Home Perennial flowers Bible truth! nonsense and truth in the bible. Does the Bible tell the truth

Bible truth! nonsense and truth in the bible. Does the Bible tell the truth

Bible - home holy book all Christians. And almost every believer has one at home. But are we reading it? What if we say that there are generally accepted things, approved by the church, which are at odds with the Bible, or are they not there? If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself!

1. Nowhere is it written that Adam and Eve ate the apple. The third chapter from Genesis indicates only that it was a fruit tree. But not the fact that it was an apple tree!

2. Jesus had brothers. These are not statements from atheist scholars, but a quote from the Gospel indicating this fact! In the Gospel of John there are 7 references to some of Jesus' brothers. The Council of Constantinople in 553 approved the dogma of the virgin Mary's integrity, but this is not mentioned anywhere in the Gospel. Indeed, in those days, not having children at all, or having only one child was an exception to the rule.

3. There are no 7 deadly sins. Pride, envy, anger, despondency, greed, gluttony, fornication were accepted many centuries after Jesus. The Bible does not mention this, but Jesus does mention that there are two most important commandments: "Love the Lord your God with all your body, soul and mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself".

Indeed, keeping these two commandments, the other 8 are kept along with them.

4. Nobody indicated that there were three wise men. The Gospel of Matthew states: "Some wise men", "wise men", "wise men"... Jesus received three gifts, that is, gold, frankincense and myrrh, but this is an indication of the number of gifts, but not the magi.

5. Purgatory does not exist. There is no reference to this passage anywhere in the Bible. The Catholic doctrine of purgatory was presented for the first time in 1274 at the Council of Lyons.

6. The Bible does not baptize children, only adults. Jesus himself was baptized at the age of 30. The Gospel of Mark clearly says: "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved." Thus, a person must first believe and then be baptized.

7.In Jewish tradition the breaking of bread at the table and the drinking of wine is accepted before the long journey and expected return. Jesus broke bread, symbolically indicating that he would go away but would soon be resurrected, transforming bread and wine into symbols of body and blood. Later, the church turned this into a tradition, but this is nothing more than a ritual that has nothing to do with the salvation of the soul.

8. Jesus was not born on December 25th or January 7th. The exact date of his birth is not indicated anywhere in the Gospel. However, in the same place we find that on that day the shepherds grazed their sheep, which is unlikely in winter.

9. It is customary to show the apostles in movies as men between the ages of 30 and 40.

In fact, it is most likely that they were just teenagers. When the Apostles went to Capernaum (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 17), they were asked to pay taxes. But only Peter and Jesus paid. This means that others did not pay them due to their young age.

10. There are no intermediaries between God and man except Jesus, and this is clearly written in the New Testament.

Andrey Desnitsky Articles about the Bible

Does the Bible tell the truth?

Does the Bible tell the truth?

“The Bible contradicts modern science, a literate person cannot take it seriously, this collection of ancient myths has long been outdated” - such judgments can often be heard today. However, not only today, because they have been repeated for more than a hundred years ... How fair are they?

Language and image

First of all, you need to understand what exactly is meant when they say: "The Bible contradicts the data of science." There are many things that contradict the data of science - for example, a miracle, but it’s a miracle to violate the laws of nature. And poetry also contradicts the data of science. She used to talk about loving heart, while any physiologist knows for sure that love is the result of biochemical reactions in the cerebral cortex, and the heart has nothing to do with it ...

Poetic speech is characteristic even of our everyday communication... So, we know perfectly well that the Earth is a spherical planet that revolves around its axis and around the Sun, but we constantly talk about natural phenomena as if the earth is a plane around which the stars revolve: our sun rises and hides behind the horizon, rises higher in summer and warms hotter, the moon grows or wanes, etc. It is more convenient for us to describe these astronomical processes exactly as our great-grandfathers, who were not familiar with the Copernican system, described them. However, we also often invent a simplified language for new phenomena: our electricity runs through wires, hits an unwary electrician, etc. We describe many different phenomena as the behavior of some living creature under the name “electricity”, it is more convenient for us. And how people sometimes talk to their cars! One might really think that they see in front of them not a mechanism, but a living being with consciousness, character and habits.

In fact it is common property a person - to talk about the world around and even about speculative concepts in the language of poetry. So in the Bible we read about the hands, feet, eyes, ears and even the nose of God - but none of the biblical authors, of course, meant that God possesses the same parts of the body as we do. This is how His actions in this world are described, because it is more convenient and understandable that way. And much of what we read about the world around us can be perceived as such a poetic description: the Earth in the Bible is described as a plane standing on some foundations, covered with a dome of heaven, etc. People of the time when the Bible was created, something like this imagined the universe, today we know that on a literal level this is wrong, but we may well accept these descriptions as metaphors, because the Bible tells not about the shape of the planet Earth, but about its Creator and His plan.

But this, of course, does not exhaust the list of claims to the biblical text from the point of view of science.

From the point of view of science

The phenomena described in the Bible do not always agree with the data of natural sciences. But first of all, one must remember that the Holy Scriptures, of course, were not conceived as a scientific treatise. Moreover, at the time when it was written, the natural sciences simply did not exist yet, people were not familiar with the rigor of scientific judgments that became possible today.

For example, the Bible tells about the Flood (which was also a kind of miracle). Indeed, we find similar stories among many peoples of antiquity, but geologists categorically disagree: there was no such thing that in the memory of mankind the entire territory the globe would be covered in water. And besides, it is impossible to imagine that Noah could take absolutely all representatives of the animal world with him to the ark: for this he would have to make an expedition across all continents, collect millions of species, and then place them on the ark, and at the same time food for all of them ... They just wouldn't fit in there!

Here, the most convincing explanation seems to me to be this option. The expression "worldwide flood" may be an exaggeration. The man of those times knew only the inner circle of the lands. For example, when a local catastrophe happened much later and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah perished, the daughters of Lot who fled from Sodom decided that all mankind had died, except for their family (Genesis 19:31). Their world was small enough, it did not exceed the boundaries of their home area.

