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A detailed plan on the topic of activity and thinking. Lecture on social studies on the topic "activity and thinking." Consciousness and activity

Cogito ergo sum! “I think, therefore I exist,” said Rene Descartes. Let us analyze the theoretical aspect of the relationship between thinking and human activity, expressed in activity.

Thinking and activity. Analysis of the topic of the Unified State Examination codifier

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Activity is a human form of activity aimed at transforming the environment.

Activity structure:

😼Motive is an incentive to activity associated with satisfaction.
💭A goal is a conscious, anticipated goal towards which it is aimed
✒A means is techniques, methods of action, objects. Actions are a manifestation of the will of people.
🏁 The result is the final result that completes the activity.
🏃The subject is the one who carries out the activity:
🍃An object is what the activity of an object or the entire thing is aimed at the world

Motives for activity:
🔆Needs are the need a person experiences for what is necessary for life and development.
🔆Social attitudes are a person’s orientation towards something.
🔆Beliefs are emotional and valuable attitudes towards reality.
🔆Interests are the real reason action behind
🔆Attractions are mental states, expressing an unconscious (insufficiently conscious need).

Thinking and activity are the main categories that distinguish man from the animal world. Thinking and transformative activity are inherent only in man.

📌Thinking is a function human brain, arising as a result of it nervous activity. However, thinking cannot be completely explained solely by the activity of the brain. Mental activity is connected not only with biological but also with social development, as well as from speech and person. Forms of thinking:

📌Thinking is characterized by such processes as:

analysis(decomposition of concepts into parts),
synthesis(combining facts into a concept),
abstraction(distraction from the properties of an object when studying it, evaluating it “from the outside”),
setting goals,
finding ways to solve them,
hypothesizing(assumptions) and ideas.

It is inextricably linked with the results of thinking that are reflected in Speech and thinking have similar logical and grammatical structures, they are interconnected and interdependent. Not everyone notices that when a person thinks, he speaks his thoughts to himself, leads internal dialogue.

This fact confirms the relationship between thinking and speech.

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Thinking and activity are the main categories that distinguish man from the animal world. Thinking and transformative activity are inherent only in man.

Thinking- a function of the human brain that arises as a result of its nervous activity. However, thinking cannot be completely explained solely by the activity of the brain. Mental activity is associated not only with biological evolution, but also with social development, as well as with human speech and labor activity. Forms of thinking: judgments, concepts, ideas, theories, etc.

Thinking is characterized by such processes, as analysis (decomposition of concepts into parts), synthesis (combining facts into a concept), abstraction (distraction from the properties of an object when studying it, evaluating it “from the outside”), setting problems, finding ways to solve them, putting forward hypotheses (assumptions) and ideas .

Thinking and speech. Thinking is inextricably linked with speech; it is the results of thinking that are reflected in language. Speech and thinking have similar logical and grammatical structures; they are interconnected and interdependent. Not everyone notices that when a person thinks, he speaks his thoughts to himself and conducts an internal dialogue. This fact confirms the relationship between thinking and speech.

Human activity- actions, deeds individual. Activity changes external world and the person himself, reveals his essence. A person's activities depend on his preferences.

upbringing and education. Types of work activity: mental work (for example, calculating equations) and physical work(for example, cleaning the classroom).

IN activity structure distinguish subject and object. The subject is the one who acts (for example, a scientist who looks into a microscope), the object is what the activity is directed at (for example, microscopic bacteria). Subject and object can be either animate or inanimate.


1) material (a person eats, drinks, digs, washes dishes);

2) spiritual (thinks, sings a song, plays the guitar):

3) public (a mother looks after her child, an athlete competes, a politician participates in elections).

IN at different ages in a person, one type of activity predominates: for children, the main activity is a game, for schoolchildren and students – studies, for adults – work.

Needs- This is a person’s need for something. It is needs that motivate a person to activity. There are many classifications of needs. Let us present the most famous classification developed by the American psychologist A. Maslow. He highlighted the following types human needs: 1) physiological (need for food, breathing, reproduction, rest); 2) vital (safety, comfort); 3) social (communication, affection); 4) prestigious (respect, success, high grades); 5) spiritual (self-expression and realization of interests).


Concept, properties and types of thinking

Cognition of the surrounding world occurs through the senses and thinking. Thinking is the basis of rational knowledge. thinking man asks questions and seeks answers to them. In the process of thinking, he processes information, establishes cause - investigative connections between objects and phenomena.

