Home Berries Was there a Tatar-Mongolian yoke in Russia? Will there be an Orthodox tsar in Russia

Was there a Tatar-Mongolian yoke in Russia? Will there be an Orthodox tsar in Russia

It has long been no secret that there was no "Tatar-Mongol yoke", and no Tatars with Mongols conquered Russia. But who falsified history and why? What was hidden behind the Tatar-Mongol yoke? Bloody Christianization of Russia...

Exists a large number of facts that not only unambiguously refute the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, but also indicate that history was deliberately distorted, and that this was done with a very specific purpose ... But who deliberately distorted history and why? What real events did they want to hide and why?

If we analyze historical facts, it becomes obvious that the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" was invented in order to hide the consequences of the "baptism" Kievan Rus. After all, this religion was imposed in a far from peaceful way ... In the process of "baptism" it was destroyed most of population of the Kiev principality! It definitely becomes clear that those forces that were behind the imposition of this religion, in the future, fabricated history, juggling historical facts for themselves and their goals ...

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and anyone can easily find them on the Internet. Omitting scientific research and justification, which have already been described quite extensively, let's summarize the main facts that refute the big lie about the "Tatar-Mongol yoke".

French engraving by Pierre Duflos (1742-1816)

1. Genghis Khan

Previously, in Russia, 2 people were responsible for governing the state: the Prince and the Khan. The prince was responsible for the administration of the state in Peaceful time. Khan or "war prince" took over the reins of government during the war, in peacetime he was responsible for the formation of the horde (army) and maintaining it in combat readiness.

Genghis Khan is not a name, but the title of "war prince", which, in modern world, close to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Army. And there were several people who bore such a title. The most prominent of them was Timur, it is about him that they usually talk about when they talk about Genghis Khan.

In the surviving historical documents, this man is described as a warrior tall With blue eyes, very white skin, powerful reddish hair and a thick beard. Which clearly does not correspond to the signs of a representative of the Mongoloid race, but fully fits the description of the Slavic appearance (L.N. Gumilyov - “Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe”.).

In modern "Mongolia" there is not a single folk tale that would say that this country once conquered almost all of Eurasia in ancient times, just like there is nothing about the great conqueror Genghis Khan ... (N.V. Levashov "Visible and invisible genocide).

Reconstruction of the throne of Genghis Khan with a family tamga with a swastika

2. Mongolia

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks came to the nomads living in the Gobi desert and informed them that they were the descendants of the great Mongols, and their "compatriot" had created in due time Great Empire to which they were very surprised and delighted. The word "Mogul" is Greek origin, and means "Great". This word the Greeks called our ancestors - the Slavs. It has nothing to do with the name of any people (N.V. Levashov "Visible and invisible genocide").

3. The composition of the army "Tatar-Mongols"

70-80% of the army of the "Tatar-Mongols" were Russians, the remaining 20-30% were other small peoples of Russia, in fact, as now. This fact is clearly confirmed by a fragment of the icon of Sergius of Radonezh "The Battle of Kulikovo". It clearly shows that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

The museum description of the icon reads: “... In the 1680s. an attachment was added with a picturesque legend about " Mamaev massacre". On the left side of the composition, cities and villages are depicted that sent their soldiers to help Dmitry Donskoy - Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Rostov, Novgorod, Ryazan, the village of Kurba near Yaroslavl and others. On the right is Mamaia's camp. In the center of the composition is the scene of the Battle of Kulikovo with the duel between Peresvet and Chelubey. On the lower field - a meeting of the victorious Russian troops, burial fallen heroes and the death of Mamai.

All these pictures, taken from both Russian and European sources, depict the battles of the Russians with the Mongol-Tatars, but nowhere is it possible to determine who is Russian and who is Tatar. Moreover, in the latter case, both the Russians and the "Mongol-Tatars" are dressed in almost the same gilded armor and helmets, and fight under the same banners with the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Another thing is that the "Spas" of the two warring parties, most likely, was different.

4. What did the "Tatar-Mongols" look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Henry II the Pious, who was killed on the Legnica field.

The inscription is as follows: “The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, Duke of Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, who was killed in the battle with the Tatars at Liegnitz on April 9, 1241.” As we can see, this "Tatar" has a completely Russian appearance, clothes and weapons.

In the next image - "Khan's palace in the capital Mongol Empire Khanbalyk” (it is believed that Khanbalik is allegedly Beijing).

