Home Perennial flowers Muslim prayer for mother's recovery. Conditions for reading dua against damage and the evil eye. Muslim prayers if there is danger

Muslim prayer for mother's recovery. Conditions for reading dua against damage and the evil eye. Muslim prayers if there is danger

As you know, Islam stands on five fundamental pillars: shahada (testimony of Allah), namaz (obligatory prayer), zakat (), saum (observance of Ramadan) and hajj (pilgrimage to holy Mecca). All these conditions are inevitable for every devout Muslim to fulfill. And if some of them (and hajj) can be performed by a believer only once in a lifetime, then daily prayer must be observed to the fullest extent of the requirements.

− is a daily obligatory five-fold prayer performed by every devout Muslim in strict certain time days in a mosque or at home. It can take place collectively or individually. During prayer, suras from the Koran and (personal prayers to God) are read. Before each prayer, the believer also carries out a series of rigorous preparatory actions: washing the face, hands and feet, cleansing the prayer place, clothes, thoughts and soul.

Muslim prayer always begins with the imam’s characteristic call “,” which foretells to all devout Muslims the time for prayer. During prayer, believers must stand on a special prayer mat with the qibla (direction) depicted on it, facing the Kaaba and Mecca. All prayers are performed exclusively in Arabic.

According to Muslim tradition, five times daily prayer was established by the merciful Allah for Muslims during the ascension of the great Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him!) into heaven and is the main sign of faith and the main condition for the success of a Muslim: “Blessed indeed are the believers who are submissive in [the performance of] prayers” (Koran 23: 1,2) . Deliberate and unjustified disregard by a devout Muslim of prayer, as the second fundamental and immutable principle of Islam, is haram and is strictly condemned.

Only prayer five times a day gives a person the opportunity to enter into direct communication with the Creator several times a day, renewing his will with Him. In view of this, the Koran provides for a specific prayer cycle, consisting of the prayer “as-Subh” (morning), “az-Zuhr” (midday), “al-Asr” (pre-evening), “al-Maghrib” (evening) and “al -Isha" (night), which are carried out in accordance with certain hours days.

Namaz has great importance in the life of every Muslim and is an integral part of it from early childhood. Bequeathed by Allah himself and mentioned at least a hundred times in the Koran, the fivefold prayer is equally deeply revered by all followers of Islam and its movements throughout the world.


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This article contains: Muslim prayer five letters - information taken from all over the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

In Islam, praying five times daily

Muslim religious rite, prayer consisting of reading passages from the Koran

Daily five times prayer

Daily five times Muslim prayer

The mullah calls to him from the minaret

M. Muslim lesson prayer. At sunset, the Tatars perform their prayer. Namazny, related to prayer

Prayer in the mosque

Prayer from verses of the Koran

Prayer at the direction of the muezzin

Prayer after adhan

Muslim ritual with an “oil” name

Muslim ritual with an “oil” name

Muslim ritual, daily 5-fold prayer with reading passages from the Koran

Mandatory five times prayer in Islam

Five times prayer in Islam

Salad, but not a vegetable dish, but a divine service

Say “prayer” in Persian

Muslim ritual with an “oil” name

Muslim ritual with an “oil” name

Say "prayer" in Persian

It is preceded by ablution (among Muslims)

The Arabic letter L is semi-soft, so in various translations after the Arabic L it can be written either A or Y. - 3 years ago

NAMAZ is an obligatory prayer that a true Muslim must perform five times a day, facing towards Mecca. To know exactly where Mecca is, every mosque has a special wall with a niche (called a mihrab) indicating its direction, but at home it’s not a problem to figure out once and for all which way to turn. Namaz is performed on a special rug, and men need to make sure that their lower back is not exposed during bows; such disorder is allowed only if the worshiper does not notice or feel that the dress code has been violated.

"Minbar" is the "tribune" from which the Friday sermon is read.

Is it so difficult to observe prayer? Millions of Muslims observe. If it is necessary for God, then life can “back off and wait in the corner.” In this they are fundamentally different from many Christians, who think that it is God who should move away and wait in the corner so as not to interfere with their lives.

And, by the way, Allah is “not the name of God” or some special “name” of it, it’s just God in Arabic. Arabic-speaking Christians also use this word - there is no other word in this language.

Daily five-fold prayer from the verses of the Koran among Muslims? 5 letters?

Daily five-fold prayer from the verses of the Koran among Muslims? 5 letters?

NAMAZ is an obligatory prayer that a true Muslim must perform five times a day, facing towards Mecca. To know exactly where Mecca is, every mosque has a special wall with a niche (called a mihrab) pointing in its direction, but at home it’s not a problem to figure out once and for all which way to turn. Namaz is performed on a special rug, and men need to make sure that their lower back is not exposed during bows; such disorder is allowed only if the worshiper does not notice or feel that the dress code has been violated.

The minbar is the platform from which the Friday sermon is read.

Is it so difficult to observe prayer? Millions of Muslims observe. If it is necessary for God, then life can move away and wait in the corner. In this they are fundamentally different from many Christians, who think that it is God who should move away and wait in the corner so as not to interfere with their lives.

And, by the way, Allah is not the name of God or some special name for it, it’s just God in Arabic. Arabic-speaking Christians also use this word - there is no other word in this language.

The correct answer is namaz (or salat).

This is what Muslims call this ritual. Namaz requires special rituals and is performed at certain times of the day from morning to night. In general, for us Christians, there is a kind of mysterious Muslim ritual.

This prayer, which Muslims perform 5 times a day, is called NAMAZ. I was not closely acquainted with devout Muslims who strictly follow all the instructions from the Koran (the holy book), but I know that if the time for Namaz has come, then under any circumstances you need to start praying - whether you are at work, even at school, even on the bus.

Namaz is the more common name for the fivefold prayer among devout Muslims. The name salat is less common.

Depending on the location of the sun in the sky, 5 periods of time are determined for reading prayer. But in extreme cases (a person is on the road, at work or at school, if there are no conditions for performing namaz), you can read the prayers together with the subsequent ones (that is, as if combining them into one period of time). But prayer read at the right time is more valuable.

Muslim prayers

Muslim prayers are the basis of the life of every believer. With their help, any believer maintains contact with the Almighty. The Muslim tradition provides not only for the mandatory five times daily prayers, but also personal appeals to God at any time, through dua reading. For a pious Muslim, praying in both joy and sorrow is characteristic feature righteous life. No matter what difficulties a true believer faces, he knows that Allah always remembers him and will protect him if he prays to him and glorifies the Almighty.

The Koran is the holy book of the Muslim people

The Koran is the main book in the Muslim religion; it is the basis of the Muslim faith. The name of the holy book comes from the Arabic word for “reading aloud,” and it can also be translated as “edification.” Muslims are very sensitive to the Koran and believe that the holy book is the direct speech of Allah, and it has existed forever. According to Islamic law, the Koran can only be taken into clean hands.

Believers believe that the Koran was written down by the disciples of Muhammad from the words of the prophet himself. And the transmission of the Koran to believers was carried out through the angel Gabriel. Muhammad's first revelation came when he was 40 years old. After this, for 23 years he received other revelations in different time and in different places. The latter was received by him in the year of his death. All suras were recorded by the prophet's companions, but were first collected together after the death of Muhammad - during the reign of the first caliph Abu Bakr.

For some time, Muslims have used individual suras to pray to Allah. Only after Osman became the third caliph did he order the individual records to be systematized into a single book (644-656). Collected together, all the suras formed the canonical text of the holy book, which has survived unchanged to this day. Systematization was carried out primarily according to the records of Muhammad’s companion, Zayd. According to legend, it was in this order that the prophet bequeathed the suras for use.

