Home Natural farming What does the maple leaf mean on the seal? Mythology

What does the maple leaf mean on the seal? Mythology

A maple leaf tattoo is very often found among the military personnel of Canada, as it is a symbol of this country, and embodies patriotic qualities and love for the Motherland, and more recently, kindness and a peaceful life. The maple leaf tattoo is not limited to one meaning. There are many interpretations of the meaning of this drawing. And at different nations it has been assigned a different meaning.

The maple tree was believed to have an inherent sensitivity to inner peace person, empathy and sharing with him his sadness. If a person has joy, then it will share it with its lush green crown. The maple leaf tattoo sketch looks good in color.

Maple is a mighty tree, appearing in its indestructible beauty, not afraid of either wind or cold. Therefore, maple leaves are a sign of powerful willpower, invincibility of spirit and stamina of the body. Men who have a tattoo with a maple leaf, as it were, transfer to themselves all the properties inherent in this tree.

In ancient times, the Celts depicted a maple leaf in a tattoo, giving it a sense of the struggle with difficulties, inspiration for the accomplishment of victorious battles.

Poles applied this pattern when he passed away close person... In this case, the appearance of a maple leaf on the body personified the mental anguish, sadness and suffering of the one who had lost it.

Young people in Asia wore an image of a maple leaf on their bodies as a sign that they were in love. V modern times couples of lovers draw it on their hands, thus confirming their eternal love and loyalty to each other.

If the leaves in the tattoo are painted falling, this is a premonition of parting and sadness.

The meaning of the maple leaf tattoo among the Slavs of past years was interpreted as a repetition in this drawing of the person who wore it. As his life changes over the years, so will the pattern on his body.

A woman who has a maple leaf tattoo depicted it in honor of a man who is not indifferent to her. The figured carved leaf conveys his youth, beauty and rebelliousness.

Generally this tattoo associated with something sad, meaning that earthly passions are sinful and should be tamed.

In an artistic sense, the maple leaf is a beautiful and effective design suitable for both men and women. It can be positioned on any desired part of the body. The main thing is to determine for yourself the meaning that your tattoo will carry to those around you. And remember: whatever the sketch of a maple leaf tattoo, the main thing is that it be unique!

In this article, we will discuss the reasons for the popularity of such a symbol as the maple leaf. No wonder our ancestors endowed him with mystical properties.

Did you know that maple was often used by our ancestors in rituals on the feast of the Trinity, on the Day of the Body of God and other revered days? Houses, gates were decorated with leaves, they were used as a talisman. What is so special about maple leaves, why have they been used as symbols for a long time?

Why is the maple leaf a symbol of Canada?

Many people wonder why maple is considered a symbol of Canada, because it grows not only in this country. This opinion is only partly true - on this emblem it is sugar maple that appears... It grows only in North America being the source of the world famous maple syrup and sugar.

Maple syrup- a favorite treat all over the world

Of no small importance is the fact that it was in Canada that those who came there Europeans saw maple for the first time in their lives. A tree under 40 meters high with a lush crown, from which bright red leaves fall beautifully, could not but be remembered.

Then the Europeans realized that you can not just admire the tree, but also get profit with it. The experience of local Indians showed that from the extracted in early spring maple juice can make a great syrup. Over time with Irop has taken pride of place in the recipe of Canadian cuisine.

In the 19th century, the enterprising population, seeing such a product's success among fellow citizens, decided export his. Until now, the production of maple syrup is considered beneficial component foreign policy Canada. And about 20 festivals dedicated to this delicacy are organized annually!

There is a legend, according to which the maple leaf became a symbol of Canada thanks to the visit of Prince of Wales Albert Edward. Locals were extremely inspired, and decided to meet the guest of honor with their symbols. As a result, Scottish migrants brought thistle branches, English - roses. And only the children of migrants who were born in Canada had nothing to take. Then the idea came to take maple leaves.

Maple syrup is considered a national product of Canada.

What does the maple leaf mean on the Canadian flag and $ 5 coin?

Flag Canada as it is now appeared in 1965... But the maple leaf as an emblem existed even earlier - from the 19th century on coins and stamps.

As for the flag, initially it featured as many as three leaves. However, later, the flag was tested in a wind tunnel, where it became clear that least of all, when exposed to air currents, the image of one 11-sided sheet is distorted.

The 11 vertices of the logo do not carry any meaning.

IMPORTANT: As for the red color, many people mistakenly think that this gamut is in in this case associated with the fall. In fact, red is the national color in the UK. And this is logical, since Canada is formally considered constitutional monarchy... White is the color of France.

Why exactly a maple leaf? Very simple: as we wrote above, Canadians are proud to have such a tree. They also count the maple leaf a symbol of the unity of the nation.

The emblem is also immortalized on the coin. Moreover, such a coin is considered one of the most popular in the world. The size of such a coin is 1/10 oz, which corresponds to 5 Canadian dollars. It is produced since 1982.

The meaning of the maple leaf on the coin is the same as on the flag - the personification of goodness, peace and pride in your country.

