Home Mushrooms How many did Breivik kill? Breivik syndrome. How a lone terrorist “blowed up” prosperous Norway. year with unlimited renewal

How many did Breivik kill? Breivik syndrome. How a lone terrorist “blowed up” prosperous Norway. year with unlimited renewal

  • Self pity
  • Conflict
  • Dissatisfaction with the past years
  • Diffidence
  • Nostalgic memories of youth
  • Rejection of bad habits
  • No plans for later life
  • Lack of sexual attraction to a regular partner
  • Passivity
  • Lifestyle change
  • Revaluation family relations
  • Depression
  • The appearance of young lovers
  • Pay close attention to your appearance
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Spending free time doing routine things
  • Midlife crisis is quite long-lasting emotional condition, which arose against the background of dissatisfaction and revaluation of life. It most often occurs in men and women from 30 to 50 years of age. The main signs of this condition are worries about lost opportunities and thoughts about impending old age and death.

    The appearance of such depressive state doctors associate it with accumulation life experience, new outlooks on life and an understanding of how many opportunities were missed, and that youth cannot be returned. Approximately the same emotional state is inherent in adolescents during puberty.

    The symptoms of this disorder will be different for both sexes. The duration of this period also varies from person to person; for some it lasts from several months to several years, while for others it can last for decades. It all depends on what place a person occupies in society, whether he has children, what is his level wages etc. Often, a midlife crisis for women and men is a turning point, since after this a person not only changes his habits and tastes, but also his outlook on life. It is for this reason that people often get divorced, change places of work and residence, and begin to become interested in and communicate with people they would never have approached before.

    A midlife crisis is an absolutely normal phenomenon for every person, since the goals and plans set in life have been achieved. adolescence, which means that it is time to change your life and achieve new goals. The main method of treating a midlife crisis in men and women is to visit a psychologist and follow the recommendations prescribed by him.


    The midlife crisis overcomes people over 30 years old - precisely when a person switches to a new life stage. It is believed that this condition is similar to a crisis in adolescents. The person again tries to prove to the people around him, but first of all to his husband or wife, that he is an individual person who has achieved a lot in the first half of his life. Basically, this state in the life of every adult is determined not only by internal experiences, but also by external ones. Thus, the causes of the midlife crisis are:

    • low professionalism, when a person feels that he has achieved practically nothing in his work, while all other colleagues have achieved much more;
    • age group. Because the this state typical for people over 30 years of age, there comes an understanding that over the years a person does not get younger, and the health of a particular individual is not the same as in his youth;
    • social factor - society demands responsibility from actions specific person, responsibilities to society and one’s own family appear;
    • loss of a close relative or lover. Sometimes a person is unable to cope with such grief, and this leads to the fact that problems at work or from distant childhood emerge, and in total lead to a protracted and manifestation of a midlife crisis;
    • concentration on negative thoughts when old age and death are inevitable;
    • external changes are considered the main cause of a midlife crisis in women;
    • absence of children - this factor leads to emotional distress not only in women over 30 years old, but also in men. For some, the problem is the predominance of career growth over the appearance of children, while for others, on the contrary, the obsession with having them. There is only one way out - to have a child, then the meaning of life will appear for both women and men;
    • self-critical attitude towards oneself;
    • lack of confidence in yourself, your knowledge and skills;
    • unfulfillment in life. This factor lies in the fact that most female representatives devote themselves to family and children, and then, by the age of forty, they find themselves of no use to anyone. Men are less likely to experience this problem, since they rarely agree to stay at home and raise children;
    • hormonal disbalance. Often, a crisis occurs when female representatives enter a period (the most typical reason for the expression of a midlife crisis in women).

    Additional factors that may contribute to a midlife crisis starting before age 30:

    • problematic childhood - the absence of one of the parents or insufficient expression of love on their part;
    • various disorders of organs and systems that can worsen and become chronic;
    • weak character.


