Home Useful tips Devices can quickly lose their integrity. The path of the warrior. Alexey Ksendzyuk, The Mystery of Carlos Castaneda. Algorithm for transformation of basal complexes

Devices can quickly lose their integrity. The path of the warrior. Alexey Ksendzyuk, The Mystery of Carlos Castaneda. Algorithm for transformation of basal complexes

Prescriptum: I’ve long wanted to write a separate post about the Quantum Transition, but somehow the writing process didn’t work out for me - firstly, quite a lot of material on this topic is already available on the Internet, and to repeat, albeit in my own words, is that said by others - not particularly interesting; secondly, strange as it may be for me, well, I didn’t have any definite picture of what what, how and why will happen, and “guessing on the tea leaves” in SUCH a question seems to me ineffective.

In view of the above, in order not to leave this burning topic ignored, I decided to simply take and post some material already written by someone. From all the mass of articles on this topic that are available on the Internet, and which in their main aspects repeat each other, I chose the one that I considered the most copyright based on more deep perception reality than others, and stated alive in the original language of the author.

And also, I almost completely agree with what is said in this material, with minor reservations that have more to do with the terminology used by the author than with the ESSENCE of what is written here...

Original taken from kosanerra in Quantum transition. What to do?

The time for disputes is coming to an end, and there was no point in them, because whoever believes does not argue. There is very little left until the moment when no one has any doubts. This article will show you what to do before and how to prepare yourself for what comes after. What is written below is for those who KNOW how to Believe themselves.

What is the most fundamental difference between what is and what will be? The fact is that now the thoughts and emotions of people, even those nearby, are hidden under a veil. Apocalypse, translated from Greek, means “removal of the veil.” What will be revealed almost instantly will not even cause shock for the vast majority of people, but internal and social chaos. Think about it - unexpectedly for himself, a person begins to SEE and FEEL ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE he is thinking about at that moment and who is thinking about him, WHERE THEY ARE. Only with a small correction: not at all what someone tried to show with a mask on their face or words, but with very real thoughts! You can be 100% sure - for those who did not want to see the Truth before this, there will be many surprises.

The material world is a school for entering the vast Spiritual World, from which only those who were able to cognize and accept the laws by which they will live in the Spiritual World graduate. The fundamental difference between these two worlds is the presence of Karma, because in the Spiritual World there is none. Why is it not there, since this violates the Universality of laws? Because Conscious subjects do not violate laws, and any violation in the Spiritual World would lead to a return to the Material World. So it turns out that the law works there too, but there is no basis for its activity in the Spiritual World. In order to prepare Consciousness, it is necessary to begin to live honestly. To live honestly means to live ABSOLUTELY OPEN, that’s why all thoughts and connections are opened. People enter a university where they have to learn to respect and Love the laws of Space and fully control themselves, so that later, over time, they can move into the Spiritual World.

What is the most the main problem? It’s not at all that “friends” will quickly turn into envious people and haters, and the wife will turn out to be not such an easy-going cutie. Having sufficient experience of betrayal, this is not difficult to survive. But this scenario is more difficult to survive:

Surprise number 1. Almost at one moment, people will begin to see previously hidden connections, emotions, thoughts of anyone they thought about, and the one who thought about you, even thousands of kilometers away. At this time people will be in various places and not a single bunker can save you from this discovery. The vast majority, due to prior disbelief in the instant manifestation of connections, may experience panic.

Surprise number 2. The fact is that in addition to connections, thoughts, emotions of others, people will see those whom they have not only not seen yet, but also denied, as well as those who left earlier. Not everyone can stay dry when they see a rhinoceros in front of their nose, which, it turns out, has been living nearby all this time, but here everything will be much more fun. In many times.

Surprise number 3. What does a dog, rhinoceros, sympalmucanta or skunk do when they see someone new in front of them, shaking with fear? Reacts to fear as weakness and potential aggression and attacks.

Surprise number 4. The moment fear becomes total, an aggressive reaction occurs. After all, aggression is always a consequence of fear living in the subject. If suddenly a parallel connection appears with someone who thought about this poor fellow or whom he himself managed to think about, then what will his friend see and feel at that moment? A mixture of fear and aggression! And this acquaintance, the same, did not want to Learn, Believe and therefore draws the appropriate conclusions, manifested by a right hook or fear. But the fact is that at that moment he intervened in the conference call between the rhinoceros and the poor fellow, and the rhinoceros considered his aggression... Then, some of them managed to remember their mother..., some were a friend of the policeman..., and off we go shock wave to grow, which will rage until the energy supply runs out or the natural ending comes. For each one. Any blow, even a blow with a whip, is an energy defeat, it is a waste of energy. If there was no energy, the whip would lie in place. Watch videos about non-contact combat, because this is exactly what will happen.

Everything in Space is energy. Energy cannot live without information, and information cannot live without energy. Energy is spent processing information. Energy is wasted in emitting waves. The battery, if not recharged, will quickly deplete. In principle, everything is the same as now - they fight as long as they have strength, and if the strength is completely lost - the death of the physical body and a big problem for the Soul, since its battery is also not rich.

Surprise number 5. Waves of fear and aggression are as contagious as the flu virus. Absolutely everything in Space has its own unique spectrum of frequencies, just like the virus, fear, aggression, and pride... Not everyone is infected, but only those who are in the same frequency range. Just as not everyone participated in the revolution, went to flash mobs and are carriers of viruses. When a wave of fear begins to sharply increase in a country, on the Planet, not everyone may be able to overcome it. THOSE WHO BELIEVE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR, but they shouldn’t get into trouble either. You just need to understand: Faith is not manifested in words, not in the fear of God and not in idolatry, but in Co-Knowledge, in COMMON KNOWLEDGE with God.

A separate topic is suicide. For those who are not in the know: premature physical death on one’s own initiative leads to being stuck in the intermediate layers for the entire time that was allotted for life. It’s like getting a deaf mute onto an airliner flying to America without a ticket or passport. Something like living up to 120 years in a refrigerator with empty shelves. And then even more fun... for many, many incarnations.

Today's emotional people, aggressors, envious people, touchy people, deniers, proud people and haters violate the laws of Space and at the same time, with their thoughts, seemingly hidden from others, they create an ALGORITHM for their own future behavior. Neither earthquakes, nor tsunamis, nor the explosion of nuclear power plants, nor Nibiru, nor politicians are the greatest danger for people, but everyone for himself.

Beautiful words of Buddha Shakyamuni:
Life is suffering.
Suffering can be stopped.
There is a way to stop suffering.

The quantum transition takes place in several stages. For general development, and not in order to understand and calculate everything, it’s a good idea to read the Revelations of John the Theologian, the Gospel of Matthew and listen carefully to Denis Maidanov’s song “Eternal Love”. Funny? Anyone who has been able to understand even a little about the mechanisms and tools used by the Supreme Mind to save people does not laugh in such cases, because he knows that absolutely all possibilities are used to warn people! Or what happens: the Ministry of Emergency Situations works better than God, but He, the One in Whom they hoped, sits and is silent?

There is no reason to hope for a Quantum Leap and further peace. There will be a jump, and there will be other jumps, both before the main one and after, but this, although not the most pleasant, is the easiest. The leap passes, but rhinoceroses and open connections remain and will not begin to calm down soon. Will bees immediately calm down if someone disturbs the hive? Rhinoceroses are also not immediately the ones who are bitten by bees/rhinoceros. Has anyone managed to pacify their aggression and pride in one day? If not, there is hardly any point in hoping that everything will quickly settle down on its own.

We should have started preparing yesterday, but since it’s “as always,” we should start today.

Realize and try to comprehend that only disbelief, emotions, aggression, pride... will become a catastrophic problem for the vast majority. Constantly reflecting on his potential behavior, on the first and subsequent steps, a person creates an algorithm for his future behavior. If today he thinks about how to escape, where to run, where to get bandages and brilliant green, everything will be very bad. Thoughts aimed at calm, logical analysis, complete avoidance of emotions, allow you to be in a neutral position and not attract either rhinoceroses or those who at that moment are in wild fear and aggression. Waves of fear are transmitted at any distance. A mother feels her child many thousands of kilometers away, just as a drop of water from the ocean feels what is happening in the place of the ocean from which it was taken. It’s useful to watch the film “The Great Mystery of Water” on Youtube, it takes the disbelief out of your head.

Special attention - MEMORIES! With open connections, any memory burns energy and sets up a video conference with the person(s) remembered. Neither a telephone, nor a computer, nor the Internet will be needed anymore, and everyone, without providers, will be in real-time contact with anyone they think about. BUT. People will not live under the best emotions at that time. Every memory is not just a loss of energy, it is a risk of falling into an infection zone, of finding yourself between the one you remembered and the rhinoceros...

