Home Beneficial properties of fruits Exam in society year. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: analysis of tasks with a teacher. Training Unified State Examinations have a positive effect on academic performance

Exam in society year. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: analysis of tasks with a teacher. Training Unified State Examinations have a positive effect on academic performance

Hundreds of thousands of graduates will take Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2017. As you can see, there is not much time left for preparation, and although this subject is considered relatively easy, it is advisable to start working on the tasks now. It should be noted that social studies is the most popular optional subject, which is extremely loved by students. In addition, many humanitarian universities require a grade for this discipline in the graduate certificate.

So that students do not relax in the bowels of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as in State Duma We have already begun to develop a number of innovations that can radically change the social studies testing system.


The innovations listed below can for now be regarded as rumors and speculation, but this could happen and already in 2017 they will all be involved in the procedure for passing the Unified State Exam in social studies.

  1. Social science - compulsory subject. This proposal has long been on the lips of specialists close to the education system in Russia. In addition to this subject, history, physics and foreign language. Of course, history has a better chance, because officials are already extremely concerned that not all students are fluent in the history of the development and formation of their state.
  2. Introduction of an extensive oral part. This innovation is still only at the discussion stage. Parliamentarians intend to shorten the test part and replace it with oral units, which the student will have to hand over to the examiner personally. Let's say more, some experts suggest making this exam oral.
  3. The subject will be removed from the Unified State Exam. Yes, such a proposal has already been submitted to the State Duma for consideration. This is caused by the fact that every year there is less technical workers. In order for more graduates to enter specialized universities for some time, social studies may disappear from the list of subjects submitted to the Unified State Examination. Let's hope that this innovation will remain only at the talking stage.

Evaluation criteria

In 2017, the system for assessing graduates’ knowledge will not undergo any changes. For each completed task, the student receives a certain number of points, which are combined into a single amount. Thanks to a specially developed scale, the primary scores received by the student are transformed into test scores. It is based on the latter that the commission decides whether the graduate has passed the exam or not.

Structure of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies

In total, the exam in this subject includes 29 tasks, divided into two blocks.

Tasks 1-20 (block 1) are questions or tasks that require short answers in one word or one number.

Tasks 21-29 (block 2) - each question requires a detailed, reasoned answer. Examples, arguments and other evidence that can make the answer broad and correct are welcome.

As a rule, this state exam tests knowledge in the following sections:

  1. Human and society
  2. Right
  3. Economy
  4. Politicians
  5. Social relations

Literature for preparation

To pass the Unified State Exam in social studies with an “excellent” rating, you need to spend a lot of time reading books. Considering the fact that more than one subject is taken for the exam, you should select the right literature so as not to waste time on inappropriate manuals. Below is a list of textbooks that will certainly come in handy while preparing for the Unified State Exam.

This literature is designed specifically for those who want to prepare for the exam in advance. Some manuals are aimed at developing correct theoretical knowledge. They contain all the sections that are included in the Unified State Examination. It is noteworthy that all information is presented in in brief, focusing on the main points.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam in social studies

If you want to temporarily feel what it’s like to take the Unified State Exam in social studies, FIPI specialists annually update the demo version of the exam. Every eleventh grader can visually assess the difficulty of the test, as well as get acquainted with the approximate tasks. In addition, students will be able to earn points for completing the demo.

This approach allows you to prepare graduates for the future and set them up for a positive result in the knowledge test.

It's worth noting that the demo is just a rough idea of ​​what to expect on the actual social studies exam. Demo version, as a rule, includes the following items:

  • Instructions with rules for filling out forms
  • Information about the blocks that are included in the social studies exam
  • Knowledge assessment criteria
  • The amount of time allotted for the student to solve all problems
  • List of literature that can be used while preparing for the test
  • Rules of conduct for students while taking the Unified State Exam
  • Total number of tasks, in all Unified State Exam blocks in social studies.