What is "Mongolian" and what is "Chinese" here? Again, as in the case of the tomb of Henry II, before us are people of a clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, archery caps, the same bushy beards, the same characteristic blades of sabers called "elman". The roof on the left is almost an exact copy of the roofs of the old Russian towers ... (A. Bushkov, "Russia, which was not").

5. Genetic expertise

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic research, it turned out that Tatars and Russians have very similar genetics. Whereas the differences between the genetics of Russians and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols are colossal: “The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost completely European) and the Mongolian (almost completely Central Asian) are really great - it’s like two around the world…»

6. Documents during the Tatar-Mongol yoke

During the existence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, not a single document in the Tatar or Mongolian language has been preserved. But there are many documents of this time in Russian.

7. Lack of objective evidence supporting the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

On the this moment no originals of any historical documents, which would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongol yoke. But on the other hand, there are many fakes designed to convince us of the existence of a fiction called the "Tatar-Mongol yoke." Here is one of those fakes. This text is called “The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land” and in each publication it is declared “an excerpt from a piece that has not come down to us in one piece. poetic work... About the Tatar-Mongol invasion ":

“Oh, bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are glorified by many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clear fields, marvelous animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars and many nobles. You are full of everything, Russian land, oh Orthodox faith Christian!.."

There is not even a hint of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" in this text. But on the other hand, in this “ancient” document there is such a line: “You are full of everything, the Russian land, about the Orthodox Christian faith!”

Before church reform Nikon, which was held in the middle of the 17th century, Christianity in Russia was called "orthodox". It began to be called Orthodox only after this reform... Therefore, this document could have been written no earlier than the middle of the 17th century and has nothing to do with the era of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke"...

On all maps that were published before 1772 and were not corrected in the future, you can see the following picture.

The western part of Russia is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartaria ... In this small part of Russia, the Romanov dynasty ruled. Until the end of the 18th century, the Moscow Tsar was called the ruler of Moscow Tartaria or the Duke (Prince) of Moscow. The rest of Russia, which occupied almost the entire continent of Eurasia in the east and south of Muscovy at that time, is called Tartaria or the Russian Empire (see map).

In the 1st edition of the British Encyclopedia of 1771, the following is written about this part of Russia:

“Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called Great Tartaria. Those Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, living in the north-west of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India, and, finally, Tibetan, living northwest of China ... "

Where did the name Tartaria come from

Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real structure of the world, life, and man. But, as now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those days. People who in their development went much further than others, and who could control space and matter (control the weather, heal diseases, see the future, etc.), were called Magi. Those of the Magi who knew how to control space at the planetary level and above were called Gods.

That is, the meaning of the word God, among our ancestors, was not at all the same as it is now. The gods were people who had gone much further in their development than the vast majority of people. For ordinary person their abilities seemed incredible, however, the gods were also people, and the possibilities of each god had their own limit.

Our ancestors had patrons - God Tarh, he was also called Dazhdbog (giving God) and his sister - Goddess Tara. These Gods helped people in solving such problems that our ancestors could not solve on their own. So, the gods Tarkh and Tara taught our ancestors how to build houses, cultivate the land, write and much more, which was necessary in order to survive after the catastrophe and eventually restore civilization.

Therefore, more recently, our ancestors told strangers "We are the children of Tarkh and Tara ...". They said this because in their development, they really were children in relation to Tarkh and Tara, who had significantly departed in development. And the inhabitants of other countries called our ancestors "Tarkhtars", and later, because of the difficulty in pronunciation - "Tartars". Hence the name of the country - Tartaria ...

Baptism of Russia

And here the baptism of Russia? some may ask. As it turned out, very much so. After all, baptism did not take place in a peaceful way ... Before baptism, people in Russia were educated, almost everyone knew how to read, write, count (see the article “Russian culture is older than European”).

Recall from school curriculum in history, at least, the same " Birch bark letters”- letters that peasants wrote to each other on birch bark from one village to another.

Our ancestors had a Vedic world view as described above, it was not a religion. Since the essence of any religion comes down to the blind acceptance of any dogmas and rules, without a deep understanding of why you need to do it this way and not otherwise. The Vedic worldview gave people precisely an understanding of the real laws of nature, an understanding of how the world works, what is good and what is bad.

People saw what happened after the “baptism” in neighboring countries when, under the influence of religion, a successful, highly developed country with an educated population, in a matter of years, plunged into ignorance and chaos, where only representatives of the aristocracy could read and write, and even then not all ...

Everyone perfectly understood what the “Greek religion” carried in itself, into which Prince Vladimir the Bloody and those who stood behind him were going to baptize Kievan Rus. Therefore, none of the inhabitants of the then Kiev principality (a province that broke away from Great Tartary) accepted this religion. But there were large forces behind Vladimir, and they were not going to retreat.

