Home Roses Effective planning and organization of the working day: methods, rules and why it is important. How to plan your work day: helpful tips

Effective planning and organization of the working day: methods, rules and why it is important. How to plan your work day: helpful tips

How to plan a working day so that you can do as much as possible and the result is maximum? This question is most often asked by managers, because their the main task- to ensure the result. And although ordinary employees also often have a lot of work, they do what they are told. But the leader thinks differently - he sets himself tasks, and there are always many of them, because he would never manage his department, company, business if he was indifferent to what is happening around. Therefore, many leaders try to conduct important meeting yourself, control the implementation of the tasks yourself, write business letters themselves, etc., etc. And so it turns out that it is the leaders who often do not have enough days to solve even the most important tasks.

And this is done simply.

Step 1. To get started write down everything you need to accomplish today. Write with results - it’s shorter, it’s easier to concentrate on the task and there is no limitation in the ways of doing it. Don't just write work tasks - everything is worth planning.

Step 2. Schedule the time to complete each task... If you know the exact time of the meeting or call, write the period, for example 12: 00-14: 00. If the task does not take or should not take more than an hour, write only the start time, for example 11:00. If exact time unknown, think and write down how much it will take for each of the tasks, and write it down like this - 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc.

This is a very useful setup for three reasons. First, you consciously limit the time frame and gradually learn to spend no more on the task than you planned. Second, you will be able to correctly estimate the time spent on different tasks. Indeed, we often consider the most time-consuming task the most important, but this is not always the case. For example, even the most important phone call will last from five to thirty minutes. And the third reason is that if you roughly estimate the time you need to complete all the tasks written out, you will not be very surprised by the fact that even two or three days may not be enough to do everything. In general, we often deceive ourselves by planning in our minds or on paper a myriad of tasks that we want to complete in one day. Therefore, right now, honestly admit that it is impossible to do everything. And start consciously giving up what is not the main, important, priority.

Step 3. Now prioritize ABC:

A - tasks that are very important, they need to be completed today, and only I can do this;
B - tasks that are very important, they need to be completed today, but someone else can do it. Delegate such tasks and immediately write down the name of the person responsible for the execution;
C is a task that can wait (it is advisable to immediately find a time for it when you will perform it on another day), or this is not your task, or it is a task that you can completely abandon right away.

Step 4. From all problems of type A, select five, maximum seven pieces... Choose them according to the principle: "If I complete these five tasks, I will still assume that the day was not wasted, and I will be proud of the results." Greatly helps not to spray. You can complete five tasks per day, and if you have correctly identified the priorities, then these tasks will give the maximum result.

Step 5. You you need to plan for unforeseen circumstances between tasks. So you will have free time to have a bite to eat, think, prepare, finish, control, arrive on time and do a bunch of small things that were not included in the five priority tasks of type A.

These five steps in planning your work day are the basics. But there are many small secrets to her. You need to spend no more than fifteen to twenty minutes on planning every morning.... A be sure to take stock in the evening, only do not cross out tasks, but put pluses or ticks next to them(this is a piggy bank of your results, not what remained unfulfilled). By the way, unfulfilled tasks need to be either crossed out if they have lost their relevance, or postponed to that day when you find time for them.

If for some reason something went wrong during the day - assess the situation and honestly answer yourself four questions:
- What did I want to get?
- What did I get?
- How did I get it?
- What am I going to do differently now?

Draw conclusions so as not to make such mistakes again, and calmly gain strength before the next work day.

Also in the evening it is desirable to "unload" all your ideas about tomorrow into the planner. Don't judge time and priorities, just write down whatever comes to mind. This will keep you from forgetting important points and will give you the opportunity to calmly rest, and not be tormented by insomnia from the fact that you can forget something or something bothers you - let the planner worry about you and remember.

But the most important thing, perhaps, is not even this. The thing is that people often prioritize a task according to the principle of “which shouts louder”, “burns,” “worries,” “seems,” etc. And planning can bring really serious results only if you know for sure what these results should be.

Therefore, remember: planning your day begins with a list of necessary results in the long term future. Why is it so?

