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History of Russia. On the true history of ancient Russia

What is the secret of the events at Fukushima that took place 8 years ago? Why after them in Japan were stopped almost all nuclear reactors? And who is ultimately behind all this? Let's figure it out together...

The first to speak about man-made disasters in Japan former head Forbes Asia Pacific Division Benjamin Fulford. When he interviewed Japanese Finance Minister Koji Omi in 2007, he revealed that a group of American oligarchs were threatening his country with artificial earthquakes, forcing Japan to hand over control of its financial system to them.

Two days after the interview, the largest nuclear reactor on Japan's main island of Honshu became the epicenter of two earthquakes of magnitude 6.5. Following Koji Omi, who did not work as the Minister of Finance for a year, resigned without official explanation. All this can be considered far-fetched conspiracy theories, and Benjamin Fulford is perceived solely as an American freak, but what about these facts? Immediately after the Fukushima explosions, China made a statement that Japan had failed to test a nuclear bomb. Following this message, it was confirmed by certain scientific experts in France and Germany. They noted that there was a nuclear explosion near the epicenter of the earthquake. But the rest were silent about it. The explosion was at the epicenter of the earthquake.

Moreover, the French and Germans even recorded the release of cesium 137. This is an extraordinary event and a very serious statement. Three serious countries, and no discussion. Which is extremely strange. But that's not all. In Russia, a "nuclear incident" was also recorded. For the first time in many years, an alarm sounded at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. The Radiation Safety Service of the Institute recorded an increase in the radiation background on the territory of the Institute. The natural background was exceeded by 3.7 times.

It turned out that the source of radiation is the atmosphere itself. These suspicions were dispelled only after the analysis of satellite data, which was done in collaboration with the Rhine Institute for Environmental Problems, University of Cologne. And they gave an even more amazing result - Japan served as a source of radiation, a disaster on nuclear power plant Fukushima-1. Radioactive clouds with caesium-137, however, did not come from the east, but from the west, making almost full turn around the Earth, passing over the Pacific Ocean, the USA and Canada, Atlantic Ocean, Europe and the Urals. A more detailed analysis of satellite data produced another unexpected result.

The source of radiation is not at all located at the Fukushima-1 station, it lay tens of kilometers east of the coast of Japan, in the Pacific Ocean. Moreover, it coincided with the epicenter of the most destructive earthquake in recent years, which caused the tsunami, which resulted in numerous deaths and destruction in Japan. About the tsunami should be said separately. With this phenomenon, too, not everything is in order. Judging by the propagation of waves, the source of the tsunami in this case was dotted. But this happens very rarely during underwater earthquakes. As a rule, during an earthquake, a sufficiently large surface of the earth serves as a wave generator, as a result of which the tsunami wave has a very wide front.

As a result of this earthquake, the wave front was rather narrow, which indicated its local, almost point source near the coast of Japan. The analysis of seismograms also confirms the version of a nuclear explosion in the sea near Fukushima. The first figure shows typical seismograms of a nuclear test and an earthquake. During a nuclear test in a zone where seismic activity is low, there is one powerful shock and weak subsequent, rapidly damped oscillations. So, as it was, for example, when testing a nuclear device in India in May 98.

In a typical earthquake, relatively weak shocks are observed at first, gradually intensifying and reaching their maximum amplitude only after a while. During a nuclear explosion in a seismically active zone, these two processes overlap. First, a powerful push from a nuclear explosion and then prolonged oscillations of the earth's surface. In the case of the Fukushima earthquake, it is very revealing that the magnitude of this earthquake was 9, which exactly corresponded to the explosion power of 100-200 megatons.

Before us, the land of Rus was not a thousand years old,
but there were many thousands, and there will be more,
for we have guarded our land from enemies!”

Prince Kiy


While studying the history of my native country, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with a sufficient number of materials that different aspects illuminate the distant past of Russia.

In the printed literature there are a large number of interpretations of the origin and evolution of the Russian people and the emergence of the first statehood on Russian soil.

This is a natural process when researchers try to get to the bottom of the truth. Means, many of them are not satisfied with the status quo in Russian history, which means that there are enough facts that do not fit into the version of the history of the Russian state proposed by academic science.

But what does our science suggest? The clearest example of an academic point of view on Russian history is the book “History. Full course "(multimedia tutor for preparing for the exam, edition 2013).

In introducing this book, I will simply quote a few passages from it that will enable you, the reader, to understand the essence of the academic concept Russian history, offered by our the science . I would add that he not only proposes, but also defends his point of view with all the administrative resources available to science.

So I'm quoting...

« The ancient history of the Slavs contains a lot MYSTERIES (highlighted by the author and further), but from the standpoint of modern historians, it boils down to the following.

First, in the III - the middle of the II millennium BC. SOME Proto-Indo-European community from UNCLEAR areas around the Black Sea (possibly from the peninsula of Asia Minor) moved to Europe».

And further. " There are several versions of historians about the place where it was formed Slavic community (theories of the emergence of the Slavs): the first was put forward by the Carpatho-Danubian theory(homeland of the Slavs - the area between the Carpathians and the Danube), in the 20th century was born and became the main Vistula-Oder theory(Slavs arose north of the Carpathians), then academician B. Rybakov put forward a compromise theory, according to which the Slavs arose SOMEWHERE in Eastern Europe- from the Elbe to the Dnieper. Finally, there is a version that the Eastern Black Sea region was the ancestral home of the Slavs, and their ancestors are one of the branches of the Scythians - the Scythians-plowmen». Etc.

To this it is also necessary to add the explanation of the name of the Slavs produced in the book - “comes from the words“ word ”and“ know ”, that is, it means people whose language is understandable, in contrast to“ Germans ”(as if dumb) - this is how the Slavs called foreigners” . Agree, all this is very interesting and even entertaining.

I don't know about you dear reader, but me all these arguments like - MYSTERIES, SOME, UNCLEAR, SOMEWHERE, not only do not satisfy, but also suggest that this is some kind of deliberate distortion of the existing facts.

