Home Mushrooms The largest volcano in the world. Major volcanoes: list

The largest volcano in the world. Major volcanoes: list

Volcanoes are some of the most magnificent wonders on earth. Their beauty is truly dangerous, since they can bring death to everything around them. Hot lava and volcanic bombs can easily wipe out everything that comes in their way, including the largest cities, from the face of the earth. For many millennia, mankind has already managed to become convinced of the incredible power of active volcanoes. For example, Vesuvius, who took thousands human lives and destroyed Largest cities that era (Pompey, Stabia, Herkulan).

The article describes the largest volcanoes in the world... This list includes volcanoes with different corners the world, regardless of seismological activity. The main criterion for the selection was their height.

10. Mauna Loa

Opens the top 10 largest volcanoes in the world, Mauna Loa. This is one of the active megavolcanoes, which is located in the central part of the island of Hawaii. In terms of its volume, it is second only to the Tamu Massif. Its height is over four thousand meters. Scientists suggest that Mauna Loa originated over seven hundred thousand years ago. Today it is considered an active volcano.

Mauna Loa has an irregular thyroid shape with gentle slopes. Many species can be found in the vicinity of the volcano rare plants and wild animals. The mountain and lands from the southeastern part are included in the reserve.

On the eastern side of the Andes mountain range is one of the largest volcanoes on the planet - the active volcano Sangay. It has a steep conical shape, and at its summit you can see numerous layers of lava and tephra. The uniqueness of this volcano lies in the presence of three craters. On the territory of the mountain and its vicinity, a national nature Park, which belongs to the list of protected areas by UNESCO.

Scientists suggest that Sangay volcano was formed about 14 thousand years ago. Its height is over 5 thousand meters. From the 30s of the last century to the present day, Sangay is characterized by very frequent periods of activity. The eruption of the volcano was first documented in 1628.

8. Volcano Huila

The Huila Old Volcano is the largest volcano in Colombia, with a height of 5365 meters. It has a steep, elongated shape. Huila was thought to be asleep for many years, and after fifty years he began to show signs of activity. In the period from 2007 to the present day, more than 7 thousand small seismic events have occurred. In 2011, the last eruption was recorded. Huila presents great danger for residents of four regions that are in its vicinity.

This volcano and its surrounding areas are home to many species of wild animals. The rich flora and fauna is due to the presence of numerous water sources, which were formed due to the descent of snow from the top of the mountain.

7. Popocatepetl

The Mexican Highlands is home to one of the largest active stratovolcanoes in the world - Popocatepetl. Its height is 5426 meters. The name of the volcano comes from the Nahuatl language, which means "Smoking Hill". Near it is Mount Istaxuatl. These two hills got their names thanks to the legend. In it, the Aztecs talked about an unhappy love, where a girl was given in marriage to another. This happened because her parents did not wait until the daughter's beloved returned from the hike. The girl soon committed suicide. After a while, the warrior returned home with a victory, but did not find his beloved alive. The guy could not face the loss and also committed suicide. To sign them eternal love the gods turned lovers into two mountains.

6. Orizaba

Orizaba is the highest peak in Mexico and one of the largest volcanoes in the world. Its height above sea level is 5675 meters. Locals call the volcano Sitlaltepetl. This, translated from one of the Aztec languages, means "mountain of the star".

On this moment the volcano is at rest, but it has not completely died out. About 27 eruptions have been documented, the last of which was observed in 1846.

In 1936, a protected park was created, which included the mountain, the surrounding areas and the settlement. Square protected area is almost 20 thousand hectares.

Over thirty years ago, there were about 14 glaciers at the top of the volcano. Due to the problem of global warming, their number has decreased. Today there are 9 of them. The largest of them is Gran Norte with an area of ​​9 sq. Km.

5. Misty

Misty is the largest active volcano in South America. It is located in the southern part of Peru. Its actual height is 5822 meters above sea level. Not far from the hill is the city of Arekina, which is home to more than 1 million people. Most of the city's buildings are built of pyroclastic deposits of the volcano.