Any fear, hatred, aggression are feelings directed not just towards someone, but towards what most call God. After all, it is said - I Am Everything. Gradually, people will get out of the habit of living with memories when they realize how much energy is spent on them and how much they influence their fate. To begin with, you need to understand: there will be no return to the past, in any of its manifestations. I really want to treat myself to the memories of a glamorous feast in a chic restaurant with a friend. And if at that moment the remembered friend stands in front of the rhinoceros...? “What if I am with a friend, but the rhinoceros is without a friend?” It is useful to understand: both a botanist and a master of sports in karate, a lapdog and a fighting dog can be thin and small... and they also have relatives and friends. And the lower the level of development of the subject, the higher the level of aggression in him.

If you are not afraid, do not aggressively, do not show emotions associated with evaluation of another, no one will attack. If you met a Chupacabra and decided to evaluate how unfashionably she was dressed... Any assessment is a priori a lie, any comparison is a lie, and a lie, as we know, leads to natural consequences.

Surprise number 6. People are accustomed to not paying attention to the consequences and even manage to wholesale deny Karma or simply ignore it. There, beyond the Quantum Transition, this will no longer work, no matter how much you want. And this is also one of the teaching methods at the university: the exam is not after the first 9 years of study, but every six months, or rather, immediately. There is no other way to learn not to litter your Karma and, subsequently, not to violate the laws of Space in general. How do the vast majority live today? The existence of Karma has not been proven by science, and therefore you can do whatever you want... And only some, under the influence of problems, over time come to their own understanding that, it turns out, this invisible Karma exists and even works. Most of the evidence is obtained after the next physical death. By picking up a textbook on chemistry and physics, it is very easy to obtain evidence of Karma.

Anyone who could simply believe in the inviolability of the laws of Space, even if he could not understand Who God is, and did not know how Karma works, has already taken the first step towards passing the Quantum exam. Anyone who is accustomed to denying everything, without having studied even a small fraction of the laws of Space, has a chance to run into the most complex law of counterbalances that he has NOT studied, which in one of its paragraphs says: the one who rejects will be rejected.

Karma. The dirtier it is, the harder it will be for a person during the entire Quantum Transition, and this is more than one year. The more illnesses and problems of any kind a person has today, the more dirt he has on his Karma. The relationship is quite straightforward. Trying to cleanse Karma with magical procedures or techniques is akin to suicide or, at least, masochism. It is necessary to cleanse with Co-knowledge today and constantly. Additionally, we can say: HONEST help to others in understanding the laws of Space, the features of the Quantum transition, cleanses Karma, just as working on a cleanup cleanses the territory where you live.

REMEMBER: any fear, aggression, hatred, lies, envy... burn a person’s energy very quickly. We must learn to immediately get out of this state once we have entered it. Any negativity returns to a person either as a loss of strength, or as an energetic blow to the organs of the body, or as a problem for himself and his family.

Vegetarianism, or better yet, veganism. Any animal food is low-frequency, because of all animals, humans are the highest-frequency. By eating meat or fish, a person reduces his frequency, and this is unacceptable before the Quantum transition and leads to stress, fear, and aggression, because these emotions are low-frequency. Low frequencies, as the Bermuda Triangle clearly shows us, destroy not only the body, but also the human psyche. Animals are in the frequency range adjacent to humans, which is why meat consumption reduces the frequency. A magnet will only attract objects that are located next to it. Plants are removed from the human frequency range at a safe distance.

Trying to increase the frequency with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, chocolate... is an energy addiction, the consequences of which will be felt immediately after the main surge. Only promotion by Co-knowledge does not give kickbacks or consequences.

Drink as much clean water as possible. Pure water It washes out not only the barrel, unlike coffee or dyes, but also the person. No matter how funny it may seem to the uninitiated, water, in addition to washing the physical body, tunes the physical body and Subtle bodies to the Rhythm of Space and cleanses Karma. After all, the laws of Space are Universal.

Everyone has to decide for himself whether he is ready to lead other members of the Clan and whether he has enough strength for all of them if they are weights on their feet and do not want to do anything themselves. No one has the right to give advice in this matter, except to remind the Aeroflot law: first put an oxygen mask on yourself, then on someone else.

It is necessary to understand: The Quantum Transition is NOT an Apocalypse for those who truly Believe in Unity Supreme Intelligence, Whole, God. Yes, during the preparatory period and the main stage it may not be sweet for many, but you need to understand the MAIN THING: during the Quantum transition, Karma is cleansed, albeit through certain hardships and suffering.

Fairy tales about resetting Karma through techniques or magical procedures are just fairy tales. A plus cannot live without a minus, and zeroing out a minus leads to zeroing out EVERYTHING. These are the laws of physics, electrical engineering, and the Unified Space, which no one, including God, can violate. Or rather, especially God. Everyone will have to work off karma, and the better you clear it now with your Consciousness, the easier it will be during the Quantum Transition.

Overcoming the Quantum Frontier is not just about physically surviving. This means becoming a pioneer of a new Race, with all the ensuing consequences, difficult and good. Very few people have the honor of receiving such an experience, given that the Quantum Transition occurs only once every 26,000 years. Those who pass it with honor become very specialists. high level, again with all the attendant preferences. There is a reason to try. After all, life in this physical body is only a moment compared to the eternal life of the Soul.

I will have purified Karma and, gradually, during this life, I will get rid of suffering and illness - this is a great joy for me! I will live in a new, perfect society, and not among lying politicians, proud people and aggressors! I will be able to see what I have not seen before - Truth and Truth!

Isn't it enough?

All current problems - the global financial crisis, global warming, global terrorism, earthquakes, floods and other disasters - will seem like a mere trifle compared to what may await us in the near future.

The end of times, which is written about in many holy books, can happen without global floods, fires and other torments. People will feel joy - as if they are just going out to blooming garden from a stuffy room. Everything around will be different - time will flow differently, and we will finally see the Other - invisible - world, accessible to angels...

According to contactees (they call themselves channeling specialists), people with pure and kind hearted. It’s hard to imagine, but it turns out that good thoughts have a different frequency than evil ones. Simplified to the primitive, we get something similar to the dress code in an elite club. Only here you can no longer lend a kind soul like a tuxedo...

By the way, purely theoretically, there is a key to sort people by level of spirituality. And it depends not on skin color, level of education and intelligence, but on the degree of faith. The energy vibrations of a believer’s body are much higher than those of an atheist, and during the quantum transition this seems to be of decisive importance.


The great quantum transition, according to esoteric prophets, is a cosmic revolution that will cleanse the human race of that spiritual dirt and vices that people themselves have not been able to cope with for thousands of years.

“In 2012, the 26 thousand-year period given to humanity for independent development in the conditions of the material world ended. The absolute degree of freedom granted to people in their actions and actions has ended. There is a new life ahead in conditions of high consciousness and high responsibility.

The main condition for the transition to new life is a person’s desire to comply with laws harmonious development. But for humanity in the form in which it exists today, this is tantamount to a death sentence. The previous cosmic cycle ended with the death of the Fourth Race and the disappearance of Atlantis. Then, out of the two billion population of the Fourth Race, about a million people survived. Which of the almost seven billion current population of the Earth will undergo the Great Quantum Transition and transform into the Sixth Race?

Streams of high-frequency energy will change the geometry of Space and transfer everything on the planet to a higher level of energetic vibrations. For people, this will be a transition to a four-dimensional vision of Space, to a highly developed World, in contact with parallel Worlds, where the criterion for assessing a person is not material interests, but a high level of consciousness.


The scale of planetary changes that we are about to experience is difficult for you to imagine, and not a single exact science cannot predict, much less describe, everything that awaits your World in the coming years,” writes Leonid Maslov in his book “Revelations to the People of the New Century.” He claims that the truths stated therein were received by him from the Father Absolute himself. Whether to believe them or not - everyone can decide for themselves. But it is no longer possible to ignore, the whole world is now in a deep systemic crisis, and every person, every nation is looking for a way out of the damned labyrinth, where we have driven ourselves in the pursuit of gold and pleasure...

Financial, economic and political structures in the world will change.

“Shares of banks and enterprises will turn into empty pieces of paper,” says the scientist. – People have created a World of illusions on Earth, based on values ​​that are meaningless for the Universe, and opposing the Plans of God. This World is forever becoming a thing of the past.”

After 2012, Great Times will follow - the Golden Millennium.

The time will come when all people realize themselves, when they understand that they are one Whole, then borders will disappear and the time of peace and universal prosperity will come. Diseases will go away, you will live in a young, constantly renewed physical body or in a subtle body for as long as you consider necessary for yourself. Much knowledge will be revealed to you, and people will remember many previously hidden abilities in themselves. We will learn to manage the infinite energy surrounding us everywhere and create from it what is necessary. We will be able to go without food or make do with the bare minimum. We will meet many entities - our older brothers andsisters who love us very much and help us now.”

Be Healthy and Spiritually Rich.

IN THE NAME OF LIFE - Healing DVD sessions of Haji Bazylkan Dyusupov. If you want to give yourself and your loved ones a full and happy life, in which there is no place for illness, then click on link

♦Quantum transition

and who will meet us in the 4th Dimension...