I proceed from the fact that academic science must have the strength and means to sort it out and bring clarity and certainty to our history. Judging by the above, there is no clarity, and no certainty. Why does science not, and I have, although not complete, but extensive information about the ancient history of the Russian people. And I set out my concept of Russian history in the manuscript "On the Ancient History of Russia."

Is it really true that among our Russian historians there is not a single patriot, not a single decent person who would criticize the lies that have been imposed on us all for about 300 years, and would professionally unravel the "riddles" posed by science. Otherwise, it is not science. What I have presented to you above cannot be called science.

Where in the word SLAVS Is there or is the meaning of "word"??? How can you conclude that there is SLAVS meanings of "know"??? SLAVS means "glorious". This is the direct and most correct message that comes to mind, and this meaning is already about 5 thousand years old (if not more). And that's why "glorious", this must be dealt with. But we have an answer to this question.

In the same place in the book "History. Full course" explained VERSIONS origin of the word "Rus": ":... or from the name of the river Ros - the right tributary of the Dnieper(this version was proposed by academician B. Rybakov, but today it is considered obsolete), or from the name of the Varangians(according to the chronicle of Nestor), or from the word roots, which means"ship rowers" which was then converted to"ruotsi" (modern version)."

Dear gentlemen, scientists - be afraid of God! Talk about such things in the 21st century. And the worst thing is that our children are stuffed with all this, deliberately forming in them an inferiority complex and dependence on the West.

The book below notes. " The most important source on the events of Russian history from ancient times to the beginning of the XII century. - the first Russian chronicle(the oldest surviving) - "The Tale of Bygone Years", the first edition of which was created by the monk of the Kiev-Pechora monastery Nestor around 1113.". And on this "document"(why in quotes will be clear a bit later) academic science is building its own concept of the history of Russia.

Yes, there are many other interesting documents that cover our ancient history. But for some reason, it is the chronicle of Nestor that is the main one for academicians.

Let's see what historians rely on in their delusion. The main message of official science is this. The Russian princely dynasty originated in Novgorod.

In 859 the northern Slavic tribes they expelled across the sea the Varangians-Normans (“northern people”), immigrants from Scandinavia, who shortly before imposed tribute payment on them. However, internecine wars begin in Novgorod. To stop the bloodshed, in 862, at the invitation of the Novgorodians, the Varangian prince Rurik came to "reign". The Norman squad with its leader was a stabilizing factor in the struggle for power between the boyar clans.

To this point of view, we put forward our counterarguments here, refuting the dogmas of academic science:

The Russian princely dynasty was born long before the appearance of Rurik in Novgorod. Before that, Gostomysl ruled there, who was the 19th (!!!) prince from the famous prince Vandal (Vandalary - born in 365)

Rurik was the grandson of Gostomysl (the son of the middle daughter of Gostomysl), which means that Rurik was Russian by blood.

There were no internecine wars in Novgorod. After the death of Gostomysl, his eldest grandson Vadim sat down to reign there. And Rurik was invited only to reign in Ladoga.

Rurik's squad was a destabilizing factor in Russia, with the help of which Rurik and his relatives seized power in Novgorod by force.

It would not occur to a single sane person to invite an unfamiliar person who has nothing to do with the current dynasty of princes, and even more so from some Normans who had just been expelled from the country across the sea and who were paid tribute.

All presented arguments will be revealed a little later. But even this is enough to demonstrate that the “most important source” of academic science does not correspond in its content to real events. It can also be briefly added to this for the time being that Dir and Askold had nothing to do with Rurik, they were not Varangians, let alone brothers, as our historical science presents us.

What is the "Tale of Bygone Years"? This is most likely literary work not chronicle.

The focus of the chronicler Nestor is the baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir of the Rurik dynasty. All events before the baptism prepare the reader for this climax, all subsequent events remind of its importance. Russia, as it were, emerges from the darkness of past non-existence shortly before its baptism.

The author of The Tale is little interested in the pre-Christian past of the Slavs, although at that time, 1000 years before us, he probably had historical information, various myths and legends, and possibly manuscripts inherited from the pagan era. It is on such materials and information that have been preserved since those times that we will further build real story ancient Russia. It turns out that Nestor deliberately distorted the history of the Russian people, in other words, he was fulfilling someone's order.

Move on. Since the chronicle speaks of the events of the 12th century, the author lived no earlier. But at the same time, the question arises: how could the author, living in a Kiev monastery in the 12th century, know what happened in Veliky Novgorod in the 9th century, given the enormous difficulties of the then roads and the “illiteracy” of the whole country?

There is only one answer - no way! !! And therefore, the entire Nestor Chronicle is a simple writing from the words of other people or according to rumors and later times. And this is convincingly proved in the book by S. Valyansky and D. Kalyuzhny “The Forgotten History of Russia”.

It says that “the oldest of all the lists of the Tale of Bygone Years - Radzivilovskiy - was made only in early XVII century. Its pages contain traces of the rough work of a forger who tore out one sheet, inserted a sheet about the calling of the Varangians and prepared a place for inserting the lost “chronological sheet”. And this material, fabricated by someone, is taken as a source of knowledge???

And it will be even more surprising for the reader to find out at the same time that he found this list, i.e. presented to the whole world, our Tsar Peter Alekseevich, about whom there have long been rumors in well-known circles that the Tsar is “not real”. I mean the moment of the “substitution” of the real Tsar Peter, who went to study in Holland, accompanied by 20 (!!!) noble children, and returned from there with only one Menshikov, while all the rest either died or disappeared into prime of life in Holland. Interesting, isn't it.

In their study, S. Valyansky and D. Kalyuzhny highlighted another interesting fact in the chronicle, which concerns the puberty of our ancestors.

It turns out that, compared with other princely dynasties, such as Germany and England, "our princes in the period from the 10th to the 12th centuries reached puberty only in the thirtieth year of their life." This is so late in comparison with other dynasties that "it is impossible to believe such a chronology, which means that the chronicles depicting the activities of representatives of these dynasties cannot be considered reliable."

There are other important points related to the content of the chronicle. For example, in the annals of Nestor, information about comets, eclipses of the moon and the sun was not noted or shifted in time. Also in the annals there is no information about the Crusades and, especially, about the "liberation of the Holy Sepulcher from the hands of the infidels." " What monk would not rejoice over this and would not devote to this day not one, but many pages like joyful event for the entire Christian world?»

