Home Useful properties of fruits Buying an apartment with a Sberbank mortgage: step by step instructions. Assessing your own chances of getting a loan. When Sberbank transfers mortgage money to the seller

Buying an apartment with a Sberbank mortgage: step by step instructions. Assessing your own chances of getting a loan. When Sberbank transfers mortgage money to the seller

Last updated February 2019

Buying an apartment through a mortgage is a responsible and important decision in the life of every person. Therefore, a potential borrower must first assess their own financial capabilities. This should take into account:

  • Feasible amount of monthly payments (as a rule, it is no more than half of the income received);
  • The cost of the apartment;
  • The amount of the down payment (usually - 30% or more of the cost of housing);
  • Type of apartment and the proposed area of ​​​​its location.

Instructions for buying an apartment in a mortgage involves the following procedures.

Choosing a bank and mortgage program

Before you take out a mortgage to buy an apartment, you need to analyze the conditions and offers in various banks. The determining indicators when choosing the best option are:

  • Sum mortgage loan;
  • The interest rate, as a rule, it varies from 11 to 15% per annum, and depends on the bank and the desired amount;
  • Encumbrances (conditions for extradition and support);
  • Loan currency;
  • Collateral conditions (including guarantee requirements);
  • Payment terms;
  • Terms of insurance (including the mortgage object);
  • There are penalties for early repayment.

Having chosen several suitable banks and mortgage programs, it is necessary to carefully study the intricacies of the mortgage product based on advice received as a result of a call or visit.

It must also be remembered that many banking institutions impose requirements and restrictions on prospective borrowers, namely:

  • Permanent registration in the territory determined by the bank;
  • A certain length of service at the current place of work (total length of service at least 1 year, in the last place more than 4-6 months);
  • Positive credit history;
  • No criminal record;
  • No other parallel loans;
  • legal capacity;
  • Age requirement (minimum age 21, maximum is determined by the moment of loan repayment, by this year the borrower should be no more than 65-75 years old)
  • If co-borrowers are involved, then no more than 3 people, the degree of relationship - spouses, brothers, parents, third parties;
  • If the borrower is a man under 27 without a military ID, he will be denied a loan. That is, a person liable for military service, who has not completed his service, who has a deferment (for example, in connection with his studies), etc., cannot be a borrower (with the exception of military personnel, in reserve).

Applying at the same time in several banks, you can find out specific conditions mortgages and the procedure for buying an apartment in each of them. After approval of the application, you must proceed to the selection suitable apartment. This procedure usually takes 2–3 months.

Information on preconditions for mortgage lending is available on the official websites of banks.

Mortgage application approval time is 5 to 10 business days. In the meantime, all submitted documents are carefully checked, so you need to start looking for housing only after the firm consent of the credit institution.

Important: the bank may refuse to issue a loan and conclude an agreement only if it is clear from the submitted documents that the potential borrower is not able to repay the loan and interest, based on his financial capabilities. The remaining motives for refusal are illegal and can be appealed to the court.

Property selection

When choosing real estate, you should take into account the requirements of the bank for the mortgage object. Usually:

An apartment on the secondary market must:

Residential building or cottage must:

  • Be located in the zone defined by the mortgage program;
  • Have a year-round access road;
  • Be suitable for year-round use:
  • Comply with sanitary standards (have heating, sewerage and water supply systems);
  • Pass the appropriate cadastral registration.

To select real estate in new buildings, banking institutions, as a rule, offer objects from the base of developers who have passed official accreditation. For this, there are special programs, including state ones - to support mortgage lending for the primary housing market.

Example: DeltaCredit Bank offers loans under the Mortgage with State Support program at 12% per annum. Clients can take advantage of benefits within the framework of the conditions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

If the borrower independently chooses an apartment in the primary market, then banks usually impose the following requirements on developers:

  • Time on the market housing construction- more than five years;
  • Compliance with financial stability assessment standards in accordance with Federal Law 214-FZ;
  • No delays (more than a year) in the completion of construction and commissioning of facilities during previous years;
  • Availability of objects of point and mass development (two or more) put into operation;
  • Lack of initiation of bankruptcy proceedings or a decision on liquidation;
  • Other requirements.

To receive professional assistance in choosing real estate and confidence in the legal purity of transactions, banks offer to use the services of real estate agencies that are their partners. To do this, they provide customers with the appropriate partner bases.

