Home Perennial flowers How to make a PDA from a car navigator. We create a consumer credit cooperative according to new requirements

How to make a PDA from a car navigator. We create a consumer credit cooperative according to new requirements

Currently, many entrepreneurs and citizens are faced with the need for financial support and do not always apply for a loan to a bank for this. Obtaining a bank loan is a rather complicated procedure, you must submit it to the bank a large number of documents confirming the financial reliability of the client, as well as lending sometimes has a targeted character. Alternative source receiving Money is joining a credit cooperative and obtaining a loan. The services of such organizations significantly save not only money due to more low interest, but also time, since the issuance of a loan is as simple as possible compared to bank loan... Therefore, the creation of a credit consumer cooperative is a very profitable enterprise and that is why in recent times there are more and more of them. In this article, we will consider the requirements for organizing the activities of a consumer credit cooperative. What is a credit cooperative?

As you know, any calculator is simplest computer, in other words, a computer with a minimal set of functions, but who said that it cannot be turned into something more?

What is a calculator and how is it similar to a computer?

1. There is a screen.
2. There are keys
3. There is a memory
4. There is a battery (if it is solar panels, then your new mini-computer will only work in bright sunlight, as the power consumption will increase with the increase in the number of functions)

And that's not all! We haven't touched the insides yet.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Take a calculator (but! Believe me, from conventional calculator bought for three rubles at the bazaar will not work, take a more or less average, but proprietary calculator). Remove the back cover (as a rule, it is not difficult to unscrew 2 or 4 screws with a small screwdriver).

2. Pay attention to the 2 wires that go to the main operating unit (it is visible immediately and has only two outputs). Take a familiar Bluetooth transmitter with USB input, two wires and, accordingly, connect the plus and minus of the transmitter to the wires of the main unit. By the way, do not be afraid to mix up the wires, this will not lead to the combustion of the device. If the connected device does not work, try rearranging the wires until you get to the correct "polarity".

3. Now you need a computer and the same device for data transfer ( mobile phone also works, but only if it has GPRS). From any site where there is free software, you need to download a distribution kit with fonts, any Light codec for playing images and find the Word distribution kit on your computer.

4. Now that all this is on the hard disk, you need to transfer data. On the calculator, switch to the M + mode (press 2 times to activate the memory) and transfer data from the computer. If data transfer is not possible, press the CE button each time while holding Shift on your computer keyboard.

5. The data has been downloaded, now you need to start the new machine itself - the former calculator. Now you need a Bluetooth phone. The phone is needed in order to overtake the key codes - you get the same principle as on the phone - you can press and a number will appear, or you can press to make letters appear. By the way, the layout will now be the same as on your phone. To do this, you need to send the IMEI number from the phone via Bluetooth (the number is written under the battery on the sticker). The sent code will be highlighted on the calculator screen. It must be saved with the MRC button, and then reboot the former calculator (reboot is carried out either by pulling out the battery, or by covering the batteries (solar).

6. After this reboot, start pressing the calculator buttons from 1 to 0, then press MRC again. The calculator will load the data it received and will be able to print numbers and letters.

7. The last step is to adjust the screen resolution of your new laptop. Set the resolution to 25 times less than that which is currently installed on your monitor. Attention! For a 10-digit calculator, you can set the resolution up to 20 times smaller.

My congratulations! Now everything works for you! Surprise your friends and acquaintances, but don't forget today, April 1st give them a link to my article so they can do the same! Good luck.

In the calendar of vaccinations, there is a complex vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella - the pda vaccine. It is tolerated, in most cases, getting it well. Complications are common but rare. Infectionists and pediatricians strongly recommend that all children get the PDA vaccine. A child who has not passed it, contracting measles, rubella or mumps, necessarily receives severe complications. Girls who did not receive CCP in childhood do not have immunity. When infected during pregnancy with rubella, the disease causes severe disorders in the unborn baby.

At the time, the PDA vaccine was made - protection against complications from three serious infectious diseases. With competent vaccination, immunity is developed for 21 days in 98% of the vaccinated. Immunity lasts 25 years.