But if the chronicler did not see the celestial eclipses that took place before his eyes, and did not know about the events that thundered throughout the world during his lifetime, then how could he know anything about the prince who was called 250 years before him? In any case, the so-called "initial chronicle" passes entirely to the position of the late apocrypha", i.e. works, the authorship of which is not confirmed and is unlikely. Here are the things.

Let us also refer to the opinion of our first historian V. Tatishchev. He noted that "all Russian historians revered Nestor, the chronicler, as the first and main writer." But V. Tatishchev did not understand why Nestor himself did not mention any ancient authors, including Bishop Joachim.

V. Tatishchev was sure, and according to the legends, it was clear that the ancient stories were written, but did not reach us. The historian believed unequivocally that long before Nestor there were writers, for example, Joachim of Novgorod. But for some reason his story remained unknown to Nestor.

And it is quite undoubted, according to V. Tatishchev, that Polish authors had (i.e., existed) Joachim’s story, since many cases were not mentioned by Nestor, but northern (Polish) authors did. V. Tatishchev also noted that “ all the manuscripts that he had, although they had a beginning from Nestor, but in the continuation, none of them exactly converged with the other, one thing, another added or reduced ».

E. Klassen analyzed in detail the question of what is the basis of the conviction about the beginning of the independence of the Russian people or about its statehood only from the time of Rurik's calling. On the annals of Nestor or on the conclusion about his legend L. Schlozer.

From the chronicle, the author himself believed, it is clearly and undoubtedly evident that the tribes that called the Varangians, lead a political life, state, since they already made up a union, a community of 4 tribes - Russia, Chud, Slavs, Krivichi, occupying up to 1 million square miles in the northeastern corner of Europe and having cities - Novgorod, Staraya Ladoga, Staraya Rusa, Smolensk, Rostov, Polotsk, Belozersk, Izborsk, Lyubech, Pskov, Vyshgorod, Pereyaslavl.

The Bavarian geographer counted 148 (!) Cities of the Eastern Slavs. Among the savages, E. Klassen believed, and we agree with him, living on such a stretch, one cannot even assume mutual relations, much less unity of thoughts, which was expressed by Russia, Chud, Slavs and Krivichi regarding the summoning of princes to the throne . And the most important thing, savages don't have cities!

S. Lesnoy also mentioned Nestor in his research. He noted that " Nestor wrote not so much the history of Russia or southern Russia how many Rurik dynasty. As a comparison with the Joakimov and 3rd Novgorod chronicles shows, Nestor deliberately narrowed his history. The history of the northern, i.e. Novgorod Russia, he almost passed over in silence.

He was a chronicler of the Rurik dynasty, and his tasks did not at all include a description of other dynasties, so he omitted the history of southern Russia, which has nothing to do with the Rurik dynasty. And most importantly, information about pre-Olegovian Russia could have been preserved by pagan priests or persons who were clearly hostile to Christianity. But it was monks like Nestor who destroyed the slightest traces reminiscent of paganism ».

As well as: " Nestor kept silent about this reign(Gostomysl), just mentioning the fact. And you can understand why: he wrote the annals of the southern, Kievan, Rus, and the history of the north did not interest him. It took him away from the tasks assigned to him by the church.

This is evident from the fact that he considered Oleg the first prince in Russia. He does not consider Rurik a Russian prince, because Novgorod was not called Russian at that time, but was called Slovenian. Perhaps Nestor would not have mentioned Rurik at all if it were not for his son Igor: it was impossible not to say who his father was.

This is the actual state of affairs with our ancient history. The fundamental principle of our state history in academic science is The Tale of Bygone Years, which, in fact, is falsified document - forgery.

We consolidated this state of affairs with our history. Foreigners called by sovereigns to write Russian history. Not only did they not know Russian, but they openly despised everything Russian, the country in which they lived.

Academician L. Schlozer (1735 - 1809) can serve as the clearest example. Let's imagine one of Shlozer's "inferences" regarding the most ancient Russian history (we are talking about the 7th century!!!):

« A terrible void reigns everywhere in central and northern Russia. Nowhere is the slightest trace of cities that now adorn Russia. Nowhere is there any memorable name that would present to the spirit of the historian excellent pictures of the past. Where now beautiful fields delight the eye of a surprised traveler, there before this there were only dark forests and swampy swamps. Where now enlightened people united in peaceful societies, there lived before this wild animals and half-wild people ».

Let us briefly summarize what has been said. Nestor was the ideologist of the Rurik princes, the embodiment of their interests. Recognize that the Novgorod princes are older than the Rurikovichs, that the Russian princely dynasty existed long before Rurik, was considered unacceptable.

This undermined the Rurikovich's right to primordial power, and therefore it was mercilessly eradicated. That is why in The Tale of Bygone Years there is not a word about Slovenia and Rus, which laid the foundation for Russian statehood on the banks of the Volkhov.

In the same way, Nestor ignores the last prince of the pre-Rurik dynasty - Gostomysl, a person who is absolutely historical and mentioned in other primary sources, not to mention information from oral folk traditions.

That's why "The Tale of Bygone Years" can in no way be considered a source about our antiquity, and our historical science is obliged to recognize this fact and in the shortest possible time to create a real true story our state. Our society needs this so much, it will greatly help in the moral education of our youth, not to mention the fundamental position - without knowing the past, you cannot build the future!

On the facts of ancient Russian history and statehood among the Rus, we previously prepared two manuscripts: “On the Ancient History of Russia” and “The History of the Russ according to the Book of Veles”.

It presents convincing evidence of the high culture of the ancient Slavs and the existence of statehood among our ancestors long before the arrival of Rurik in Novgorod. In this study, it is supposed to continue work in this direction in order to present a variant of the history of the Russian people from ancient times according to the actual data.

In this work, we will rely mainly on chronicle materials that were not widely circulated and are not perceived by academic science as historical sources. Among them: "The Legend of Slovenia and Rus", "Veles Book", "Budinsky Izbornik", "Genealogy of the Slavic-Russian people, its kings, elders and princes from the progenitor Noah to the Grand Duke Rurik and the princes of Rostov", "Tales of Zahariha" and others.