Remember the definition of the lesson term:

Thinking- this is an active process of cognition, which is an indirect and generalized way of reflecting objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Direct knowledge of the world around us through the senses. For example, to decide what to wear today based on the weather, you need to go outside and find out whether it is warm or cold. This is a simple example illustrating how, through direct research, direct contact is established with the object of knowledge.

Cognition through thinking indirectly. You can find out how hot or cold it is outside using a thermometer, based on the height of the mercury column. IN in this case we learned what interests us with the help of an intermediary (thermometer). It is the indirectness of thinking that provides broad cognitive opportunities. Because it is impossible to establish direct contact with all objects of knowledge. One more important property thinking is generality. What happens if you throw a piece of paper into a fire? It will burn. Why are we sure of this? Because we have seen before that paper burns in fire. Generalized thinking lies in the fact that a person collects facts about an object or phenomenon obtained earlier and draws a conclusion based on them. For example, the doctor summarized the available facts about the disease and prescribed treatment for the patient. The economist summarized the facts and determined the best way to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.

The result of thinking is thoughts(concepts, ideas). Thoughts are always expressed in words, even if we do not say them out loud. Therefore, thinking is connected with speech. Thinking is carried out in the form of judgments. In an effort to find the truth, a person reasons and draws conclusions, which can be inductive, deductive and by analogy.

    Induction– this is the final conclusion from the particular to the general. Example: a spruce that grows in a neighbor’s yard is green in summer and winter, which means all spruces are classified as evergreen conifers.

    Deduction- This is the inverse conclusion from induction from the general to the particular. Example: crimes are punishable, giving a bribe is a crime, therefore, giving a bribe is punishable.

    Inference by analogy – this is a conclusion from particular to particular. When the properties of one item are transferred to another item. Example: the planets Mars and Earth are similar in many ways. There is life on Earth. Since Mars is similar to Earth, there is likely life on Mars.

Types of thinking

Characteristics of thinking

Visual - effective
The first type of thinking associated with practical activities, When mental operations go into action. This type of thinking is especially important for children under 3 years of age, since the child develops when he turns, opens, and pulls objects. Visually - effective thinking is also relevant for an adult, for example, when he is learning a new household appliance, rearranges furniture in the apartment. This means that this thinking is primarily characteristic of engineers, mechanics, technicians, and repair workers.
Visually - figurative
These are mental operations with images. Key role In this type of thinking, perception and imagination play a role. With the help of visually - imaginative thinking we can imagine what we don't see. For example, when planning an apartment renovation, we imagine how certain wallpapers on the walls will look. This type of thinking is characteristic of all people, but is especially important for artists, designers, and stylists.
Verbal - logical
In this type of thinking, images fade into the background, and mental operations are associated with logical concepts(everyday and scientific). The key role in it is played by prudence, evidence, validity and, of course, competent command of speech. This type of thinking is especially important for people whose work involves expressing thoughts through speech (speakers, publicists, writers, lawyers, teachers and many others).

Thinking is closely related to activity. After all, a person moves from thoughts to actions. Thinking in itself is already an activity - intellectual and cognitive, but it is also inseparable from other forms of activity. Let's move on to the second term of the lesson.

Concept and nature of activity

Activity- This goal-oriented process human activity, satisfying needs and transforming the world.

Human activity differs significantly from animal activity. Firstly, by the fact that animals adapt to their surrounding conditions, and humans not only adapt, but also transform them. With the help of tools, a person changes the world around him, adapts it to his needs, and makes it comfortable for himself. Thus, a person builds or destroys houses, erects monuments, receives education, etc. Secondly, the behavior of animals is expedient to instincts, human activity is also expedient, but also purposeful, purposeful. This means that the animal's behavior depends on instincts that it cannot control. The predator got hungry and immediately went in search of prey. However, it is difficult to imagine a lion planning a hunt for tomorrow. That is, the animal does not set goals for the future. And man, unlike animals, can control his instincts because he has reason. Therefore, human activity is conscious. This means that before doing something, a person sets a goal and predicts the result of the activity. For example, before starting construction, an architect plans a house design. Any activity is aimed at achieving a result, be it washing dishes, reading a textbook or talking with a friend. Therefore, the activity is also productive. Social character means that in the process of activity relationships arise between people.

