Home Useful properties of fruits The financial horoscope for April is Libra. What to expect for the Libra in April according to the horoscope

The financial horoscope for April is Libra. What to expect for the Libra in April according to the horoscope

April will be the most successful month for Libra if they take advantage of opportunities and favorable circumstances. Laziness and overestimation of their capabilities can prevent them from achieving their goal, so it is better not to relax until you yourself see the result.

At the beginning of the month, your mood will be elevated without clear reason... Libra will want novelty, love and tenderness more than ever, so the development of a love story or flirting is possible, although you have never thought of anything like this before. Resist the temptation: the disappointment of hasty and thoughtless actions will be stronger than the joy of anticipation of change, so do not be deceived by the influx of feelings.

This month Libra will want to clarify relations with others, especially if there has long been a reason for suspicion or quarrels. It is better not to do this directly, otherwise you risk not understanding everything as it really is. An unexpected situation or a case when the suspect himself speaks out or clarifies the situation will help you to understand the complexities of the relationship. Try not to interfere with other people's relationships.

Your endeavors will be successful if you are active. Do not succumb to laziness and idleness - in April, many Libra will be in wait for temptations, especially if they are busy creative work... Do not fall for the mood, otherwise you risk missing out. Lucky case... Listen to the advice of your superiors or an older friend: he will definitely not advise you anything bad.

Libra Woman: Horoscope for April 2019

Spring mood will bring about changes in your character. Many people want to get rid of old things, put things in order in the room or in the country and buy something new and unusual. But a passionate desire for change can lead to unexpected and unpleasant discoveries that make you doubt the honesty of loved ones. Do not make hasty conclusions: very soon an unpleasant situation will resolve itself or an unexpected event will dot all doubts. If you act directly, you run the risk of quarreling with those who previously trusted you.

This month, Libra may wake up with a passionate desire to gossip and penetrate into the essence of other people's relationships and affairs. Your curiosity can take unexpected forms: it is likely that you will change your views on ordinary situations and finally learn to understand people. This can lead to a dramatic change in friends and girlfriends, which will help you see their actions from the outside. Try not to interfere in this process, even if you want your friends not to become enemies, most likely, they have been for a long time, but this became known only now. Allow time and do not rush to act independently in the situation.

You will especially feel the wind of change at the end of the month. By this time, many situations will become certain, and you will no longer be tormented by doubts. To accept them calmly, learn to be impartial. And, although many moments will be difficult for you, she will tell you how to act in an unpleasant or unpredictable situation.

Libra Man: Horoscope for April 2019

At the beginning of the month, prepare yourself for not being able to relax. Travel and business trips may be postponed by no clear reason and home rest will be spoiled by bad news. Get ready for the fact that you will have to delve into various affairs and circumstances, forgetting about what really worries you. You should not worry and be annoyed about this, such a pause is necessary for you to gather strength for an important and decisive step.

Success this month is only possible if you put off your planned activities for a while. Old problem will remind you of yourself again and you will have to spend a lot of time solving it. Do not rush to blame others or yourself if you think you made a mistake. Hustle and bustle is a common thing in April, so before you start what is really important to you, try to clear your living space of unpleasant affairs and outdated problems.

In the second half of the month old friends will remind of themselves. You will spend more time with children and relatives, but beware of your own irascibility - the search for justice will not lead to anything good and will only exacerbate relations. Better to do common business and devote free time rest in the countryside or a picnic. In the spring, such a pastime will give you a sea of ​​positive emotions that will allow you to successfully cope even with routine matters.

April 2017 promises Libra great amount significant achievements and events. Nothing and no one can stop you on your way. Nevertheless, in order to achieve your goals, in no case should you stop halfway. In April, Libra needs to act boldly and assertively, sometimes looking back. The position of the planets speaks of the obvious - Fortune will be on your side.

The only thing to remember is the importance of planning, from time to time be ready to work harder than usual. Because of unfavorable location Sun and Pluto have the risk of sudden events. Do not blame yourself, no one is immune from accidents.