During the day, every Muslim must pray five times:

  • Morning prayer is performed from dawn to sunrise;
  • The midday prayer is performed during the period when the sun is at its zenith until the length of the shadows reaches their height;
  • The pre-evening prayer is read from the moment when the length of the shadows reaches their height until sunset;
  • Sunset prayer is performed during the period from sunset to the moment when the evening dawn goes out;
  • Twilight prayers are read between evening and morning dawn.

This fivefold prayer is called namaz. In addition, there are other prayers in the Koran that a true believer can read at any time as needed. Islam offers prayers for all occasions. For example, Muslims often use prayer to repent of sins. Special Prayers read before eating and when leaving or entering the house.

The Koran consists of 114 chapters, which are revelations and are called suras. Each sura includes separate short statements, which reveal the aspect of divine wisdom - verses. There are 6500 of them in the Koran. Moreover, the second sura is the longest, it has 286 verses. On average, each individual verse contains from 1 to 68 words.

The meaning of the suras is very diverse. There are bible stories, mythological stories and descriptions of certain historical events. The Koran attaches great importance to the fundamentals of Islamic law.

For ease of reading, the holy book is divided as follows:

  • For thirty approximately equal-sized pieces - juzes;
  • Into sixty smaller units - Hizbs.

To simplify the reading of the Koran during the week, there is also a conditional division into seven manazils.

Koran, as scripture one of the most significant world religions, contains the advice and instructions necessary for a believer. The Qur'an allows every person to communicate directly with God. But despite this, people sometimes forget what they should do and how they should live correctly. Therefore, the Koran enjoins obedience to divine laws and the will of God himself.

How to read Muslim prayers correctly

It is recommended to perform namaz in a place specially designated for prayer. But this condition must be met only if there is such a possibility. Men and women pray separately. If this is not possible, then the woman should not say the prayer words out loud so as not to distract the man.

A prerequisite for prayer is ritual purity, so ablution is required before prayer. A person praying should be dressed in clean clothes and face Muslim shrine Kaaba. He must have a sincere intention to pray.

Muslim prayer is performed on your knees on a special rug. It is in Islam that great attention visual design of prayer. For example, while pronouncing sacred words, your feet should be held so that your toes are not pointed in different directions. Your arms should be crossed over your chest. It is necessary to bow so that your legs do not bend and your feet remain straight.

Prostration should be performed as follows:

  • Get down on your knees;
  • Bend over;
  • Kiss the floor;
  • Freeze for a certain time in this position.

Any prayer - an appeal to Allah - should sound confident. But at the same time, you should understand that the solution to all your problems depends on God.

Muslim prayers can only be used by true believers. But if you need to pray for a Muslim, you can do this with the help Orthodox prayer. But you should remember that this can only be done at home.

But even in this case, it is necessary to add the words at the end of the prayer:

You need to perform namaz only in Arabic, but all other prayers can be read in translation.

Below is an example of performing morning prayer in Arabic and translated into Russian:

  • The person praying turns towards Mecca and begins the prayer with the words: “Allahu Akbar,” which translated means: “Allah is the Greatest.” This phrase is called "takbir". After this, the worshiper folds his hands on his chest, while the right hand should be on top of the left.
  • Next they pronounce Arabic words“A'uzu3 billahi mina-shshaitani-rrajim”, which translated means “I turn to Allah for protection from the damned shaitan.”
  • The following is read from Surah Al-Fatiha:

You should know that if any Muslim prayer is read in Russian, then you must delve into the meaning of the phrases being spoken. It is very useful to listen to audio recordings of Muslim prayers in the original, downloading them for free from the Internet. This will help you learn how to pronounce prayers correctly with the right intonation.

Arabic prayer options

In the Quran, Allah says to the believer: “Call upon Me with dua and I will help you.” Dua literally means “supplication”. And this method is one of the types of worship of Allah. With the help of dua, believers call on Allah and turn to God with certain requests, both for themselves and for their loved ones. For any Muslim, dua is considered very powerful weapon. But it is very important that any prayer comes from the heart.

Dua for damage and evil eye

Islam completely denies magic, so witchcraft is considered a sin. Dua against damage and the evil eye is, perhaps, the only way to protect yourself from negativity. Such appeals to Allah should be read at night, from midnight to dawn.

The best place to turn to Allah with dua against damage and the evil eye is the desert. But it is clear that this is not a mandatory condition. This is generally accepted because in such a place a believer can be absolutely alone and no one or nothing will interfere with his communication with God. To read a dua against damage and the evil eye, a separate room in the house, into which no one will enter, is quite suitable.

Important condition: this type of dua should be read only if you are sure that you have negative impact. If you are haunted by minor failures, then you should not pay attention to them, since they can be sent to you from heaven, as retribution for some misdeed.

Effective duas will help you overcome the evil eye and damage:

  • The first sura of the Quran Al-Fatiha, consisting of 7 verses;
  • 112 surah of the Quran Al-Ikhlas, consisting of 4 verses;
  • 113 sura of the Quran Al-Falyak, consisting of 5 verses;
  • 114th sura of the Quran An-Nas.

Conditions for reading the dua against damage and the evil eye:

  • The text must be read in the original language;
  • You should hold the Koran in your hands during the action;
  • During prayer, you must be of sound and sober mind, and in no case should you drink alcohol before you start praying;
  • Thoughts during the prayer ritual should be pure and the mood positive. You need to give up the desire to take revenge on your offenders;
  • The above suras cannot be interchanged;
  • The ritual of getting rid of damage should be carried out at night for a week.

The first sura is the opening one. It glorifies God:

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

In Surah Al-Ikhlas we're talking about about human sincerity, eternity, as well as the power and superiority of Allah over everything on the sinful earth.

112th surah of the Quran Al-Ikhlas:

The words of the dua are as follows:

In Surah Al-Falyak, the believer asks Allah to grant the whole world a dawn, which will become salvation from all evil. Prayer words help to free oneself from all negativity and drive out evil spirits.

113th surah of the Quran Al-Falyak:

The words of the prayer are:

Surah An-Nas contains prayer words that concern all people. By pronouncing them, the believer begs for protection from Allah for himself and his family.

114th sura of the Quran An-Nas:

The words of the prayer sound like this:

Dua to cleanse the house

Home occupies a significant place in the life of every person. Therefore, housing always needs reliable protection at all levels. There are certain suras in the Koran that will allow you to do this.

The Koran contains a very strong universal prayer-amulet from the Prophet Muhammad, which must be recited in the morning and evening every day. It can conditionally be considered a preventive measure, since it will protect the believer and his home from shaitans and other evil spirits.

Listen to the dua to cleanse the house:

In Arabic the prayer goes like this:

Translated, this prayer sounds like this:

Ayah 255 “Al-Kursi” of Surah “Al-Bakara” is considered the most powerful for protecting the home. Its text has a deep meaning with a mystical orientation. In this verse, in accessible words, the Lord tells people about Himself, he indicates that He cannot be compared with anything or anyone in the world He created. By reading this verse, a person reflects on its meaning and comprehends its meaning. When pronouncing prayer words, the believer’s heart is filled with sincere conviction and faith that Allah will help him resist the evil machinations of Satan and protect his home.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

Translation into Russian sounds like this:

Muslim prayer for good luck

The Koran contains many surahs that are used as prayers for good luck. They can be used every day. In this way you can protect yourself from all sorts of everyday troubles. There is a sign that you should cover your mouth when yawning. Otherwise, the shaitan may penetrate you and begin to harm you. In addition, one should remember the advice of the Prophet Muhammad - in order for adversity to bypass a person, one must keep own body in ritual purity. It is believed that an Angel protects a pure person and asks Allah for mercy for him.

Before reading the next prayer, it is imperative to perform a ritual ablution.

The text of the prayer in Arabic is as follows:

This prayer will help cope with any difficulties and attract good luck into the life of a believer.

