Home Useful tips Energy of the kind. Cleansing ancestral karma

Energy of the kind. Cleansing ancestral karma

Hi dear

Today I want to touch on a serious and not entirely ordinary topic - cleansing the karma of the Family.

Often during time I advise you to do birth practices, when I see the strong influence of Rod on a person. Although, to be honest, they will not be superfluous for anyone.

For all of us, life consists of karma, relationships with parents, experience real life and generic programs. For some, the latter are clearly manifested, for others they may not even notice. But be that as it may, we all have ancestors with their own destinies, often tragic, especially considering the realities of the last century. We inherit not only eye color and wisdom, but also pain and destructive scenarios.

As a result, we may collide own life with problems that are specific to the Family: infertility, illness, difficult relationships with the opposite sex, with children. Our success, our personal life, well-being and life scenarios depend on the strength of Rod.

But it is important to know that Rod’s karma can be cleansed and filled with birth canal divine love and joy


“With the degeneration of the Family, the forefathers will fall, for the descendants stop bringing them water and food” Bhagavad Gita (1.40)

What is needed for the ritual:

  • wax church candle
  • new pack of rice
  • two new plates. It is better to mark them so that you know which plate is for offering food to God and which is for the ancestors. No one should eat from these plates. It's better to hide them right away ;)

Preparation for the ritual:

It is advisable to do this practice in the morning, when the energy is most blissful. Before doing this, it is important to shop and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean, you can wipe the floors.

The ritual itself:

Let the rice cook. There is no need to salt it and you cannot taste it. While the rice is cooking, say prayers over it to fill it with pure energy. In Christianity, the prayers “Our Father”, “Living in Help”, “Prayer” are suitable To the life-giving cross", in the Vedic tradition - Maha Mantra, chapter 9 of the Bhagavad Gita. You can't taste the rice.

When the rice is cooked, pour it into a plate for God, place it in front of the image of God and read a prayer to sanctify the food.

Prayer for offering food in the Christian tradition:

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, bless our food and drink with your prayers. Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy Saints, for blessed art thou forever. Amen"

After prayer, cross your food.

Vedic mantra of food offering (read three times each verse):

Namo Om Vishnu padaya
Krishna prestaya bhutale
Srimate bhaktivedanta
Swamin iti namine

Namaste Saraswati Deve
Gaura Vani pracharine
Pashchatya desha tarine

Nama maha vadanyaya
Krishna prema pradaya te
Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya
Namne gaura-tvishe namah

Namo brahmanya-devaya
Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha
Jagad-dhitaya krsnaya
Govindaya namo namah

Now wait 5-10 minutes until the Lord sanctifies the food. Then pour the rice into a plate for the ancestors. Place it in another place, light a candle and invite the ancestors to eat. You can say these words: “I invite members of my Family to come and eat”

While the candle is burning, it is advisable to stay in the room and pray for about 20 minutes. You can just talk to your ancestors, ask for help, advice - do as your heart tells you. Then thank Rod: “I thank you for taking this food. Now you can return to your time and space." and bow.


This food should not be thrown away or eaten by living people. Take it outside, put it on the ground or feed it to animals, preferably black dogs or crows.

What else is important to consider:

This practice is not favorable to do in critical days. You can do the practice in parallel for your husband’s family. To do this, just put another plate and change the invitation a little: “I invite members of the Husband’s Clan to come and eat food.”

What else can we do for Rod?

  • read prayers or give the fruits of reading to the Family or one ancestor. Before reading the prayer, say: “Now I will read such and such a prayer, I give the fruits of this prayer to my ancestor such and such/ancestors.”
  • light a candle in the church, order a memorial service
  • tell others about the importance of honoring ancestors
  • make a donation. It is very important to know that the money will be used for good. If you are not so sure, it is better to donate food
  • remember the departed kind words, tell stories about them
  • make a Family Tree. I have already written a post on this topic. He . In it I shared my experience, a convenient program and useful links.

Favorable days for childbirth practices

  • Saturday
  • on the waning moon, best on Amavasya - the 30th, last day of the lunar month
  • Maslenitsa week
  • days of departure and appearance of ancestors (dates of death and birth)
  • Pitru Paksha. In 2017, Pitru Paksha will begin on September 5 and end on September 19

Thank you for your interest in this topic. In the birth stories of each of us there is a lot of suffering that we feel, which lies like a stone in our hearts. But by doing ancestral practices, we can cleanse the Family from pain and at the same time feel how we are moving away from destructive scenarios and thoughts, how we are filled with love and gain the strength to draw wisdom from our ancestors and give them our gratitude and love. We have every opportunity to make our Family stronger, and our lives and the lives of our descendants more prosperous. What I wish for each of us!