So remember! The behavioral activity of animals is expedient, and human activity is expedient, purposeful and purposeful. It is conscious, transformative, instrumental, productive and social in nature.

Activity structure

Activities consist of structural units. The person without whom activity is impossible is subject. What the subject’s activity is aimed at is called object. For example, a doctor (subject) treats a patient (object); Sasha (subject) washes the dishes (object). Why does the doctor treat the patient, and Sasha washes the dishes? Because there is a need for it, that is need. It is also included in the structure of activity. Based on needs, they are formed motives that encourage action. The same activity can be caused various motives. For example, the motives for gaming activity different people are different: one wants to win, the second is interested in the process itself, the third plays for the sake of communication, etc. One of the important elements in the structure of activity is target. This perfect image the result that a person would like to achieve. To achieve a goal, a person uses objects, technologies, methods and other facilities. For example, a student wants to pass the state final certification in social studies at highest mark– this is the goal. To do this, he uses such tools as a social studies course on the Cknow portal, online testing, classes with a tutor, textbooks, manuals, tables, etc. Any activity is process, which means it consists of a chain of actions, by implementing which you can achieve your goal. If a person has achieved a goal, then he has received result of its activities.

To summarize, the structure of activity includes such elements as:

  • subject,
  • an object,
  • need,
  • motives,
  • target,
  • facilities,
  • process,
  • result.


A person has many needs, which means that the types of activities are diverse. Let's consider classifications by direction and content.

Towards distinguish between material and spiritual types of activity. Spiritual activity has three forms: cognitive, prognostic, value-oriented.

    Material activity related to production material goods. Examples: making a chair, renovating an apartment, building a house.

    Spiritual activity associated with the production of knowledge, ideas, principles, values ​​and other intangible goods. Examples: raising a child, writing a story.

    Cognitive activity is aimed at searching and processing information and obtaining knowledge. Examples: research by a scientist, writing an abstract.

    Prognostic activity associated with foreseeing the consequences of certain phenomena. Examples: the activities of an astronomer, forecasting the consequences of a possible earthquake, hurricane.

    Value-oriented activities directs a person to universal human values ​​and ideals (kindness, honesty, justice, truth, beauty, humanity, etc.). This type of activity manifests itself in a person’s relationship to the surrounding reality: people, nature, culture. Value orientations of a person are formed in the process of socialization, in a conversation with a mother or friend, in a lesson or class hour. A person reveals his value-orienting potential in communication, cognition, study, work, play and other activities.

By content Activities include work, learning and play.
  • Labor activity is aimed at the production of socially useful products, material and intangible (spiritual) benefits. Labor activity requires knowledge, skills, and craftsmanship. There are physical and intellectual labor. It is the leading activity for an adult.
  • Educational activities is aimed at transferring knowledge, skills, habits and behaviors to the younger generation. Education plays a decisive role in intellectual, moral and mental development person. It is a leading activity at school and student age.
  • Play activity mainly aimed at entertainment and relaxation. The game brings joy and pleasure, this is its hedonic function. But the game also performs a cognitive function and promotes personality development. It is a leading activity for preschool children.
A special type of activity is communication. What's special? The fact is that communication is built on the principle of “subject – subject”, and other types of activities are built on the principle of “subject – object”. What is communication? First, it is the process of establishing interpersonal or intergroup contacts. Secondly, the method of transmitting information from one person to another. Most activities are impossible without communication. It can be verbal (using language) and non-verbal (using facial expressions, gestures).

Ability Levels

Why is one person better at the same activity than another? It's all about a person's abilities. There are several ability levels:

  • Makings of– congenital anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the body, which are prerequisites for the formation and development of abilities. For example, absolute pitch is necessary for the development of musical abilities.

Human. Depending on the situation, it can refer to both the creative sphere of activity and the educational sphere. Another important term is thought- is the result or intermediate stage of the thinking process. Thought can mean “concept”, “idea”, “meaning”. Thinking is the same way of understanding the world as sensation or perception, only more high level, since animals also have perception and sensations, but only humans have thinking.

Some philosophers understand thinking differently. They believe that thought is not the result of thinking as an activity: there is an abstract mental sphere in which ready-made thoughts float; and the process of thinking consists in a person’s extraction of thoughts from this sphere. But we will not get into esotericism and consider thinking from the point of view of psychology and sociology.

Thought processes.