Property valuation

For the timely fulfillment of obligations under the contract, the terms of the mortgage determine the provision of liquid collateral, which most often serves as the acquired property. The market value of collateral is the starting point for determining the amount of a mortgage loan, and therefore the valuation of collateral is an important indicator in the lending process.

Most banks, in order to conduct a reliable assessment of collateral for a loan, offer to use the services of appraisal organizations from among their partners. At the same time, they do not limit borrowers in their choice, however, if the assessment report is provided by an organization that has a negative experience with the bank, the latter has the right to initiate an additional check.

Also, if the inaccuracy of the provided assessments or violations of the requirements of the legislation in the field of assessment is revealed, then banking institutions have the right to send motivated complaints to regulatory organizations (SROO). Therefore, experts recommend using the services of partner appraisers.

The valuation certificate is provided to the creditor bank.

List of documents and application to the bank

In most banks, the documents provided for buying an apartment on a mortgage are:

  • application form for a mortgage loan, you can apply for it online on the bank's website;
  • By client, photocopies of the following documents:
    • Photocopy of the passport;
    • Certificate of income in the form of a specific banking institution or 2-NDFL;
    • Certified copy work book;
    • SNILS - insurance certificate state pension insurance
    • Military ID for males of military age;
    • Education documents (certificates, diplomas, etc.);
    • Marriage/divorce certificate and marriage contract (if available);
    • Birth certificates of children;
    • Certificate of registration in tax authority individual at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation (on the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN);
    • Documents on existing debt obligations of the client (or previously executed);
  • For real estate:
    • Legal documents (contracts, acts, etc.);
    • Technical documentation ( cadastral passport or registration certificate);
    • Photocopies of passports of real estate sellers.

Documents on other regular income and marital status may also be requested.

Example: A married couple applied to the bank for a mortgage of 2,500,000 rubles, both of them work (total monthly income of 50,000 rubles), no children, age 30. They were refused by the bank, because the income did not allow them to get a loan - living wage for each is 15,000 rubles. Solution: take a smaller amount - 1,500,000, or look for an additional co-borrower, not retirement age, With salary at least 25,000 per month.

If capable adults who are not borrowers are registered in the object of collateral, banks ask them to additionally provide signed and notarized statements about their awareness that:

  • The apartment in which they live is transferred to collateral;
  • In case of non-fulfillment of the obligations specified in the mortgage agreement, the apartment will be foreclosed, up to the eviction of the applicants.

If persons who are not close relatives of the mortgagor are registered in the object of collateral, banks additionally require an explanation of the need to register these persons in this object and documentary evidence of the ownership of these persons, where they can be registered.

Important: As a rule, banks do not accept that among the owners of real estate transferred as collateral, there were minors and / or incapacitated persons.

Conclusion of a loan agreement

Before signing a loan agreement for the purchase of an apartment, its careful study is required. Should be paid close attention for all encumbrances and potential costs, especially for hidden interest, for which it is recommended to translate them into numbers.

As a rule, hidden interest consists of various commissions (for cashing out, account maintenance, etc.) and mandatory deposits determined in percentage from the amount of the mortgage loan.

Example: Upon receipt of a mortgage loan in the amount of 1 million rubles at a rate of 10% per annum, annual payments without hidden interest will amount to 100 thousand rubles (1 million * 10%). Charging only a commission for cashing out in the amount of 2.8% will lead to an increase in the interest rate to 12.8% and additional payments in the amount of 28 thousand rubles (1 million * 2.8%).

Important: By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 8274/09 dated 11/17/2009, banks are prohibited from charging a fee for opening and maintaining a loan account.

If the bank imposes commissions, making them mandatory for obtaining a loan, then it must indicate these encumbrances in the contract and when disclosing the effective interest rate. Passing through the purchase stages, when signing the contract, it is necessary to require the bank to disclose related costs in order to determine the real value of the mortgage.

You should also pay attention to the conditions for changing the amount of interest. Many banks provide for this possibility unilaterally without the consent of the borrower. This is fraught with the fact that in certain economic situations, the bank may increase the interest rate and the loan for the client will become unbearable. Therefore, it is necessary to seek the inclusion in the loan agreement of conditions that provide for a change in interest or amounts of repayment of the loan only on mutual agreement sides.

Another important condition is the possibility of early repayment of the loan. This is provided by law. However, banks go to the trick and condition this right with additional payments.
For example, the loan agreement may provide that in the event of early repayment of the loan, the borrower pays the bank lump sum payment in the amount of 1% of the repaid amount in excess of the early repaid loan.

