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Fried eggs with quail eggs. Omelet from quail eggs for a child. Recipes for adults

In summer and autumn, nature gives people its invaluable gifts: berries, medicinal herbs, nuts, mushrooms. Honey mushrooms appear in our forests at the end of summer and delight us with a generous harvest all autumn, until the very frost. They are eaten, canned, dried, used as medicinal products. Mushroom soup is a real delicacy for the most fastidious gourmets!

Mushrooms are harvested for the winter in dried, pickled, boiled and fried mushrooms freeze, prepare mushroom hodgepodge. Soups are cooked from fresh and prepared for the winter mushrooms, they are fried and stewed on their own and with potatoes.

Fragrant, with a unique taste soup, cooked from mushrooms - vegetarian and Lenten dish, contains proteins plant origin which makes it very useful.

Methods for preparing mushroom soups from mushrooms

Cooking mushroom soup does not require special costs and time. You can cook it in several ways:

  • soup cooked on a gas or electric stove, in an ordinary saucepan - a classic cooking method;
  • soups prepared using modern household appliances, such as a slow cooker, simplifies the cooking process;
  • food cooked in a Russian stove, stewed with a unique taste; You can reproduce this taste in modern home conditions with the help of an oven and clay ceramic pots.

Selection and preparation of mushrooms for making soup

Soup is cooked from various mushrooms: natural, dried, canned, pre-boiled, fried and frozen in the freezer.

  • Honey mushrooms collected in the forest are sorted out, leaves, blades of grass are removed, washed, boiled in several stages, after the first boiling, the broth is drained, the second is used as a broth.
  • Dried mushrooms are washed and soaked in two steps, the first water is drained, the second is used for broth.
  • Cooked and frozen mushrooms are thawed.
  • Pickled mushrooms are washed from excess vinegar.
  • Honey mushrooms fried with vegetables, frozen for storage, thawed - they are ready for fast food soup.

Before cooking the soup, all mushrooms are fried in vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn - a matter of taste).

Additional ingredients and spices

  • For pre-frying mushrooms, vegetable oil with a neutral taste and smell is taken.
  • For the preparation of soups from mushrooms are used classic spices: salt pepper, Bay leaf. Taken in reasonable quantities, they do not interrupt the wonderful mushroom flavor.
  • The addition of cream cheese of soft varieties, sour cream, cream harmoniously emphasizes the taste of mushrooms.
  • The soup can be seasoned with chopped herbs and sour cream.
  1. When collecting mushrooms in the forest, it is necessary to distinguish between edible mushrooms and false ones. At poisonous mushrooms beautiful bright orange hats.
  2. For the first time, fresh mushrooms are boiled in a large volume for 5 minutes (so that the mushroom aroma does not go into the water), the mushroom broth is drained. Mushrooms are poured with a fresh portion of water, in the amount necessary for the broth.
  3. Ready mushrooms settle to the bottom, overcooked mushrooms are soft, lose their taste and aroma.
  4. All winter you can cook soup from dried mushrooms. Honey mushrooms are not washed before drying, they are sorted out and cleaned of forest debris, put on a thread and dried in the shade. You can hang mushrooms in the kitchen. Honey mushrooms dry quickly, they are removed along with threads, transferred to a canvas bag, stored in kitchen cabinets.

Soup from fresh mushrooms

Soup made from fresh mushrooms is quickly and easily digested in the body. Adding vermicelli to soup increases the carbohydrate content and prolongs the feeling of satiety. The neutral taste of vermicelli and noodles does not affect the taste.


  • mushrooms - 500 grams;
  • vermicelli or homemade noodles - at the discretion of the hostess (someone likes thick soup, someone liquid);
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • turnip and carrots - 1 each;
  • bay leaf, salt, black pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • butter;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise, greens.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Honey mushrooms are pre-boiled until half cooked.
  2. Vegetables are peeled, cut arbitrarily.
  3. Potatoes, spices are poured into a saucepan with salted and boiling water, boiled.
  4. Boiled mushrooms are cooled, cut into slices and fried for sunflower oil, until the water from the mushrooms has completely evaporated, the mushrooms should be fried.
  5. Then add the chopped onion, fry with stirring, then add the carrots, fry until the carrots become soft.
  6. Fried mushrooms with vegetables are laid out from a frying pan into a boiling vegetable broth with potatoes, spices are sent there, homemade noodles or vermicelli, boil until the vermicelli is cooked.
  7. The soup is seasoned with sour cream and herbs.