Imagine that it is vitally important for you to get from point A to point B. Now imagine that something is stopping you along the way - obstacles, barriers, distractions. But no matter what you encounter along the way, you will still move towards the goal. Something may delay, something will force you to change your route or find new way movement. The important thing is that you know exactly where you are going, and then no changes can lead you astray.

Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done by every self-respecting leader and even more so by a business owner is make a list of results in the future for at least a year, and preferably five or even ten years... This is your vision of the development of the department, company, business. And this is the basis for making daily decisions. It is also the basis for seeing opportunities around. If you know for sure that you want to enter the international market, for example, already in next year, you will never pass by a successfully turned up meeting, proposal, partnership. If you don’t know what you want to achieve and haven’t set a deadline for reaching the goal, you will miss such opportunities simply by ignoring them or not noticing them. That's why start with a list of goals and at least an approximate timeline for achieving them... Even this may be enough to focus on results and prioritize correctly when planning a work day. Yet it is good to include in your daily plans tasks that will directly affect the achievement of the goal in the future.

And to make it easier for yourself, it is worth learning strategic planning, which allows you to take into account the different directions of life and work, and tie your goals and long-term plans to daily planning. That is, first the goals, then, on their basis, a plan for ten years, take out the goals that need to be achieved this year from this plan, take out the tasks of the month from the plan for one year, and the tasks of the day from the plan of the month.

And don't forget that every leader needs to be able to effectively delegate important tasks, while not losing the quality of the results. And then planning your day will become a really simple, convenient and practical way for you to get high results and enjoy your work.

Published by Lina Tverdostupova

Director training center"ProfiT", a practicing business coach and consultant in the field of project management, marketing and business development strategy development, wife, mother of a wonderful girl Anastasia. I am 49 years old. Live in beautiful city Kiev. I am a supporter practical approach to learning and everything I share, I test it on myself and my business. I not only say WHAT to do, but I also explain HOW to get the desired result.

As much time is spent on work as is available, or any work is done within the allotted time. These principles and rules for planning a working day are psychologically justified and have proven themselves in different life situations.

Management specialists know this pattern: as much time is spent on work as is available, that is, any work is performed within the time allotted for it.

The principles and rules for planning a working day that we bring to your attention are not binding. Many of them may seem frivolous to you. However, they are psychologically justified and have proven themselves in various life situations. You don't have to use all the principles. Try each of them, find your style - it will be the best for you.

So, the organization of working time should comply with the basic principle: "Work should obey me, and not vice versa." The rules for scheduling a working day can be divided into three groups:

  1. Start of the day rules
  2. Mid-day rules
  3. End of the day rules.

Start of the day rules

1. Start the day with positive mood... Try to find some positive start for each day, as the attitude with which you tackle the challenges ahead is essential to your success. Ask yourself three questions every morning:

  • How can this day bring me closer to achieving my goals?
  • What should I do to get the most joy out of him?
  • What can I do today to maintain my lifestyle (to maintain my health)?

Building a positive attitude usually does not take more than two minutes. Give yourself these two minutes before starting your "Standard Morning Program."

2. Have a good breakfast and go to work without haste. Not having enough sleep, without breakfast, as soon as possible to work - such a start can just ruin the day! Don't say you don't have time for a leisurely breakfast, because it's a matter of prioritization (in order to get enough sleep and have a hearty breakfast, you just need to go to bed earlier).

3. Start work at the same time. It is an element of self-discipline that mobilizes strength.

4. Recheck the plans for the day. Use ABC analysis or the Eisenhower principle. It has been found that a ten-minute preparation for a working day can save up to two hours of working time. So win those two hours! In addition, when planning your work day, consider next rule: you need to plan no more than 60% of your time, and 40% is a reserve fund for unexpected and urgent matters.

5. Get down to business without swinging. You should categorically refuse such a "morning ritual" as multiple greetings, lengthy discussions latest news etc. Social contacts, of course, they are needed, and you are not a robot either. However, they can be rescheduled for less stressful times, such as lunch and afternoon.

