rebuilt and reconstructed many times.

The last major reconstruction, carried out in the 1950s, returned the look to the stavirka as close as possible to the original one. The church building still contains about a third of the timber used in construction in the 13th century.


8. Kapellbrücke Bridge
Lucerne, Switzerland

The Kapellbrücke Bridge was built in 1365 and is the oldest wooden covered bridge in Europe. 111 triangular paintings are placed under the ridge of the roof along the entire bridge, telling about the most important points in the history of Switzerland. In 1993, Kapellbrücke was badly damaged in a fire that is believed to have been caused by an unextinguished cigarette. 78 of 111 paintings were destroyed. The bridge and some of the paintings have been restored according to the surviving inventory list.

9. Church of the Ascension Blessed virgin Mary and the Holy Archangel Michael in Khachuva
Khachuv, Poland

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel is a Gothic wooden church in the village of Khachuv, together with other wooden churches in southern Malopolska and Subcarpathia, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The church was built in the XIV century, presumably in 1388. In 2006, work began on updating the shingle. The cost of the work is over 100 thousand euros.

The interior of the church is also valuable, including: the Baroque main altar of the end of the 17th century, vessels of the 17th-18th centuries, Gothic sculptures of the 15th century, a stone font of the 16th century, Gothic portals. In addition, the interior is decorated with a unique polychrome from 1494. This is probably the oldest polychromy of this type in Europe.

10. Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus
Kizhi, Russia

The exact date of the construction of the church is unknown, but it is believed that it was built earlier than 1391. The building was erected by the Monk Lazar, who lived for 105 years and died in 1391. The church became the first building of the future Murom monastery. After the revolution, on the site of the Murom Holy Dormition Monastery, the authorities organized an agricultural commune named after A. Trotsky, after 1945 it was a home for the disabled, and in the 1960s the place was desolate. In 1959, the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus was dismantled and transported to Kizhi, where it was restored in 1960.

The church has preserved an iconostasis consisting of 17 icons of the 16th-18th centuries, which is the oldest type of two-tier iconostasis.


11. Het Houten Huys
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Apart from the suburbs that entered the city boundaries later, two wooden buildings have survived in Amsterdam. The oldest of these is Het Houten Huys, built in 1425.

12. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Kolodnoye
Kolodnoe, Transcarpathia, Ukraine

The church was built in 1470. This is the oldest wooden church in Ukraine and one of the oldest monuments of wooden architecture in Europe. In 2007-2008, restoration work was carried out, as a result of which the roof was replaced, the arcade on the bell tower was closed with a bird netting, the doors were repaired, and all the holes and cracks in the log cabins were plugged with wooden stakes.

13. Church of the Deposition of the Robe from the village of Borodava
Kirillov, Russia

The Church of the Deposition of the Robe is the oldest accurately dated preserved monument of wooden architecture in Russia. The building was built in 1485 in the village of Borodava, located not far from the famous Feropontov monastery. In 1957 the church was moved to the city of Kirillov. Currently, it is located on the territory of the New Town of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery.

14. Rothenburgerhaus
Lucerne, Switzerland

Rothenburgerhaus was built around 1500 and is the oldest residential wooden building in Switzerland.

15. Huis van Jan Brouckaerd (House of Jan Brouckaerd)
Ghent, the Netherlands

The Netherlands has preserved medieval houses with wooden facades. One of them is Huis van Jan Brouckaerd, built in the 16th century.

16. De Waag and De Steur
Mechelen, Belgium

The De Waag and De Steur buildings were built on the Salt Wharf in the first half of the 16th century. They can be seen on an old postcard in the center of the frame.

The buildings were restored in 1927.

17. Church of St. Catherine
Ostrava, Czech Republic

The building was the oldest wooden church in Central Europe. The original church was built in 1543. However, in 2002, a misfortune happened - from short circuit in the electrical wiring, the church caught fire and burned down in a few minutes. This is how Ostrava lost one of its oldest buildings.

The inhabitants of the Ostrava region are considered to be indifferent to religion. Nevertheless, more than two million Czech crowns were collected for the restoration of the church. There were also donations from entrepreneurs, parishioners from other cities of the country and even from Polish believers. Abbot Jiri Strniste says that an old woman from Ivano-Frankivsk came to him, who came to visit her daughter, who works at a construction site in Ostrava, and donated two hundred crowns for the restoration of the church.