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Topic 1. Ancient Russia (IX - XIII centuries)

1) On what territory was the Old Russian state created?

Within the territory of modern Ukraine.

2) Who created the Old Russian state?

Old Russian state in Eastern Europe, which arose in the last quarter of the 9th century. as a result of the unification under the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty of the two main centers of the Eastern Slavs - Novgorod and Kyiv, as well as the lands located along the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks."

3) Which city became the capital Old Russian state?

In 882 Prince Oleg captured Kyiv and made it the capital of the state.

4) When did Russia adopt Christianity?

Under Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich, he is also known as Vladimir the Saint, Vladimir the Great, in the history of the church - Vladimir the Baptist.

6) What is the religious symbol of Christianity?

7) What famous Orthodox churches were built in ancient Russia?

The Church of the Tithes, the three-domed St. Sophia Cathedral, the churches of St. Irina and the Great Martyr George, the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernihiv.

8) From which state did Russia become dependent in the 13th century?

In the XIII century, Russia fell into dependence on the Golden Horde.

Alexander Nevsky - Prince of Novgorod (1236–1240, 1241–1252 and 1257–1259), Grand Duke Kyiv (1249-1263), Grand Duke Vladimir (1252-1263), famous Russian commander, defender of the holy Russian Orthodox Church and land. He led the Novgorod army in the battle with the Swedes on the Neva River in 1240 and in the Battle of the Ice with the Teutonic Knights in 1242. Holy noble prince who did not lose a single battle.

Topic 2. Muscovy (XIV - XVII centuries)

1) When did it happen?

2) Who won the Battle of Kulikovo?

In the Battle of Kulikovo, Russia won under the leadership of Dmitry Donskoy.

3) Which city became the center of the unification of Russian lands?

Moscow became the center of the unification of Russian lands.

4) When did the Russian lands unite around Moscow?

The middle of the XV century, the beginning of the unification of Russian lands around Moscow.

5) In what year did the liberation of Russia from the Horde yoke (dependence) take place?

In 1480.

6) What name in history did Tsar Ivan IV receive?

V. M. Vasnetsov. Tsar Ivan the Terrible, 1897.

7) Conqueror of Siberia?

Ermak T. - "Unknown by birth, famous in soul."

8) What artist of the 15th century wrote famous icon"Trinity"?

Andrei Rublev.

Andrei Rublev is the most famous and revered master of the Moscow school of icon painting, book and monumental painting of the 15th century. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint.

9) What is the name of the architectural monument-fortress in Moscow, which was built as a symbol of the formation of a single Moscow state?

All Saints Bridge and the Kremlin late XVII century. Drawing by A. M. Vasnetsov

10) In what century was the Time of Troubles in Russia?

Turn of the XVI-XVII centuries.

11) When Moscow was liberated from the Polish army militia led by Minin and Pozharsky?

Moscow was liberated in October 1612.

12) What dynasty began to rule in Russia since 1613?

Romanov dynasty.

Section II. Russian Empire (XVIII-early XX centuries)

Topic 3. Russia in the 18th century

1) Who carried out reforms in Russia in early XVIII century?

Posthumous romanticized portrait of Peter I.
Painter Paul Delaroche (1838).

2) What is the name of the city that became the capital of Russia in the era of Peter I?

St. Petersburg.

3) In which city was the first university in Russia established in the 18th century?

In Moscow.

4) What Russian scientist played a major role in the creation of the first university in Russia?

Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich

5) When and under what Russian empress did the Crimean Peninsula become part of Russia?

On April 8, 1783, Catherine II signed a manifesto on the "Accession of the Crimean Peninsula, Taman Island and the entire Kuban side under the Russian state."

Catherine II Alekseevna - Empress and Autocrat of All Russia. She pursued a policy of enlightened absolutism.

6) Who was A.V. Suvorov?

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov - the great Russian commander, military theorist, strategist, national hero Russia.

7) What monument is the symbol of the city of St. Petersburg?

8) In which city is the largest museum in Russia - the Hermitage?

St. Petersburg.

Topic 4. Russia in the 19th century

1) When was World War II?

The Patriotic War was in 1812.

2) What is the name of the biggest battle Patriotic War?

Battle of Borodino.

3) Who won the Patriotic War?

Russia won. Napoleon's army was almost completely destroyed.

4) Who was the commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the war years?

Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov - Russian commander and diplomat, Field Marshal General from the Golenishchev-Kutuzov family, commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the Patriotic War of 1812. The first full knight of the Order of St. George.

Portrait of M.I. Kutuzov by R.M. Volkova

5) Who are the Decembrists?

Russian revolutionaries who raised an uprising in December 1825 against autocracy and serfdom.

6) When Russia canceled serfdom?

The abolition of serfdom took place in 1861.

7) Under what Russian emperor was serfdom abolished?

under Alexander II.

Alexander II Nikolaevich - Emperor of All Russia. He carried out large-scale reforms. Abolished serfdom (manifesto of February 19, 1861). Under him, victory was won in the Russian-Turkish war (1877–1878). He died as a result of a terrorist act organized by a secret organization " People's Will».

8) When did Central Asia join Russia?

In 1880.

9) Who was A.S. Pushkin?

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great Russian poet, playwright and prose writer, literary critic, translator, publicist, historian.

10) Which Russian scientist discovered the periodic law of chemical elements in the second half of the 19th century?

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev is a Russian encyclopedic scientist: chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, oilman, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker. Professor at St. Petersburg University. Among the most famous discoveries- the periodic law of chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe, inalienable for all natural science.

11) Who was L.N. Tolstoy?

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - Count, great Russian writer, thinker, known to the whole world, educator, publicist, religious thinker. Member of the defense of Sevastopol.

12) Who was P.I. Tchaikovsky?

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is a great Russian composer, conductor, teacher, musical and public figure, music journalist.

13) Who was F.M. Dostoevsky?

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a great Russian writer, thinker, philosopher and publicist. Dostoevsky is a classic of Russian literature and one of the world's best novelists.

Topic 5. The Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century

1) What were the main religions represented in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century?

