Home Berries How to deal with those who hurt you. What to do if it hurts to swallow, but your throat doesn’t hurt

How to deal with those who hurt you. What to do if it hurts to swallow, but your throat doesn’t hurt

If something is bothering you inside, and you ask yourself the question of why your soul hurts, and at the same time you want to cry, or just a constantly nagging feeling, it rarely happens just like that. Most often, a person begins to suffer mentally due to certain reasons, but is not always aware of them.

Of course, there are clear and frank cases, which we will also talk about in this article, but there are also more complicated cases that need to be seriously understood. In any case, you will have to do something, because it is rare that mental pain and suffering go away on their own, with the wave of a magic wand.

Clear cases - personal tragedies

It happens when real tragedy happens in life. Let's say the death of a loved one, or a difficult psychological situation(for some it may be violence, a critical incident, and so on). That is, the reason that the soul hurts is clear and open.

In such cases, the most important thing is not to keep this mental pain within yourself, not to endure it and not to simply try to “forget.” These sufferings need to be cried out (especially and especially for women). You need to talk through everything that is stored and accumulated, dump it out to someone.

This could be a loved one who can listen carefully, or it could be a mentor or clergyman. In any case, this should be a person who is older than you, wiser and who is able to take on everything that happened to you, withstand the emotional intensity, and accept it calmly.

If you can speak out, you will thereby relieve your mental pain and cleanse yourself. And you can move on with your life in peace.

The worst thing that can happen for a woman in such severe cases is to withdraw into herself and remain silent. In this case, suffering will accumulate like a snowball, grow to unimaginable proportions, and consume you. They will eat up your mental and physical health.

Therefore, drive away people who tell you: “Well, don’t cry, calm down.” This is exactly what you need - to cry, perhaps throw a couple of tantrums, and thereby clear your mind.

When your soul hurts, but it’s unclear why

But everything described above is about situations in which the cause of your unhappiness is clear. But what if you feel dissatisfied, something is stirring inside, but you can’t understand why?

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Let's figure it out here. You need to understand the source, because the soul does not deceive. You can cheat yourself, and your consciousness and your brain can begin to deceive you, and show some cases, and your life in a more favorable light than it really is. But your inner voice will never allow you to calm down. It will be like an alarm bell - ringing and shouting: “Not everything is in order in your life! It's time to change something! "

So what can really make your soul hurt?

1. You are not living your purpose.

This is one of the most common cases in modern times. A person goes to the same job year after year, for many years, and everything seems to be ok. But something inside is constantly itching. And the work seems normal, sometimes they even pay decent money - but you don’t really like it.

And your soul will not let you forget - you are destined for something else, more significant. You can live yours real life, and there is a matter in which you could achieve great success, or at least do it every day with great pleasure - because this is what nature prepared you for.

But no, you go to a job you don’t like again and again, and do something that you don’t like at all. Of course in this case your inner defense mechanism will scream that it’s time to change this.

What should you do if you find yourself with similar symptoms? Yes, it’s possible that not everyone can quit everything at once and do what they love. But you can do your favorite activity in free time, and try to slowly start making money from this business. How? Here you need to think in more detail, but almost any business can generate income - you just need to think carefully.

If you are truly destined for this, you will very soon start earning more from your favorite business than from your main job. And when you do only what your soul is passionate about, you will feel that the mental pain has passed.

2. You communicate and live with people who are not close to you.

This also happens all the time. A person develops a certain social circle that does not change for many years. And it settles down, and the person is not going to change anything.

But all the talk about the wrong things is not particularly interesting to you... And it’s boring. And you want something else, you want to discuss other things, but when you try to raise topics that interest you, people look at you with misunderstanding, sometimes with condemnation, sometimes they simply make fun of you.

All this happens because you are in the wrong environment. And somewhere there are people who are on the same wavelength as you, who have similar interests to you, and you could communicate with them soul to soul... But no, you live in a cage that you built for yourself.

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Is it possible to change this situation? Of course you can. It's a matter of time in your desire. Many become so attached to old friends that they hold on to them until the last moment, when it is already obvious that your paths diverge and you need other communication. But you don't have to be afraid to let people out of your life. There is no need to be afraid to meet new people and communicate with those who are really interesting to you.