Its text translated into Russian reads as follows:

You can choose suras from the Koran according to their content, listening to your own intuition. It is important to pray with full concentration, realizing that the will of Allah must be obeyed.

Religious reading: Muslim prayer 8 letters to help our readers.

Find a synonym for the word ablution

performed before prayer

Muslim rite of ritual purification with water

Ritual cleansing ritual with water

Church ritual of cleansing

Ritual of clean feet at the bishop's

Religious cleansing with water

Muslim ritual purification with water

The act of purification prescribed by the Qur'an before prayer

Muslim rite of ritual purification with water performed before prayer

The act of purification prescribed by the Qur'an before prayer

Muslim rite of ritual purification with water

Guess the words level 8. Questions inside. Answers?

Muslim prayer has 5 letters.

A story heard many times (slang) – 4 letters.

Narrow and long hole, gap, joint - 3 letters.

Place where they wash – 4 letters.

What they threw at the Mausoleum in 1945 – 5 letters.

Some people call it modern Art– 5 letters.

Depression in the ground - 3 letters.

What they teach in the dance club is 2 letters.

English bar – 3 letters.

Poetic meter with strong places on the even syllables of the verse - 3 letters.

Not good, not good, . Kozlevich! – 3 letters.

Rest – 4 letters.

This is what I got on Level 8 in the game "Guess the words":

NAMAZ- Muslim prayer

ACCORDION- a story heard many times

GROOVE– narrow, long hole, crack, joint

BATH- a place to wash

BANNER- what they threw at the Mausoleum in 1945

DAUB– some people call this modern art

PA- what they teach in a dance club

JAMB- poetic meter with strong places on even syllables of the verse

PAN- Not good, not good, Pan Kozlevich, then there was something about Kozlevich needing to come to his senses (all in Polish)

I hope this will help those who have difficulty answering at this level.

I love logic games, they help me think and I like to solve things, so I decided to go through these questions here:

1) Muslims call prayer Namaz, they have a time when they pray with their heads bowed all the way to the floor.

2) Word Accordion I don’t hear slang in the role very often, but it is so, it has now become very popular.

3) I looked at the hint, but I’m not familiar with such a word - this Groove.

4) Good old Bath, a place where they not only wash, but steam.

5) Threw to the mausoleum Banner.

6) I didn’t realize it right away, but this Daub.

7) A depression in the ground may sound different, but it’s simple in three letters pit.

8) There can only be a dance with two beeches Pa.

9) A pub is a bar, only in America.

10) I had to remember the literature lesson and it will be Iambic.

11) Kozlevich or you can say title Pan.

12) Well, lastly Base recreation.

Muslim prayer namaz-5 letters;

A story heard many times (slang) - accordion-4 letters;

Narrow and long borehole, slot, joint- groove-3 letters;

The place where they wash - bathhouse– 4 letters;

What they threw at the Mausoleum in 1945 - banner– 5 letters;

Some people call this modern art - daub– 5 letters;

Depression in the ground - pit– 3 letters;

What they teach in the dance club - pa– 2 letters;

Poetic meter with strong places on the even syllables of the verse - iambic– 3 letters;

Not good, not good, . Kozlevich! - pan– 3 letters;

Base rest - there are just 4 letters in this word.

Answers to the game Guess the words. Level 1-4

2) Muslim prayer (5 letters): Show answer

3) A story heard many times (jarg) (4 letters): Show answer

4) Not good, not good, ... Kozlevich (3 letters): Show answer

5) Narrow and long hole, slot, joint (3 letters): Show answer

6) Poetic meter with strong places on even syllables of the verse (3 letters): Show answer

8) What is taught in the dance club (2 letters): Show answer

9) Depression in the ground (3 letters): Show answer

10) Some people call this modern art (5 letters): Show answer

11) Place where people wash (4 letters): Show answer

12) What they threw at the Mausoleum in 1945 (5 letters): Show answer

4 Letters:

1. Transgression of God's law.

2. Specially consecrated olive oil, used during the sacrament.

3. Large frame for an icon.

4. The Pentateuch of Moses, especially revered by the Jews.

6. Muslim pilgrimage.

7. A special spiritual state of a believer, externally manifested in restrictions on food intake.

1. The belief that through spells and certain actions one can influence people and natural phenomena.

2. Type of religious institution.

3. Ancient Roman goddess of the hunt.

4. Modern example sacrifices.

5. Teachings contrary to those of the Church.

6. The totality of a person’s actions that determine his next rebirth.

7. Holy book Muslims

8. Name of Muhammad's mother.

9. Muslim prayer.

1. Symbol of Taoism.

2. Head of the Protestant community.

3. Funeral feast of the Slavs.

4. Avoidance of unity with the church.

5. The main part of the Orthodox church.

6. Place for singers and readers in a Christian church.

7. Catholic church.

8. Muslim temple.

9. War with “infidels” in Islam.

1. Belief in the existence of souls and spirits.

2. Belief in existence supernatural powers, capable of influencing humans and the entire world around them.

3. One of the religions of Ancient China.

4. The believer's conversion to God.

5. Mythical ancient creature.

6. Tower at the mosque.

7. Special psychological condition, the goal of a Buddhist.

1. Faith in supernatural properties inanimate objects.

2. Sacred animal in Ancient Egypt.

3. Ancient god, owner of the sea.

4. A particularly important Christian rite.

5. Both a holiday and a sacrament for Christians.

6. Chief priest in the state among Catholics.

7. House of prayer for the Jews.

8. Brownie's wife.

1. The belief that everything around a person (animals, plants, natural phenomena) lives the same life as himself.

2. Marriages between close relatives among pagans.

3. Belief in one God.

4. The most important twelfth Christian holiday.

5. A way to communicate with spirits.

Complete the diagram by writing definitions archaic forms religion.


Wheel of Dharma. This is the wheel of Chakravartin, the Lord of the world, just as it is the means of his transportation, with eight sharp spokes that cut through obstacles on the way, so this symbol personifies the means of advancement towards Enlightenment. The spoke means Wisdom, experience, concentration, the axis means morality. Also three types of Higher Education, Three Baskets of Teaching. The eight spokes of the wheel symbolize the “noble eightfold path” of Buddha Shakyamuni - the path to nirvana, lying in the middle between commitment to worldly pleasures and asceticism. These rules should be mastered gradually, step by step, as the Buddha instructed: “First, one should establish oneself in good states, i.e. in purifying moral discipline and right views. Then, when the moral discipline has been purified and the outlook straightened, one should practice the four foundations of mindfulness.” Reinstate these rules.

Describe the irreparable differences between Orthodox and Catholics. For example, celibacy - compulsory celibacy for the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church, in Orthodox Church Along with the celibate (black) clergy in monasticism, there is a married (white) clergy.


Added filioqe- “and from the son”

Creed 1-2 V.S.

Dogma of Infallibility in Matters of Faith

In matters of faith, only the Council is infallible

Accepted as dogma

Accepted as dogma: “The Virgin Mary had no original sin”

How the teaching is not formalized

Recognize Seven Ecumenical Councils, but continue to collect new ones

Only clergy receive communion with bread and wine, laity only with bread

They believe that the Bishop of Rome - the Pope has special grace to govern the entire Church

All Bishops have equal grace. They differ only on administrative grounds.

(has no doctrinal character, only tradition)

Describe the five “pillars” of the cult practice of Islam (Arabic: أركان الإسلام خمسة‎‎ arkyan ul-Islam hamsa) - the basic prescriptions of Sharia, which form the basis of Islam, and are mandatory for all Muslim believers. Only one of them concerns dogma, and the rest are related to the ritual side.

To continue downloading, you need to collect the image:

Muslim prayer or how to perform namaz

Registered: 29 Mar 2012, 14:23

(a) Afternoon prayer on Fridays in the Mosque (Friday Prayer).