The effect of healing a family can be compared to a stone thrown into water. Waves of creative energy spread both into the future and into the past, washing away negative traces in the family line. You and your children will be freed from difficult programs and will be able to choose their own lives, not burdened by bad heredity.

Meditation from Archangel Michael for cleansing and healing the family:

1. Take a comfortable position.
2. Breathe and relax.
Sit or lie down, close your eyes and begin to take a few deep breaths.

Relax, feel your body. Look at yourself from the outside. Feel your hands and feet, how they are filled with clean Divine energy Father-Creator. You can invite your Guardian Angels, Mentors, Teachers to accompany you to this journey, to To your Family.

Slow down your breathing and focus all your awareness on relaxing your body, calming your mind, and letting all your daily worries go.

We take a slow, 1-2-3-4 deep breath, and imagine how energy pours into us and passes through our entire body, freeing each of our cells from accumulated negativity, pain...etc.

Exhale slowly for 1-2-3-4, exhale and imagine how we exhale all the negative energy that has stagnated in us, all experiences, adversities, problems, etc.... We repeat at least three times.

Our body is calm, our mind is clear, we feel the warmth spreading over our shoulders, arms, stomach, legs... We connect with our Higher\\Inner Self. You feel calm, balanced, your thoughts are clear, you are connected with your Self .

3. Let's ground ourselves.
(everyone does this as they are used to)

Intention: “Please cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th generation on the maternal and paternal line»

I am Mikhail, I came according to your intention
And I will cleanse the family up to the 9th generation
You need to relax, breathing evenly.
We will go with you to a cave in the center of the Earth,
Where are your books of Life collected?
Give me your hand, I will lead you.
Trust me!
We are with you at the majestic mountain,
The Gate appears before us,
And the doors open with a creak.
There are steps in front of us and we go down the steps
We enter the gate.
Look, what do you see?
This is the beginning of our journey.
The steps lead further down and we go down them lower and lower until we reach the door.
Look at the door, what is it like?

And express your intention again

I,____[enter name here]____, Please cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th generation on the maternal and paternal lines.”
The door swings open
You enter the big and bright hall,
There is a table in the middle of the hall,
There is a book on the table.
Look at the book, what is it like?
Take her in your hands
This is a book of your incarnations and lessons.
If you are interested, you can look through it,
Or we can start work right away.
Put your hands on the book
I lay my hands on yours
And I open the Flow of Light and Love
I open the Violet Flame of Transformation.
These streams in one impulse fill and illuminate your genealogies.
Cleans from plaque.
You ask for forgiveness from everyone you once offended,
Those who gave you lessons ask for forgiveness from you.
Forgive everyone with all your heart and accept everything in yourself and others.
Open your heart to All Acceptance!
And let your Love and Light flow always and everywhere, Here and Now!
I am Michael, I heal all your wounds,
I wipe away all your tears
I transform hate into love
Diseases in the Light,
I fill you with Peace of Being and Wisdom.

Your family tree, look at it.
How does your tree feel?
Are there any disadvantages to it?
Little light? Lots of shade? Dry branches? Is the soil dry? What kind of leaves?
Give the Tree what it needs.

Say it like this:

“Archangel Michael, give my family tree as much light as it needs, such fertile soil what he needs and as much as he needs, etc.”

Now we can finish the job.
I take my hands off your hands,
Now you let go of your hands.
Look at the book, what does it look like now?
Are there any changes?
Thank her and let her go.

You and I are returning,
Give me your hand.
We go out, and the door closes with a creak.
Now we go up the steps, one after another.
And here are the gates, they are open,
We go out, turn around, and the gate evaporates.
We are standing at the foot of the mountain.
Thank this place for allowing you into the Hall of Memory!
The Invisible Servants hear everything.
The rustling of the trees tells you that you have been heard,
And they were happy to help.
I hold your hand and return you to your place,
You are at home.

You can open your eyes.
You are at home.
This concludes our journey to the Hall of Memory.
Thank you for your work and trust in me.
With love Archangel Michael!
Truly so!