    Signs of masculinity and women's crisis They are similar in many ways, but still have their own characteristics. Symptoms of a midlife crisis in men over 30:

    • state constant depression or ;
    • self-pity;
    • addiction to alcohol, or, conversely, giving up all bad habits;
    • passive state. It is quite difficult to force a man to do anything - all attempts to stir him up end in scandals;
    • constant irritability and dissatisfaction with the other half;
    • the appearance of young lovers. And representatives of the stronger sex do not always do this secretly from their spouse;
    • conflict situations with parents, relatives or friends;
    • nostalgic memories of youth, when your whole life was ahead of you and there was a lot of time left to achieve your goals;
    • close attention to your appearance. Often men change their clothing style during such a period;
    • lack of sexual attraction to your wife or regular partner.

    Characteristic symptoms of a midlife crisis in women:

    • diffidence;
    • changing lifestyle, from healthy to harmful, and vice versa;
    • lack of plans for future life. Representatives of the fairer sex attribute this to the fact that their appearance changes, bringing them closer to aging;
    • dissatisfaction with the years lived, especially in cases where a woman was forced to raise children rather than engage in her own development;
    • spending free time doing routine tasks or watching TV;
    • overestimation of family relationships with relatives and friends, most often for the worse;
    • depressed and depressed state.

    Signs that a midlife crisis is beginning are observed much more often in women than in men. Thus, a representative of the weaker sex can be susceptible to this condition from 30 to 50 years, and for the stronger half of humanity - from 35 to 55 years. But the timing of symptoms of a midlife crisis and its duration are individual for each person.


    Crisis therapy for people over 30 years of age is carried out family psychologists, because against the backdrop of such a state, families often collapse. The number of sessions with a specialist is set individually for each couple, depending on age and the degree of manifestation of signs of emotional disorder. In addition, there are several recommendations for wives and husbands in order to survive the crisis of their spouse with the least losses. Thus, home treatment for a midlife crisis in men, which should be performed by a woman, includes the following activities:

    • limitation, and, if possible, complete refusal conflict situations with your spouse, even in those moments when he is wrong. It's best to treat it like to a small child- this will protect the family from betrayal;
    • constantly praise and inspire him to do the things he does best;
    • constant support for her husband, no matter what absurd ideas he may be interested in;
    • reducing words of flattery addressed to the spouse;
    • do your best to attract him, and not push him away from sexual relations.
    • a husband should always remind his wife that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Thus, she will learn to love herself and her reflection in the mirror, and will also stop being afraid of age-related problems;
    • get closer to your children, try to become a friend to them;
    • keep an eye on appearance, you can change your image, then not only will there be an incentive to be in society, but also an opportunity to attract the attention of your spouse;
    • find a hobby you like, and it’s best if a new hobby unites both spouses.

    In addition, you need to learn to express all your negative and positive thoughts about yourself and loved one. So the totality self-treatment and psychotherapy will help save the family and reduce the duration of the midlife crisis.

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    Norway, July 2011. A bomb explodes in the center of Oslo, killing 8 people. And on the island, forty kilometers from the capital, more than 500 teenagers are fighting for their lives. They are methodically hunted by a lone terrorist. The horror will last 3 hours, 77 people will become victims. More than two hundred will be injured. How could one man cause so much chaos and destruction? Why couldn't they stop him?


    On small island The Utøya Norwegian Workers' Party organizes an annual summer youth camp. In total there are just over 500 children, for whom this piece of land seems like a paradise. There are practically no adults here, which means teenagers have every chance to take a break from the guardianship that surrounds them at home. But they were not completely cut off from civilization, although they lived in tents on fresh air. On July 22, 2011, news spread through the camp that there had been an explosion in Oslo and there were casualties.

    Terrorist attack

    To prevent panic and calm children, counselors gather them in one place and inform them that they are safe here and are not in danger. But within an hour, a man arrives on the island and introduces himself as a police officer. He entered the camp without any problems, and a few seconds later everyone heard loud bangs. The outraged children thought it was fireworks exploding. Who came up with the idea of ​​putting on a show at the moment when terrorists blew up a government building? Some ran out of the building to see what was happening outside.


    Only a few minutes later it became clear that a man in a police uniform was walking among the tents and shooting children. Unsuspecting teenagers did not even try to escape, because to think that in this moment there is a “cleansing” going on, it didn’t even occur to anyone.