Registration of a transaction with the seller and transfer of money

The next step in the purchase procedure, after the conclusion of the loan agreement, will be the receipt of funds and the acquisition of the selected property. The transfer of money is the key point of the transaction. As soon as the money is in the hands of the buyer, you can deal with the execution of the *agreement for the purchase of an apartment*. Relations between the parties are reflected in the contract of sale, an important condition of which is the value of the property and the procedure for payment. The payment procedure can be carried out:

  • Cash (on hand);
  • Cashless payment (transfer to the seller's account);
  • Through a bank account.

Often, banks issue a loan on the terms of the initial registration of a real estate purchase and sale transaction and a mortgage, and only after that they issue borrowed funds. In such cases, the acquisition of real estate is carried out in the following stages:

  • the buyer notifies the seller about the concluded loan agreement and agrees on the transaction with the condition of deferred payment
  • pays an advance to the seller from his own funds
  • registration of the transaction and mortgage
  • the bank is provided with certificates of the concluded transaction and registration of the mortgage, on the basis of which the money is issued
  • final settlement with the seller

As a rule, sellers agree to such conditions, since after registering a mortgage, the bank issues loan funds in the coming business days. And the purchase and sale without payment guarantees the seller a security deposit by virtue of law. So the seller has no risk.

The transaction for the purchase and registration of an apartment is carried out in Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography (Rosreestre). When concluding it, it is important to reach an agreement on all important conditions, which will not allow this transaction to take place.

Insurance and mortgage transfer

To conclude a mortgage agreement, it is necessary to go through the procedure of compulsory insurance of collateral real estate from the risk of damage and loss. This procedure is provided by the Law on Mortgage.

Often banks require borrower's life insurance or other risks. The decision to sign an agreement with additional types insurance is the decision of the borrower, because it leads to an increase in loan payments (hidden interest).

The following is the process of formalizing the mortgage agreement and the mortgage. The mortgage agreement is registered with Rosreestr, which will not allow the borrower to perform any actions with the property without the consent of the bank, the holder of the pledge. The mortgage remains with the banking institution and allows it to resell the right to claim under a pledge agreement.

Methods of collection of overdue debts on loans

Overdue loans have a negative impact on the activities of any financial institution, up to its viability. In this regard, banks will improve the process of working with problem loans.

Work with debtors goes through a constructive dialogue. If it is determined that the financial difficulties of the borrower are urgent, banks go to restructure the loan by:

  • Changes in the payment schedule;
  • Loan extensions;
  • Interest rate changes.

If the underwriting of the loan revealed problems in terms of the solvency of the borrower, the bank sends him notices with demands for repayment of the debt, and negotiates with him. During the negotiations, the consequences of non-payment of the debt are explained, up to the possibility of transferring the case to the courts (forcibly to collect the debt).

It should be noted that debt evasion is a criminal offense. Therefore, it is necessary to use all the possibilities to pay the debt under the loan agreement, and preferably on a voluntary basis.

What to do if there is no money to continue to pay a mortgage loan

All sorts of nuances should be taken into account, for example, loss of a job, deterioration in health, etc. In case of delay in payment, bank employees begin to call the debtor on the phone and remind them of the payment of the debt. If there is no response to this, the bank sends a mail notification of the urgent payment of the existing debt within 10 days. If there was no reaction to this, the pledgor has the right to go to court, where a decision will be made on the early recovery of the entire remaining loan amount and interest, and on the sale of the apartment at auction.
The apartment at the auction is sold at a mortgage value, which is usually less than the market value. Therefore, when concluding a mortgage agreement, one should pay attention to the size of the collateral value and try to bring it closer to the market level.

In this case, after the sale of the apartment, the debtor will receive only the amounts paid by him on the main loan minus%, also minus the fines imposed by the bank, and then only if the money remains from the sale of the apartment.

Example: the client was granted a loan for the purchase of an apartment in the amount of 3,000,000 rubles. For 2 years, 500,000 rubles were returned to the bank, taking into account interest. At the time of collection, the debt to the bank in court is 2,700,000 rubles. (loan balance + interest due). The collateral value of the apartment was 2,300,000 rubles, but in fact it was sold at the auction for 2,000,000 rubles. As a result, the borrower owes the bank another 700,000 rubles (this balance is covered by the sum insured).
That is, the debtor remains in the red - loses the apartment and the amount of interest paid, pays a penalty to the bank, which amounts to impressive amounts. The remaining funds are used to pay off legal and other costs, and to the bank (to pay off a previously issued loan).