The fact that a person comes into this world at some point certain family, in a certain era, in certain social conditions and a specific culture is not an accident, but the most consistent pattern.

Each soul, before its next incarnation in this world, signs a kind of agreement. According to this agreement, a person must make certain changes in the world, and the world in return provides him with the necessary starting conditions for this. Each soul that physically incarnates in this world has its own personal task - to grow up. Gain new knowledge and new experience, but not as an individual limited in his existence by the time of his life physical body, but as a soul that is immortal.

Coming into this world, a person must do two things at the same time - change his soul and change the world. If you complete this task, then the world provides you with all the necessary conditions for such implementation. Flows of forces, new opportunities and starting conditions become available to you, in which clan and family play an important role.

But if a person does not fulfill the terms of the contract and does not develop his soul, all his incarnations will take place over and over again in more complex and difficult conditions. After all, our consciousness is designed in such a way that only by going through grief, through the destruction of our own reality, through the loss of everything that was significant, are we able to open our eyes, understand what is important and draw appropriate conclusions.

Ancestral karma is the imposition of mistakes and achievements of ancestors on a person’s destiny. It can be both bad and good. This is a certain program (the combined actions of our ancestors) that will have an impact beyond our desire. You can change a negative program only by working on yourself. You can also miss the Power of the Family if you do it wrong.

The ancestral program always corresponds to personal karma. The incarnation of a soul in a particular family does not depend on blind chance. During life, it is necessary to realize not only the task of one’s Family, but also one’s personal karmic task in the chain of family ties.

Rod is, on the one hand, a source of strength, and on the other hand, it is our karma, our path. The thoughts, emotions and actions of each member of the Family go into the family’s Karma piggy bank, improving or worsening it.

How does ancestral karma manifest itself? First of all, it is a person’s health, well-being, aspirations, and energy reserves. It is also the corresponding social environment, abilities, opportunities and much more.

Each of us comes from four Clans (two on the mother’s side and two on the father’s side), karma is usually worked out in only one branch. Boys more often work off the karma of their mother’s Family, and girls more often work off the karma of their father’s Family. But no system has yet been identified in this matter. In each specific case this is strictly individual.

The Power of the Family
The following forces can be transmitted through the Family:

Luck (luck, the ability to get away with it in any situation);
- Money (welfare, ability to attract money);
- Health (physical endurance, longevity);
- Love (happy long-term marriage);
- Creativity (talents, abilities);
- Fertility (numerous offspring).

The flow of forces in the Family is distributed unevenly. But there are always key figures, conductors of these forces. You need to communicate with them more if they are alive, or try to connect with this branch mentally, find out more details of their life, understand what they lived and how. In this way you can attract the Power of your Family to yourself.

Women are the conductors of strength in the Family. Not breadwinners, but guides. The most the main task Guardians of the Family - not to let it fade away. But it’s not enough to just give birth to children, you also need to pass on information to them: instruct, teach, educate in the traditions of the Family.

Exercise: How to find out the Karma of your Family?
Compose family tree, ideally – 7 generations ago. You need to collect as much information as possible about everyone. Write down next to each name what Power the person had. For clarity, you can put multi-colored icons. This way you will be able to see the flows of Forces, how and where they were directed along the Rod. (if you have any difficulties, please send a request by email [email protected]- I will send you a completed questionnaire, which you just have to fill out).

You can also trace the flows of negative karma in the Family. Negative karma is poverty, illness, early or tragic deaths, unhappy love, infertility, imprisonment, etc. If a lot of negative karma accumulates, the closure of the Family occurs over time.

Closing the Rod

When does the Closing of the Family occur? When Rod's cup of negative karma overflowed. There are many in the family negative programs, but people don’t understand that they need to change in better side and develop. In this case, the Universe begins to treat such a Genus as cancerous tumor, which must be removed to preserve the entire organism. And Rod closes. Children cease to be born in the Rod, or those with little viability are born, and material flows are blocked.

The so-called generational curse also closes the Family. Ancestral curses are rare, and this requires compelling reasons - for example, a member of the Family once seriously violated the Higher Laws.

Signs of the closure of the Rod:

- short life expectancy (less than 50 years)
- persistent poverty
- hereditary diseases
- mental disorders, transmitted through the family
- alcoholism, drug addiction
- miscarriages, abortions
- death of children during childbirth
- infertility (2-3 cases per family)
- accidents, fires
- only girls are born in the family

A child is born to certain parents whose lives are directly related to his own. Through birth, the process of human evolution takes place in the name of development. And children are born in order to become one of the most important tools for raising their parents, as well as their environment.