Contraindications for pda vaccination

There are times when you cannot be vaccinated:

  • with acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, when the child is very sick;
  • with weakened health and immunity;
  • if there was a severe allergic reaction after the last vaccination;
  • children allergic to neomycin and gelatin;
  • when the first symptoms of a cold appear (cough, fever, runny nose);
  • pregnancy;
  • if blood products (blood plasma, immunoglobulins) were administered, the CPC vaccination is carried out after 3 months;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;

Where and when to get the PDA vaccine

The first such vaccination is done in the thigh at 1 - 1.5 years. At 6 - 7 years old - the second dose of the vaccine - revaccination is injected into the shoulder. These are the calendar dates for vaccination against pda.

If for some reason you didn’t manage to make the PDA in time, then don’t worry. Try to do it as soon as possible. The transfer of the vaccine does not reduce its effectiveness.

Advice: It is not advisable to postpone the first dose of the vaccine for a long time. As your child gets older and your social circle expands, your risk of contracting rubella, mumps or measles increases. It is imperative to repeat the second dose of PDA and be in time before the child enters school.

PDA and travel

If you and your child are going abroad, who is not even a year old, be sure ahead of time give your child a comprehensive vaccination. Your child will become immune to these diseases.

When the child turns one year old, you need to repeat the CPC, and then repeat another dose of vaccination in order to get strong immunity when it turns 6 years old.

Adverse vaccination reactions

For most, vaccination is unaccompanied adverse reactions... In 5-15% of cases, complications are observed 2-5 days after vaccination. Reactions take place within 3 days.

  1. Temperature. Both in vaccinated adults and children, for 5-12 days after vaccination, a temperature of up to 39.4 C can be observed. It can be knocked down if chills, severe body aches appear in the first 2 days. To reduce the temperature, antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen) are taken.
  2. Joint pain. In some young women and children, in the first 3 weeks after vaccination, inflammation in the hand and in the joints of the fingers may appear. Symptoms do not require treatment, they pass themselves quickly, without consequences.
  3. Allergy. In addition to measles, rubella, mumps viruses, the vaccine contains neomycin, gelatin, chicken protein causing allergic reactions in some. The introduction of a small amount of these substances to allergy sufferers provokes a strong reaction, up to a dangerous one - anaphylactic shock. Before taking a child for the MMR vaccine, parents should warn the doctor about which substances your child is allergic to. If after the initial dose a strong reaction was observed, it is necessary to make tests for which components of the vaccine hypersensitivity, and the doctor will cancel the second dose according to the indications or replace the Russian one with an imported one (it contains the yolk quail eggs). For people who do not have allergies to the components of the PDA, the vaccination is completely safe.
  4. Pain at the injection site. In the area where the injection was made, there may be a non-dangerous thickening of the tissues, numbness and pain, and swelling may form for up to several weeks.
  5. Rash. According to statistics, in 1 in 20 people, during the first 5-10 days, the PDA vaccination causes a pale pink rash on the skin. Red spots cover the face, arms, torso and legs. The rash passes quickly, is not dangerous, does not leave marks.
  6. Swollen lymph nodes. The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine will often cause benign swollen lymph nodes over the course of a few days.
  7. Swelling of the testicles. Some boys may experience slight swelling, testicular soreness. This will not further disrupt the ability to conceive a child when the boy grows up.
  8. Catarrhal phenomena (conjunctivitis, cough, runny nose).

Should adults be vaccinated?

Adults who have not received a single dose of MMR vaccine in childhood and have not had mumps, measles, or rubella should be vaccinated. Measles and mumps are very dangerous for adults, and rubella in pregnant women causes pathologies in the development of the fetus.

All women planning a pregnancy are advised to have a blood test to determine rubella immunity. If the tests show its absence, the woman must be vaccinated with CPC before pregnancy. A child can be conceived 1 month after vaccination.

CPC vaccination: instructions for the use of the drug "Priorix"

The multi-component vaccine is better because you have to inject once. Priorix can be done subcutaneously (under the scapula) and up to 3 years - intramuscularly (into the thigh), then into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder (into the arm). The vaccinated person is not contagious to others.