So that every student secondary school If you were able to feel confident in the exam in this subject, you need to start preparing for it now. The method of preparation depends on the capabilities and desires of the eleventh grader.

Some people turn to tutors for help, some decide to read specialized literature and prepare for the test on their own, others, united in groups, repeat step by step and consolidate the material they have covered. It doesn’t matter which method you choose, the main thing is that it brings the desired result.

Video news

The educational portal “Study HERE” offers to take test tests of the Unified State Exam in social studies. After you take the test, you will be shown the correct answers. These tests will help you prepare for your future exam. With repeated training, you will have an idea of ​​how the Unified State Exam in social studies goes. Certainly, trial options The Unified State Exam will not coincide with real tasks. But keep in mind when you take an on-line test on the “Study HERE” website, you are not limited in time, but in a real exam the time frame is strictly regulated.

Training Unified State Examinations have a positive effect on academic performance

The collected statistics allow experts to conclude that those schoolchildren who constantly take training Unified State Examinations, including online tests, study better than their peers. This can be explained by the fact that schoolchildren remember previously covered material when practicing trial Unified State Exam. And new knowledge is based on old knowledge. Reviewing the past helps to better understand new topics. In addition, the student recognizes his weak sides and repeats them to improve his results. Those who prepare better for the exam and pass the Unified State Exam better will be able to get into more prestigious university and get modern higher education at a high level.

Do online tests correspond to the real Unified State Exam?

Online USE tests do not correspond to the tasks in the real exam. But they have general principle constructing questions. The child also needs to get used to the test form of the exam. Online tests allow you to prepare for the most serious school test at home. Many children are very nervous before the Unified State Exam. But those who trained at home are already ready for the exam and are not so worried. This allows them to concentrate their attention and strain their memory. Concentration allows you to avoid stupid mistakes that could take away precious points. For these reasons, teachers advise schoolchildren to periodically check their readiness for the exam using various practice tests. After all, each score can decide whether a graduate will be able to enter a particular university. And studying at a good Moscow university is a guarantee successful career. So you should approach the issue of preparation responsibly and devote some time online tests Unified State Exam, which will help you prepare for the Unified State Exam.

The manual contains 25 standard options test tasks in social studies, as well as 80 additional tasks Part 2. All tasks are compiled taking into account the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2017.
The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of CIM in social studies, the degree of difficulty of tasks, a large number of the most different types tasks to develop sustainable skills for their implementation.
The authors of the assignments are leading experts who are directly involved in the development of Unified State Exam assignments and teaching materials to prepare for the implementation of control measuring materials.
The collection also contains:
answers to all variants of tests and tasks of part 2;
criteria for assessing assignments in Part 2;
samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers.
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Unified state exam in social studies, as well as for high school students for self-preparation and self-control.

Select correct judgments about human activities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Human activity is creative and transformative.
2) Human activity is entirely determined by conditioned reflexes.
3) Unlike the behavior of animals, human activity is focused on satisfying the needs operating in this moment time.
4) Human activity is caused by social needs.
5) Human activity is volitional and conscious.

The arms race has affected the aggravation of environmental and economic situation in the world. Select from the list below global problems, which are directly reflected in this cause-and-effect relationship. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) the threat of a new world war
2) environmental crisis and its consequences
3) lag developing countries"third world" from developed countries
4) demographic situation on the planet
5) alcoholism and drug addiction
6) international terrorism

Choose the correct judgments about the subjects of banking activities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Commercial banks can engage in the production of material assets.
2) central bank can accept deposits and issue loans.
3) The Central Bank may establish certain financial standards that all credit organizations must comply with.
4) Commercial banks can engage in trade and property insurance.
5) Commercial banks can provide loans to enterprises, the state and the population.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the Unified State Examination 2017 book, Social Studies, 25 variants of standard test tasks and preparation for Part 2, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L., Korolkova E.S. - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

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You can buy this book below best price at a discount with delivery throughout Russia.

