Home Trees and shrubs Types of services provided in the hotel. Types of additional services in hotels

Types of services provided in the hotel. Types of additional services in hotels

9.2. Hotel services

Accommodation services are a product of hotels or any other residential business. V state standard GOST R 51185-98 "Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements"the definition of hotel services is given. Accommodation services are the activities of the contractor for the accommodation of tourists and the provision of hotel, special (health and wellness, sanatorium, sports, tourism, etc.) services.

The main feature of the hotel product is that the client does not have ownership of the goods he is using. Identify the characteristic features of the service that determine the specifics of accommodation services.

Service is a process that takes place in time. The specificity of hotels is that production problems must be resolved quickly. In today's environment, customers demand fast service.

Services provided in hotels are divided into basic and additional. They can be free or paid.

The main services include accommodation and meals. Registration of those living in the hotel and those departing from it should be carried out around the clock. In organizations Catering, communication and consumer services (accommodated in the hotel) persons living in the hotel are served out of turn.

Without additional payment guests can be provided the following types services:

Calling an ambulance;
- use of a medical kit;
- delivery of correspondence to the room upon receipt;
- wake-up at a specific time;
- provision of boiling water, needles, threads, one set of dishes and cutlery.

In addition to mandatory and free services, hotels provide a whole range of all kinds additional services, which are paid additionally. The list and quality of the provision of paid additional services must meet the requirements of the category assigned to the hotel. For medium and large tourist complexes (tourist hotels, full service hotels, etc.) with medium and high level comfort is characterized by the presence of a huge list of additional services:

Catering services (bar, restaurant, cafe, buffet, beer bar);
- shops (souvenir, grocery), vending machines;
- entertainment infrastructure (disco, casino, night club, arcade machine room, billiard room);
- excursion service, guide-interpreter services;
- Organization of ticket sales to theaters, circus, concerts, etc .;
- childcare, provision of services of tutors and nannies who speak the child's native language;
- caring for animals that travel with their owners;
- transport services(booking tickets for all types of transport, ordering vehicles at the request of guests, calling a taxi, car rental);
- purchase and delivery of flowers;
- sale of souvenirs, postcards and other printed materials;
- consumer service(repair and cleaning of shoes; repair and ironing of clothes; dry cleaning and laundry services; storage of things and valuables; unloading, loading and delivery of luggage to the room; rental of cultural and household items - TVs, dishes, sports equipment, etc.; watch repair, household appliances, radio equipment; services of a hairdressing salon, manicure and massage rooms and other household services);
- services of beauty salons and hairdressing salons;
- sauna, bathhouse, swimming pools, gym;
- rent of meeting rooms, conference rooms;
- business center services;
- currency exchange;
- other services.

The system of measures providing a high level of comfort, satisfying a variety of household and household needs of guests, is called service in the hotel industry. The service needs to be built not only on the demand principle (what the guest wants), but also on the supply principle (the hotel offers new services that it can provide, and the guest chooses). But services cannot be imposed. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for services not provided for by the contract. It is also prohibited to condition the performance of some services on the mandatory provision of other services.

The list of services depends on the category of the hotel. Not all hotels have the ability to organize consumer services and provide them with a full range of services. However, everyone should strive to ensure that the range of services fully meets the needs of guests.

Businesses that provide services should be located in an accessible place (most often on the ground floor). In the lobby, on the floors, in the rooms, there should be information on how and where to get services, opening hours should be convenient for guests.

When providing services, not only their quantity is important, but also the quality. Therefore, in many hotels, residents upon departure are asked to fill out short questionnaires, which are submitted to the reception and accommodation service, and then they are studied by the advertising and marketing service.

The hotel business is a separate sphere, providing for the provision of non-material services to guests. The hotel business is inextricably linked with the field of tourist recreation in the country, business tourism... Optimal smooth functioning of a modern hotel is impossible without an increase in the number of services provided, since development will certainly entail an increase in costs, the need to improve the quality of service.

The direct purpose of each hotel is to place clients in decent comfortable rooms. it main product activities of the hotel. In order to create a service, it is necessary to have a mandatory interaction between the client and the hotel staff. The service is intangible, since it is needed in order to meet the needs of guests for living for a strictly defined period. That is, the time interval of check-in, as well as the completion of the location in the hotel room, is documented. That is why every hotel should be ready to present the hotel receipt blanks to the client. Checks are made on cash registers available at the hotel. This is the best confirmation of a business trip.

