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What are the benefits of beef liver for a woman’s body? The benefits and harms of chicken liver: for soul and body. What does the liver like?

Understanding the intricacies of cooking rice is not so easy, so it is not surprising that many do not know how to cook rice correctly in order to turn it not just into a more or less edible mass, but into a real culinary masterpiece. Rice is one of the most popular and beloved cereal crops on the planet. A real culinary chameleon and opportunist who is friends with salt and sugar, fish and meat, fruits and vegetables, sauces and spices. This amazing compatibility and loveliness of rice is explained by its neutral taste. He's cunning like a real Asian! And the east, as you know, is a delicate matter!

According to ancient Chinese and ancient Indian manuscripts, rice was known to man more than six thousand years ago. In addition to eating rice, starch, alcohol, and beer are obtained from it. Rice came to Russia about three hundred years ago and fit very well into Russian culinary traditions. Today, rice is served as a separate dish, used to prepare pilaf, soups, and added to salads and desserts.

Cooking rice step by step

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Secrets of preparing rice

Cooking rice is an art that most Asians master perfectly. They are on friendly terms with rice, so they know very well which rice needs to be doused with boiling water before cooking, which rice needs to be soaked in water for several hours, and which just needs to be rinsed cold water and cook immediately. Well, let's try and find one with rice mutual language.

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Washing and soaking

Before cooking rice, it must be washed and, if necessary, soaked. The washing procedure allows you to remove large debris, small particles of dust and excess starch from rice grains, making the taste of rice brighter and richer. You can wash the rice using a sieve under running water, but it is better to use a deep bowl: add the required amount of rice, add cold water and stir lightly with your hand. We repeat the procedure 3-5 times, each time draining and pouring fresh water.

Soaking improves the color of the rice and makes it more fluffy. In addition, by absorbing moisture, the rice will cook much faster, but for some dishes, for example, risotto, this procedure will be unnecessary. To soak rice, pour one part of the cereal with two parts of water and leave for about half an hour. After draining the water, lightly dry the rice with a towel.

Short round rice, the one that is suitable for making porridge and pie filling, is usually soaked for 15 minutes in warm water and only then washed with cold water.

Long, but not thin rice, after washing with cold water, is additionally scalded with boiling water, then poured over with cold water again and only after all these manipulations is boiled.

Small, thin, almost transparent rice, without washing, is soaked for 5-8 hours in salty cold water and only then washed several times.

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The nuances of cooking universal cereals

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How to cook fluffy rice in a frying pan

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Cook rice for side dish in a saucepan

Take one part rice and two parts water. Wash the rice and place it in boiling salted water. Set the heat to medium. Cook for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Don’t forget that the rice for the side dish should not be too soft, but even slightly undercooked. At the end of cooking, remove the rice from the heat and rinse well. Rinsing is a must! Water washes out rice mass starch glues the grains together, and what we get is not rice, but simply a sight for sore eyes - grain after grain! There is no need to rinse only steamed rice. To prevent the rice from sticking, add a little vegetable oil.

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Oriental rice

We wash the rice 5-7 times. Pour water into a saucepan (one part rice - two parts water), bring to a boil, add salt to taste and add rice. Cover with a lid and cook over high heat for three minutes, two minutes on medium and about seven minutes on low. Let stand for another 12 minutes, add a little oil and enjoy the wonderful fluffy rice.

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Japanese style rice

Add a teaspoon of salt and a glass of washed rice to one and a half glasses of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and simmer over low heat for exactly 12 minutes. Turn off the heat and let stand for another 12 minutes.

Milk rice porridge

For a change, you can remember your childhood and prepare a hearty and healthy rice porridge on milk. IN in this case You don’t have to worry about crumbling, because the consistency of the porridge should resemble a white sticky mass. For a glass of rice, take 2-2.5 glasses of milk. Pour milk over rice and bring to a boil. Add sugar and salt to taste and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. When serving, you can add to the porridge fresh fruits or berries, and use jam instead of sugar.

Well, the rice is ready, and it’s like a canvas on which you can “paint” the most delicious culinary masterpieces with the help of bright, tasty colors. Create! Bon appetit!

Rice is a universal side dish. This wonderful porridge goes well with both meat and vegetables. When combined with various sauces, rice turns into an incredible tasty dish. What is worth only pilaf, in which rice shows its taste qualities best of all - a real delicacy!

The main thing is to learn how to cook rice correctly. Not everyone knows the intricacies of preparing this cereal; housewives are constantly tormented by the question: is it necessary to soak rice, is it worth rinsing it?