In the process of "baptism" for 12 years of forced Christianization, with rare exceptions, almost all adult population Kievan Rus. Because such a “teaching” could only be imposed on unreasonable children, who, due to their youth, could not yet understand that such a religion turned them into slaves both in the physical and spiritual sense this word. All those who refused to accept the new "faith" were killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have come down to us. If before the "baptism" on the territory of Kievan Rus there were 300 cities and 12 million inhabitants, then after the "baptism" there were only 30 cities and 3 million people! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir, "Orthodox Russia before the adoption of Christianity and after").

But despite the fact that almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus was destroyed by the "holy" baptists, the Vedic tradition did not disappear. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dual faith was established. Most of the population purely formally recognized the imposed religion of slaves, while she herself continued to live according to the Vedic tradition, though without showing it off. And this phenomenon was observed not only among the masses, but also among part of the ruling elite. And this state of affairs continued until the reform of Patriarch Nikon, who figured out how to deceive everyone.

But the Vedic Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartary) could not calmly look at the intrigues of its enemies, which destroyed three-quarters of the population of the Kiev Principality. Only her response could not be instantaneous, due to the fact that the army of the Great Tartaria was busy with conflicts on its Far Eastern borders. But these retaliatory actions of the Vedic empire were carried out and entered into modern history in a distorted form, under the name of the Mongol-Tatar invasion of the hordes of Batu Khan to Kievan Rus.

Only by the summer of 1223 did the troops of the Vedic Empire appear on the Kalka River. And the united army of the Polovtsians and Russian princes was completely defeated. So they beat us into history lessons, and no one could really explain why the Russian princes fought with the "enemies" so sluggishly, and many of them even went over to the side of the "Mongols"?

The reason for such absurdity was that the Russian princes, who had adopted an alien religion, knew perfectly well who came and why ...

So, there was no Mongol-Tatar invasion and yoke, but there was a return of the rebellious provinces under the wing of the metropolis, the restoration of the integrity of the state. Batu Khan had the task of returning the Western European province-states under the wing of the Vedic Empire, and stopping the invasion of Christians in Russia. But the strong resistance of some princes, who felt the taste of the still limited, but very large power of the principalities of Kievan Rus, and new unrest on the Far Eastern border did not allow these plans to be completed (N.V. Levashov “Russia in Crooked Mirrors”, Volume 2.).


In fact, after baptism in the Kiev principality, only children remained alive and very small part adult population that adopted the Greek religion - 3 million people out of a population of 12 million before baptism. The principality was completely devastated, most of the cities, villages and villages were looted and burned. But exactly the same picture is drawn to us by the authors of the version of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke”, the only difference is that the same cruel actions were allegedly carried out there by the “Tatar-Mongols”!

As always, the winner writes history. And it becomes obvious that in order to hide all the cruelty with which it was baptized Kiev principality, and in order to stop all possible questions, and the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" was subsequently invented. Children were brought up in the traditions of the Greek religion (the cult of Dionysius, and later Christianity) and history was rewritten, where all the cruelty was blamed on “wild nomads”…

In the section: News of Korenovsk

July 28, 2015 marks the 1000th anniversary of the memory of Grand Duke Vladimir the Red Sun. On this day in Korenovsk passed festive events on this occasion. Read more on...

But not everyone knows about it. This side of religion was forgotten even before the revolution. And in Soviet times completely forgotten. But once upon a time, lives could depend on it. For example, in the famine years, which were practically the norm in Russia.

Foreigners who visited Muscovy describe cases of Russians consuming taboo foods. According to them, although this happened only during famine, severe punishments followed. Up to the death penalty.

No, not for cannibalism. It also happened, but almost any nation has a ban on it. However, judging by the writings of the same foreigners, eating taboo food was perceived as an even worse crime.

Some of these prohibitions coincide with those of the Old Testament. Thus, until the 17th century, sturgeons, catfish, eels, burbots were not used - "which do not have feathers and scales ... from all those floating in the waters and from all living in the waters." Naturally, they did not use shellfish and caviar. They are not mentioned in the Bible, but they fit the description. Photo: Depositphotos

Of the game, the forbidden were, first of all, hare and bear meat. No, of course they ate them - but everything has its time. In the 19th century, they also began to eat veal - but before that there was a strict ban on it.