6. First - the key tasks. The working day should start with the tasks of group A, all other tasks can wait. You should not first look through the correspondence - in the incoming business mail, we rarely talk about matters that have the highest priority and must be completed immediately.

7. Coordinate the plan of the day with the secretary. A secretary, if you have one, is your most important partner when it comes about creating optimal conditions for activities. You should devote the first time of the working day to him, even if it is a couple of minutes. The secretary should be aware of your business. Agree with him on all the dates, priorities and plans of the day. A good secretary doubles the efficiency of his boss, and a bad secretary halves it.

Mid-day scheduling rules

1. Prepare your desk for work. Remove from the table all the papers that are unnecessary for solving the problems of group A. There should be no more than six documents on the desktop at the same time. This is psychologically justified: firstly, unnecessary papers absorb time, and secondly, order on the table stimulates order in thoughts.

2. Set deadlines. Sometimes tasks are assigned to you, because you are also someone's subordinate. So, the deadlines set for solving the problem are very often accepted unconditionally, even if they do not fit well into your plans. But we must try to adapt them to our interests and "bargain for time." In short, ask for twice the amount of time you need to complete the task; this is often easier than you think. As for assigning things to subordinates, I advise you to give them about a third less time than, in your opinion, is necessary to solve the problem. If that's enough, you will save time; if not, you still won't lose.

3. Avoid actions that provoke backlash. Many managers are inclined to engage in more and more new affairs, problems and ideas, and thus cause an appropriate reaction to their actions, and it can affect the time schedule. For example, very often, having participated once (out of pure interest) in a meeting, the manager receives additional responsibilities that are not provided for in his plan. They can entrust him with something, include in the composition working group etc. Therefore, it is best to recheck all actions (letters, telephone conversations, timing, etc.) in terms of their necessity and the danger of a response.

4. Reject additional urgent problems that arise. At every enterprise, in every department, there are different kinds urgent circumstances or unforeseen situations. It should be remembered that distraction by so-called urgent circumstances leads to the forgetting of planned important matters for a while. Whether it is worth doing this - decide on a case-by-case basis, depending on the circumstances.

5. Avoid unplanned impulsive actions. Typically, impulsive deviations from the plan you have drawn up will reduce your productivity. So, if during work you want to do something (for example, make a phone call), think about whether it is worth doing.

6. Pause in a timely manner. Brief breaks from work are certainly necessary, their frequency and duration are individual. The main thing is to do them regularly.

7. Group small homogeneous tasks and perform in series. Deal with routine work and little things by combining homogeneous tasks into work blocks. Six blocks of 10 minutes for phone calls Brief meetings, paradoxically, take longer than one block of 60 minutes. Why? Because you make the appropriate preparation for homogeneous activities six times. So group similar cases into blocks, but don't make them too long (30-60 minutes is better).

8. Finish what you started rationally. Avoid leaps and bounds at work and always try to follow through with what you start. Distraction from the main work consumes time, because when you return to it, you have to repeat what you have already done once again.

9. Use time slots. Don't leave unscheduled times unfulfilled (for example, waiting in the boss's waiting room, wasting a meeting where you have to attend). When they appear, ask yourself the question, "How can I make the most of these minutes?"

10. Carve out a quiet hour (time for yourself). It has proven itself to be a daily reservation of one quiet, or closed, hour, during which no one can interfere with you. This is the time of unbroken concentration. Put it in the plan, it will significantly increase your productivity. Separate yourself for this time from outside world either with the help of a secretary, or just close the door, having previously warned that you are not there. Use closed hour for important, but not urgent, matters of a long-term nature, or for those tasks that get lost in the hustle and bustle of the day.

11. Control timelines and plans. During meetings and other activities, in accordance with the Pareto principle, often 80%! decisions are made 20% of the time. Track your time and do not regret it for rechecking plans in terms of changing priorities.

Closing day rules

1. Complete what has not been done. Try to complete all the small things you have started (viewing correspondence, dictation of letters and notes) within one day. Delaying them can lead to additional labor costs when you have to clear the "blockage".