The main religions represented in Russia are Christianity (Orthodoxy predominates), as well as Islam and Buddhism.

2) Representatives of what religion made up the majority of the population of the Russian Empire?

The majority of the population is Orthodox.

3) When did the First Russian Revolution take place?

In 1905.

4) What was the main result of the First Russian Revolution?

New state bodies were formed - the beginning of the development of parliamentarism; some limitation of autocracy; democratic freedoms were introduced, censorship was abolished, trade unions were allowed, legal political parties; the bourgeoisie got the opportunity to participate in the political life of the country; the situation of workers has improved, wages have been raised, the working day has decreased to 9-10 hours; redemption payments of peasants were canceled, their freedom of movement was expanded; limited the power of zemstvo chiefs.

5) Who was the leader of the Bolshevik Party?

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Russian revolutionary, Soviet political and statesman, founder of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (Bolsheviks), one of the main organizers and leaders of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (government) of the RSFSR, creator of the first socialist state in world history.

6) When was the first World War?

7) Who was A.P. Chekhov?

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a famous Russian writer, playwright, classic of world literature.

8) What was the name of the Russian scientist who invented the radio?

Alexander Stepanovich Popov.

9) What is the name of the theater in Moscow, famous all over the world for its performances of opera and ballet?

Section III. History of the USSR

Topic 6. History of the USSR before the Great Patriotic War

1) What revolution took place in Russia in 1917?

Great October Socialist Revolution.

2) What was the name of the last Russian emperor?

Nicholas II - Emperor of All Russia, Colonel. The reign of Nicholas II was marked economic development Russia and at the same time the growth of socio-political contradictions in it, the revolutionary movement that resulted in the revolution of 1905-1907 and the February Revolution of 1917; the war with Japan, as well as Russia's participation in the military blocs of European powers and the First World War.

Nicholas II abdicated during the February Revolution of 1917 and was under house arrest with his family in the Tsarskoye Selo Palace. In the summer of 1917, by decision of the Provisional Government, he was sent into exile with his family to Tobolsk, and in the spring of 1918 he was moved by the Bolsheviks to Yekaterinburg, where in July 1918 he was shot with his family and close associates. Canonized (together with his wife and children) by the Russian Orthodox Church.

3) Which party came to power in Russia in the autumn of 1917?

The Bolshevik Party, headed by V.I. Lenin.

4) What was the name of the state that was created in 1922 on the territory of the former Russian Empire?

USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

5) Under what leader of Russia was the church separated from the state, and the school from the church?

under Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

6) What was the name of the policy to create large-scale industry in the USSR?


7) What was the name of the policy of creating collective farms in the countryside in the USSR?


8) What was the most important achievement of the USSR in the field of education in the first half of the twentieth century?

Elimination of illiteracy.

Topic 7. USSR during the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945)

1) When was the Great Patriotic War?

2) Which countries were allies of the USSR in the fight against Nazi Germany?

The allies of the USSR were the USA, Great Britain, Mongolian People's Republic, Tuva People's Republic (countries of the anti-Hitler coalition).

3) What was the name of the most important (turning) battle of the Great Patriotic War?

Battle of Stalingrad.

4) Who were G.K. Zhukov and K.K. Rokossovsky?

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov - four times Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of two Orders of Victory, many other Soviet and foreign orders and medals. During the Great Patriotic War, he successively served as chief General Staff, commander of the front, member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, Deputy Supreme Commander. In the post-war period, he served as Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, commanded the Odessa, then the Urals military districts. After the death of I. V. Stalin, he became the first deputy minister of defense of the USSR.

Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky - Soviet and Polish military leader, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945). Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944), Marshal of Poland (1949). The only marshal of the two countries in the history of the USSR. He commanded the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 on Red Square in Moscow. One of the greatest commanders of World War II.

5) Who won the Great Patriotic War?

6) In what city soviet soldiers M. Egorov and M. Kantaria raised the banner of Victory in May 1945?

In Berlin, Germany.

7) How much Soviet people died during the Great Patriotic War?

27 million people.

Victory Day.

Topic 8. USSR in the post-war period (1945 - 1991)

1) In what year and on the initiative of which Soviet leader was Crimea transferred from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR?

2) Who was the Chief Designer of the first Soviet spacecraft of the USSR?

Korolev Sergei Pavlovich - Soviet scientist, designer and chief organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and rocket weapons of the USSR, the founder of practical astronautics. One of the largest figures of the 20th century in the field of space rocket and shipbuilding. On his initiative and under his leadership, the launch of the first artificial satellite Earth and the first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Gagarin.

3) What was the name of the first astronaut in the world?

Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich - Soviet cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest distinctions of a number of states, honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in world history to fly into outer space.

4) In what year Yu.A. Gagarin made the world's first flight into space?

5) What is the name of the first female astronaut in the world?

Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova - Soviet cosmonaut, the world's first female astronaut, major general (1995). Candidate of technical sciences, professor. The only woman in the world who made a space flight alone. The first woman in Russia with the rank of major general.

6) What important international sporting event took place in Moscow in 1980?


7) What was the name of M.S.'s reform policy? Gorbachev?


8) Who was the president of the USSR?

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich - Soviet and Russian state, political and public figure. Last general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU. Last Chairman of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR, then the first chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The only President of the USSR. He has a number of awards and honorary titles, the most famous of which is the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize. Included in the list of 100 most studied personalities in history.

9) How many Soviet republics were part of the USSR in the 1960s-1980s?

15 republics.

10) When did the collapse of the USSR occur?

11) What organization was created after the collapse of the USSR by some former Soviet republics?

CIS (Commonwealth Independent States).

12) Who was A.I. Solzhenitsyn?

Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich - Russian writer, playwright, publicist, poet, public and political figure. Laureate Nobel Prize in Literature (1970). A dissident who for several decades (1960–1980s) actively opposed communist ideas, the political system of the USSR and the policies of its authorities.

Section IV. Modern Russia

Topic 9. Reforms in the Russian Federation in 1991-1999.

1) When was the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia adopted?

2) Who was the first president of Russia?

3) What reforms did B.N. Yeltsin?