Maple leaf on a coin of Canada

The meaning of the maple leaf on jewelry

It is believed that a person wearing a maple leaf jewelry will certainly must find kindred spirits among those around. Maple as if absorbs energy in order to then distribute it to those who are nearby. Our ancestors considered him for a reason a symbol of love.

Energy by this tree gentle, soft, contributing to the acquisition of peace by a person. If you always carry the maple leaf symbol with you, you will soon notice that you have acquired confidence, inner strength, poise.

IMPORTANT: There is an opinion that such a charm symbol takes on all the negative that a person may be exposed to. It protects from emotional outbursts, frees from the heaviness that can settle in the soul.

If you are on the way to something new, then purchasing a piece of jewelry with a maple leaf is the first step along this path. After all, the maple leaf will attract good luck to you in business, contribute to career growth. It is possible that you are completely unexpected you will understand how best to declare yourself.

Our ancestors believed that the five-pointed maple leaf symbolizes five human senses. And if you wear a similar sheet on yourself, you can contribute, as they believed, full disclosure of these feelings. Why not take advantage of the experience of previous generations? After all, it may well be that life will really play new colors, a the world will become perceived more positively.

A maple tattoo means love, fortitude, loyalty, peace, kindness, indestructible spirit and body, autumn, melancholy, dreaminess, sentimentality, sadness, determination, devotion, romance, tenderness, beauty, harmony, devotion, fearlessness, honesty, determination.

Maple tattoo meaning

The maple leaf is often associated with a poetic season like autumn. A person who decides to get himself a tattoo with a maple leaf has such qualities as romance, melancholy, dreaminess, sentimentality.

In cultures of different peoples, the maple symbol is interpreted in different ways. Representatives of the Celtic culture personified the maple with a brave warrior who inspires new feats and helps to win battles.

For the inhabitants of Poland, maple served as a guide between the world of the living and world of the dead... People believed that the tree could save the departed souls from the devil.

Poles get a tattoo of a maple or maple leaf in honor of the departed to another world a loved one... Thus, they show the pain and sorrow of loss.

Serbian legends say that if an unfortunate person touches a maple in spring, he will become dry and dead. And if a person is righteous or innocently condemned, the maple will bloom with green leaves.

In Germany, maple symbolizes beauty, splendor, diversity of life.

In Asia, mainly in China and Japan, the maple leaf personified eternal love and lovers themselves. Often, images of these leaves were applied to beds and other furniture in the couple's home. This was done so that the fire between the lovers did not go out.

Such a couple can decorate not only furniture in the house, but also their bodies with wearable designs in the form of maple leaves. Such a tattoo will mean the strength of the family, harmony in relationships, respect for ancestors and respect for their traditions.

The red maple leaf is a symbol of Canada, its image flaunts on the country's flag, coins, logos government agencies... The inhabitants of this country tattoo themselves with this sheet as a sign of patriotism and devotion to their homeland.

Canadian military personnel choose a similar wearable pattern, endowing it with a symbol of national freedom and the people of Canada. Since the end of the 20th century, the maple leaf has become the personification of goodness and peace.

Maple is a sturdy and powerful tree, it withstands the harshest weather... The tree does not bend from the wind itself and survives frosty winters and the most severe cold.

Based on this, maple symbolizes vitality, self-confidence, courage, invincibility of spirit and body. The maple tree tattoo is chosen by courageous, determined men who have the same stamina and stamina as their chosen tree.

Such a tattoo will be an excellent amulet for its owner, it will give him a soulful and physical strength, will help to achieve success in the chosen business and bring good luck in the love field.

For men, a maple leaf tattoo can have many decryptions. The embedded meaning depends on the place of residence of the person, his nationality and the corresponding mentality. In Russia, the drawing is often accompanied by the abbreviation K.L.Y.N, whose meaning sounds like: I swear to love her forever. Even today, it can be often found on men aged 30 and above, whose childhood and adolescence fell on an era with a high degree of romance.

The patterned maple leaf is closely associated with Canada. In this case, its meaning is simple to the point of banality. A man can be a former or current soldier of the Canadian army, a citizen of this country, a fan of the ice hockey team. Careful consideration should be given to the number of ends of the maple leaf. The classic Canadian version includes 11 of them. In other cases, the meaning of the tattoo may have a different meaning.

In men

A man who has applied it to his hand or other parts of the body is very often a connoisseur of Eastern traditions, especially if he also has an Asian appearance. V this region tattoo (tattoo) of a maple leaf has been associated with love since ancient times.

Up to the present day, it can often be seen in matrimonial beds. At the same time, the maple leaf symbolizes resilience and courage, following the example of the maple itself. With its help, the Asian man demonstrates his will, the dominance of the spirit over the body and unbending character.

Maple leaf had a similar meaning in Celtic symbolism. Here, his tattoo conveyed the personality of the wearer, his tendency to defend his Ego in the face of the environment and circumstances.

Female tattoo

In girls, the image of a maple leaf is most often associated with an existing relationship or memories of a lover. Unsurprisingly, the tattoo overlaps closely with male associations. In the feminine interpretation, the maple leaf means falling in love with handsome man, in which a slender body complements a rebellious disposition.