In general, the words "all" and "all" are often used to mean "a lot." This is the case in our everyday speech (“she spends all her money on drinks,” “she played with dolls all day”), and in the Bible. For example, the book of Exodus describes how “all the Egyptian cattle died out” from a pestilence (9: 6), and then it turns out that not all of them: inflammation appears on the same cattle (9: 10), then the cattle die more and from the hail (9: 25) and, finally, “all the firstborn of cattle” perishes (11: 5). Perhaps, in the same way, the Flood was limited to some very large territory, but did not affect the whole world in the literal sense of the word? Moreover, among the descendants of Noah, we will find only people who were considered the ancestors of the peoples of the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean - this is the "whole world" of biblical authors. Neither America, nor Australia, nor the distant regions of Asia, Africa and Europe were simply not known to them.

Well, the debate about evolution is probably too familiar to the reader to talk about it in more detail. The Bible clearly states that God created this world and all living things in it, but it does not specify exactly how He did this. Maybe evolution was just one of the tools of creation? More than a century has passed since the time when censorship tried to ban the book of Charles Darwin on evolution in Russia, and A.K. Tolstoy responded to these disputes with a wonderful poem:

The way the Creator worked

What did he think is more convenient? The chairman cannot know

Press Committee.

Not all Bible readers will agree with this approach. For some (it is customary to call them "fundamentalists", and this movement was born in Protestantism) any word in the Bible is truth in the literal sense of the word. If it is said that God created the world in six days, then this period must be understood as six intervals of 24 hours. And if geologists and paleontologists claim that, according to their sciences, billions of years have passed from the emergence of planet Earth to the creation of man, then it means that the world was already created "old", with all these geological layers and fossil bones in their thickness.

Whether certain scientific theories are right or wrong regarding the mechanism of the origin of the planet Earth, life on it, the human mind is up to scientists to decide, and the Bible tells us about the Creator and His plan.

Personality factor

However, the fundamentalist approach does not remove some of the contradictions. First, there are discrepancies between different biblical books: for example, Matthew (1: 1-17) and Luke (3: 23-38) give not exactly the same genealogies of Christ, the data of the census of David differ in the books of Kings and Chronicles (2 Kings 24 : 9 and 1 Chronicles 21: 5). In Mark 2: 26, Christ, telling about one episode from the life of David, calls the then high priest Abiathar, while in the 21st chapter of the 1st book of Kings his name is Ahimelech, Abiathar replaced him.

In addition, there are discrepancies between the biblical text and the data of modern historical science... This is not at all the same as the discrepancy with the natural sciences, because the natural sciences tell us about how certain events in this world generally occur, but history asserts what exactly happened at a given moment in time. This is a different, higher degree of accuracy. For example, the book of Daniel calls the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar the father of another king, Belshazzar (5: 11), while according to Babylonian sources we know for sure that Nabonidus was his father and immediate predecessor on the throne, and Nebuchadnezzar II was a more distant and indirect relative of Belshazzar.

How to deal with these discrepancies? First, the author of the book of Daniel might not know exactly what kind of relationship between Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, and Matthew and Luke could use different sources, citing the genealogy of Christ. Second, the author of the book of Daniel could call Nebuchadnezzar the “father” of Belshazzar in the sense that he was his glorious ancestor and predecessor on the throne. In the case of genealogies, it could happen that one of the evangelists gave the names of the biological ancestors of Jesus, and the other - the ancestors of the "social". After all, we know the custom of a levirate marriage, in which a childless widow married the brother of her deceased husband, and the firstborn from such a union was considered the son of the deceased, although in reality, of course, he was not his son, but his nephew.

There may be other explanations as well. Imagine the process of creating Bible books. The author writes a single manuscript, then copies are made from it. In some cases, different texts could subsequently be combined into one book (for example, the books of the prophets are clearly composed of prophecies uttered in different time and for various reasons). This book comes to us in copies from copies, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that in some trifles and particulars at different stages of creation and copying of the book, minor inaccuracies crept in.

We have a very curious example of such absurdity. In 1 Kings 13: 1, the Synodal translation reads: “A year was after Saul's accession, and he reigned another year over Israel ...” In fact, such a translation is a departure from a difficult problem. Here the author used a standard formula: so many years was the king at the time of accession to the throne, and so many years his reign lasted. But, apparently, when rewriting from the Hebrew text, dozens disappeared, only a few remained, and as a result it sounds like this: "At the age of one year, Saul began to reign, and he reigned over Israel for two years." Was Saul just a tiny baby? Of course not, this is a clear mistake of the scribe. Ancient Greek manuscripts usually just skip this verse, and modern translators speculate: "At the age of thirty-one he began to reign, and forty-two years he reigned over Israel." Whether these guesses are true or not, we do not know for sure, but this good example accidental distortion of the text.

Temporary and eternal

But even if we admit that this or that biblical author or scribe mixed up the names or numbers, there will be nothing scandalous about this. We believe that the Bible tells us the truth about God, man, righteousness, sin, repentance, and salvation. And the small details do not in any way affect the main thing that she teaches us. On the contrary, they emphasize that the Bible did not fall on us from heaven as a kind of perfect text written by God Himself; it was written by people under the influence of the Holy Spirit, whose ideas about the world around them remained at the level of their time, and whose memory was sometimes imperfect.

Their human voice, their individuality are very important to us - it is not by chance that the Church did not accept the attempts of the Syrian theologian Tatian, who in the II century tried to compose a consolidated version of four separate Gospels, the so-called. "Diatessaron". No, four witnesses are needed, differing in the little things (for example, only Luke tells about the prudent robber, 23: 40–43), but completely united in the main thing. Only such evidence can be considered true: if four people repeat the same thing word for word, they undoubtedly conspired and are lying.

The Bible and Science say different things different language, with a different purpose, and therefore it is impossible to demand full consent from them. Today's " the last word science ”in a hundred years will look like an outdated and forgotten theory, the inquisitive human mind in its eternal search will constantly open new horizons of scientific knowledge.

And the word of God does not pursue either the theories of the first century, or the theories of the twenty-first or forty-first (we would not even be able to understand them today if they were told to us). The Bible offers eternal truths to man.