Liberalization foreign trade, reorganization of the tax system and other transformations that radically changed the economic situation in the country. The result of the reforms marked Russia's transition to a market economy.

4) When was the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?

5) What state in its national composition is the Russian Federation?


6) What language is the state language in Russia?

Russian language.

7) What city is the capital of Russia?

8) What is the name of the main square of the capital of Russia?

Topic 10. Russia in the 21st century

1) In what years were the presidents of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev?

V.V. Putin - from May 2, 2000 to May 7, 2008,
May 7, 2012 to present;

YES. Medvedev - from May 7, 2008 to May 7, 2012.

2) Who is the current president of Russia?

3) What new republic became part of Russia in 2014?

4) Who is the Head of the Russian Orthodox Church?

Patriarch Kirill (Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev).

5) What is the name of one of the main organizations of Muslims in Russia?

Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia (TsDUM of Russia).

6) In which Russian city were XXII Winter Olympic Games 2014?

Sochi, Russia.

Block of cultural issues (Modern holidays in Russia)

1) When in Russia they celebrate New Year?


Defender of the Fatherland Day.

International Women's Day.

Russia Day.

National Unity Day.

Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Kievan Rus

Galician Rus

We do not know how a certain union of Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes was formed in the northern part of the East European Plain, which tells us about. Most likely, the most powerful tribe among the Ilmen Slavs, called the Krivichi, imposed tribute on their neighbors, and the settlements of the Krivichi on the banks of the Volkhov River, which connects two lakes - Ilmen and Ladoga - became centers economic life the entire region. Representatives of all tribes and overseas guests from the inhabitants of the Baltic Sea coast gathered for auctions in Staraya Ladoga and Novgorod, for whom these trading settlements served as an occasion to call this region the word Gardarike, which meant country of cities- guards.

Probably, these markets in Novgorod and Ladoga were of great economic importance for the inhabitants of the entire eastern edge of the Baltic, since the Way from the Varangians to the Greeks began here, along which the inhabitants of the Baltic (Normans) descended to the Black Sea. The Slavs called these merchants the word, not particularly distinguishing them by ethnicity, but most of of them passed for the sake of hiring in the service of the Byzantine emperors as guards. In Byzantium, they called - Βάραγγοι , and in Scandinavian - Vaeringjar, since the word "Vær" meant "oath". Today there is a term varangi, and the medieval Slavs called these "people who took an oath" a consonant word - Varangians.

In the trading settlements, the Varangians - both merchants and Varangian mercenaries, moving to work or back home - were constantly present, having equipped separate fortified settlements for themselves - as a settlement that protected both the goods and the life of foreigners. Most likely, part of the Varangians assumed the duties of protection, as they were well versed in the military craft. We can assume that the squads of the Varangians were a familiar element of the Slavic cities and, probably, over time, the elites of the tribes began to attract them as arbitrators to resolve intertribal disputes.

Only after Rurik made the motley population of these northern lands his property did they have a commonality - like belonging to one owner- a Varangian named Rurik, who became new with his squad. So the community of Slavs and other nationalities received a factor that led to the emergence of the Old Russian people.

In fact, following the annals Tale of Bygone Years misleads us, as it unfolds the history of Russia from the legendary calling of Rurik to Novgorod in 862, while in reality the Old Russian state was created at the time of execution Kiev rulers Askold and Dir in 882, which marked the seizure of power by the Prophetic Oleg in Kyiv.

After all, the fact is that Oleg, after the capture of Kyiv, actually abandoned the state of Rurik, which broke up into two principalities - the Principality of Polotsk and Novgorod, which retained the features of a trading republic that invited princes as judges, necessarily from "foreigners", for the role of which now not overseas Vikings were suitable, and the sons of Russian princes, as the descendants of the Varangian Rurik.

It's just that the elite of Novgorod, like any free trading city, could not arm its own citizens, since the armed people could demand additional rights, so all the princes in Novgorod were "foreigners" who had no roots in the city itself. The tradition of inviting "foreign Varangians" was replaced by the tradition of inviting the sons of grand dukes, and the Novgorod elite chose candidates based on the balance and size of their father's influence.

The figure of the Prophetic Oleg - not particularly clear from the point of view of his relationship with Rurik, but from a statist point of view - his role in the emergence of the Old Russian state is BASIC. All subsequent first princes understood this, creating and maintaining the myth of Oleg as a great commander and prince-sorcerer, who seized power over the richest tribe of the glades, who had Kyiv as their main city. The legend was written during the reign of Igor Rurikovich, when Oleg was credited with victorious campaigns in Constantinople and the conclusion of agreements with the Byzantine emperors, the plot of which was copied from the real deeds of Igor Rurikovich.

Campaigns in Byzantium for the first princes of Russia were of great importance as a way of organizing economic interaction with the rich Roman Empire, which for the Slavs was the center of their Oikoumene. Prince Igor and his wife, Princess Olga, who ruled Russia as a guardian over the future Prince Svyatoslav, fought to expand their influence among the Slavs, who still lived in communities organized on the traditions of late tribal relations. They collected regular tribute from both the Slavs and other tribes that they could reach by military campaign.

The war became the main occupation of their only son Svyatoslav, who is even called the Slavic Alexander of Macedon, since he significantly increased the territory from which he collected tribute and, under which, one might say, almost all the tribes of the Eastern Slavs were united on the basis of paying tribute to a single prince. He simply subjugated the Vyatichi tribe, whose territory was cut off Kyiv Khaganate Polyan from Novgorod land, the elite of which, since the departure of Oleg, maintained friendly and servile relations with the Kiev princes.

The military activities of Igor, Olga and Svyatoslav, apparently, took place in close cooperation with the Norman Vikings, whom the princes invited to participate in their campaigns as the main military force, which is especially noticeable in the wars against the Khazar Khaganate and predatory raids on the Caspian Sea.

It is hard to imagine that the Kievan rulers could maintain such a large squad for permanent basis, therefore, with a high probability, we can assume that in Kyiv the military estate with the name Rus or Rus from the Baltic Varangians - increased before the planned raid, and after the raids - went home to the North, which ensured the friendship and interaction of the main elites in Kyiv and Novgorod, probably still related by blood, since the main rulers belonged to the same Germanic tribe, from which Rurik came.