Seasonality directly affects the profitability of the hotel business. The quality of customer service may vary. However, the hotel management is advised to ensure the consistency of quality, as disgruntled guests will happily spread negative impressions to friends, colleagues and relatives. regardless of the season, the number of guests staying here for a business trip does not change. The hotel staff is obliged to record the time interval of the client's stay in the room. For the purpose of the subsequent calculation of travel allowances after the end of a business trip, a person will need reporting documents for travel. Living in a different place during a professional trip, a person thinks - where to buy travel allowances. In Moscow there are proposals for the sale of checks.

Hotel service receipts - reliable, official document, which is issued on demand by any hotel. Travel reporting documents are required in every company whose field of activity is directly related to travel. There are many similar organizations, so there are specialized firms in which you can. Hotel checks with confirmation in Moscow are offered by various organizations, it is important to choose a verified and responsible one.

Varieties of hotel services

Hotel services are classified into basic and additional. The main ones are the provision of cozy rooms of several categories, differing at different levels amenities. They can be equipped with different types of household appliances. The cost of living depends on the criterion of convenience. Additional hotel services are of interest to guests. When concluding an agreement, the entire range of services provided by the hotel to the guest is prescribed. V mandatory the person receives checks on the residence. People who are going on a business trip for the first time may not know what document is used to document travel expenses? A check is the main evidence of payment for hotel services. Payment can be done different options- daily, hourly by agreement with the hotel staff.

Business travel is on the list of job responsibilities of many people. What documents are required for the trip? The management of the company will best advise on this issue.

In addition to comfortable conditions for sleep and a roof over your head, hotels around the world compete with each other in the level of service of various destinations and services. These services can either be included in the cost of living, or be paid additionally. The number and variety of basic and additional services determines the rating of the hotel, its stardom and the impressions of guests from staying in it. In this article, we will dwell in detail on what services the hotel provides, what are the personal services in the hotel and how to attract tourists with basic and additional services at the hotel.

When you open your own hotel business, it is time to decide on the range of services that will be included in the cost of living. Household services in a hotel are activities aimed at increasing the level of comfortable stay in places of temporary residence of guests and ensuring that conditions comply with the standards established by law and the price list.

Their list is a kind of advertisement for the establishment. On booking sites, potential customers are encouraged to choose amenities by ticking the boxes they need. For example, if a future guest needs free wi-fi, ticking this box will automatically filter out those establishments that do not provide it. It is clear that the larger and more extensive the list, the higher the chances that the choice will fall on your institution.

  • 24-hour hotel availability;
  • Use of a medical first aid kit;
  • Providing information about the location of attractions, restaurants, parks, etc. and explaining how to move to them;
  • The awakening of the guest at the appointed time;
  • Calling an ambulance;
  • The right to use small things such as needles and threads, scissors, etc.

The listed benefits are always provided free of charge, but time does not stand still, and other services are added to these types, which, as a rule, are free, and charging for them can cause, to put it mildly, the surprise of guests:

  • Wi-fi. It is worth noting that if Wi-Fi distribution carried out only within the hotel lobby, there must be a sufficient number of places where guests can call their relatives in a relaxed atmosphere or find out information on the Internet. That's why a large number of comfortable benches and sofas in the hall are the perfect norm today.
  • Taxi ordering. Visitors simply do not know the phones of profitable taxis, or a call to local landline phones will be too expensive for him.
  • Storage valuables and luggage, even when the check-in period has not started or has expired. If a tenant arrives in the morning, and the check-in begins from 12 noon, to provide him with the opportunity to place a suitcase in a room that can be locked with a key is a rule that has long become a good form.
  • Issuance of a small travel food set, instead of breakfast, if there is an outing excursion at breakfast time. This is a beneficial phenomenon for both parties. The tourist does not lose the paid breakfast, and you do not have to clean the table at it, in addition, such a set is usually cheaper than a standard breakfast.

List of free personal services the hotel should be located in the lobby of the establishment, not far from the reception, as well as on the hotel website.

What else is included in standard service? Do not forget about such trifles as signs on the door, which the guest can hang up without wanting to be disturbed. Many hotels have shoe shine machines at the entrance. Their use may not cost the guest anything, or they may need to toss a coin to activate the machine. The purchase of such a device can not only increase the level of satisfaction with your establishment, but also reduce the level of pollution of the hotel itself. An alternative to these expensive devices may well be simple shoe brushes, which, most likely, will be appreciated by guests as taking care of them.