Another mushroom soup recipe - in the video:

Soup from frozen mushrooms

Mushrooms after defrosting retain mushroom flavor. Soup made from frozen mushrooms will help diversify the home menu in winter. The juice that will stand out from the thawed mushrooms is boiled and poured into the soup for flavor.

To prepare the soup you will need:

  • mushrooms - 500 grams;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onions and carrots - 1 each;
  • processed cheese - 1 piece;
  • spices to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Vegetables are peeled, cut arbitrarily.
  2. Honey mushrooms are thawed (the juice is not poured out), cut into large pieces, fried, vegetables are added, stewed until the vegetables are soft.
  3. In a pot of boiling water, put the fried mushroom mass with vegetables, potatoes, spices, seasonings, salt, boil until soft potatoes, since the mushroom mass was brought to readiness when fried with vegetables.
  4. The chilled cheese is rubbed with shavings and spread in portions into the finished soup, constantly stirred so that the cheese does not stick together. Let the soup simmer for 1 minute.

This soup does not require sour cream or mayonnaise.

Watch the video for another frozen mushroom soup recipe:

Mushroom soup-puree from mushrooms in French

Mushroom soup from natural mushrooms can be prepared in the form of mashed potatoes, in the spirit of the national french cuisine, grinding it to a creamy mass with cream.


  • fresh mushrooms - 700 grams;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • onions, carrots - 2 pieces each;
  • cream - 150 milliliters;
  • olive oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Boiled mushrooms are fried with the addition of vegetables: onions and carrots. Olive oil is used for frying.
  2. brew mushroom soup with potatoes, fried mushrooms and vegetables, let cool slightly.
  3. Grind potatoes, mushrooms, vegetables with a submersible blender until a homogeneous air mass, at the end, gradually pour natural cream from whole milk, mix.
  4. The soup is decorated with whole mushroom caps, a sprig of dill or parsley leaves.

Soup made from forest mushrooms will be eaten with pleasure by the household, while remembering trips for mushrooms and walks through the autumn forest.

Mushroom soup is a favorite dish virtually all over the world. Each country has its own special recipe, which reflects the personal taste preferences and preferences of its inhabitants. In many ways, the taste of mushroom soup depends on the type of mushrooms and whether they were prepared fresh, fried or dried.
Mushroom broth turns out fragrant and rich, but it is important to know which mushroom requires a long boil, and which one can be cooked faster. Very fast, for example, boil.
The convenience of preparing mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms lies in the fact that you can get the main ingredient - mushrooms at any time of the year. For example, collect in the summer and freeze in the refrigerator, or even easier, buy at the store. Mushrooms for soup can be used: fresh, frozen, dried.

In addition, you need to choose the right products that would allow you to open and taste the mushrooms, and would not interrupt them.

Many people cook soup from frozen mushrooms, this is a very convenient way that requires a minimum of effort, cost and time. We offer a simple recipe for mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms.

What you need to take for soup with mushrooms:

  • mushrooms - 500 grams (frozen)
  • potatoes - 4 pieces (medium size)
  • carrots - 1 piece
  • onions - 1-2 pieces
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • vegetable oil - for frying vegetables
  • greens - 1 bunch (dill, parsley)
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces
  • seasonings - to taste

Recipe for mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms:

We start cooking with mushrooms. Honey mushrooms must first be thawed, rinsed under water, allowed to drain excess fluid and cut into small pieces. Pour water into a saucepan where mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms will be prepared and put on fire.

When the water boils, throw in the mushrooms and cook for about 20 minutes (you can add salt). We clean, cut the potatoes into cubes and send them to the pan with the mushrooms to cook for half an hour.

Now let's deal with vegetable frying for mushroom soup. Place a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire. Finely chop the onion and fry until light golden brown. Grate carrots and also fry with onions.

It is important not to overcook the vegetables in the pan so that they do not burn. Add bay leaf, spices, vegetable frying and mix. Simmer the mushroom soup over low heat for 5 minutes. At the end, add finely chopped greens and you can serve.

The recipe for mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms is quite simple and easy to prepare, and the taste of mushroom soup will definitely not leave anyone indifferent, it turns out to be very fragrant and nutritious.