In this case, when you find the people you need and plunge into the atmosphere of real communication, your soul will immediately let you know that you are on the right path.

3. You don't understand your true values.

And the last point I would like to talk about is cases when a person does not understand what is really important to him. Such a poor fellow runs through the waves of life, as if rowing with all his might, but everything is in the wrong direction, and his efforts are wasted.

All because he does not know his own nature, and does not know what is essential for him. After all, most people before their death regret a lot and repent that they wasted their time on very insignificant things.

Sometimes people immerse themselves in work in order to seem to bring value to their family, but at the same time they practically neglect the family itself - they don’t spend time, don’t pay attention... As a result, it seems like a person brings money into the house, but loses the family itself.

Or another case - when a woman really wants and loves children, but under the oppression of her husband, and because of an incorrectly built relationship, she agrees not to give birth. And she lives like this with constant pain in her soul, but she deceives herself and says - it doesn’t matter to me.

And there are a million such cases! When people lie to themselves, live other people's lives, live the way others have imposed on them. And they come to their senses only when they can lose everything. Let’s say when a person dies, then his eyes open. Or tragedy happens.

At the same time, a person’s soul may hurt for years and decades (!), but he continues to live as he lived. And turns a blind eye to everything.

But, I repeat once again - you can deceive anyone, yourself, other people, hide behind a veil of busyness, important matters, explanations, and anything else. But you can’t deceive your soul! And if she feels that you are going in the wrong direction, she will definitely tell you about it!

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What should I do if inside, in my soul, it’s very hard and painful, so much that I want to die...?
huge disappointment in myself, it seems that I am a nonentity, incapable of anything... nothing works out, there are failures everywhere and the constant question: what is all this for? Why does life hit where it hurts the most? and I no longer have the strength to fight

    Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer, sorry.
    You can escape in different ways: some drink, some retreat into themselves, and some have found a normal way.
    The only phrase that comes to mind is from the novel “Two Captains”: “Fight and search, find and not give up!”
    Probably, if I could get this into my head, it would be much easier.
    In general, I don’t know what to do. You just need to overcome it. Perhaps you need to learn to distract yourself from problems.
    If you want, let's talk, maybe something will come of it.

    I answered

    If you are a believer, then there should be no such questions. Well, or go to church, talk to the priest, it helps, believe me. Everything that happens is not by chance. Well, if this option is not for you, then, if possible, go to a psychologist, you have a clear subdepressive state, from which it can be difficult for a person to get out of it on his own. Or at least read specialized literature. Never give up! All will pass! Think positively, thoughts are MATERIAL! Good luck to you!

    this happens to everyone. At some point we stop wanting to live... we give up... and this makes everything go awry even more. you need to know when to stop. So you can generally drive yourself into such depression... that only a specialist will help you get out. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!! read literature for self-improvement, work on yourself! Happiness to YOU!

    a very familiar situation!...the only way is to make an internal choice for yourself: either you live or you don’t! I think the first one would be more correct, because... this is your state at the moment. everything changes!!!
    the next stage: give up on all failures... tell everything to hell and smile! in any situation! connect your mind, throw out emotions, concentrate and think through an action plan to achieve your goals, clear and unhurried. keep in touch with as much as possible good friends!

    This means you need to calmly wait out this period, because even after dark night dawn is coming! the dawn will come for you too, I’m sure! This is a test, upon passing which you will receive a reward for continuing your life no matter what!

    find some point of support. for some it is faith in God, or family and friends... Also, at such moments I like to rewatch the movie "Outpost", then you realize that not everything is so bad for you. and most importantly - you are ALIVE and HEALTHY

    Do you feel good in this state? Do you agree? You need to take the will into your fist and work, work on yourself... and not lie on the couch and eat your troubles!!! There is no need to feel sorry for yourself!!! You need to respect yourself, be confident in yourself and love this world !!!yourself, those around you!!!so get up from your couch and...for starters, go in for sports!!!sport is the best remedy to disperse depression!!! you will succeed!!! go ahead!!!