It is also worth mentioning that many guests, especially in resort areas, come to rest with children. Hotels respecting themselves and guests place at least a minimum set for the play of kids within their borders. Today tables with coloring pages and pencils appear even in bank branches, so the complete absence of children's entertainment can negatively affect your rating. A playground is a must for hotels in the resort area. Many hotels also provide activities for children with animators that allow the little ones to have fun and the adults to get some rest.

Hotel Is an enterprise whose goal is to make a profit by selling its "product" in the form of a set of services (accommodation and catering services).

There are different concepts of service. In a narrow sense, a service- this is an action that is beneficial, helping another.

V broad sense service- this is the result achieved through direct interaction between the contractor and the consumer, as well as the contractor's own activities to meet the needs of the consumer.

Service- it is an intangible thing, and, therefore, it cannot be measured, but can only be estimated.

The hotel service consists of:

1) services for the provision of special premises that can be used to meet their needs;

2) services provided by the hotel staff (room cleaning, client registration, meals).

The main element of the accommodation service is, of course, the hotel room (a room equipped for rest, sleep, work of the client). The main function of the room is the ability to sleep. Depending on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of guests, functions such as the ability to work in a room (typical for business-class hotels that have a desk, telephone, fax, computer in the room) can be no less significant.

Regardless of the category, area, equipment, each room must have a bed, a table or bedside table for each bed, a chair or armchair according to the number of guests, lighting in all rooms in the room, a waste basket.

In order to feed the guests, it is necessary to prepare meals in the kitchen, sell prepared products, alcoholic and soft drinks, service for hotel guests in a restaurant, bar, cafe, hotel rooms.

There are additional services in the form of a pool, sports hall, conference rooms, car rental, dry cleaning, laundry, hairdressing, massage.

Accommodation is now taken for granted, and in order to attract customers, it is necessary to develop additional services that will help them stand out from the hotels of the same category.

Consider features of hotel services.

The process of production and consumption takes place in the same time interval. To receive a hotel service, it is necessary to involve both the consumer and the contractor in the consumption process. To provide a service, the hotel staff has to come into direct contact with the consumer. For the client, this contact is an integral part of the service itself.

Intangibility of hotel services. The hotel service cannot be touched or seen as it is intangible. In order to evaluate a service, it must first be consumed. A service is a promise to perform specific actions to meet a customer's needs.

Hotel services cannot be prepared in advance as they are not tangible. The hotel product is produced in order to meet the real needs of customers, and they need to be satisfied within a certain period of time.

Variability of quality. The quality of the services provided depends on their performer and on the environment for their implementation. Skills, mood and other factors can have a big impact on the quality of service performance. Indeed, one and the same performer can serve a client in completely different ways (for example, at the beginning of the working day, when the performer has more energy, the quality of the services provided to him will be higher than at the end of the working day, when his strength is running out). The volatility of the service very often provokes consumer dissatisfaction.

Seasonality of demand for hotel services. The demand for a hotel product, depending on the situation, can change almost every day. Seasonality is very pronounced in countries with a changing climate (most tourists prefer to relax in the summer months).

There are certain factors that affect sales volumes. These factors include:

1) location of the hotel. This factor undoubtedly plays a very big role, since it is on him that the price of travel to the hotel depends, the attractiveness environment, infrastructure development of a country or city;

2) service level. This factor depends on the quality and completeness of the services provided, the availability of various types of amenities, their style and quality;

3) price. This factor can sometimes be decisive when choosing a hotel;

4) ease of service;

5) range of services. Today hotels offer a wide range of services that can satisfy almost all the whims of guests. The most common are accommodation services, catering services. In a good hotel, without leaving it, you can get yourself a quality haircut, take a steam bath or play billiards. The main income of the hotel comes from the payment for accommodation, but with a well-developed additional service, you can also get a good profit;

6) the image of the hotel. This factor is highly valued by every hotel, as it helps it to remain competitive and generate additional profit (in the case of a positive image). Image is a complex consisting of all of the above factors.