The Misty cone is a stratovolcano. It is characterized by explosive eruptions, which alternate with the outflow of lava. One of the features of the volcano is the presence of three concentric craters. In the 15th century, very strong eruptions were observed. The most recent seismological activity was documented in 1985.

4. Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is the highest African volcano. It is located in northeastern Tanzania. Taking into account the glaciers, its height is 5895 meters. Kilimanjaro, like most of the largest volcanoes in the world, is dormant. At the moment, local residents observe little seismological activity. Kilimanjaro is conical in shape and consists of three craters.

There are many theories that explain the origin of the name in different ways. From the Swahili language, the name of the volcano is translated as "a mountain that sparkles."

Despite the fact that Kilimanjaro is an inactive volcano, it is visited by many scientists every year. The top of the volcano is covered with a huge snow cap, which was formed there since ice age... At the expense of global warming its volume has declined sharply over the past century.

3. Cotopaxes

In the list of the largest volcanoes in the world, Cotopaxi ranks third. The height of the volcano is 5911 meters, it is located in Ecuador on the western side of the Eastern Cordillera ridge. The capital of Ecuador, Quito is located just 50 kilometers from Cotopaxi.

The peak of the volcano's activity fell in the 17th-18th centuries. The last eruption happened quite recently - in 2015.

Cotopaxi in Quechua means "shining or smoking mountain". Sometimes, small clouds of smoke can be seen above its vent, which are formed due to the release of water and sulfur. Since the volcano is dormant, its summit is covered with a thick layer of glaciers and snow.

2. San Pedro

San Pedro, 6145 meters high, is the largest stratovolcano in the Andes mountain system. The volcano's cone is formed by basalt and andesite layers. The last seismic activity was observed in the 60s of the last century. In the summer of 1903, the first documented ascent to the top of the mountain was made.

Not far from San Pedro is the San Pablo volcano. Outwardly, they look like two brothers who are connected with each other using a high saddle.

1. Llullaillaco

Llullallaco is the largest volcano on Earth. Its height is 6739 meters. It is located on the high plateau of Puna de Atacama, between Argentina and Chile.

To date, Llullaco is in a dormant state. The last period of activity was documented in 1877. Now quite often you can see how smoke is released from its vents.

The very first documented ascent to the summit of Llullaco took place in 1952. During the expedition, archaeologists found an ancient sanctuary belonging to the Incas. A closer examination of the slopes of the mountain revealed several mummies, which were most likely sacrificed to the gods.

The total number of volcanoes that exist on the planet today is more than 4,000. However, not all of them are active. It is fashionable to refer to volcanoes of this kind only 1000, and a fourth of these volcanoes are located under water. Next, we will find out which volcanoes can be considered the highest in the world.


Aconcagua is not only the tallest mountain peak located on the territory South America(in Argentina), but also the tallest volcano in the world. Its height reaches 6962 meters. Translated from the language of the local indigenous population, the name "Aconcagua" sounds like "Stone Guard". Today, this volcano is inactive, but scientists have not yet been able to unravel the mystery of the awakening of volcanoes. Therefore, one has only to guess whether Aconcagua will wake up someday. In the meantime, the volcano is fast asleep, covered with a thick layer of the Polish and eastern glaciers.

The first conquerors of the height of this volcano were climbers led by Edward Fitzgerald. Their ascent to the top of the mountain took place more than 1 century ago, but since that time, not many daredevils have managed to conquer Aconcagua. Today, this volcano attracts many tourists from all over the world. It is not surprising that here you can see cafes and campsites of various sizes, where visitors are constantly present.