How to soak rice for delicious pilaf

To deal with the problem of sticky, overcooked rice, you need to soak it before cooking. When you soak rice, the starch will release into the water. When cooked, the grains will no longer stick together and become boiled!

Pay attention

  1. It is best to soak rice at a water temperature of 60°C.
  2. You should not soak rice in boiling water - you risk preparing a sticky porridge.
  3. If you don't want to bother with hot water- soak the rice in cold water, but for longer long time, a few hours is enough.
  4. For real delicious rice it turns out if you soak it in hot water twice - pour again when the first water has cooled.

Now you know the right one method of soaking rice- it works out with him in the end delicious porridge! Try experimenting in your kitchen, conduct an experiment. Soak rice in different ways: in both cold and hot water. Cook each portion of rice separately and taste how they taste. Such Comparative characteristics will show you which soaking method is the most correct. Deal with this issue, and your pilaf will always be excellent!

By following these tips, you will always cook rice the way it should. Tell all pilaf lovers about them!

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To understand how healthy rice is, you only need to visit any country at least once. South-East Asia where is this cereal the main product nutrition. Among local population you won't see as many obese people as in European countries. A different food culture, attitudes towards work and rest, and most importantly, the daily consumption of rice dishes - all this contributes to the fact that the peoples of Asia are traditionally considered one of the healthiest on Earth. Is this cereal really so useful, and is it true that cleansing the body with rice is the most safe method cleansing the body?

When to think about cleansing

The body needs to be cleansed with rice cereal:

  • with excessive hair loss, dryness and brittleness;
  • with weak physical tone and increased fatigue;
  • joint stiffness, pain in muscles;
  • frequent allergies and colds;
  • for obesity associated with metabolic disorders;
  • with unsatisfactory condition of the nail plates (brittleness, delamination, yellowness);
  • in case of poisoning (in the form of soups and cereals as a restorative diet).

Effect of rice cleansing on the body

Thanks to the absorbent effect of this cereal, with its regular use, there is an improvement in metabolism and overall well-being. Especially if eating rice is combined with drinking enough water, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

The rice diet is based on this property to cleanse the body of salts, toxins and wastes that the body itself, for various reasons, has ceased to cope with.

Nutritionists have noticed that rice grains that are repeatedly soaked in water have the best cleansing properties. Cleansing the body with such rice helps remove harmful deposits from all areas:

  • intestines;
  • liver and biliary tract;
  • joints;
  • vascular system;
  • epithelial tissues.

As a rule, one of the side effects» Rice cleansing is aimed at reducing body weight, which is why detoxifying the body with rice is so popular among dieters. But to get results you need to know about the nuances rice diet, and also study the question of the benefits and harms of rice.

Contraindications will be discussed below, but for now let’s get acquainted with the most popular methods of cleansing the body using soaked rice.

Tibetan way of cleansing the body using rice

It is unknown how many centuries the so-called Tibetan technique has existed rice peeling the entire body from toxins, salts and other deposits, but it is believed that rice used according to the Tibetan method removes deposits of harmful substances in a relatively short term. What is this technique?

  1. Measure out as many tablespoons of rice as the person is old.
  2. The grains are thoroughly washed, placed in a jar or other container and poured into the cooled boiled water. The dishes with rice are put in the cold overnight.
  3. In the morning, carefully pour out the water, select 1 tablespoon of swollen rice and set it to cook, and soak the rest of the cereal with a fresh portion of non-hot boiled water.
  4. Rice boiled until al dente (half cooked) is eaten unsalted, not seasoned with oil or anything else. You should first drink a glass of clean water.
  5. A second breakfast consisting of other foods can be eaten 2-3 hours later.
  6. The procedure of selecting and cooking part of the cereal and replacing the water in the jar is repeated every day until all the rice is eaten. That is, if a 40-year-old person is undergoing the procedure, the course of cleansing the body with rice at home will be approximately 40 days.

Cleansing the body with rice using this method has almost no contraindications.

Rice cleansing of slagged body by age

One of the simplest methods of cleansing the body with rice at home is to eat raw rice on an empty stomach in the morning.

  1. It takes so much for this rice grains, no matter how old a person is, is soaked overnight in boiled water.
  2. In the morning, you need to swallow the washed rice on an empty stomach with a small amount of water, and after that, do not eat or drink anything for 3 hours.
  3. Subsequent meals up to 19 hours can be arbitrary, that is, in the usual mode and diet.
  4. At 19:00 or a little later, a dinner of vegetables and salad with a glass of weak tea or juice is allowed.