The principality of Novgorod was only called a principality, but this republic was actually not part of Russia (until it was captured by Ivan the Great), and in the principality of Polotsk even its own dynasty of princes had time to emerge. Only in 970, Svyatoslav Igorevich will be forced to send somewhere his 10-year-old (?) illegitimate son Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, having attached him to Novgorod for feeding, thereby, as it were, "attaching" the Novgorod principality to Russia. The unification of Russia, perhaps, would not have taken place if, after the death of Svyatoslav, his sons had not clashed in fratricidal civil strife, as a result of which only this Vladimir the Red Sun, the future baptizer of Russia, survived. Just as a result of this special war between Vladimir and his half-brother Yaropolk Svyatoslavovich for the great reign in Kyiv, the Principality of Polotsk will be captured. The future baptizer of Russia will also destroy the Polotsk prince Rogvolod and his family for going over to the side of Yaropolk, and the whole principality will be destroyed. At the same time, Vladimir will forcibly marry Rogneda, the only surviving daughter of Rogvolod, as a symbol of the accession of the dynasty of Polotsk princes to the Rurik dynasty. We can assume that Russia might not have arisen as single state if, after the capture of Kyiv on June 11, 978, Vladimir the Red Sun himself did not remain as a finger ONE of the descendants of Rurik for the simple reason that he killed all his brother competitors. So, by killing his closest relatives, Vladimir created a single state of all the Eastern Slavs and not only.

Since this article is a summary for the section, I have compiled several tables with links to articles describing the main events. The first such period is the separation of the Slavs from the general German-Balto-Slavic group of Indo-European peoples in the Dnieper-Dnestr interfluve before the formation Empire Rurik Russian in the lands of the Eastern Slavs. So far THIS are plans, but a start has already been made.

The following articles will describe the stage in the history of Russia associated with the "emergence" of states in the Eastern Slavs almost simultaneously in two centers - by the Varangian Rurik, first in Ladoga, then in Novgorod and in the south - Askold and Dir, supposedly warriors sent by Rurik for reconnaissance. official history following the annals, the statehood of the Eastern Slavs is counted from Rurik, as the ancestor of the future dynasty of monks of Russia. This, of course, does not correspond to historical data, nor according to the alleged complete absence of statehood before Rurik - after all, he immediately says that there is already an UNION of tribes, which even before Rurik invited more than once (i.e. led foreign policy) and drove out the same Vikings. Just a chronicler, and then Russian stories tried to please the royal dynasty, hushing up the existence of statehood among the Slavic tribes before calling the Varangians to Russia.

I have already warned readers - before you is an attempt to rewrite the history of Russia according to new rules in accordance with the theory of scientific knowledge. Therefore, I believe that old knowledge is worthy of respect. But, when you lose fundamental provisions (ex. class struggle), on the basis of which an explanation was given of the cause-and-effect relationships between events, then the course of events may, in fact, have been the same as it was described in the previous history, BUT THERE IS NO EVIDENCE in it. The explanation mechanism simply disappeared - why it happened this way and not otherwise.

Probably the highlight will be debunking the exclusivity of Rurik, which stood only on the recognition by all the former officialdom as an unworthy source of true knowledge on the history of Russia - the Russian chronicle The Tale of Bygone Years. However, the essay medieval monk so contradictory that it can only be considered as a literary monument of Russian literature, but building historical science on myths and fairy tales is rather ridiculous.

Today, neoconomics has introduced a measuring tool into historical science and now the descriptive era with the collection of artifacts has ended and evidence is required. At the same time, we must always be aware that any historical narrative is a HYPOTHESIS - since "any truth spoken is a lie" - i.e. humanity does not have the opportunity to know the truth, but there is a privilege - to have only a certain approximation to it, which the narrator himself distorts.

The recognition of Rurik as the founder of the state of the Eastern Slavs is just one of the options, and the most successful one, but the exclusivity of Rurik is hampered by the facts of much greater success achieved by his supposedly "combatants" Alskol and Dir, about which the chronicler no longer hesitates, writes - they captured power in Kyiv, a former city much larger than Novgorod. Since the southern Kyiv Khaganate of the Eastern Slavs was much richer and stronger, the Varangians Askold and Dir, who had military skills, managed to create a strong army from the conquered Slavs from the Glade tribe, with the help of which they made several successful campaigns for the sake of robbery cities along the shores of the Black Sea and even plundered the suburbs of Constantinople. Another thing is that Askold and Dir did not expect (if you follow the chronicle) that the Novgorod squad of the Varangians under the leadership of the Prophetic Oleg, who became the successor of Rurik, would displace them from the place of the Kiev rulers.

Today, the story of how Oleg, who was the leader of the Novgorod part of the Germans of the Ross, deceived Askold and Dir from Kyiv and killed him, accusing them of their lack of rights to reign, looks somewhat theatrical, but most likely this is exactly what happened in reality. This cruel lesson, taught in public, began an unbreakable tradition that the right to reign in Russia could only be a descendant of Rurik. From the moment of the execution of Askold and Dir, Russia became the property of one single family of Rurikovich, whose members could kill each other as much as they wanted, but the belonging of any land to Russia was determined by the blood relations of the prince with the Rurik family. The lands where the Rurikovichs reigned and was Rus.

We are leading a historical line from Rurik only for the reason that the squad of the Varangians from Novgorod, led by Prophetic Oleg, who became Rurik's successors, managed to kill competitors in the person of Askold and Dir and seize power in Kyiv. The true reason for the "internal" showdown among the Varangians of the Germans, obviously, was economic interest for the possession of a much richer city and a population from the southern tribes of the Eastern Slavs. The strategic position of Kyiv in front of Novgorod was so much better that Oleg immediately abandoned Novgorod and the state that Rurik created there. Just a small impudent gang of some Varangians managed to deceive a much larger gang of Varangians by deceit, and, using the prejudices of the Kiev Varangians regarding the traditional rules for taking the place of a prince, only descendant of the king, only by the death of two Kiev rulers, having exposed the young Igor as a real prince, and Oleg as his guardian, seized power in Kyiv.