Nevado Ojos del Salado

If Akongagua is the tallest "dormant" volcano, then Nevado Ojos del Salado leads in the category of the highest active volcanoes on the planet. It is located in the Andes and reaches 6891 meters above sea level. The top of the volcano is decorated with a snow cap, which noticeably distinguishes it from the neighboring hills. Another hallmark of this volcano is that the world's highest lake is located here, which is located at a level of 6390 meters and has a mirror surface with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

Interestingly, until 1993, the volcano was considered dormant, since its last eruption occurred more than 1300 years ago. However, it was in 1997 that scientists discovered that the volcano began to give signs, announcing its awakening with emissions of dust and gases. One can only guess when the next eruption might happen.

Key Sopka

Klyuchevsky volcano (Klyuchevaya Sopka) is located in Kamchatka, just 60 kilometers from the Bering Sea. Its height is 4750 meters, making it the highest active volcano in Eurasia. In addition, this volcano, which the locals call the "fiery mountain" (due to the fact that for the entire period of its existence it did not fall asleep), can be considered the highest volcano in the whole of Russia. The diameter of the crater of Klyuchevskoy volcano is over 600 meters. Above it, clouds of smoke and explosions of fiery orange lava are constantly observed, and real eruptions are not uncommon here. Over the past 270 years, scientists have managed to record more than 50 grandiose eruptions. The rest of the mountain is completely covered with snow. Such a fantastic show simply cannot but bewitch!


The height of the Kilimanjaro volcano is 5895 meters. It is this indicator that gives scientists every right to attribute this volcano to the highest volcanoes in Africa. Kilimanjaro has 2 cones in its composition, which are inactive today. However, scientists warn that despite the fact that the last eruption of this volcano happened more than 200 years ago, it may still wake up. No one knows whether this will ever happen, but local residents are in constant stress due to potential danger to which they are exposed.

Translated from the Swahili language, the name "Kilimanjaro" sounds like "Shining Mountain". This name perfectly describes the power and beauty of this giant volcano, the top of which is adorned with a snow-white cap sparkling in the sun. By the way, scientists suggest that Kilimanjaro volcano was once much higher than it is now. However, after one of the strongest eruptions, it was destroyed, as a result of which only a plateau remained, which is considered today the volcano itself. One can only guess how high this beautiful volcano was once ... Today, Kilimanjaro is on the list World heritage UNESCO.

Apo volcano

Among the many volcanoes of various heights that can be seen in the Philippines (there are more than 30), the highest is the volcano Apo. Its height reaches 2954 meters, due to which it is considered the most high point these islands. This peak is located on the island of Mindanao and is included in mountain system Cordillera. The volcano has 2 craters - a young strato-volcano Apo and an ancient crater called Pettil McKinley. Today, the volcano cannot be called dormant, since from its crater there are periodic emissions of jets of hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and also water vapor, the temperature of which sometimes reaches 300 degrees!

Hot streams of molten lava pouring out from the bowels of the Earth, and at the same time clouds of ash, hot steam. The spectacle is, of course, exciting, but where does it come from? What large volcanoes exist on our planet? Where are they located?

The origin and varieties of volcanoes

Under a thick layer of the earth's crust is magma - molten matter of tremendous temperature and under great pressure... Magma contains minerals, vaporous water and gases. When the pressure gets too high, gases push magma upward through the weak points of the earth's crust. Surface layer The earth rises in the form of a mountain, and eventually magma breaks out.

The erupting magma is called lava, and the upland with the hole is called a volcano. The eruption is accompanied by emissions of ash and steam. Lava moves at a speed of over 40 km / h, with a temperature of about 1000 degrees Celsius. Depending on the nature of the eruption and related phenomena, volcanoes are divided into numerous types. For example, Hawaiian, Plinian, Peleian and others.

As it flows out, the lava solidifies and builds up in layers, creating the shape of a volcano. So, there are volcanoes of conical shape, gentle, domed, strato- or layered, as well as complex shape... In addition, they are divided into active, dormant and extinct, depending on the degree of activity of the eruptions.