    The militant is located in the main camp area in the center of the island. There's nowhere to run - from big land they are separated by 600 meters ice water. The children try to call the police, but in vain. Only a few were able to tell their parents about the nightmare in which they found themselves. While everyone is looking for a secluded place and trying to avoid death, a long-awaited silence sets in. A man with a rifle walks through the forest and encourages children to come out because it is safe. At this moment he himself reloads his weapon and looks out for new victims.

    But everyone understood that this was only a deceptive maneuver, and the psychopath simply did not want to waste time searching. Some, unable to withstand the tension, jumped into the water. But even there they were overtaken by shots. Several teenagers met their deaths while trying to hide underwater. The rocks on the coast provided shelter, but the maniac had no intention of leaving and continued to explore the area.

    Soon a helicopter appeared over the island, and the children ran out to open area and began to wave their arms. They thought they were the police, but they were just reporters. Without knowing it, they made their bloody contribution - the militant quickly got his bearings and began shooting at defenseless teenagers. Only an hour later, Delta Squad arrived on the island and quickly captured the shooter. It turned out to be Anders Behring Breivik. But why did he commit such a terrible crime?

    Norwegian marksman

    Anders Breivik was born into a diplomatic family, and was greatly influenced by his father's departure from the family and his mother's subsequent marriages. The boy grew up withdrawn, but did not cause any concern among school teachers and psychologists. At that time, he was not yet interested in politics, but he always felt embittered towards the whole world and his parents. His mother was too soft a woman, and he lacked his father's strong upbringing. Already during the investigation, psychologists came to the conclusion that Anders Breivik was raped at the age of 4-5 years. He graduated from school quite successfully and went to serve in the army.

    Having repaid his debt to his homeland, he entered management school, which indicates his desire to get an education. After receiving his specialty, he began growing vegetables, being the director of a small enterprise. At that moment, he looked like an ordinary law-abiding citizen who cares about his income. He had hobbies: he loved watching TV series and listening to popular music. Sunday lunches with his mother only added to his points in the eyes of society. Yes, he was unmarried and did not have a permanent girlfriend, but this is his personal life. As long as he had not done anything reprehensible, no one had the right to break into his space.

    The man was engaged in bodybuilding, had quite high growth(186 cm) and athletic build. I was fond of reading. His favorite writers were Kant, Smith, Marx. He liked Political Views Vladimir Putin and Churchill. In addition, he was a member of the Masonic lodge. From all sides he looked like an honest and respected man. Meanwhile, he was assembling a bomb from agricultural fertilizers and was already planning the first terrorist attack.

    Internet and manifesto

    Before committing his terrible crimes, Anders Behring Breivik published his thoughts on the Internet. His manifesto was filled with hatred for political system, and especially the crowds of migrants infuriated him. After much thought, he came to the conclusion that the only way to reduce the number of people wishing to settle in his country was through terrorism.

    Before that, he expressed similar thoughts on various forums, but this did not attract the attention of the intelligence services. There are many such heroes on the Internet. After his terrorist attacks, everyone who was responsible for identifying potential criminals on the Internet had to admit their mistakes. Anders Breivik killed 77 people, and only after that the problem became urgent, and the authorities paid attention to what was happening in virtual world.

    Trial and verdict

    Despite the fact that experts diagnosed the Norwegian shooter with schizophrenia, he refused to admit that he was insane. At the trial, he said that he would appeal the sentence if he was given compulsory treatment. As a result, he was given 21 years in prison. This is the highest penalty in Norway, and before Breivik no one received such a sentence. It should be clarified that he can repeatedly extend it for 5 years. The prisoner himself listened to the verdict with a smile on his face and was satisfied. He shared his plans with journalists: he wants to write books in prison.

    Following the court verdict, the Norwegian shooter must serve his sentence in solitary confinement. But pleasing a mass murderer is not so easy. In 2018, he won a case against the state, which did not provide him with adequate conditions. Among the requirements was to replace the TV, game console and a DVD player for more modern models. Moreover, he complained about bad job air conditioner Several times he was served food that was heated in the microwave. Instead of normal cutlery, they gave us plastic ones, and once they even brought cold coffee. Plus, he is not allowed to walk in the courtyard whenever he wants. He won the case and received 40 thousand dollars from the state. The only thing he was denied was the requirement to provide him with neighbors. He did not admit his guilt, so he is considered a dangerous criminal.