Watch the video recipe: the most delicious mushroom soup with barley

Mushroom soup is a great dish to serve first, and you don't need to be a master to create it. In addition, the mushrooms themselves are not only tasty, but can enrich the body with valuable substances and vitamins. Mushroom soup can be prepared both in order to maintain a figure, you can also add different ingredients for more flavor and aroma. AT this material we will talk about cooking mushroom soup, but not fresh, but frozen. It will be possible to make a dish even in winter, if a lot of mushrooms were harvested during the season, and then they were frozen in portions.

Broth-based soup

Many cafes and restaurants can offer mushroom soups from champignons or porcini mushrooms. Nona should think that it is impossible to cook such a dish from mushrooms. As a result, such a dish has excellent taste qualities that can satisfy even the most picky people. The main thing is to know certain rules. The recipe is quite simple and you will need:

  1. Chicken broth or water - 1 liter.
  2. Frozen mushrooms - 0.3 kg.
  3. Potato - 4 pcs.
  4. Carrots and onions 1 pc.
  5. Vegetable oil - 30 gr.
  6. Greens to taste.
  7. Salt and pepper.

Cooking soup from frozen mushrooms:

  1. This recipe involves pre-cooking chicken broth, but if there is no time to cook it, then you can use water. If water is used, then the dish will turn out to be dietary, which means that people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or who are on a diet can eat the soup.
  2. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up.
  3. While the oil is heating, peel and chop the onion. It is placed in a frying pan and fried until golden brown.
  4. Next, the carrot is cut and put to the onion, together the products are stewed over low heat, for 5 minutes.
  5. Next, you need to add frozen mushrooms to the vegetables. Cooks advise not to defrost them first, as they will not be able to provide the required amount of liquid.
  6. In the pan, the ingredients must be simmered until the water has completely evaporated, and then the products are fried for another 5 minutes.
  7. Next, the broth is poured into the pan and brought to a boil. Add diced potatoes to it and boil for 10 minutes.
  8. Then the fried vegetables are added to the pan in a pan, and the soup is left to cook for another 15 minutes.
  9. While the mushroom soup is cooking, you can cut the greens. It will be added directly to the plates.

As a result, the soup should be comparable to the photo:

Soup without broth

This recipe involves cooking a dish without broth. The recipe will be a little more difficult to execute, but if you follow the instructions, everything will turn out quickly and tasty. For the ingredients you will need:

  1. Honey mushrooms - 0.4 kg.
  2. Water - 1.5 liters.
  3. Potato - 4 pcs.
  4. Onions and carrots - 1 pc.
  5. Milk - 50 gr.
  6. Vegetable oil - 30 gr.
  7. Salt, pepper spices.

Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms can be made if you follow the rules, proportions and instructions, so each recipe has step by step guide cooking:

  1. Mushrooms are thawed, and all the water is drained from them.
  2. Pour into the saucepan right amount water and put on fire.
  3. While the water is heating, you should peel the potatoes and cut them into the water. After that, you can add salt to taste.
  4. Then flour is placed in the pan and heated over low heat for a couple of minutes until the smell of a nut appears. After that, the pan is removed from the fire and the flour is given time to cool.
  5. Now you should chop the onions and carrots, and then add oil to another pan and fry the vegetables until golden brown. Next, the vegetables are sent to the pan.
  6. While the soup is cooking, you need to fry the mushrooms for about 5 minutes, and then add them to the soup and add spices and pepper to taste.
  7. Milk is added to the flour and mixed so that there are no lumps, and then poured into the dish. After that, the soup should be boiled for another 10 minutes over low heat and you can turn it off.

After the fire is turned off, the dish is left for a quarter of an hour under the lid, in order to infuse. It is recommended to serve it with sour cream. This recipe is suitable for people who are fasting.

Soup in a slow cooker

With frozen mushrooms, you can cook soup even in a slow cooker. Such a device is very practical and convenient, because there is no need to carry out a lot of actions during cooking. To prepare the first course you need:

  1. Chicken breast - 300 gr.
  2. Mushrooms - 400 gr.
  3. Potato - 3-4 pcs.
  4. Onions and carrots - 1 pc.
  5. Garlic - 2 tooth.
  6. Pearl barley - 2 tbsp.
  7. Salt, pepper, spices.