In the process of the Quantum Transition, the Earth and humanity will undergo a process of transmutation, i.e. a forced, external transfer of the vibration of the atoms of the body to a higher frequency level. The united psychic energy of Humanity will send a signal about the processes occurring with it into the space of its Universe.

This energy will cause waves of vibration that will be received by the thinking beings of the Universe and effect a shift in their consciousness. The experience of evolution, freedom of consciousness of the Earth should be positive!

Purification by Fire Flame: The subtler the energy, the more powerful and effective the effect it has. Psychic energy is equated to Living Fire. In the process of the Quantum Transition, the Earth will be pierced by a wave of high spiritual energy - Living Fire, as it is allegorically called in various religious sources. This will be a test for every person. Anyone who passes through this kind of filter will move into the Fourth and then into the Fifth Dimension. This test does not frighten spiritual people. What in orthodox religions is called the Last Judgment, and there will be a passage through the Gate of Spirituality. This will be a test of each Soul in terms of filling its Matrix with positive or negative psychic energy.

There will be a shift in the Dimensions of Reality of our manifested world of the 3rd major overtone towards the Fourth Dimension, the fourth octave. With the Ascension of Earth's humanity to the highest levels of Consciousness, all lower overtones than our 3rd major overtone will also begin to ascend with us. This means that the “lower worlds”, which lie in the frequency range below our world, will be able to begin the transition to the 4th Dimension. And, probably, we will all meet there, although perhaps we will also find ourselves there in different overtones of the 4th Dimension and will not see the inhabitants who now exist with us on Earth - the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas and others - but in a lower overtone than our world.

Over the coming years, the new frequency of vibrations will be so prevalent on Earth that the Rose of Reality of our manifested - for the eyes of a simple, mortal person - world from the general Book of Genesis of the Earth, its different versions developments will be shifted to a New cycle of existence, and another version of the Earth, our three-dimensional world, will come to its complete self-purification from the consequences of our technogenic civilization!

During Ascension, a person, without dying physically, in his dense body moves from the 3rd major overtone of the 3rd octave (Reality of the Third Dimension) to the 3rd major overtone of the 4th octave (Reality of the Fourth Dimension), i.e. forced shift by one whole octave. This will become possible during the quantum transition, when an external disturbing influence - the photon front of the Shining Light, high spiritual energy - approaches the Earth and begins to pass through all Realities on all its planes of Existence.

This event will be combined with another one - the fall electromagnetic field Earth. These two factors will lead to the fact that almost all elements periodic table Mendeleev, of which our physical, manifested world consists, will begin to accelerate their vibration. Consequently, the chemical composition of the physical bodies of people, animals and plants will begin to change, transmutation will occur - atoms will adjust, synchronize to a higher frequency of the photon front.

Not everyone will be affected by this process in the same way. Spiritually pure people will easily begin to adapt to the high frequency of the photon front; their bodies will adapt and modify the chemical composition of their elements. Then they will Ascend in full Consciousness or in partial oblivion, but Consciousness will return to them after crossing the Great Emptiness (the boundary between the overtones of the Realities of Dimensions).

Some people, not completely sinners, failing to synchronize with the new frequency, will die physically, their Consciousness will fall asleep and wake up already in the 3rd major overtone of the 4th Dimension. There they will be met by those people who have passed the path of Ascension, preserving their physical bodies, and Souls who have long since passed away, but who deserved their past life the opportunity of this meeting and were waiting for this hour “in the next world.” The souls of these people will begin to incarnate into the bodies of Indigo children, who will be born in a new world of the 4th Dimension for a person of the Aryan, the former Fifth Race. These will be children of the transitional stage from the Aryan Race to the Divine-Human Race. But the children of the Indigo children will already be the rightful masters of this new world of the 6th Race.

People with severe spiritual pathology, morally dark or even soulless, hopeless sinners will not be able to adapt to the high-frequency vibrations of the Radiant Light surrounding them and will probably simply die physically. After undergoing purification processes, their Souls will either be dismantled altogether, or transferred to the path of further reincarnation and life in another Galaxy, on another three-dimensional planet similar to Earth, but, probably, their appearance there will be somewhat different, and life will still be difficult and full of problems survival.

How is the Resurrection different from the Ascension?

A person physically dies, but if his Consciousness lives and the MerKaBa is activated, then the Consciousness moves to the 10th, 11th or 12th major overtone of the 4th octave (Fourth Dimensional Reality). Here the body recreates a new one, thinner, less dense, it is airy, having a different chemical composition of elements. At the Ascension to modern man you are given the opportunity, while maintaining your current physical body, to transfer it one octave to a higher frequency range. During this transition, the atoms of the body undergo a process of accelerating their frequency characteristics, while maintaining their original shape. But what is very important is that the body’s functioning parameters are updated, it becomes healthier, past illnesses are healed, new teeth may grow, vision improves, and overall life expectancy increases.

There, in the world of the Fourth Dimension, an Ascended “old man” of fifty years old is given the opportunity to live up to 150 years! His body will be renewed and healthier. Then this “old man,” of course, will die with quiet sadness, but will immediately be reborn in the family of his children - the Indigo children, and will live happily for thousands of years. Thus, the Resurrection is the re-creation of a new body by moving more than one octave higher and eternal life. Ascension is the preservation of the old body while moving no more than one octave higher, its modification, transmutation and continuation of life further for some time.

When crossing the boundary between the octaves - the Realities of the Worlds of the 3rd and 4th Dimensions - there will be three and a half days of darkness and emptiness. These 3-4 days correspond to the passage by the Earth and everything on it of the Photon Front. At the same time, all planes of the Earth’s Existence begin to work synchronously with the frequency of the Shining Light. This period will be preceded by several more days. The outer edges of the Photon Front belt are very dense, they are determined by the structure of this energy. Therefore, particles of this energy will completely block the sun's rays. Complete darkness will cover the Earth. First there will be darkness, then complete darkness, then a faint dawn and then the brilliant, dazzling light of the New World! This New world will be illuminated 24 hours a day.

Along with the general darkening, cold will come, which, when complete darkness sets in, will turn into freezing cold. Impenetrable darkness will cause people to experience a state of endless Emptiness of everything. Photon energy will begin to transform the atoms of the human and animal body, increasing their vibration. Breathing air saturated with Photon Energy will fill the body with energy similar to eating healthy food with vitamins. That is, people will not acutely feel the need for food. Drinking modified water will also fill the body with additional energy. IN further humanity will generally refuse to accept animal food, and will satisfy its food needs by eating only plant foods.

How to behave in this whole situation?

The most important condition for a successful transition to the New World is calm and clarity of thought. Gather people close to you around you and explain current and upcoming events.

Meditation is something that can help connect your true Self with those Mentors, Guides, Supreme Beings who will be around. Meditation will help you to be noticed by them and to be constantly connected with them. Mentors and Supreme Beings will be able to give you instructions, following which you will behave correctly and help your loved ones. That communication channel that, let’s say, you tried to build without much success before the Quantum Transition, will be successfully built on the eve and during the Ascension. Calm down and contemplate within yourself, and you will see a new world and its representatives. They are next to you! Tune in to the technique of opening the Third, Spiritual Eye. And you will open it, you will see what is invisible to others! Establish contact with Mentors.

Yoga rhythmic breathing technique and further transition to spherical breathing. Spherical breathing allows a person to inhale prana through the Higher Head Center, which enters through the central tube from above and below, enters the Solar Plexus Center and then fills the human Body of Light - the energy frame of the physical body. With this type of breathing, your physical body becomes lighter and lighter, healing from many ailments. One of the important features of this period is that in meditation, perhaps some will begin to understand the thoughts of animals. Meditation together with increased mental clarity, as well as establishing contact with your higher self. If you have not practiced meditation before, then reading prayers is recommended.

The entire process of the Earth passing through the Photon Belt will take about 7-10 days. Moreover, after three days of complete darkness arrive, the very process of restructuring the matter of the Three-Dimensional Dimension of the Earth and everything that exists on it into the matter of the Fourth Dimension will begin.

Already several months before the onset of these significant days, economic and political storms will rage on Earth, in its public society. The governments of many countries will have difficulty keeping the population of their countries from mass strikes, demonstrations, street brawls, etc. World governments will not understand the reasons for the “general insanity” of the population. More frequent earthquakes, even in places where they have never happened, hurricane tornadoes or prolonged rains and other weather anomalies will lead many people, even those far from studying esoteric literature, to a sense of impending changes in their usual way of life. The migration of people to places that are calmer, in their opinion, will take on a massive, uncontrollable character. Human society will be seething.

And somewhere around the approach of the Photon Front, many people will feel a feeling of complete confusion from the changes that have come. The Earth of the 3rd Dimension will begin to shake especially frequently everywhere. This will characterize the beginning of its synchronization with new, high-frequency energies and its adjustment to new settings. The social world will fall into complete mass confusion everywhere under the rumble of the Earth.