The course lasts 10 days and before using it you must ensure that there are no contraindications. Fat people It is recommended to avoid foods rich in animal fats, carbohydrates, and sugar during the cleansing course.

How to cleanse yourself with dried soaked rice

For those who are going on a trip, but would like to cleanse their joints with rice on vacation, we can recommend cleansing the body with rice, previously soaked, washed and dried. It’s easy to take this cleansing rice with you on vacation or a business trip. Cleansing the body with rice should be carried out after preliminary preparation:

  • pour 10 liters of water into 3 kg of rice grains (it is advisable to use round rice);
  • the next day, rinse the rice thoroughly and soak again overnight;
  • wash and soak the rice for another 3-4 days until all the starch is removed from the grain (as a result of which the drained water will become clear);
  • place the rice in a sieve, and when the water has drained, spread it in a thin layer on a tray or baking sheet;
  • Place the dried rice into a paper or linen bag.

Rice processed in this way can be eaten in the morning in the form of porridge, cooked from 1 tablespoon of cereal, or raw (grains - according to the number of years), washed down with a small amount of water.

Is it possible to cleanse the body with rice kvass?

Kvass prepared with rice has a pleasant taste and a mild cleansing effect to remove salts from the body.

  1. To prepare kvass, pour into liter jar 4 tablespoons of rice (preferably unpolished), 2 tablespoons of sugar and 6-7 raisins.
  2. Top up with cooled boiled water and cover the neck of the jar with several layers of gauze.
  3. Place the jar in the sun.
  4. After 3 days, start taking samples in the morning, at lunchtime, in the evening - as soon as the infusion has the sharpness characteristic of kvass, immediately pour it into another container through cheesecloth and put it in the cold.
  5. Drink 100-150 ml of kvass after each meal.
  6. The duration of the course is 10 days, if the kvass is well tolerated by the body.

If you experience stomach discomfort or severe weakness Taking kvass should be stopped, and additional potassium-rich foods should be introduced into the diet.

Cleanse with rice in 3 days (express diet)

Many recipes for cleansing the body at home suggest cleaning the intestines and joints in just 3 days. These are so-called express diets, designed to be used no more than once a month.

The main rule of using these methods is not to harm yourself. That is, even during these 3 days you cannot allow excessive exhaustion and dehydration of the body, because a violation of the water-electrolyte balance can lead to serious problems with heart and breath.

The essence of the diet is simple:

  • pour 1 cup of washed rice with 1 liter of water and boil until half cooked or done, do not add salt;
  • place the cooked rice in a colander or sieve and let the broth drain;
  • Place in a deep bowl and eat in small portions throughout the day.

Considering that rice is digested in about 2 hours, try to stick to this regimen (meal once every 2 hours), then you will not feel hungry. Don't forget to drink enough fluids - green tea without sugar, mineral water without gas, at least 1.5 liters per day.

To get vitamins and fiber, include fresh and vegetable stew and fruits (200-300 g). Stick to the diet for 3 days.

Basic rules for cleansing the body with rice

Based on all of the above, the following basic rules for cleansing with rice at home can be identified:

  1. To eat rice boiled or half boiled finished form you should take round or Italian rice.
  2. To prepare an infusion or kvass to remove salts, it is better to use unpolished rice.
  3. To achieve the cleansing effect during the rice diet, you should not consume foods containing salt, sugar, coffee, cocoa, and fats.
  4. To maintain normal body activity during a rice cleansing course, it is necessary to include fresh and stewed fruits and vegetables in the diet, as well as a sufficient amount of liquid.
  5. You should start the rice cleansing procedure only if there are no contraindications.

When is rice cleansing contraindicated?

You cannot cleanse joints with rice (and the whole body) if you have such diseases as:

  • any pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • cracks or intestinal obstruction;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • urolithiasis disease.

You should also not resort to cleansing the child’s body (under 13 years of age) - as a rule, at this age the body is capable of self-cleaning and does not need additional measures.

We should not forget that doctors’ reviews of such cleaning methods are filled with skepticism. Therefore, for those who trust traditional medicine more than the extravagant methods of healers like G. Malakhov, it is better to refrain from such experiments on their bodies.

In conclusion, we can add that the healing properties attributed to rice (when it is called almost a panacea for all ills) are somewhat exaggerated. Of course, it is impossible to get poisoned by eating rice every day, but you shouldn’t hope that rice will save you from all your ailments.

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