Home Blanks for the winter Self-regulation and psychological relief methods. Program "Culture of Russia" subprogram "Support for printing and book publishing in Russia." Psychological self-help method of psychoemotional unloading

Self-regulation and psychological relief methods. Program "Culture of Russia" subprogram "Support for printing and book publishing in Russia." Psychological self-help method of psychoemotional unloading

Yulia Sukhova
Corner psychological relief as a means of overcoming the negative emotional state of preschoolers

The life of a child of early and preschool age largely depends on his emotional state. He has not yet learned to manage emotions, therefore preschoolers are largely susceptible to mood swings. It is quite easy to cheer them up, but it is even easier to offend or upset, because they practically do not know themselves and do not know how to control themselves. It is very important to teach preschoolers to accept themselves as they really are. After all, self-acceptance largely determines the nature of interaction with other people, therefore, the development of this feeling in children must be given serious attention from a very young age.

Each child, coming to kindergarten, should be able at any time (if necessary) to work out their own negative emotions and get rid of them.

A psychological relief corner is a space organized in such a way that a child in it feels peace, comfort and safety. Staying in such a corner relieves stress, improves the psychophysical state and, ultimately, creates the necessary conditions to preserve psychological health every child.

Basic aim organizing a corner of solitude in a group is - overcoming the emotional discomfort of preschoolers, by creating "corners of psychological relief" in groups.


Create a positive emotional microclimate in the group;

Form a positive attitude of the child towards peers and adults;

Organize systematic work to normalize and develop emotional sphere children;

Promote cohesion children's collective forming positive friendships in the group.

Emotions- these are the inner experiences of a person. Emotions can be simplified into two groups: positive and negative.

Positive emotions they increase activity, energy, vital activity, cause rise, vigor due to the strengthening of the work of the cardiac system, an increase in the rate and depth of breathing.

Negative emotions reduce activity, inhibit vital activity (these emotions can stimulate the development of neuroses, destroy the health of children).

Negative emotions:

Emotions of destruction - anger, anger, aggression

Emotions of suffering - pain, fear, resentment.

Causes of negative emotions in children are varied, to the most common and common childhood jealousy, resentment, envy;

The child tries to protect himself from the attacks of others;

The child protects his personal territory;

Fear of separation from parents;

Excessive parental control;

Lack of attention;


Disrespect for the personality of the child;

A ban on physical activity;

Heavy emotional climate in the group.

When organizing a psychological corner, a number of problems can arise. First, where to get a place for this corner? How do I arrange it? This problem must be solved individually for each group. Secondly, where to get the funds? Teachers must make part of the material for the corner on their own, using improvised means, waste material. Parents can be of great help: do something with their own hands, bring something from home.

Features of organizing a corner of solitude... This place should be attractive to the child. The colors used in the corner should be calm, not flashy, pastel shades. The child should rest, and not be additionally annoyed by bright colors.

Have the head of solitude must be small and, rather, resemble a small house, a mink, a tent in which a child can wait out his stress, unpleasant emotions, relax, and then again meet the team halfway. For example, "Dry Rain". Satin ribbons descend like jets of water; it is pleasant to touch them, to touch them in hands, you can pass through them by touching your face. "Jets" stimulate tactile sensations, help the perception of space and one's body in this space. Behind the "streams" of tapes you can hide from outside world, which is especially suitable for introverted children. It is multifunctional and affects many senses.

It is better to make a corner of solitude mobile than stationary (mobile screens, weightless draperies). The kid himself can designate the boundaries of the corner by moving the screen or closing the curtains. The child can independently express a desire to go to a corner of solitude, or he can go there at the suggestion of the educator: if the teacher sees that the child feels uncomfortable, squeezed, or, on the contrary, behaves defiantly, aggressively.

Filling the privacy corner. The privacy corner in kindergarten is filled with objects that are close to the child, for which he has warm feelings. Psychologists recommend putting photos of relatives. You can also put a toy phone in a corner, which you can use to pretend to call mom and dad. If the location and shape of the corner allows, then landscape paintings with a therapeutic effect can be hung on the wall.

An obligatory attribute of such a corner will be soft, beautiful pillows, on which the child can lie down to rest and, for example, listen to a player with relaxing music (wind blowing, water noise, birds singing, rain sounds). It is also advisable to "populate" the corner with soft toys. Useful to put in a secluded corner didactic games, lacing, plasticine, etc. - everything that can distract the child's attention for a while.

Important to remember!

All games and toys should not be kept in the corner all the time, all attributes are periodically changed, updated and replenished as needed.

The effectiveness of the work depends on how much the children are aware of the purpose of the corner, its equipment and the ability to use the attributes. Therefore, children are introduced to the corner immediately after its organization, they are offered to look around, try out toys. As the new attribute is introduced, the children are shown various ways to manipulate it.

At the heart of teaching activities there must be confidence that every child has the right to be who he is, and that every child has enough potential strength to develop and be happy.

Approximate design of corners of psychological relief by age

Early age:

A corner for privacy;

Dry pool;

Soft pillows or upholstered furniture

Sleep toys (often used during the adaptation period)

Photo albums with family photos;

Phone "Call Mom". The child can "call mom" and talk to her;

Materials for sand and water therapy.

Average age:

A corner for privacy

Soft modules;

A chair of kindness. Anyone who wants to be alone and relax in the kind embrace of an amazing chair can relax on it;

Whipping ball, foam cushions. When a child fights, we explain to him that hitting children is bad, it hurts and insults them, but it is very possible to beat a punching bag or a pillow;

Colored balls of yarn different sizes... By unwinding and reeling balls, children master the technique of self-regulation;

Massage balls - "hedgehogs" for teaching children different ways rolling balls in the palms, on the outside and inside hands. This "hedgehog" game helps the child to relieve muscle tension and calm down;

Magic plasticine (children roll, pinch, crush plasticine, which also helps to calm down);

Didactic game "Collect the beads" ...

WITH older preschool age.

A corner for privacy (screen, house, tent)

Soft modules;

Photo albums with group and family photos;

Targets, bags of cereal for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression;

Tearing paper set;

Anger rug (children know that if they are angry, they need to stomp on the rug and the anger will pass);

Fear buckets (children draw their fears and get rid of them by throwing them into the bucket);

The thinking chair is used so that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take away toys, but wait for another child to put them in place after playing, etc. The most important thing is that the chair should not be a punishment for children;

Mood pouches. If the child has Bad mood, he can “put” it in a “sad” bag, and from a “funny” bag he can “take” a good mood. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing with a palm chest the child improves his mood.

Zone for psychological relief

Corners for privacy (tent, tent, screen, transformer house, umbrella, etc., pillows - "plaques", pillows - "dummy" lamps, night lamps, a place for relaxation, upholstered furniture, photo albums with group and family photos, telephone , mom's favorite thing, an island of joy, soft and squeaky toys, dry pool, dry shower, didactic games "Collect the beads", etc.