Libra career horoscope for April 2017

In the field of career and work, Libra will be presented with many new opportunities and prospects. The scope of work promises to be very diverse, but there is no need to jump to conclusions. In April, it is best to take on projects that are near completion - this will be the most successful course of action.

If you are employed, important Special attention draw on colleagues at work. Try not to miss a single meeting or corporate party. This is very important point in progress this month. In addition, do not allow yourself to be familiar and rude.

If you work for yourself, the horoscope recommends focusing on personnel policy... Pay special attention to lazy people and those who want to shirk their duties. Because of negative impact Pluto, your business can suffer from unwillingness to make decisions or not making timely decisions.

Lucky days - 7, 8, if you don't have a job, use this day to send your resume and pass interviews.

April 2017 love horoscope for Libra

The sphere of personal relationships can give Libra a lot of love and happiness. The mood will delight not only the weather outside but also the weather in the house. The horoscope predicts that the lion's share of problems and conflicts will be resolved on their own, without any attention from your side.

If you have a loved one, you should not relax, in April you will have the opportunity to find the weak links in your relationship and strengthen them. This month, there is a possibility of big events in the form of childbirth or marriage, so be prepared to change your plans if necessary.

If you are lonely It's best to spend more time away from home so you have a better chance of meeting someone special. Try not to retire or become a hermit. Outright passivity and lack of motivation in this area can completely destroy spring romance.

Lucky days - 1, 15, 16, 17, 18 if you are single, use these days for romantic meetings and acquaintances.

April 2017 health horoscope for Libra

April will not bring any health problems. However, there is a possibility of injury and bruising. Be vigilant especially when playing sports. Don't over-diet yourself.

Auspicious days in April 2017

  • Luck in sports: 7, 8, 22, 23
  • Successful days in business: 7, 8;
  • Activity, ambition in work: 5, 6, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28;
  • Luck and optimism: 7, 8 ,;
  • Clarity of thinking (days of insight): 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30;
  • Confusion in thinking: 21, 22, 23
  • Foresight, prophetic visions: 17, 18, 21, 22, 23;
  • Emotionality sensitivity: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24;
  • Luck in love: 1, 15, 16, 17, 18;
  • Desire for loneliness: 8, 9, 21, 22;
  • Accident probability: 13, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30.

An interesting month awaits for Libra representatives. Your personal life will be more diverse, there are plenty of tempting offers, and you need to compare, reflect, and understand what you really want. It is very important not to make a mistake and make the right choice.

The full moon on April 11, 2017 illuminates the sign of Libra. It can be an omen of change that will affect you personally or your relationship. The Full Moon activates the energies of Jupiter and Uranus, marking a time of freedom and experimentation, when breaking the rules gives a chance to explore different ways interaction with people. You are not as patient and peaceful as usual, which can surprise you and your loved ones.

The planet of love Venus remains retrograde until April 16, 2017. Under her influence, the old relationship may resume, or you will again show interest in someone who did not suit you in due time.

The period when Venus is moving in the opposite direction is great for thinking about love, for identifying your ideals and true needs. If in doubt love affair, which you have now, then all the nuances of the relationship need to be carefully analyzed. However, do not rush to make a final decision, the best time for this comes in the second half of April 2017.

Those who are married or in a long-standing relationship will have certain expectations of their significant other. Your needs are high and not easy to meet. Regardless of the outcome, communication plays a decisive role in a relationship. In addition, love in this spring month is connected with money, for example, monetary gain is possible through a spouse or lover.

Libra career and financial horoscope for April 2017

The month is becoming one of the most significant for career and professional development. The planet Venus remains in the Libra house of work for almost the entire April 2017, so you can attract attention, position yourself as a specialist high level... You will be able to show your talents and yourself in a very attractive light. The bosses will appreciate your contribution to the common cause, and colleagues will be treated with respect.

One of your strengths this month - tact and attention. Thanks to this, interaction with other people will develop successfully. You will gain useful connections, get the support of people in power. There are good chances to conclude lucrative contracts.

April 10, 2017 Mercury turns retrograde, which suggests the need to be more careful when working with documents and information. Be careful when traveling.

As for finances, the situation is quite favorable for Libra. Income may increase, or you will find an additional source of financial income. In addition, you can count on material support from your relatives.