The construction took about two years. During the restoration of the church, an ancient tree that survived the fire was used so that the Church of St. Catherine was not deleted from the list of architectural monuments. According to the abbot, they had to "literally on sticks, pieces of wood and planks, almost crawling on their knees, to collect pieces of unburned wood." The temple was rebuilt using traditional methods construction of wooden buildings. The grand opening took place on October 30, 2004.

18. De Duiveltjes
Mechelen, Belgium

The house was built in 1545-1550 and restored in 1867.

The building has a unique wooden facade, decorated with carved monsters - satyrs and devils, which gave the name to the house.

19. Oude Huis
Amsterdam, Netherlands

As mentioned above, only two wooden buildings have survived in Amsterdam. One of them is Het Houten Huys, and the second is Oude Huis, located at Zeedijk 1. The building was built in the 1550s.


20. Pitstone Windmill
Pitstone, Buckinghamshire, UK

The mill was built presumably in 1627 and is considered the oldest windmill England. In 1902, the building was severely damaged by a monstrous storm. In 1922, the destroyed mill was bought by a farmer whose land was located nearby. In 1937 he donated the building to the National Trust, but it wasn't until 1963 that renovations began. And they were carried out by volunteers at their own expense. The mill is currently open to the public on Sundays during the summer.


Over the centuries, the house was rebuilt, the central part of the building is the oldest.

24. Wurleser House
Staten Island, New York, USA

The Dutch word "voorlezer" (reader) was used among Dutch colonists to refer to active people taking on semi-formal responsibilities associated with active participation in local legislation, education and religious life. After the British captured the Dutch colonies, the Wurlesers continued to keep business records and documentation. The last person to be awarded this title retired in 1789. His successor already held the title of clerk.
The building, located on Staten Island, was built around 1695 and is the oldest wooden school building in the United States. On the ground floor there was a living room and a large hall for church services... The second floor was occupied by a bedroom and another large hall, which, it is believed, was intended for school activities.

25. Spaso-Zashiverskaya Church
Baryshevsky village council, Novosibirsk region, Russia

Hi 🙂

Every day, walking around the center of St. Petersburg, I pay attention to the sights of our city, which, of course, are familiar to everyone:

Saint Isaac's Cathedral,
Pillar of Alexandria,
Marble castle,
Engineering castle.

All of them were built a very long time ago, they cannot yet be counted among the most ancient buildings, but a very long time has passed, and they have not lost their attractiveness and beauty.

At the same time, if you just move deeper into the city, you can see buildings that in appearance can be called the most ancient buildings, although they were erected several decades ago.

You can even not go far, every day, almost everywhere you can hear about dilapidated housing. It happens even when buying an apartment in a new house, already on next year flaws appear, because of which it is simply life-threatening to be in these apartments.

I wondered what the oldest buildings in the world?

The oldest buildings in the world

First of all, I want to express my gratitude to Alexander (his blog), the reader of my "".

It was discovered in 1975 with bronze bracelets and ceramic buttons.

It has now been fully restored and is open to the public. It is one of the symbols and main attractions of the city of Menorca.

The most ancient buildings - 8th place!

The Treasury of Atreus or the Tomb of Agamemnon, built in the ancient city of Mycenae (Greece) during the Bronze Age around 1250 BC, which is more than 3250 years ago and ranks 8th in the ranking of the most ancient buildings in the world.

The Treasury of Atreus, thanks to its grandeur and monumental form, is one of the most impressive surviving monuments from Mycenaean Greece. For example, the lintels over the aisles weigh over 120 tons !!!

The most ancient buildings - 7th place!

The city of Coral was inhabited approximately between 2600 BC. and 2000 BC. - this is more than 4600 years ago. And on its territory of 60 hectares there are 19 pyramids.

The most interesting thing is that during archaeological excavations were found - necklace beads, musical instruments and much more, but there were absolutely no weapons. This means that this one of the most ancient cities was peaceful and most likely its inhabitants were engaged in trade.

The most ancient buildings - 6th place!

The Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt is the oldest stone building in the world.

It was erected before 3000 BC. - it is more than 4700 years ago and consisted of six steps located on top of each other. The total height of the Djoser pyramid is 62 meters.

The most ancient buildings - 5th place!

And again the mound. On the 5th line of the top 10 ancient buildings in the world, I placed the Hulbjerg mound, located at the southern tip of Langeland Island.

Most interestingly, the Hulbjerg Tomb was built 5,000 years ago. Moreover, it is completely assembled from 13 stone blocks precisely fitted to each other.

The most ancient buildings - 4th place!

Newgrange is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located in County Meath, in eastern Ireland, about one kilometer north of the Boyne River.