Drug form: lyophilisate for solution.

Its composition (from the instructions):
Priorix is ​​a combined preparation containing attenuated strains of measles, mumps and rubella viruses, separately cultivated in chicken embryo cells.

The dose of the vaccine contains 3.5 lgTCD50 of the measles virus of the Schwarz strain, 4.3 lgTCD50 of the live mumps virus of the RIT4385 strain, 3.5 lgTCD50 of rubella (vaccine strain Wistar RA 27/3).
The vaccine contains 25 mcg of neomycin sulfate, sorbitol, lactose, mannitol, amino acids.

Vaccine Description
Homogeneous porous mass white or slightly color pink... Its solvent is a colorless transparent liquid, odorless, impurities.

Clinical trials have shown the vaccine to be highly effective. Antibodies to the mumps virus were found in 96.1%, measles - in 98% of vaccinated, rubella - in 99.3%.

Development of immunity, prevention of mumps, rubella, measles.

Mode of application

In a vial with a dry preparation, the contents with a solvent are added at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 dose. Shake thoroughly until the mixture is completely dissolved, no more than 1 min.

The resulting solution is clear, from pink to pink-orange in color. If it looks different, has foreign particles, the drug is not used.

Priorix is ​​injected subcutaneously at a dose of 0.5 ml; intramuscular injection is allowed. A new sterile needle is used to inject Priorix. The drug is removed from the vial subject to the rules of asepsis.

Adverse Reactions

  • allergic reactions,
  • diarrhea,
  • lymphadenopathy,
  • vomit,
  • bronchitis, otitis media, cough (sometimes), enlargement of the parotid glands,
  • insomnia, febrile seizures, crying, nervousness, (sometimes)
  • rash,
  • conjunctivitis (sometimes)
    anorexia (very rare),
  • fever (> 38 ° C), redness at the injection site,
  • swelling, soreness at the injection site, temperature> 39.5 ° C

Adverse reactions were observed in 1-10% after vaccination.

With mass vaccination, the following side effects have been reported:

  • meningitis,
  • arthralgia, arthritis,
  • thrombocytopenia,
  • anaphylactic reactions,
  • erythema multiforme,
  • encephalitis, transverse myelitis, peripheral neuritis

Accidental intravenous administration causes severe reactions, even shock.


Priorix can be simultaneously administered with DPT, ADS vaccines (on the same day), when injected into different areas body with separate syringes. It is not allowed to draw in the same syringe with other drugs.

Priorix can be used for the second vaccination of persons previously vaccinated with mono drugs, another combination vaccine.

special instructions

Exercise caution when administering to people with allergic diseases. The vaccinated person must stay for 30 minutes. under control.

The vaccination room should be provided with anti-shock therapy means (1: 1000 adrenaline solution). Before injecting the vaccine, make sure that the alcohol has evaporated from the skin surface, as it can inactivate attenuated viruses in the vaccine.

Release form

Included: 1 dose in a bottle, 0.5 ml solvent in an ampoule. Packing: carton boxes.
1 dose in a vial + 0.5 ml solvent in a syringe, 1-2 needles.

For medical institutions: 100 vials in a box. Solvent separately for 100 ampoules.
10 doses per bottle. 50 bottles in a cardboard box. Separately, the solvent is 5 ml. 50 ampoules in a box.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Two years - the shelf life of the vaccine, 5 years - the diluent. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging and label of the bottle.

Store at 2 to 8 ° C.
The solvent, packed separately, is stored at t ° from 2 to 25 ° C; avoid freezing.

Vacation conditions
On prescription.

Is vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps dangerous? When and why to do Vaccination against measles, rubella - information for parents to think about What vaccinations do children need after age 6?

A production cooperative, although a legal entity, looks more like a virtual democratic state than a company. All participants are equal, decisions are made by voting, and outsiders are simply not allowed in.