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In n Recently, information has been pumped through the media that the Bible contains 7 signs of the Apocalypse, which is interpreted as "the end of the world." Many people use this word as a designation of some kind of global or universal catastrophe.
But the word "apocalypse" itself is translated as revelation

On February 24, 2010, I watched the TV-3 program "Seven Signs of the Apocalypse", in which American "scientists" and "writers" talk about some kind of decoding of the Bible, about "hidden" predictions, etc.
The Bible, written on the basis of the first Christian apocryphal works, already has an extremely distant relation to the "saving mission of Christ", since tell a story Jewish people- renegades of the ancient Jewish faith, for which they were expelled from the "Israeli lands".
The Bible was rewritten over 400 times, and each time "mistakes" were made - deliberate changes to the text. The Bible was based on apocryphal Christian works, consisting of 4 groups: a) the Gospels - about 50 works; b) Acts of the Apostles; c) the Epistles of the Apostles; d) Apocalypses - revelations.
In all, both early and later works, the Jews assumed the role of "God's chosen people", and the rest were assigned the role of "God's servants." And also called all other creeds "pagan", in all likelihood, to approve the "Orthodox" teaching; although the teachings and doctrines were not "pagan", but Vedic (from the word "know" - to know) and Orthodox, for they lived according to the Truth and glorified it!
Often Bible authors refer to the fact that Scripture (the Bible) warns against voices and visions.
As if in the Old and New Testaments there are few voices and visions, but the argument is the same: "They are true!" And, finally, there is the use of such argumentation: “All visions are from false prophets and from the Antichrist, but when Christ comes, he will inform about it (by telegraph in a closed code?)“ To the faithful servants. ”It's funny! And how can religion behave , which of the Gospels of the twelve apostles, declared eight to be heretical, how could we be sinners, if even the apostles got so badly from those whom they ordained.
Having studied all apocryphal Christian works, we can safely say that the Christian faith has almost all roots from the Vedic Tradition of the Slavs: the Holy Trinity is the Vedic Triglav, God the Son is the Vedic Kryshen (Krishnu), Moses on Mount Sinai is the Vedic Manu on Mount Hukarya, and so comparisons can be continued indefinitely .... By the way, the same applies to Islam, where Christian names replaced by Arabic.
In the Gospel of Matthew, written about 60-50 years before the birth of Christ, the conversations of Christ are given .... An interesting fact - how was it possible to record the conversations before the birth of Christ?
We must pay tribute to the Jews: they are talented and inventive. But the myth created by the Jews themselves "about their super-talentedness and God's chosenness" is confirmed in practice by the fact that they are talented in the field of fraud, organized forgery and speculation, small and large deception everywhere, where, having piled on an organized clan heap, one can snatch and "fuck" giving nothing in return. Look from this point of view at the collapse of powerful countries such as the Byzantine (Roman) Empire or Great Russia... Their plundering and ruining was called "Christianization", and now it is called "democratic reformism." Now everything fell into place.
And it is in vain that the authors defending Christianity argue that the Christianization of Rus was not like Europe - without bloodshed and violence, that supposedly Christianity and "paganism" coexisted peacefully in Russia. Don't believe it! Prince Vladimir - "the red sun" threw "pagan idols" into the Dnieper and Volkhov and called for worshiping God-Light, that is Holy Trinity... As mentioned in ancient sources: "Prince Vladimir baptized with fire and sword ...".
From the beginning of the Christianization of Rus, everything was aimed at the physical degeneration of the Slavs as a nation. So, for example, in the 12th century, the "Peter's post" was introduced (by the way, absent in the whole world except Russia !?). This post was introduced solely in order to close the Rusalia folk festivities preceding Kupala. And the holiday of Kupala itself was replaced by the invented "Nativity of John the Baptist" (Forerunner), and over time, an absurd, chimerical, unnatural phrase was formed - " Ivan Kupala"The week preceding Kupala, the Rusalya week, became known as the" Seven Week "- the seventh week after Christian Easter, ending with the holiday of the" Holy Trinity ".
The cheerful mermaid ritual of cumming with a birch, merry mermaids round dances around birches (!) In an ugly form were transferred to the savage Christian custom: to decorate huts and churches on Trinity with birch branches and felled (dead!) Birch trees.
In Christianity, everything church holidays are reduced to indifferent listening to the priest's sermons, and the whole difference between these "holidays" lies in the different content of the psalms, into which the believers do not really delve into and, as a rule, do not bother to comprehend their meaning, on which, in fact, everything rests " world religions ". Nowadays, of all believing Christians in Russia, the church is attended by a maximum of 1.5-2%.
And such rituals as christenings, weddings are nothing more than another tribute to fashion.
By the way, the very word "Christians" does not occur, as many believe in the name of Christ, since the Christian faith arose before the birth of Christ, but are altered by the word "Christians" - fire and sun worshipers.
Cross- a symbol of fire from the Vedic faith. The cross in ancient graves is a talisman against evil forces.
The word "cross" in ancient times meant fire. Iskra is a shape-shifting word found in Russian. Correctly pronounced - "Kresa". The word "Sunday" is also fiery. It was born at the time of the fire worship of our ancestors - the Pre-Slavs, when the dead were burned at a funeral pyre. It was believed that the deceased with the smoke of a fire flies to eternal peace heaven. And this method, in a sanitary sense, was correct - they did not pollute the ground with cadaveric poison, as in the arrival of Christianity.
The ritual side of Christian holidays is again completely borrowed by the churchmen from folk, "pagan" holiday rituals: "prayer" - from "ablution"; water baptism - from the ancient Kupala rite; "consecration" of water, food, Easter cakes - from the Yuletide (light) tradition of the ancient Slavs; dyed chicken eggs- a purely "pagan" rite; trebites, that is, sacrifices, fumigation with chandelier, as well as sprinkling the parishioners with "holy water" - from the most ancient methods of purification and exorcism of all evil spirits by fumigation and ablution.
The church candle is just a reflection of a pagan fire. But the meaning of religious holidays has changed to the exact opposite. If the ancient Slavic festivities begin at dawn, with the meeting of Yarila the Sun, then the Christian ones - at midnight, even "the bright holiday of Easter." If the Slavic holidays come from the life-giving Sun, then the Christian ones are from the deathly face of the Moon. You can even compare the Christian, midnight rites with the satanic midnight sabbats.
Christianity also contributed to the loss by Russian soldiers of the national fighting technique, when one Rusich in battle could fight simultaneously with several opponents. And according to the testimony of a Danish writer of the 12th century: "... in hand-to-hand combat, the Slavs throw their shields behind their backs and with an open chest, exposing their whole body to the wounds, throw themselves at the enemy with a sword ...".
Despising death, filled with desperate courage and fighting spirit, imbued with strength native land, and palpably feeling the participation and support of his glorious ancestors, the ancient Russian warrior could rebuff any enemy. As, for example, it is written in the book of Veles: "Rus was beaten a hundred times and she rebelled a hundred times ...".
The ancient warfare was still preserved in the free Cossacks: kharaterniks, Spassovtsy. Some elements from the power complexes of the Slavs: "Kulak Perun", "Buza", "Skobar" are used in the school of "Russian combat" used in modern secret services Russia.
So who and why needed to prohibit the training of Russian vigilantes in skill hand-to-hand combat, the national technique of fighting, declaring it "satanic dances", "the intrigues of Satan" ???
As a result, one of the most important juxtapositions of Russian, Slavic paganism, as the national culture of the Great Vedic Tradition, the technique of military art, was lost. In the 14th - 15th centuries, this affected the ability of the Russian squads to resist the Mongol-Tatar invasion.