But since the process of foreclosure on an apartment is quite long, during this time it is advisable to find a job and pay off debts:

  • If the debtor before the trial or even in the process court session will find a job, etc. and pay off his current debt, perhaps peace settlement disagreements, since it is also not profitable for banks to get involved in the sale of an apartment.
  • If the case goes to court, the debtor can fight for a reduction in the amount of the penalty (under certain conditions it can be reduced).

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If you do not have your own funds, then the acquisition of real estate through a bank loan becomes more relevant than ever. In this article, we will take a step-by-step look at how a mortgage is issued today.

Mortgage lending is a complex process that requires a serious approach to get it right. You need to carefully consider each step, this will help you avoid problems and errors during registration. A mortgage requires compliance with certain conditions, or rather step-by-step instructions.

Applying for a home loan involves several steps:

  • Determine what initial payment you can make.

That is, calculate how much of your own funds you have available and how much you can spend on buying an apartment. Today, banks offer mortgage loans with contributions from 15%, in some you can get a loan without this payment at all, you can read more about such programs.

The more money you deposit, the better. For clients who initially pay from 30% of the cost of the purchased housing, lenders offer more attractive conditions, as they trust more. A large down payment involves a simplified registration procedure, that is, the bank will need a limited list of documents.

  • Find the apartment you want to buy in advance.

This does not mean that you need to choose a specific housing, it is enough to monitor actual prices on real estate to have an idea of ​​what kind of real estate you may qualify for.

  • Choose a bank and mortgage program.

This is the most main stage, where you will get acquainted with a variety of banking products, clarify their conditions: the amount of the down payment, terms, interest rates, requirements for applicants, creditors' requirements for real estate. Most profitable offer for home loans you will find at this link.

Find out which additional expenses you will have to bear, for example, whether there is a commission for issuing funds, for opening and maintaining an account, for opening a safe deposit box, etc. In many banks you will encounter insurance, which will also require additional costs. Read more about mortgage insurance in this article.

  • Gather mortgage paperwork.

Ask your potential lender what paperwork you will need to provide in order to receive a loan. Usually, the list includes a passport, a second document, an insurance certificate, a birth and marriage certificate, a 2-NDFL certificate and a copy of the work book. You can preview the list of documents using the example of Sberbank - in this article.

  • Fill in the form

Today, the vast majority of banks allow you to fill out a questionnaire not only in the company's branch, but also remotely via the Internet. Some even offer discounts. Sberbank, for example, even created a separate portal called House Click for remote application submission, online settlements and transaction registration.

After submitting all the papers, the bank begins to consider your application, the process can last from a couple of days to two weeks. At this time, your solvency is considered, documents and credit history are checked.

  • Choosing an apartment and collecting papers for it.

If the bank has approved your application, then proceed to the search for an apartment. The seller will need to request housing documents (certificate of state registration of the right to an apartment, BTI documents, certificate of no debt on utility bills and other papers). Full list documents for the apartment you will receive in the bank.

  • Appraisal of the apartment, which is carried out by an independent appraisal company accredited by the bank.
  • Mortgage risk insurance – life and health insurance, title insurance, property insurance. Property insurance in banks is mandatory, the rest - depending on the chosen program and the lender.
  • Sign the contract of sale. On a certain day, you sign a mortgage agreement with a bank, a sale and purchase agreement, and put money into a safe deposit box.
  • Register the sale and purchase transaction by going with the seller to the registration chamber.

Everything is now your home! Start settling in, but don't forget that you now have a mortgage obligation. This step-by-step instruction displays all the stages that the borrower goes through during the registration of a mortgage on housing.

A few tips for potential borrowers

And finally, I would like to give a few good advice For those who decide to acquire their own housing with the help of a mortgage:

  • if you do not yet have a credit history, i.e. before that, you have not applied to banks for a loan, issue, for starters, a credit card or a commodity loan in a store,
  • close all existing debts so that there is no refusal due to debt load,
  • make calculations in advance on the websites of those banks with which you would like to cooperate. Look at the ratio of your income and monthly payment, the latter should not exceed 30-40% of your wages, otherwise there will be a refusal,
  • to get a higher amount, attract co-borrowers (many lenders allow you to attract up to 3-4 people),
  • take the time to collect documents from the place of work. The more certificates confirming your solvency, the higher your chances
  • in order to save money, try to take part in government programs

Mortgage is currently one of the available ways purchase housing for many Russian families. According to analytical agencies, from 11 to 50% of families can afford it in various regions. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug leads in this capacity. How a mortgage transaction takes place, and what steps should be taken when processing it, is described in this article.