The largest volcanoes in the world

There are approximately 540 active volcanoes around the world, with even more extinct volcanoes. All of them are located mainly in the Pacific, East African, Mediterranean fold zones. Most active manifests itself in the regions of South and Central America, Kamchatka, Japan, Iceland.

There are 330 active volcanoes in the Pacific belt alone. Large volcanoes are located in the Andes, on the Asian islands. In Africa, the highest is Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzania. It is a potentially active volcano that can wake up at any moment. Its height is 5895 meters.

Two world volcanic giants are located in Chile and Argentina. They are considered the tallest on Earth. Ojos del Salado is extinct, erupting in AD 700, although it occasionally emits water vapor and sulfur. Argentine Llullaillaco is considered active, the last time it erupted only in 1877.

The world's largest volcanoes are presented in the table.



Height, m

Eruption year

Ojos del Salado

Andes, Chile


Andes, Argentina

San Pedro

Andes, Chile


Andes, Ecuador


Tanzania, Africa


Andes, Peru

Cordillera, Mexico

Caucasus mountains, Russia


Cordillera, Mexico

Andes, Ecuador

Ring of Fire of the Pacific Ocean

Water The Pacific hide three lithospheric plates. Their outer edges go under lithospheric plates continents. The Pacific Ring of Fire is located along the entire perimeter of these junctions - small and large volcanoes, most of which are active.

Ring of Fire starts from Antarctica, passes through New Zealand, Philippine Islands, Japan, Kuriles, Kamchatka, stretches along the entire Pacific coast of North and South America. In some places, the ring breaks, for example, near and the state of California.

Large volcanoes of the Pacific belt are located in the Andes (Orizabo, San Pedro, Misty, Cotopaxi), Sumatra (Kerinchi), Ross Island (Erebus), Java (Semeru). One of the most famous - Fujiyama - is located on the island of Honshu. The volcano Krakatoa is located in.

The Hawaiian Islands archipelago is of volcanic origin. The largest volcano is Mauna Loa with an absolute height of 4169 meters. By relative altitude the mountain bypasses Everest and is considered the most high peak world, this value is 10 168 meters.

Mediterranean belt

The mountainous regions of North-West Africa, southern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Indochina, Tibet, Indonesia and the Himalayas make up the Mediterranean. geological processes, one of the manifestations of which is volcanism.

The largest volcanoes in the Mediterranean belt are Vesuvius, Santorini (Aegean Sea) and Etna in Italy, Elbrus and Kazbek in the Caucasus, Ararat in Turkey. The Italian Vesuvius consists of three peaks. From its powerful eruption in the first century AD, the cities of Herculaneum, Pompeii, Stabia, Oplontia suffered. In memory of this event, Karl Bryullov wrote famous painting"The last day of Pompeii".

The Ararat stratovolcano is the highest point in Turkey and the Armenian Highlands. Its last eruption took place in 1840. It was accompanied by an earthquake that completely destroyed the neighboring village and monastery. Ararat, like the Caucasian Kazbek, consists of two peaks, which are separated by a saddle.

Large volcanoes of Russia (list)

Within the territory of Russian Federation volcanoes are located in the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, the Caucasus and Transbaikalia. They make up approximately 8.5% of all volcanoes in the world. Many of them are considered extinct, although the sudden eruptions of Nameless in 1956 and the Academy of Sciences in 1997 proved the relativity of this term.

The largest volcanoes are located in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. The highest in all of Eurasia (among the operating ones) is considered (4835 meters). Its last eruption was recorded in 2013. There are very small volcanoes in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. For example, the height of Baranovsky is 160 meters. Over the past decade, Berg (2005), Ebeko (2010), Chikurachki (2008), Kizimen (2013) and others have shown their activity.

The largest volcanoes in Russia are presented in the table.