(b) Eid (holiday) prayer in 2 rakats.

Midday (Zuhr) 2 rakats 4 rakats 2 rakats

Daytime (Asr) – 4 rak’ahs –

Before sunset (Maghreb) – 3 rakats 2 rakats

Night (Isha) – 4 rakats 2 r+1 or 3 (Witr)

* The “Wudu” prayer is performed in the period of time between performing ablution (Wudu) and before Fard (obligatory) prayer in 2 rak’ahs.

* Additional prayer "Doha" is performed in 2 rak'ahs after full sunrise and before noon.

* For the sake of showing respect to the mosque, it is carried out in 2 rak'ahs immediately after entering the mosque.

Prayer in a state of need, in which the believer asks God for something special. It is performed in 2 rakats, after which a request should follow.

Prayer for rain.

Prayer under the moon and solar eclipses is one of the signs of Allah. It is carried out in 2 rak'ahs.

The prayer “Istikhara” (Salatul-Istikhara), which is performed in 2 rakats in cases where a believer, intending to make a decision, turns to God with a request for help in making the right choice.

2. It is not pronounced out loud: “Bismillah”, which means In the Name of Allah.

3. Start washing your hands up to your hands – 3 times.

4. Rinse your mouth – 3 times.

5. Rinse your nose – 3 times.

6. Rinse your face – 3 times.

7. Wash your right hand up to the elbow – 3 times.

8. Wash left hand to the elbow – 3 times.

9. Wet your hands and run them through your hair – 1 time.

10. At the same time, rub the inside of the ears with the index fingers of both hands, and once with the thumbs behind the ears.

11. Wash right leg to the ankle - 3 times.

12. Wash left leg to the ankle - 3 times.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the sins of that person will be washed away along with unclean water, like drops falling from the tips of his nails, who, preparing himself for prayer, will pay due attention to ablution.

Discharge of blood or pus.

After menstruation or postpartum period among women.

After erotic dream causing a wet dream.

After the “Shahadah” - a statement of acceptance of the Islamic faith.

2. Wash your hands – 3 times.

3. Then the genitals are washed.

4. This is followed by the usual ablution that is performed before prayer, except for washing the feet.

5. Then three full handfuls of water are poured onto the head, while simultaneously rubbing them with your hands into the roots of the hair.

6. Abundant washing of the whole body begins on the right side, then on the left.

For a woman, Ghusl is made in the same way as for a man. If her hair is braided, she must undo it. After that, she just needs to throw three full handfuls of water on her head.

7. At the end, the feet are rinsed, first the right and then the left foot, thereby completing the stage of complete ablution.

2. Beat your hands on the ground (clean sand).

3. Shake them off and run them over your face at the same time.

4. After this, run your left hand over the top of your right hand, and do the same with your right hand over the top of your left hand.

2. Zuhr - Midday prayer in 4 rak'ahs. Starts at noon and continues until mid-day.

3. Asr - Daily prayer in 4 rak'ahs. Starts in the middle of the day and continues until the sun just begins to set.

4. Maghrib - Evening prayer in 3 rak'ahs. It begins at sunset (it is forbidden to pray when the sun has completely set).

5. Isha - Night prayer in 4 rakats. It begins with the onset of night (full twilight) and continues until the middle of the night.

(2) Without saying it out loud, concentrate on the thought that you are going to perform such and such a prayer, as an example, I am going to perform the Fajr prayer for the sake of Allah, that is, the morning prayer.

(3) Raise your arms bent at the elbows. Hands should be at ear level, saying:

“Allahu Akbar” – “Allah is Great”

(4) Grasp right hand left hand, placing them on the chest. Then say:

1. Al-Hamdu Lillyahi Rabbil-Aalamiin

2. Ar-Rahmaani r-Rakhim.

3. Maliki Yaumid-Diin.

4. Iyaka na-will be Wa Iyaka nasta-iin.

5. Ikhdina s-syraatal- Mustaqiim.

6. Siraatal-Lyazina anamta aley-khim.

7. Gairil Magduubi alei-khim Valad Doo-liin.

2. To the Gracious, the Merciful.

3. Lord of the Day of Retribution!

4. You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help.

5. Lead us to the straight path,

6. The path of those whom You have bestowed with Your blessings.

7. By the way of those whom You have blessed, not of those on whom wrath has fallen, and not of those who are lost

3. Lam-Yalid-valam yulyad

4. Wa-lam yakul-lahu-Kufu-uan Ahad.”

1. Say: “He is Allah - One,

2. Allah is Eternal (only He whom I will need forever).

5. He did not give birth and was not born

6. And there is no one equal to Him.”

Your hands should rest on your knees. Then say:

In this case, the hands of both hands touch the floor first, followed by the knees, forehead and nose. The toes rest on the floor. In this position you should say:

2. As-Salayamu aleyka Ayukhan-nabiyu va rahmatu Llaahi va barakayatukh.

3. Assalamu Aleyna wa ala ibaadi Llaahi-ssalihin

4. Ashhadu Allah ilaha ila Allah

5. Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuulyukh.

2. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, the mercy of Allah and His blessing.

3. Peace be with us, as well as with all the righteous servants of Allah.

4. I testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah.

5. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

2. Wa Alaya Ali Muhammad

3. Kyama sallayta alaya Ibrahiima

4. Wa alaya ali Ibrahiim

5. Wa Baarik alaya Muhammadin

6. Wa Alaya Ali Muhammad

7. Kamaa Barakta alaya Ibrahiima

8. Wa alaya ali Ibrahim

9. Innakya Hamidun Majid.

3. Just as You blessed Ibrahim

5. And send down blessings on Muhammad

7. Just as You sent down blessings on Ibrahim

9. Verily, all Praise and Glory belongs to You!

2. Innal Insana Lafi Khusr

3. Illya-Lyazina Aman

4. Wa Amilyu-salihati, Wa Tavasa-u Bil-hakki

5. Wa Tavasa-u Bissabr.

1. I swear by the evening time

2. Verily, every man is at a loss,

3. Except those who believe,

4. Performed righteous deeds

5. We commanded each other the truth and commanded each other patience!

2. Fasal-li Lirabbikya Van-har

3. Inna Shani-aka Khuval Abtar

1. We have given you Abundance (Countless blessings, including a river in Paradise, which is called al-Kawthar).

2. Therefore perform prayer for the sake of your Lord and slaughter the sacrifice.

3. Truly, your hater himself will be childless.

1. Iza jaa nasrul Allahi wa fatah

2. Varaaitan nassa yad-khuluna fi Dinil-Allahi Afwaja

3. Fa-Sabbih bihamdi Rabika Was-tag-firh

4. Inna-hu Kaanna Tavvaaba.

1. When help will come Allah and victory will come;

2. When you see people converting in droves to the religion of Allah,

3. Glorify your Lord with praise and ask Him for forgiveness.

4. Verily, He is the Accepter of repentance.

1. Kul Auuzu Birabil - Falyak

2. Min Sharri maa halyak

3. Va min sharri gaasikin iza Vakab

4. Wa min sharri Naffassati fil Ukad

5. Wa min sharri Haasidin iza Hasad.

1. Say: “I seek refuge in the Lord of dawn,

2. From the evil of what He created.

3. From the evil of darkness when it comes

4. From the evil of sorcerers who spit on knots,

5. From the evil of an envious person when he envies.”

1. Kul Auuzu Birabbi n-naas

2. Maalikin naas

4. Min sharril Vasvasil-hannaas

5. Allyazii yu-vas visu fi suduurin-naas

6. Minal-Jinnati van naas.

"In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful"

1. Say: “I seek refuge in the Lord of men,

4. from the evil of the tempter retreating (or shrinking) at the remembrance of Allah,

5. Which causes confusion in the hearts of men,

6. And it comes from genies and people.

“They believed and their hearts were comforted by the remembrance of Allah. Is it not by the remembrance of Allah that hearts are comforted?” (Quran 13:28) “If My servants ask you about Me, then I am near and answer the call of the one who prays when he calls on Me.” (Quran 2:186)

The Prophet (M.E.I.B)* encouraged all Muslims to mention the Name of Allah after every prayer as follows:

Vakhdahu Lyaya Sharika Lyakh

Lyahul Mulku, wa Lyahul Hamdu

Vahuva alaya Kulli shayin Kadir

There are many other beautiful prayers that can be learned by heart. A Muslim must recite them throughout the day and night, thereby maintaining constant contact with his Creator. The author chose only those that are simpler and easier to remember.