  1. In the multicooker bowl you need to put chopped meat, potatoes, onions and carrots, as well as add mushrooms, cereals and 2 cloves of garlic.
  2. Next, spices are put, water is poured and the extinguishing mode is not set for 1.5 hours.
  3. When time will pass, you need to take out the garlic, greens, if it was used and leave for another 15 minutes to cook. After that, the dish can be served on the table.

As an addition to the soup, it is recommended to serve croutons with garlic. As you can see, the process is very simple and does not take much time. Even a child can cook soup. Thanks to freezing, many mushroom pickers refuse to roll up mushrooms and simply process mushrooms during the picking season and freeze them. In winter, they can be used not only for soup, but also for other dishes.

I collected two packages of mushrooms at the dacha .... and I don’t know how and what to do with them !!! who can tell!?

  1. Mushroom soup with potatoes
  2. mushrooms 600 g

    onion 1 onion

    carrot 1 pc.

    potatoes 4 pcs.

    salt to taste

    Cooking technology: sort, wash, put in a saucepan and cook for about an hour. Chop onions, grate carrots, fry vegetables in vegetable oil. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes. When the mushrooms are cooked, put the vegetable saute, potatoes into the broth, salt and cook until the potatoes are soft. Serve with sour cream.

    On a note

    in terms of nutrition and palatability Mushrooms are conventionally divided into four categories. The first category includes valuable and delicious views, giving mushroom products of excellent quality (for example, white - birch, oak, pine, spruce; - pine, spruce). Good and rather valuable mushrooms, but somewhat inferior in quality to the previous ones, belong to the second category (boletus, boletus, blue and aspen). The mushrooms of the third category include species that are not very bad in taste, but not very good either, those that are harvested only in the "mushroomless" when there are few best ones (blue russula, autumn honey agaric, flywheel). The fourth category includes such mushrooms that most mushroom pickers usually bypass, and in rare cases only individual amateurs collect them. These are such mushrooms as oyster mushrooms: ordinary, autumn, green, ram mushroom, marsh.

    Mushrooms are very rich in extractive substances that give them a peculiar taste and smell, as well as enzymes that contribute to better digestibility and assimilation of food.v Almost all edible mushrooms contain vitamins A, B, B1, C, and PP. Studies have shown that mushrooms in terms of vitamin B content are not inferior to grain products. There is the same amount of vitamin PP in them, it is in yeast, liver, and vitamin B is no less than in butter.

    To improve the digestibility and digestibility of mushrooms, it is recommended to chop well.

  3. rinse boil for 5 minutes, rinse again
  4. Then I cook mushroom soup like this:

    finely chalky very finely I chop everything, so that just the mass is finely chopped from your boiled mushrooms, 2-3 medium potatoes and an onion head.

    I dip all this minced meat into boiling water and stir, I take foam from above. After 15 minutes I put peppercorns and bay leaf, salt and another 15 minutes later the soup is ready. You can skip through the blender, if it is, it will turn out even tastier.

    Enjoy your meal.

  5. mushroom soup
  6. For the recipe you will need:

    - (summer, autumn, winter) - 300g

    Buckwheat - 2-3 tablespoons

    Onion - 1 bulb

    Milk - 1/2 cup or 2 tbsp sour cream

    Greens, salt - to taste

    Sort the mushrooms, cut off the legs, wash, finely chop, put in a saucepan and cook for 30-40 minutes. Then add buckwheat, add chopped onions, salt and cook until the groats are ready. Season the soup with sour cream or milk. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

  7. Rinse, scald, drain the water and cook for at least an hour over low heat, then throw the potatoes in cubes, and simultaneously fry the carrot onion in oil. When the onions and carrots are fried until golden brown, dilute in a glass of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, and pour into the frying, mix thoroughly and into the soup. Stir everything, bring to a boil, add herbs and salt to taste. - Bon appetit.
  8. P.S.: In Belarus, onions and carrots are fried in lard instead of butter, and then with greaves in soup, such a yummy!!!

    Just do not add spices, the soup should smell like onions. If you want thicker, dilute more flour.

  9. Mushroom soup
  10. 1) Take a three-liter pan.

    2) Pour water into a saucepan (a little more than half a saucepan).

    3) Take a little more than half a tablespoon of salt and pour the contents of the spoon into


    4) Take 100 gr. dry mushrooms and wash them.

    5) Dip the washed mushrooms into the pan.

    6) Mushrooms need to be cooked for 30 minutes.

    7) After 30 minutes, the mushrooms need to be removed from the pan and cut

    into small pieces.