Height, m

Eruption year

650 BC NS.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka

Kamchatka Krai

Kamchatka Krai



Kamchatka Krai


Kamchatka Krai

Ichinskaya Sopka

Kamchatka Krai

Kronotskaya Sopka

Kamchatka Krai

Kamchatka Krai

Zhupanovskaya Sopka

Kamchatka Krai


Volcanoes are the consequences of active processes that take place inside our planet. They are formed in the earth's crust, where the crust cannot withstand the onslaught of pressure and high temperatures... The consequences of a volcanic eruption can be quite serious, since they are accompanied by emissions of ash, gases, sulfur into the atmosphere.

The accompanying phenomena of an eruption are often earthquakes and faults. The outflowing lava has such a high temperature that it instantly affects biological organisms.

However, in addition to the destructive effect, volcanoes also have reverse action... Lava that has not come to the surface can lift sedimentary rocks to form mountains. And the result of the eruption of an underwater volcano in Iceland was the island of Surtsey.

Most of the volcanoes of our planet are located in the "ring of fire", which stretches along the shores of the entire Pacific Ocean. In total, there are about 1.5 thousand volcanoes on Earth, of which 540 are active.

Here is a list of the most dangerous ones.

1. Nyiragongo, height 3470 m, Democratic republic Congo

This is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Africa. Since 1882, 34 eruptions have been recorded here. The main crater is 250 meters deep and 2 km wide, and contains a lake of actively bubbling lava. This lava is unusually fluid and its flows can reach speeds of 100 km / h. In 2002, an eruption killed 147 people and left 120,000 homeless. The last eruption to date occurred in 2016.

2. Taal, height 311 m, Philippines

It is one of the smallest active volcanoes on our planet. Since 1572, it has erupted 34 times. Located on the island of Luzon, on Lake Taal. The strongest eruption of this volcano in the 20th century occurred in 1911 - in 10 minutes, 1335 people and all living things died at a distance of up to 10 km. In 1965, 200 people died. Last eruption - 1977

3. Mauna Loa, height 4,169 m, Hawaii (USA)

There are many volcanoes in Hawaii, but this is the largest and most dangerous of all. Since 1832, 39 eruptions have been recorded. The last eruption took place in 1984, the last violent eruption in 1950.

4. Vesuvius, height 1 281 m, Italy

One of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world is located just 15 km east of Naples. The most famous historical eruption occurred in 79 AD. As a result of this disaster, two cities - Pompeii and Herculaneum - disappeared from the face of the Earth. V modern history the last eruption of Vesuvius happened in 1944.

5. Merapi, height 2 930 m, Indonesia

This active volcano in Indonesia is located on the island of Java near the city of Yogyakarta. "Merapi" translates as "mountain of fire". The volcano is young, so it puffs with enviable regularity. Large eruptions occur every 7 years on average. In 1930, about 1,300 people died, in 1974 two villages were destroyed, in 2010 353 people died. The last eruption was in 2011.

6. St. Helens, height 2,550 m, USA

Located 154 km from Seattle and 85 km from Portland. The most famous eruption of this active volcano occurred in 1980, when 57 people died. The eruption was of a rare type - "directed blast". The process of the volcanic eruption and the spread of the ash cloud was captured by photographer Robert Landsburg, who died in this eruption, but preserved the film. The last activity to date was recorded in 2008.

7. Etna, height 3 350 m, Italy

Mount Etna is located on the east coast of Sicily. It is the tallest active volcano in Europe. Throughout its existence, it has erupted about 200 times. In 1992, one of the largest eruptions was recorded, during which the town of Zafferana barely escaped. On December 3, 2015, the volcano's central crater ejected a kilometer-high lava fountain. The last eruption was on February 27, 2017.

8.Sakurajima, height 1,117 m, Japan

The volcano is located on the Osumi Peninsula of Kyushu Island in the Japanese prefecture of Kagoshima. There is almost always a cloud of smoke over the volcano. The eruptions were recorded on August 18, 2013, in March 2009. The last eruption was recorded on July 26, 2016.