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Muslim prayer 8 letters

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We invite young people to learn their native Tatar language!

As part of the implementation of the “Milli Mektep” project, the Youth Council at the Plenipotentiary Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation invites young people aged 18 to 35 years to take courses in the study of the Tatar language.

Advantages of these courses:

  • Effective - classes are held in small groups of up to 10 people;
  • Convenient - classes are held in the center of Moscow (Novokuznetskaya metro station) in evening time from 19.00 to 20.30;
  • Affordable - the price of classes is 300 rubles, which is comparable to the price level in the regions or less than one approach to the cinema;
  • Unique - classes are taught by a teacher with extensive experience, candidate of sciences;
  • Sincerely - the group consists of young girls and boys of the same level of knowledge who sincerely want to learn their native language;
  • Modern methods involve learning a language in just 6 months!

If you have any questions, you can ask e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

We will be waiting for you! Kotep kalabyz!=)

Competition of Tatar youth projects “Hәrәkәt-2015”: stories of success in faces

On November 14, 2015, from the very morning in the Arbat entertainment center on Novy Arbat there was a festive mood and the accompanying chaos and excitement. Young shining faces are everywhere: the girls are wearing handmade kalfaks, the boys are wearing elegant butterflies in the Tatarstan tricolor. Some take pictures, others look at the exhibition of paintings, others rush to take a place in auditorium. All the guests are in anticipation of the gala concert with performances by popular artists, the participants are excited by the intrigue - who will the authoritative jury recognize as the winner of the “Kharekat - 2015” competition?

On November 14, 2015, the main event in the life of the Tatar youth of the capital will take place - Tatar Youth Day and the award ceremony for the winners of the youth project competition “Kharәkat”

The event will take place at the Arbat Cultural Center at the address: st. New Arbat, 21 (metro station Smolenskaya). The event starts at 16.00

You can purchase tickets in the TatarMarket store at Maly Tatarsky per., 8, Mon-Fri from 10.00 to 19.00 (metro stations Tretyakovskaya, Novokuznetskaya, Paveletskaya)

All about religion and faith - “Muslims pray 5 times a day” with detailed description and photographs.

Registered: 29 Mar 2012, 14:23

(a) Afternoon prayer on Fridays in the Mosque (Friday Prayer).

(b) Eid (holiday) prayer in 2 rakats.

Midday (Zuhr) 2 rakats 4 rakats 2 rakats

Daytime (Asr) – 4 rak’ahs –

Before sunset (Maghreb) – 3 rakats 2 rakats

Night (Isha) – 4 rakats 2 r+1 or 3 (Witr)

* The “Wudu” prayer is performed in the period of time between performing ablution (Wudu) and before Fard (obligatory) prayer in 2 rak’ahs.

* Additional prayer "Doha" is performed in 2 rak'ahs after full sunrise and before noon.

* For the sake of showing respect to the mosque, it is carried out in 2 rak'ahs immediately after entering the mosque.

Prayer in a state of need, in which the believer asks God for something special. It is performed in 2 rakats, after which a request should follow.

Prayer for rain.

Prayer during lunar and solar eclipses is one of the signs of Allah. It is carried out in 2 rak'ahs.

The prayer “Istikhara” (Salatul-Istikhara), which is performed in 2 rakats in cases where a believer, intending to make a decision, turns to God with a request for help in making the right choice.

2. It is not pronounced out loud: “Bismillah”, which means In the Name of Allah.

3. Start washing your hands up to your hands – 3 times.

4. Rinse your mouth – 3 times.

5. Rinse your nose – 3 times.

6. Rinse your face – 3 times.

7. Wash your right hand up to the elbow – 3 times.

8. Wash your left hand up to the elbow – 3 times.

9. Wet your hands and run them through your hair – 1 time.

10. At the same time, rub the inside of the ears with the index fingers of both hands, and once with the thumbs behind the ears.

11. Wash your right leg up to the ankle – 3 times.

12. Wash your left leg up to the ankle – 3 times.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the sins of that person will be washed away along with unclean water, like drops falling from the tips of his nails, who, preparing himself for prayer, will pay due attention to ablution.

Discharge of blood or pus.

After menstruation or the postpartum period in women.

After an erotic dream that causes a wet dream.

After the “Shahadah” - a statement of acceptance of the Islamic faith.

2. Wash your hands – 3 times.

3. Then the genitals are washed.

4. This is followed by the usual ablution that is performed before prayer, except for washing the feet.

5. Then three full handfuls of water are poured onto the head, while simultaneously rubbing them with your hands into the roots of the hair.

6. Abundant washing of the whole body begins on the right side, then on the left.

For a woman, Ghusl is made in the same way as for a man. If her hair is braided, she must undo it. After that, she just needs to throw three full handfuls of water on her head.

7. At the end, the feet are rinsed, first the right and then the left foot, thereby completing the stage of complete ablution.

2. Beat your hands on the ground (clean sand).

3. Shake them off and run them over your face at the same time.

4. After this, run your left hand over the top of your right hand, and do the same with your right hand over the top of your left hand.

2. Zuhr - Midday prayer in 4 rak'ahs. Starts at noon and continues until mid-day.

3. Asr - Daily prayer in 4 rak'ahs. Starts in the middle of the day and continues until the sun just begins to set.

4. Maghrib - Evening prayer in 3 rak'ahs. It begins at sunset (it is forbidden to pray when the sun has completely set).

5. Isha - Night prayer in 4 rakats. It begins with the onset of night (full twilight) and continues until the middle of the night.

(2) Without saying it out loud, concentrate on the thought that you are going to perform such and such a prayer, as an example, I am going to perform the Fajr prayer for the sake of Allah, that is, the morning prayer.

(3) Raise your arms bent at the elbows. Hands should be at ear level, saying:

“Allahu Akbar” – “Allah is Great”

(4) Wrap your right hand around your left hand, placing them on your chest. Then say:

1. Al-Hamdu Lillyahi Rabbil-Aalamiin

2. Ar-Rahmaani r-Rakhim.

3. Maliki Yaumid-Diin.

4. Iyaka na-will be Wa Iyaka nasta-iin.

5. Ikhdina s-syraatal- Mustaqiim.

6. Siraatal-Lyazina anamta aley-khim.

7. Gairil Magduubi alei-khim Valad Doo-liin.

2. To the Gracious, the Merciful.

3. Lord of the Day of Retribution!

4. You alone we worship and You alone we pray for help.

5. Lead us to the straight path,

6. The path of those whom You have bestowed with Your blessings.

7. By the way of those whom You have blessed, not of those on whom wrath has fallen, and not of those who are lost

3. Lam-Yalid-valam yulyad

4. Wa-lam yakul-lahu-Kufu-uan Ahad.”

1. Say: “He is Allah - One,

2. Allah is Eternal (only He whom I will need forever).

5. He did not give birth and was not born

6. And there is no one equal to Him.”

Your hands should rest on your knees. Then say:

In this case, the hands of both hands touch the floor first, followed by the knees, forehead and nose. The toes rest on the floor. In this position you should say:

2. As-Salayamu aleyka Ayukhan-nabiyu va rahmatu Llaahi va barakayatukh.

3. Assalamu Aleyna wa ala ibaadi Llaahi-ssalihin

4. Ashhadu Allah ilaha ila Allah

5. Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuulyukh.

2. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, the mercy of Allah and His blessing.

3. Peace be with us, as well as with all the righteous servants of Allah.

4. I testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah.

5. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

2. Wa Alaya Ali Muhammad

3. Kyama sallayta alaya Ibrahiima

4. Wa alaya ali Ibrahiim

5. Wa Baarik alaya Muhammadin

6. Wa Alaya Ali Muhammad

7. Kamaa Barakta alaya Ibrahiima

8. Wa alaya ali Ibrahim

9. Innakya Hamidun Majid.

3. Just as You blessed Ibrahim

5. And send down blessings on Muhammad

7. Just as You sent down blessings on Ibrahim

9. Verily, all Praise and Glory belongs to You!

2. Innal Insana Lafi Khusr

3. Illya-Lyazina Aman

4. Wa Amilyu-salihati, Wa Tavasa-u Bil-hakki

5. Wa Tavasa-u Bissabr.

1. I swear by the evening time

2. Verily, every man is at a loss,

3. Except those who believe,

4. Performed righteous deeds

5. We commanded each other the truth and commanded each other patience!

2. Fasal-li Lirabbikya Van-har

3. Inna Shani-aka Khuval Abtar

1. We have given you Abundance (Countless blessings, including a river in Paradise, which is called al-Kawthar).

2. Therefore perform prayer for the sake of your Lord and slaughter the sacrifice.

3. Truly, your hater himself will be childless.

1. Iza jaa nasrul Allahi wa fatah

2. Varaaitan nassa yad-khuluna fi Dinil-Allahi Afwaja

3. Fa-Sabbih bihamdi Rabika Was-tag-firh

4. Inna-hu Kaanna Tavvaaba.

1. When the help of Allah comes and victory comes;

2. When you see people converting in droves to the religion of Allah,

3. Glorify your Lord with praise and ask Him for forgiveness.

4. Verily, He is the Accepter of repentance.

1. Kul Auuzu Birabil - Falyak

2. Min Sharri maa halyak

3. Va min sharri gaasikin iza Vakab

4. Wa min sharri Naffassati fil Ukad

5. Wa min sharri Haasidin iza Hasad.

1. Say: “I seek refuge in the Lord of dawn,

2. From the evil of what He created.

3. From the evil of darkness when it comes

4. From the evil of sorcerers who spit on knots,

5. From the evil of an envious person when he envies.”

1. Kul Auuzu Birabbi n-naas

2. Maalikin naas

4. Min sharril Vasvasil-hannaas

5. Allyazii yu-vas visu fi suduurin-naas

6. Minal-Jinnati van naas.

"In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful"

1. Say: “I seek refuge in the Lord of men,

4. from the evil of the tempter retreating (or shrinking) at the remembrance of Allah,

5. Which causes confusion in the hearts of men,

6. And it comes from genies and people.

“They believed and their hearts were comforted by the remembrance of Allah. Is it not by the remembrance of Allah that hearts are comforted?” (Quran 13:28) “If My servants ask you about Me, then I am near and answer the call of the one who prays when he calls on Me.” (Quran 2:186)

The Prophet (M.E.I.B)* encouraged all Muslims to mention the Name of Allah after every prayer as follows:

Vakhdahu Lyaya Sharika Lyakh

Lyahul Mulku, wa Lyahul Hamdu

Vahuva alaya Kulli shayin Kadir

There are many other beautiful prayers that can be learned by heart. A Muslim must recite them throughout the day and night, thereby maintaining constant contact with his Creator. The author chose only those that are simpler and easier to remember.

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Morning prayer - Fajr: how many rakats, time. Prayer in Islam

One of the five pillars of Islam is namaz, prayer, with the help of which a person conducts a dialogue with the Almighty. By reading it, a Muslim pays tribute to devotion to Allah. Performing namaz is obligatory for all believers. Without it, a person loses contact with God and commits a sin, for which, according to the canons of Islam, he will be severely punished on the Day of Judgment.

It is necessary to read namaz five times a day at a strictly prescribed time. Wherever a person is, no matter what he is doing, he is obliged to pray. Morning prayer is especially important. Fajr, as Muslims also call it, has enormous power. Its fulfillment is equivalent to a prayer that a person would read all night.

What time do you perform morning prayer?

Fajr prayer should be performed early in the morning, when the sun appears on the horizon. white stripe, and the sun has not yet risen. It is during this period of time that devout Muslims pray to Allah. It is advisable that a person begins the sacred action 20-30 minutes before sunrise. IN Muslim countries people can be guided by the adhan coming from the mosque. It’s more difficult for people living in other places. How do you know when to perform Fajr prayer? The time of its occurrence can be determined by a special calendar or schedule called Ruznama.

Some Muslims use for these purposes mobile applications, for example “Salat Times ® Muslim Toolbox”. It will help you know when to start your prayer and determine the qibla, the direction in which the holy Kaaba is located.

In the Arctic Circle, where day and night last longer than usual, it is more difficult for people to decide on the time at which to perform namaz. Fajr, however, must be performed. Muslims recommend focusing on the time in Mecca or in a nearby country, where the change of day and night occurs in normal rhythm. The last option is preferable.

What is the power of Fajr prayer?

People who regularly pray to Allah before sunrise show deep patience and true faith. After all, in order to perform Fajr, it is necessary to rise before dawn every day, and not sleep in a sweet dream, succumbing to the persuasion of the shaitan. This is the first test that the morning has in store for a person, and it must be passed with dignity.

People who do not succumb to shaitan and read prayer on time will be protected by the Almighty from adversity and problems until the next day. In addition, they will succeed in eternal life, because the observance of prayer will count for everyone on the Day of Judgment.

This prayer in Islam has enormous power, since on the eve of dawn there are angels of the passing night and the coming day next to a person, who carefully watch him. Allah will then ask them what his slave was doing. The angels of the night will answer that, when leaving, they saw him praying, and the angels of the coming day will say that they also found him praying.

Stories of the Sahabah who performed the morning prayer against all odds

Fajr requires strict observance, no matter what circumstances arise in a person’s life. In those distant times, when the Prophet Muhammad was still alive, people performed real feats in the name of faith. They performed namaz in spite of everything.

The Sahabah, the companions of the Messenger of the Almighty, performed morning Fajr even when wounded. No misfortune could stop them. Yes, outstanding statesman Umar ibn al-Khattab read a prayer while bleeding after an assassination attempt on him. He never thought of giving up serving Allah.

And the companion of the Prophet Muhammad Abbad was struck by an arrow at the moment of performing prayer. He pulled her out of his body and continued to pray. The enemy shot at him several more times, but this did not stop Abbad.

Sada ibn Rabi, who was also seriously wounded, died while performing prayer in a tent specially built for the sacred event.

Preparation for prayer: ablution

Prayer in Islam requires certain preparation. Before proceeding to any prayer, be it Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib or Isha, a Muslim is required to perform a ritual ablution. In Islam it is called voodoo.

A devout Muslim washes his hands (hands), face, rinses his mouth and nose. He performs each action three times. Next, the believer washes each hand up to the elbow with water: first the right, then the left. After this he wipes his head. With a wet hand, the Muslim runs along it from the forehead to the back of the head. Next, he wipes the ears inside and out. Having washed his feet to the ankles, the believer should complete his ablution with words of remembrance of Allah.

During prayer, Islam instructs men to mandatory cover the body from the navel to the knees. The rules for women are stricter. It should be completely covered. The only exceptions are the face and hands. Under no circumstances should you wear tight or dirty clothing. The person’s body, his vestments and the place where he prays must be clean. If wudhu is not enough, you need to perform full body ablution (ghusl).