The peculiarities of his nature left their mark on the relationship, forcing the wearer of the tattoo to experience mixed feelings.

In them, the suffering from the indomitable nature of the companion was intertwined with the eternal female passion for a free and independent personality.

In Russia, the meaning of a maple leaf tattoo on a girl also reflects Slavic symbolism. In her, the maple leaf has always been associated with sadness. Relationships are a thing of the past, and memories of them make a woman sad. To paraphrase famous saying: Maple - knock out with maple, - for guys such a tattoo on a pretty girl is a direct guide to action.

In places of deprivation of liberty

On a person who has served a prison term, the image of a maple leaf can have a fundamentally different meaning. Most often, a tattoo (tattoo) symbolizes a former inhabitant of an educational colony for juvenile delinquents. The maple leaf shows early detachment from home, as well as deliberate entry into the criminal path.

The abbreviation MAP in the prison tradition has an unambiguous decoding: I swear by the Pointing E ... With a knife. Its carrier most often has direct relation to groups that deny the authority of the prison administration and the regime of detention.

A common interpretation allows you to hide the true meaning, and explain the tattoo with a grin during interrogations eternal love to the girl.

Plant motifs are perhaps one of the most popular in the art of tattooing. Images of flowers, trees, leaves are really found quite often, and in a completely different variations... Today we will find out what the meaning of a maple leaf tattoo is, talk about suitable styles for its image and advise on the most successful places on the body and compositional solutions.

Associations and popular beliefs

Just as clover in our minds is associated with Ireland, and tulips with the Netherlands, at the mention of the maple leaf, fantasy draws the endless Canadian forests.

For more than three centuries, maple has been the official symbol of Canada. Its flag is still adorned with a leaf of sugar maple, from which the famous sweet syrup is made. When the brave settlers set out to conquer the American north, they met such trees for the first time, so they began to be associated with the beginning of a new life on a new continent. The red color of the leaf became a symbol of the blood shed during the wanderings across the endless northern plains, and the white background of the flag - the personification of peace between the peoples living in this country.

Maple was not only considered special by Canadians. In Russia, it was believed that the soul of a person after death could move into this tree. There are many legends about how a person turns into a maple tree as a result of the curse of a mother or other relative. It was believed that if you make maple musical instrument, he will sing in a human voice, tell about all his troubles, in general, he will begin to complain about life in every possible way.

In Japan and China, maple is considered a symbol of love. Sometimes you can see in boys and girls paired maple leaf tattoos on the arm, which means a bright mutual feeling that they are ready to carry together throughout their lives.

Symbolism in the art of tattooing

Interpretation of symbols used in contemporary art tattoos largely depend on ancient ideas, associations that they evoke. So, let's figure out what the maple leaf tattoo means:

  • Strength and resilience. Maple is a strong tree that can withstand gusts of wind, snow blizzards and any bad weather, it does not care about the harsh northern climate. Such tattoos are often chosen by people endowed with extraordinary fortitude, the will to win. They are ready to fight to the end for their ideals, constantly engaging in battles with fate. Like the first conquerors of the north, filled with hope and faith in a bright future, he courageously sets out to meet a new life, emerging victorious from all trials.
  • Love and fidelity. This meaning came to us oriental culture... As already mentioned, in the East, maple leaves are considered a symbol of love, romantic relationship, fidelity and understanding between lovers. Therefore, such a tattoo can become a symbol of the great feeling that its owner has for his soul mate. The maple leaf image is great for people for whom feelings always come first.
  • Memory. This value is associated with yellowed autumn leaves... Fallen leaves are associated with loss, goodbye, completion of a certain stage. A tattoo with a red or orange maple leaf is sometimes done in memory of a person who passed away from the life of its owner, leaving behind a feeling of emptiness and longing.
    You can often see a maple leaf tattoo on the arm of Canadian military personnel. Such a tattoo is a tribute to respect and love for their homeland, its history and culture, and its people.

Plots and styles

When choosing the style of the future tattoo, make sure that it is able to reflect the emotions that you would like to put into the image. For example, if you want something gentle and calm, but at the same time bright, check out the photo of a maple leaf tattoo in watercolor style. Thanks to the soft lines and smooth transitions of shades, watercolor works look like real paintings made in this technique.

Those who crave expression should pay attention to. Tattoos made in this style simply breathe a spirit of rebelliousness, non-conformism and individualism, it is perfect for those for whom banality and routine are unacceptable. Usually, only black and red colors are used in trash polka, but in fact there are no strict canons that must be adhered to. Thanks to its expressiveness, this style always remains recognizable, no matter what colors you decide to use.

When choosing a place on the body, start from the shape and size of the future tattoo. For example, if you plan to depict only one piece of paper without any additional decorative elements This little work will look good on almost any part of the body. A larger-scale vertically elongated maple leaf tattoo on the shoulder, forearm, thigh or lower leg will look harmonious. For big jobs round shape the chest or shoulder blade will do.

As for the composition, there are very original options, for example, landscapes or portraits of animals, enclosed in a silhouette of a leaf, leaves painted with the colors of the British or French flag. The image can consist of many elements, among which the maple leaf will act either as the center of the composition or as a decorative detail.

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