Fatigue and stress will affect your Libra's health. To make you feel happy, you should not overload yourself with work. Try to rest more, be outdoors. If you plan to undertake a trip for treatment or medical advice, it will be beneficial.

You are too involved in other people's affairs. Give yourself a break and relax yourself!

April will be one of the most successful and positive months of 2018 for Libra. In the middle of spring, a favorable and harmonious astrological situation will develop for the representatives of this sign. This month Libra will be surrounded by everyone's attention and will simply glow with happiness, charging those around them with positive energy and optimism.

The first ten days of the month will bring pleasant chores and spring bustle to Libra. Representatives of the sign will be involved in activities that will give them pleasure. The work will ultimately bring good material rewards. And as a reward for solving everyday problems, Libra will hear words of gratitude from their loved ones. This will greatly increase their self-esteem and inspire new achievements.

Inspired by their success, Libra will try to complete many tasks at the same time. But the horoscope does not recommend them to grab onto everything at once, otherwise they will not be able to complete a single business.

In the first decade of April, Libra will be able to solve many controversial issues, find a compromise in difficult situations. During this period, any business cooperation will be successful. Libra will also be able to establish relationships with loved ones and find mutual understanding. But the horoscope still recommends Libra to restrain his manifestation of authority and control over others.

In the second decade of representatives zodiac sign complete harmony and peace awaits. Personal relationships will only bring joy and positive emotions. At work, a favorable situation will develop, everything will be resolved conflict situations, you will be pleased with the relationship with the team.

During this period, Libra will have a great opportunity to conclude a profitable deal and improve their financial situation. But try to manage your finances correctly - avoid unnecessary spending.

In the third decade of April, Libra will have a spring mood and bright positive emotions. This will add natural charm to the representatives of the sign and make them very attractive to the opposite sex. Offers romantic dates and walks under the moon, so don't hold back your emotions and enjoy life. For couples also, you should not stay at home during this period, because this is a wonderful period to revitalize your relationship and add fresh notes to them.

Horoscope for April 2018 for Libra women

According to the horoscope, in April 2018, Libra women are expected with a work colleague. Stormy feelings will suddenly overwhelm you and just drive you crazy. Prudence and caution this time will let down the representatives of the sign, and love will push you to crazy actions. The horoscope still recommends that you do not take actions that can damage your reputation.

The main priority in April for Libra women will be privacy and everything connected with it. You may need proof of loyalty from your partner. But you should not be too jealous, because your suspicions have no serious basis.

April will be a busy period for Libra women in terms of health. Remember that now your strength is running out, and your health can seriously fail. Therefore, you should not overwork and overload your body. Spend more time on fresh air, go for massage and physiotherapy.

The first half of the month will bring excitement related to the financial situation. You will be tempted to think about your financial future. This period will not be the most favorable for business, although it will be more profitable than last month.

The second half of April will bring you good financial growth, which will last until the end of May. To be successful, you need to take an unconventional approach and be original.

Horoscope for April 2018 for Libra men

The beginning of the month for Libra men will not be the most active period, but with the advent of each new warm day, you will be more and more filled with energy. The influence of Mars will force you to be harsh and take rash acts. You will have a desire to prove to everyone your strength and masculinity.

The main priorities this month will be partnerships and personal relationships, communication with friends. Mid April will be for lonely Libra suitable period for a new acquaintance.

In April, everyday life, bustle and household chores will take up almost all of your free time. Try to find at least a little time to take care of your health.

The financial situation in the first half of April will not be the most progressive for Libra men. Closer to the middle of the month, a favorable situation will develop for solving any business issues.

Love horoscope for April 2018

In April, representatives of the Libra sign will enlist the support of the stars in romantic relationship... Lonely Libra will be able to find their soul mate during this period. The horoscope strongly recommends that you be more confident and decisive, and for a while forget about your modesty. Confidence should not leave you for a minute. Look at your reflection in the mirror - you are simply adorable.

Libras should be bolder and not be afraid to be in the spotlight. Then you will be assured of success with the opposite sex. Remember that acquaintance this month will be fateful and by the end of April you can get a marriage proposal. The stars still do not recommend giving a definitive answer until the full moon on April 30th. Try to get to know your chosen one better.

