Home Trees and shrubs Compulsory drug addiction treatment - law and practice. Who needs compulsory treatment? In such cases, the problem of a vicious circle arises.

Compulsory drug addiction treatment - law and practice. Who needs compulsory treatment? In such cases, the problem of a vicious circle arises.

Not so long ago, it was believed that for the successful treatment of drug addiction it is necessary that the patient himself realizes the horror of his situation and has a burning desire to be treated. As practice shows, this approach does not always justify itself, because drugs have an extremely negative effect on the human body. It often happens that the addict simply does not have time to realize his own illness. Death from drugs with the advent of synthetic psychotropic drugs acquires more and more real features. Addicts die from overdoses concomitant diseases, accidents that occurred through the fault of their own inadequate state.

It is for this reason that the compulsory treatment of drug addicts- the only correct decision that can save his life.

How is compulsory drug addiction treatment going?

Many people have a wrong idea of ​​how compulsory drug addiction treatment goes and, therefore, are in no hurry to use this service. In order for the therapy to be successful, in any case, a conscious desire of the patient to stop using and begin to conduct healthy image life. What is “compulsion”? First of all, it is psychological help and support at the stage of understanding the problem. Qualified personnel of a specialized clinic come to the addict's home and persuade him to undergo treatment. Often, relatives and friends cannot "reach out" to the patient. This is due to the fact that the consciousness of people who use drugs is undergoing major changes. They become immune to logical reasoning and arguments. To convey to them any idea, knowledge of the characteristics of the psyche of drug addicts is required. Treatment is carried out based on the patient's desire, which was developed as a result of communication with a psychologist. In the course of further therapy, the desire to start new life where there is no place for use.

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts or transfer in Moscow

I must say that the transfer service, when specialists arrive, motivate and take them to a specialized center for treatment, will also be relevant for those patients who express their readiness to be treated. The point is that the desires of drug addicts are extremely unstable. The firm belief that they are starting a new life without taking psychotropic substances can in an instant be replaced by an equally acute need to use "in last time". For this reason, even going for treatment, an addict may simply not get there, unable to resist the temptations around him. The staff of the rehabilitation center is ready to accompany the patient. This will ensure that he gets to his destination and begins to undergo rehabilitation therapy.

What to do if the addict does not want to be treated

The classic question that arises from relatives of drug addicts is: "What to do if you don't want to be treated?" There can be only one answer here: to use the services of professionals. The consciousness of drug addicts is clouded by psychotropic substances. The patient is simply not able to realize the full horror of his situation. He lives in the world of his illusions, completely ignoring the reality around him. To regain clarity of perception, it is necessary to stop taking drugs. Thus, the addict finds himself in a vicious circle, which he is simply unable to break on his own.

Only possible help family members in this situation - seek help and start treatment as soon as possible.

How to send an addict for compulsory treatment: useful tips

Thinking about how to send the addict for compulsory treatment in Moscow? To do this, we suggest using the services of the Drug Treatment Center. Collected here detailed information regarding all establishments that offer a similar service.

Our experts will help you choose exactly the institution that best suits your needs. We personally inspect each of the centers to be sure of the proper quality of the services offered.

We will provide you with information regarding drug addiction treatment methods that are used for rehabilitation. We also analyze the effectiveness of treatment. To do this, we communicate with former patients, as well as their relatives. Thanks to this, it is possible to understand how long the remission after treatment is.

Also here you can find out everything about the cost of rehabilitation therapy.

Don't give up! Addiction is not a sentence! There is always a way out! Contact the Drug Treatment Center! We will help the addict to return joy and a sober view of the world!

They admit they are sick, go to an appointment with a narcologist.

The arguments of relatives do not help to go to a dispensary, a rehabilitation center in order to receive qualified help from addicts. Parents are faced with a choice: let the situation take its course, use compulsory treatment, or what to do when persuasion does not work.

A proven radical way: go immediately to a clinic whose employees know how to motivate addicts, convince with permitted methods, without putting pressure on the psyche.

Who needs compulsory treatment?

Over the decades, drug addiction treatment methods have been developed and improved. For a long time, most doctors argued: a course of medication or psychotherapeutic course will be effective only if the addict is interested in the outcome. When you voluntarily go to the clinic, you have to count on success.