If you have the opportunity, leave the big cities and go to countryside. What is happening around will force even people who do not believe in anything to reconsider their views. It is correct to celebrate this event in a one-story rural house, which is built only from natural materials: wood, stone. Why? The process of Quantum Transition will be marked by the disintegration of artificially created matter. This means that plastic, aluminum and other materials of modern industrial production will disintegrate into the primary elements that make up the primary world of Mother Earth. Many ancient peoples: Indians, aborigines of Africa and Australia - convey in their legends about the onset of these Last Days.

Constant shaking will not allow movement on the surface of the Earth. DO NOT PANIC! This is part of the Divine Plan for the modification of the Earth. The appearance of twilight during the day, a drop in solar illumination and temperature will herald the beginning of a radical transformation of the Earth.

If you have had experience in meditative practices, then these days your vision and communication with the creatures and phenomena of the world of the 4th Dimension, which is already on the threshold of your home, will appear. You can start communicating with the souls of deceased people, close relatives. Don’t be alarmed, because you are prepared and fully in control of the situation, you are an example and a Teacher for those around you! Try to keep your Consciousness in the Light and in contact with the Higher Essences. Darkening and cooling will occur for the first two days. On the third day, the Photon Belt will completely engulf the Earth. There will be total darkness for three or four days.

When the Earth passes through the zone of the Photon Front of Light, the World of the 3rd Dimension and the World of the 4th and 5th Dimensions are synchronized. Our World of the 3rd Dimension is forcibly drawn into the frequency of the Higher Worlds, and everything that exists on Earth also begins to adjust its vibration frequency to the frequency of the World of the 4th Dimension. At the same time, the World of the 3rd Dimension goes through the stage of purification from matter of low-frequency vibrations. All artificial, synthetic matter will disintegrate into the primary elements of the Earth’s Nature, which vibrate at a high frequency, also being purified. Vegetable world undergoes vibration, high-frequency cleaning. In the animal world, those who can move on to life with a higher frequency vibration, those who cannot due to the stagnation of heavy, dirty, low-frequency cellular matter die and disintegrate.

Thus, after 3-4 days of passing the Photon Front, it is as if a copying from the globe of Reality of the 3rd Dimension of one of its Versions occurs, or rather that part of it that was able to adapt to the higher vibrations of the 4th Dimension, to the globe of Reality 4- th Measurements. Another Version of the Reality of our world, the one where matter (mineral, plant and animal) could not rearrange its frequencies, remained in the World of Reality of the 3rd Dimension, a lower frequency level. The rebuilt Version to higher vibrational parameters of its Existence smoothly passed (recopied) into the World of the 4th Dimension and became invisible to the eyes of creatures of the 3rd Dimension.

But matter will become invisible after the end of the Quantum Transition period to a new one vibration level. While three days of darkness continue, all portals and passages between the Worlds are open to everyone who can use them. That is why the Supreme Beings of alien Intelligence and our ancestors Lemurians, Atlanteans from the Worlds of the 5th and 4th Dimensions, as well as those Ascended from human community who have previously walked this Path on their own. Taking advantage favorable moment, the community of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas will finally be able to emerge from the labyrinths of the minor overtone of the 3rd octave, and also move into the light of the World of the 4th Dimension, and, if their frequency characteristics allow, head further into the Reality of the Celestial World of the 5th Dimension Measurements.

Don't be alarmed by the cold outside. Everything in the world of the 3rd Dimension has already begun to raise its vibrations, and your body too, unless, of course, you simply have already died at this moment, from a lack of understanding of what is happening and the fear that has consumed you. Increasing the vibration of the atoms of the body being reconstructed will lead to the fact that the freezing cold will not be felt so much. What about hunger? Hunger will also not be acutely felt. Those useful material, which you have stored in the cells of your three-dimensional body, probably with plenty of food and drink, throughout your entire previous life, with the restructuring of the body cells, will be enough not only for three days! And when it’s all over, your body will no longer require barbecue and lightly salted salmon with vodka. The lightness of the newly reconstructed body will be such that many will even soar into the air, and the body will at most ask for a little plant food, such as carrots, cabbage or apples. And there will probably be no more thoughts about barbecue in the 4th Dimension. The Creator thought out the conditions for carrying out the Quantum Transition in such a way that the existence of the animal world and humans will be protected!

Many people, upon the onset of these three days of darkness, will simply fall asleep and wake up in their already renewed body, in a new fairy tale world. For them, this world will seem like a waking dream. Three days of darkness, this state of the world of the Third Dimension Reality, with a very high percentage of probability coincides with the beginning of the movement of the Earth’s North Pole to its new geographical point and, in connection with this, with the beginning of the fall of the Earth’s electromagnetic field to a value equal to zero. Changing the position of the Earth's poles will lead to the movement of huge bodies of water in the oceans.

The fall of the Earth's electromagnetic fields will cause the memory of a mere mortal person to be erased from his “hard drive” - the cerebral cortex. Everything that was accumulated by a person during the years of his last life in the Reality of the Third Dimensional world on planet Earth will be erased from memory. Simple, ordinary person will either fall asleep for three to four days, or will simply sit without thinking, and maybe some will even begin to “go crazy”, they, as they say, will “go crazy” from the pictures of the visions that will begin to appear before their eyes . The phenomena and patterns of the various overtones of the Third and Fourth Dimensions will begin to combine and manifest during this transition period.

That rare person who engaged in meditation practices and managed, while still living in the ordinary Three-Dimensional world, to activate the field of his MerKaBa, and maintain it in a working, untwisted state of rotation of the fields at a speed equal to the speed of light, 300,000 km/s, will be able to preserve his Mind , your memory and Consciousness during this transition period from the Third to the Fourth Dimension. But such “lucky” ones will be only a few out of six billion people. The artificially created gravity of the activated electromagnetic field of the MerKaBa is that life-saving means of protecting a person’s memory from its erasure, which can already be developed today through simple practices that are accessible to every person.

After passing through the terrible, painful three or four days of darkness and fear, the dawn will come and the long-awaited Light of the New World will appear - the world of the third major overtone of the Fourth Dimension, with its inhabitants and transit passengers of the Earth of the World of the Third Dimension awaiting this happy moment, remaining forever somewhere there, in the distance the third major overtone of our sad and forever abandoned by the inhabitants of the Earth of Three-Dimensional Reality. But these new people who have arrived in the rainbow world of the 4th Dimension will be like newborn children, with a head clear of all thoughts and an enlightened Consciousness. Everything from scratch, again through the kindergarten of the new world to the realization of one’s place in it!

The dispersal of darkness will continue for several more days, but the sun of the New World will inevitably gain brightness. When you leave your home and take your first step, you can suddenly fly into the air, like an astronaut on the moon, and even hover for a while. The body will be so filled with new energy that this state will be unusual, but nevertheless joyful and new. It will seem that your whole body is filled with youthful strength. But the body itself will already be rebuilt. You won’t really want to eat, because quite quickly you will learn the method of breathing prana through the crown chakra, which will supply the body with the energy it needs for the first time. You will want to eat mainly fruits and vegetables that will grow in this new, bright and warm world.

Alexander Zubarev.

This is the text I received from Fanis Sungatov.

It could be taken as another prediction of the End of the World, which humanity unsuccessfully awaits every 10-12 years. And one could even recall Oles’s optimistic slogan, repeated by Mikhail Zadornov: “There will be no end of the world - there will be an end of darkness.” But this is where I want to ask a question, for the sake of which I present this text here.

Are we ready for the End of Darkness?

Darkness has been eating into us for thousands of years at the physiological level - through indecent nutrition and disease, at the soul level - through distortion of relationships, at the spiritual level - through arrest of development and non-recognition of the Creator. Darkness has become our component. And what will happen to us when it disappears? If a surgeon cuts out 10% of a person’s lungs eaten away by tuberculosis, it will be painful and difficult for him. What if 50%? Yes, plus 20% of the soul captured by the illusion of an artificial world, and 25% of the spirit stricken by laziness? Will the patient survive or add to the death toll?

The quantum transition mentioned in the text will take place within one hour or 30 years - but its content will be exactly the same. And not everyone will adapt to the new bright reality. And what appeals to me in this text is that there is no place to put it off, and one must begin one’s personal transition now.



A hierarchically ordered set of phenomena in nature and in society, which has at least the quality of maintaining the sustainability of development processes without mutual destruction of similar systems within one hierarchical...">God created us without us, but he cannot save us without us."
(Augustine the Blessed, IV century)
"Only a Miracle can save Russia."
(Alexander Men, Archpriest)
"Lord, if people start nuclear war, how to stop her?
"I'll turn off people's electricity."
(From conversations with the Creator)

Believing in the “omnipotence” of finance and scientific and technological progress, people try to make ambitious plans for the future, but people do not know their “Tomorrow,” and for many it can be the saddest.