A. Demkin
If your soul hurts... What to do if your soul feels bad?

© 2011-2015, Andrey Demkin, St. Petersburg.
Reprinting or other full or partial reproduction of the material is permitted only with the written permission of the author.

What to do if your soul hurts, if your soul feels bad?

10 steps to overcome the crisis.

10 steps personal experience way out of a mental crisis. One of the possible solutions.

“Without sorrow there is no salvation, but the Kingdom of Heaven awaits those who endure.”
Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky

Each of us has had, has and will have moments or periods when the soul feels unbearably bad, when the soul hurts and grieves. I don’t want to see anyone, talk to anyone. I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to move... At such moments, I can’t believe that someday my soul will get over the pain and learn to rejoice again. It is impossible to look into the future in such a state. You see only a blank wall in front of you and bitter losses or mistakes behind you. Can't sleep at night. There is no strength for anything... To get out of this state of mind very, very hard. My soul hurts, my soul feels bad...

  • If you hear that someone is trying to engage in a conversation with you in your thoughts, do not answer. Say: " Get away from me, unclean spirit, I don’t want to listen to you, I believe, worship, and serve only my Lord Jesus Christ.».
  • Let your thoughts be simple and healthy food- prayers: use simple and short rule St. Ignatius Brianchaninov: “ Thank God for everything! God! I surrender to Your Holy will! Thy will be with me! God! I thank You for everything that You have been pleased to send to me. I accept what is worthy according to my deeds; remember me, Lord, in Your Kingdom!"Immerse yourself in these thoughts. Read the Jesus Prayer to yourself as often as possible: “ Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner " If you are closer to the appeal to the Mother of God, read: “ Holy Mother of God have mercy on me " You will notice how every day prayers give you more and more strength, how the forces of evil retreat from you.
  • In the morning, getting out of bed after reading these simple prayers, turn your face to the west (where the sun usually sets) and say: “I renounce you, Satan, and all your works, and all your angels, and all your ministry, and all your pride.” Then blow in the same direction. The same words must be said in the evening after the prayer “May God rise again.” Before lying down in bed, saying a prayer May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may they flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish in the presence of lovers of God and signifying sign of the cross, and in joy they say: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on You, the crucified Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and gave us Himself, His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable One and life-giving Cross Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen. After reading the prayer, cross all four cardinal directions and your bed with your hand.
  • Ask to bring you holy water from a temple or holy spring. Sprinkle your home, your bed, yourself with holy water and drink holy water with prayer: Oh my God,
    may your holy gift and your holy water be for the forgiveness of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength,
    for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities,
    according to Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy Saints.
  • When you feel strong enough to go outside, ask someone close to you to take you to. Accompanied loved one, whom you trust, try to take a three-time ablution in the waters of the holy spring. The waters of the holy spring have great healing powers and are capable of driving away the most powerful demons. If there are no holy springs in your area, with the help of an accompanying person, wade the river or stream three times, trying to plunge into your head. If there is no river in your area, pour holy water from the temple on the top of your head. It is believed that demons “sit” there. After bathing, it’s good to go to the hairdresser: cut off the ends of your hair, where “demons” can sit.
  • When, after washing, you gain more strength, visit the temple for the sacrament of Blessing of Unction, or Anointing of Unction or Unction. Through this Sacrament, believers are given the healing power of God, which also significantly weakens the action of demons. Also, forgotten and unconscious sins are forgiven. The sacrament consists of the sevenfold anointing of parts of the body (forehead, nostrils, cheeks, lips, chest and hands) with consecrated oil, which is preceded by the reading of the Apostle, the Gospel, a short litany and prayer for the healing of a person and the forgiveness of his sins. During anointing, the priest prays, places the Gospel on the person’s head with the letters facing down, and says a prayer of absolution from sins. The soul becomes lighter. The pain recedes.
  • Let's move on to confession and communion. It is best to confess in a monastery located far from tourist routes. It is necessary to find out in advance which of the monks is more experienced in this matter, because a lot depends on the personality of the confessor. If there are no spiritually sensible priests nearby, you will have to find out from the believers where they are and go there. Your future depends on the quality of this confession! It should not be general, but only individual. If there are no monasteries nearby, find out about quiet rural parishes, where there are no tourists, where there are few people, and the priest will have time to attend to you.