The main differences between mortgages and other types of loans are:

  • its purpose is to acquire real estate
  • very long term (from 10 to 20, and sometimes up to 30 years)
  • large loan amount (usually several million)
  • involvement of family members as co-borrowers
  • the purchased property is used as collateral
  • collateral insurance against risks of damage and loss of rights
  • life, health, performance insurance of the borrower

In order to support certain categories of citizens, the state has developed special mortgage lending programs. If the borrower does not belong to any of the social groups, he has the right to use standard offers.


A standard mortgage is the most common form of lending under the conditions offered by banks for secondary housing, apartments in new buildings, residential buildings with land plots. The borrower uses only his own funds to settle with the bank. The size of the down payment is from 10 to 20% of the cost of the apartment, the rate is from 9.1 to 13.75% for secondary housing, up to 14.25% for apartments in new buildings. The loan amount is not more than 70-80% of the price of the mortgaged housing. The required age of the borrower is different in different banks ranging from 18 to 75 years. The upper age limit is determined on the date of full repayment of the mortgage. Rates are lower for payroll clients, borrowers with bank accounts, a positive credit history, and personal insurance.


A social mortgage is called a mortgage with state support for the poor, who need to improve their living conditions, and who do not have enough own funds to pay. The third party to the contract is the state. Such programs are implemented in regional level so they may vary from region to region. More detailed information will give in the authorities local authorities and regional branch of AHML.

State support can be in the amount of 10-50% of the cost of housing in the form of:

  • reduction of the rate due to budgetary co-financing
  • subsidizing part of the cost of purchased housing
  • issuance of subsidies for the purchase of housing in installments from the social fund at a price 1.5–2.5 times lower than the market price

Social mortgage is distinguished by:

  1. Minimum rate (no more than 7.55%)
  2. Minimum down payment (10–20%)
  3. Longer loan term
  4. State subsidies for the payment of the first installment, mortgage interest, early repayment of the debt
  5. Deferred payments or restructuring up to 1.5–3 years. For example, Sberbank will issue a mortgage for young families with children at a rate of 6% for 3-5 years and 9.25% further.
  6. Reducing the amount of monthly payments for refinancing
  7. One-time grants (for example, funds maternity capital)

The state helps doctors, teachers, scientists, large families, acquiring new buildings at a rate of up to 12%. There are restrictions on the area of ​​apartments: no more than 32 sq.m. for one, 48 for two, then 18 sq.m. for each family member. The terms of this assistance social group is the age not older than 35 years (doctor of science up to 40 years), the presence of need. They have access to a mortgage at 8.5% and payment up to 30%, provided that they contribute at least 10% of the cost of housing from their own funds. Young families with children in some regions will receive support in the amount of up to 40% of the price of new buildings. There are regional programs with payment of 100% of the cost, the borrower repays only interest.

For a young family

A family is considered young if the age of the spouses is not more than 35 years old. If a family needs housing and is in line for local administration to improve living conditions, she is entitled to receive a subsidy:

  • 35% of the cost of housing in the absence of children
  • 40% if available

The money is allocated for a down payment on a mortgage or as an addition to own funds when buying an apartment. At the same time, the family must confirm its financial viability with certificates of 2-NDFL or from the bank on the state of the account.


Contracted servicemen and police officers after three and 10 years, respectively, are entitled to use the funds accumulated in their personal accounts, starting from January 2005. Subsidies are provided only to those who need to improve their living conditions. Banks issue mortgages to the military with the terms of its repayment by the age of 45 years.

5 basic conditions for obtaining

Mortgages are based on federal laws, and banks determine the requirements for borrowers on their own. There are conditions common to all:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation
  2. Permanent registration in the region of the bank's presence
  3. The age of the borrower is 21–70 years. Some banks have extended the age limit from 18 to 75.
  4. General work experience less than a year and by last place from 6 months
  5. The total income must be such as to ensure not only mortgage payments, but also the normal existence of the borrower and his family

How to issue

The process of obtaining a mortgage consists of several stages, requiring the borrower to analyze and evaluate the consequences of each of them.