Social studies is not a required subject for the Unified State Exam, although it is included in the list of disciplines that schoolchildren take in the final exam. As statistics from the Ministry of Education show, almost half of all graduates choose the USE in social studies 2017 - because of what to study social science quite easy.

However, the last few years show more sad statistics: approximately every fifth student (about 20% of total number who took the test) does not score the required number of points on the exam. Such depressing figures were published in the Rosobrnadzor report for 2016. Students, teachers, and experts themselves complain about the increasing complexity of tasks, saying that the exam has become much more difficult. The department called the Unified State Examination in social studies the most difficult exam for students, but at the same time, “excellent” and “good” students who scored high score, there were about 30% of the total number of those who took the test.

Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2017: changes and innovations

A few years ago, the Ministry of Education announced upcoming changes in the structure and Unified State Examination form. The decision was announced to remove the test part from all exams, that is, the section where you had to choose one correct answer from four proposed ones. According to both representatives of the ministry and the teachers themselves, the test answer options provide too much scope for guessing.

The number of subjects that have already undergone reformation included social studies. The first, test part was replaced with a section with short answers. In this case, several of the proposed answer options may be correct.

However, these changes - regarding the test part - took place in 2015. What innovations can we expect in 2017?

According to current legislation, all possible innovations must be brought to the attention of interested parties before the start of the project. school year. By the first of September, FIPI had not published any serious news regarding the 2017 social studies exam. Therefore, at the end of the 2016-2017 academic year there will be no significant changes; the exam will be held according to the usual scheme tested in 2016.

Structure of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2017

The 2017 social studies exam will be divided into two large main parts.

The first part is to test general knowledge; includes 20 tasks that require a short answer. It looks like this:

  • task number;
  • task text;
  • answer options, and for one question you can choose several answer options at once.

The second part is to test in-depth knowledge; consists of 9 tasks that require a detailed, complete answer. The part looks like this:

  • at the beginning of the second section there is a thematic text covering one of the aspects of public life;
  • task number;
  • text of the task – questions from 21 to 24 contain tasks based on the text given above;
  • tasks 25-27 contain questions that require an extensive answer;
  • tasks 28-29 contain requirements to write a mini-essay or essay.

Criteria for evaluation

The first part - with short answers - can earn the respondent one point for each correct answer. Grades for the second, expanded part are subject to a more complex system:

  • Questions 21-22 are worth 2 points.
  • Questions 23-28 are worth a maximum of 3 points.
  • Question 29 can add to overall assessment as many as five points – provided the answer is correct, of course.

The maximum possible number of points is 62, the threshold value is 19 points, that is, in order to get a “passed” mark in social studies, you need to score at least 19 points.

Translated into the usual five-point rating system, they look like this:

  • From 0 to 18 points – two
  • From 19 to 30 points – three
  • From 31 to 42 points – four
  • From 43 to 62 points – five.

Unified State Exam schedule in social studies

  • Early stage – March 24 (reserve day April 5)
  • Main stage – June 5 (reserve day June 20 and June 30 reserve for all items)

And for those who, for objective reasons, cannot take the exam at the allotted time, the department allocates another additional day in September; the exact number will appear in the final version Unified State Exam schedule.

By the way, about the schedule: as practice shows, the preliminary draft is practically no different from the final version of the schedule. Therefore, you can figure out what day to take social studies now. Well, it’s much easier to start preparing if you have an idea of ​​the due date.

New ones published Unified State Exam projects 2017 in all subjects, new contours of the 2017 exam are already visible. Is the new a repetition of the old, or are serious changes awaiting us again? What will the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2017 be like? Opinion Unified State Exam expert read on!

How was the Unified State Exam 2016 in social studies?