    8) Put the chopped mushrooms back into the pan.

    9) Peel 6 medium sized potatoes and cut them into strips,

    then lower the chopped potatoes into the pan.

    10) Take 50 gr. barley, wash and pour barley into a saucepan.

    11) Peel one medium carrot and grate on a medium grater,

    and then pour out cooked carrots into a saucepan.

    12) Then you need to put a little green onion, parsley in total

    50 gr. 2 more bay leaves and 8-10 pcs. black pepper, and pour everything

    it's in a saucepan.

    13) Wait 5-10 minutes after the water has boiled and you can

  11. I boil mushrooms of noble varieties, while draining the water at least 4 times, the cooking time is at least 2 hours, then it all depends on the recipe, that is, you can fill the soup to taste
  12. Soup is easy to cook from mushrooms. Boil the mushrooms, then cut and fry with onions. Chop the potatoes in a saucepan, put a handful barley groats, cook for 10 minutes, then add the fried mushrooms and cook for another 40 minutes for small fire. You can sprinkle with dill. You can add sour cream. Eat for health!
  13. open the mushrooms and then, like a regular soup, just do not forget to fry the mushrooms.

Is it possible to cook mushroom soup from honey mushrooms?

They collected mushrooms, they wanted, among other things, to cook soup from them. But they say that soup can only be made from white, boletus and the like. This is true? Or is it still possible?

How much to cook mushrooms. how to salt mushrooms. how to cook mushroom soup. with boiled mushrooms. how to cook mushrooms. what to cook with mushrooms.

How to cook mushroom soup

Ingredients for honey mushrooms Half a kilo of mushrooms, 1 head onion, 1 carrot, 4 medium potatoes, sour cream and salt to taste.

Price taking into account that their honey agarics

(fresh ones are very expensive in stores): 50-60 rubles.

mushroom soup recipe Boil mushrooms, chop onion, grate carrots on a coarse grater. Fry onions and carrots, peel and cut potatoes into cubes. Put everything into the broth with boiled mushrooms, add salt and spices to taste. Cook until potatoes are tender (15-20 minutes).

Salad with boiled mushrooms

salad ingredients

Fresh mushrooms - 250 grams

Potato - 250 grams

Tomatoes - 2 large or 3 medium

Vegetable (sunflower or olive) oil - 3 tablespoons

Chicken egg - 1 piece

Parsley and dill - 10 grams each

Pepper and salt - to taste

Cooking with boiled mushrooms

1. Peel, wash, cut and boil honey mushrooms.

2. Boil the potatoes in their skins, boil the egg.

3. Peel the potatoes and egg, cut the egg and potatoes into slices.

4. Cut the tomato into small half-slices.

5. Mix the products in a salad bowl, salt and pepper, season with oil.

6. Chop the greens, sprinkle on the salad.

Honey mushroom soup (recipe and photo)

First of all, boil mushrooms in salted water for 20 minutes. If mushrooms are frozen (which means they have already been cooked), then simply defrost them at room temperature.

Let's boil the potatoes in salted water. Cut it into small pieces so that it cooks faster. Add bay leaf to the water for flavor.

While the potatoes are cooking, melt the butter in a frying pan and sauté the onion until it becomes translucent. Add mushrooms to the pan, and simmer them under the lid until the potatoes are ready. This will take approximately 20 minutes.

As soon as both potatoes and mushrooms are ready, put them in a blender and chop them. We do not pour out the water in which the potatoes were boiled, we will use it for further preparation of the soup; remove only the bay leaf - it is no longer needed.

We put the chopped potato-mushroom mass back into the pan, mix (you can additionally beat with a mixer), bring to a boil and turn off the stove. Now add cream or milk, mix again and leave on the hot switched off stove for another 5 minutes.

Serve mushroom puree soup in bowls or plates. Put a little green onion in each plate, sprinkle with ginger and ground pepper.

Soup with mushrooms - simple and unique

Soup with mushrooms

Of all the first courses, mushroom soup is the most refined and aromatic. It is also known that many restaurant gourmets are very strict about the assessment of the preparation of this dish. Most popular view soup is exactly mushroom soup made from mushrooms. For it, you can use both fresh and frozen mushrooms. Therefore, dear hostesses, take note of this dish, which is given below.

Soup Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 500 grams;
  • mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. spoons (to taste);
  • greens to taste.

