Home Berries Activate the money talisman rune mill. The Money Mill talisman belongs to the category of amulets that bring its owner good luck in business, and symbolism to attract wealth and prosperity. How to make a Money Mill amulet

Activate the money talisman rune mill. The Money Mill talisman belongs to the category of amulets that bring its owner good luck in business, and symbolism to attract wealth and prosperity. How to make a Money Mill amulet

Becoming "Wealth" (Receiving money) -

This Bet is intended to receive material goods, cash, the amount of money you need.

It unwinds from an hour to two hours. Apply it to cardboard, or make it an amulet and carry it with you, just like cardboard. Keep it for three days to a week, then renew it.

Tested. The results are good. On the first day the agreed amount of money was received. Within a week, a large amount of money was received.

The letter S - the letter of fencing - removes any obstacles: removes enemies, unnecessary people who interfere.

Letter L - letter fencing - removes (retracts) completely depressive state person and eliminates “joylessness” in a person.

The letter F - averts failures; failures can be expressed in any form.

Syriac Letter T - increases personal power

Uruz - gives the operator determination and confidence.

Sowilo(Soulo) - brings joy to the operator

Thurisaz - the operator goes straight to the target

Fehu - wealth, money, material wealth

Theiwaz - protects the formula from negative influences

Mannaz is the operator himself

Jera - getting expected result

Berkana - protects a person during the work of the stave

Letter L - on the left side of the circle in the center (similar to 9)
Syriac Letter T - at the bottom of the circle in the center
Letter S - at the top in the center (on English letter R (re)similar)
Letter F - s right side circle in the center (looks like the letter Z)

The order of applying the runes:
Draw both circles, first the large one, then the small circle, and apply the runes starting with the upper letter S and continue clockwise, then draw Mannaz, Fehu, Berkana, Theiwaz

Talk about the entire Stav as a whole.
Disclaimer No. 1
“May this runic Becoming “Wealth” bring me by its power (name the exact amount of money, or just say financial profit), may by the power of the runes I (name, since it is created for a certain person) I will receive money without harming my health and the health of my loved ones and relatives. By the power of this runic stave “Wealth” I receive money legally. This runic stave protects the money received from negative influences and increases my capital. I activate the Bet “Wealth” (say , how will you activate the stav). This stav does not interfere with the work of other stavs set for my benefit. This runic becoming I will de-activate “wealth” (tell me exactly how you will de-activate it). So be it!”

Disclaimer No. 2 (Brief)
"By force rune stav I (my full name) will receive “wealth” as soon as possible cash(you can name the amount, but I advise you to specify an amount greater than necessary). The stav works without harm to my physical and mental health. I activate the “Wealth” runic stave (tell me exactly how you will activate it). This Stav protects me and my money from negativity. I de-activate this runic becoming “Wealth” (tell me exactly how you will de-activate the becoming. So be it!)

You can drop a drop of blood into the center of the stave; Mannaz does not need to be circled with your blood. After all, Theiwaz and Fehu are there - why do you need to circle these runes too?
You can negotiate any amount. But you will receive the amount of money that you really need and the Armed Forces will consider that you really need it.

Hello! Runes for attracting money can help improve your financial situation. You need to take them very seriously, not abuse them, but want a real amount that a person can survive.

How do runes work?

Runes are symbols that came to us from ancient times. They contain powerful energy that helps you get into a real money whirlwind and get what you want. There are known Celtic runes that express the forces of nature using pictograms. The oldest ones were found in ancient caves.

The magic of runes is endowed with quite a lot of power, so it, like any magic, must be taken very seriously. Depending on the goal you are striving for, you need to use combinations of runes.

The first symbol for attracting money is called FEKHU.

Fehu is the rune of wealth. What power does she have?

  • Attracts situations that help increase income.
  • Provides an opportunity to increase existing capital.
  • Revitalizes cash flows so that the Universe itself will provide many opportunities to get rich and achieve success.
  • Makes cash flow stable.
  • Fills you with energy that can be directed toward achieving your financial plan goals.