9. Galeras, height 4,276 m, Colombia

Over the past 7 thousand years, at least six large eruptions and many small ones have occurred on Galeras. In 1993, during research works six volcanologists and three tourists died in the crater (then the eruption also began). Last recorded eruptions: January 2008, February 2009, January and August 2010

10. Popocatepetl, height 5426 m, Mexico

The name translates as "smoking hill". The volcano is located near Mexico City. Since 1519, it has erupted 20 times. The last eruption was recorded in 2015.

11. Unzen, height 1,500 m, Japan

The volcano is located on the Shimabara Peninsula. The eruption of the Unzen volcano in 1792 is one of the five most destructive eruptions in human history in terms of the number of human victims. The eruption caused a tsunami 55 meters high, which killed more than 15 thousand people. And in 1991, 43 people died during the eruption. There have been no eruptions since 1996.

12. Krakatoa, height 813 m, Indonesia

This active volcano is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. Before the historic eruption of 1883, the volcano was much higher and represented one big Island... However, the most powerful eruption in 1883 destroyed the island and the volcano. Krakatoa is still active today and small eruptions occur fairly regularly. The last activity was 2014.

13. Santa Maria, height 3,772 m, Guatemala

The first recorded eruption of this volcano took place in October 1902, before that it "rested" for 500 years. The explosion was heard 800 km away in Costa Rica, and the ash column rose 28 km. About 6 thousand people died. Today the volcano is active. The last eruption was recorded in 2011.

14. Klyuchevskaya Sopka, height 4835 m, Russia

The volcano is located in the east of Kamchatka, 60 km from the coast. It is the largest active volcano in Russia. Over the past 270 years, more than 50 eruptions have been recorded, the last in April 2016.

15. Karymskaya Sopka, height 1468 m, Russia

Also located in Kamchatka. More than 20 eruptions have been recorded since 1852. Eruptions recent years: 2005, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015. Very restless volcano.

The article tells about the highest volcanoes in the world. The earth on its surface has placed more than one hundred volcanoes. In addition to small, inactive volcanoes, there are also powerful, high and huge ones. They all have something in common, most likely, this is that they all rise above humanity by great height and instill fear in many. After all, everyone knows that volcanoes can erupt, release steam and ash. Does everyone know what volcanoes are? Volcanoes are formations above cracks in earth crust are, so to speak, geological formations that release ash, lava, loose rocks, vapors and gases to the surface of the earth.

If a volcano throws out ash, releases gas, and a person notices it, then it can be considered active. According to calculations, the largest number active volcanoes are located in the Malay Archipelago, which is considered the largest on planet Earth. It is located between the continents of Asia and Australia. The largest cluster of volcanoes in Russia is considered Kuril island and Kamchatka. In addition, there is data on those volcanoes, their number is 627 volcanoes, which for 10 years still showed signs of their life and dormant. But still activity.

I would like to note one of the majestic volcanoes, its name (translated from the Hawaiian language means “ long road"). In Hawaii, this is what volcanoes belong to. most of territory, in addition, it is the most active among all existing geological formations above cracks in the earth. When they began to record the activity of volcanoes, they noted that in 1843 it showed its activity 33 times. But in 1984, he last time proved that he was still alive. It was in that year that lava covered 30 thousand acres of the earth's surface, and the area of ​​the island of Hawaii increased by about 180 hectares. The volcano rose above sea level at 4169 meters... However, if you measure the total height of Mauna Low, starting from the bottom, then the figure will become twice as large - 9 thousand meters. It should be noted that this is more than Mount Everest.

Mauna Low besides its superiority in power and height, it is also distinguished by its massiveness. The volume from the base to the top is 75 thousand cubic kilometers. This volcano is legendary. For example, one of the legends says that Pele (the lady of volcanoes) was expelled from her house by her sister. The sister, in turn, was the master of the sea and water. And if Pele wanted to build a house for herself, then her sister, sending waves, destroyed all the works. Then the exile settled on the island and built a house for herself, which she named Mauna Low. It was so big that the waves could not reach it.