Recipe - mushroom soup:

First step:

First you need to prepare mushrooms. Rinse them thoroughly and put them in a sieve to remove excess water. After that, they need to be finely chopped (you can either cubes or thin straws). Meanwhile, put a pot of water on a small fire. When the water boils, salt it and pour the chopped mushrooms into it. Let them cook for 15 minutes.

Second step:

During the cooking of mushrooms, cut the potatoes (cubes or straws). Then we throw to mushrooms and cook for another 30 minutes. If you chose young potatoes for soup, you can boil it a little longer (5-10 minutes).

Third step:

While the soup is cooking, prepare the stir fry. We put the pan on the fire, pour vegetable oil and cut the onion into small cubes. Then we rub the carrot (it is better to do it on a fine grater) and add to the onion in the pan. Fry for 5-10 minutes until the mass acquires a golden hue.

Fourth step:

When the roast is ready, add it to our soup. Then salt, pepper, add herbs (as much as you like - to taste). Let the soup brew for 10 minutes, after which you can try the soup with mushrooms and enjoy the appetite with which it is consumed by home.

Many housewives are interested in the question that concerns the choice of mushrooms. Which is better: fresh or frozen? Let's try to figure it out. Firstly, you need to clarify what varieties of mushrooms exist and which ones are best suited for fragrant soup. It is customary to call “real” autumn mushrooms, which, according to the degree of edibility, occupy the third category. They are very fragrant and in most cases are not inferior to more noble mushrooms in taste. Autumn mushrooms are great not only for cooking soups, but also for pickling and drying.

You can also buy summer mushrooms (ripen in June). They can be recognized by their brown color and a very pleasant aroma. Summer mushrooms are small in size, so they are perfect for making delicious mushroom soup. Only this type of mushroom is not used for frying.

If you want to cook a fragrant mushroom soup with mushrooms, you can look for a meadow variety of these mushrooms. In supermarkets, unfortunately, they are very rare. Therefore, you can look at the vegetable market, where nimble grandmothers will offer you these wonderful mushrooms. Their main hallmark is a spicy aroma.

You can also collect this one yourself, but it is necessary to distinguish edible mushrooms from "false" ones. It is important to remember that false honey agaric has a brighter color than the real one. Their disputes are also different. Real mushrooms have them white color(autumn view), and brown ( summer look). The false honey agaric has spores of a greenish tint, and the controversial powder of this fungus is brick red or purple tint. Therefore, if you want to cook soup from frozen mushrooms and not end up in the hospital after tasting it, take mushroom picking very responsibly.

If you do not know which frozen or fresh mushrooms are better to choose for making soup, pay attention to the fact that the latter type of mushrooms is more fragrant. But frozen mushroom soup will also appeal to you.

If you want to please your family and friends with a delicious hot mushroom soup, you can take note of several options for preparing it. The basic recipe has been listed above. But, as they say, there would be desire and fantasy. Love to experiment? If yes, then try cooking soup with mushrooms and cheese. For it, in addition to the main ingredients (which we mentioned above), you will need to take another 150-200 gr. cheese. It can be either processed cheese or hard Dutch cheese.

It's important to know! Cheese is best grated and added to boiling water for 15-20 minutes until ready.

You can also make mushroom puree soup, which will help diversify your daily diet. You need to cook this soup in the same sequence as the usual one, only mushrooms and potatoes need to be chopped in a blender. This must be done after they are boiled. Puree soup with mushrooms, the recipe of which is indicated above, you can take note of and mothers. Believe me, this dish will be very useful for children.

- To make the soup with mushrooms even more fragrant, you need to add a bay leaf (1-2 pcs.);

If you want to cook not only tasty, but also healthy mushroom soup from mushrooms, the recipe can be slightly adjusted by adding one more ingredient to it - a stalk of celery;

Pay attention to the type of mushrooms. For making soup, it is best to pick mushrooms, they are more fragrant;

When serving soup on the table, you can add a little sour cream to it. The taste will become softer;

If you are fans oriental cuisine, you can also add to mushroom soup soy sauce or various additives that have the smell of fish. The soup will acquire an unusual taste and pleasant aroma;

Mushroom soup with mushrooms can be prepared on various broths: chicken, meat, vegetable. There is also another recipe for preparing this dish: with milk (instead of water);

If you still don’t know how to cook mushroom mushroom soup, stick to the recipe and follow the order in which you add the ingredients. The final result will depend on this;