In order for Fehu to begin to bear fruit, the rune is applied to the body in the form of a tattoo, and a talisman is made with the image of Fehu, which is always carried with them.

The main meaning of fehu is wealth, depending on energy and individual abilities person. It will help those individuals who are ready to take legal action to achieve material well-being.

There are other powerful and effective signs to attract good luck.


Yer - symbolizes the harvest, a reward for labor and effort that in the past did not produce any results. Be sure that everything you put effort into will certainly come true in the best possible way. The symbol will only help if you work hard and don’t wait idly by.


Otal is a powerful symbol that makes it possible to receive help from strong patrons and influential people. Perhaps they will help you earn good money, support you in Hard time.


Dagaz – its meaning: welfare, prosperity. A very positive and bright symbol, promising a breakthrough in important matters, making the transition to a favorable outcome of events.

How to increase the power of runes

Each rune individually has great power. But the right combination has even greater power. In this case, the properties of the runes complement each other and increase the effectiveness of actions.

In addition, the combination helps to get rid of obstacles to achieving well-being, attracts new opportunities, elevates a person to new level development.

Runic formulas can be compiled individually, taking into account personal situations. If you don’t know how to compose them, then use ready-made runograms:

  • the first symbol will indicate the goal you are striving for;
  • the latter – certifies the desired result;
  • in the center there are runes (one or several), meaning the resources necessary to achieve the desired result.

The most powerful runogram for money and luck: Fehu-Fehu-Fehu.

Such a union triples the power of the sign, turning into a kind of financial magnet.

This formula (becoming) is also capable of powerfully initiating new stage development in all areas of life.

Otal Fehu Yer.

The runogram makes it possible to increase profits or acquire property.

  • Otal is a sign of ownership, and in alliance with Fehu - making a profit.
  • Fehu is a symbol of property, property, material wealth.
  • Yer is the rune of receiving rewards. It will help if the desired result can really be achieved.

Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soulo- a combination for a stable cash flow, increasing financial status.

  • Fehu – wealth, property, property.
  • Otal - in the runogram with Fehu - influx of money.
  • Berkana - used to implement plans, to protect material wealth.
  • Soulo is a symbol of willpower, victory, success.

Runes that attract money can be applied to bank card, deposit agreement, put in your wallet, and must have a clear intention to have a constant increase in the funds on the card, in your bank account or in your wallet.

Runes for businessmen

To make your business thrive, use the following formula:


  • Berkana - the embodiment of conceived plans, an abundance of fruits, financial protection.
  • Otal - in combination with Fehu - benefiting from cash flow.
  • Fehu - the rune contributes to business prosperity, an increase in the number of clients, and a noticeable increase in monetary profits.

Important! Runic signs are a symbolic representation natural forces, so treat them with great respect.

How to use the Creator's gift

How to activate runes? By using symbols together with the power of your mind, you can create a “program”, just like a computer program is made. With your program you “transmit” the course of their movement to the Higher Powers.

Mentally concentrate on your monetary desire, in all details, imagine it very clearly.
Imagine the runes in water, so they are charged to attract money. Then drink this water slowly.

You can draw a combination of runes or one rune on large bill, which you will need to carry with you and not waste. It will attract funds to its owner.

You can apply it to your body using special, monetary essential oils: orange, cinnamon, patchouli.

The more you imagine the fulfillment of your desires, the faster they will come true. Runes help almost all business, hard-working people with bright thoughts and good intentions.

How to make runes for money:

  • Burn the symbols onto a piece of wood or leather.
  • Make an engraving on the stone.
  • Use a red or green pencil to draw on a thick piece of paper. Carry it with you at all times. Place it in your wallet in a place where such a talisman will be hidden from prying eyes.

Don’t do bad things, don’t let negative energy into your life so that Higher power they didn’t turn away from you. Don’t forget to thank even for a small share of the proceeds to your wallet or deposit. When the result is achieved and after thanksgiving, the piece of paper must be burned, otherwise the reverse course of events will begin. There is no need to destroy the talisman.