(This is the main advantages of the cooperative. They are also disadvantages)

You have to:

  • explore the benefits of cooperatives
  • understand why almost no one opens them
  • register a cooperative, if you dare to do so

    What is good about a cooperative

    Equality. Important questions put to a vote in which all members of the cooperative participate. You cannot decide alone how to share profits, in which direction to develop and whom to make a new member of the organization. If you have a problem or an idea, listen to the opinions of others.

    There are no habitual bosses who give orders and who have the final word. The cooperative has a chairman (he is also elected by voting), but the scope of his powers is still determined by a decision general meeting or the supervisory board.

    Individual entrepreneur runs the business himself. In an LLC, a participant or a group of participants who own a larger share in the authorized capital puts an end to disputes.

    Everybody works... Most of the members of the cooperative work themselves and, in addition to income from the business, receive payment - in money or products. Those who do poorly are kicked out of the organization (you're right: by vote).

    The cooperative may allow someone not to work, but the bummer will have to pay an additional amount to the mutual fund. Non-working participants should be a maximum of 25%.

    There are no hired workers or there are few of them: the number of people in the state cannot exceed 30% of the number of members of the cooperative.

    LLC members can own part of the business, receive dividends and not work. Enough to invest, hire general director- and not appear again. An individual entrepreneur also has the right to form a state and entrust it with affairs.

    Money - at any time... The frequency of income distribution is set by the members of the cooperative: you can divide the earnings at least every day. But a maximum of 50% of net income is allowed to be issued as dividends.

    The individual entrepreneur also freely disposes of the profit, only he does it alone. But the participants of the LLC are paid dividends no more often than once every three months. The amount is limited by the amount of the company's net profit.

    Calm, because only your own people are involved... Adopting a newcomer to a cooperative is possible, but only unanimously. If you don't like potential participant- let him go through the forest.

    On the other hand, you cannot take and sell a share. There are three options:

    • Leave the cooperative, having received your share of the mutual fund and the income due. But there will be no compensation for the indivisible property. If, over the years of work, the cooperative has moved from a rented basement to its own mansion or acquired a car park, all this will remain for the cooperative.
    • Sell ​​your share (share) to the members of the cooperative.
    • Submit to a vote the question of selling a share to a non-member of the cooperative. If the participants vote "for" - there will be a deal. "Against" - alas.

    An LLC participant sells his share at any time and does not ask permission from colleagues. The sole proprietor owns the business.

    Unlimited number of owners (but at least five)... The cooperative accepts as many participants as you want - even the whole of Moscow. But it has no right to exist if there are less than five of them. In this case, the cooperative is liquidated or reorganized into an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

    An LLC can be owned by one person, maximum - 50 legal and individuals... SP is always one.

    Simplified taxation system. If the cooperative has up to 100 participants and its annual income is not more than 79,740 thousand rubles, you can apply the simplified taxation system (STS). In this case, the cooperative pays income tax at the rate of 6% on income or 15% on income after deducting expenses.

    However, you will have to pay 13% from the salaries of employees. income tax(Personal income tax) and insurance premiums v Pension Fund, The Mandatory Health Insurance Fund and the Fund social insurance... All together - at least 49.65% of the salary "on hand" if there are no benefits.

    Members of the cooperative pay 13% of personal income tax from dividends.

    OIP and LLC can also work on the STS, insurance premiums for employees are the same. An individual entrepreneur without employees at the end of the year pays fixed insurance premiums: 23,153 rubles 33 kopecks + 1% on income above 300,000 rubles, and does not pay personal income tax.

    Low age threshold... You can create a cooperative and join it from the age of 16. No additional documents required.

    To do the same with an LLC or individual entrepreneur, you will have to lead your parents to a notary or emancipate yourself.

    Why does almost no one open cooperatives?

    Advantages turn into disadvantages, if you look at them from a different angle. Starting a cooperative is a bad decision if you:

    • the only founder or founders less than five
    • want to run the company yourself
    • consider the business as an investment without the obligation to work (at least over time)
    • will hire employees
    • admit that you will sell the company or a share in it
    • do not want to risk your property. The participants extinguish the debts of the cooperative to partners, banks and the state from their own pockets. At stake is money from personal accounts, valuables and real estate (except for the only home). The owners of an LLC, if they conduct an honest business, are not responsible for the financial problems of the company. The most they will lose is their share.