    Prayer to your Guardian Angel:
    Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, save and preserve my soul from the snares of the enemy.

    In the Leningrad and Pskov regions I can recommend for confession:
    For women: Tvorozhkovsky Monastery and Vvedeno-Oyatsky Monastery
    For men: Krypetsky Monastery
    Rural parishes: Zaruchye and Pribuzh.

    The “Mental Cross” technique for treating anxiety, fears and restlessness
    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the drug-free “Mental Cross” technique, which helps relieve unaccountable and constant anxiety, improve sleep, and recycle intrusive thoughts and painful memories.

    To restore normal night sleep, use our video or audio classes "Healing Dreams" .

    Before your doctor prescribes treatment (if necessary), you can support your strength with one of the most harmless medicines, which simply consists of the metal Magnesium and vitamin B6: Magne B6(France, more expensive) or Magnelis B6 (Russia, cheaper). This remedy helps to quickly relieve internal tension. Clinical studies have shown that therapy with Magne B6 can reliably improve mental and somatic (vegetative) manifestations of anxiety with the same effectiveness as the use of tranquilizers, and its antidepressant effect is comparable to the use of antidepressants. But here it is important to note that therapy with a magnesium-containing drug, and in particular Magne B6 Forte, should be long-term - from 2-3 months to a year. The minimum period of treatment with magnesium-containing preparations is 2 months - it can be recommended for young people under the age of 40 years. For persons over 40 years of age, the drug should be taken for 2-3 to 6 months. People under acute or chronic stress need to take magnesium throughout the period negative impact stress factors. For chronic stress in the absence of kidney disease, it is possible to recommend taking the drug Magnerot(500 mg magnesium) 1-2 tablets per day. Magnerot can be taken long time- during the entire period of validity of the facts, causing stress. Magnerot is cheaper than Magne B6.

    Another harmless remedy for the treatment of anxiety, tension, low mood and sleep disorders is ordinary valerian (valerian extract). However for effective use Valerian must be used in the correct doses. The clinically proven effective effect of valerian extract begins with a single dose of 100 mg (this is 5 tablets of valerian extract 20 mg each). For increased anxiety, irritability, and neuromuscular tension, prescribe 100 mg of valerian extract 3 times a day. Before bedtime (an hour before bedtime) take 400-460 mg of valerian (20-23 tablets of 20 mg each). Taking valerian in such doses reduces the time of sleep onset by 9-11 minutes, makes sleep deeper, and reduces the number of night awakenings. The recommended duration of treatment with valerian is up to 28 days. Ratio of valerian extract dose to valerian root weight: 200 mg of valerian extract is equivalent to 1 g of dry valerian root. That is, to prepare daily portions of valerian, you will need 0.5 g of dry valerian root per dose, and before bedtime - 2 g of dry valerian root.

    Other good medicine, which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, is Afobazole. Afobazole reduces feeling constant anxiety(concern, bad feelings, fears), reduces irritability and tearfulness, reduces constant tension, improves sleep, gives more strength and self-confidence, improves concentration and attention. Afobazole does not reduce the speed of psychomotor reactions, does not reduce muscle strength, and its use can be combined with driving a car or performing other complex operator activities. Also, afobazole is not addictive. Afobazole is taken 1 tablet (10 mg) 3 times a day after meals. Relief of anxiety and neuropsychic tension occurs already on the 2-3rd day of taking afobazole. A pronounced effect develops on days 5-7. The course of treatment with afobazole is 2-4 weeks, depending on the effect. Maximum effect develops by the 4th week of taking afobazole.

    Side effects: when starting to take afobazole, you may experience headache, which will go away within a few days from the start of treatment. Allergic reactions are possible. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking afobazole!

    To support the body during acute and chronic stress, it is important to eat foods that contain substances that reduce the manifestations of stress.
    Psychophysiological method of self-regulation by A. Demkin “Unloading” under conditions of severe stress.

    Which saint should you pray to on what occasions?Orthodox prayers for different occasions.