Main subject hospitality- this is, of course, a hotel room. Hotel services Is a special hotel product that can be purchased through exchange deals. The client pays not for the right to own the number, but for the right to have access to it at the agreed time. Modern conditions businesses require hotels to solve all production and other issues as much as possible short time... People do not like to wait, therefore, in order to improve the quality of service, it is necessary to provide services quickly and efficiently.


1 Theoretical aspects of organizing the work of additional and
related hotel services
1.1 The concept of additional services in the hotel.
1.2 Types of additional and related services

1.4 The main current trends in the field of additional



The modern hotel complex occupies an important place in social sphere country and contributes to the satisfaction of the basic needs of travelers in accommodation and food. The creation of a modern tourism industry is impossible without hotels.
Hospitality enterprises are an integral part of the service sector. The provision of these services has a positive effect on financial and economic activity and plays an important role in increasing the efficiency of social production.
The development of the hospitality industry is gaining momentum every year. The infrastructure of modern hotels includes a business center, laundries and dry cleaners, currency exchange offices, intercity and international communication services, and transport services for guests. Hotels are not complete without shops and souvenir kiosks, restaurants and bars.
In addition, focusing on a business person, hotels should provide their guests with the opportunity not only to organize their working hours well and efficiently, but also to relax after a busy day at work. Therefore, modern hotels have gyms and fitness centers, beauty salons, billiard rooms, slot machines and casinos, etc.
In the formation of the market attractiveness of the hotel enterprise, everyone gains greater importance namely additional services.
Remaining the main one, the accommodation service is perceived by guests as a matter of course, and it is the additional services that distinguish this hotel from a number of others arouse increased interest.
Therefore, the study of the issue of organization and technology for the provision of additional services in a hotel is becoming more and more urgent and important.
The purpose of this work is to consider the complex of additional and related hotel services.
The following tasks follow from this goal:
- to give theoretical definitions of additional and related services;
- to disclose the content of the classification of additional services;
- determination of the value of additional services in the hotel business;
- show the main modern trends in the field of additional
The theoretical and informational basis of the course work is tutorials on the organization and technology of hotel services, and others.

1 Theoretical aspects of organizing the work of additional and related hotel services

      The concept and essence of additional services in the hotel
The services provided to the guest are largely determined by
to what extent the hotel will have a constant income and, accordingly, the possibility of expanding the hotel business.
Service is any activity that one party (hotel business) can offer to another (client), an intangible action that does not lead to ownership of anything. Its representation can be associated with a material product. The services that are provided in hotels are basic and additional. The main services include accommodation and meals. The range of additional services varies depending on the "star rating" of the hotels. The main services include services: accommodation and meals in accordance with the "Rules for the provision of hotel services" 1.
The following services can be provided to guests at no extra charge :
calling an ambulance;
use of a first-aid kit;
delivery of correspondence to the room upon receipt;
wake-up at a specific time;
provision of boiling water, needles, threads, one set of dishes and cutlery.
Services provided in hotels are divided into basic and additional. They can be free or paid.
In addition to mandatory and free services, hotels provide a whole range of various additional services that are paid additionally.
The list and quality of the provision of paid additional services must comply with the State Hotel Classification System. 2
Medium and large tourist complexes (tourist hotels, full-service hotels, etc.) with an average and high level of comfort are characterized by a huge list of additional services:
Services of catering organizations (bar, restaurant, cafe,
buffet, beer bar);
· Shops (souvenir, grocery), vending machines;
Entertainment infrastructure (disco, casino, nightclub, hall
slot machines, billiard room);
· Excursion service, services of guide-interpreters;
· Organization of ticket sales to theaters, circus, concerts, etc .;
Childcare, provision of services of tutors and nannies speaking
in the child's native language;
· Caring for animals that travel with their owners;
· Transport services (booking tickets for all types of transport, ordering vehicles at the request of guests, calling a taxi, car rental);
· Purchase and delivery of flowers;
· Sale of souvenirs, postcards and other printed materials;
· Consumer services (repair and cleaning of shoes; repair and ironing of clothes;
dry cleaning and laundry services;
storage of things and valuables; unloading, loading and delivery of luggage to the room;
rental of cultural and household items - televisions, dishes, sports equipment, etc.;
repair of watches, household appliances, radio equipment;
services of a hairdressing salon, manicure and massage rooms and other household services);
· Services of beauty salons and hairdressing salons;
· Sauna, bathhouse, swimming pools, gym;
· Rent of meeting rooms, conference halls;
· Services of a business center;
· currency exchange;
· other services.
The system of measures providing a high level of comfort, satisfying a variety of household and household needs of guests, is called service in the hotel industry. The service needs to be built not only on the demand principle (what the guest wants), but also on the supply principle (the hotel offers new services that it can provide, and the guest chooses). But services cannot be imposed. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for services not provided for by the contract. It is also prohibited to condition the performance of some services on the mandatory provision of other services.
The list of services depends on the category of the hotel. Not all hotels have the ability to organize consumer services and provide them with a full range of services. However, everyone should strive to ensure that the range of services fully meets the needs of guests.
Businesses that provide services should be located in an accessible place (most often on the ground floor). In the lobby, on the floors, in the rooms, there should be information on how and where to get services, opening hours should be convenient for guests. 3
When rendering any services, the staff must show tact and correctness. When providing services, not only their quantity is important, but also the quality. Therefore, in many hotels, residents upon departure are asked to fill out short questionnaires, which are submitted to the reception and accommodation service, and then they are studied by the advertising and marketing service.
Additional or other services include an offer of a swimming pool, sports, conference rooms, meeting rooms, car rental, dry cleaning, laundry, hairdressing, massage and a number of others. Currently, additional services are becoming increasingly important in shaping the market attractiveness of a hotel company. While remaining basic, the accommodation service is taken for granted by guests. The increased interest is aroused by the services that distinguish this hotel from a number of others. In most cases, these are additional services. This is confirmed by the activities of many well-known hotel companies. For example, other services focused on providing the opportunity to engage in various sports are in the first place in the complex of services of the German hotel chain "Robinson-Club", consisting of 30 hotels. Due to the constant appearance on hotel market new services and forms of service, the typology given is very conditional. However, this separation is important for understanding the specific management of each type. Within the given types, as a rule, there are many varieties.
The revenue of hotels from the provision of additional services to their guests occupies a fairly significant place in the composition of the income of any hotel. According to clause 4 of the Rules for the provision of hotel services, the hotel is obliged to provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the services in a timely manner, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice.