Relatives, judicial authorities, neighbors, colleagues were not allowed to send the addict to the clinic forcibly. As a result, drug addicts were recognized as socially dangerous and died from an overdose. The generally accepted humanity turned out to be cruel: because of the inaction of those around them, young people died.

Compulsory drug addiction treatment is often practiced due to the rapid spread of addiction. It's time to save the sick who can become free. In addition to the will of the patient, the court is sent to the clinic.

There are enough reasons for referral for treatment:

  1. the patient takes illegal drugs, is addicted to them;
  2. a drug addict has committed an offense;
  3. a person who uses drugs is sentenced.

The court cannot send the addict for compulsory drug addiction treatment until the relatives provide the relevant certificates. We'll have to take tests, prove that a brother, son, husband, daughter is taking drugs. And again the problem arises: how to get the addict to the clinic if he does not agree?

V European centers the course of drug addiction treatment in rehabilitation clinics has long been practiced. A similar practice has been introduced in our country.

The RC employs specialists who motivate the addict to undergo treatment. They are so savvy that the addict, after a long conversation, agrees to receive qualified help.

The essence of the intervention

Inpatient addiction treatment scares the addict. It is scary to be deprived of freedom, to be left without a dose, to survive.

However, without taking appropriate measures to restrict communication, isolate from former friends who prohibit drug use, recovery is impossible. The situation has to be explained to the addict.

The patient stopped listening long ago, respecting relatives. We have to look for specialists. A decisive step is proposed: to invite home the psychologists of the rehabilitation center who are able to organize the intervention of a drug addict.

The essence of the technique is to conduct a motivational conversation with the addict. The initiators of the call of specialists are relatives who have previously tried in vain to convince the addict to undergo a course of therapy. Their knowledge was not enough to explain to a misunderstanding relative the outcome of such hobbies.

- introduction of specialists into privacy addict with the aim of influencing the subconscious, wanting to force him to be treated. The procedure is considered to be quite effective and is legally allowed.

Advantages over alternative methods agitation of the patient for compulsory admission to the hospital:

  • persuasiveness;
  • efficiency;
  • speed of carrying out;
  • painlessness;
  • individuality.

How specialists motivate treatment

The team for the intervention is made up of psychologists.

Sometimes consultants, recovered drug addicts, narcologists, and relatives work together. The group is formed individually.

After the end of the procedure, the addict agrees to seek help. This is not a compulsory treatment of drug addicts, but voluntary. The decision was made by a convinced client after talking with a group of motivators.

Stages of patient motivation

The addict's intervention is carried out according to a predetermined plan.

The procedure consists of stages.

  1. Preparatory. First, the relatives meet with the clinic staff and describe the situation in detail. Taking into account the nature of the patient, the degree of aggression towards others, trust in doctors, a client's motivation group is formed. Sometimes the visit of one psychologist is enough, in difficult situations a whole group gathers, where each performs the assigned function, motivating for compulsory treatment of drug addiction and substance abuse.
  2. Collecting patient information. After completing the conversation with relatives, the psychologist summarizes the information received, draws up a preliminary plan for the conversation. If there is a lack of information, he calls up with the family, asks questions of interest.
  3. Motivational conversation. A visit to the addict takes place at a strictly agreed time in the absence of strangers. At first, the addict does not show interest in the arrived specialists, avoids them. They talk with relatives while in the same room with a drug addict. The arriving employees give convincing reasons. Phrases are selected capacious, accessible. Gradually, the patient joins in the conversation. Sometimes a motivational conversation takes 4-6 hours.
  4. Obtaining consent. The addict enters into a conversation, answers questions. The conversation is immediately put on the right track to obtain consent for treatment.
  5. Hospitalization. Seeing the problem, the addict agrees to be treated. He is immediately taken to a clinic, a rehabilitation center, until he changed his mind. The relatives collect the patient's belongings in advance.

Service prices

Intervention is a procedure offered by private clinics. The services of rehabilitation institutions are paid.

The cost is negotiated by the centers when concluding a contract. Many offer a motivational conversation, delivery of the patient to the clinic free of charge upon concluding a further contract for anonymous drug addiction treatment lasting 3 - 5 months.

In the absence of a corresponding item, the procedure will have to be paid for:

  • –10,000 rubles;
  • –5,000 rubles;
  • –10,000 rubles;
  • –500 hryvnia;
  • –150 Belarusian rubles.