The most terrible punishment for our pre-Slavic ancestors was excommunication from sacred holiday rituals. Who fell away from the precepts of the Family, which are detailed in the book of Veles, - geeks- were expelled from the community, and at death their bodies were betrayed like carrion earth, and not Fire - Yarila's brother. Therefore, the Christian custom - to bury the dead in the ground, can be regarded as such that all those who have adopted Christianity are geeks Slavic family, and since if they are "God's servants" or "God's creatures," then they betray aki carrion to the ground.
Our ancestors worshiped not "relics" in the sense of bone remains, but relics in the sense of forces. The relics in the Vedic Tradition literally mean - helping forces. Power meansForce. And what are the holy "relics" in Christianity?
Why then
the church forbade folk holidays and customs? And if such attempts were unsuccessful, were they replaced with content with the same or slightly changed name? Precisely because in the ancient Slavic holidays, the soul of the people is found and the communal spirit is strengthened.
Since the beginning of the baptism of Rus', any change in ideology has been accompanied by the replacement or substitution of holidays, primarily with the aim of implanting and consolidating certain ideological attitudes and false ideas in the mass consciousness. A striking example of the latter is the days of "Slavic culture and writing", on which the Jews Cyril and Methodius are exalted, who allegedly made the Slavs happy with literacy and culture in general, which allegedly began among the Slavs with a translation into Slavic language Psalter. These two Jews were simply plagiarizing as they took the form of the letters for the Glagolitic alphabet from Slavic runes, avesta, etc. The conclusion suggests itself - Cyril and Methodius did not bring writing and culture to Russia, but replaced the native Slavic Glagolitic with its "wounded" version. Slavic writing existed at least 20-30 thousand years before the "Solunski brothers", which is confirmed by the book of Veles.
Have the people themselves come to such a life? Not much different from secular and revived Christian holidays. What kind of joy is there for a person, for example, in the "feast" - "the circumcision of the Lord"? Circumcision only in Jews and Muslims! May those who are close to this custom rejoice at this holiday ...
What does the biblical admonition "Remember the Sabbath day" have to do with the Russian people? This is for the Jews Saturday (from the Hebrew word "Shabbat" - rest) - a day of rest (for Muslims - Friday), and the Slavs-Rus, like all Indo-Europeans, had a day off "armchair"(kres - fire, from here cruciform - fire sign- the day of kindling a new fire in the hearth and a ritual fire in honor of Yarila the Sun. Therefore, the name of this day is the day of the Sun. It starts with him week(a week). The day off among the Slavs-Rus was preceded by the last day of the week - sobota- the day of the event or cathedral at the home, preparation and cleaning of the home and cleansing in the bathhouse for the day of rest - armchair.
With the planting of Christianity in Russia, the folk calendar was replaced by the church one, in which the day off began to be called (again by consonance) Sunday, and the churchmen began to produce this name not from lighting a fire, but from "the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Then, in contrast to such an outrage in the popular environment, a new name for the day off appeared - a week, that is, a day on which nothing is done. Hence, the first working day after the weekend began to be called monday- the first day after the week. The rest of the working days received ordinal names, the original names of the days have so far been lost.
With the advent of Christianity to Russia, a lot of things were lost from the Great Tradition of the Slavs. Since the 20th century (especially in the last decade!), Even what is hallmark national character - the food of the Russian people. For ages, with food, a person perceived the conditions of the environment that he inhabited - from which his ancestors once emerged. There was a genetic chain between food and humans. Hundreds of previous generations, it was chained to certain centers of origin of cultivated plants. His national-racial gene ascended to them. If a person eats what he eats, then the genetic totality of people - clan, tribe - eats the same thing. The Russian national trait, food is predetermined to a certain extent: bread, cereals, cabbage, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, beets and onions, jelly and compotes (explosions from wild berries and fruits) and sour jams. The bread was baked round like the sun. Solar signs can be traced in pancakes as well. Alcoholic drinks were prepared on a honey-berry or honey-apple basis. Kvass was consumed in large quantities. See this, if you like, leavened patriotism. Don't make your potatoes a "second bread"! It is the only vegetable made up almost entirely of carbohydrates. Leave the potatoes with tomatoes, peppers and tobacco to the Peruvian or Mexican - "cabbage soup and porridge - our food" !!! The nature of food must be reckoned with. And understand its meaning, goals and language. All living things, with the exception of the modern Western-style man and his pig, eat according to certain laws. For centuries, nature, race and people have determined the laws of our nutrition. Now we don't hear their voices! But we are keenly listening to the recipes of the culinary experts in the media, who recommend us to cook unthinkable mixtures of products (like meat with bananas or oranges) that have never been encountered in nature and our people. In nature, there are no dishes made from far-away products, and even in a canned, poorly digestible form. The laws of nutrition should be sought not in reference books on dietetics, but in nature itself! They have lived among the people since ancient times and there is no need to change them to any "progressive" ones. The exploitation of the organism is progressive, in which it is most genetically adapted by many generations. Traditional vegetable food in compliance with the restrictions on the consumption of animal food - the most rational way of using their body by representatives of agricultural peoples.
But let's return to the role of Christianity (or Jews) in the destruction of Vedic Russia.
It is established that the "laws of Moses" were written in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. For the first time, the Bible was thoroughly studied by the founder of biblical criticism, materialist philosopher Benedict Spinoza. Therefore, all "seekers of predictions in the Bible", first of all, need to study the works of Spinoza, where all the chronological and logical inconsistencies in the Bible are indicated. The first systematic and thorough analysis of the biblical books for the purpose of their origin is set out in " Theological and political treatise "Spinoza published in 1670 A.D. Spinoza established that the Pentateuch of Moses was written not by Moses himself, but by someone else who lived many centuries later. Examining a number of books of the Old Testament, Spinoza noticed that they have much in common with the Pentateuch and that they were not written by the people to whom they are credited. It was neither Joshua nor the prophet Samuel who wrote the books that are named after them. Spinoza says: "Ezra made every effort to ensure that the entire history of the Jewish nation ...". Ezra copied books from various unverified authors and left them to posterity. Spinoza challenges the Bible commentators: “Let them explain the Old Testament absurdities without violence against language and common sense, and if there is such“ I will immediately stretch out my hands to him, and he will be a great oracle for me. ”All Bible commentators interpret the text in the most arbitrary way, just to give them meaning.
Spinoza studied the text of each biblical book, comparing the contents of individual books and the Old Testament books in general with historical materials and in the end he drew conclusions not on the authority of Scripture, but on common sense and logic. More details about Spinoza's research can be found on the website - spinoza.
The next biblical critic, two hundred years after Spinoza, was Julius Wellhausen. Then, already in the 30s of the 19th century, two scientists - Fatke in Berlin and Reiss in Strasbourg - independently of each other came to the same conclusion that the church point of view regarding the "Mosaic Law" is wrong. Fatke and Reiss drew attention to the fact that in the vast majority of books that allegedly appeared after the "law", in fact, there is nothing to indicate that their characters already knew the "law." The life of the Israelites is described in these books as if they were completely not guided by the prescriptions of the "law" and did not even know anything about it.