Material for teaching aggressive children how to express anger in an acceptable way.

The corner toys and aids are aimed at allowing the child to throw out all their negative emotions.

Punching bag (s) and boxing gloves, foam cushions, targets, anger mat. a glass, a jug or a pot for shouting, a panel for throwing a ball, "Rug of anger", a box of anger "Hide all the bad", a box "Try, tear" (a set of paper for tearing).

Pear, whipping pillows, foam pillows. When a child fights, we must explain to him that hitting children is bad, it hurts and insults them, but it is very possible to beat a punching bag or a pillow.

"Pillows with stubborn" - pillows with a dark pillowcase, are used when the child is stubborn, shows physical aggression, negativism (in this case, the teacher asks to help him cope with the "stubborn pillow" - thus relieving stress, the child expresses his negative emotions in an acceptable way, thereby getting rid of them). An example of the game "Stubborn Pillow". The teacher introduces the child to a fairy tale game: “The fairy magician gave us a pillow. But this pillow is not simple, but magical. Children are stubborn inside her. They make you capricious and stubborn. Let's get rid of the stubborn ones? " The child hits the pillow with all his might, and the teacher says: "Stronger, stronger, stronger!" (the stereotype and emotional clamp are removed). When the child's movements become slower, the game gradually stops (the time is determined individually - from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes). The teacher suggests listening to the "stubborn" in the pillow: "All

Are the stubborn crawling out? What are they doing?" The child puts his ear to the pillow and listens. Some children say that they are "stubborn whispering", others do not hear anything.

Targets, bags of cereal for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression.

A set of tearing paper.

Box "Hide all the bad." Children throw all their "anger and resentment" into it (having clenched their fists and collected in them everything that has accumulated "bad").

"Rug of anger." Helps children get rid of sudden feelings of anger. It is an ordinary hallway rug with a rough surface or knitted from coarse threads, with small multi-colored bows on it. The child takes off his shoes, walks on such a rug and wipes his feet until he wants to smile. You can tell the children that when they are angry, you need to stomp on the rug and the anger will pass.

"A glass of anger" (a glass, a pitcher, or a shouting pot). If a child is angry or offended at someone, he can express his resentment in a glass (jug, pot) and it will be easier for him; It is a beautifully designed dark glass. If the child shows aggression, the teacher invites him to retreat to a corner of solitude and leave all the bad words and thoughts, all his anger, anger in this glass. After that, the child has the opportunity to speak out, and the glass is then tightly closed or tied and hidden.

If you have a lot of space for a corner, you can place a dart board with magnetic darts.

Box “Hide all the bad things” - the child pronounces all his grievances into the box, can draw his anger or resentment and also put it there, they take the box with them outside and there they “throw away” all its contents.

A bag of emotions "Hide all the bad things." Children throw all their "anger and resentment" into it (by clenching their fists and collecting in them everything that has accumulated "bad").

Availability of material for teaching children the ability to control themselves in different situations, self-regulation techniques.

Audio, video recordings (the sound of the sea, sounds of the forest, music for rest, relaxation, colored balls, playing with sand, water, cereals, buttons, homemade toys for braiding, twisting, tying, a chair for thinking, a magic plasticine, "Tactile bags" , "Bags of moods", "Boxes of good deeds", balls - "bolki, pebbles for shifting from one box (containers, into another; didactic game" Collect the beads ", massage balls -" hedgehogs "(massagers).

"Chair for reflection" serves so that sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior forgotten by him. For example, we do not take away toys, but wait for another child to put it in place after playing, etc. The most important thing: a chair should not be a punishment for children.

Magic plasticine. Children roll, pinch, crumple plasticine, which also helps to calm down.

Balls - "boli" will help children to exercise in regulating their breathing. Holding the balls in our palms, we breathe on them, warm them with our warm breath;

Pebbles for transferring from one box (container, to another.

Colored balls of yarn of different sizes. Their goal: to calm down the naughty children, to teach them one of the techniques of self-regulation. A naughty child is invited to wind up bright yarn in a ball. The size of the glomerulus can become larger each time. An adult reports that this ball is not simple, but magical. As soon as a boy or girl starts to roll it up, they immediately calm down.

Stress relief is facilitated by phonograms with sounds of wildlife.

It is good to use containers with beans, peas, buckwheat, multi-colored corks.

Very good soothing lacing, ribbons, homemade toys for braiding, twisting, tying

The didactic game "Collect the beads" will help the child to relax, like colored balls of yarn.

Massage balls - "hedgehogs". It is necessary to teach children different ways of rolling balls in their palms, on the outside and inside of their hands. This game with the "hedgehog" helps the child to relieve muscle tension and calm down.

Mood pouches (or boxes). If a child is in a bad mood, he can “put” him in a “sad bag”, and from a “cheerful” bag he can “take” a good mood. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing with the palm of the chest, the child improves his mood.

Tactile, sensory rugs.

Games for the development of fine motor skills (stringing, sorting by shape, by color).

The presence of emotionally developing games aimed at teaching children conflict-free communication.

The problem of children's communication, their ability to understand each other, to distinguish the mood of their comrade, to come to the rescue, etc., is very important.

Games and manuals aimed at developing communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development: “The ABC of Mood”, “Friendship Mat”, didactic games: “What is good? What is bad? "," My feelings "," Feelings and emotions "," Guess the emotion "," Emotions in fairy tales "," Find friends "," How friends do ", a box with little people," Pillow of reconciliation "," Reconciliation box "," Board, calendar, mood tree "," Mirror of emotions "," Theater of emotions ", equipment for joint games and games of dramatizations ”.

"The rug of peace, friendship. The very presence of the rug of peace" in the group encourages children to abandon fights, arguments and tears, replacing them by discussing the problem with each other. In the event of conflict situations, fights, quarrels or disputes, children should go to this "rug" (homemade, beautifully designed rug) and solve their conflict with the help of "Mirilka's Box" and a clamshell book with rhymes - mirilka.

"Box of Reconciliation" - a box with holes on both sides, children put their hands in and shake them to each other. "The rug of friendship" and "Box for reconciliation" help quarreled children in a funny way to make peace with each other and after such a reconciliation, children quarrel much less often.

"Island of reconciliation" - in the event of conflict situations, fights, quarrels or disputes, children should go to this "island" (homemade, beautifully designed rug) and resolve their conflict according to the "peace".

The Emotional Flower and Mood Cube games teach children to recognize their emotional state and reflect it in facial expressions and gestures.

Booth "My mood". In the morning and during the day, the child can use emotional pictures to show his mood. This makes it easier for the caregiver to approach and support a sad, upset child.