    In other words, if your goal is to create a growing company and earn more and more, forget about the co-op. This story is more about joint employment than pure business.

    If it is more important for you to do what you love in the company of enthusiastic like-minded people (and you are not afraid of quarrels when making decisions), a cooperative is a worthy choice.

    How to create a cooperative

    1. Assemble a team

      Find at least five partners. Anyone will do: working, unemployed, freelancers, individual entrepreneurs and schoolchildren, if they are over 16. You can "call" a legal entity as an investor. It will not work, but it will give money and demand its own piece of the pie, that is, a share (and with it a part of future income).

    2. Select a chairman

      He runs a cooperative, represents its interests in court and submits tax reports. It is the chairman who will go to submit documents for registration of a legal entity.

      If the cooperative has more than 10 people, it will be necessary to create a board: under the leadership of the chairman, it leads the organization from one meeting of cooperative members to another. Well, if there are more than 50 participants, it is also necessary to create a supervisory board that monitors the work of the board.

    3. Write the charter

      This is the main document of the cooperative, a set of its rules. Everything is indicated in the charter: from the name and type of activity to the labor obligations of the participants and the rules for the division of profits. Invite a lawyer to draw up the paper: if there are mistakes, the tax office will refuse to register, and then you will have to correct the text and pay the state fee again. However, you can do it yourself too - use any template.

    4. Draw up the minutes of the meeting on the creation of the cooperative

      Like the charter, it will be asked at the tax office.

    5. Pay your shares

      You can set any amount, at least 100 rubles. Unlike authorized capital OOO, minimum size there is no mutual fund.

      Before registering a cooperative, each participant must contribute 10% of his contribution to the mutual fund. The rest can be paid within a year after registration.

      To collect the amount, open a temporary bank account. Deposit the money in cash at a branch or via the Internet bank. In the purpose of payment indicate: "Share contribution".

      The fund can be replenished not only with money: things, stocks, real estate will also work. Their value is determined by the members of the cooperative, after which they draw up an act of property appraisal in free form. If things cost more than 250 minimum wages (in 2016 this is equal to 1,875,000 rubles), an independent appraiser will be required.

      Pay the duty too

      The price of the issue is 4000 rubles. You have to pay on the website of the Federal Tax Service, at a bank branch or at a terminal in the tax building, if it is installed there (in Moscow number 46 - yes).

      Submit documents for registration

      Contact the tax office that serves legal address your company. In Moscow for registration legal entities the tax office number 46 is responsible.

      You will need the same set of documents as. The process of registering legal entities is the same: for the tax office, no big difference who you are - LLC, PJSC or PC (this is the abbreviated name for production cooperatives).

    6. Get your registration certificate

      It will be done three to five days after the application is submitted. Go to the tax office for it or wait until it arrives by mail - it depends on which method of receipt you indicated in the application. Together with the certificate, you will receive a paper with the TIN number of the legal entity, the charter with the mark of the tax authorities and the entry sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE).

    That's it - the cooperative is ready to go. You can order a sign and throw a party. And to decide what to do first, call a meeting and vote.

Today, at the request of our regular reader, consider credit cooperatives... In this article, you will learn what credit is. consumer cooperative(KPC), how it carries out its activities, how it differs from banks and microfinance organizations, who and how it lends, where it takes funds to issue loans, and a lot of other useful and important information.

By their very nature, credit cooperatives have much in common with microfinance organizations, as do credit unions, credit societies, etc. However, in Russia all these are separate structures operating under a separate law and having several significant differences from MFOs. So, let's consider what a credit cooperative is, why it is created and how it works.

Organization of a consumer credit cooperative.

Credit cooperative(full legal name - consumer credit cooperative) - this is non-profit organization , which is an association of individuals and / or legal entities on a voluntary basis in order to meet their needs for borrowed funds. People or organizations unite in the PDA for some reason common feature(territorial, professional, etc.).