I'd like to point out that almost all Bible critics were not atheists, but were theosophists and theologians!
Bible criticism is the science that studies the Bible like any other literary work.
There is a lot of historically reliable material in the Bible, and science has already established the measure of this reliability. biblical studies- Bible science. The Bible contains a lot of sublimely artistic, deeply philosophical and morally instructive material. But the fetishization of the Bible text gives rise to religious fundamentalism, leads to religious strife, hinders a comprehensive assessment of this unique book.
For what and in what way does a person receive salvation, according to the Bible? In the Bible, you can deduct many ways to salvation, that is, a person is offered freedom of choice? Using the Bible's "clear as daylight" directions, Christians today receive four basic answers:
- Only those chosen by God will be saved;
- In order to be saved, you need to believe in Jesus Christ - and that's all!
- For salvation, you need not faith, but good deeds;
- You can only be saved through the church.
The first answer automatically excludes the other three - God is an omniscient being. Even before a person is born, he knows how a person will behave and what he deserves for his behavior. Knowing all this, God, even before the creation of the world, predetermined some people - to salvation, others - to destruction.
Let's assume that all the same the Bible offers other options for salvation on equal terms. Consider the option with Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus Christ? It is known for certain that there was such a historical person. This is evidenced by a letter from Pontius Pilate (Roman ruler of Judea 26 - 36 AD) to Pliny Cecilius Secundus, shedding the true origin of Christ and the Christian faith.
The greatness of Pilate's way of thinking was manifested when he solved the case of Jesus of Galilee. This Jesus, as far as Lucius Albion could understand, took the name of Christ, that is, the anointed one, which should mean the desire to claim to achieve royal dignity. However, the interrogation, skillfully conducted by Pilate, immediately showed that Jesus hoped to become king, not in Judea, but in the world of spirits. Such a senseless intention hardly deserved punishment, and Pilate was ready to let Jesus go. He was prevented by a crowd of Jews who had gathered, demanding the execution of Jesus, as a violator of their doctrine.
For a long time Pilate did not agree with this demand, and explained in detail to the assembled the illegality of their claims. Finally. seeing that such an insignificant reason could lead to rebellion, he with apparent reluctance ordered the execution of Jesus.
“A few days later, my father was surprised to hear that Jesus, who had died on the cross, was alive and appeared before his few followers, showing them unhealed wounds on his hands and feet. His disciples took this as a miracle and strengthened their faith in the divine nature of Jesus. Although the rumors about Jesus' appearance ceased, my father nevertheless asked Pilate about the reasons for the strange fiction about the resurrection of Jesus. Pilate, recalling his longtime friendship with his father's family, told true story what happened ... ".
Pilate became convinced that, due to the rage aroused by the Jewish clergy, it was not so easy to fulfill the promises made to Joseph of Arimothea.
Pilate, using the experience of his many years of work in the service of Caesar, managed to combine the incompatible - to execute Jesus and at the same time save his life. For this, Pontius Pilate ordered Jesus to be crucified with the least damage to his body, and when he lost consciousness - to take him down from the cross as dead and at the first opportunity to hand him over to his doctor, the Greek Polydorus, known for his art in healing wounds. All this was accomplished, and if Jesus had a sound mind, then he could hide from Jerusalem and peacefully end his life ....
But, as was already the case during his trial, Jesus was just as blinded by superstition as the crowd that persecuted him. He understood his return to life as a manifestation of a certain god, whom he represented in Judea.
The alleged execution of Jesus was a big mistake of Pontius Pilate - further developments showed that the secret murder of Jesus did not correct the harm caused by the false news of his resurrection. As we now know, this news provided then and continues to this day strong impact to spread the Christian doctrine.
"It always seemed to me exaggerated, moreover, ridiculous, sometimes expressed fears that the adherents of Christ would pose a threat to the veneration of the true gods, whose will increases the power of Rome ...".
How wrong Lucius Albinus and Pontius Pilate were! The sect of Jesus began to be replenished not only by fishermen and shepherds, but also by hiding criminals and people who have lost their honor and conscience, who have repeatedly indulged in wild superstitions, and fugitive slaves ...
"The memory of these criminal acts has almost disappeared, as will undoubtedly disappear in the near future the memory of the deplorable delusion named in your letter. The guarantee of this is the invincible power of Rome, in the radiance of which the pale shadows of people who worshiped non-existent gods will melt.
Be healthy.
Written in Rome in the 14th year of the reign of Mark Ulpius Trajan, in 865 from the founding of the city. "