Paired stickers can help children pair up if they have a problem.

"Mood board". Each child in the group, if desired, can draw on this board their mood, emotions, feelings experienced, etc. In addition, children can look at illustrations depicting different emotions, reflect and choose the picture that matches their current mood.

"Mood Mirror" - a mirror to which is attached an album with a schematic representation of persons expressing different mood, a child, looking in the mirror, is trying to display this or that emotion on his face. In addition, if the child is in a bad mood, you can invite him to sit in front of a mirror, in a corner of solitude, look at himself carefully and smile - the mood will definitely improve.

Didactic learning games emotional states: "Feelings and emotions", "How friends act", "Guess the emotion", "Find friends", "Events and emotions", "My feelings", "Emotions in fairy tales."

Photo collages "Kaleidoscope of Emotions" using photographs where children or family members express their emotions in different situations, using decoration(poetry, newspaper clippings, etc.)

"Mood masks" - masks depicting different moods.

Mood cube "- various emotions are drawn on the edges of the cube, the child, examining it, chooses the edge that depicts what he feels, and then chooses the one that he would like to feel

"The Book of Kindness" is an album with only good fairy-tale cartoon characters, plot pictures depicting scenes of good deeds.

Having material aimed at increasing self-esteem for anxious, insecure children.

Each group has children with low self-esteem. Therefore, in the psychological corners there should be "Boxes of good deeds" ("Kind basket", where children put the "grains of good" received from the teacher for a perfect good deed, be it a chair brought up for a girl or helping a friend with dressing and other good deeds. together with the children at the end of the week, they summarize the results, and photographs of the children who have the most "grains of good" end up on the "Tree of Good" - a kind of honor roll. mutual assistance, kindness, responsiveness.

Podium, medals, "Sleepy toys", "Honor chair", "Boxes of good deeds", "Glade of joy", "magic items" (hat, cloak, stick, pipes, fans, seven-color flower, shoes, boxes, magic boxes etc.).

The "Honor Chair" stimulates self-esteem, self-confidence, and anxiety relief.

Magic items: cloak, shoes, wizard's hat, magic wand, crowns, medal, "Magic beans", etc. Serve to increase the self-esteem of anxious, insecure children, help the teacher together with the children to make wonderful trips and transformations, make communication with preschoolers are fabulous, full of pleasant surprises, and not only during classes, but also in free play activities.

Finger theater. Aimed at building self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, developing communication skills.

Availability of material for teaching children cooperation skills

and concerted action.

"Twister", "Caterpillar", "Cheerful rug".

Game "Twister". The play of American children incredibly captivated our children, with great pleasure, accompanied by squeals and the most incredible poses, spreading an oilcloth with colored spots on the floor and twisting the arrow almost every day. The tight interlacing of arms and legs brings children together and allows them to be closer to each other.

Used Books

1. Smolyakova EN Organization of psychological corners in a kindergarten group. // Educator preschool. №4 – 2013

2. Handbook of the senior educator, No. 9, 2011. The use of anti-stress toys in the process of correctional work.

3. Handbook of the teacher - psychologist No. 2, 2016. Corner of psychological relief "Fairy Room".

4. http://pandia.ru/text/79/219/46642.php

5. http://metior.ru/article/97-konsultacija-dlja-pedagogov.html

In conditions of market relations, the pace of labor processes significantly exceeds that that prevails under centralized management. The market economy presupposes competition, which spurs the intensity of labor in all phases of production. In a marketplace, people must work with ever-increasing energy. And if you don't take special measures
to reduce the mental stress of workers, then adverse consequences are inevitable.
In all economically developed countries, special relaxation measures (relaxation) are practiced. The experience of large Japanese companies is interesting in this respect.
The relaxation method, first introduced into use by the Matsushita Denki Company, has become widespread in Japan. The procedure is carried out in a special room. It consists of two rooms separated by a corridor. The stands in the corridor reflect the history of the company and present various episodes from its life. In the first room, divided by screens, there are ordinary and spherical mirrors, dummies of managers and foremen, leather swords stuffed with sawdust hang from the ceiling. The slogan hangs on the wall: “At your service. Work from the heart! " There is a basket of bamboo sticks against the wall. The poster encourages visitors to grab a stick and pound their boss's dummy. You can also hit him with your fist. They say that workers get just as much pleasure from this. The Japanese themselves claim that having “worked” in the office, they become calmer, their reactions acquire sufficient clarity. In this they are assisted by a consultant psychologist who works in an adjoining room. The main task of the consultant is to conduct comforting conversations with workers.
There is experience in the functioning of relaxation rooms and at our enterprises. We call them psychological relief rooms (CRR). The procedures are, of course, different from those in Japan.
CRC is a specially equipped isolated room designed for sessions of complex psychophysiological impact on the mental state of a person. The purpose of the sessions is to unload employees emotionally, reduce their level of fatigue, and suppress anxieties and worries. The basis of the technique here is made up of exercises to create Have a good mood... The content of the exercises is visual, sound and verbal impact on the psyche of people.
The visual range of the impact is formed by alternating slides, transparencies or film fragments and a colored dynamic background. Sound range - pieces of music and natural noises (birds' voices, the sound of the surf, rustling of leaves, etc.). The verbal row is represented by texts of an aesthetic and suggestive direction.
laziness. The presentation of all three types is strictly synchronized: noise design corresponds to an adequate image and verbal content; natural sounds are in harmony with the image. To enhance the effect, various aromas are used (smells of needles, flowers, medicinal herbs), the air is saturated with phytoncides. The session is often timed to coincide with the distribution of tonic drinks and oxygen cocktails... One session usually lasts 10-15 minutes. The stay of workers in the CRC lasts up to half an hour.
Session procedures. There are no strict templates. Procedures vary depending on the characteristics of the region, nature labor activity, as well as the professionalism of the consultants. In particular, medical workers focus on human psychophysiology, psychologists - on structural components personality. At the same time, we can recommend a standard procedural scheme, consisting of three periods (Lopukhina E.V. - 1986).
The first period is “tranquility”. Duration 3-4 minutes. Workers assume a comfortable seating position. Natural noises (the sound of the surf, rustling of leaves, birdsong, etc.) slowly build up. Bright light is attenuated. Calm music is heard with a soft musical-rhythmic pattern of medium volume. A soothing blue light comes on.
The second period is "relaxation". Duration 4-7 minutes. The backlight turns on in green. Music sounds melodic, quiet with joyful and soothing notes. Slides with views of nature are projected (mountain peaks, expanses of water, winter meadows, etc. - depending on the inclinations and national characteristics workers). The voice of a psychologist is heard, pronouncing relaxation formulas.
The third period is "mobilization". Duration 3-4 minutes. Color highlighting from green gradually fades to pink and then to orange. The background music volume increases. The average tempo is replaced by a major rhythmic one. Dance and marching rhythms, song fragments are heard. Workers move from a reclining position to a sitting position. Everyone takes a short breath and a long breath, the intensity of the light increases. Slides depicting landscapes, sunrise are projected. Close-up flowers, berry bushes, fruits, species of birds, animals, landscapes of city parks and architectural ensembles, mass festivities,
laughing faces of people. All lights come on. The command is heard: "Get up!" Everyone gets up and does a warm-up.
All three periods of psychological relief can, at the request of the teacher (instructor), be filled with formulas for auto-training and meditation. Then the period of stay in the CRC is increased.