How to open a money channel

Often a situation arises when money is needed right now. Quick money can come to you if you plan the program correctly.

The main money Rune, as we have already said, is considered to be the Feu or Fehu Rune, and its assistant is the Otal symbol.

When you have a difficult financial situation, you can add the Nautiz sign, which is considered the Rune of need, to the runic formula. The only caveat: Runa Nautiz is added to the formulas only in cases of fierce competition, in a hopeless financial situation close to zero.

A talisman of three Feu will help improve financial flows.

In the Rune there is a cycle from one energy to another. From material to human capabilities and back. The rune will not work if you wait for a miracle with folded hands.

To get a job with the opportunity for career growth and salary increases:

  • Uruz + Teyvaz + Feu + Vunyo.
  • Uruz and Teyvaz are career, success, victory.
  • Feu – salary growth.
  • Vunyo – joy from the result.

To be promoted with an increase in salary.

  • Uruz + Kano + Feu + Dzhera + Vunyo

Strengthening action for career growth.

  • Kano + Feu + Teyvaz + Dzhera + Vunyo.
  1. Kano – realization of hidden potential.
  2. Jera + Vunyo is the key to a salary increase.

Income multiplication.

  • Berkana + Feu + Djera + Vuyo

A salary increase in the position where you work.

  • Berkana + Feu + Jera

Profit from the implementation of plans.

  • Feu + Kano + Gebo + Soulu

Increased cash flow, property. Attracting profit.

  • Otal + Feu + Jera

Protection of property and funds.

  • Feu + Algiz

Prosperity, upward mobility.

  • Feu + Inguz + Algiz

To increase funds.

  • Feu + Raido + Inguz + Dzhera + Soulu + Algiz.
  1. Feu – cash flow.
  2. Raido - for the wallet.
  3. Inguz – fertility.
  4. Jera - profit.
  5. Soulu is energy for growth.
  6. Algiz – protection from negativity.

Stability of cash income.

  • Feu + Otal + Berkana + Soulu

Attracting clients.

  • Berkana + Otal + Feu

Attracting success to your career and business.

  • Feu + Uruz + Otal + Dagaz

Prosperity in different areas life.

  • Dagaz + Ansuz + Dagaz + Otal

Raising money from the sale of real estate: apartment, car, cottage, garage.

  • Otal + Feu.

The rune below applies to the return of money from the debtor. If the debtor has a difficult financial situation, then forgive him this debt, just forget and don’t remember. This will have a positive effect on your health and success.

Reservation for runic combination

After choosing a formula, you need to create a clause. A stipulation is drawing up a setup for what you put into a combination.

Rules for everyone:

  • Clearly define your goal, what exactly you want from of this position, write it down on paper in detail. If there are several goals, then write them all down. Write it down before you make a reservation.
  • Choose one main goal.
  • Drawing up the clause itself. Remember, he should not harm the World or people. At the end of the slander, add the words: “in a good way.”
  • Choose a model of mutual assistance, mutual exchange of service to the World. You can't demand, you have to interact.
  • Example: “to attract into my life the opportunity to get an interesting, well-paid job in a good way.”

To protect yourself from negative impact, we must add: let the formula act without harm to my financial situation(health, happiness).

Stav template:

  • runic formula.
  • does this and that.
  • activated this way and deactivated this way.
  • without harm to something.

Stav example:

“Let, with its power and the power of the Gods, this runic becoming constantly attract good luck and success into my life always and in everything, as well as at all levels and in all areas of my life.”

“Set, with your strength, protects me from all sorts of scandals with anyone around me, people familiar to me and strangers to me, from all kinds of problems with the authorities and authoritative bodies, from trials with anyone, from all kinds of fines, financial losses and losses, from dismissal from work, from obstacles, blocks and obstacles of any nature, origin and nature.”

Amulet against bad luck

If you notice that whatever you do does not give a positive result, money does not come, any profit melts like snow. Perhaps you have been damaged by stealth. How to determine it? Your finances are disappearing for unknown reasons, sleep is disturbed, nerves are shaken, your loved one begins to irritate.