Concerned about political-religious conflicts, rising oil prices and the threat global warming, people do not know that an energy process called the Quantum Transition has begun and is gaining strength in the Universe, which in the coming years will change the geometry of Space and transfer the Universe to the next stage of evolutionary development - into the New Era! Streams of high-frequency photon energy will penetrate the Earth and transfer humanity to a higher level of consciousness, into the fourth dimension. Not all people will survive this cleansing procedure and the planet's population will decrease significantly!

(V.M. - The soul refuses to accept such harsh forecasts, but, for example, my (and Landown’s) experience in promoting a healthy lifestyle among smokers is surprising at how people persist in their bad habits, denying the values ​​of health, harmony of personal relationships and life itself. And who can save them except themselves?)

All long-term programs and projects are meaningless, including a flight to Mars, and Olympic Games 2014 may not happen! Everything on Earth will change. Most full information The Russian physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Presidium of the European Business Congress Leonid Maslov, who deals with issues of environmental safety planets.

The quantum transition COMPLETES the centuries-old, independent stage of the existence of humanity in the Material World.
In 2012, the first stage of transferring people from the material plane to the astral plane, to the New World, will take place, where the criterion for human development will not be material interests, but a high level of consciousness.

Scientists report global changes on Earth different countries. This is confirmed by ancient writings and all contactees, and according to the calculations of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergei Kapitsa, a demographic “failure” will occur.

(V.M. - Kapitsa’s theory is based on other initial data, so it is unlikely to be able to predict the Quantum Leap).

If the Quantum Transition reached its peak today, only a few percent of the population would survive!

(V.M. - Unfortunately, this is true!)

People turned out to be absolutely unprepared for the “restructuring” of the Universe that had begun.
This unpreparedness is many times more dangerous than the fall to Earth of any of the asteroids that everyone is so afraid of.
But in the face of a real and imminent threat, people show amazing carelessness and a complete lack of an elementary sense of self-preservation, bordering on recklessness! It's arrived

Hence the perception of time is different. The measurement of time is based on the choice of a certain pendulum and a counter of total oscillations. The choice is the standard...">time to declare a global alarm and solve the problem at the level of governments and the UN.

(V.M. - How can governments and the UN contribute to the development of spirituality and liberation from darkness in human hearts? Through promoting the creation of Family Estates!)

Humanity has gone through the entire path of its development in aggressive wars, ignoring the promptings of the Higher Powers and choosing enrichment at any cost as the meaning of life. This led to a lag in the development of consciousness.

Low consciousness is the level of the human animal, who understands only the “law of the jungle.” Unchecked by greed, immoral madness and environmental chaos, humanity has brought itself to the brink of oblivion.
Many people hope that nothing bad will happen and that everything will resolve itself or that God will sort everything out. But it turned out that without changing the people themselves, the problems will no longer resolve or be resolved.

Only at the end of earthly life path or in moments of tragedy and disaster, people remember God, when nothing can be done. But there would be no wasted life, no climatic surprises, if people understood that material things are always secondary.
What do we know about God? Yes, actually, nothing.
Today, the mention of the word “God” as an argument in a dispute causes irritation among many, and especially among academic scientists, and is perceived as frivolous.

The main condition for human existence is

Or: “I believe directly in the Almighty One God - the Creator and Almighty, the Gracious, the Merciful, and I try in good conscience to understand and fulfill His will.”

Or: “I believe thoughtlessly in religious tradition, i.e. into the legends and speculations of elders unknown to me about God and life, preserved by the culture in general...">Faith! But people would never have doubts about the need for Faith if they knew that in the Universe all objects, including humans, consist of ENERGY of information (matter) varying degrees density and different polarity (+) PLUS and (-) MINUS.
And there is a Unified Law of Energy Exchange: “How much you took, so much you gave.” This main Law the existence of Worlds and the existence of man.

Receiving “free” health energy and endless minerals created specifically for the comfortable life of everyone, so that a person has opportunities for self-improvement, people are obliged to return positive energy to the Creator through their thoughts and feelings.
People would never doubt that in the Universe, in this strict energy system, there is a Control Center and there is a Creator who controls everything and does not allow an imbalance of energy.
And the expression “Faith” would no longer have only a religious meaning, but would be a scientific statement of the existence of the Energy Exchange System and the controlling Power of the Universe. And it doesn’t matter what the Power is called - Heavenly Father, the Most High or the Supreme Cosmic Mind.

In the “eternal” confrontation between the Spirituality of Russia and the “Golden Calf” ruling in the USA, the Russians are still losing. The amateurs who led Russia fulfilled their mission and “sank” the country to the very “bottom”.
For the revival of Russia, the Creator provided its current rulers with opportunities that they had never even dreamed of. But they took the morality of the “garden of capitalism” as a model, cloning sins and vices, and creating negative energy of enormous destructive power.
All further persuasion and sermons are already USELESS.
A society that chooses the path of the “market” will never stop war, will never defeat corruption, will not be able to eliminate social injustice and will not stop in the decline of morals.
And the “Heavenly Thunder” struck. On August 26, 2004, an Event occurred, the significance of which is only beginning to be realized. On this day, without any external pomp, the Creator of Everything and Everything, (the Almighty and Heavenly Father) virtual (virtue - Latin - virtue, energy, strength...) and intangible, the existence of which continues to be debated, millennia after the conversion to Moses, again declared Himself and openly addressed modern humanity, this time through a man in Russia!

(V.M. - I’ll make an amendment. Of course, God, as a loving Father, did not tolerate 3 millennia without communicating with his children. He communicated and communicates with us directly, through our own thoughts and feelings, through the Spark of God, and through language life circumstances).

Opponents will not be helped by references to multiple soothsayers and “saviors.” The only thing that has happened is that it provides a way out of the hopelessness of what people have created.
The Creator reports that the situation on Earth has become so critical that HE is forced HIMSELF to intervene in human affairs and warns that further disregard by people of the Higher Powers is UNACCEPTABLE!
The tragedy of humanity is that people persistently try to build their society without taking into account the Laws of the Cosmos and without the participation of the Creator. But without understanding the structure of the Worlds and man himself, as a part of the Universe, all “...ISMS” proposed by people always end in failure, massacres and terror. This led to a dead end.
Higher power do not interfere in people's affairs unless people themselves ask for it. But, in order not to start everything from the beginning on Earth (as has happened more than once), the Creator, as an exception to his own Rules, made an unprecedented decision - to intervene in the affairs of people and convey New Knowledge that explains the structure of the Worlds and the tasks of man on Earth and in Eternity, without understanding which people will not be able to go through the Quantum Transition on their own.
(V.M. - Perhaps this exceptional situation was created unusual solution Vedrussov to “fall asleep” in the face of the approaching darkness. I feel that there is a determination in him to break vicious circle mistakes and disasters. The Vedrussians made a final decision - to live up to the hopes of their Father or to disappear).
Quotes from the Creator Texts speak for themselves.
“...People are energy phantoms and their relationship to the surrounding World is the interaction of human energy and the energy of the Universe, while Love and Harmony of relationships give impulses of positive energy that strengthen the Universe.
Human behavior in society is energy impulses of different lengths, different sign and therefore, anger, hatred, and even more so murder, are impulses of negative energy of enormous power and short-wave parameters.
Physicists know that short waves have an all-pervasive ability, and therefore are the most dangerous not only for an individual, but also for all of humanity, and, most importantly, they are dangerous for the Cosmos, which has a balanced energy structure.

Local wars and wars on a global scale emit such powerful negative energy into the Cosmos that it causes negative energetic excitement in the Cosmos.
That is why humanity not only leads to self-destruction from an excess of negative energy,” but also causes an energy imbalance in the surrounding Worlds, surrounding civilizations.
Not only are you still a very young civilization, you also turned out to be the most unstable and most unbalanced, which causes concern to the surrounding Worlds, demanding your destruction or bringing you to a harmonious, energetically balanced state
There is nothing to add or subtract from these words, you just need to understand that a person was created by Me for the Tasks of Cosmos and Eternity, and if a person, expected as an energy phantom of the highest level, the level of the Spirit, did not materialize, then: either this phantom is adjusted , or it is destroyed as excess energy negative sign, leading to an imbalance in the System of Worlds!"