Thought processes, or operations of thinking, are ways of understanding the surrounding reality through thoughts. Here are the main ones:

  1. Analysis. The mental or practical (manual) process of dividing an object or phenomenon into its components. Roughly speaking, this means disassembling and inspecting components.
  2. Synthesis. The reverse process is the combination of components into one whole, as well as the identification of connections between them.
  3. Classification. Decomposition of objects or phenomena into different groups according to certain characteristics.
  4. Comparison. Detecting differences and similarities in compared elements.
  5. Generalization. Less detailed synthesis - unification by common features without identifying connections between them. This process is not always separated from synthesis.
  6. Specification. The process of extracting the particular from the general is essentially a refinement for better understanding.
  7. Abstraction. Consideration of only one aspect of an object or phenomenon, since the rest are in this moment are of no interest.

Most psychologists consider the first two types of thinking processes (synthesis and analysis) to be basic, and the rest to be auxiliary. Some even consider only these two.

Types of thinking.

  1. Logics. It's kind of absolute objective thinking, based on definitions, classification, analysis, evidence and refutation. This is a kind of mathematical way of thinking that does not allow abstractions and assumptions. Logic is also the science of methods and laws of cognitive intellectual activity. Scientists also call logic " right thinking».
  2. Reflection. A person’s thinking aimed at himself and his own activities, that is, introspection. The significance of reflection for philosophy lies in the fact that a person not only knows something, but also knows that he knows it. In psychology, everything is somewhat simpler - value lies in the ability for introspection, self-criticism and adjustment of one’s own actions.
  3. Meditation. From the point of view of the human sciences in general and psychology in particular, this is a special type of in-depth thinking (reflection) about a specific object, phenomenon, spiritual truth or moral idea, in which a person abstracts from all other external and internal factors. The main element of meditation is contemplation.
  4. Intuition. Intuition is a kind of antonym of logic. This is a type of cognitive thinking based on comprehending the truth without logic and analytics through imagination, insight, and the use of accumulated experience and “feeling.” Plato also distinguished two types of knowledge - logical and intuitive. If we completely abstract from metaphysics, then intuition is an understanding of something based on previous experience with the same object or phenomenon. For example, when you launch Windows 8 for the first time, you intuitively understand how to open disks, copy text, view the context menu, etc., because before that you used Windows 7 for four years.

In conclusion, we cannot fail to mention two more methods cognitive activity , often undeservedly ignored in the study of thinking:

  • analogy(identification of similar phenomena, similarities), a more expanded process of thinking than comparison, since it includes the search for similar phenomena in a historical format;
  • deduction(a method of thinking in which logical conclusion comes out of a whole chain of inferences), - in Everyday life this type of logic became popular thanks to Arthur Conan Doyle and his Sherlock Holmes.

Assignment You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Thinking and Activity.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

4.1.conceptual 4.2.figurative 4.3.verbal-speech 4.4. activity-instrumental 5. Integrity of activity with thinking 5.1. the motive of activity shapes thinking 5.2. thinking in the process of setting the goal of activity 6. Thinking and activity have a personal character

Assessment The wording of the plan items is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the specified topic. The plan includes two points, one of which is detailed OR The wording of the plan points is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the specified topic. The plan is simple in structure and contains at least three points. 1 point

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic: 1. Labor as economic resource. 2. Supply and demand in the labor market. 3. Segmentation of the labor market: a) senior managers; b) specialists with higher education; c) semi-skilled personnel; d) highly qualified workers, etc. 4. Labor motivation and labor Relations: a) wages; b) development of economic democracy. 5. Unemployment: a) the essence of unemployment; b) structure and types of unemployment; c) the scale of unemployment. 6. Government regulation labor market: a) stimulating employment growth; b) programs vocational education; c) social insurance programs.

Assessment The wording of the plan points is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the topic. The plan includes two points, each of which is detailed in sub-points. OR The wording of the plan points is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the topic. The plan includes at least three points, of which one is detailed. OR One of the points in the plan does not reflect the content of the topic. The structure of the answer corresponds to the plan complex type. 2 points

Assessment The wording of the plan items is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the specified topic. The plan includes two points, one of which is detailed OR The wording of the plan points is correct and allows you to reveal the content of the specified topic. The plan is simple in structure and contains at least three points. 1 point Possible tasks You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “The market and its role in economic life society." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Property”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

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