The CPC's activities in Russia are regulated by Federal Law No. 190-FZ "On Credit Cooperation", according to which the organization of a credit consumer cooperative requires at least 15 individuals, at least 5 legal entities, or at least 7 of both. The CPC leadership is supreme body management - a meeting of shareholders.

As can be seen from the definition, the activities of credit cooperatives are not aimed at making a profit. In fact, a consumer credit cooperative operates on the principle of a mutual assistance fund: participants (shareholders) place their deposits in it, at the expense of which loans are issued to the same participants. All this, of course, at interest: on loans they are higher, on deposits - lower.

In addition to the contributions of their members, credit cooperatives can attract borrowed funds from outside, but they can no longer issue loans to non-members. In addition, the CPC cannot act as guarantors and sureties for loans received in other financial institutions, including for their shareholders.

Credit cooperative funds.

Credit cooperative funds are created from the following sources:

1. Contributions of shareholders - members of the CPC. There can be 4 types of them:

Membership fee- contributions required to cover recurring costs;

Share contribution- contributions transferred by shareholders to the ownership of the KPC, at the expense of which it carries out its lending activities;

Entrance fee- the contribution paid by the shareholder upon joining the CCP (it does not always exist);

Additional payment- other contributions made by shareholders by decision of the general meeting, for example, if there are unforeseen expenses or it is required to cover the losses of the credit cooperative.

2. Income received from the activities of the CPC (interest for the use of loans).

3. Funds raised from outside and other sources.

All these sources form credit cooperative funds:

1. Mutual financial assistance fund- funds intended for the issuance of loans to shareholders of a credit cooperative, for the sake of which the PDA is created.

2. Unit trust- funds intended for the payment of current expenses related to the activities of the PDA.

3. Reserve fund- funds intended to pay for unforeseen, unexpected expenses or to cover losses.

Financial standards of the credit cooperative.

The CPC is supervised by central bank and some others financial structures the state. In Russia, a credit cooperative can operate without violating the following financial standards:

1. Maximum amount loan for one KPC shareholder should not be more than 10% of the total amount of loans issued by the credit cooperative, if it has been operating for less than 2 years, and 20%, if more.

2. total amount funds of the CPC, directed not to the issuance of loans to shareholders per reporting period should not exceed 50% of the attracted capital of the shareholders in this period.

3. The size of the reserve fund must account for at least 5% of the funds raised by the cooperative.

In addition, can be introduced restrictions on the rates of accepted deposits, moreover, they can be both mandatory and recommendatory. For example, in January 2015. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation recommended to the KPC not to accept deposits at rates higher than three times the discount rate.

Since credit cooperatives are prohibited from making a profit, they cannot carry out trade or production activities. And if at the end of the year they have a positive financial results(income on loans exceeds interest on deposits and current expenses), then it is distributed among shareholders in proportion to the shares contributed.

SRO credit cooperatives.

Contributions to the CCP, as well, are not subject to the effect. However, in 2011, due to the increased popularity of the CCP, amendments to the legislation were adopted in Russia, according to which all credit cooperatives are now obliged to enter into SROs (self-regulatory organizations), on the basis of which monetary funds are created to pay the contributors of the cooperative in the event of its termination. activities.

SRO funds of credit cooperatives are created from deductions from the income of the CPC included in the SRO, income from the placement of funds received, and in other ways that do not contradict the law. SRO funds perform the function of insuring deposits in consumer credit cooperatives.

State SRO register of credit cooperatives Russia is posted on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (as well as the register of operating credit cooperatives).

In addition to participating in SROs, many credit cooperatives insure attracted deposits in insurance companies, and often even at their own expense, thus providing depositors with additional guarantees of repayment of funds.

Benefits of credit cooperatives.

Let's consider the main advantages of credit cooperatives, both for their participants-borrowers and for depositors.

1. The ability to get a loan when banks refuse. Credit cooperatives, in fact, are formed in order to create sources of financing for their shareholders. Here you can get a loan with a more loyal approach than. For example, without a surety, security, with a bad credit history, to open a business for future income, etc. Credit cooperatives usually put a person's reputation more important than certificates and supporting documents.

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