2. Monitoring results and self-monitoring. The organization of labor is unthinkable without control and self-control. We will talk in more detail about control in one of the following articles... In the meantime, I will limit myself to what I will say: comparing what has been planned with what has been done and analyzing deviations from plans are an indispensable condition for normal work.

3. Plan for the next day. It is best to plan for the next day the night before. It goes without saying that this does not cancel his mandatory rechecking in the morning.

You've probably paid attention to the fact that some specialists have a career going uphill, while others, as they say, are trailing in the tail of office life. Someone manages to solve both current and strategic tasks, while someone always disrupts the deadline. According to experts, it is not only a matter of quick response and general professionalism. A successful career is primarily the result of effective working time planning.

How can you learn to use every working minute to your advantage? Read the recruiting portal tips.

Managing your time
Fresh and ready for productive work, you come to the office, turn on your computer, check your mail, along the way remembering what you have to do today. But while you are answering letters, your boss distracts you with a small but time-consuming assignment, and a colleague emotionally talks about yesterday’s meeting with the director. In the meantime, you will receive two more letters marked "urgent". When you finally remember that it was this morning that you should have started preparing an important presentation, the day has already passed the middle. Most likely, you will have to stay in the office again ...

Does this sound familiar? But all this could have been avoided by spending five minutes the day before planning the day. Of course, this would not save you from urgent emails, but still the day would be noticeably more organized.

According to Research Center recruiting portal site, 23% of economically active Russians do not know how to plan their day. Meanwhile, according to time management experts, competent planning is the key to life's well-being and, of course, successful career... By making a plan for the day, week, month, we become more organized, we learn to value time and prioritize. A person who plans his time manages it himself, unlike those who go with the flow.

What should be included in the plan?
How should I plan my work time professional focused on career success? A strategic plan for a year or six months should turn into a tactical plan for the day every day. Daily planning is the secret to the personal effectiveness of many successful people.

When making a plan for the day, write down everything that needs to be done - from attending a meeting to congratulating colleagues or partners in e-mail... And remember, for a successful career, you must always do a little more or better than is expected of you. For example, if the manager instructed you to organize the archives of the department, do it in such a way that it is not only convenient, but also pleasant to use the results of your work. In addition, accustom yourself to include in the plan for the day not only those tasks that the boss is waiting for, but also those that will work for your personal image, bringing you additional "points" in your daily office affairs.

You can make a to-do list in a regular paper diary or in special program on a computer - it doesn't really matter. The main thing is to put your thoughts in order and not forget a single case that requires your attention.

We prioritize
So, the to-do list for the day has been compiled. Now you need to prioritize - determine what is of paramount importance from what has been written (designate such tasks in the plan with the letter A), what is important but not urgent (B), and what is desirable but not necessary (C).

When prioritizing, do not forget: what works for your career (your initiatives, projects for which you are personally responsible, etc.) should be of paramount importance, that is, be marked with the letter A.

Having decided on the main thing, think about when it will be most convenient for you to complete this or that task. Work that requires concentration and immersion is best planned for a time when you are not too often distracted by calls and overly sociable colleagues. Many successful people have long made it a rule to do something difficult or important in the early morning, in peace and quiet, while the working day is not in full swing.

Conversely, tasks that require contact with colleagues, clients or partners will be easier to complete in the middle of the working day, when everyone is available for communication and in a business-like mood.

Time management in the service of a career
Enough effective rule personal time management, which helps not to keep in mind many small tasks at the same time, sounds like this: if a task takes less than three minutes, it must be done immediately, without delay. Do you need to call a client to clarify the time of the meeting? Do not hesitate at what time of the day it is better to do it - take your phone and call. Following this principle will free your diary from unnecessary entries, and your head from unnecessary thoughts and plans.

Another very useful commandment is not to do several things at the same time. And even if the laurels of Julius Caesar haunt you, do not try to discuss the terms of the contract by phone and at the same time make changes to the table on the computer monitor. So you run the risk of making a mistake in the table and missing something important in telephone conversation... In other words, do the important things in sequence, not in parallel.