What is the reason for such bans? God knows! There are several versions ... Well, because the ancestors themselves can no longer be asked, but any of the versions may turn out to be reliable. Or all at once, intersecting and overlapping each other.

1. The reason is the Old Testament prohibitions on eating fish without scales and non-ruminant herbivores with non-cloven hooves. These include, for example, a horse (and horse meat was also not eaten in Russia) and ... a hare. The hare is named separately in the Bible (Leviticus, 11), as a ruminant animal, but with undivided hooves.

2. Perhaps the taboo on veal is also related to the biblical prohibition: "do not boil a goat in its mother's milk." We will not go into the details of this ban, but it could well have taken this form. After all, the calf itself still feeds on milk. In the archaic consciousness, such things are quite mixed up!
Photo: Depositphotos

3. The taboo on veal may have quite practical roots. The idea is to protect young livestock. I understand that there are exaggerations in this version, but it could also influence the formation of a taboo.

4. But the hare, very likely, was a sacred animal. Maybe even totemic, like a bear. Then the roots of this belief go back to the very deep past, up to primitiveness.

5. The ban on the consumption of certain types of fish could also come from pagan beliefs. It seems that catfish, burbot, eel were considered water cattle and therefore were not eaten. By the way! The hare was also considered a favorite animal - of course, not the water one, but the goblin. However, this does not completely exclude the biblical prohibition. Two taboos could well have mixed up - the end result is still the same! Newly converted Russian Christians could simply rationalize an ancient taboo in a new way.

However, the attitude towards prohibitions was not so absolute. Firstly, for some reason, the Russians did not adopt all the Old Testament food prohibitions. They ate the same pork very well. By the way! You can often read that it was not customary to eat horse meat in the same way. Here again the prohibition can be rational: the horse is too valuable and is not kept for food.
Photo: Depositphotos

It would seem that in the old days there should have been even more prohibitions.

But no ... Not always. For example, the chronicles say that Prince Svyatoslav used horse meat. So perhaps horses weren't eaten simply for their value? After all, Svyatoslav is a pagan. And it would be logical for him to observe a religious prohibition.

But Tsar Ivan the Terrible was very Orthodox. And in the “Domostroye” written by the close tsar, Archpriest Sylvester, such dishes are listed as:

  • hare in patches, salted hare, hare navels;
  • fresh sterlet, fresh sturgeon, mowing sturgeon.

By the way, Old Testament unequivocally prohibits more swans and herons.

Well, we read "Domostroy":

  • swans, swan giblets;
  • cranes, herons.

If these prohibitions have biblical roots, then Ivan Vasilyevich, as an educated person, Holy Bible knew. And of course, he knew that the Old Testament food prohibitions for Christians were cancelled. And the people could stick to their superstitions as much as they wanted ...

Being a monarchist in my convictions, I do not presume to judge what will happen. However, I will try to analyze what is happening now around the disputes about the Orthodox tsar and the revival of the monarchy in Russia.

Emperor Nicholas II with family

Now, among Russian Orthodox people, the expectations of an Orthodox tsar are very strong. Part of the Orthodox Russian people today, like the Jewish 2000 years ago, is in a state of strong spiritual tension. Only the Jews then were waiting for the messiah, whom they never recognized, and we are waiting for the Orthodox tsar. But Christ did not give anything to the Jews in political, economic and social terms, which greatly angered the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes and just the ordinary Jewish people, since they expected from him not living water - “but the water that I will give him will become in him source of water springing up into eternal life” (John 4:14), which He brought into the world, but power over all nations and eternal prosperity. In other words, the Jews expected from Christ what the Antichrist would ultimately bring to the world.

The accession of any tsar in Russia is not a matter of faith. Moreover, there is no information in the Bible about this expected by some Orthodox people we do not find the event. As for the expectation of the arrival of the saints on earth, then in the Holy Scripturesthere are words about last days will come to earth two witnesses God's, but their names are not called: "And I will give to two my witnesses, and they will prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth" (Rev. 11:3).

Literal Description of Miracles two witnesses gave rise to many (especially in ancient church) look for their role as Old Testament prophets. So as two witnesses were offered Old Testament prophets Enoch and Elijah the Thesbite, Moses and Jeremiah, and even Apostle John the Evangelist. This ancient notion has become so established in the mind of the Church that, for example, Elijah the Thesbite portrayed as a forerunner of the second coming of Christ even in Orthodox worship("Lenten Triod", "Service to the Holy Prophet Elijah", " Chetiy Menaion"for June 20). But in the theological literature there is no consensus on this issue.