The cost of the procedure is approximate. The price increases when leaving the city, moving away from the Moscow Ring Road, the cost more time than stipulated by the contract.


Don't be afraid to order intervention to save the addict. Sometimes the only chance is given - to force the addict to admit the problem, assess its depth, assess the bleak future.

Relatives are powerless by giving up motivation. They first lose hope, then a loved one who dies from drugs in the absence of treatment.

Video: Compulsory Drug Addiction Treatment- Doesn't Want To Be Treated? What to do?

You can find a drug treatment clinic that has specialists in addictive intervention here - choose your city in the table

Almost always, a drug addict does not recognize addiction, and therefore does not seek to be treated voluntarily. Close people are unable to persuade or force him - pleas and threats do not help. And then the question of compulsory therapy arises.

Forced drug rehabilitation seems to be the easiest way out of the situation. But the problem is that without a court order, such a method is illegal (Articles 126,127 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Organizations that provide such services - kidnap people and rehabilitate them forcibly - are criminal structures far from understanding the process of vocational rehabilitation. For the so-called course, they ask for a symbolic payment of 20-30 thousand rubles. But keep in mind that the level of service will be appropriate - unsanitary barracks, poor and irregular food, prison guards instead of caring specialists.

As you can imagine, such measures will not bring the desired result - it is impossible to force a person to change for the better, especially in a rehabilitation camp. Only deep personal motivation can bring about change.

This is why we do not practice forced drug addiction. Compulsion will never replace the personal responsibility that begins the journey of recovery.

The specialists of the Resheniya center form the correct motivation against drug addiction and alcoholism using the method of psychological intervention.


The addict uses because this is the only way he can drown out his emotional and physical pain. This is his protection, and he will not give up on it just like that.

The essence of the intervention is to break the psychological barrier of the addict, to show him the truth about who he has become, and to offer the right course. But for this you need to build the conversation correctly.

Who is involved?

The intervention takes place in the form of a conversation, in which all those who are significant for addicted people- parents, wives, children, reputable friends. Each of them prepares a list, which indicates:

  1. the date on which he received the damage from the addict;
  2. what kind of damage it was;
  3. refusal to endure this in the future;
  4. specific help that he can offer the addict (rehabilitation).

To prevent the conversation from escalating into another family scandal, it is important to involve a specialist as a group leader.

Video about the problem of "drug addiction" from Oleg Boldyrev

Intervention Department Solution

These people are coming to the rescue!

Belous Sergey Olegovich

Psychologist, addictologist, specialist in the treatment of chemical addiction, head of the department of primary motivation

Zhdanov Igor Viktorovich

Psychologist, consultant in the treatment of chemical addiction, head of the department of coordination and primary motivation "Decision-Rostov"

Chebanyan Shagen Arshakovich

Expert Consultant for Chemical Addiction Therapy

Isaev Murat Vakhaevich

Specialist in the treatment of chemical addiction, consultant Decision-Sochi.


Participants must gather unexpectedly to catch the addict while he is still sober. This usually happens in the morning. Ideally, if you manage to conduct a conversation after a serious incident, when all the facts of the incident are still fresh in your memory.

How is the intervention for the drug addict going?

Participants gather at the addict's home in the right time and close the exits - doors and windows. Each of them brings their own list. The leader of the group informs the addict that all these people have come to talk to him. Then he gives the floor to one of the participants, and he reads out his list - he tells the exact circumstances and the amount of damage caused by the addict, says that he does not intend to endure this in the future and offers specific help if the addict wants to be treated. The participant speaks briefly and in fact, so that the conversation does not turn into a scandal.

At the end of the intervention, the leader sums it up, addressing the addict: “We love you, but we will no longer be harmed by you. Once we are ready to help you with a quality rehabilitation course. Either agree or continue to use it elsewhere. "

A drug addict in a family is scary. Parents and loved ones living in the same apartment with the sufferer find it hard to see him every day and watch how the one they knew from birth is rapidly destroying his life. It hurts, it hurts! And very scary. It is unsafe to be around a drug addict because you don’t know what to expect from him.

Is there compulsory treatment for drug addicts? Yes, and we will talk about this in more detail in the article.