From this genuine letter, which has survived to this day, the following conclusion can be drawn: Jesus Christ is indeed a historical figure - an adventurer and a swindler, but by no means a "son of God." Gathering low, shameless people around him - geeks, renegades of the Jewish faith, Jesus and his followers managed to The greatest scam of the last two thousand years - the Christianization of Rus! Why did he manage to impose a new religion on Russia?
As you know, only three countries arose by themselves: Russia, India and China. The rest of the countries are derived from these three countries... Historically, it is known that Jesus Christ with his doctrine was expelled from China, and in India they were treated rather mildly, but they have preserved the Vedic faith to this day.
In Russia, Christianization helped a geek of the entire Slavic family - Prince Vladimir - "Red Sun"! True, another nickname would suit him - "Bloody Sun", the rise of which brought so many troubles and torments for the Slavic family, which lived according to the ancient Vedic Tradition - according to Truth and glorified it.
In general, the role of Satan is more suitable for Jesus Christ! And all Christian faith, in fact, can turn out to be really "satanic" ....
Elder N.N., well-known in Russia. Ryszkowski, in accordance with the revelations that appeared to him in 1909, recorded and entitled by him "Procession of the Destroyer", the vision describes the technology and direction of the actions of Satan and his legions: the fort will be taken from the people and destroyed, we won. For this it is necessary to build such an ambush that could not be opened. And because of this ambush to act continuously, but so that each blow seems to come from the opposite direction .... I give to you new strength black snake- the power of suggestion. Instill and only instill - this is a powerful and only means against the will of a person to tilt him to the left, in our direction, thus entice the enemy and surround him from all sides. People will take mental suggestions for their own thoughts, for the acquisitions and achievements of their mind, and will irresistibly follow them. then the light in them will be polarized by darkness and will become our darkness, and they will call it light, and the light will seem to them as darkness ... Then one more step - and we will destroy everything that lives on Earth. People will begin to strive with us for spontaneous destruction and destruction".
And Satan gave his legions a program: " First of all, deceive the servants of the Church of the Eternal.
Show them power over the souls of those who are being saved,
over the rulers and kings, and the beauty of women and the possibility of easy possession over them; show the blessings of peace, wealth and external attractiveness splendor atmosphere. luxuries and means of capturing them. Make the holy gospel of the Risen One an instrument in their hands, hidden from those who are fleeing, so that it does not expose their criminality before people. "
In addition to the ministers of the church, others strategically important focus the blow of Satan and his legions are scientists and gifted people:"And to you - the legion of the black snake - I entrust this:" You follow on the heels and observe people as scientists, gifted with talent and genius. These are the chosen and the best of people - they strive to study Nature and the wondrous structure of its forms, and penetrate into the secret of life for the glory of the Creator and knowledge of his incomprehensible wisdom. Their purpose and purpose is so clear and great that if they succeed in this, then all people's lives will turn into praise to the Almighty ... and people will return to immortality and eternal bliss, and all the joy and happiness of being will open before them, and faith will become a diamond stone, and the Earth with all its inhabitants - the Kingdom of the Risen One. And then all the means of our struggle and the terms of our time are over. "
Doesn't it remind you that Christianization is the Procession of the Destroyer? After all, the destruction of the Vedic faith in Russia was the first point of the imposition of Christianity. Moreover, Christianity was introduced forcibly - "With Fire and Sword". They destroyed statues and pantheons of gods, but erected their Christian churches on the site of the destroyed Vedic temples !? Even later, in the 16th century, Nostradamus wrote:
"There is no more holiness in cathedrals and temples
And the covenants of Christ will be violated (the Vedic covenants of the Family are meant)
And with a pile of old, rusty rubbish
The truth will be mingled with the former purity. "

The Christian Church, in pursuit of the splendor of temples, in pursuit of "worldly goods", gives birth to false morality and that, in turn, gives birth protest from a sane person, and this protest takes on the most ugly forms, up to open cynicism and open aggression.
"The salt of the new world is the ashes of lost cultures "- room 7 room 15 Nostradamus. But if you clean up this ashes of the satanic activity of Christianity, then the "salt" will emerge: it was the Rus-Slovenes who gave the first principle to all major cultures, world religions, world languages. This "salt" was buried under the ashes of Christianity in Russia in the 10th century !!!
So, we can draw one main conclusion: "The blow from the left flank" - the destruction of the Slavic Vedic Faith - was inflicted by the Christianization of Russia through the renegade Jews, degenerates who betrayed their ancient Jewish faith - "by the legions of Satan."
Holy Russia is the only country in the world endowed with the epithet "Holy"! That is why John of Kronstadt said: “The Russian people have ceased to understand what Russia is! the foot of the throne of the Lord. A Russian person must understand and thank God for being Russian. "
Pay attention to how during the period of "perestroika", against the background of unemployment, poverty of the bulk of the population and the established "subsistence minimum", when more than half of the population of Russia is unemployed or works for some "minimum wage", the Orthodox Christian Church invests a lot of money. For example, more than 500 million dollars, and the very maintenance of this church costs 100 million rubles annually! There are now about 15,000 churches in Russia. Temple monthly income small town(up to 30,000 people) averages at least 100,000 rubles, and in large cities- at least 10 million rubles. This is at least 20-25 billion per year (officially). And how much does it get unofficially Orthodox Church in Russia? I think that these figures are actually 4-5 times more! For comparison - the budget for unemployment benefits is 30 billion.
Why restore Christian churches if 1-1.5% of believers visit them? There is only one answer - the Christian Church is trying by all means and means to consolidate its position in Russia, after seven decades of oppression.
After the destruction of the true Vedic faith of the Russian people, the next stage began in the 20th century - the blow of Satan and his legions on Russian scientists. This strike began during the Second World War, when Zion, joining with the "troika" (USSR, USA, England) in another political and trade alliance, sold us the scientific and technical secrets of atomic weapons in exchange for autonomous rights to Palestine. Zion's agents, which in many cases were unavailable due to their international and other connections, fulfilling the will of their center to create conditions for the implementation of the Old Testament traces about Israel, disorganized front-line communications and supplies, and sowed panic in Russia. And only after Rommel's defeat in the Arabian sands, Zion realized that you couldn't cook porridge with the "Nazis", then he drew attention to the "troika". Simultaneously with the sale of the secrets of atomic weapons to us, Zion launched the myth of the Holocaust, which in the post-war world was supposed to justify and substantiate the right of Jews over the world; the myth created in this way about the "incomprehensible intellectual" contribution of Jews to the creation of the "nuclear shield" allowed them to avoid further exposure and responsibility for their role in preparing the next world massacre, but also to take a strong position in the post-war world in our country - in Russia and in the USA ... The fact that in 1975 45% (!!!) of all doctors of sciences were Jews can serve as a confirmation of Zion's political and trade alliance with Russia. And it was L. Landau who was personally appointed by Stalin as the "chief theoretician" of the USSR Academy of Sciences, despite the fact that he was not a member of the team of nuclear weapons developers.