The CRC room consists of three adjoining rooms. It is located inside production halls, close to workplaces. Rooms are isolated from sources of noise, vibration, radiation, dust. Good ventilation and proper heating are essential. The usable area of ​​the treatment room is at least 30-40 m2 with a height of 2.8-3 m. The number of seating chairs is 12-20. Aesthetic design: coziness and normal comfort. On the walls - a panel depicting natural landscapes, sustained in the main range of colors. The lighting is calm and natural. The use of decorative floor lamps is possible. Lighting control is displayed on the operator's console. On the windows there are curtains made of dense impenetrable fabric to match the tone of the walls. Wall slides, aquariums, decorative and artistic compositions from plants are allowed. The floors are carpeted in dark green tones. Chairs with adjustable backs (stereo headphones are suspended from each). On one of the walls there is a screen for projection of slides, cartoons, film fragments. Hallway (waiting room) -
area 16-18 m2. Equipped with built-in wardrobes for storing clothes and shoes. Coffee table, newspapers, magazines, oxygen cocktail dispensing equipment. Control room - 12-16 m2 Located next to the hall, has a viewing window for visual control. The room contains an operator panel, a table, 2-3 chairs. The remote control regulates: a) broadcast of work programs by autogenous relaxation; b) movement of video frames; c) synchronization of sound, color, speech; d) microphone communication with each seat;
e) air temperature and humidity. Sanitary and hygienic conditions of the KPR: a) temperature 2023 °; b) relative humidity within normal limits; c) maximum permissible noise levels - no more than 50 dB. Lighting - diffused light. The color of the ceiling and walls is changed with the help of electric lighting from a soothing blue-green to an exciting yellow-orange. Acoustic system with stereo effect. Equipment: VCR, TVs, stereo tape recorder, stereo player, overhead projectors, cinema projectors, lighting installations with filters, stereo headphones, a set of color slides with views of nature, a set of music records, air humidifiers, air ionizers, air conditioning, household chairs and with adjustable backrests, aquariums, dimmers, Digital Watch.

The design of the CRC and the nature of the equipment may vary depending on local conditions. However, in all cases, visitors must be provided with reasonable comfort and necessary amenities. The environment of the CRC and the whole procedure for its functioning should make people feel good. As practice shows, each employee visiting the CRC must do a very specific preparatory work.
Task 1. Selection of music.
Listen to the series musical works... Determine which ones have a calming effect on you, which invigorate you. Start by listening, for example, to the overture to the opera “Khovanshchina” by MP.Mussorgsky - “Dawn over Moscow”; Chopin's nocturne - "Morning"; musical sketches by PI Tchaikovsky - "The Seasons"; concert pieces by Tchaikovsky, etc.
When determining the melody you need, use a 10-point scale, where 10 points means an extremely pleasant effect, and 1 point means an unpleasant one. Repeat listening three times, take your time. It's easy to make mistakes in a rush. Select works that receive 6 or more points.
Task 2. Selection procedure.
To listen to the melody, sit comfortably in a chair Close your eyes, relax your muscles. Exhale fully, take a breath. Surrender to the enchanting melody of the music. Resist the temptation to fall asleep. When choosing music, you may want to take some melody from the repertoire. Be aware that pop music is most often destructive to the body.
Consider the content of two messages from the periodicals:
How do snakes react to music? What kind of music do they "prefer"? This question was asked by many herpentologists. The Indian snake trainer Rahman Bhavapali Tanchalan also contributed to this problem. He contains in his "farm" twenty adult cobras, including especially dangerous king cobras. Placing his experiments, the trainer used a variety of music: from Indian folk melodies (mainly dance) to modern jazz and rock music. Most often, he works with his favorite - the king cobra Nagaina. The results of his research showed that quiet and melodic Indian music makes Nigayna slowly rise from the basket and gently sway to the beat of the music, as if half asleep. Loud jazz music worries Nagaina so much that she inflates her hood. The deafening and harsh sounds of "metal" rock lead the snake into a state of intense excitement. While in the basket, it stands on its tail and makes quick threatening movements.
The forest fur farm, located near the West German town of Hagen, bred minks, Siberian weasels, martens, and silver-black foxes. The fur farm flourished. However, things soon got worse: the animals lost their former energy, lost weight, became lethargic. The surveys carried out were not
gave an explanation of what was happening. The clue was found when examining the environs of the fur farm: it turned out that there was a youth recreation center not far from it. And there for a long time, especially on Saturday and Sunday, pop music thundered and rumbled, multiply amplified by electronic equipment. As reported in the press, such nervous pressure brought the inhabitants of fur farms out of the state of "mental comfort."
It has been proven that a person who has been in the sounds of "heavy metal" for three months irrevocably loses his hearing.
Task 3. Selection of text.
In the room of psychological relief, in addition to music, they listen to texts literary works.
Pick up texts that are pleasant to you and listen to them periodically. Start by listening to the works of A. I. Kuprin - "Anathema"; Leo Tolstoy - "Father Sergius"; Alexei Tolstoy - "Russian character"; A. Green - " Scarlet Sails" etc. Listen to the poems of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yulermontov, contemporary poets. Listening to the selected texts, try to feel the impact of their form and content.
Task 4. Selection of slides, cartoons, film fragments.
Find a series of slides, cartoons, film clips. Check them out. Make a conclusion about the influence of these funds on your mind, feelings and will. Notice when, under what circumstances it is pleasant for you to watch this or that slide, cartoon, film fragment.
Meditation takes place while sitting (in an armchair, on a chair in the pose of a "driver in a droshky"). Relax, set your breath, leave your eyes half-closed. Concentrate on breathing, slowly pronounce the key words as you exit. It is better if this word does not have a specific objective meaning. For some, the word "time" suits others - "ohm", the third - "ong" etc. A word ending in sonorous sounds works well. There are also varieties of autogenic meditation, when instead of keyword imaginary or real objects are used:
a) after complete relaxation and installation of breathing, any favorite landscape is mentally reproduced to the smallest detail. Closing his eyes, the trainee runs his eyes over all corners of the landscape;
b) mental reproduction of an object (vase, bouquet, single flower). To achieve an autogenous effect, first study the object with open eyes, and then reproduce it in all shades with closed eyes;
c) mental reproduction of a candle flame. To do this, a burning candle is installed a meter away from you. Then, for 2 minutes, they carefully study the flame and then, closing their eyes, reproduce the flame in their minds. In all cases, the duration of the session is 15-20 minutes. Twice daily training has a beneficial effect on well-being, helps to get rid of many ailments, and contributes to character education.