Referring to the law

On November 25, 2013, a law was passed on the compulsory treatment of drug addicts. It would seem that now those who do not have huge sums for private treatment will be helped to get rid of addiction... No matter how it is.

The law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts came into force on May 1, 2014, but there are many shortcomings in it. It is worth starting by comparing some facts.

Can't help everyone?

When passing the law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts, the Russian authorities did not take into account one point. Only public hospitals can provide treatment services. And how many beds for drug addicts are paid from the country's budget? About one and a half thousand. Against the eight million drug addicts officially registered in Russia. We emphasize that this is according to official data. And how many are those that the state does not know about? It turns out that we will cure one and a half thousand citizens, but what about the rest? The developers of the law did not think about it.

Who falls under the law

Compulsory treatment drug addicts is possible if the patient has medical examination about the disease. If a drug addict has never asked for help and his illness has not been officially attested, one can not count on help from the state.

What is compulsory treatment

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts is carried out by a court decision. If a person poses a threat to the lives of people, is dangerous to society or to himself, he can be sent for compulsory treatment. But for this you will need to collect a lot of pieces of paper and wait in line at the state center for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Is there any use for treatment?

Let's face it. Will there be any sense if the addict is sent for a compulsory decision, and even through a court? Hardly. Those who have encountered drug addicts know how they react to the problem of getting rid of their disease. They do not understand that they are sick, they say that they can quit at any time, they avoid all talks about treatment or accept them aggressively.

Now imagine how a drug addict will react to the fact that he is sent for compulsory treatment? Moreover, you have to wait for your turn. At the very least, inappropriate behavior and uncontrolled aggression on the part of the patient are guaranteed.

Is there a way out?

We have found out how to send a drug addict for compulsory treatment. First of all, it is necessary medical certificate that he is registered in the drug dispensary. Without her, there will be no medical examination, and the court even statement of claim will not consider.

And what should the addict's relatives do? Determine him in a psychiatric clinic to prove that he is insane, and then go to court with everyone necessary documents? It is only in words everything is so simple, but, in fact, either drug addicts are not taken to the clinic or from there they "come out" with their feet.

Therefore, try to do without coercion, convince the patient of the need for treatment.

What is Intervention?

The statistics of drug addicts treatment (impressions per month), according to experts, shows that after treatment and rehabilitation, 65% of them return to normal life... By at least, no longer use anything related to drugs... 25% fail at the stage of treatment, and 10% start to "indulge" again.

But back to the answer to the question of intervention. The result is vicious circle: to get a decision from the court to treat drug addicts forcibly, you need to go through nine circles of hell, and then wait for your turn in state center treatment. If the addict escapes from there, it will be almost impossible to return him there.

Let's start with the persuasion method. Intervention is the belief of the addict that he needs treatment. Let's make a reservation right away - the service is provided by private centers.

How is it going?

Why tell a family that has no money about how doctors convince wealthy drug addicts to get treatment in their center? Let's talk about the method that a poor family can adopt.

So, relatives and a psychologist are holding a meeting. The addict's relatives tell in detail about him: what he loves, what he does not like, how he can behave, what hobbies he had before the illness, what is happening to him now - the whole life of his sick relative.

The next day, the doctor comes to the addict's home. Relatives are also here. Naturally, the patient accepts the doctor's visit aggressively, but everyone is ready for this.

The doctor and relatives drink tea, talk, joke, laugh. They act as if the addict is not around, although he is in the same room. You can talk about anything. The goal is to interest the drug addict, arrange him to see a doctor. Such conversations can last a whole day, this must be taken into account.

After the addict goes to contact the doctor, the specialist begins to convince him of the need for treatment. Not necessarily only positive words, sometimes threats are used (veiled, of course). It is important to convey to the patient that he cannot cope with the problem on his own. After the addict agrees to treatment, the doctor immediately takes him with him and takes him to the center.

On the one hand, it is psychological pressure and crime. But on the other hand, there is no other way out. Patients do not want to be treated voluntarily, they do not understand that they are sick.

Having collected all the necessary papers, relatives can influence their patient. Only without threats, very soft and unobtrusive. As soon as consent is obtained, the relatives file a statement of claim in court.