“I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6)

In connection with the expectations of the tsar by Orthodox people, the question arises: what will the Orthodox tsar give us and what do we expect from him? Can't we take part in divine services, pray in churches and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ? What else do we need? Christ is with us! We are waiting for the Orthodox tsar to give us all social benefits, remove all dishonest officials and remove all corrupt politicians from power, put all key places exceptionally kind and decent people. Only here is the question - where will the Orthodox tsar take these honest and good people? In Europe, Asia or on another planet? And we in Russia have people who are now - there are no others ...

Is it only spiritual nourishment that we expect from an Orthodox tsar? No… Spiritual, unfortunately, is far from being in the foreground. People are waiting for him to make our state the strongest, most advanced and prosperous on earth, so that other nations bow to us ... Does this remind you of anything? If this means nothing to you, then it reminds me of expectations Jewish people 2015 years ago, when they were waiting not for a King, “whose kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36), but for a king who would free Israel from the Romans and make it the most powerful and prosperous state in the world…

When Rev. Nektarios Optinsky (1853-1928) was asked “Will there be an Orthodox tsar in Russia?” He replied: "Antichrist, Antichrist, Antichrist". Even earlier, St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov (1807-1867) wrote the following words in his works: “Our people can and must become the instrument of a genius among geniuses (Antichrist), who will finally realize the idea of ​​a world monarchy.” These words are not taken from the mythical prophecies that flood the Internet, but from the letters of St. Ignatius*.

I have a question - why are our Orthodox leaders with a trust rating of 70% not suitable for us? Aren't our political leaders Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev standing in churches with candles? They stand… Only Moscow, unfortunately, is less and less reminiscent of the Orthodox Byzantine Constantinople, it is becoming more and more like the Muslim Saudi Mecca…

For comparison, the holy martyr Tsar Nicholas II before February revolution 1917 had minimal support Russian society, because almost the whole country has turned its back on royal family. So if a king like St. Martyr Nicholas (Romanov), shall we accept such a tsar? Will we accept a king whose chief virtue is the love of Christ? Will it happen what happened a hundred years ago, when our ancestors sent a kind and Christ-loving king to Golgotha? Emperor Nicholas II was a very kind and gentle tsar, loving his people, who for 23 years of his reign did not pass a single death sentence. You can learn about how he idolized his wife Alexandra Fedorovna and children from the correspondence between the royal couple, since about five hundred such letters have been preserved.

Will Voykovskaya be renamed?

Muscovites are now voting by voting on the renaming of the Voykovskaya metro station in the Active Citizen project. Petr Lazarevich Voikov(according to other sources Pinkhus Lazarevich Vainer) was the organizer and executor of the murder of the royal family on July 17, 1918, insisting on the murder of the five children of the king. Voikov personally finished off the wounded girls with a bayonet, led and took part in the dismemberment and destruction of the bodies of those killed to hide the traces of the crime . According to the press service of the Active Citizen project, at the moment the majority of those who voted (57%) believe that renaming the station not necessary. Slightly more than 30% of the townspeople speak for renaming , 7% Muscovites "difficult to answer", and 5% say that "This issue should be resolved by specialists". So, Muscovites are not even ready to rename the station after the murderer of the royal family, to say nothing of whether they are ready to change the secular president for an Orthodox tsar.

A year ago, taking part in a meeting with a well-known and respected priest, Archpriest Valerian (Krechetov), ​​I asked him the same question: “Will there be an Orthodox tsar in Russia”? To which Father Valerian answered me: “To have a tsar, subjects are needed ... Are there any subjects for the tsar in Russia now?” ...

Vladimir Putin about the Tsar Martyr

I don’t know about the Russian people in general, but Russian President Vladimir Putin is clearly not enthusiastic about the holy martyr Tsar Nicholas II:

Corr.: - I recently saw a photo where Nicholas II is on the roof of this house with his wife
Vladimir Putin: - And what was he doing there?
Corr.: - I watched Moscow
V. Putin: - Well, he had nothing to do - he roamed the roofs. Nicholas II? Well, you see, I traveled ... (from the film "Unknown Putin: Peace and War", 2000)

Vladimir Putin named the holy martyr Nicholas II "Bloody Nicholas", 03/04/2014

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin looked at the light of one of the Olympic construction teams in Sochi, 06/07/2011:

« Skeptics different kind“There are notes that are bad under Tsar Pea, and under Nicholas the bloody, bad, and bad with the Reds, and bad with the Whites,” he remarked. - In principle, such people are also needed, they do not allow the authorities to fall asleep, they cheer them up all the time

We are not Slaves - We are not Slaves

There are multiple opinions in the form of myths that there has never been slavery in Russia. The Slavs were civilians who were plowmen - Aryans, led a righteous lifestyle and never fought. We are all enlightened, intelligent, educated, believers, we know perfectly well that slavery and the slave trade are relics of the past. Ah, remnants, so they were and there was slavery? We all know that there was slavery, but neo-pagans say that it did not exist, so who is right and about what years in question? I think, if we are talking about Russia, then we will consider it an established state, and not divided into various nationalities and tribal groups. What year was formed single state and under what banners everything was organized?