1.2 Types of additional services and related services of the hotel

Additional hotel services are divided into two categories:
1) services provided directly by the hotel itself (that is, on its own);
2) services provided by third-party organizations.
The list of additional services can be supplemented, modified and differentiated depending on the size of the hotel, its location and purpose, the level of comfort and other reasons. Most often, hotels offer their guests to use the services of catering establishments (bar, restaurant, cafe, buffet, cocktail bar, phytobar), grocery and souvenir shops, and vending machines. You can spend your free time and relax at the disco, casino, nightclub, hall slot machines, video games room, billiard room and bowling alley. For lovers active rest hotels offer to use the services of a sauna, bath, massage, pool (outdoor, indoor and children's). These services also include gyms, playgrounds, mini golf, gym, golf, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, tennis, horse stables, beach on the sea, lake, river coast, as well as equipment for water and underwater sports. You can also visit a beauty salon, a hairdresser, as well as use the services of a first-aid post, a luggage room, a safe in the administration and a safe in the room, a currency exchange office, a ticket booking point (for plane, train, bus, taxi, etc.), travel agency and excursions, car rental, car park and car park, garage, shoe shine. For business people are provided: meeting room, concert hall, business centers, copier, fax, local and international telephone. In the rooms, guests are offered additional dishes in the room, iron, TVs, refrigerators, etc.
The list and quality of the provision of paid additional services must meet the requirements of the category assigned to the hotel.
Organization of consumer services
Personal services include the following. Urgent laundry and dry cleaning, repair and ironing of personal belongings (in the room, in the folder with the advertisement, there are order forms for washing and cleaning clothes.
Iron can be rented in lower category hotels. The guest does his own ironing in the room or in a special room with an ironing board.
Urgent shoe repair and cleaning. Many hotels have shoe repair shops. In the lobbies of upscale hotels, there are shoe-shine machines. The rooms have brushes for cleaning shoes and clothes.
Storage of things and valuables (left-luggage office and safes in the rooms and at the administrator).
Unloading, loading and delivering luggage to the room (paid by tip - the hotel organizes a queue of messengers in order to receive the same tip).
Rental of cultural and household items (TVs, dishes, sports equipment); photo works.
Services of a hairdressing salon, manicure and massage rooms. These services can also be provided in the rooms, but they have a surcharge.
Food delivery to the room.
Usually, in each issue in the folder with the advertisement there is paper for letters, envelopes, special signs that can be hung on the door if the guest asks to wash, clean the room, or simply does not want to be disturbed.