It was built around 3200 BC - more than 5,100 years ago.

Today, Newgrange is a popular tourist destination.

The walls of the aisles are composed of large stone slabs, twenty-two of which are on the west side and twenty one on the east. The height of the stone sides is on average about 1.5 meters in height; decorates many blocks.

The most ancient buildings - 3rd place!

With each line we get closer and closer to the first place. And we plunge deeper and deeper into history.

Monte d'Accoddi was built in the north of Sardinia, between Sassari and Porto Torres around 2700 - 2000 BC - it is about 5,200 years old.

The most ancient buildings - 2nd place!

Knap of Howar - On Pope Westray Island in Orkney, Scotland, about 5500 years ago, between 3700-2800. BC. a manor house was built - This is the oldest stone house in Northern Europe.

The walls of the Knap of Howar still stand and support a cornice at a height of 1.6 m, and stone furniture has also survived, which gives a vivid picture of life in this house. Fireplaces, beds, shelves were found almost intact. Just imagine - more than 5000 years have passed, and they are intact!

The most ancient buildings - 1st place!

Here, in fact, we got to the most ancient building of our rating.

And it is rightfully occupied by the Megalithic Temples of Malta - a series of prehistoric monuments in Malta, seven of which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Surprisingly, they were built (just think !!) more than 5.5 thousand years ago.

Archaeologists believe that these megalithic complexes are the result of local innovation in a process of cultural evolution. The temples were erected between 3600 - 3000 BC. BC, which were fully functional and used until 2500 BC.

Victor Rodriguez, an architect from Portugal, also made his house from real stones in 1973, and a huge number of tourists come to see it. True, his stone house was not included in our rating for obvious reasons. You can look at his creation in the article: ""

But that's not all! The world is big and there are still many interesting things ahead, if you do not want to miss them, then I advise you

Perhaps you can suggest your options in the comments?

The construction of buildings and structures is defined as a structure human production used or intended to support or shelter inclement weather or permanent residence. This article lists 10 oldest buildings built in the world that are a masterpiece of craftsmanship and self made people of that era. Today we are surprised to see these miracles, as in such distant centuries without any modern technologies and machines, such masterpieces were created. So, the top 10 the oldest buildings in the world.

10. Dhamek Stupa, India

Dhamek Stupa is a massive stupa located in Sarnath, 13 km from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, India. It was built in 500 AD, which was to replace the earlier architecture commissioned by the great Mauryan king Ashoka in 249 BC, along with several other monuments, to commemorate the Buddha's activities in this place. Dhamek Stupa originated as circular mounds surrounded by large stones. King Ashoka built the Dhamek Stupa to anchor small pieces of calcified bone and other relics of the Buddha and his disciples. Ashoka a pillar engraved on it with a decree stands nearby.

9. Sanchi Stupa, India

Sanchi Stupa or Great Stupa is oldest building in India made of stone and was built by order of Emperor Ashoka the Great in the 3rd century BC. Its core was a simple hemispherical brick structure over the relics of Buddha. From the outside, it looks like a crown symbolizing high rank that was intended to honor his relics. Sanchi Stupa has four carved decorative sluices with a balustrade surrounding the entire structure. Construction works Sanchi Stupa was ruled by Empress Devi, who was Ashoka's first wife.

8. Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak, Bulgaria

The Thracian tomb of Kazanlak has a vaulted brickwork"beehive", which is located near the town of Kazanlak in central Bulgaria. The Kazanlak tomb is located near the ancient Thracian capital Sevtopol. The Kazanlak tomb is part of a large Thracian necropolis. It includes narrow corridor and a round burial chamber, which is decorated with frescoes representing a Thracian couple at a ritual commemoration. The monument dates back to the 4th century BC and has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1979.

7. Parthenon, Greece

The Parthenon is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron saint. Its construction began in 447 BC, when the Athenian Empire was at its peak. It was completed in 438 BC, although the decoration of the building continued until 432 BC. It is the most important surviving building from Classical Greece. The Parthenon is considered an enduring symbol of Ancient Greece, Athenian democracy, Western civilization and one of the greatest monuments of world culture. On the seventh line in the top 10 the oldest buildings in the world.

6. Minoan Palace of Knossos, Greece

The Minoan Palace of Knossos was solemn and political center Minoan civilization and culture. The palace was excavated and partially rebuilt under the direction of Arthur Evans in the early years of the 20th century. Its size far exceeded his original expectations, as did the discovery of two ancient scripts, which he called Linear A and B, to distinguish their spellings from pictograms. At some point in the late Bronze Age, the palace was abandoned (c. 1380-1100 BC). The case is not known for certain, but one of the many disasters that befell the Palace was probably the refusal of the population to use it as a administrative building, by the Mycenaean Greeks, who previously occupied the city-state.

5. Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Also known as the Pyramid of Cheops, it is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids at Giza, Necropolis, Egypt. it oldest building of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and the only one that remains virtually intact. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb for the fourth dynasty of the Egyptian pharaoh Cheops from the 10 to 20 year period of 2560 BC. Originally at 146.5 meters (481 ft), Great pyramid has been the tallest man-made (man-made) structure in the world for over 3800 years.

4. Pyramid of Djoser, Egypt

Located in Saqqara, Egypt, the Pyramid of Djoser was built in the 27th century BC. for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser by his architect Imhotep. This first egyptian pyramid, which consists of six steps built on top of each other.

The pyramid is 62 meters high, with a base of 109 mx 125 m. The core of the tomb is made of white limestone. The stepped pyramid is considered the earliest large-scale stone construction. The oldest known rough stone structure. The construction of the pyramid dates back to 3000 BC.

3. Tarxien Temples, Malta

The Tarshin Temples are archaeological complex Tarshin, Malta. They date back to around 3150 BC. The temples were admitted to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980. The Tarshin Temples are made up of three separate but attached structures to each other. The main entrance has been undergoing renovation since 1956, when the entire complex was restored. At the same time, many of the ornate slabs found at the site were moved to a protection room at the Valletta Archeology Museum. The first temple was built around 3100 BC. and is the most ornate of the temples in Malta. Third line among the oldest buildings in the world.

2. La Hougue Bie, Jersey

La Hug Bee - historical monument, with a museum, in Groville County, Jersey. The monument was erected around 3500 BC. It is a corridor shroud with a length of 18.6 meters, covered with a 12.2 meter high earthen rampart. The mound was first excavated in 1925 by the Jersey Society. In Western Europe, it is one of the largest and best-preserved corridor tombs Western Europe... During World War II, the chapel was used as an observation point, and an underground command bunker was located in and around the mound.

1. Tumulus of Bougon, France

The oldest building in the world, The Bougonne necropolis is a group of five megalithic burial mounds (Kurgan A, B, C, D, E, F), from the Neolithic era, found in the bend of the Bougonne River, France. The opening of the necropolis in 1840 caused a great

scientific interest. To protect the monument, it was acquired by the De-Sèvres department in 1873. Excavation resumed in the late 1960s. The oldest structures in this complex date back to 4800 BC.

Machu Picchuknown as lost city Inca. Machu- Picchu is located at 2,430 meters above sea level in the mountains of Peru.It was built by order of the Inca Emperor Pachacuti in 1450. But it was abandoned after the Spanish invasion of the lands of the Inca empire in the 16th century, after which it was abandoned and forgotten. ZReopened in 1911 by the American historian Hiram Bingham.

Considering this outstanding cultural property, UNESCO has recognized Machu Picchu as a World Heritage Site.The ruins of Machu Picchu contain temples, palaces, storage rooms, baths, and other stone structures.All structures on the site were carved out of gray granite.The building blocks used for the construction of Machu Picchu structures weigh up to 50 tons.

The Temple of the Sun is one of the most important buildings in Machu Picchu, it had a large spiritual meaning for the Incas, it is worth paying attention toan altar located inside the temple.There is also a royal mausoleum located under the Temple of the Sun.

The Colosseum in Rome is the largest amphitheater in the world, located in the Roman Forum, Italy.It is regarded as the greatest achievement of Roman architecture. Coliseumwas built between 70 AD. and 80 AD, by the Roman emperor Vespasian.

The Colosseum was mainly used for public performances and gladiatorial fights. Heaccommodated more than 50,000 people.The Romans used this amphitheater for entertainment for 390 years.The Colosseum was abandoned in the 10th century AD and badly damaged by major earthquakes in 847 and 1231. Today it is a World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy.

The Colosseum had four floors and 80 entrances in total.The arches of the second and third floors of the amphitheater are decorated with statues.Most of the interior details of the Colosseum were made of wood.

The Acropolis contains a number of monuments of great architectural and cultural value.In the 5th century BC after the victory over the Persians, the great Greek statesman Pericles presented the idea of ​​transforming a rocky hill in Athens into a monument of art.Later, a group of exclusively Greek architects built several important monuments, including the Parthenon.In 1987, the Acropolis of Athens became a World Heritage Site.