Starting position - sitting in a chair (on a chair). Relax, set your breath, half-close your eyes. Focus decay on breathing. Mentally count exhalations from 1 to 10, then repeat all over again. Breathe slowly. Perform the exercise for 15-20 minutes.
During the exercise, various phenomena can occur: one will think that a bell has rang somewhere, others will hear the sound of the sea, the third will be presented with some other picture, etc. All these experiences happen before going into sleep. Try not to fall asleep, persistently continue counting.
Breathing meditation training twice a day has a beneficial effect on performance. Long-term work on oneself by the method of breathing meditation eliminates many personal ailments.

Based on materials from the job search site in St. Petersburg: http://spb.careerist.ru

Each manager strives to ensure that his subordinates work intensively, with full dedication and, as a result, perform a large amount of work. Such a high pace of work is accompanied by nervous tension, stress and a decrease in labor productivity. Realizing this, the leaders of large companies are taking measures to psychologically unload employees during the working day.

The corporate culture of Western firms provides for the opportunity for employees to film nervous tension in various ways: from a short walk along fresh air before classes in special rooms of psychological relief. The original way Japanese psychologists offered to take a break and cheer up by hanging a punching bag in the guise of a boss. The employee gets moral satisfaction by hitting the annoying boss with punches.

American employers pay great attention to the psychological state of employees. Their companies arrange rest rooms, sports and GYM's, green area. Office interiors include details such as aquariums, living areas, and landscaping. In one of the Brazilian companies, hammocks are even suspended, allowing the employee to take a short nap, after which he begins to work with renewed vigor.

In Russia, such concern for people is shown by companies that work in the direction of high tech... They value their employees, who can only create in comfortable conditions... In branches Google companies and Yandex created excellent conditions for work and leisure: gyms, a library, psychological relief rooms, buffets.

The interior of the room for psychological relief is made in blue and green, which evokes an association with nature. The impression is complemented by sound design (quiet music, birdsong, the murmur of water). Such recordings have a calming, relaxing effect on the human psyche. Comfortable rest is facilitated by comfortable upholstered furniture (armchairs, sofas).

Unfortunately, in many companies, executives believe that at work, employees should work, not relax. Therefore, creating such rooms is a waste of money and time. At best, employees are allowed to use an electric kettle or microwave and spend no more than 10 minutes drinking tea in front of the monitor.

In such cases, workers must take care of their own psychological state... Decorate your office indoor plants, set up an aquarium, and place a photo of your children on the table. Tired of the computer - do eye exercises. Feet numb - walk into the next office. The head does not work - engage in auto-training, meditation or any other oriental technique. Your psycho-emotional state depends only on you, so do not neglect these tips!

When it gets unbearably bad, what do you do? Silence your mood with alcohol, sleeping pills or swallow the state, ramming the negative in the depths of your soul for the time being? Such methods are only capable of up to hospital bed bring. Do you want that? In such cases, productive psychological relief is needed.

The morning is wiser than the evening

It is not for nothing that the people say: "This problem needs to be slept." Indeed, waking up in the morning, you will remember yesterday's "nightmare" much more calmly.

Browse the family album

For all its simplicity, it is very effective method removal from a negative situation. The faces of people close to you, their smiles, memories of the happy moments of life allow you to feel yourself and your state in the context of time - everything passes, this will also pass. The brightest days remain in the memory.

Personal account of psychological relief

Of course, getting an appointment with a professional psychologist is very good, but in our culture it is not very common practice. After all, a lot of time is spent, and many cannot afford it. Then create your own office, the purpose of which is your personal psychological relief. It can be a gallery of beautiful pictures from the Internet selected by you. In general, such photographs that evoke an emotional response, a smile on your face and peace of mind. Or another option: sit in the silence of a cozy room or stroll along the embankment or park. If possible, of course.

The problem is in the box!

Have you ever wondered what is the point of psychological relief? Here's a hint: in pronouncing the problem. When a person talks in detail about a disturbing situation, he actually analyzes what is happening, gives reason and subconsciousness to find the best way out. This is what psychological consultations and trainings are based on. Therefore, you need to talk about difficulties, in no case be hushed up. Tell your friend, sister, neighbor, or anyone you trust about the problem. If this is not the case, which often happens, or the situation does not allow you to tell anyone about it at all, write a letter. In detail, without missing exciting details, not skimping on expressions and not caring about vocabulary. Send your letter. Where to? This is where some preliminary preparation is needed. Create a virtual mailbox, come up with an intricate, long password for it, without writing down anywhere, and immediately forget it. It is in this box that you send your troubles.

Hands higher, legs wider!

Sports is the best psychological relief, no matter how it sounds. They will not only relieve stress, but also as its prevention is useful: strong muscles - strong nerves.

Tune in to the music wave

Music, it not only builds, as you remember, but also helps to live. True! Listen to the tracks of your favorite artists, turning them on at full volume. Sing along and dance if the situation permits. But the psychological relief should end with calm, pleasant music for you. If there are no such preferences, use the classics. Beethoven, Bach are very psychological. Your heart will beat in unison with the music, which will calm it down in a different way.

Exercises for children

to relieve muscle tension

Relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle

Dropping hands

Children raise their arms to the side and bend slightly forward. As suggested by the leader, they release the tension in their shoulders and let their hands fall down. Hanging, the arms swing slightly passively. Until they stop. The exercise is repeated. The arms should not be wiggled after they fall.

Shaking brushes

Initial position - arms bent at the elbows, hands passively hang down. Quick, continuous movement

Shake off the water of the fingers.

The initial position is the arms are bent in the elbows with the palm downward, the wrist hangs down. By moving the forearm several spreads downward.

Raise and lower your shoulders.

Children, as possible, raise their shoulders, then freely lower their shoulders, in a normal position (throw their shoulders down)

Hard soft hands.

Hands raised to the side. Detido limits straighten all the joints of the hands (relieve tension, letting the shoulders fall) and tighten the muscles that are off the shoulders of the ends of the fingers. Place your hands on a soft pillow.


Children describe with their hands in large circles, making forward-upward swinging movements. After a vigorous push, the arms and shoulders are released with all tension, they fly freely, describe circles and passively fall. The movements are performed several times in a row at a rather fast pace.

Relaxation and tension of the muscles of the body

Ronyem hands.