The "pagan" spirituality of the Russian Slavs never claimed the role of political, state ideology, in contrast to the faith of the rebellious "sons of Israel."
The pagan faith recognizes the One power of the Law and the One Creator of the Universe (without any "God-men", fathers and sons and Co.) and tries to live in harmony and harmony with the World of the worlds. In Russian, the word "language" means speech, people, and in the aggregate - national identity.
A rhetorical question: to whom and why does it interfere with the recognition of the Russian nation ???

Concealment of magic from Russian Christianity.

Satanism was born at the same time that magic was born, since the spiritual and cultic basis of Satanism is black magic. In the Middle Ages, the idea was introduced into black magic monotheism, that is, the idea of ​​the Devil. V political form magic has existed since time immemorial, and it was not divided into black and white. This division arose with the advent of Christianity, when the practice of magic began to be persecuted by the Orthodox Church.

Any magic is initially a spiritually neutral force. Spirituality is brought into magic by people who use it for one purpose or another. Therefore, people should be judged for this or that use of magic, but not as magic as such.

The existence of magic, both black and white confirmed by the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia(RAEN). In particular, Alexander Stepanov, a biophysicist, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, is engaged in a researcher of magic.

I would tell you what is written in the "Book of Secrets", but then I have to kill you“- this is how US President Barack Obama joked to the famous journalist Michael Smerkonish.

What are the world's rulers hiding from us, forcing society to live by their rules !?

Dear Readers!

We hate to be deceived and led by the nose.

We are afraid for the future, wishing only good things for ourselves and our loved ones.

We always want to know the truth and are looking for the hidden truth.

And therefore, now it is very important for us to think carefully, opening our clouded consciousness.

Every new day we wake up, turn on the TV, open a fresh newspaper, go to the Internet and, like sponges, absorb all the information that the media pour on us every day in an incessant stream. We rarely think about the degree of truthfulness, on a global scale, of all the information that comes to us. We are used to that latest news, about which we learn, more or less correspond to reality, and this is how we build our new day, our everyday life, our life.

We blindly believed everything that was pumped into us to the fullest, starting from the very young age... All cartoons, movies, books and magazines, finally textbooks in school (especially on history!) Extolled our system, human lifestyle and everything else connected with it. We were brainwashed, and we blindly believed and obediently existed.

Sometimes the truth is so harsh that perhaps many would prefer to live under the veil, not knowing what is really happening. It is always difficult to take off rose-colored glasses, and even more so to admit that you are blind, or a narrow-minded person, unable to distinguish between truth and fiction. And this is probably the worst thing. We are ready to deny elementary things, just not to admit our own blindness. All this is characteristic of man, and only this can explain the fact that we often behave like a herd, easily subject to the most, at times, ridiculous suggestion.

Suggestion- this is the basis of any religion, suggestion - this is the power of any power, a means of controlling the masses.

I'm not trying to open your eyes, but just think for a moment that everything around you was created only to control you. Everything! Everything that you see around you, everything that you hear, smell. Even your feelings sometimes work against you, and these are not paranoid thoughts. It's just that it is so deeply embedded in us that we cannot notice it, to our great regret.


The history of the world is not really what we are used to accepting. In ancient times, for millions of years, the land was inhabited by various highly developed civilizations.

The existence of ancient civilizations is confirmed by material finds, which are sometimes attributed to the activities of aliens or declared as hoaxes.

For example, finds in mines in millionth layers of gold chain rock, an iron parallelepiped, a 20-centimeter nail.

Or plastic columns found in the coal mines of the USSR, an iron meter-long cylinder with round inclusions of yellow metal. An imprint of a boot tread in sandstone, found in the Gobi Desert, whose age is estimated at 10 million years, as reported by the Soviet writer A. Kazantsev, or a similar imprint in limestone blocks in Nevada (USA).

A high-voltage porcelain glass overgrown with fossilized molluscs, the age of which is estimated at 500 thousand years, etc. These so far few finds allow us to conclude that ancient civilization not only mined coal, had electricity and the production of plastics, but also the fact that there was not a single advanced civilization on Earth.

In 1965, the Italian scientist Colossimo summarized the data of all then known archaeological expeditions and ancient written sources and concluded that in the past the Earth was an arena of military operations with the use of nuclear weapons. In the "Puranas", in the "Rio Code" of the Maya, in the Bible, among the Arvaks, among the Cherokee Indians and among some other peoples - weapons are described everywhere, very reminiscent of nuclear weapons.

In ancient times, people were of considerable stature. Today there is probably not a single people that does not have legends about giants. In all the ancient written sources that have come down to us: the Bible, Avesta, Vedas, Edda, Chinese and Tibetan chronicles, etc. - everywhere we come across reports of giants. Even in the Assyrian cuneiform clay tablets, the giant Izdubar is reported, who towered over all other people, like a cedar over a bush.

Many ancient structures were not built by our civilization. The mainstream science simply does not admit it or prefers to refute the existing facts.

The next lie is ...


The Bible we use today has been rewritten and revised several times to please ruling kings and sovereigns. I will dwell only on some points.

Why is there no murder in the seven deadly sins of man - the most important and grave sin !?

In the present Bible, Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden not because Adam ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of Knowledge, but because his son Cain killed Abel. It turned out that knowledge is a more serious crime than murder! After such a change, it became possible to commit murder with the Bible in hand. Remember history - numerous bloody wars in the name of God, the Inquisition, executions with the blessing of the Church, and the rulers at all times persecuted people striving for knowledge.