Most likely they take away your luck, health, vitality with the help of a stealer - a negative impact on your energy. Goal: take away your health, money, luck, love.

There are several ways to cause such damage:

  • With the help of runes.
  • Throwing luggage into the house. Any item that draws out positive energy can become a treasure.
  • Impact through photos.
  • More often, financial well-being is taken away through linings; through photos or runes, everything else is taken.

How to remove the guard

To get rid of stealth damage, you should follow these steps.

  1. Carry out a general cleaning of the apartment. Rinse front door on both sides to get rid of negative energy, take out the trash, wipe the dust, sort things out.
  2. At the energy level: fumigate the room with wormwood.
  3. Wipe all surfaces with warm salted water.
  4. Clear your field. At the end of the day, run a bath, add 8-10 drops to the water essential oil wormwood, pour a handful of sea salt with the words:

“The salt of the earth, and fresh water, and sea water, and earth herbs, and underwater plants, washes away all the pain, all the illness, all the troubles from me, dissolves it in itself, returns it to the offenders! My goodness is returned to me, all the evil done to my enemies is returned to me, dirty water My misfortunes come to their heads - blessings and good luck flow to me like a river. Truly!

Lie in the bath with some charmed water, imagining how all the failures and troubles dissolve. then stand in the shower and read the plot again.

You will soon notice that the energy has cleared and what was stolen has begun to return.

Dear friends, the topic about runes is very useful, but you should handle them very carefully, since they are associated with the elements. And the elements are the elements!

The money mill talisman is a very strong and powerful energy assistant in attracting money and various material goods. Once in your hands, this amulet will work to increase your well-being. You will immediately notice how your income will increase and cash flow will begin.

Talisman help

  • The rune mill helps increase wealth;
  • Helps you find a high-paying job;
  • Helps to find other sources of income;
  • Helps you win the lottery;
  • Brings good luck associated with monetary well-being.
  • Helps with financial problems;
  • Thanks to the money mill talisman, you will never be in debt.
  • Thanks to the talisman, your income will increase sharply;
  • The talisman will show you the path to a source of income and financial independence.

If you cannot find a job for a long time, then purchasing magic talisman, you will soon find an interesting and lucrative job. A money amulet stimulates the growth of funds and has a positive effect on changes financial condition. He will become a real guiding star that will show you the way to financial independence and material well-being.

Properties of the talisman

What makes money talisman mill to work for the benefit of man?

The runic sign of the talisman has enormous cosmic power that works to attract wealth to its owner. This is felt literally from the first days of wearing the talisman. The owner of a money mill may not immediately understand where the finances came from and how to properly manage them.

Thanks to the magic crystal from which the amulet is made, it stores the energy that higher cosmic forces give it when charging.

Since the amulet is charged individually by the owner, it is directly connected with its owner and provides him with constant energetic and financial support.

The money mill talisman can not only be purchased in specialized esoteric stores, but also made with your own hands.

How to make a windmill amulet

You can make a runic windmill amulet with your own hands. To do this, take a piece of plywood or wood and cut out a round base. The talisman is covered with varnish or paint of yellow or gold color. Ancient runes are applied to the carved circle, which are powerful forces for attracting material wealth. They need to be applied with black paint so that it clearly contrasts with the gold base.

The most best time to start work, the period of the waxing moon. All financial undertakings should be made on the waxing moon.

When runic signs are applied, their names must be pronounced out loud. This must be done extremely carefully, because each symbol carries a specific meaning and is responsible for the operation of the entire talisman.

You can make a talisman of a mill or a rune talisman, as it is sometimes called, not round, but square shape. The purpose of such an amulet is to generate rare but significant cash flows, bringing infrequent but large profits to its owner.

A talisman made with your own hands must be consecrated. The rite of consecration represents the filling of the talisman magical energy, which is received from the highest heavenly powers.