Transport service
Transport services are one of the most important types of services in hotels. These include: booking tickets, ordering a taxi, car rental, etc.
The most demanded additional service by guests is the service of booking rooms.
A number of four-to-five-star hotels provide the booking service free of charge. However, this does not mean at all that hotels thus provide this service free of charge. The fact is that, depending on the level of the hotel, reservations can be made as part of the fulfillment of their direct duties by the reservation service staff. This is not considered as a separate service, since the hotel's operation is structured in such a way that, in principle, guests cannot be accommodated without prior booking of a room, regardless of whether the client wants to book a room or not. This policy of the hotel allows it to plan its loading, labor costs and, ultimately, the income of the hotel as a whole.
Booking tickets for different kinds transport can be performed using the latest information technology. Some global computer networks have made great strides in this.
Hotels that have connected to global reservation networks have the opportunity to enter information about the hotel itself, about the types of rooms, their descriptions and prices into their database.
In Moscow and St. Petersburg, tickets for various types of transport are booked with the help of travel companies, usually located in the hotel lobby, or the travel company has direct contact with firms that provide ticket booking services.
Taxi ordering. The hotel provides the guest with the opportunity to order a taxi in two ways:
at the city taxi service;
When ordering a taxi in the city service, the hotel administrator who accepted the order issues a card containing the following information: hotel name, room number, car number, time, destination.
The card is issued by the administrator who works on the first floor of the hotel. The completed card is handed over to the driver, as the guest may be a foreigner.
Taxi payment is made by the guest to the taxi driver - depending on the route of the trip.
If the hotel has its own taxi service, the guest's order is sent by the administrator directly to the service. In this case, a card is also issued and handed over to the driver. A private taxi service is organized at the hotel if the hotel has its own parking and garage for vehicles.
All cars bear the hotel's brand name (name, emblem, taxi phone number, etc.). For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, high-end hotels have their own taxi services.
Car rental. The car rental procedure is simple: provided that the tourist is at least 21 years old and does not exceed 70 years old, it is enough to present a passport and driver's license (Russian or international) to the rental service employee.
By the time the contract is concluded, the certificate must be valid for at least two years. In some countries, customer service is only available with a credit card.
The rental price depends on the class of the car.
Before signing a car rental agreement, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with what is included in the rental price. Usually, rental fees include:
unlimited vehicle mileage;
delivery of a car to a client within the city;
repair or replacement of a car in the event of a technical malfunction, except for damaged tires, windshield or engine;
full insurance in case of a traffic accident through no fault of the client; however, if at the time of the traffic accident the driver was intoxicated, the insurance will not be paid;
insurance that covers damage caused to the car in a traffic accident due to the fault of the client;
insurance of passengers (except for the driver) against accidents; taxes. The car must be provided to the client with a full tank, but the guest must also return it with a full tank.
For an additional fee, you can purchase the right to drive a car with a second driver. If the client leaves a security deposit (it is taken in case of payment of fines), you need to ask in advance when it will be returned.
Among hotel customers are increasingly popular wellness centers , the presence of which for hotels of a high category is a prerequisite in accordance with the minimum requirements for accommodation facilities established by the Regulation on the state classification system of hotels and other accommodation facilities. However, simpler hotels are trying to develop this direction.
The list of services provided by the wellness center can be very diverse depending on the level of the hotel, the requirements of the guests and the imagination of the hotel manager. However, as a rule, it includes the following types of services:
- pool;
- jacuzzi;
- sauna and other baths;
- solarium;
- gym;
- individual and group lessons with an instructor;
- massage, etc.
Leasing of premises
It is not always possible for a hotel to provide additional services to its residents on its own. Sometimes this is associated not only with additional costs, but also with a lack of knowledge for the implementation of a particular type of activity. For example, this applies to the gambling business. Usually the hotels themselves do not engage in this type of activity, but only provide appropriate premises to tenants. In general, hotels provide space for rent for the most different types services. These can be shops (grocery, newsstands, souvenir shops, clothing boutiques, etc.), hairdressers, restaurants or bars, travel agencies that take orders for air and train tickets, etc.
The premises leased by the hotel are both premises that are not adapted for living and areas that are, in principle, intended for rooms.
Recently, a fairly widespread practice for hotels is the provision of premises, originally intended for the number of rooms, for rent.
Additional services provided by third parties