And so, we read an excerpt from "The Tale of Bygone Years", further developments described like this:

"... In the summer of 6367 (859). The Varangians from overseas took tribute from the Chud, and from the Slovenes of Novgorod, and from Mary, from all the Krivichi. In the year 6370 (862) they expelled the Varangians overseas and did not give them tribute and became themselves and there was no truth in them, and generation upon generation rebelled, and there was strife among them, and they began to fight with themselves. And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. That was the name of those Varangians, Rus, as other Varangians are called Svei (Swedes), others Urmans (Normans), Angles (Normans from England), other Goths (inhabitants of the island of Gotland), and these. The Russians said Chud (Finns), Slovenes (Novgorod Slavs), and Krivichi (Slavs from the upper Volga) following words: "Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no dress in it; go reign and rule over us." And three brothers volunteered with their kind and came. The elder Rurik settled in Novgorod, the other, Sineus, on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. The Russian land was nicknamed from them, that is, the land of the Novgorodians: these are Novgorodians from the Varangian family, before they were Slavs. "Source: http://otvet.mail.ru/question/67105268

What follows from this? As we can see in those distant times, on the territory of Russia and beyond its borders, there were many divided peoples who not only traded with each other, but also fought (but they are trying to prove to us remakes of history that the Russians lived peacefully. The inhabitants were not so harmless territory of Russia, - a lot of blood was shed. There were a lot of these nationalities, but in the end, no matter how they argue, no matter what the scientists prove, what theories they did not invent, anyway, the course of history cannot be changed - it turned out that the peoples The birth of a single state took place in AD 862. Prince Rurik laid the foundation for the first Russian dynasty, which ruled our state for more than seven centuries.

No matter how we talked about how wonderful everyone lived, and there was no slavery, everyone was saints, they sang epic songs and Jesus said to “his Jews”: - “Don’t go there with sermons (in the sense of Russia), there are people almost saints live (so say our Rodnovers, neo-pagans, Levashov, Zadornov the same and many others repeat these quotes one after another.) So, I will never believe this. No - no - they sang epic songs and our language is beautiful, and there is a lot of piety in the peoples of Russia, there is not even a dispute, but the scattered peoples, principalities could not live peacefully, there were always raids, theft, ruin, but where there are wars, even small ones, there is slavery.Even in our time, young people from one village fight with peers of another village - arrange massacres - this is an indisputable fact - they themselves in adolescence fought village against village, street against street, that's what we lacked? Militancy is sewn into all nations at the level of genetics, and the Slavs are no exception. Aryans - plowmen were not so peaceful, and moreover, later, so that they would not conquer everyone, they united and created one huge and powerful state, called Russia.

Well, let it be the way the adherents of "Slavyano" are trying to inspire us. -Aryan Vedas", neo-pagans and people who picked up these ideas. Let's all unanimously assume that in Russia everyone was saints, no one fought, there was no slavery (it even became ridiculous), then all the same, scattered peoples, principalities on the territory of Russia - Russia could not be Why?Yes, because each united grouping was its own mini-state.

To make it clearer, I will give a small part of the life of the formation of Russia, namely, part of the dates:

1503 - Accession to Moscow of the South-Western Russian lands.
1505–1533 - The reign of Basil III.
1510 - Accession of Pskov to Moscow.
1514 - Accession of Smolensk to Moscow.
1521 - Accession of Ryazan to Moscow.
1533–1584 - The reign of Grand Duke Ivan IV the Terrible.
1547 - The wedding of Ivan IV the Terrible to the kingdom.
1549 - Beginning of the convocation of Zemsky Sobors.
1550 - Adoption of the Sudebnik of Ivan IV the Terrible.
1551 - "Stoglavy Cathedral" of the Russian Orthodox Church.
1552 – Annexation of Kazan to Moscow.
1555–1560 - Construction of the Intercession Cathedral in Moscow (St. Basil's Cathedral).
1556 - Accession of Astrakhan to Moscow.
1556 - Adoption of the Code of Service.