Flexibility or toughness?
The plan is ready, the priorities are set, and now your task is to stay on course. Almost certainly from the very morning you will have a lot of other things to do, important and not very important. The manager can entrust you with responsible negotiations with the client, and colleagues - to involve in the preparation of an important document.

Which of these is more important for life and career success is up to you. On the one hand, you need to be able not only to make a plan for the day, but also to adjust it as needed. On the other hand, in order not to drown in secondary matters, sooner or later you will have to learn to say “no” to people.

The main value
Daily planning teaches us to value time. A person who has a plan for a day, a week, a month, or even a year will hardly allow himself to waste an hour every day, for example, commuting to work in the subway. Most likely, he will spend this time reading professional magazines or listening to podcasts in English. After all, an hour a day is twenty (or more) hours a month and at least 240 hours a year! A lot of time that can and should be spent for the benefit of yourself and your professional development.

Among other things, for the sake of successful promotion on career ladder You will have to learn to forget about the temptations of the Internet, such as social networks, forums, chats and online games. An exception can only be made by specialists whose daily activities are closely related to the promotion of their home company in virtual space... For the rest, we strongly recommend using social Internet resources at home, in their free time from work.

I wish you success in planning your working time!

Hello! In this article, we will talk about planning a working day.

Today you will learn:

  1. Why plan your work day;
  2. Who needs it;
  3. How to plan a working day correctly.

Planning a working day

In the 21st century, the pace of life has noticeably accelerated and continues to gain momentum. Whereas in the past, in order to be successful, it was required to do one amount of work, now, to achieve success, you need to do much more. And people start to face a lack of time. If you chase all the daily tasks that life throws at us every day, there is absolutely no time left.

Scheduling a working day is a tool that helps not only to use working time efficiently, but also to reduce it. This is not a trivial to-do list to be completed in strict order. Planning is the ability to choose what to do, why and when.

This is why good planning not only structures everything you do in a day, but also frees up your time. First of all, you need to do the most important things - this is the main rule. It is useful for every person who has free time at work and does not have a clear schedule, it is useful to distribute their time correctly.

What planning includes

Working time planning includes:

  • Prioritization.
  • Selection of important tasks.
  • Finding the best ways to solve them.
  • Finding employment in your spare time.

Prioritization helps you understand what needs attention, what can be resolved on its own, and which issue you just need to ignore. Time and information have become much more valuable than before, and it is pointless to get excited about something that does not work.

Choosing important tasks- almost the same as prioritization, only within the framework of one working day. You choose what will bring important results, what needs to be done urgently, and what can be postponed.

Finding the best ways to solve problems Is a very important point. When planning, you should consider not only what you will do, but also how best to do it. At the same time, it is important not only to save time, but to do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Working with free time should also be part of the work plan. Do you have 2 hours a day free that you can spend on something? You can tell your boss about this, and he will load you with work, you can do self-education, or you can make efforts to develop your own project.

Why is it important to plan a working day

Anyone who has ever come across freelancing, business, or “work at will” (like a taxi) understands the importance of arranging things during the day. But, for example, most office workers do not consider it necessary to plan their working day.

Actually, main reason planning a working day - increasing your own efficiency. If you listen to your own body, you can understand that some things are better for you at one time, and some at another. For example, it is more convenient for you to make calls to other companies in the afternoon, since you have already woken up, but have not yet had time to get tired, and monotonous work is done faster in the evening, so it is better to postpone information entering the database until 5-6 hours.

Working day planning takes into account not only basic elements problem solving, but also the personal preferences of each person. Time management was not done to impose the same high-performance pattern on everyone. You must adapt your tasks to the characteristics of your body.

Organizing and scheduling your workday allows you to do more in less time, leaving time for the things you love.

Who should plan their work day

Every person should be able to plan their working day. This will save you time and work more efficiently. But there are 3 categories of people who simply have to do personal planning.

. The most undisciplined worker is a freelancer. He does not have a clear schedule, and only the deadline reminds that it is time to sit down to do something. That is why it is very important for freelancers who work with multiple clients to plan their work day. It often turns out that new orders appear with a difference of one or two days, and if you wait until the last one, you might not have time to work on two projects.