Children raise their arms to the side and release the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders from tension. The body, the head of the arms move forward, the knees bend slightly. Then the children straighten, successively bending in the hip, lumbar and shoulder belts, and take a similar position.

Wooden ragdolls.

The movements help to become aware of the tense and tense state of the muscles of the body. By depicting the wooden dolls, the children tense the muscles of the legs, the body, slightly retracted to the side of the hand, make a sharp turn of the whole body, keeping the neck, arms, and shoulders motionless.

By imitating ragdolls, they relieve unnecessary tension on the shoulders and body, their arms swing passively. At the position of the child, with a quick, short jolt, they turn the body to the left, to the right.

Intellectual tension and stress - this is a scourge modern humanity... The ability to work decreases, the joy of life is lost, bad thoughts come to mind - sometimes deadly, crime increases. Problems of the adult worldcan become the basis for the formation of psychological stress in children. Teachers, parents and, as a result, children have to “survive” every day and experience a lot of difficult and even stressful situations, most which we do not even have time to realize.

Stress must be dealt with. One of the ways to overcome internal stress is to learn methods of psychological relief. It is available to everyone; some techniques do not require any aids or special time. Without this, it is impossible to talk about a whole range of techniques that allow you to know yourself deeper. Psychologists define this type of therapy as the study of oneself, on environment... All methods of psychological reliefare based on more or less conscious muscle relaxation. If it is possible to reduce muscle tension, nervous tension also decreases, so that the state of relaxation already in itself has a psycho-hygienic effect, and for some individuals this is quite enough. Anyone who wishes to move on will be able to use the state of relaxation when performing subsequent exercises that contribute to deepening self-knowledge and improving mental (and thereby physical) state. In this case, the process also goes in two directions, that is, not only "in healthy body- a healthy mind ", but also" with a healthy mind - a healthy body. "

Relaxation is not just relaxation, but a path ... to health!

"People who can relax are not only more flexible in their thinking, but also better adapted to deal with stress." R. Copeplan

After a hard day, stress, fatigue, a good dose of Beauty and delightful Music will not hurt at all. Contemplating nature amid soothing music is the best way to relax, unwind, rejuvenate and improve your mood. We bring to your attention a video, enjoy your viewing!

We bring to your attention several simple exercises to relieve psychological stress, which you can easily use:

Gymnastics for the eyes according to the method of G.A. Shichko:

1. "Blind Man's Man": close your eyes and open your eyes wide 5-6 times in a row with an interval of 30 seconds.

2. "Up and down, right and left": move our eyes up and down, right and left, without turning our heads. Close your eyes and release the tension, counting to ten.

3. "Circle": we rotate our eyes in a circle, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

4. "Square": represent a square. Move your gaze from the upper right corner to the lower left - to the upper left - to the lower right. And then simultaneously look into the corners of an imaginary square.

5. "Drawing with the nose": look at the plate and remember a word or letter. Then close your eyes. Imagine that the nose has become so long that it reaches the plaque. You need to write the selected element with your nose.

Breath control is an effective means of influencing muscle tone and emotional centers of the brain. Slow and deep breathing (involving the abdominal muscles) lowers the excitability of the nerve centers, promotes muscle relaxation, i.e. relaxation. Frequent (chest) breathing, on the other hand, provides high level activity of the body, maintains neuropsychic tension.

1) Make yourself comfortable in the supine position (subject to all basic requirements: rest, loose clothing, moderate air temperature).

2) Slowly close your eyes.

3) Watch your breathing. With each new exhalation, you enter deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation. Do this until you feel you have reached the deepest stage of relaxation your body needs.

4) You lie relaxed, aware that your breathing has become calmer and deeper. You feel relaxed throughout your body. You lie motionless, limp, you experience pleasant sensations. Feel that the calmness and relaxation have touched your soul too. You enjoy feelings of peace and carelessness.

5) The body itself will let you know when it feels vigorous enough. Relaxation will no longer be enjoyable, and you will want to return to an active, cheerful state.

6) Take your time with this, slowly stretch and also slowly open your eyes. Sit down when you want. Then exhale quickly.

Exercise "White Cloud":

- "Close your eyes, breathe deeply and freely, relax, feel your body heavier, and a warm wave of relaxation passes through your muscles. Imagine that you are lying on your back in the grass. Beautiful warm summer day. You are looking into an amazingly clear, blue the sky, it is so extraordinary. You are enjoying it. You are enjoying the wonderful view. You are completely relaxed and contented. You see how far on the horizon a tiny white cloud appears. You are enchanted by its beauty.

You see it slowly approaching you. You are lying down and you are completely relaxed. You are at ease with yourself. The cloud floats towards you very slowly. You are enjoying the beauty of a gorgeous blue sky and a small white cloud. It is just above you. You are completely relaxed and enjoying this picture. You are in complete harmony with yourself. Imagine yourself getting up slowly. You go up to a small white cloud. You soar higher and higher. Finally, you reach a small white cloud and step on it. You step on it, and you yourself become a white cloud. Now you are a little white cloud. You are completely relaxed, harmony reigns in you, and you soar high, high in the sky. Observe yourself for a while (30 seconds) ...

And now it's time to go back to earth. Inhale and exhale deeply, stretch. Open your eyes slowly ... "

1. "Stretching": put your hands behind your head and, leaning back in a chair, stretch, take several deep breaths and exhalations. The neck will not hurt from the strain.

2. "Tired hands": Raise your arms to chest level, bring your palms and fingertips together, swing your closed palms back and forth. So tired hands rest.

3. "Shoulders": place your hands firmly on the seat of the chair. Straighten your legs and rise above the chair. So the shoulders rest.

Strelnikova's gymnastics

Unique, paradoxical, non-therapeutic, preventive, balancing - these and many other definitions can be found in the characteristics of the system. Unlike other complexes popular in our life, this gymnastics opposes and fences itself off. It denies the possibility of its integration with the exercises and experience of other breathing trainings, opposes itself to them. It was developed by the Strelnikovs' mother and daughter with the aim of developing the breathing abilities and professional qualities of opera singers. It is considered paradoxical because all attention in gymnastics is concentrated only on inhalation, which is accompanied by compression of the chest, which goes against the muscular efforts of natural breathing. For all its "unhealthy", it is believed that gymnastics can prevent a lot of diseases, balance and strengthen the body, rationalize chemical and biological processes flowing in the body. Exercise is useful and recommended for everyone and at all ages, with the exception of patients with acute inflammatory processes and bleeding. Like the previous ones, in no way did it set itself a solution to the problems that are urgent today.

Breathing method rules:

Rule 1. The fundamental principle of Strelnikova's breathing exercises, as you know, is inhalation. Exactly given element should be trained first. It is recommended to inhale sharply and vigorously during exercise. In this case, the inhalation should be short, but strong enough. Inhale should be, drawing in air through the nose noisily and actively.