Some consider it the highest active volcano. It is located in the Chilean-Argentine Andes. Differs in height at 6,723 meters. Last time erupted in 1877. However, the opinions of scientists differed on the question of which volcano is the highest of the active ones. Many people give preference in this matter to the Cotopaxi volcano (South American Andes, Ecuador). Its height is less than that of Llullaillaco by 5,897 meters. Although a major eruption occurred in 1942. Ktopaxi are considered very beautiful in Ecuador. It has a very graceful crater and very attractive and dense greenery at the foot. But it is not always that gold that glitters. Cotopaxi are one of the most dangerous volcanoes. Beginning in 1742, large eruptions were recorded that destroyed the city of Latacunga (a nearby city from Cotopah in Ecuador).

The above-described volcanoes are probably not known to many. But the most popular volcanoes are Vesuvius, Fujiyama and Etna. Located in the south of Italy, not far from Naples. It is considered active, huge, with a height at 1 281 meters... Vesuvius is a representative of the country's three active volcanoes. He is considered the most dangerous in the world. V present time 80 of its eruptions are known, and the most massive and extensive eruption occurs in 79 years (2 millennia ago). The 79 eruption claimed the lives of cities such as Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae. The last eruption took place in 1944 and destroyed the cities of Massa and San Sabastiano.

The highest point in Africa and the highest volcano. At a distance of 300 kilometers south of the equator, this volcano is located in Tanzania. The summit of Kilimanjaro is considered to be Kibo, which reaches 5895 meters away... However, the highest point is considered the peak of the volcano - Uhuru. According to scientists, the age of the volcano has reached more than a million years. The large accumulation of glaciers on the slopes of this geological formation can be considered surprising, because it is located close to the equator.

Asia can also surprise the eye with the presence of volcanoes. For example, located on the island of Honshu (Japan, 150 kilometers from Tokyo). For local residents it is an iconic volcano with regular conical outlines 3776 meters high... At the moment, it is showing weak activity, its last eruption happened in 1707.

The strongest volcanic eruption was recorded in 1883. Unprecedented activity was demonstrated by the giant volcano on May 20. The rumble was heard throughout the capital of Indonesia. And Krakatoa was located 50 kilometers from the city. For three months, he frightened the entire population with his "exclamations" of crackling. The surface of the earth has accumulated large layers of pumice. But on August 27, 1883, there was such an eruption, which has never been seen before. From the epicenter of the hearth, the rumble of the volcano spread over 5 thousand kilometers, everything was incinerated, because the ash rose to a height of 30 kilometers. The radius of expansion of the volcanic edifice reached 500 kilometers. A gas-ash column rose into the atmosphere (column height 70 kilometers). Territory of 4 million square kilometers covered the ash, that is, it is 18 cubic kilometers. The explosion was rated on a 6-point scale and took the maximum mark. To be clear, this is more than 200 thousand times the explosion that destroyed Hiroshima.

After such an eruption, the result was not long in coming, and he was very sad. Just imagine, almost 300 villages and towns in Indonesia were destroyed, 37 thousand dead people, most of which were swept by a tsunami 30 meters high.

One of highest volcanoes Spain is considered (translated from Spanish means "salty eyes"). He occupied the territory of the border of Argentina and Chile, rose above sea level at 6891 meters... Its summit is located in Chile. He is considered inoperative, because his activity has never been recorded. Although, there are times when the volcano, as if, reminds of itself. This concerns the release of water vapor and sulfur that occurred in 1993. It should be noted that, nevertheless, some scientists consider it valid. This led to him taking the place of the highest active volcano, taking the place of Llullaillaco. But this fact is disputed and still have not come to a unanimous decision.

But there is another interesting fact, it says that Mount Elbrus in Russia is also a volcano ... How interesting our world is, and how little we know about it.

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