Businessmen. Everything here is almost the same as in freelancing. Especially if it's an online business. On the one hand, you can rest easy at home when your employees are working, but on the other, this approach will inevitably fail. In the West, a cult of workaholism flourishes among businessmen. They believe that if you don't work 60 hours a week, then you are lazy and you have nothing to do in business.

Leaders. The leader will not always be a businessman. The owner of the company may not take an active part in the affairs of his company, but its director takes responsibility for the operation of the whole mechanism. That is why the leaders of medium and large companies must use their time effectively, because the future of the company in the long term depends on their decisions. Scheduling a manager's working day is a way to most effectively allocate your time between strategically important tasks.

Working day planning methods

Methods correct planning there can be a lot of working days. But one of the most effective - Eisenhower Matrix... Its essence is as follows.

There are 4 squares:

  1. Square A - Urgent and important matters.
  2. Square B - non-urgent and important matters.
  3. Square C - urgent and unimportant matters.
  4. Square D - non-urgent and unimportant matters.

Square A should almost always remain blank. With proper planning, all important matters should settle in square B and be performed as they approach A.

Square B Are important things to do that will help you achieve your goal. This includes all tasks that need to be completed within 1 business day.

Square C means urgent and unimportant matters that need to be transferred to others for execution. A striking example urgent but unimportant matters - call a potential client. An employee can do this, you better focus on other matters.

Square D, means that there are non-urgent and unimportant things that do not bring you closer to your goal, do not give you positive emotions and, in principle, are not needed. It is worth writing down all useless ideas in this square.

This division of cases according to their importance and urgency allows you to understand what you need to pay attention to during the working day, and what you can safely forget about. The matrix helps not only in workflows, but also in Everyday life... If you want to learn English, it is interesting for you and will help you in your career - this is square B. But if you want to learn Spanish just for the sake of knowing it, this is D, and you can safely forget about it.

Rules for planning the time of the working day

There are several rules for how you need to effectively manage your workday. For convenience, let's divide the day into 3 parts:

  • The begining of the work day.
  • Basic workflow.
  • Completion.

Morning is the most important stage... Depending on how much you slept, how you got up and what you did, your mood, mental attitude and performance will depend.

The principles of "good" morning include the following:

  • Positive attitude. If you wake up every day thinking that you hate your job, your productivity will drop. Try to start your morning with pleasant thoughts.
  • Try not to "wobble". Have you noticed that after you get up in the morning, you need another 30 - 40 minutes to finally recover? This is time not worth wasting. Immediately after waking up, take a shower, make coffee and instead of half an hour "to nowhere", you can have breakfast in peace.
  • Leisurely breakfast and the way to work. It's important to start your day slowly. When you are in a hurry, the body wastes extra energy and nerves that could go to more productive work. If you can't afford a hearty breakfast and a leisurely trip, go to bed later and get up earlier.
  • Key tasks. Most successful businessmen tend to argue that the most important tasks need to be done in the morning. As the saying goes, "If you want to keep up with everything - eat a frog for breakfast." The role of the frog is a case that you do not want to take on at all. Do it in the morning, and the positive attitude from the fact that the "frog is eaten" will last all day.

The main workflow consists of the following tasks:

  • Solve urgent tasks. It is important to understand that if some urgent matter falls on you during the working day, you do not need to shift all your attention exclusively to it. First you need to understand whether it is important or not. If important, then you need to start immediately. If not, transfer responsibility for its implementation to another person.
  • Meet the deadlines. Every day, you must set yourself an approximate time frame for which you must cope with the entire volume of tasks. It is important that it was not “Do everything before 6 pm”, but “At 14:00 - start making the plan, at 15:00 - analyze the indicators, at 16:00 - draw up a report”, etc.
  • Workplace order. This is an implicit but very important point. If your desk is a mess, your eyes will constantly get lost among it. And if there is some kind of extraneous document in the workplace, you can start studying it and just waste 20 - 30 minutes.
  • Don't follow impulses. It's the most important. There are some triggers that cause you to shift your focus from work to something less important. Call a friend when you are reviewing a sales plan? It is best not to do this, then you will lose concentration and can easily miss the working attitude.
  • Group your routine. It is very important. If you need to make 60 phone calls during the day, it is better to split them into several small groups, 10 - 15 pieces at a time. After you have called, you can do another task. By constantly switching from routine to active activity, you can do much more.