In the case when dry cleaning and laundry services, communication services, the Internet, television, services for the provision of vehicles and others are provided by third-party organizations, the hotel acts as an attorney, commission agent or agent, depending on the nature of the contracts concluded with these organizations.
According to article 971 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a contract of order, one party (attorney) undertakes to perform certain legal actions on behalf of and at the expense of the other party (principal). The rights and obligations under a transaction made by an attorney arise directly from the principal. Therefore, the principal must issue a power of attorney to the attorney to perform legal actions provided for by the contract of agency. Usually, the obligations of the hotel are reduced to concluding agreements with its guests in the interests of organizations that provide additional services to residents. Otherwise, it may be called expanding the client base of the principal (principal or principal). The hotel also undertakes to collect payments for services rendered to guests by the principal (principal, principal).

1.3 Additional catering and excursion services

In addition to the direct services of the hotel industry, hotels can carry out other types of economic activities, the main of which is public catering. Almost every hotel has a restaurant where guests can satisfy their nutritional needs.
Food is one of the main services in hotel service.There are three main forms of catering in hotel services:
· Meals paid by the client;
· Meals not included in the room rate;
· Meals provided for an additional fee.
Meals are not an obligatory service as part of a tourist product and may not be provided during the implementation of the tour. However, one should take into account the fact that human nutritional needs are physiological. If this service is not provided during the trip, the tour organizers should attend to two problems: a) the problem of reserving a certain amount of time for meals for tourists and b) the problem of bringing information to tourists about the restaurants available in the destination.
Serving guests in restaurants is a special form of hotel service.A hotel restaurant can be a separate catering enterprise, or it can be one of the subdivisions of the hotel complex. At the same time, regardless of the fact that the restaurant is not an independent legal entity providing catering services, all the requirements established by law for catering establishments are imposed on it.
Excursion and meet-and-greet services
Excursion services are included in the list of additional services provided by accommodation facilities. It should be noted that excursion services are provided by most hotel companies, regardless of their category and reputation. A number of hotels have their own excursion bureaus and specialized departments.
So, the excursion company uses various forms of service in its work:
1. Excursion as a separate service: sightseeing and thematic excursions, walking excursions using various types of transport, industrial excursions, excursions to museums, exhibitions, reserves, wildlife sanctuaries. The excursion is distinguished by: the presence of a topic, a qualified leader - a guide, an excursion group; display of excursion objects; movement of participants; duration from one hour to a day.
2. Excursion as part of a tour, weekend itinerary, which is an integral part of the proposed tour.
3. Organization of excursions, cultural and entertainment services.
4. Provision of services of tour guides, tour guides, tour leaders, excursion organizers.
5. Travel excursion information. This service is offered for long-term intra-route transportation. The tour guide or tour leader gives brief information(in the form of excursion information) on excursion objects located along the route of the group.
The excursion service also includes escort and meet-and-greet services. A group tourist trip requires a competent and accurate organization of the processes associated with the movement of a group of tourists, its delivery to the place of accommodation, accommodation of tourists in a hotel (hotels), further passage of all stages of the stay program, this duty is assigned to the so-called tour leader.
The escort must monitor the passage of the excursions - they must be carried out according to the plan. If it is impossible to conduct an excursion within the specified time, agree to transfer it to another time, in extreme cases, with the consent of tourists, find an alternative. On the last day of stay at the hotel - inform tourists about the timely payment of bills issued by the hotel upon the provision of additional services (use of the telephone, gym, minibar, etc.). When leaving the country, all stages of entry are repeated.
At the entrance to the hotel, a presentation can be held, which provides information about the hotel - where what is located, what additional services can be obtained, the form of payment, etc.
The most traditional forms of organizing leisure activities are mass sports, excursions, movie screenings, and evenings of rest 4.
Library services are one of the oldest forms of leisure activities for vacationers. Libraries work most often in three directions: lending books and periodicals for reading in their free time; holding various thematic events; promotion of healthy lifestyles. Game forms leisure activities are also quite popular in the resorts. Vacationers are provided both passive (without the involvement of additional personnel - checkers, chess, billiards) and active game entertainment (with the involvement of animators and special staff).

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