    Almost a resort

    In prison, Anders Breivik continues to languish in a three-room cell. He has at his disposal a whole room for training on a simulator, a study room (with a computer) and a bedroom. The bathroom is also his personal use. But he still wants to have a kitchen so he can cook his own lunches, and washing machine. The killer is not wasting his time: he has already written his memoirs and even graduated from the university in absentia. And his name is now Fjotolf Hansen. He probably still hopes to be released someday.

    Anders Behring Breivik's birthplace is Oslo (February 13, 1979). The father of the future terrorist, diplomat Jens Breivik, left the family in 1981. However, Wenke Behring, Anders' mother, who lived with one-year-old son and his half-sister, did not need anything - despite the modest profession of a nurse, the family lived in the prestigious Skoien area, Anders himself studied at two elite schools. Anders Breivik's mother and father had very left-wing beliefs - both were adherents of the Norwegian Labor Party DNA (whose representatives were the organizers of the youth camp in which the massacre took place). Anders himself did not experience racial prejudice in his youth; his friend was a boy from a family of Pakistani immigrants, with whom he painted graffiti. At the age of 15, Anders Breivik, on his own initiative, was baptized into the Protestant faith and became interested in politics. He graduated high school management of Handelsgymnasium and, according to him, received a master's degree. Breivik served in the army, where he learned to shoot, and had many jobs - from a sales manager and a bank employee to the owner of his own information processing and storage company. At the same time, Breivik’s own stories about his career, earnings and military service have a significant discrepancy with official data. His mother by this time had married officer Thule Tolarsen, and was sick a lot; Anders rarely maintained contact with his father. He began to adhere to extreme right-wing views and joined the youth faction, and then the main structure of the right-wing Fremskrittspartiet party, and as its representative ran for a number of municipal posts. In addition, Breivik became a member of the Masonic lodge Johannes Lodge Soilene, and, according to him, even a member of the secret organization of the Templars, where he took the name Sigrud and raised funds for the publication of the works of this organization. He positioned himself as a radical nationalist, spoke sharply about the doctrine of multiculturalism and the living of Muslims in European countries, accused them of supporting al-Qaeda and destroying traditional European culture. Gradually, Breivik began to openly declare the unacceptability of democratic methods and openly call for armed struggle against Muslims and Marxists. At the same time, Breivik became a member of the Pistol Club in Oslo and completed a hunting course. He was active in many online communities, most notably the far right political portal Document.no and the Swedish fascist forum "Nordisk", spoke with representatives of anti-Muslim organizations in the UK, in particular, the "English Defense League" and "Stop the Islamification of Europe". Over time, Breivik began to move away from the Christian principles he had previously preached, criticizing the liberalism of priests. Breivik's neighbors and acquaintances noted his love for paramilitary attire, but everyone unanimously called him a very calm and polite person. Subsequently, having his own farm allowed the terrorist to purchase large doses of fertilizers, which were used to produce explosives. At the same time, Breivik was collecting email addresses like-minded people and, as a member of the Pistol Club and a certified hunter, received permission to own firearms. He purchased a Glock semi-automatic pistol, as well as a shotgun and a semi-automatic rifle, modified the charges himself to make them explosive and even considered putting chemical agents on them. In addition, Breivik made a large number of explosives.

    The beginning of Anders Breivik's terrorist action was the creation of his own Twitter blog, on which he posted only a single philosophical quote. This happened on July 17, 2011. On July 22, the terrorist posted online a document of one and a half thousand pages called “2083.” In it, on behalf of the Templars, he called for a fight against leftist movements, Islamization and “ethnic cleansing” of Norwegians. The document stated that Breivik was the author of only half of the text, and the other half was compiled, in particular, from the statements of terrorist Ted Kaczynski. A video clip outlining “2083” and calling for “martyrdom methods of struggle” was also posted by Breivik on Youtube. A few hours after this, a parked Volkswagen minibus exploded in the center of the Norwegian capital, inside which a terrorist had planted explosives. Eight people died and dozens more were injured. Two hours later, Breivik, dressed in a police uniform and with a fake ID, took a ferry to the island of Utøya, where the youth camp was located. Under the pretext of conducting a safety briefing in connection with the explosion in Oslo, he gathered young people vacationing there and began shooting at them. The shooting lasted an hour and a half, until the police arrived and detained the criminal, who did not resist. In total, 151 people were injured at the hands of Breivik, and 77 died. The criminal received the maximum sentence provided for by Norwegian law - 21 years in prison, with the right to extend. Since release is possible only if he does not pose a public danger, lawyers believe that Breivik's sentence will be extended until his death. IN currently the criminal complains about the conditions of his imprisonment (three-room cell with gym) and intends to receive in absentia higher education majoring in political science.