Closing the day is based on the following principles:

  • Finish the necessary. There is a group of cases that are included in the "important but not urgent" square. It is best to finish them during the working day, and keep the "important and urgent" box always empty.
  • Check the results against the plan. Everything that you have done in a day must be compared with what you intended. If you have just started planning your work day, then small deviations from the plan will be in the order of things. Try to keep them as few as possible.
  • Make a plan for the next day. This is best done at the end of the previous work day. This way you will maintain a working spirit and, at the same time, it is important to draw up a real program of affairs.

If you are a manager, you should work closely with your secretary during the working day.

Remember these are general tips. They don't count your individual characteristics... If it is more convenient for you to do urgent work in the afternoon, not in the morning - that's your right. If you prefer to do a large and complex task last, and this does not affect your mood for one day, make it the last.

The planning of the working day should be individual.

The main mistakes when planning a working day

Despite the fact that the practice of time management is firmly settled in our lives, most people commit typical mistakes when planning your working day. Here are a few of them.

Mistake 1. Incorrect prioritization.

The Eisenhower Matrix tells us that we have important things to do. But many people can easily get confused about what is important to them. Square A, which should remain empty, and responsible for urgent and important matters, they are often confused with C, where unimportant matters have accumulated that require immediate intervention.

It is important to remember that you should spend energy exclusively on what is important to you in this moment time. You should work for the future when things can be postponed and properly planned.

Mistake 2. Too much time is spent on trifles.

In order to explain why, first of all, it is necessary to make a "base", and only then little things, we will use the Pareto Law. It says that 20% of the effort gives 80% of the result. That is, when you work on something important, you spend 20% of the effort and achieve 80% of the result. When you work on the little things, you get the result 4 times less, and you spend 4 times more energy.

Let's look at a small example. You need to run an ad campaign. If you create 10 creatives, match them keywords and phrases, and run on prepared sites, it will be 20% of the work, which will give 80% of the result. But if you spend time editing fonts and images, selecting and polishing phrases, looking for additional platforms for advertising, then you will spend significantly more energy. All this will need to be done, but after the start advertising campaign when you reach the first result.

Mistake 3. Lack of time for personal matters.

Each person should have a personal life and freedom to choose an occupation. If you have a lot of things to do, and you do not find one or two hours to pursue your hobby, then this is poor planning for your own day. Scheduling working hours is important not only because it allows you to do more. It gives you the opportunity to do whatever you like without haste.

Do you want to be as productive as possible and keep up with everything? 3 best advice how to plan your time correctly! Write it down for yourself.

Surely you have repeatedly heard from your acquaintances or yourself uttered phrases such as: "I do not have time for anything!", "24 hours a day is not enough for me!" etc.

People think their problem is unnecessary. a large number cases.

But really it's because they don't know how to plan your day correctly, to have time for everything and without much stress.

How to plan your time correctly: what you need to know?

Do you know how the dictionary defines this concept?

Time is the duration of being, which is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, that is, a measure of the duration of each committed action.

It seems that at first glance everything is clear: 1 hour consists of 60 minutes, a week - of 7 days, etc.

But in real life time is perceived in a completely different way.

Remember, for example, how long does a pair of an unloved teacher last?

Explicitly more than 1 hour 20 minutes?

But reading interesting book can capture so much that 3 hours will fly by like one instant.

We often do not have time to cope with tasks, not because there are too many of them or we are stupid, but only because we do not know how to plan your time as efficiently as possible.

This is much easier than you think.

The main thing is perseverance, maximum organization and a little money to buy the necessary equipment.

How to plan your day properly: preparation

If you are regularly late, do not fulfill your promises on time, create blockages at work, do not have time to complete the tasks of your boss, then not only you, but also those around you suffer from this.