Program selection

Analyzing the offers of many banks, having previously calculated how much you can get and the amount of monthly payments, the borrower compares them with his capabilities. If there are grounds for obtaining a preferential mortgage with state support, it is definitely recommended to use them. It should be borne in mind that state programs apply to new buildings, the loan amount does not exceed 70% of the value of the collateral according to the assessment report, and the bank will ask you to place the first installment on the account. The monthly contribution should not exceed 30% of the total family income.

List of documents

Having chosen a mortgage program and a bank, it is necessary to start preparing documents for the borrower, the housing being purchased for the preferential program. Documents are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the authorities and the credit institution.

You will need:

  • originals and photocopies of documents for all family members
  • for collateral
  • salary certificates 2-personal income tax
  • certified copy of work book
  • proof of employment
  • certificate for state support (if any)


You can apply for a loan online at the selected bank or personally visit a branch of a credit institution with a passport and documents and, following its recommendations, fill out an application form at the bank.

Choosing an object for a mortgage loan

The object of the mortgage may be a secondary housing, a new building, a residential building on the site. When choosing an object, the borrower must proceed from the financial capabilities of the family. Banks offer preferential mortgage terms if the borrower buys housing from developer partners. Using state subsidies, they choose an object that is recommended by the authorities. Documents for the selected object are presented to the bank for approval.

Registration of a pledge

Having chosen housing and coordinating it with all parties (bank, authorities, FIU), they proceed to draw up a loan agreement. For collateral, you need to order an assessment of the cost of housing in a company agreed with the bank and its acceptability in the form of collateral. The valuation report is also submitted to the bank. After reviewing the documents, the credit committee notifies the borrower about the form of registration of the pledge.

Conducting a sale and purchase transaction

The deal includes several stages:

  1. A contract for the sale of housing is concluded with the owner of the property.
  2. A loan agreement is concluded with a bank, which necessarily indicates the term and amount of the loan, rate, conditions for termination, early repayment, sanctions for late payments.
  3. The contract indicates what acts as a pledge, its value, and the requirement for insurance.
  4. You should read all the clauses of the contract very carefully. The bank gives the borrower at least five days for this.

Registering mortgages and property rights

The mortgage agreement is registered with Rosreestr in accordance with Art. 20 No. 102-FZ. The application for registration is filled out by the borrower and the bank. You also need a real estate purchase and sale agreement and a pledge agreement (if it is drawn up with the bank separately) or a mortgage. Mortgage registration is also possible at the request of a notary who certified the transaction. If a mortgage is registered on the mortgage, the mortgage is registered on it.

We arrange insurance

At the request of the bank and in order to reduce the mortgage rate, the borrower insures the property pledged against damage and loss of rights. The sum insured is not less than the cost of the loan, including all interest. Most banks require life and disability insurance of the borrower. Personal insurance and in the interests of the borrower himself, so that mortgage obligations in case of accident or death do not pass to his heirs. The end of the process is the transfer of money to the seller in the manner specified in the sales contract.

How does a transaction work using a safe deposit box

Transferring money through a rented safe deposit box is one of the safest and most reliable ways to pay for real estate.

The order is as follows:

  1. The buyer rents a cell (mini-safe) for a certain period.
  2. The representative of the bank, the buyer and the seller count the money and put it in a safe deposit box for the bank.
  3. The bank checks the authenticity of banknotes and blocks cash for the agreed period.
  4. It usually takes up to 7 days to register a transaction, during which time a cell lease agreement is drawn up.
  5. The seller, having fulfilled the terms of the contract of sale, confirms this with documents to the bank and gets access to the cell. Most often, the condition is the fact of registration of the buyer's ownership of the acquired property.

The cost of renting a cell, checking the authenticity of banknotes will be up to 5 thousand rubles.

How long does it take to be issued at Sberbank and other banks

The time it takes to process a mortgage at Sberbank and other banks depends not only on the banks, but also on the borrower himself. It usually takes one to two months to get a mortgage. Consider time step by step.