I hope that the state called Kievan Rus never existed - this is just a modern term characterizing a certain PERIOD in the history of the state with the name Rus, before the arrival of the Tatars, when Kyiv was considered the capital.

The Old Russian state arose as a population dominated by East Slavs. Russia immediately became the largest state in Europe, inhabited by the most numerous European people, whose vast expanses provided all the necessary resources that made the Russian princes powerful lords influencing neighboring lands. After several generations, the Russian princes intermarried with the main European monarchs, but they were much less interested in impoverished Christian Europe than in the rich Roman Empire, which continued to exist side by side just on the other side of the Black Sea.

This eastern part of the former Roman Empire, with its capital in Constantinople, which was later given the name Byzantine Empire, fascinated the Russian princes with its splendor, so they tried in every possible way to imitate it. The campaigns of Russia against Byzantium had not only predatory goals, but also a desire to attract the attention of the center of their own ecumene.

The fact is that initially for Russia the main direction was the East, from where, along with economic relations, the main military danger emanated. Therefore, the desire of the Russian princes, fighting off their eastern neighbors, was natural to move towards the most powerful power of the then world. Roman Empire(or the Greeks, as they believed in Russia) was the richest state, as it controlled all the trade of the Middle East with Europe, and its colonies, such as Venice, dominated the Mediterranean.

The Roman Empire, which had centuries-old experience in diplomacy, used the power of Russia to conquer Bulgaria, which was claimed by Prince Svyatoslav himself, the son of Igor and Olga. The desire of the Russian princes to expand their possessions at the expense of Bulgaria up to the borders with Byzantium was never destined to come true, as it met with opposition from the Byzantine Caesars, and the steppes of the Black Sea region, which cut Russia off from Great Bulgaria with a strip, were inhabited by nomads Pechenegs, not subject to Russian princes. However, the ties between Byzantium and Russia were constantly growing stronger, especially after the baptism of Rus, with which the Cyrillic alphabet came to Russia, which became the Old Slavonic alphabet. It was Orthodoxy that made Russia an outpost of the Byzantine Empire, and then a successor, when Constantinople was sacked by Catholic knights, who agreed to take part in the battle instead of going to the Holy Land. commercial enterprise Venetians on the establishment of the emperor's own protege. The Orthodox always remember this 4th crusade, which became the reason for the final break of Orthodoxy with the Catholic Church. The fall of the Byzantine Empire "opens the gates" to Europe for the Mongol-Tatars in the 13th century, and in the 15th century Constantinople, the former trading base of the Venetian Republic, was captured by the Ottoman Empire, which would soon occupy not only the Balkan Peninsula, but even Hungary.

Information about the political history of Russia from states of Rurik we draw from the annals, the first of which is considered to be written by the monk Nestor, which reflects the prevailing opinion of the Ruthenians about their own state history of Kievan Rus up to the time of Vladimir Monomakh.

The turning point for the history of Russia was the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, which resulted in the division of the Old Russian state into three parts - South-Western Russia from the lands of the Galicia-Volyn principality, North-Western from the lands of Pskov and Novgorod, as well as principalities on the territory of modern Belarus and Lithuania, which did not fall under the Tatar IGO, and finally, North-Eastern Russia - as a confederation of northern principalities, called the Great Vladimir Principality, which was included in the Jochi ulus - the hereditary allotment of the descendants of the eldest son of Genghis Khan. Legal status in relation to the Mongol Empire, it largely determined the further historical development of these parts of Russia, on which three nationalities were formed - Little Russians, Belarusians and Great Russians.

Itself territorial empire Genghis Khan was an empire typical of the East, as it had a developed monetary circulation, in contrast to cashless medieval Europe, where the states acquired the extreme features of feudalism. In the absence of money, the system of vassalage when the main feudal lord could get support from petty feudal lords, only by allocating them a land plot - a feud, from whose population they were fed.

Since the Mongol khans were only interested in gold, which was money in the Mongol empire, the Tatars, as a rule, did not destroy the local elites in the conquered states, instructing them to collect taxes from the population. For this reason, the ulus of Jochi received the name in Russia - Golden Horde, and the imperial structure of the Mongol Empire gave the Russian princes the opportunity to cooperate with the khans. In 1243, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich - the father of the future Alexander Nevsky - was summoned to Batu, who recognized him as the main prince in Russia. The continuation of his father's policy of rapprochement with the Horde gave Alexander Nevsky the opportunity not only to retain the supremacy of his family over other Russian princes, but also to successfully defend Russian lands from the crusaders. It must be admitted that in the struggle against the Western invaders, the Golden Horde acted as an ally of Russia.

Today history Russian Federation we lead from the Russian Empire, but this is not entirely true, since tsarist Russia is the result of the gathering of the lands of Kievan Rus, in which the Moscow kingdom defeated the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Russian Empire returned all the lands of Kievan Rus, connecting the histories of all parts of Rus, in which Belarusians and Little Russians were formed, but the core was the Muscovite kingdom, as the homeland of the Great Russians, who for this reason became a state-forming nation. Catherine gave the name "Russians" to the Great Russian people, which today brings only confusion, since the Belarusians and Ukrainians, when using the word "Russians", represent only the nationality - "Great Russians", and the Great Russians - associate the word with a generalized people that existed before the division of Kievan Rus.

Therefore, the history of Russia is based on the history of the Old Russian state of Russia with branches on separate stories Galicia-Volyn principality, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the allocation of the core in the form of the history of the Moscow principality, which subdued successively Vladimir Rus and the Commonwealth, from which the lands were returned Principality of Lithuania like the Russian lands of Kievan Rus.

It must be admitted that the population of all parts of the Russian empire dismembered by the Mongols retained their Russian essence, with the exception of the only exception in the form of Austro-Hungarian Galicia, whose population recognized themselves as Polish Ukrainians not in a geographical, but in a racial sense.

An integral part of the history of Russia must be recognized as the history of the Mongol empire of Genghis Khan and the activities of many historical persons and the states headed by them, which became part of the Russian Empire.

Northeast Russia

Moscow kingdom

the Russian Empire

Relations between Russia and the USA



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