Thus, by caring for a child suffering from Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, etc., parents thereby develop spiritually and learn unconditional love. These problems cleanse the parents.

The most important factor in the development of a child during pregnancy is internal state women, or rather, her feelings. Because they are the ones who shape it energy health and future character.

When a child is born, he begins to work off the sins of the Family, destructive programs passed on from generation to generation in a given Family. Each of us is a certain link in the chain of generations.

Rod, on the one hand, is the source of Power, giving us life, and on the other hand, it is our Path.

Our ancestors knew that a person who has reached adulthood helps his Family with prayers and pious deeds for seven generations into the future and seven generations into the past. This is how the Power of Piety of the Family gradually accumulates and passes from generation to generation.

And vice versa, if we devote our lives to negative actions, then we not only degrade ourselves, but we pump energy out of our Family, and for seven generations, both forward and backward.

By the way, this explains why one person has some benefits at birth, while another does not. Why are some born healthy, others sick?

How we use this power depends only on ourselves. The power of the Piety of the Family is the basis for the birth of a brilliant child. As an inheritance from the Family, we receive not only mental, mental and physical data, but also certain patterns of repeating the fate of relatives.

So, if a girl was born and raised in a family where her father drinks, then there is a chance that her husband (and maybe a son) will also be a drinker.

But this can be avoided if you pay due attention to spiritual cleansing and prayers.

Everything is in a very close relationship. Therefore, work on your life, remember that everything is only in your hands.

Do you need to cleanse your Family?

What to do if you are related to such a weak or closing Rod? There are various energy cleansing practices of the Rod that help sort out confusing relationships. We went through many of them as part of the course.

The experience of your ancestors must be accepted with gratitude and respect.

The connection between generations and their harmonious interaction is very important for all members of the Family. The clan fosters respect for each other, veneration of elders, and this necessary condition For spiritual development. The effort and energy invested in building these relationships pays off handsomely.

Have you thought about the fate of your relatives? Modern people so absorbed in worries, work, and constant flow of information that there is no time to think about living relatives, much less about the fate of ancestors.

The Internet and means of communication have filled life with speed and sometimes, without reading the news, email, messages in in social networks, people are starting to feel hungry for information. The same applies to the Energy of the Family. People live peacefully ordinary life and do not notice how the accumulated Energy of the Family affects their destiny, health, life, and prosperity.

And before this time, ancestors committed noble deeds or not very honest deeds, loved, hated, helped someone or were envious - and all this gathered into one energy lump, which has already reached your generation, and will continue to do so. Unpleasant situations in your life, problems of different nature can come from the accumulated Energy of the Family, which is why Healing the Family is so important.

To lead the future, you need to know the past

In ancient times, people could look into the past, several generations ago, and see their ancestors: what they looked like, what they achieved. The nobles compiled their family trees, assigning each the right branch. The tree tells about the origin of a person, and it is there that the main secrets of your destiny can be kept, knowing about which you can change the course of the river of your life and heal your Family.

Why is Rod healed?

  1. It would seem that you are putting a lot of effort and effort, but something goes wrong?
  2. Does something stop you halfway to your goal?
  3. Do you constantly have health problems?
  4. Can't establish relationships with people around you or the opposite sex?
  5. Unhappy marriage?
  6. There are no children, but the doctors see no reason for this?
  7. Do all of the above occur in your relatives?
  8. Were there suicides, accidental deaths, poverty and disease in Rod?

If this is so, look back into the past and find answers to your questions there, engage in Healing of all your Rhoda.

The meaning of the Power of the Family in Healing

According to various sources, our fate is imprinted by the actions of 7 to 126 generations. This great amount destinies, incidents, exploits and mistakes that are collected into a common energy flow, called the Power of the Family, and lie in the egregor of the Family until the right time.

The power of the Family can be different: both positive and negative, constantly fueled by the new experiences of your relatives. And we, without even knowing it, connect to the Generic Force, like a battery, repeating the difficult fate of past generations.