Okay, even close relatives and friends: they will treat with understanding (although their patience is not unlimited), but the boss is unlikely to be delighted with such an employee, so you can not even dream of career growth.

But the soldier is bad if he does not measure the general's shoulder straps on himself!

Who wants to spend all their life as a secretary or a courier?

If you understand how to plan time, you can increase your efficiency and quickly move up the career ladder.

In order for you to need:

  • a diary - this can be a notebook in which you will write down tasks for each day, but you can also get by with an ordinary notebook, divided into two parts: for the to-do list and ideas that have visited you;
  • mobile phone, in which you can create reminders, for example, your phone will warn you to stop checking the news and start cooking dinner, etc.
  • computer or laptop- they are needed only for those who constantly work on a computer - here you can create various files: "what to do today", "list of tasks for the weekend", "what to buy on Sunday", etc.

How to plan your time: what can help?

You will be surprised, but there are many things that cause a person to be slow, relaxed and, accordingly, lead to the fact that in a day you do much less than you planned.

Good work organization is promoted by:

    Perfectly tidy desktops.

    There should not be any unnecessary items on the surface other than those that you need at the moment for work.

    Hide everything else in drawers.

    Cleanliness and comfort at home.

    If you work from home or do not work at all, but only lead household, this is not a reason to allow chaos and chaos.

    All things should be in their places, dust, dirt and spiders are not the best helpers either.

    When buying, choose the one that brings you aesthetic pleasure.

    You should want to look at it as often as possible.

    Wake up early.

    It doesn't matter if you need to go to work or not, this is not a reason to lie in bed until lunchtime.

    Train yourself to wake up early enough and at the same time so that you can quickly get ready and correct the to-do list for the day, drawn up in the evening.

    Eat and sleep normally.

    An eternally sleepy person suffering from vitamin deficiency simply cannot work effectively.

These tips are not meant to teach so much how to plan your time correctly how much to save you from the little things that we rarely pay attention to, but which significantly hinder our development.

How to plan your time: diagram

When we don't want to do something, we often come up with excuses disguised as reasons.

These reasons seem quite valid, but they hide a lack of desire.

By saying “I don’t have time,” we mean that current affairs are more important to us.

Everyone has the right to say that he has no time.

But then let him ask himself what is really important to him.

It's not that you don't have enough time, but that you prefer to spend it on other things.

I’ll offer you three options to help you learn how to plan your time and get more done throughout the day.

You can choose the one you like or develop your own by combining several schemes.

    Work with your to-do list.

    For the next month, the diary is your main weapon in the fight against disorganization.

    Every evening you should make a to-do list, grouping them according to importance, in the morning - correct it, and throughout the day repeatedly look into your notebook, crossing out what has already been completed.

    It's hyper effective method, which will help you not only learn how to plan your time, but also become more punctual.

    Remember, in one of the articles I told you about my girlfriend Yana, who with the help of a diary overcame the habit of being late?

    Make the most of every minute.

    Yes, sometimes life throws up unpleasant surprises at us: we can get stuck in a traffic jam or an elevator, we can suddenly turn off the light, the computer freezes, etc.

    All this should be taken as inevitable and not panicked!

    Switch to doing something else.

    Just read a useful book or relax and listen to pleasant music so that the body recovers and you can quickly make up for lost time.

    Make realistic plans and don't make empty promises.

    Some people do little, simply because they take too much on themselves.

    As a result, they get a heap of unfulfilled cases.

    Realistically evaluate your capabilities, be sure to sort all tasks according to their importance: those that require completion in the first place and those that can be postponed.

    Do not hesitate to tell your boss that the article about refugees requires a long collection of information, so you will write a note about the repair of the city sewage system tomorrow morning, etc.

Great tips for planning your time

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Alexsandr Kuskov

Look and take note!

But the easiest to learn plan your day correctly- iron self-discipline will help!

Try to follow a strict daily routine for a month, get up and go to bed at the same time, not succumb to weaknesses like "go and roll around", plan every minute, follow the schedule and very soon you will notice how effective your every day has become.

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