    On Friday, August 24, the Oslo District Court announced the verdict in the high-profile case of “Norwegian shooter” Anders Breivik, accused of terrorism. On July 22, 2011, the accused opened fire in a government quarter in the Norwegian capital, killing eight people, and then opened fire at a Norwegian Workers' Party youth camp on the island of Utøya, where 69 people were killed. Court sentence to 21 years in prison.

    The main question that the court had to answer is who Breivik is - a person who requires special treatment, as one group of experts concluded, who took the lives of 77 people - a second group of specialists who examined the terrorist is confident of this.

    Reuters. Heiko Junge/NTB Scanpix/Pool

    Breivik greets the court with his usual gesture

    Breivik himself has repeatedly claimed that he is mentally healthy. The “shooter” treats the verdict declaring him insane as humiliation, and this is already a court decision.

    “Nobody asked the people of Norway whether they want such an invasion from the outside, such an immigration policy that violates their rights, established ethnic groups, attacks Christian values. I wanted to save Norway from an attack on its culture, traditions, and values,” the defendant said.

    AFP. Daniel Sannum Lauten

    Breivik prepared his 13-page appeal to the court for several months

    “I would not want to be sentenced to death, but I would respect such a decision,” the accused said.

    During his testimony, Breivik said that he had learned the intricacies of terrorism, the most successful organization in the world, in his opinion. In addition, the "Norwegian shooter" practiced various techniques psychological training, including Japanese bushi-do meditation, to easily decide to commit suicide.

    He considered himself a suicide bomber. On the fateful day of July 22, Breivik, while the maximum plan included the explosion of three bombs with a total weight of 2.5 tons: the first - in the government quarter, the second - in the main office of the workers' party, the third - Royal Palace or the editorial office of the newspaper Aftenposten.

    After such an act of terror, their own chances Breivik estimated survival at 5%.

    Answering one of the main questions of the court - where did he get the weapon from and who helped him acquire it - the accused explained that to achieve his goal he joined a shooting club, membership in which gave him the opportunity to buy weapons and train in shooting.

    Breivik each type of his weapon in accordance with traditions Scandinavian Vikings. So, he named one of the guns Gungnir - in honor of the spear Scandinavian god Odin, who was endowed magical power return to the owner.

    AFP. Solum, Stian Lysberg / POOL

    The “shooter” described the crime with such thoroughness that the judge allowed the relatives of the victims to leave the courtroom at any time

    “I named the Glock Mjolner - that was the name of the hammer of the god Thor, and the car was named Sleipner, named after the eight-legged horse of the god Odin. The names were written in runes. I believe that this is a wonderful European tradition that is still alive. Many Norwegian soldiers in Afghanistan they named their weapons,” the accused said.

    About the shooting at the youth camp of the Workers' Party of Norway on the island of Utøya Breivik, according to him in my own words, remembers little: he was in a state of shock. However, he spends his entire route. According to the accused, immediately before the execution, he heard “hundreds of voices in his head repeating: “don’t do this, don’t do that.”

    AFP. Heiko Junge

    During the entire process, Breivik was calm and cried only once - during the demonstration of a propaganda film he had edited.

    "But I was already surrounded. There were people around me, I took out a pistol and decided: now or never. In the tent camp I was going to scare as much as possible with shots more people“to drive them into the water and for them to drown, that was the plan,” Beivik explained, adding that he killed everyone who crossed his path, finishing off the wounded with a shot to the head.

    "I knew that day I would lose everything. I lost my family and friends. Me," he said.

    Psychiatrists' point of view

    First Forensic-medical examination, which ended at the end of November 2011, showed that Anders Breivik suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and cannot be prosecuted, but must be sent for compulsory treatment.