The work of the runic amulet

By purchasing or making it yourself money amulet, its owner can be sure that he will soon get rid of financial problems. After all, the magical energy of the amulet works wonders, helping its owner get rid of material problems and gain true financial independence.

The most important thing in the amulet is the runic symbol, which is connected energy flow with the highest divine forces that work for the benefit of man. If the owner of such a talisman or talisman handles it correctly and protects it from prying eyes, then in the shortest possible time he will be able to feel its help.

This can be expressed in the form of financial assistance from various sources:

  • You may accidentally find money on the road;
  • Win the lottery;
  • Get a promotion and salary increase;
  • Perhaps you will meet a person who will solve your financial problems;
  • Perhaps this will be a bonus or some other financial assistance;
  • This can translate into successful marriages for women;
  • For a man, this can be not only raising money, but also signing a lucrative contract.

Each of us wants to be financially successful and materially prosperous. Often, to attract money, they use special talismans, which, with the help of their characteristic magical energy ready to help.

A hand-made mill talisman can both preserve your wealth and significantly increase it.

Feature of the amulet

The mill talisman has an exceptional feature - a rune symbol is responsible for attracting money, or rather, a formula made up of certain signs responsible for cash flow and financial well-being.

Correct handling of the mill talisman will attract sufficient financial profit. short time, and the sources may be unpredictable:

  • You will be able to receive financial assistance at work,
  • You accidentally find money,
  • You're getting a promotion in wages thanks to your contribution to the work process and your increased efficiency,
  • You will have a financially secure sponsor,
  • You will become the owner of an item that you could not afford until now, in a simplified way, for example, in the form of a gift,
  • Fate will present you with ways to earn additional income.

Reviews from owners of the mill talisman claim that attracting money is possible only when it carries the necessary energy. It is recommended to replace a rune amulet that does not bring anything positive during the week, since it is believed that it will not work.

How the mill works

To increase material wealth, you can either buy a mill talisman in the form of a ready-made amulet or make it yourself. Its operating principle lies in the energy power of three components, enshrined in a special runic formula. For professional manufacturing, a crystal that stores the received energy is chosen as the material for the mill. The talisman is charged under specific person with the help of his individual data – this gives the mill additional power.

The mill talisman is capable of functioning for at least 4 months - six months, while it:

  • brings changes and improves financial condition,
  • gets you out of difficult situations, prevents bankruptcy and relieves debt obligations,
  • shows ways to achieve success,
  • will protect you from dubious transactions and prevent you from getting into debt.

Terms of use

The rune talisman mill is a carrier of powerful energy force, but it will only be beneficial if correct use. It is intended not only to be made with your own hands and worn around your neck or as an amulet accompanying you everywhere.

So that he can bring you financial wealth, you not only need to see it, you need to scroll it with your own hands, turning the wheel in a clockwise circle two or three turns.

You should be careful when working with the mill talisman: by spinning more than is necessary and sufficient, you may not only fail to attract finance, but also lose the money you have. To avoid negative consequences When working with an amulet, you should not use the mill more than once a week.

To attract money we make a runic talisman

Runic mill - charging amulets and talismans

Rune talisman mill to attract money

Spin the mill on its edge, placing it on the table and moving it with your hand. For the remaining time, the mill amulet should be quietly stored in a purse or on a shelf. In the place where household funds are stored, the mill will be able to charge itself with additional energy in order to work many times better.

Make your own mill

You can make a talisman like a mill with your own hands. For the base choose round shape, it is often made from an ordinary cardboard sheet, but professional magicians advise choosing a wooden base. All the required symbols, which are included as components, are applied to the surface of the selected round shape runic formula, attracting funds.

The shape for the mill can be found square, and this does not mean that the talisman was made incorrectly, it’s just that its task is to bring material support rarely, but on a larger scale.

The time to make your own money mill is the waxing moon.

When drawing runic symbols, they are pronounced by name, and this is done especially carefully, since it is the correct sound that will be responsible for how the talisman made by yourself will work.

It is believed that a crafted talisman for money will work fully only after it is illuminated. This is done in certain place Chelyabinsk region called Arkaim.

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