The Parthenon and other important monuments in the Acropolis were badly damaged by the Venetian attack in 1687, and the Parthenon is the most important temple among the buildings of the Acropolis in Athens.It was built in 447 BC. The temple is dedicated greek goddess Athena.It is the most important surviving building of Greek culture. The Erechtheion is another temple located on the north side of the Acropolis. It was built between 421 BC. and 406 BC and designed by the Athenian architect Mnesicles. The Erechtheion is dedicated to Athena and Poseidon.

Petra is an ancient citylocated between By the dead sea and the Red Sea in Jordan.The city is also known as the "Pink City" due tobehind the red-pink sandstone from which it was built.The city was founded in 312 BC. the Nabateans, the ancient inhabitants of North Arabia.Petra was hidden from the world until 1812, when it was rediscovered by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt.

Petra is half built and half carved into the rock and contains tombs, canals, tunnels, dams and temples. Peter's remains contains over 800 monuments, tombs, temples, arched gates and temples. Attractions include the three main royal tombs, which are carved into the rock.

Borobudur Temple is an important Buddhist Mahayana temple located in the central part of Java, Indonesia. Borobudur was built between the 8th and 9th centuries and took a long 75 years to complete. This is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world. Stayed hidden from outside world for centuries under volcanic ash. The restoration of the Borobudur Temple began between 1975 and 1982.

The first level of the temple is formed by five massive terraces.Above this level, there are three circular platforms that are adorned with thousands of panels and hundreds of Buddha statues.The main dome is located on the upper level of the temple, surrounded by 72 Buddha statues.The stone reliefs on the second level of the temple illustrate different periods in the life of the Buddha.

Volubilis is the largest ancient Roman building that has survived to this day in Morocco.Volubilis has been inhabited for over a thousand years, and abandoned at 11 m century. Bad effect on himearthquake in the 18th century. Extensive excavations at the site of this city were begun in the 19th century by the French, and in 1997, Volubilis was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The ancient city covers an area of ​​more than 12 hectares, bMost of the building was built using blue-gray granite.These buildings are also known for their large mosaic floors.The Capitoline Temple and the Basilica are the attractions of this interesting place... also in Volubilis should pay attention to the Arc de Triomphe, which was built back in 217 in honor of the Roman emperor Caracalla.

7. Palenque, Mexico

Palenque is considered the most impressive Mayan building in Mexico. Palenque is surrounded by dense forests, waterfalls and mountains.It represents the elegance of architecture and creativity of the Mayan civilization. Mayan templesin Palenque are known for their architectural style and beautiful sculptures... This ancient citywas built between 226 BC. and 799 AD At the end of the 10th century, the Maya left the city.The total area of ​​this important historical site is 1,780 hectares.It is estimated that only 10 percent of Palenque has been restored, with much of it still covered in dense forest.

Tikal is an ancient Mayan city located in the northern part of Guatemala. Tikal is the main tourist attraction in Guatemala, its ruins are located in the jungle with total area more than 200 sq. km. Buildings of this ancient citydates back to 1000 BC and 300 BC. It was abandoned in the 9th century and reopened in 1840.

The ruins have a number of temples, small pyramids, residential buildings, monuments and palaces of the pre-Columbian Mayan civilization.Most of the buildings were built using limestone.There are also tombs of the Mayan rulers, reservoirs and prisons made of wood.

The historic city of Ayutthaya was built by King Ramathinodi I in 1350. Ayutthaya was the second capital of the Siamese kingdom. GThe city was destroyed by the Burmese army in 1767, and the restoration of the city was begun by King Mongkut between 1854 and 1868.

Ayutthaya's buildings reflect the fusion of architectural styles from India, Japan, China, Persia and Europe.These buildings are also adorned with high quality wall paintings.

Palmyra is an ancient Aramaic city,located in the middle of the desert in an oasis in the central partSyria. In ancient times, important caravan routes from Asia to Europe passed through the city. Palmyrawas abandoned at 16 m century, and reopened at 17 m century. Today it is one of the most important tourist attractions in Syria and a true historical world heritage.

Palmyra's artistic and architectural remains are a fusion of styles from different civilizations.The most important building in Palmyra is big temple known as Baal.It is regarded as the most important 1st century AD religious monument in the Middle East.Only a small part of this temple remains intact today.The Great Colonnade is another important landmark of Palmyra,built in stages between the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. There is also an impressive Roman theater, originally with twelve rows of seating made of wood.

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