Fajr: rakat and terms

Each of the five prayers consists of rak'ahs. This is the name given to one cycle of prayer, which is repeated from two to four times. The quantity depends on what kind of prayer a Muslim performs. Each rakah includes a certain sequence of actions. Depending on the type of prayer, it may vary slightly.

Let's look at what fajr consists of, how many rakats a believer must perform and how to perform them correctly. Morning prayer consists of only two consecutive cycles of prayer.

Some of the actions included in them have specific names that came to us from Arabic. Below is a list of the most necessary concepts things a believer should know:

  • niyat – intention to perform namaz;
  • takbir - exaltation of Allah (the words “Allahu Akbar”, meaning “Allah is Great”);
  • kyyam – staying in a standing position;
  • sajda – kneeling position or prostration;
  • dua - prayer;
  • Taslim - greeting, the final part of the prayer.

Now let's look at both cycles of Fajr prayer. How to read a prayer, people who have only recently converted to Islam will ask? In addition to following the sequence of actions, it is necessary to monitor the pronunciation of words. Of course, a true Muslim not only pronounces them correctly, but also puts his soul into them.

First rakat of Fajr prayer

The first cycle of prayer begins with niyat in the qiyam position. The believer expresses his intention mentally by mentioning the name of the prayer.

Then the Muslim should raise his hands at ear level, touch his thumbs to his earlobes and point his palms towards the qibla. While in this position, he must recite takbir. It must be spoken out loud, and it is not necessary to do it out loud. In Islam, one can exalt Allah in a whisper, but in such a way that the believer can hear himself.

Then he covers the left hand with the palm of his right hand, clasping his wrist with his little finger and thumb, lowers his hands just below the navel and reads the first surah of the Koran “Al-Fatiha”. If desired, a Muslim can recite an additional chapter from the Holy Scriptures.

This is followed by a bow, straightening and sajdah. Next, the Muslim straightens his back, remaining in a kneeling position, once again falls on his face before Allah and straightens up again. This concludes the performance of the rakat.

Second rakat of Fajr prayer

The cycles included in the morning prayer (fajr) are performed in different ways. In the second rak'ah there is no need to recite the niyat. The Muslim takes the qiyam position, folding his hands on his chest, as in the first cycle, and begins to recite Surah Al-Fatihah.

Then he does two prostrations and sits on his legs shifted to the right side. In this position, you need to say the dua “At-tahiyat”.

At the end of the prayer, the Muslim recites the Taslim. He pronounces it twice, turning his head first towards the right shoulder, then towards the left.

This ends the prayer. Fajr is performed by both men and women. However, they perform it differently.

How do women perform morning prayer?

When performing the first rakat, the woman should keep her hands at shoulder level, while the man raises them to his ears.

She makes a bow from the waist that is not as deep as a man, and while reading Surah Al-Fatiha, she folds her hands on her chest, and not below the navel.

The rules for performing the Fajr prayer for women differ slightly from those for men. In addition to them, Muslim women should know that it is prohibited to perform it during menstruation (haid) or postpartum bleeding (nifas). Only after being cleansed of impurity will she be able to perform the prayer correctly, otherwise the woman will become a sinner.

What should a person do if he misses his morning prayer?

One more thing worth mentioning important issue. What should a Muslim do if he missed his morning prayer? In such a situation, the reason why he made such an oversight should be taken into account. A person’s further actions depend on whether she is respectful or not. For example, if a Muslim set an alarm clock, deliberately went to bed early, but despite all his actions overslept, he can fulfill his duty to the Almighty at any time. free time, because, in fact, he is not to blame.

However, if the reason was disrespectful, then the rules are different. Fajr prayer should be performed as quickly as possible, but not during those time periods when prayer is strictly prohibited.

When should prayer not be performed?

There are several such intervals in a day during which it is extremely undesirable to pray. These include periods

  • after reading the morning prayer and before sunrise;
  • within 15 minutes after dawn, until the luminary rises in the sky to the height of one spear;
  • when it is at its zenith;
  • after reading asra (afternoon prayer) until sunset.

At any other time, you can make up for the prayer, but it is better not to neglect the sacred action, because the pre-dawn prayer read on time, into which a person has put his heart and soul, as the Prophet Muhammad said, is better than the whole world, more significant than everything that fills it. A Muslim who performs Fajr at sunrise will not go to hell, but will be awarded great rewards that Allah will bestow on him.

Complete collection and description: Muslim prayer for the recovery of the mother for the spiritual life of a believer.

I work as a volunteer at a hospital. Teach me some short duas that I can recite for Muslim patients to help them get better faster.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Your help to people in the hospital is a very valuable worship and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). May Allah accept your good deeds and preserve them for future life. Amine.

what can you do to alleviate the condition of patients:

2. It was also the habit of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to read next dua when visiting patients:

اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ أَذْهِبِ البَاسَ، اشْفِهِ وَأَنْتَ الشَّافِي، لاَ شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفَاءً لاَ يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا

Transliteration: “Allahumma rabbi-n-us azhibil-bas, ishfihi wa antash-shafi, la shifa’a illa shifauk, shifaa la yugadiru sakama”

Translation: O Allah, Lord of people! Take away difficulties (from us) and heal him (the sick), for You are the Healer. There is no healing but Yours, a healing that leaves no sickness (1).

3. It is also narrated in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recommended that sick people do the following:

ضَعْ يَدَكَ عَلَى الَّذِي تَأَلَّمَ مِنْ جَسَدِكَ، وَقُلْ بِاسْمِ اللهِ ثَلَاثًا، وَقُلْ سَبْعَ مَرَّاتٍ أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ وَقُدْرَتِهِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا أَجِدُ وَأُحَاذِرُ

“Put your hand on the place where you feel pain and say “Bismillah” three times, and then say seven times: “Auzubillahi wa kudratihi min sharri maa ajzu wa uhazir.” (2).

And Allah knows best.

Asim Patel, student at Darul-Ifta, Venda, South Africa.

Tested and approved by Mufti Ibrahim Desai

Muslim prayer for mother's recovery

6 duas to protect your children

In order to protect and keep your children safe, you should read the following dua:

“Allahu laya ilyayahe illya huwal-hayyul-kayuum, laya ta - huzuhu sinatuv-walya navm, lyahumaafis-samaavaati vamaafil-ard, men hall-lyaziya yashfya'u 'indahu illya bi of them, ya'lamu maa beine aidihim wa maa halfahum wa laya yuhiituune bi sheyim-min 'ilmihi illya bi maa shaa'a, wasi'a kursiyuhu ssamaavati val-ard, wa laya yauduhu hifzukhumaa wa huwal-'aliyul-'azim" (2:225).

Kul huwa Allahu Ahad. Allahu ssomad. Lam yalid wa lam yulyad. Wa lam yakul-lyahu kufuvan ahad.

Kul a'uzu bi rabbil-falyak. Min sharri maa halyak. Va min sharri gasikin izee vakab. Wa min sharri nnaffaasaati fil-‘ukad. Wa min sharri haasidin isee hasad.

Kul a'uzu bi rabbi n-naas. Maalikin-naas. Ilyahi n-naas. Min sharil-waswaasil-hannaas. Allyazi yuvasvisu fii suduurin-naas. Minal-jinnati van-us.

  1. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) often asked for protection for Hassan and Hussein, and said: “Your father (Ibrahim) read for the protection of Ismail and Ishaq:

أُعِيذُكَ بِكَلِماتِ اللهِ التَّامَّةْ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطانٍ وهَامَّةْ وكُلِّ عَيْنٍ لامَّةْ

“A’uzu bi-kalimati-Llyahi-t-tamma, min kulli shaitanin va hamma, wa min kulli ‘ainin lyamma.”