When reading the Bible, one thing immediately catches the eye - in the book of Genesis it is written: “God created Adam and Eve ... Eve gave birth to Adam two sons - Cain and Abel ... Cain killed Abel and was expelled by God ... Cain knew his wife, and she bore him a son, Enoch ... "

Question: where did Cain's wife come from?

Who gave birth to all these sons, where did all these women come from?

Biblical story about Noah's ark has come down to us in a somewhat distorted form. Mount Ararat was far from the only place on Earth that was not touched by the top.

In addition to Noah, many people and animals were saved in various parts of Asia and Europe.

The Bible says “Do not build temples on earth, build a temple in your soul”, but again the church tries to keep silent about this thinking about material wealth and power that gives temple building.

End of the first part .... In the next part, The Truth About UFOs, The Secret World Governments, The Truth About the End of the World.

Mood: As always

We can feel the correctness of our faith, but we cannot always explain or prove it to an unbeliever, especially to someone who for some reason irritates our worldview. Reasonable questions from an atheist can bewilder even the most sincere Christian.

How and what to respond to common atheist arguments is told by our regular contributorSergey Khudievin project"Dialogue with Atheists: Orthodox Arguments".

Watch another live stream onFoma's Facebook pageon Tuesdays at 20.00, during which you can ask your questions.

Today we will start talking about the Bible - the book that Christians call the word of God and which raises many questions from unbelievers.

How can you call the Bible “the word of God” if it was clearly written by humans?

Of course, the Bible was written by people! Who else? One of the problems that the modern reader has with the perception of the Bible is the idea that the word of God must be something like an alien artifact that fell from the sky into a completely finished form and broadcasting without the help of people.

The Bible, of course, does not correspond to this view - and should not. God speaks to people in human language and within human history, because God's purpose is precisely the salvation of people. And He, of course, does not drop a ready-made text from the sky.

He acts completely differently. He chooses for Himself a group of people, a people, a community with which he establishes a lasting relationship - what the Bible calls a "covenant." Through this community, God speaks to the whole world.

The Old Testament (this is the part of the Bible that tells about the events that took place before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ) tells how God chose Abraham - a man who trusted Him and followed Him. The descendants of Abraham become God's chosen people, who are called to renounce all false pagan Gods and remain faithful to the one true God.

For centuries Old Testament history God sends His people prophets who reveal His will, expose the sins of the people and show them the way of salvation. The prophets also foreshadow the coming of the Messiah - the Savior, who will deliver people from evil and sin and usher in a new, messianic era.

What we call Old Testament scripture is formed within this people, and it is a long and complex process involving many people. Sometimes the God of the Bible intervenes in history in an obvious and miraculous way - as, for example, in the history of the Exodus, but in human history, God's providence always, relentlessly, acts, which directs all its events to the goals preset by Him.

God Inspires in a Special Way human authors sacred texts and directs the entire process of their formation in such a way as to communicate to His people - and all subsequent generations of people - the truths necessary for our salvation.

Thus, the primary thing here is the people, the community, with whom God makes a covenant and within which He creates a sacred text.

Events develop in the same way after the coming of the Savior - He does not give us the text. Instead, He creates the Church, a community of the faithful, headed by the apostles, whom He sends into the world with a mission to testify about Him: “So go, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the age. Amen ”(Matt 28: 19,20).

Within the Church, a collection of texts is formed that have apostolic authorship or expound the testimony of the apostles, who constitute the New Testament.

God addresses us, first of all, through the community of the faithful - the Church, about which Christ says: “I will create My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). The Bible originates within this community, and, of course, is written by people whom God has chosen, inspired and directed in a special way to reach the rest of the world through them.

Why is there not a hint of modern scientific knowledge in the Bible, if it is inspired by the Omniscient God? For example, why doesn't the Bible mention dinosaurs?

Because that is not the purpose of the Bible. As C.S. Lewis says, the most important thing in understanding any thing - from the corkscrew to the cathedral - is to understand what it is for. The Bible is not a universal encyclopedia of knowledge - you will not find there, for example, recipes for making dumplings or manuals on programming in the C language. The purpose of the Bible is not to tell us naturally scientific knowledge.

Its purpose is formulated by the Apostle John at the end of his Gospel: “This is written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and, believing, have life in His name” (John 20:31). The main content of the Bible is Jesus Christ, God made man for our salvation, and its purpose is to lead us into a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. All content Holy Scripture subject to this goal: Old Testament tells about how God prepares the coming of the Savior, the New - about the saving deeds of Christ and the first steps of the Church created by Him.

Covering issues that have nothing to do with our eternal salvation - such as, for example, the question of dinosaurs - is simply not part of the task of Bible revelation.

Why doesn't the Bible correspond to the modern scientific picture of the world? Didn't God know about the world He created what scientists know now?

For a number of reasons, let's start with the simplest one - what kind of scientific picture of the world should Scripture correspond to? After all, this picture is constantly changing.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was considered a serious argument against the Bible that the Bible proclaims the unity of the human race, which fell in Adam and was redeemed in Christ, which contradicted the "scientific" racism of that era.

At about the same time, in the 1920s, conservative Christians (for example, G.K. Chesterton) objected to eugenics for religious and moral reasons, scientific presentation(and the practice) of the time that social ulcers such as vagrancy, alcoholism and crime can be eradicated by sterilizing people with "bad heredity." Now and race theory and eugenics rejected modern science- in the end, the religious obscurantists were right - but then they were considered completely scientific.

The concept of the eternity of the universe was also considered scientific - and many scientists hostilely accepted the theory big bang, put forward by the Belgian priest Georges Lemaitre, precisely because it assumed the beginning of the universe in time and hinted at the Divine creation. This theory is now generally accepted.

It is completely normal for science that its picture of the world is constantly changing and ideas that were considered unconditionally scientific a hundred years ago (such as racism) are today perceived as extremely indecent freaky.

This clarifies the question of why the Bible cannot correspond to the scientific picture of the world - it is addressed to all generations of people to the end of the world and simply cannot correspond to the "scientific picture" of any one generation.

Those ideas about natural world that we find in the Bible correspond to the era in which the corresponding texts were created. And this is quite understandable, the goal of Revelation was not then (and is not now) to correct those ideas about the natural world that people adhered to, since, as we have already noted, this is indifferent from the point of view of eternal salvation.

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