    The Oslo District Court made the decision. The conclusion of two experts Agnar Aspos and Terje Therrsen on April 10 became sensational: Breivik was sane and fully aware of his actions.

    AFP. Daniel Sannum Lauten

    The court decided to order an examination of Breivik three times

    Thus, it was decided to involve another expert to evaluate mental health accused.

    Psychiatric expert Eirik Johannesen, who spent a total of about 26 hours in conversations with Breivik, said that the accused is an absolutely sane person,

    In light of his ideology, I don't think he can be treated with therapy or medication. He created an image to convince other right-wing extremists and fascists to follow his example, an image that does not correspond to who he really is. But there are no mental abnormalities in this,” the expert said.

    Specialists from the Diekemark psychiatric clinic, who also did not identify any mental illness Breivik said they could

    In order to begin treatment, clinic specialists must diagnose the patient and then decide what treatment is required, and whether it is necessary at all.

    “We cannot treat a person just because the court has decided so. We ourselves must establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment,” said Anne Christine Bergem, a representative of the Diekemark hospital.

    A cell in the Ila prison in Norway where Anders Breivik will most likely be held.

    In general, most psychiatrists who followed the development of the case agreed: the “shooter” should go to prison, not to a hospital. According to surveys conducted by the Weerdensgang publication, 62.3% of surveyed experts in the field of psychiatry considered Breivik sane, only 14.8% would send him for treatment, and 23% of experts were not sure of the diagnosis.

    Reaction to the verdict

    One of the first to express his opinion regarding Breivik’s sentence was the head of the Moscow Bar Association, Henry Reznik. According to the lawyer, the sentence is completely logical and appropriate. Moreover: the Oslo court decision

    “I evaluate what happened after the most savagery as a victory of civilization and real democracy over the reaction to what happened,” said the lawyer, who emphasized that Russia should “learn from Norway in this, and not be upset by proposals to take a moratorium on the death penalty.”

    Reuters. Stoyan Nenov

    Ila Prison in Norway

    His colleagues generally agreed with Reznik. At the same time, the lawyers noted that in Russia, of course, the sentence would have been harsher.

    According to the head of the Interregional Chamber of Lawyers Nikolai Klen, Breivik certainly deserves death penalty: 21 years is a completely inadequate punishment, given the fact that during this time the criminal will live at the expense of taxpayers.

    And the famous lawyer Yuri Schmidt expressed indignation at the fact that, in one of the reports from the trial, it was shown that “the prosecutor approaches this well-fed, well-dressed man and shakes his hand, showing that it’s nothing personal, this is just justice.”

    “I myself have always advocated the democratization of the criminal process, for respecting the rights of even those accused of a serious crime. But there are crimes that should forever erase those who committed them from the normal human society, for which any punishment other than the death penalty seems lenient,” said lawyer Schmidt.

    Reuters. Ila Prison/Glefs AS/NTB Scanpix

    Many lawyers and human rights activists considered Breivik's conditions in prison too comfortable

    Russian human rights activists, in turn, also expressed solidarity with the decision of the Norwegian court. However, according to experts, the attitude towards the defendant could have been harsher: in particular, criticism is caused by the conditions of detention of the criminal, which are more reminiscent of a comfortable hotel than a prison.

    So, the head of the Commission Public Chamber(OP) of the Russian Federation according to interethnic relations and freedom of conscience, Nikolai Svanidze called Breivik “an unrepentant brute of sound mind and solid memory, who is ready to continue killing.” At the same time, Svanidze noted that a sentence of 21 years in prison will not scare anyone.

    “Nothing will scare such people with twisted brains. Moreover, someone will think that he became famous anyway. And they will want to become famous like him. It’s just that in this case This is society's punishment for the worst criminal. And the punishment in the absence of the death penalty is worthy,"

    The same point of view is shared by human rights activist, director of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights Alexander Brod, according to whom, the court

    "He committed a misanthropic crime and was guided, among other things, by racist motives. What is confusing is that, as shown in the TV report, his camera resembles good hotel. That is, he has a computer there, and training equipment, and all the conditions. Of course, serving a sentence even for 21 years, but in such a place with comfort is even the height of humanism.”

    The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti

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