(V.M. - Those who are accustomed to hearing warmer words from their Father as presented by Anastasia, simply make allowances for the fact that the Father’s words come through the filter of the consciousness and language of a scientist. But the essence is the same: “It’s time to come to your senses! ")

What must the Creator say for those who believe in God to believe God? At all times it was a difficult process.
During crucial periods of human development, Higher powers dictated to selected people (Moses Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad) Knowledge about the Creator and the rules of life on Earth, emphasizing that the main thing is the improvement of man and his Love for the Creator, for the surrounding World and for his own kind. But Love must be understood, first of all, as Harmony of relationships.
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Gospel of Matthew, ch. 19, v. 24). This is the second major clue (which people completely ignored). No one has abolished money, but a person preoccupied with enrichment serves negative forces and is uninteresting (lost) for the Creator, as incapable of self-improvement.
Human consciousness must develop according to the rule of the “Golden Section”, which recommends a “golden” mean between the vectors of Spirit and Matter.
The value of the Knowledge transmitted through the Prophets is indisputable, but over the millennia, to please the ruling figures, people have DISTORTED (added, removed and changed) the Primary Sources so much that they created confusion, ambiguity and inconsistency in the Texts, sowing disunity and enmity among those who want to understand the Truth. “But it is impossible to find the Truth in a “dark” room, leaving the Light of Knowledge outside.”
As a result, Religion is the Teaching of the One God for all times and peoples, without which the progress of mankind is impossible, turned into fragmented, conservative, dogmatic and competing confessions, lagging behind in their development modern society for millennia.
The creator explains that, unfortunately, the people who chose the most important mission Preachers who introduce people to Faith in God have endowed themselves with unlimited and excluding any criticism power over their own kind. Preaching the Eternal and the Good, they imagined themselves to be the “chosen ones” and, having appropriated power (which the Creator did not give them), began to control Souls (which do not belong to them) in the name of God. And in order to “perpetuate” their significance, they created and legitimized numerous rituals and ceremonies that meant absolutely nothing to the Creator.
Life is always movement and development. Everything that stops is dead. Everything in the Universe and, of course, science and religion are subject to this Law.
But the clergy (of all faiths) turned themselves and their flock into “prisoners” of dogmas and Knowledge dictated thousands of years ago and designed for the level of worldview of ancient people. By imposing a “mothball” understanding of God on the flock, they became a brake and an obstacle in the search for Truth and the free development of the consciousness of each person.
It’s a terrible paradox, but today all the religions of the World, in the form in which they exist, are an irresistible force that divides and prevents the rapprochement of peoples!

(V.M. - And again I would like to note how clever Anastasia is! The idea of ​​​​the Family Estate can be absorbed by any culture and any confession, because initially it was in them. And there communication with the living thoughts of God will already begin, and without any revolutions and reformations The scriptures will be restored to their original meaning.)

Scientists were also unable to understand the structure of the World. Having rejected Religion, they chose the materialistic (without-Spiritual) path of understanding the World, and, having created laws that were not consistent with the Laws of the Cosmos, they sent people along the path of a selfish consumer society, turning humanity into a Spiritual “bankrupt”.

A dual power has been created on Earth: religious and secular. These groups of people, guided by personal and material interests, applying the rule of “divide and conquer”, created a society of physical and Spiritual slaves (regardless of the changing sign), deprived of the conditions for improving Consciousness, ensuring fast development society.

People were unable (or did not want) to observe at least the Ten Commandments, and all the millennia provided for improving their own “I” were spent chasing the “Golden Calf” and pleasing their short stay in the Material World. Forgetting that “A soulless person is always a destroyer of the surrounding space and, ultimately, a suicide.”

“The existing conditions of life and relationships between people, the legal and credit and financial systems are the product of destructive forces and do not create conditions for the growth of human Co-knowledge. Moreover, all social superstructures actively force a person to serve Mammon, discarding all attempts for later Spiritual growth human beings, replacing Faith in the Creator with the observance of rituals and ceremonies of a church-religious nature.”
Tales from religions force modern people recognize the primacy of the “achievements” of the material World, But today, more than ever, people feel the urgent need for Faith in the Creator and Supreme Justice, since without this everything else makes no sense.

Higher powers always carefully watch people and through thousands of contactees (Prophets, Nostradamus, D. Andreev, E. Blavatsky, the Roerichs and many of our contemporaries) at the subconscious level (but in no case through audible voices, which are a manifestation of lower powers) , explain that the world many times more complicated than people themselves think about Him.
Today, the Creator Himself, in a modern and understandable language, conveys New Knowledge, which is no longer a myth or fairy tale, but a vital necessity.

Everyone must understand that in the Universe all objects have a Divine (Intelligent) origin. The entire Universe is inhabited and consists of multi-layered Worlds of energy-information (matter) of varying degrees of density.
This is the World of Divine forces of high vibrations, the Subtle, Spiritual world (the energy of creation), controlled by the Hierarchs of Light (the highest octave of vibration in the Center of Space, the Universe).
And the World of Divine forces of low vibrations (destructive energy), controlled by Satan (in the Russian version - the Evil One). This is the World of dense and super-dense energy (Matter) (the periphery of Space), testing a person with temptations and forcing him to make his choice.
“God is One for everyone, not only on Earth, but also in the Universe, in Eternity!
This is a control System that balances all positive and destructive forces that are subject to the Law of Unity and the struggle of opposites. But the Vector of God’s energy always has a positive meaning and the preservation of this vector is the main task of God.

(V.M. - Understanding the Creator’s task as achieving a balance of all energies and essences of the Universe was also noted by Anastasia. And this is the main mystery for Man in the Universe)

God is the Great multi-level Energy Ocean of the Mind,

(V.M. - These words don’t mean anything to me, perhaps I don’t understand their meaning. Why is the Mind an Ocean, and not, say, a crystal? But the next phrase seems to me filled with a special meaning).

Evolving in Eternity, and constantly striving for perfection.

God fills with Himself the entire Space of the Universe. Space has the structure of a MATRIX, consisting of many billions of energy cells of different densities and different signs. And only the Harmony of plus and minus gives that Great Divine Light, in which all the Essences of Eternity “warm up.”
Don't look for God somewhere "Out There", far away. He is nearby, He is around us, and we are inside. All Worlds are intertwined, and all times exist today and now.
“The world is in constant motion, but not in chaos, as it seems to people. This movement is subject to the Highest Expediency and the Laws of Eternity. Its basis is the ascending SPIRAL of Eternity, because everything has a beginning, but there is no end to the evolution of Space, for It is Eternal!”
V. Vernadsky was the first to reveal the structure of the Sphere of Reason, but humanity did not have a desire to know its World. And only now, after a hundred years, the time has come to reveal the secrets of the Worlds to people!
Man is not a slave of God (children cannot be slaves of their parents), but a multi-layered energy phantom created from Material and Spiritual DNA in the likeness of the Creator: capable of creating and improving.
Man is the “embryo” of God, who himself chooses whom he will develop into!

(V.M. - Now it becomes clearer what God is. God is a person in his potential development, which is why God is comprehensible to us. We simply feel like gods when we create, bring Love and Harmony to the world.)

The first intelligent people (Adam and Eve) were created in the Subtle World, and the Earth, this ideal place for the development of human abilities, was simultaneously populated by representatives of different alien civilizations (hence the diversity of nations and morals) to fulfill the Divine Plan to create a Unique Unified civilization and a New A person capable of ensuring the commonwealth and unification of all nations under the leadership of the One God!
By constantly increasing the level of co-Knowledge (vibration of the Soul), a person becomes a Man-Creator, an Helper of God in the Universe, and then a Man-God.
The second way is submission to destructive forces and withdrawal into the Dark Space of negative forces, where the conditions of existence are completely different!”

Man on Earth has an absolute degree of freedom in his actions and choice of ways to comprehend the Truth. He is tested for independence, for the ability to make a Wise conclusion in the atmosphere of DUALITY, bringing himself closer to the One life-giving Whole (God), and therefore, bringing himself closer to the Truth
Man was given all the opportunities for improvement and independent transition to four-dimensional and other levels of dimensions. But man chose to vegetate in the Material world and ceased to rise in the Spirit, forgetting about his similarity to God and his responsibility before the Creator. The Earth is a testing ground and a “forge of personnel” for the developing Universe. Each person has a personal purpose (task), which he is obliged to determine and fulfill. Those who fail to solve the problem or are lazy to carry out the “task” do not follow the straight “road” of life, but meander through “bumps and potholes,” struggling with endless problems. He repeats reincarnations until he achieves the desired result.
All Knowledge about the Universe is inherent in a person at birth, but due to laziness and inertia of thinking, a person uses only 5% of his capabilities.
Modern humanity is the Fifth Race on Earth. Previous people lived for several centuries. It was they who left “monuments” about themselves: the pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge, statues of Easter Island and many others. They became proud of their capabilities, imagined themselves to be omnipotent, ignoring the Creator. Their fate ended sadly. People of the Fifth Race have a life limit of 120 years. During this period, a person does not have time to become proud (although he actively strives for this).
The main task of man is to study mental and sensory situations, the reproduction of which is impossible in the Spiritual World of high vibrations, as well as to process the energy of entropy (chaos) of the Material world into positive energy (Love), necessary for the System Mirov.
“Love is the Password, there is a Code that can open the doors of knowledge of the World, the doors of accepting the Cosmos and oneself as part of this System.”
“In all words there is music, a tone, and, most importantly, the Code of Eternity, which must be solved in order to take a step into the Future! People are given the Alphabet, the order and numbers of these letters are given, and each phrase should push people to understand the Law of Numbers, ruling the world"
A person's thoughts are of particular importance. Thoughts are the energy of the Subtle Worlds, which feeds the Creator and which a person, through his actions, materializes in the field of low vibrations, shaping his destiny and his living space.
You need to watch your words, but especially your thoughts and mental images, because nothing disappears, but returns in the form of problems or karmic debts. All diseases, disasters, etc. - this is the result of an excess of negative energy on an organ (object), generated by the thoughts of the person himself. Nothing happens by chance!
All scientific discoveries and creative insights depend on the level of consciousness of a person receiving information from the Creator (Ocean of Mind).