Rule 2. Another component of Strelnikova's complex of breathing exercises is exhalation. It should be taken as the opposite of inhalation. Therefore, you need to exhale slowly and smoothly, removing air through the mouth. If inhalation requires effort and certain energy expenditures, then exhalation is characterized by arbitrariness. In this case, there is no need to push air out of oneself, it should come out freely and unhindered. Often, the desire to make the exhalation active and energetic leads to a breakdown in the breathing rhythm.

Rule 3 ... All exercises aimed at practicing the correct breathing technique must be performed by counting. This will help you not to go astray and, moreover, consistently and correctly do all the required elements.

Rule 4 . The rhythm, which is another important component of the complex of breathing exercises, must correspond to the rhythm of the marching step. All exercises should be done at a specific pace. This is important to maintain rhythm and maximize effect. It is recommended to perform each element of breathing exercises in less than a second. This is achieved through persistent and regular training.

Rule 5 . In the breathing technique according to Strelnikova. the inhalation and the movement performed form a single whole. They need to be carried out simultaneously, not alternately. -

Rule 6. All exercises that make up Strelnikova's breathing exercises can be performed in a standing, sitting or lying position. This is determined by the patient's condition and the severity of the disease.

Rule 7 ... The number of repetitions of this or that exercise should be a multiple of four. As you know, the four is the size of one time signature, which is most convenient for carrying out gymnastic exercises. As the respiratory elements are mastered, this value is doubled. And this does not happen by accident. It is believed that the figure eight is a symbol of infinity and eternity.

To perform breathing exercises on three and five counts, according to the followers of the presented method, significant physical efforts are required. And this is possible only on condition of special preliminary preparation.

It is recommended to increase the number of breaths to eight per series already on the second day of training. breathing exercises Strelnikova A.N. On the fourth day, this number is increased to sixteen repetitions, later - to twenty-four and to thirty-two. The maximum number of breaths in one session can reach ninety-six. Thus, the last figure is considered a kind of record, which every student should strive to overcome.

Rule 8 . You should start your studies in a joyful and cheerful mood. This will help enhance the effect of gymnastics.

Here's how to do it the first three exercises

at the very beginning of classes.


They stood straight, arms bent at the elbows, palms turned away from themselves (Fig. 1a). Keep your arms so that your elbows are pointing down and not swinging freely from side to side. Begin to make noisy breaths with your nose and at the same time clench your palms into fists (Fig.1b). As if they grabbed the air and squeezed, grabbed and squeezed. Remember: you take 4 breaths in a row, always sharp and rhythmic. You can even play marching music, it helps a lot during class. We completed one cycle, lowered our hands, rested for 3-4 s. Working again. Again we take 4 cyclic breaths through the nose.

Note that you must not hear the exhalation. You only listen to the inhalation. The shoulders are motionless during the exercise. The palms are at chest level. No deviations from the scheme are allowed. Exercise in a position that suits you. You can sit, stand, or even lie down.

Take 24 breaths (4 breaths at a time).

Attention ! During the first few days, you may feel dizzy during the exercise. There is nothing wrong with that, just the rhythm of breathing has changed. This is a reaction to the cleaning energy channels your body. When the body gets used to it, the dizziness will disappear. But while they are there, let your body not work at full strength. To do this, instead of doing the exercise while standing, do it while sitting. Give more time to rest: not 3-4 seconds, but 5-10 seconds between cycles.


The starting position is standing. Clench your hands into fists, press them to your stomach at waist level (Fig. 2a). Inhale and sharply "squeeze" your fists to the floor (Fig. 2b), strain the muscles of the shoulder complex, pull your arms down well, while the shoulders remain motionless. We breathe in for 8 bars. Did you take a breath? Return to starting position, making an automatic exhalation. Relax your shoulders. Do not raise your hands above the waist. All attention is focused only on the inhalation and the accompanying movement. Rest for 3-4 seconds between breaths.

Your norm: 12 times for 8 breaths.


Start from the starting position, with your legs apart a little more than shoulder-width apart, and lower your arms (Fig. 3a). Pick up a folded newspaper or stick; imagine that this is a pump handle and you are inflating a car tire. We make a slight forward bend (Fig. 3b), reach with our hands to the floor, but do not touch the floor itself (Fig. 3c). In the second half of the slope, we take a sharp breath. Remember to hear your breath clearly. Calculate the incline so that it is rhythmically related to inhalation. The tilt ended - the inhalation ended. Do not pull the breath, unbending, and do not unbend to the end. Finished the bend - slightly raise your torso, but do not fully straighten your back.

The imaginary tire is not yet inflated, it needs to be quickly inflated and move on. Go to the slope again, accompany him with a breath. Repeat breaths at the same time as bending: often, rhythmically and easily. Do not raise your head. Look down at an imaginary pump. There are 8 such breaths-movements.

After that, you can straighten up and exhale, rest for 3-4 seconds and repeat the cycle. The inclinations do not need to be made deep, it is enough to bend at the waist. When bending over, the shoulders go slightly forward, the back is round, the head is lowered.

Repeat the exercise 12 times (8 breaths).

But - pay special attention to this - there are patients for whom its implementation is strictly prohibited, and people for whom it can only be performed in a very light, sparing form.

Contraindications: concussion, aortic aneurysm, serious spinal injuries, displacement of the vertebral discs, hypertensive crisis.

Restrictions: gallstone and urolithiasis, increased cranial, ocular and blood pressure, stones in the kidneys.

With these violations, only a very slight, smooth slope is made. Inhalation is performed noisily and abruptly, exhalation is performed automatically, through an open mouth.

The main set of exercises

These are the movements that need to be added one at a time each day after you have mastered the initial exercises. The main complex is divided into head movements and body movements (or main movements). Let's turn to head movements first.


Take the starting position, spread your legs slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Begin to turn your head left and right (Fig. 4), doing it sharply, at the pace of your steps. Simultaneously with each turn - inhale through the nose. Short, sharp, noisy. Turning to the right is a noisy breath, turning to the left is a noisy breath. Perform turns with breaths for eight beats. Think: “It smells like fumes! Where? Left? On right?" Sniff the air. Do not hold your head in the middle, there are only turns. You can't strain your neck, you can't tilt your head.

Perform a total of 12 cycles (8 breaths).

It is not only excellent breathing exercise, it develops the muscles of the neck, prevents the development of osteochondrosis. But there are diseases in which its implementation is limited and prohibited.

Contraindications: epilepsy (can give an impetus to the onset of an attack), hypertensive crisis, concussion, displacement of the vertebral discs (especially in the cervical spine).