  • The most severe diseases require the strongest remedies, precisely applied.(Hippocrates)

    Pain is something that everyone is familiar with. Pain can be different: physical and internal or mental (in psychology such pain is called psychalgia). Any pain is heaviness, torment, suffering. We perceive pain as cruel punishment, injustice, evil... This is what we want to stop.

    So how can we stop it?

    How to deal with pain?

    First, let's admit that pain is not evil. Pain is inherent in us last resort make us take care of ourselves. We wouldn't live to see today if there was no pain.

    If there was no pain, then we would not feel tooth decay, and then we would lose all our teeth.

    If there was no pain, then no one would think of treating bruises, fractures, or internal diseases. This means that we would only live until the first serious illness. If we didn’t feel pain, we wouldn’t understand that something was wrong with our body, and we wouldn’t go to specialists for help.

    Pain is our most faithful assistant, protecting our lives and our well-being. Pain prevents the worst consequences by drawing our attention to the fact that something is wrong with us and demands that we fix it.

    How to respond to pain?

    What would you say if you saw a picture like this... A person who bought a new expensive car, equipped with a good alarm system, wakes up at night because the alarm system is screaming throughout the entire yard. Without finding out the reason, he begins to scold the alarm. In his opinion, it is the alarm system that is to blame, which does not allow him to sleep. Not the thieves who break into the car, not he himself, who out of laziness does not want to go out and look or call the police, but the alarm system! Of course, we will consider such a person not particularly smart (to say the least).

    Or another situation... A person suffers pain, despite the fact that everyone around him recommends urgently seeing a doctor. He himself believes that only pain bothers him. At first he tolerates it, then tries to drown it out with painkillers. The pain continues to intensify, but in the end it turns out that if he had contacted him right away, the doctor would have helped him avoid serious consequences for the body. Now unpleasant consequences on the face. Is this person smart?

    Oh, how we ourselves are like these characters when we suffer from heartache! Unfortunately, we often do not want to see the reasons for our mental pain. For some reason we stupidly endure, suffer, suffer, reach despair (even suicide), try different ways to drown out the pain, we try to fight it, forget ourselves, but... we don’t hear its signal, we don’t correct its cause.

    People whose mental pain is so great that they want to free themselves from that pain by committing suicide are like those who struggle with alarms and fuses rather than with the real cause. They believe that one can be freed from mental pain by destroying the body. It’s not the body that hurts! It’s the same as if a person has a stomach ulcer and he tries to cure it by amputating his leg!..

    So what's wrong when your soul hurts?

    A normal person understands that it is not pain itself that prevents us from living, but the reason that causes this pain. Therefore, when something hurts in our body, we try to understand the location of the pain and find its cause. If there is hope that the cause can correct itself, we wait, endure, taking painkillers, and if we understand that the cause remains and the pain does not go away, then we go to the doctor, undergo a diagnostic test, and with the help of an appropriate specialist we correct this cause. If your kidney hurts, we go to a urologist, if your throat hurts, go to an otolaryngologist, if your stomach hurts, go to a gastroenterologist, if your heart hurts, go to a cardiologist. And who should you turn to if your soul hurts?

    When the body hurts, we understand that from the nerve endings at the point where the disease is localized, a signal about trouble comes to the corresponding part of the brain.

    Where and where does the signal come from in case of mental pain? Have you ever thought about this?

    No? And why? This is worth thinking about carefully...

    Maybe the signal arrives in the brain in an unknown way? Maybe it comes to the heart, because sometimes it hurts from worry? Could it be that the solar plexus is the seat of spiritual pain?

    Alas. Science decisively and unequivocally states that human consciousness is not localized in the body. That is, no clot nerve cells, even the brain, cannot and does not perform the function of what we call human consciousness. In the near future, our article on this topic will be posted on the website with links to many authoritative sources of high and impartial science.

    Therefore, if you are a purely materialist and completely deny the existence of the soul, the invisible world and everything connected with it, we can make you happy: it means that nothing hurts you. Because according to science, there is no consciousness in the material body, which means there can be no mental pain. Therefore, you can now begin to rejoice - just as materially as you suffer - and finish reading this article.