Family representatives of the sign during this period will feel that the relationship with a loved one is becoming deeper, warmer and more tender. But in April, life will be complicated by conflicts with close relatives who will try to impose their opinions on you. Libras need to learn how to make decisions on their own, otherwise their personal life will be in jeopardy.

Financial Horoscope for April 2018

April 2018 will open up new career prospects for Libra. You may be offered to participate in a new project. Be sure to use this opportunity to gain new knowledge and expand your horizons. Do not be upset if your financial position will not improve instantly. You should wait a little, and your work will be appreciated.

This is a favorable period in order to properly strengthen your financial position. Success in career promises to bring good profit... The stars advise you to show thrift and discretion, and avoid unnecessary expenses. Also, you should not make responsible decisions during the new moon on April 16. This day will be extremely unfavorable for financial transactions.

Libra Health April 2018

The stars will give representatives of the sign in April good health and great health. But in order to preserve this gift, you will have to put in a little effort:

  • Spend more time in nature, especially since spring sunny days are so conducive to this.
  • Stick to a diet because your digestive system is most vulnerable in April. During this period, you should forget about salty, spicy and fatty foods... But sometimes it doesn't hurt to cheer yourself up with something sweet.
  • Get rid of bad habits, because the owner of this year, the Yellow Dog, will not tolerate a negligent attitude towards her health.
  • Be extremely careful on the road, because during this period there is a risk of getting into an accident.
  • Avoid heavy physical activity which can lead to problems with musculoskeletal system... But fitness or yoga classes will only benefit your body.

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The horoscope for April 2017 warns Libra against being too gullible. Not every person who starts in the middle of this spring praising your intelligence, beauty and other virtues in every way will behave sincerely and unselfishly! The most unpleasant thing is that it won't be easy for you to distinguish false from truth. Hence the advice - soberly assess everyone with whom fate brings you in April 2017. Why do you need extra caution? The thing is that you run the risk of becoming a puppet in someone's clever hands, which will entail both the loss of your emotional comfort and very large financial problems.

In general, the personal life of Libra in April can be called quite calm and harmonious. Of course, some difficulties are not excluded for you (especially if you are a family person and are already accustomed to the fact that the harsh life over and over again throws up all sorts of trials for your married couple). So, in the middle of spring there is a risk that a very important device will fail, and your couple will have to urgently look for finances to purchase a worthy replacement. This will provoke short arguments between you and your marriage partner, but they will end soon enough. What runs the risk of becoming a really large-scale problem for you is the interest that your partner will have in some young person. Try to immediately outline the boundaries of communication with this windy person, beyond which your soulmate is not allowed to cross. Lonely Libra will spend April in an extremely non-eventful way. You will very soon understand that among the people who loudly sing your praises to you, there is no person with whom you are ready to build serious relationship... As a result, you will continue to listen to the stream of flattering phrases and at every convenient opportunity you will "denounce" your suitors for insincerity.

As for the working direction of Libra's life, this aspect will require special concentration from the representatives of this sign. The thing is that in April 2017 you run the risk of losing overnight everything that you have been striving for for several years, through the fault of some cunning and dishonest person. If you are an employee, keep your distance when communicating with a new colleague (it is he who will "substitute" you at the first opportunity in order to firmly take your position). If you are self-employed, before hiring a specialist, carefully check his resume and make sure that it is not a "scout" sent by your main business competitor. Even if you have to give up the highly professional services of this or that candidate, this should not upset you (this is the only way you will protect yourself from problems, many of which can have a number of irreversible consequences).

It is not surprising that the need to live in a state of constant emotional stress by the end of April will provoke Libra and breakdown, and a state of catastrophic mental fatigue. How do you get rid of these problems? Of course, with the help of measures that have already helped you more than once! Younger relatives will be your outlet in the middle of this spring. More often, together with them, arrange "outings" on out-of-town picnics (watching how children directly rejoice at the beauties of nature, you will understand that there is still sincerity and kindness in life, and everything that cannot be measured with money).

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