The higher the consciousness, the higher the vibration of a person’s Soul and the more talented and brilliant everything he does is. A person with low consciousness “collaborates” with the forces of low vibrations and the fruits of his activity are destructive both for this person (illness and early death) and for society. Consciousness determines everyday life, and not vice versa, as people declare.
No person has the right to “kill” (interrupt the earthly incarnation) of another person, no matter what the motivation. Because any premature death is a violation of the Laws of the Cosmos and is severely punished. And for the “killed” everything is forgiven, and he is quickly sent to Earth to complete the interrupted “business trip” (sometimes to the same family).
The Creator also rejects the killing of animals for sacrifice, since HE does not accept the expression of Love for Himself through pain, blood and death.
Any ritual murder is a service to the Lower forces that test people. “This Sin (to which They provoke a person) is the BASIS for further sin and the transformation of man into an animal! . -
Particularly dangerous “producers” of destructive thoughts (energies) are terrorists, fanatics and greedy people and, oddly enough, people of creative professions who, in their works, relish, replicate negative human actions and force them to empathize. These people are “servants” of the Lower powers, although they argue that everything is not so scary.
Negative energy is very active and “contagious”.
It has already entered the phase of self-reproduction and leaves no chance for people to be saved without help from “outside”. Having “clung” once, it is removed with great difficulty, destroys the person himself, and infects his environment, capturing more and more “objects” and threatening problems on a planetary scale.
The creator warns of another danger and this is not science fiction.
Near the Earth, in a parallel World, there is a neighboring more highly developed civilization (Dark Planet Antiworld), which is preparing to enslave people as energy donors! Relationships between extraterrestrial civilizations similar to the relations between states on Earth. And on an interplanetary level, our civilization is an “aboriginal tribe” on an island claimed by the “US Navy.”
It is from the “Dark” planet (invisible from the level of our dimension) that flying “saucers” penetrate us for reconnaissance and abduct people for research. Their representatives, with a group of super-rich people who dream of ruling the World, have already created a secret World “shadow” government to destabilize life on Earth and take it over. And the earthlings themselves cannot cope with such “guests”. “This “shadow” government has developed a plan for an attack on New York skyscrapers, and framed the stupid and vain Bin Laden. It is they who are preparing psychotropic weapons to turn people into weak-willed slaves, and if this happens, then even the Creator will not be able to help the distraught people!
Willingly or unwittingly, people became assistants to their “gravediggers.” Believing in a distorted past, not understanding the present and not knowing their “Tomorrow,” people continue to “feast during the plague,” and in their voluntary pursuit of vices they surprise even the Lower powers.
The “sleeping” consciousness keeps you captive to material problems.
And now only the “surgical” intervention of the Quantum transition will “forcibly” increase the level of people’s consciousness and save humanity from the materialistic “swamp”.
Several quotes from the Creator's Message.
"The structure of the human energy shell is an exact copy (on a micro scale) of the structure of the Worlds, where the pinnacle of control is not the mind, but the Co-knowledge of the Soul
The soul of a person, depending on the level of Spirituality, can be either in the Subtle Worlds (high vibration frequencies), or vegetate in the World of dense energy of the Material World. A person either strives to the heights of the Subtle Fields, pulling out the material shell with him, or descends into the World of dense energy, where the meaning of existence is only animal interest.
But, a human animal is an easily controllable creature, which represents an ideal biofield for creating and cloning biological robots of the Dark Forces.
The struggle for your consciousness is the most difficult battle between the Light and Dark forces, for your Future and your path Up to the heights of the Subtle Fields or the path down to the World of biological systems of complete subordination depend on the result of this battle.
In this case, your civilization will be lost to the Divine forces, as the basis for the creation of energy Essences in the likeness of the Creator to control other planets and the Worlds of Subtle Fields."
New Knowledge The Creator dictates to the man of science. This may be taken with offense by representatives of faiths who believe that only they have the right to do this. But it is precisely a person of science, recognized and honored, and not giving preference to a particular denomination, who can fulfill this responsible Mission, since each denomination will use the situation to its advantage, which is categorically IMPOSSIBLE to do.
The man of science was not chosen by chance. There are seven generations of priests in his family, and the genealogy begins from Mount Sinai. His Mission is to convey New Knowledge to people and explain emerging issues.
The moment of the beginning of the Quantum transition or the “blow of fate” (the first stage of three) will be the first to be felt by the population of Russia.
The energy wave, starting with the Person who recorded the New Knowledge, will spread like a “domino” throughout the entire territory of the country.
People will feel a bright flash of Light, which can cause a short loss of consciousness (not life-threatening) and will experience the sensations of a child emerging from the mother’s womb into a new unknown World. They will see parallel Worlds, which they have always considered science fiction. The unusual nature of the opened Space will cause a mental crisis and the death of people unprepared for the Quantum Transition.

(V.M. - This is how V. Maigre describes that some foreigners who see the beauty of the Family Estates of Russia will feel the emptiness of life and commit suicide)

The energy impact will be significant. But due to the constant, intuitive desire Russian people to God, to the Truth, it will not cause large losses among the population.
“The losses will be noticeable only among atheists and “black” people. These people of vice and sins, people of low vibrations are outcasts of society. Through their own fault or conviction, they will no longer be able to “break away” from the World of matter and therefore will perish.”
Russians who have passed into the four-dimensional dimension, in contact with parallel Worlds, will become a nation of modern “priests” and will acquire the abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. The exchange of information will become instantaneous. Each person's thoughts will be "transparent". Language barriers will disappear and the rapprochement of peoples will begin.
Go to Subtle world will distinguish Russia from the rest of the World. A special feature of Russia will be the high consciousness of the country’s leadership and the entire population, who have received unprecedented abilities and energy from the Higher Powers. Rapid economic growth will be a complete surprise for other countries.
Gradually, all countries will recognize Russia as their leader and will begin to unite under its leadership. Today to many this may seem like a figment of fantasy. But the reality turned out to be more fantastic! Message from the Creator to the readers of this article.
“I, the Creator of Everything and Everything, am addressing people through a man of science with whom I established contact, and who, by My decision, wrote down and provided you with My Words, as an Appeal from the Creator, the Most High and God to the people of the Planet, with a warning about a possible collapse and self-destruction of humanity!
I Myself and the Hierarchy of Light interfere in the affairs of humanity only because We do not want to lose civilization with its enormous potential.
My intervention consists of two stages:
first; I must stop the process of self-destruction of humanity. For this purpose the energy of Light will be given and is already being given, which will increase the level positive forces and will turn the vector of energy towards creation;
second; I need to transfer people to a new level (octave of vibration) and this transition is associated with the onset New Era- The Age of Aquarius or the Age of Spirit!
The main country chosen by Me for the transition of humanity through “Golgotha” to the Resurrection is Russia - the country of the never-setting sun!
The most difficult process of purification of humanity begins and not every one of you will pass this Exam with dignity, but the path is indicated and the choice is up to humanity, up to each person: either to the heights of Spirituality, or to the fall into nowhere!
The scale of the planetary changes that you will experience, even with all your imagination, is difficult for you to imagine, and not a single exact science can predict, much less describe, everything that awaits your World in the coming years! "

For the first time, the creator has a direct two-way dialogue and speaks Russian! Through a man in Russia, HE dictated His Message and called It “REVELATIONS to the people of the New Age.”
If the Bible is called the Book of Hope, then the new Message of the Creator
this is the ABC of basic Knowledge needed by modern people and the Ticket to the Future. “This is the most magical Book of all time, it will change everything* on Earth!”
Complicating the content and sparing our “morbid” conceit, the Creator weekly dictates new Texts in which he reveals the secrets of History, the structure of the Worlds and the origin of man, explains everything that we will never know on our own and without which, as people, we cannot exist. These are the most powerful energy Messages for all millennia. Everyone who reads this will no longer go “down”, he will never be able to do this!
For the first time, the Creator answers all the questions that concern modern people and puts an end to meaningless disputes - whose religion is true?!
(Published on the websites http://www.otkroveniya.ru and the Moshkov Library (http://lit.lib.ru/editors/editors/rn/maslow_l_i/) and also published in book format).
No one needs to be persuaded to read them; everyone must understand the importance of this themselves. But it is necessary to tell your relatives and friends about what is happening on Earth. Everyone should have a chance to be saved.
While preserving the good traditions and customs of peoples, you need to understand that all the Old Testament and other teachings about God, having fulfilled their worthy Mission, forever become a thing of the past, giving way to New Knowledge. Humanity is finished primary school and goes to Higher.
For those infected with materialism and confused by narrow religious dogmas, this is almost insurmountable. But evolution does not depend on the desire of people, and in order to understand and, therefore, be saved, read, think and analyze. But remember that the Creator does not give Instructions, but only suggests the direction of movement.
In December 2012, Russia will be the first to pass through the Golgotha ​​of the Quantum Transition and begin the path of Resurrection. There are only 4 years left to catch up with 4 thousand years of lost time and complete the most difficult and hard work for a person - to cleanse his thoughts and consciousness from vices, obscurantism and dogmas.
"Eternity does not accept dogmas. They violate the order of improvement of the energy System, violate the order of evolution, the Order of Eternity"
The Creator sounds the alarm about imminent danger for people “captivated” by dogmas or living only for material gain.