In addition to potatoes (as the main ingredient), rice and vermicelli can be added to the soup;

A wonderful mushroom soup is obtained by adding all kinds of root vegetables to the broth: parsley root or celery root. You can also pick up spices in the supermarket specifically for mushroom soup;

Mushroom soup can be served hot or chilled. In the latter case, it is best to add chopped herbs (dill, parsley);

Basil leaves will give the soup not only unique taste, but also emphasize the aesthetic side of the dish;

You can serve it with bread or croutons (with garlic - to taste). Great option there will also be French buns;

For those who do not know how to cook mushroom mushroom soup correctly, you should definitely add our recipe to the cookbook.

Bon appetit or bon appetit!

How to cook mushroom soup:: step by step cooking, real recipe, :: food:: kakprosto.ru: how easy it is to do everything

cooking recipes soups enough. After all, all these dishes have a positive effect on digestion. No lunch is complete without liquid, be it borscht or soup. The vegetables contained in the first courses activate the activity of the digestive glands, stimulate the appetite. Soups can be either hot or cold. These dishes are prepared on meat, fish and mushroom broths. Highly tasty soup can be prepared from honey agarics. It is very useful and low calorie.

Mushroom soup with mushrooms and vermicelli

for a 3 liter pot

honey mushrooms - 0.5 kg

onion - 1 large onion (150 gr.)

carrots - 2 pieces (160 gr.)

vermicelli "cobweb" - 125 gr.

butter (or vegetable) - 30 gr.

bay leaf


Wash the mushrooms and place in a bowl. Fill with water and put on fire. Cook for 30 minutes.

While the mushrooms are cooking, let's take care of the vegetables. Peel and wash carrots and onions. Grate carrots. Onion cut into cubes. Send the vegetables to a saucepan with melted butter and pass the vegetables for 10-15 minutes.

Add passivation to mushrooms, cook for 10 minutes.

Pour thin vermicelli, salt.

Boil as much as indicated on the package with vermicelli.

Enjoy your meal!

Next >

Mushroom soup from mushrooms

Cooking soups from mushrooms is a pleasure, not long, satisfying and tasty. Particularly pleased in this regard is mushroom soup from mushrooms. The small mushrooms themselves look beautiful in a plate, and recipes cooking soup only I myself know three. I am sure that you know several versions of this dish.

Cooking method: how to cook mushroom soup.

Sharing a recipe for such a simple meal, even if you don’t ask to do it, but I’m just bursting with desire to share with someone. We take mushrooms, wash them, if you have frozen - defrost, if salty, then they must be soaked. Pour water into the pan, throw in the mushrooms and cook for about 40 minutes. But here we must make a reservation that if you don’t have potatoes or buckwheat on hand, then you can cook soup with flour. To do this, lightly fry the flour in a dry frying pan, dilute cold water and add to soup. Overcook onions and carrots and there too. If there is a potato, then cut it into cubes, if there is buckwheat grain- Sort and rinse. Soup, of course, salt and cook until potatoes or buckwheat are cooked, and serve on the table, sprinkled with herbs and sour cream.

Help: Lana P


Mushroom soup with mushrooms: how to cook - culinary tips for those who like to cook tasty - note to the hostess - cooking - ivona - bigmir)net

At the end of summer and autumn, cute small fungi appear on rotten stumps in the forest - honey mushrooms. Honey agaric is one of the most delicious agaric mushrooms, inferior in taste, perhaps, only to mushrooms and milk mushrooms.

Such useful mushrooms

Honey agaric is a parasitic fungus that destroys the tree on which it lives. But for people, mushrooms are very, very useful. These little mushrooms contain the minerals needed human body for hematopoiesis - copper and zinc. autumn honey agaric renders light laxative effect, and protein-rich winter mushrooms contain antiviral and anti-cancer substances. Meadow mushroom has been used since ancient times traditional healers to fight Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, it is also useful for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Mushroom dishes have long been considered a delicacy of gourmets, so the attitude towards them has always been special. They were fried, dried, salted, and the inhabitants northern regions successfully froze and used fresh and fragrant stocks throughout long winter. Perhaps it was from there that he came to today fragrant soup prepared from frozen mushrooms.

It is not difficult to prepare such a soup, besides, this is an additional chance for the hostess to show off her skills. The fragrant first course will not leave anyone indifferent, and there are several recipe options, each of which is good in its own way.