  1. The borrower collects documents on income, family composition, employment, government subsidies etc. to apply for a mortgage with a bank. It will take him about a week to do this.
  2. Handles documents to the bank and draws up an application. The bank takes 5-7 days to study the client and his solvency
  3. After the application is approved, the buyer selects the property, coordinating it with the bank and authorities (with their participation). It is also required to issue all documents for the acquired property, including its assessment in an appraisal company. At this stage, the preparation time is determined by the quickness of the borrower himself, but it is not less than a week
  4. Registration and signing of the mortgage agreement according to the presented documents. The borrower has the right to study the contract for five days. It could end up being another week. At this stage, it is required to draw up collateral and borrower insurance contracts. Renting a safe deposit box and placing money in it
  5. Mortgage registration in Rosreestr takes 4-7 days. After registration, the used state loan (subsidy, maternity capital, etc.) is directed to partial repayment of the debt

Program Features

Currently, when planning a mortgage, you should choose a suitable loan program, and only then housing for it. Some programs are developed only for certain housing, for example, new buildings with developer partners, for a certain category of borrowers. A number of programs:

  1. Offers a limited and inappropriate list of properties
  2. Has an inconvenient loan term
  3. Contains currency requirements

Mortgage programs also differ in the following parameters:

  1. Purpose: for low-income citizens, pensioners, young families, teachers, doctors and scientists, families with children, the military.
  2. The amount of the down payment. It can be in the range from 10 to 30%.
  3. Borrower age requirements. The upper age bar on the date of the full calculation is important.
  4. Ways to confirm income by borrowers and co-borrowers.
  5. Acquisition of housing on the primary or secondary market or on shares from developers.
  6. The possibility of using the subsidy to the selected housing. Not all mortgage programs offered accept subsidies.
  7. The requirement to allocate a share to minors during registration. Whether the bank agrees to such conditions or accepts other guarantees.


Mortgage allows citizens of the Russian Federation to purchase their own housing, gradually paying for it to banks. Young families, certain social categories of citizens in need of housing, have the right to receive state support. When choosing a mortgage, you should first study the offers of lenders, evaluate your capabilities, and then choose housing. You can buy with a mortgage land for the construction of houses, country houses.

Video: Mortgage apartment - transaction processing and advice

The housing issue is relevant for many Russian families. Taking into account real estate prices and the level of income of our fellow citizens, it is possible to save up for the purchase of your own housing for decades.

In this situation optimal solution is a mortgage loan. Of course, the borrower pays interest to the bank, but lives in his own apartment, not a rented one. The process of obtaining collateral is quite complicated and time consuming. Consider how a mortgage is issued step by step and analyze the conditions offered by Russian banks.

You can get a home loan in almost every bank. The financial institution independently sets the tariffs for its services, but the process for issuing a mortgage is the same in all institutions.

It includes the following steps:

  1. Choosing a loan offer and a bank with which the client prefers to cooperate. At the same time, it must be remembered that today in Russia there are a number of preferential mortgage programs for certain categories of the population. For example, military personnel, young families, scientists, teachers. If you have the right to participate in these projects, then be sure to use it.
  2. Making a preliminary decision on possible lending. Banks do not provide loans to everyone, but only to those customers who meet their requirements. Therefore, you need to find out the preliminary decision of the institution. To do this, contact the branch of your chosen bank and fill out a mortgage loan application form. You will also need to provide your civil passport, income statement for the last six months and a copy of the work book. If the potential borrower is legally married, then similar documents will be required from his soulmate.
  3. Filling out the questionnaire. In it, the client indicates personal information about himself, his family, employer, monthly income and expenses, credit history, his property. Also, the borrower must prescribe the parameters of the loan being issued: the estimated amount, term and size of the down payment. Most banks require an advance of at least 10% of the value of the purchased property.
  4. The bank makes a preliminary decision. First of all, the bank checks the client's credit history and solvency. As a result of the analysis financial institution informs the borrower how much and under what conditions it is ready to provide.
  5. Next, the client is looking for real estate, which he would like to purchase.
  6. Providing complete package mortgage documents:
  • independent peer review real estate (on its basis, the loan amount and the minimum advance payment are determined);
  • copies of passports of all property sellers;
  • a document confirming the ownership of housing.
  1. Based on the full package of documents, the bank makes the final decision. The loan is issued only for the purchase of liquid property that is not in an emergency condition.
  2. Making a deal. The client signs the loan agreement and the repayment schedule. The notary draws up a contract of sale and a pledge agreement. There is a change of ownership of the property. But until the mortgage is paid off in in full, housing is seized.

Applying for a home loan can take several weeks. You also need to remember about additional costs.

The client pays for: the services of an appraiser, a notary and an insurance company. The property must be insured during the entire term of the loan.

How to choose the best conditions for mortgage lending?