“I take refuge in the perfect words of Allah from every devil and evildoer and from every evil eye.”

  1. حَصَّنْتُكَ بالحَيِّ القَيُّومِ الّذي لايَموتُ أبَدَاً ودَفَعْتُ عَنْكَ السُّوءَ بِأَلْفِ أَلْفِ اَلْفِ لا حَوْلَ و لا قُوَّةَ إِلا باللهِ العَليِّ العَظِيمِ

Hassantuqa bilkhayil kayum, allazi la yamutu abadan wa dafatu ankassua bi alfi alfi alfi la hawla wa la quwvata illya billahi aliyil azym.

I entrust you with the Ever-Living Self-Sufficient One, who never dies, and I protect you from evil with the words “There is no strength or might except in Allah the Most High.”

Note: the pronoun is used in singular. number of masculine gender. For a girl, the ending “ka” should be replaced with “ki”; if you are reading dua for several children, then add “kum”.

When you lend.

One of the ways of mutual assistance between people is debt relationships. Anything can happen in life; for a number of reasons, people can find themselves in a difficult financial situation. In times of need, the ability to borrow is of great importance. Money borrowed must also be repaid in cash, and if the debt has a different object, the debt is repaid in the same form. At the same time, nothing beyond this is given away. If for the provision of a debt more is demanded than what was given, this will already constitute interest. Interest is considered prohibited in Islam.

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    In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

    All praise and thanks be to Allah, peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Dear sister, we thank you for your trust. We call upon Allah Almighty to illuminate our hearts for the truth and grant us blessings in this world and on the Day of Judgment. Amen.

    Here are a few duas that will help you in your prayer for Allah's mercy for your healing and ultimately peace of mind:

    Allahumma rabba al-nnas adih al-be'sa ishfi vant al-shshefi laya shifaa illa shifauka shifa'an laya yuugaaridu saqaman.

    O Allah, Lord of all people. Deliver me from misfortune and send healing, for there is no healing except Yours. Heal me so that not a trace remains of the disease.

    Asal Allah al-ziim rabba al-arshi al-azim an yashfiyani.

    I pray to Allah, God of the Mighty Throne, to heal my illness and give me relief.

    In addition, read Surah Al-Fatihah as often as possible and blow on your hands, and then wipe your face and chest with them, praying to Allah to give you relief.

    Strong prayers for mother's health

    Orthodox Christians can pray to God, Matrona Blessed or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of their mother. The prayer texts are simple and can be read or learned by heart.

    Muslim prayers (dua) for the deliverance of a parent from illness are an appeal to Allah for help. Reading Surah Al-Fatiha from the Holy Quran contributes to the rapid recovery of the mother and serves as reliable protection against all diseases.

    When a mother is sick, children try to do everything possible to save loved one from illness or fatal illness. IN Orthodox faith An appeal to the Almighty comes to the rescue. You should pray every day with a pure heart and good thoughts, so that every word of prayer is spoken from the heart.

    “Our Father” is the most popular prayer, which is suitable for any occasion and is familiar to everyone since childhood.

    Strong prayer requests about mom's health:

    • Matrona of Moscow Blessed;
    • Jesus Christ;
    • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
    • To the Most Holy Theotokos.

    Matrona Blessed will come to the rescue when the mother is in the hospital, and there is little hope for medical help. You can pray like Orthodox church near the icon, and at home, kneeling in front of the image of the Matrona of Moscow. You need to cross yourself three times and say the prayer text:

    “Blessed Matrona of Moscow, heal the servant of God (mother’s name) from deadly ailments and diseases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    After reading, cross yourself with your right hand three times.

    “Blessed Matrona! You heal the sick and bless the believers. Heal my mother from serious illnesses, deliver her from terrible illnesses and unkind thoughts. Protect my mother from evil people and from all sorts of illnesses. I ask for health, I pray to you, I thank you, Blessed Matrona. Let it be so. Amen."

    The prayer to Jesus Christ has special power:

    Lord Holy Jesus Christ, Son of God. I turn to you with a prayer for your mother’s health. Have mercy on the servant of God (mother’s name) and help her cope with serious illnesses and incurable diseases. Give her strength to pray sincerely, righteously, and prolong your mother’s years of life on our sinful Earth. Let your will be done. Amen.


    Saint Nicholas is endowed with the power of healing, so you need to contact him, kneeling in front of the icon and ask for help from your parents’ illnesses with the following text:

    “Wonderworker Saint Nicholas, I appeal to you with prayer. Protect my mother from loss of health, from fatal illnesses and reproach. Help her find Orthodoxy and righteous faith. I pray, prevent all troubles from sin and mortal fall. Intercede for her before the Lord God, take away illness from my mother. Let your will be done. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    The Most Holy Theotokos will not remain indifferent and will heal the mother of her ailments, so you need to turn to her while standing in front of the image:

    “Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. I pray for your holy intercession, and send down Divine grace. So that my mother, the servant of God (name), will be healed sooner and not languish in mortal pain and serious illnesses. Let your will be done. Amen."

    The prayers of children are able to heal parents from fatal diseases against which medicine becomes powerless. We need to turn to God not only during illness, but also in joyful moments with words of gratitude. Faith in the Lord gives a person real happiness, peace and health.

    In Russian, Muslim prayers sound as follows:

    “I pray to the Great Allah the Almighty Day of Judgment for healing from all ailments for my mother. Only by the will of Allah will the mother be healed of fatal diseases.”

    “There is no one stronger and more powerful than the Great Allah.” For the mother to recover, she needs to read this Kalima (text) 99 times.

    The Koran heals any disease, so it is effective to read the surah (chapter) “Al Fatiha” if the mother is in the hospital:

    1. 1. I begin with the Great Name of Allah - the One Lord Almighty. He bestows blessings, is merciful and omnipotent, and is merciful to those who believe in Islam in the hereafter (Akhirat).
    2. 2. Praise be to Allah Almighty, the God of all Worlds, for everything that Allah has given to His servants. Glory to Allah Almighty, He is the Creator and the Almighty Lord.
    3. 3. Ar-Rahman Allah (Have mercy on everyone in the world) and Ar-Rahim (have mercy on believers in Islam after the death of the body).
    4. 4. Allah rules the world, he is the only ruler of the Day of Judgment, repentance and retribution. The power on the Day of Judgment lies only with Allah and no one else. Power over everything lies only in the hands of Allah.
    5. 5. We pray to the only Allah and ask for help, and do not rely on anyone else.
    6. 6. May Allah protect us who believe in Islam.
    7. 7. Lead your slaves along the right path, you have given us insight and faith in Allah One, guiding us along the straight path of Islam. Allah has given the paths of the prophets and angels to believers in Islam. Do not lead us along the path of those who have lost their way and those who have lost their holy faith, those who despair and have ceased to believe in the Great Allah.

    The prayers of Catholics for the health of the mother are similar to Orthodox appeals:

    “Lord, I pray to You for the sick mother. Ease bodily and mental suffering and show your servant (mother’s name) the mercy of the Most High God. Let me feel Your mother great love to all people on our sinful earth and in health and joy to return to their former life. While she is sick, strengthen her faith in Your paternal powers and help her to obey the will of the One Lord, and help her daughter understand her mother and give love and care. O Great Lord, I cry for healing. The fate of my mother and her health are in your hands. Holy Mother of God, grant the sick your maternal care. Amen."

    Prayers directed directly to God are considered powerful:

    “Look around with your all-seeing gaze the house where my sick mother is. Show your servant (name) your mercy and great love, grant me compassion and teach me to help the sick and weak. Amen."

    “God bless my mother and father, keep them healthy for many years to come, and fill the hearts of my parents with kindness and joy, helping in everyday pleasing matters through Jesus Christ, our Almighty God. Amen."

    And a little about secrets.

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radio lifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different method for myself.

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