To begin with - in normal mode! Without scandals and incidents, so to speak... Here is the opinion about the Unified State Exam 2016, for example, former minister education and science of the Russian Federation Livanov:

“The exam was held at a high organizational and technological level. This was facilitated by new technologies that are used during the exam, and increased responsibility and discipline of the organizers and participants of the exam,” – said the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov at a press conference at the Situation Information Center of Rosobrnadzor.

So, the main thing about passed the Unified State Exam 2016 in social studies:

Unified State Exam 2016 lessons in social studies

“In general, average scores in all subjects are comparable to last year’s results. This indicates the stability of the exam, that exam assignments the level of difficulty is similar to previous years. We see a slight increase in those with high scores and a decrease in those who did not overcome minimum scores" - this is an opinion Head of Rosobrnadzor Kravtsov.

First of all, we note that the exam has been held truly honestly for the third year now; there are no leaks of exam materials to the network. Only one version of the 2016 Unified State Exam is available to a wide audience, which, following the results of the early wave of the exam, was published by FIPI for each subject.

In the European part of the country, FIPI “used” 4 written versions against graduates of 2016; one of them, as is clear from the reviews of test takers, colleagues, and experts, was frankly “a failure.” The rest are solvable. Here's our analysis. And to which is also attached real work graduate in writing.

The exam conditions for the Unified State Exam 2017 will be tightened. Already this year, the test part disappeared in its usual form, which now, of course, complicates the task of “getting” the answer, which previously was often a matter of chance.

Since 2013 we have seen steady drop in GPA in Russia on the Unified State Exam in social studies:

year 2013 - 56,23

year 2014 - 55,4

2015 — 53,3

This year, as noted above, is most likely even worse. I can give you accurate current statistics for this year.

year 2014 - 57,9

2015 — 60

2016 — 57,1

And here we see a significant drop.

At all, almost 20% of those who did not pass, that's a lot, that's every fifth person passed. The question arises, why does this happen? Who is guilty?


  1. The school does not prepare graduates for the Unified State Exam in optional subjects; teachers try to distance themselves and not be responsible for their results.
  2. At the level federal ministry and the old minister Livanov said that “... a school cannot be assessed by Unified State Exam results”, and the new Vasilyeva, that “... teachers should not prepare children for an exam in a lesson in high school.” The line has changed.
  3. It turns out that the result on the Unified State Exam, for example, in social studies, is a personal matter for each graduate and his parents.
  4. The actual responsibility of the tutor - that “lifesaver” that the graduate can only rely on, as everyone understands, is minimal. He works, as a rule, without a contract, and no (By at least legal liability in front of parents, if anything, does not carry.

Here is the opinion of the new Minister of Education and Science L. Vasilyeva about the Unified State Exam.


What will the Unified State Exam 2017 be like?

According to the already approved draft schedule, the 2017 Unified State Exam in Social Studies will be held in the “early wave” on March 24, and in the main mode - June 5, 2017. Moreover, only one exam will be held on this day, which means that the reserve day will be practically unused.

The role of the exam basic for admission on humanitarian specialties— jurisprudence, political science, journalism, economics, of course, will not change.

This is how the leader sees her Federal Commission developers of control measuring instruments Unified State Exam materials in social studies T.E. Liskova:

That is, the exam continues to be positioned as fundamental, testing the actual graduate of 2017.

Already this year, each option in the test contained a knowledge question and, of course, this trend will continue. There were a lot of mistakes made by the 2016 graduates here.

Regarding the specific structure of CIM tasks, in comparison, Part 2 remained unchanged, and a slight change in Part 1, associated with the exclusion of what is very controversial and subjective for compilation and verification

Here is an example of this controversial task from a real version of the Unified State Exam 2015:

The time to write the exam remains the same - maximum at 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam 2017 in social studies?

First of all, by choosing your own individual training path. Taking as a basis the list of topics being checked (by the way, it has not changed compared to 2016). Having chosen, together with the teacher or tutor, the main manual for preparation, solve tests and regularly test your knowledge.

For example, we invite all graduates to participate in classes in the site group

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