Motivational crisis

It is easy to give advice, but few people know what the relatives of inveterate drug addicts have to face. It is one thing when knowledge about a problem is drawn only from textbooks on psychology, it is quite another thing for a chemical addiction, which a drug addict is unable to overcome.

In addition to compulsory drug treatment and intervention, there is also a family motivational crisis. The path is long, psychologically difficult, but worth the effort. What is the crisis motivation? The fact that the family consistently deprives the addict of any support, which includes moral, emotional and financial. This position is maintained until the sick relative agrees to voluntary treatment.

A cruel but powerful method

This method from practice is very cruel and morally difficult, but it helps. True, only on one condition: the addict himself must want to overcome his addiction. It is advisable to use this method at the initial stage of addiction, when the ailment has not yet developed into a habit.

A lot of alcohol is bought. Anyone who is used by a drug addict. At home, someone must be with him. The patient is locked in an apartment without money and without a dose, there is only him, drink, food and a person looking after him. The worst thing is to survive the withdrawal. Alcohol is needed to make the addict easier. It should be borne in mind that during withdrawal, a person becomes inadequate, can scream, roll on the floor, bend in an arc. Some have glazed eyes, breathing becomes heavy and intermittent, sweat appears on the forehead. If you manage to cope with this condition, the addict will be able to quit. If the observer sees that things are really bad, it is better to call an ambulance.


Now the reader knows what compulsory treatment of drug addicts is, how to register a patient in a hospital and how to help a relative suffering from a terrible disease in other ways.

A drug addict is a sick person, no matter what they say about addiction. The disease should be treated, not condemned for it.

Drug addiction is the hardest chronic illness, which must necessarily be treated with drug therapy and a course of psychotherapy. Legislators face a daunting task: the decision on compulsory treatment must be made by the court. The procedure itself must guarantee the protection of the interests of the drug addict.

Amendments to the Laws of the Russian Federation on the direction of drug addicted citizens for compulsory treatment

On May 24 of this year, the disputes and discussions about compulsory drug addiction treatment by court decision finally ended. Everything was enshrined in law. Legal basis for such treatment, Article 55 (part 3) of the Constitution can serve Russian Federation... This provision does not contradict article 29, part 2 of the Declaration of Human Rights.

According to the Federal Drug Control Service, 8 million drug addicts are officially registered in our country. Every year from drug use different types about 135 thousand Russian citizens are killed. In addition to the Law, the Federal Drug Control Service has proposed its program for the rehabilitation of drug addicts. Under this program, the state budget will annually allocate the amount necessary for the rehabilitation of 150 thousand patients who use drugs constantly or periodically.

The court may make a decision on compulsory treatment in relation to the following persons:

- drug addicts who understand what is happening to them, but refuse to undergo the necessary treatment;

- drug addicts who have crossed the line of the law;

- convicted of crimes.

The court will prescribe treatment even if the main punishment for the crime committed is conditional. Control over the execution of the court's decision on compulsory treatment and rehabilitation will be carried out by the criminal executive bodies.

Important points

Where and how will compulsory drug addiction treatment be carried out? The state offers a program to open rehabilitation centers throughout Russia. This applies not only to private, but also to municipal specialized medical institutions. The main goal is that every drug addict can at any time anonymously contact, be examined and undergo a course of treatment and rehabilitation.

Currently, according to official data, there are about five rehabilitation centers, 110 narcological dispensaries, about 90 rehabilitation departments in Russia. It is planned to build another 200 such centers in each region.

In addition, a proposal was made to issue certificates for compulsory drug addiction treatment in non-state rehabilitation centers... This project is already in operation in northern regions from January this year. Local Departments social protection 35,000 rubles are transferred to the center's account for the treatment and rehabilitation of adults registered in a neuropsychiatric dispensary.

Unfortunately, no one has finally calculated how much the implementation of the new Law will cost the budget. It should be borne in mind that most of drug users categorically refuse any treatment. It is with this motivation that specialists in rehabilitation centers need to work. Treatment will give good result only if the addict realizes the fact of his addiction and begins to help doctors.

And the last thing. What is the threat of refusal or evasion of compulsory treatment or diagnosis?

If drug addicts leave the medical institution on their own, do not visit it at all, or stop following all the recommendations and instructions of the doctor, if such violations are recorded 2 times or more, then such persons are subject to either arrest for 30 days, or a fine of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles.

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