Restrictions: vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased intracranial, ocular or arterial pressure, head bruises, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine. In these cases, symbolic turns of the head are made, but the quality of the breaths remains the same - noisy, sharp, active. It is allowed to do the exercise while sitting or lying down.


Take the starting position, spread your legs slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. We start shaking our head. First, tilt your head slightly to the right (Fig. 5a), the right ear is directed to the right shoulder - at the same time, a noisy short breath through the nose. Then tilt your head to the left (Fig. 5b), the left ear is directed to the left shoulder - inhale at the same time. Shake your head as if you are saying to someone: "Ay-yay-yay, shame on you!" Please note that the body and shoulders must be stationary. You cannot raise or lower your shoulders, you cannot pull your shoulder to your ear. Only the head works. An inhalation is taken with each swing. Total movements in a cycle 8. Then rest 3-4 s and a new cycle. Perform 12 rounds.

Contraindications: concussion, epilepsy, hypertensive crisis.

Restrictions: vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, increased ocular, intracranial and arterial pressure, head bruises. In all these cases, tilt your head slightly, you can sit or lie down. Pay particular attention to the quality of the inhalation.

Small pendulum "

Take the starting position, spread your legs slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. They lowered their heads down, looked at the floor, and took a noisy, active breath (Fig. 6a). They raised their heads up, looked at the ceiling - took a noisy short breath (Fig. 6b). Nod your head forward - backward, inhale - inhale. Think, “Where does the smell of smoke come from? Below? Above?" Look down - inhale from the floor, look up - inhale from the ceiling. Each cycle includes 8 head up and down movements. Do not hold the exhales, let them automatically happen after the inhales, but also do not throw out the air forcefully. Exhalation goes silently, through an open mouth, freely.

Starting position - standing, legs apart slightly more than shoulder width apart, hands are at waist level (Fig. 7). Special note: do not lift your feet off the floor!

Think of a cat sneaking up on a sparrow. Repeat her movements - squatting a little, turn to the right, then to the left (Fig. 8). Transfer the severity of the body to the right leg, then to the left - depending on which side you turned. You have already tried this in the initial exercises.

At first, lightly, playfully squat and slightly turn your whole body to the right - take a sharp short breath. Then you easily squat and turn your torso to the left - take a sharp short breath.

So continue: turn left, turn right, inhale from the right - inhale from the left. Sniff the air noisily on the right, on the left at the pace of your steps. Exhalation should occur between breaths automatically, involuntarily.

Attention! Bend and straighten your knees slightly (squat is light, springy, do not squat deep). While squatting with your hands, do grasping movements to the right and left at waist level. Do not hunch over, do not turn your whole body: the back is absolutely straight, the turn is only at the waist.

In total, you need to complete 12 cycles.

"Hug your shoulders"

Stand up straight. Raise your arms to shoulder level, bend at the elbows. Turn your palms towards you and place them in front of your chest, just below your neck (Fig.9a). Now "throw" your hands towards each other so that the left one hugs the right shoulder, and the right one - the left armpit (Fig. 9b). Pay attention that the arms run parallel to each other, and not crosswise (that is, shoulder - armpit, not shoulder - shoulder). In no case change the position of your hands (it doesn't matter which hand is on top - right or left); Do not spread wide to the sides and do not strain. The elbows cannot be extended either. Do the exercise at the pace of your steps. Simultaneously with each throw, when the hands are closest to each other, take short noisy breaths. Think, "Shoulders help the air." When you have mastered this exercise, you can slightly tilt your head back at the moment of the oncoming movement of your hands (take a breath "from the ceiling"). Perform 12 cycles of 8 movements each. The exercise is allowed to be done while sitting and lying down.

Contraindications: organic lesions of the cardiovascular system, the first week after a heart attack. Those who have suffered a heart attack are allowed to include the exercise only from the second week (like other exercises of the complex). In a serious condition, you need to do in a row not 8 breaths-movements, but 4 or even 2, then rest 3-5 s and again 2-4 breaths-movements.

Caution should be exercised by pregnant women: starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, the exercise is performed without throwing the head up, we work only with our hands, we look in front of us.

Restrictions: ischemic disease hearts, congenital heart defects.


Remember: even a small positive change in your consciousness leads, perhaps, to resolution serious problems of your life. There are many ways to change course in the right direction... But above all, we need to learn to love and value ourselves. We have to develop a few basic, fairly essential beliefs:
Don't criticize yourself

This is a stupid and useless activity that does not carry anything positive. Stop criticizing yourself, take this burden off yourself. Do not criticize others in the same way, as a rule, the shortcomings that we see in them are a reflection of our own mistakes. A negative attitude towards others often provokes troubles in your personal life. Only we alone have the right to judge ourselves - neither other people, nor life, nor God, nor the Universe.


Take care of your body

Your body is the sacred seat of the soul. If you want to live a long, fulfilling life, start taking care of your body now. You need to look good and, more importantly, feel great - your energy needs to be in full swing. Diet, proper nutrition, physical exercises play an important role. You must keep yourself in shape, make your body flexible, resilient and healthy. This is how it should remain until yours. last day on the planet.



Very often we complain that we do not understand many life problems, we get lost in situations: we don’t know what to do, what to do. Nevertheless, we all have enough intelligence, quick wit, and we are able to learn. You can learn everything, for this there are books, tapes, courses. They are everywhere and available to everyone. If you don't have much money, go to the library. Find or create a group to practice on your own. Know that you will learn new things until the very last day.


Everyone has the right to personal funds. Our own money develops our self-esteem, gives us a sense of confidence. You can start with a small amount. It is important to keep saving, saving money:I CONSTANTLY INCREASE MY INCOME!

Unleash your creativity

You can get creative with anything from baking pies to designing skyscrapers. Take time to express yourself. Be creative! You can do it.


Make joy, love, and happiness the center of your life

Joy and happiness are within each of us. If we are happy, then our creative potential, we become open to new fresh thoughts and ideas, we can rejoice in every little thing.


Be honest: keep your word

In order to respect and value yourself, you need to be honest. Learn to keep your word. Do not rashly promise what you are not able to fulfill — much less to yourself. Do not give yourself a word that tomorrow you will go on a diet, or that tomorrow you will start every morning with exercises, unless you are one hundred percent sure that you will fulfill the promise. You have to believe yourself.

Establish a Strong Spiritual Connection with Life

This particular thread may or may not have anything to do with our religious beliefs. Children have no choice - they inherit the religion of their ancestors. But as adults, we ourselves are able to choose our own beliefs and spiritual path.
Each of us must retire from time to time, remain alone in order to talk with ourselves.
Your relationship with your inner self is an essential part of life. Take time to sit in silence and listen to the voice of your inner wisdom. IN MY SPIRITUAL BELIEFS I FIND SUPPORT, THEY GUIDE AND SUPPORT ME.

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