(V.M. - “Captive of mercantile postulates,” says Anastasia)

HE asks not to repeat the mistakes of disappeared civilizations and confirms: I AM, I EXIST! And further

The Universe is a living organism, but created, and God is Living, not created and not born, pre-eternal, the very creator of the life of the Universe. The named totality defines the concept of “Life” in the most extreme way...">the life of people and the passage through energy fields Quantum transition is impossible without understanding this! Will not Last Judgment! A person is still free in his choice. And he himself must decide: either to develop into the “Top” together with God, or to disappear forever with the dogmas and slogans of atheism. There is no other option anymore.
And so that at the moment of the Quantum transition your surprised and emotional cry does not become the last feeling before disappearing forever, try to understand: what does the Creator expect from us?! And as soon as possible.
“There is nothing difficult in understanding the Truth: “Man is a part of God” on Earth, but at the same time, there is a huge difficulty in living up to this Mission!”
The energetic “shower” of the Quantum Transition will cleanse the human race of those infected with the “sin” virus. Murderers, drug addicts, greedy people and all those who do not understand what conscience is will go nowhere.
Every person, regardless of religion, position and financial status, will begin to pass the Unified Exam of Life to the One God. No one can hide. Civilization will be saved if at least 30% of the adult population survives! To be on the safe side, a new generation of the Sixth Race is growing up - the brilliant “Indigo” children, for whom contact with the Creator is a natural fact. But the Creator wants to be saved as much as possible more people and asks us to help HIM (and ourselves) with this.
Those living today are amazingly lucky; for the first time, the Higher Divine Powers decided to leave people as the basis of the new - Sixth Race! This means that every person is a sprout of a new world and every person (if he wishes) will be lucky enough to participate in the Great Change of Space.
For the first time in one life, a person will be able to live two lives - one where the meaning of life was personal enrichment and another where the meaning of life will be co-Creativity with the Creator in completely different conditions of existence.
For Russians of all nations and religions, the national idea will be the motto “For Statehood and the Spiritual Revival of Russia”!

(V.M. - If we listen well to this motto, we will hear: “Joint creation and joy for everyone from contemplating it!”)

Not the supremacy of any confession or people who have broken into power, but the supremacy of people guided by Conscience, governed by the Creator! The basis for building the statehood of the Sixth Race will be: God's Unity (through people who hear God) and the Conciliarity of a free people!

(V.M. - How can one not remember the first name of the party “Course of Truth and Unity” - the movement “Towards God-Sovereignty!”)

This is exactly what our civilization should have achieved, but failed. "...The structure of the Russian state, which rises from the ashes as a renewed supranational block, an Empire, if you like, is the Divine Monarchy from Me, the Creator, and the People's Council for the formation of local power."
"The nascent Quantum or Divine transition will cease to exist human power(both secular and religious) because human power has proven that it is a vice, it is a sin, and it cannot have a place in the New World!
This decision was made by the Creator and the Higher Powers. And no one on Earth can interfere with its fulfillment. You can’t argue with God and HE doesn’t take bribes. The Creator asks only one question: will Humanity be able to understand the level of impending danger and, in the face of this danger, unite through the adoption of Faith, the acceptance of the Laws of the Cosmos, the acceptance of the Creator? “This unification is a return to the path of evolution, it is the achievement of energetic Harmony, the Great Harmony of man and the Cosmos!”
Restructuring the Conservative human thinking- the process is difficult, but time has started counting down and increased its speed (everyone notices this).
Materialism and religious dogmas have a stranglehold on humanity and not everyone will be able to escape, but there is practically no time for meaningless discussions and arguments. Every person must finally understand that the games of myths are over.
THE TIME OF CHANGE has come, in which a person has a chance to be saved and not fall into the “meat grinder” of energy transformations!
Having cast aside complacency, “know-it-all” and stiffness, it is necessary to launch explanatory work as quickly as possible among the population of Russia and other countries about the need to prepare for the Quantum Transition. This will save the lives of millions of people, including ourselves and our children.
The Creator Himself asks us all about this and Blesses us to the “seventh generation,” because nothing can be more important at the present time!
Ignoring or misunderstanding the above is opposition to God (a judgment against oneself) and a crime against humanity.

P.S. Unfortunately, only destructive earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tsunamis, accompanying changes in the geometry of Space, will lead people into a state of shock, make them believe the Creator and turn to Him for help. And people will receive this Help, but at what cost?!...

ZHUKOV V.T., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
LAZAREV G.E., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
LESHTAEV V.I. National Health Foundation
PLYKIN V.D. Doctor of Technical Sciences
Moscow, 2008.


Valera, at first I was happy to see in our beloved “TARTARIA” that
sent for you, and the comment seemed harmless (not everyone is like
ready to hear this). Although of course it felt like this was a comment
Not free man, but a man shackled by the party line. But that,
that he shortened (It seems also clear, there is too much shocking information. So
whether it was this or again the party line did not allow it.)
Valera, you are a person who knows what a direct channel with GOD means, what is there
talking about too serious things, and does the Creator accept such
relationships, because information is not for the mind, but for the SOUL. Like the books by V. Maigret.
As I understand it, we read these books with our SOUL, but we tried to understand and
to carry out what is written there with our earthly knowledge, that is
mind. In an interview with an American journalist, Maigret openly gives
understand that we must prepare in advance to understand the next book.
That is, read previous books again and again in nature, calming your
mind. Yes, give your soul the opportunity to cleanse itself, because every time you read
again and again our Soul cries, by giving vent to tears we purify the Divine
our Temple. The temple where our Soul lives, because we littered it most of all.
"Getting out where you live" is only possible when we openly admit
(publicly) all our sins, every single one, and ask for forgiveness from
Yourself the CREATOR, from GOD, from everyone, from everything, and of course forgive everyone yourself.
How to do this - of course, this is to start writing a FAMILY BOOK from Until I
I. And start this as quickly as possible, Illuminating all the dark labyrinths of our
Consciousness and Soul, we will discover our psychotelepotic
opportunities that will develop as more
perfect way of life for people on planet Earth. If we add here
appeal of GOD “My son, the Universe is a thought, it was born from a thought
a dream, it is partially visible by matter. When you come to the edge of everything, the beginning
the new and your continuation will be revealed by thought. From nothing new will arise
the beautiful birth of you, reflecting your aspirations, soul and dreams.
My son. You are eternal, you are your creative dreams." Let's add Maigret's words "
In the new book. I will talk about the power of human thought as the most
strongest energy in the Universe."
I hope you haven’t lost the ability to understand my thoughts at a glance.
Man is the UNIVERSE ITSELF, and then you yourself know. I want to tell us
one must not succumb to the tricks of dark forces during the construction of Ancestral
Estates main Thought-Dream-Image created together with
THE CREATOR FATHER. Having started writing the FAMILY BOOK, we will do the same thing as
Maigret did when he started writing his first book. Let's set up our communication channel with
By the Supreme Teachers, with our Beloved Senaira, as we purify
Thoughts and the FATHER THE CREATOR HIMSELF. If you read carefully, in all
Maigret makes a confession in his books and his channel is cleared with each book,
The language and style changes. My Soul tells me that the main thing is to take
direct your pencil gaze into the Space where Universal LOVE lives and
Having asked your innermost question, hear the answer with your heart. As I taught
Anastasia Vladimir.
Forgive me Valera if I was rude somewhere, illiterate somewhere,
WITH LOVE FANIS. Thanks in advance.
Hello Fanis.
I really recognized myself in your image when you talk about Maigret, who comments on Anastasia’s statements. This is probably a common way for all of us to comprehend new things. I could keep my thoughts to myself, but I hope, by publishing them, to encourage the reader to take his own path of reflection, to join the dialogue. And in order to maintain objectivity, I am posting your opinion, like many others. By the way, now we have a forum, and there you can express your opinion without my mediation.
Light and Joy to you!

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