The Positive Power of the Family conveys to us the best opportunities and experience of our ancestors. She is looking for opportunities to repeat a past life scenario over and over again. And if the energy inherent in us, psychological program coincides with your ancestors, then the Ancestral Power affects you according to the best or worst scenario. If you are strong in spirit, then the Ancestral Power will help you become even stronger. If you are weak and cannot resist what is happening, then the Ancestral Power will turn on the scenario of fate according to the worst type, adding the difficulties of your ancestors.

Healing Rod will help ease the lot of the weak in spirit and help the strong, change the burden of responsibility and influence of Rod. Thanks to Healing, the negative experiences of past generations can be completely neutralized. The number of diseases, troubles, and the negative influence of ancestors for you and your children will decrease.

You can also heal your Family using the Matrix of Fate method in our special course: "Tree of the Family" .

Negative and positive Force of the Family

The main task of Family Healing is to find a connection with positive force, find good qualities ancestors, their successes and achievements, talents and skills. And first you need to figure out what Power you have a connection with.

Positive force if:

  1. It's easy for you achieving goals,
  2. You have good relationships with people
  3. Harmony and prosperity reign in the family,
  4. Your health doesn't let you down
  5. Nobody blames you for their problems and misfortunes.

A negative force controls your destiny if:

  1. You get away with everything, and any endeavor ends in failure,
  2. You are in conflict with your family, parents or children,
  3. You feel that your destiny is controlled by your parents and relatives, but not by you,
  4. Do you have a sense of duty to your relatives?
  5. You see dreams with the participation of your ancestors, after which you feel heavy at heart,
  6. You are unhappy in your marriage, in your work, in your life.

How to Heal the Family?

Studying will allow you to understand what influenced your destiny, what influenced the destinies of your ancestors and where they got their Generic Power. Figure out what scenario triggered success and failure in the lives of your ancestors. Discover these opportunities for yourself through the destinies of the Family. Having received this knowledge, you can prevent its repetition, run the desired scenario, or work out the problem. At this time, you may be accompanied by dreams about your ancestors, which may contain useful hints and directions for your further actions.

You can pray for your Family, go to church, order a magpie or a service for your ancestors, relatives and friends. Spiritual communication will help heal your Family, change Negative influence Ancestral Power will have a positive impact on your destiny and life in general.

Working on healing Rod will reveal to you Big world your ancestors, whose destinies are reflected in yours. Thanks to your close connection with the Family, you will learn to draw the best and fill the Family Power with positivity, for which your children and grandchildren will certainly be grateful to you.

Women often come to me for consultations with problems in their personal lives: some are unable to start a family, others are unable to give birth to a child, and still others are not having good relationships with their parents. As a rule, many of these situations originate not even in childhood, but in the history of the Family.

Particularly surprising are situations involving repetitive or emotionally charged scenarios. For example, if your great-grandmother died in childbirth, you may subconsciously be afraid of getting pregnant, and this fear can lead to infertility. If one of your ancestors, voluntarily or unwittingly, participated in the death of other people, then the descendants will pay with failures in their personal lives, conflicts at work, or a difficult fate.

Is it possible to correct such situations? Yes, it's possible. To do this, we make constellations (arrangements). The highly powerful RITUAL OF PRAYING Rod also helps with this - healing Rod with the help Orthodox prayer. We do this in a group, but it can also be done independently.

What does the ritual of begging Rod give?

During the ritual, group members note that already in the process of reading prayers, calm comes. After the ritual, tension goes away – and not only from the body. It feels like a stone has been lifted from your shoulders. In general, the ritual helps improve relationships with parents, relatives, partners, and children. Conflicts somehow stop by themselves, things begin to work out that were never possible before - as if the blessing of the Family comes to realize your intentions (especially if they are related to procreation, marriage, conception, family prosperity). Gradually, success comes to the family, things get better, and relationships improve.

Do we have the right to intervene?

When performing a ritual, we simply pray for those who gave us life. We turn to God, asking for our ancestors, just as we pray for our children and other loved ones. We do not judge our relatives and their actions, we do not try to figure out who was right and who was wrong - this is not in our power and control. We do not interfere in the course of history and leave everything to the discretion of the Almighty, obeying His wisdom and will. We have no goal of correcting the situation in the past - usually we don’t even know what exactly happened in the family’s history. We try, through prayer and acceptance, to introduce healing energy into our Family, which will act in accordance with the will of the Universe.

When and where to perform the ritual?