What do we see? Joining, joining, joining ... Now it is clear that everything was scattered, so who or what to call Russia? Ryazan, Kazan, Smolensk, Astrakhan? Only a small part of the events that took place in our history is given, and the essence is already visible from this example.

Let's go back to slavery. After all we are talking about slavery and was it in Russia? So, what kind of tribe, people or principality are we talking about then? To talk about this, you need to see a whole and unified state, called Russia, then you can talk about Russia as a state and slavery in it, and it began to form only in 862 AD. They began to unite because they were tired of bloodshed and strife. Brother killed brother, fathers with wars were children, strife, persecution, bloodshed. Everyone is tired of the stupidity. You don't need to look far for examples - look at modern Ukraine what's going on there? They kill each other, strife strangles the country. This is in the modern world, but in the past it was much more difficult. By the time you ride a horse, all the families have already been slaughtered.

But it’s not enough to unite, you need to create a stable state that could resist all other peoples, states that did not want to unite with future Russia and were ready to attack and fight. Russia itself was proclaimed an empire after the Northern War, which ended in 1721. Thus, Peter I became the first emperor. source: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_empire

So, Russian empire was formed in 1721, and the republic was proclaimed on September 1, 1917 - this is the official and internationally recognized name of the country, and it doesn’t matter who and what they say or someone suddenly thinks they are smarter than those who proclaimed and recognized it. The very fact of recognition has already come true and this is history. As we can see, before mighty Russia appeared in the form in which we know it, it went through a long, painful development, with all its numerous wars, including civil ones, hardships and hardships, with its ups and downs.

Now, Dear friends, let's see if there was slavery in Russia? What period are we looking at? Let's start at least from the time of the formation of the state, and not the moment when everyone lived separately and fought with each other. Although he made an extract from those times: I. Ya. Froyanov wrote the book “Slavery and tributary among Eastern Slavs”, (St. Petersburg, 1996) and in his last book he wrote:

“Eastern Slavic society was aware of slavery. Customary law forbade the slaves of their fellow tribesmen. Therefore, captured foreigners became slaves. They were called servants. For the Russian Slavs, servants are primarily an object of trade ... "

"at that time, a goat and a sheep were valued at 6 feet, a pig at 10 feet and a mare at 60 feet, then the price of a prisoner at 2 feet should be explained only by extreme need to quickly sell too plentiful goods."
Source: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D5%EE%EB%EE%EF%F1%F2%E2%EE

As we can see, slavery existed in Russia in ancient times and slaves were traded. There were also serfs. What is servility? A serf is the same slave in the ancient princely Russia. serf - slave out local population, chelyadin - a slave captured as a result of a campaign against neighboring tribes, communities and states. That is, a servant is a foreign slave, a foreign slave. Compared to the servant, the serf had more rights and indulgences, but still remained a slave. Source: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery

Further, what is serfdom? When did it appear, in what years? Who are the serfs? (look at the picture, enlarge it - a serf artist is breastfeeding a dog puppy, and her child lies at her feet - pay attention - this is a real picture and there were real people - artist Nikolai Alekseevich Kasatkin (1859 - 1930))

Serfdom existed in Russia starting from Kievan Rus in the 11th century AD. It was a system of legal relations between farmers and peasants. Roughly speaking, the relationship between a slave owner and a slave.

In Kievan Rus and Novgorod, unfree peasants were divided into categories: smerds, purchasers and serfs. In Tsarist Russia, serfdom spread widely to XVI century; officially confirmed by the Cathedral Code of 1649; canceled in 1861. Human trafficking continued in Russia until February 1861. Let's remember " Dead Souls"(Gogol) Source: - Wikipedia.

Here's your grandmother and St. George's Day! Have you heard such a saying? But these exclamations are connected with the slavery of serfs, they could change the slave owner on St. George's Day, but later a law was issued that forbade changing the landowner at the end of the year. The peasant became not just a slave, but a silent beast. Reading the quote:

The Sudebnik of 1497 was the first law regulating the beginning of the enslavement of the peasants. Since the annual cycle of agricultural work usually ended by the end of November, from 1497 a peasant could change the landowner only a week before St. George's Day in autumn (November 26) and a week after it. Since the 15th century, in connection with the registration of serfdom in Russia, a restriction was introduced on the rights of peasants to transfer from one landowner to another. In 1592, the transition of peasants from one landowner to another was finally prohibited.