Before proceeding with the preparation of the first dish of frozen mushrooms, mushrooms should be properly processed for subsequent preparation. It is recommended to defrost honey agarics in natural conditions, the most successful option of which culinary experts consider the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The frozen product is taken out of the freezer and placed in the refrigerator overnight.

  1. Thawed mushrooms are thoroughly washed with cold running water and set aside in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  2. Mushrooms are cut into equal small pieces.
  3. The container for the subsequent preparation of the first course is filled with water, brought to a boil.
  4. Mushrooms are dipped in boiling water, slightly salted and boiled mushrooms for half an hour.

After the mushrooms boil, the broth is ready for further preparation of the first course. You can cook mushroom soup from mushrooms different recipes with the addition of the most unexpected ingredients.

Classic recipe

The most simple and nutritious is considered the first dish of mushrooms, prepared according to the classic recipe. This option has long roots and contains the simplest and most affordable ingredients, which is especially important for those who prefer traditional Russian cuisine.

It is recommended to start cooking a classic mushroom soup with mushrooms by preparing the main ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of potatoes;
  • 300 g frozen mushrooms;
  • onion head;
  • five tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • sour cream;
  • fresh greens;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Prepare such a stew, following a certain sequence of actions:

  1. In freshly brewed mushroom broth send potatoes, cut into cubes, bring to a boil and leave on the smallest fire.
  2. Onions are chopped, carrots are rubbed on a medium grater.
  3. Fry the onion in hot oil until transparent, then add the carrots and sauté the vegetables over low heat until golden brown.
  4. If the potatoes are almost ready, then fried vegetables are introduced into the soup. The first dish is cooked until the potatoes are fully cooked, seasoned with spices and herbs. After turning off the soup should be infused for 10 minutes, then it can be served at the table.

This mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms is seasoned with sour cream immediately before meals. You can replace sour cream with mayonnaise or yogurt, but according to the classic recipe, this soup is served with sour cream.

Not less than interesting option the recipe for the same soup with mushrooms is considered, the preparation of which is slightly different in technology.

The second version of the classic first course

The ingredients for the first course will need the same as for a simple classic mushroom broth. But they prepare it, already observing a different sequence of actions:

  1. Mushrooms are strained from the cooked broth with a slotted spoon, set aside, and the excess liquid is allowed to drain a little.
  2. Potatoes, cut into small cubes, are introduced into the mushroom base, brought to a boil, lower the heat and simmer, adding a small bay leaf.
  3. Onions and carrots are fried until half cooked, mushrooms are added and the mixture is fried until browned.
  4. When the potatoes are cooked, they add mushroom frying and bring the soup to a boil, after which they immediately turn off the fire, put finely chopped greens.

This soup with frozen mushrooms is served at the table after it has been infused for a quarter of an hour. Fill the dish with chopped boiled egg.

Cheesy mushroom version with chicken

Nutritious, high-calorie and to some extent exotic is a soup made from frozen mushrooms, cooked with the addition of chicken breast and smoked cheese.

The ingredients for this first course will need much more than for classic version with mushrooms, but at the same time, the taste, nutritional value and calorie content of this option differ markedly. For soup, prepare in advance:

  • half a kilogram of chicken breast;
  • half a kilogram of sausage cheese;
  • kilogram of frozen mushrooms;
  • onion head;
  • greens, salt, spices;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • butter.

Soup with mushrooms, chicken and cheese is prepared in accordance with the following sequence of actions:

  1. Add to freshly brewed mushroom broth with mushrooms chicken breast, cut into small cubes, bring to a boil.
  2. Diced potatoes are introduced, boiled again, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave the soup to simmer over low heat.
  3. Onions are overcooked with carrots in butter until golden brown and added to the first course.
  4. The cheese is cut into small cubes and put in a dish immediately after the soup begins to gurgle already with frying.
  5. Boil for five minutes, season with finely chopped herbs, spices. After turning off the dish, let it brew for a quarter of an hour and it can be served at the table.

You can diversify this dish by turning it into a puree soup. To do this, after cooking, grind the ingredients using a blender. Such a first course turns out to be hearty and nutritious, but chefs do not recommend eating it in the afternoon, as it is difficult for digestion.

Soups from mushrooms, prepared according to classic recipes, you can serve for dinner, lunch and even for a Sunday meeting with friends.

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