It is advisable to do this ritual at home, optimally in the morning. You can - in church (especially for immediate relatives whose names are known), placing candles in front of the icons of Jesus or the Mother of God. Moreover, in in this case it doesn’t matter whether all the ancestors in your family were Orthodox, whether they believed in God or not.

Sequence of actions in the ritual.

  1. Make a TREE OF YOUR FAMILY, write down 7 generations of your family (preferably in A2-A1 format):

First generation - yourself (name)

Second generation - your parents, mom, dad (names)

Third generation - your grandparents (parents' parents)

The fourth generation is your great-grandparents, that is, the parents of your grandparents (write names that are known)

Fifth generation - your great-great-grandparents (parents of great-grandparents)

If the name of a relative is unknown, you write in reference to a famous person. For example, “My great-great-grandmother is in the fifth generation” or “My grandfather Ivan’s grandmother.” If absolutely nothing is known, then you can write “Great-great-grandmother in such and such a generation on the side of the father or mother (or grandmother)” (link to that relative who is known to you).

in the form as shown in the figure.

  1. Then you light a wax candle bought in the church and begin to read prayers for EACH member of the KIND in a certain sequence:
  • Read a prayer for yourself (1st generation).
  • You read a prayer for your mother, then for your father (2nd generation).
  • Read a prayer for your grandparents maternal line, then for the paternal grandmother and grandfather (3rd generation).
  • You read a prayer for your great-grandmother and great-grandfather - the parents of the female grandmother, then - for the great-grandmother and great-grandfather - the parents of the female grandfather. You work in the same way with male ancestors: first you read prayers for your great-grandmother and great-grandfather - your grandmother’s parents, then for your great-grandmother and great-grandfather - your grandfather’s parents (4th generation).
  • And so on, for all 126 ancestors in 7 generations.

Each time you pray, start by indicating the name of the relative for whom you are praying: “I, the servant of God ______, read a prayer for the servant of God ______ (name) on the maternal / paternal side. For example, “I read a prayer for my grandmother ______ (name), my father’s mother” or “I read a prayer for my great-great-grandmother ______ on my mother’s side.”

For each relative you read in a row:

  • Three prayers
  1. Psalm 90 (David's Song of Praise)
  2. Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, O God)
  3. Symbol of faith.
  • After every reading three prayers for each relative, you will say the words on behalf of the relative: “I ask forgiveness from all beings to whom, voluntarily or unwittingly, intentionally or unintentionally, I brought evil, caused pain, and whom I was offended by, whom I offended (-A). I apologize for my guilt and any dissatisfaction with my life."
  • You also ask forgiveness for your ancestor on your behalf from all those to whom he caused harm during his lifetime: “I ask forgiveness from all living beings to whom, willingly or unwillingly, consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally, my grandfather/my grandmother (name) caused / did evil, caused pain and who was offended by, whom he offended. I apologize for her (his) guilt and any dissatisfaction with my life.”
  • To complete the ritual, read three times Prayer “For the purification of the race”:“Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive everyone who has offended me, willingly or unwillingly, in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives.

Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness to all people who, wittingly or unwittingly, in word, deed or thought, were offended by my ancestors.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse my family.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

and a prayer of thanks:“Lord, I thank You for everything You give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth and all the saints who pray with me for my forgiveness.”

Important points!

✓ If your ancestor's name is unknown, it is important to imagine his place in your family tree, so you need to have a family tree at hand.

✓ Sometimes this practice goes easily and quickly, sometimes it suddenly stops at one of the ancestors - for some reason the prayer is more difficult, obstacles arise, there is not enough time, and so on. This means that it is with this ancestor that the emergence of certain negative programs in your family is associated, and it will take you a little longer to change this program and pray for money than for other members of the family who sinned less.

✓ It is important to read prayers by generation. You can pray for several generations at once. When you are reading prayers for ancestors in the 6th or 7th generation and you do not have enough time, you can read separately along the paternal/female lines (so as not to break the lines).

The mood in which you perform the ritual is extremely important. Enter the ritual in a state of deep respect for your family, for your ancestors, for those who came before you and thanks to whom you live today. In a state of humility before the will of the Almighty, acceptance of the fate of the ancestors and one’s own Destiny.

If after the ritual your problems are not solved immediately, this does not mean that your prayers are not working. This means that the experience that you live is needed in this version and it is thanks to it that you get the opportunity to realize something.

If you are unable to get out of a difficult situation on your own, come to me for a consultation, group or seminar!

With love,

Marina Strekalova

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