A source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%DE%F0%FC%E5%E2_%E4%E5%ED%FC

Further, recruitment in Russia existed from 1705 to 1847 - recruitment military service, but we will not touch it, although people served in the army for life, later replaced by 25 years of service. He cited recruitment as an example in order to show the "sweet" life of the Russians. I wonder how many wars there were, can we list them by date?

So the myths of the neo-pagans about the sweet heavenly life, about the glorious Gods, the Magi, who were almost Gods in ancient Russia, or rather, these great and peaceful people lived in settlements that stood on the territory of the future Great Power, later called Russia after the unification of peoples. So, these myths, in my opinion, are not entirely true. Also, the fiction that there was no slavery in Russia, that Russia was captured by Christians and forced to pray to Christ is a complete absurdity, which is driven into our entire population by neo-pagans and people who did not study very well at school, others who blindly believe fairy tales and agree with them.

These are the thoughts, dear friends, I was visited today ... There has not yet been told about various repressions, Stalinist camps, the Civil War (again, strife), millions of tortured peasants (I believe that they are also slaves) - under Peter the Great, who built St. Petersburg and other objects. This city literally stands on the bones. Our Primer began with the words "Mom washed the frame", "We are not slaves - we are not slaves" with these slogans, complete illiteracy was eliminated common people Russia. Even the primer began with the words "slaves." Yes, there were literate people - these were landowners, merchants, the intelligentsia, and the common people of which the foundation of Russia consists, were illiterate.

So not everything was so sweet in Russia or in Russia. This is how history is being substituted for us, and the most important substitution is taking place in our time, and by whom?

All that I wrote - these topics were passed and studied in any Soviet school Well, Soviet education was considered the best in the world. All materials mentioned in this article are in free access and open to everyone.

Comments: 3

I think the list is not complete, but still - Chronology of wars:

Old Russian state 862-1054
Byzantine campaigns IX-X centuries
hiking Svyatoslav I-X v.
Campaigns of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich and Yaroslav the Wise X-XI centuries.
The struggle against the nomads of the X-XI centuries.
rout Khazar Khaganate 985
Russian principalities 1054-1547
Battle on the Nemiga River 1067
Battle of Stugna 1093
Bitka on the Kalka River 1223
Battle of the Neva 1240
Battle on the Ice 1242
Campaigns in Russia Batu 1237-1257.
Battle on the Irpen River 1321
Battle of Kulikovo 1380
The overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke 1439-1480
Border War 1487-1494
Russo-Swedish War 1495-1497
Russian-Livonian-Lithuanian war 1500-1503
Russo-Lithuanian War 1507-1508
Russo-Lithuanian War 1512-1522
conquest Central Asia beginning of the 16th century - 1839
Starodub War 1534-1537
Kingdom of Russia 1547-1721
Russo-Swedish War 1554-1557
Livonian War 1558-1583
Crimean campaign to Moscow 1571
Molodinsk battle of 1572
Time of Troubles 1598-1613
North War 1700-1721
Russian Empire 1721-1917
Persian War 1722-1723
War of the Polish Succession 1733-1735
Turkish war 1736-1739
Swedish War 1741-1743
Seven Years' War 1756-1763
First Polish War 1768-1772
Catherine's First Turkish War 1768-1774
Pugachev rebellion 1773-1775
Second Turkish War 1787-1791
Swedish War 1788-1790
Second Polish ("Insurrection") War of 1795
Persian campaign Count Zubov 1796
First war with France 1799
War with Persia 1804-1813
Second war with France 1805-1807
War with Turkey 1806-1812
War with Sweden 1808-1809
Patriotic War 1812-1814
War with Turkey 1828-1829
Polish War 1830-1831
Hungarian campaign of 1849
Crimean War 1853-1856
Polish uprising 1863
War with Turkey 1877-1878
Akhal-Teke expedition 1880-1881
1885 clashes with Afghanistan
Pamir campaigns 1891-1895
War with Japan 1904-1905
First World War 1914-1917
Civil War 1918-1922
Soviet-Polish war 1919-1921
Battles at Khalkhin Gol 1939
Polish campaign of the Red Army in 1939
Soviet-Finnish War 1939-1940
Great Patriotic War 1941-1945
- Moscow battle 1941-1942
- Battle of Stalingrad 1942-1943
- Battle of Kursk 1943
- Belarusian operation 1944
Soviet-Japanese War 1945
Intervention in Afghanistan 1979-1989
the Russian Federation since 1991
First Chechen War 1994-1996
Second Chechen War 1999-2009
armed conflict in South Ossetia 2008

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