Each bank sets its own rates for loans. Therefore, before submitting an application, you need to carefully study all the conditions. In this case, you need to pay attention to the main indicators:

  • interest rate and the procedure for its revision;
  • minimum down payment;
  • the presence of a commission for issuing a loan;
  • the amount of penalties for violation of the terms of payment of the loan;
  • availability of insurance payments and how the refusal of insurance affects the interest rate;
  • Are there any restrictions on the early repayment of a mortgage?

If the client has the opportunity to independently choose a loan repayment schedule, then it is better to stay on the standard one. Compared to the annuity scheme, the overpayment under it will be 20-30% less.

To reduce the debt burden on family budget It is better to draw up a loan for a maximum period, but if possible, repay it ahead of schedule. The amount of the final overpayment on the loan depends only on the client himself.

Second home mortgage

Buying an existing home has a number of benefits. The biggest plus is that the client can immediately move into his apartment after the transaction is completed. This is especially true for couples who live in rented housing.

So let's consider best offers on mortgages for "secondary" from Russian banks.

VTB 24 program

In this institution, you can get a mortgage for 30 years. The minimum down payment is 10%. The interest rate is in the range of 10-11% per annum. In case of refusal of personal and title insurance, the rate increases by 1%.

A decision on the application is made within 4 days. Citizens of Russia, whose age is from 21 to 75 years old, can take advantage of this offer. If the client makes an advance payment of 40%, then there is no need to document their income. It is enough to provide a civil passport and a second personal document.

Transcapitalbank program

This bank is ready to provide a housing loan at 9.5-12% per annum. The minimum rate is valid for clients of this institution. Mandatory initial payment - 10%. If an advance payment of 30% is made, then there is no need to confirm employment and income.

The loan is repaid according to an annuity schedule. A decision on the application is made within 5 working days.

Russian banks offer their clients quite profitable terms on mortgages for second homes. But only borrowers with an impeccable credit history, a stable source of income and an official place of work.

Making a mortgage with maternity capital

According to current legislation, women who have given birth to two or more children are entitled to.

In 2017, the amount of the subsidy is 453,026 rubles. These funds can be spent on clearly defined purposes, for example, to improve housing conditions.

If you want to use the capital to pay the down payment on your mortgage, then you don't have to wait until your child is three years old.

Loan processing is carried out according to the standard scheme. But the mandatory package of documents also includes a certificate for maternity capital and an extract from the Pension Fund that these funds have not been used before.

After the loan transaction is completed Pension Fund transfers money to the seller's account within three months. Only after this is the final change of ownership of the property.

It should be noted that buying an apartment using maternity capital very often occurs at a big discount. Not every seller will wait three months for all the money to be transferred to him.

The best option is to buy housing in the primary market. It will take time to put the house into operation. Therefore, the developer may wait for the transfer of money from the Pension Fund.

Mortgage lending without down payment

Getting a mortgage without a down payment is almost impossible. Most Russian banks require an advance payment of at least 10% of the value of the acquired property.

But there is a way out of this situation.

For example, a client can issue consumer credit and make an advance payment using the funds received.

But the borrower must realistically assess their financial capabilities, since it will be necessary to repay two loans at the same time.

The second option is the provision of alternative collateral, that is, real estate that is already the property of the client. In this case, the bank will not require an advance. But for the client, such a transaction incurs additional costs. He will need to insure two properties.

Therefore, it is better to postpone the registration of a mortgage and accumulate the necessary amount of money.

How to get a mortgage for a house under construction

Obtaining a mortgage loan for housing under construction has a number of features:

  1. Banks issue loans only for the purchase of real estate from accredited developers. The legal service checks their documents, so there is no doubt about the legality of the transaction.
  2. While the housing is under construction, the bank has the property rights of the client to the property as a pledge. And only after putting the house into operation, a standard mortgage agreement is drawn up.
  3. For the period until the borrower's rights to property are registered with Rosreestr, the interest rate on the loan increases by 1-2%.

In general, the conditions for a mortgage on a "primary" are slightly more profitable than on secondary housing.

So, we have considered the procedure for obtaining a mortgage. It should be noted that this transaction is quite complex, so you should not make hasty decisions. The client must carefully read the terms of the loan, realistically assess their financial capabilities and try to make the largest possible advance payment. And most importantly, read everything you sign.

The main mistakes that people make when choosing a bank, loan size, mortgage rates will be told by an expert in personal finance Ivan Zakharov:

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