    Psychology - a science whose very name contains recognition of the existence of the soul (psyche - soul, logos - to know) - lost a lot when it abandoned the very concept of the soul. That is, it sets itself the task of treating the soul, which it has ceased to recognize, but has not introduced any other reasonable understanding of the soul. The situation is simply absurd. How can you treat an organ if you don’t recognize it and know nothing about it? Therefore, traditional psychology almost always throws up its hands in the case of mental pain. With the help of modern pharmacological drugs, you can reduce the intensity of the pain of the soul, with the help of psychotherapeutic techniques, distract from pain, learn to live with it, certain time even this pain to drown out, but despite the vast experience accumulated over a century and a half, modern psychology does not have the opportunity to influence the eradication of the cause leading to this severe pain.

    Why does the soul hurt? (Let's say right away that we do not consider cases of severe mental illness- schizophrenia, etc., - which occur in suicide victims in approximately 20% of cases.)

    Just as the body hurts because we damage it in some way or do not give it what it needs, so does the soul. What does the soul need?

    One of the modern priests writes:

    “It is well known that ignoring the deepest aspirations human spirit gives rise to the very distortion of human nature that is traditionally called sin - the source of disease. Therefore, the most important thing for a sick person is reconciliation with God, restoration of trampled or lost manifestations of the human spirit. Reconciliation with God is repentance, this awareness of one’s sin, awareness of responsibility for one’s life, for the state into which a person has driven himself and the desire, the thirst to begin new life, reconciling with God and asking Him for forgiveness.

    Since ancient times, the Church has always associated illness with internal state man, with human sin. Therefore, the basis of the church Sacrament of Anointing for the healing of the sick is a prayer for the forgiveness of sins. And regardless of whether we resort to the Sacrament of Anointing, or we are going to be treated, the first thing we must start with is awareness of our responsibility, awareness of our sin and the will of God for you to be healthy.”

    Sin is not a fashionable word. Perhaps because people who are far from the Church understand by it a violation of some rules, the observance of which God needs from us, and not at all ourselves. After all, the motto of our time is “take everything from life.” And here for some reason they demand something from us. Of course, we can’t like this...

    In fact, sin is a crime against one's own soul. If you compare it with the body, it’s like not feeding your body, like cutting it with a knife, hammering nails into it, pouring acid on it. God in in this case looks like a good doctor who stands nearby, with medical instruments and drugs at the ready, and asks us to quickly stop self-torture and come to him so that he can cure us.

    If you observe yourself, every person can notice how unpleasant it becomes in his soul when he does something bad. For example, he will get angry with someone, become cowardly, upset someone, take a bribe, not give someone what he asks for, or cheat on his wife. As such actions accumulate, it becomes harder and harder for the soul. And we forget what real, pure, childish joy is. We are trying to replace joy with primitive pleasures. But they don’t make you happy, they only dull you. And the soul dries out and hurts more and more...

    And when something happens an important event in our life - for example, some great loss, it does not even occur to us that the enormous pain that has befallen us is somehow connected with our mistakes. But that's exactly how it is. Pain during various crises human relations caused by our vindictiveness, or hatred, or vanity. Pain when breaking love relationship would be many times less if the relationship itself were not overshadowed by resentment and selfishness. The pain of the death of a loved one is aggravated by murmuring against God. And so on.

    The conclusion is the following: mental pain signals to us that something is wrong with the soul, perhaps we have wounded our soul somewhere and must correct ourselves.

    Where is the pain of the soul treated?

    If we have never dealt with our soul, believing that spiritual life consists of visiting theaters and reading novels, then we need help in treating mental pain, we cannot cope on our own.

    Where to run when your soul hurts? Where to go for help?

    Of course, it’s better to go to a place where you can definitely get treatment. This should be a place that has proven treatment traditions, tools and conditions for treatment, and most importantly, millions of cured patients.

    In fact, we have already named the main and only Doctor of mental pain above. I have seen hundreds of people healed from heartache. And all of them were completely cured in only one place and only with a single Doctor. This hospital is the Church, and Chief Physician in it is the Lord God!

    This Doctor, who does not treat for money, He does it selflessly and with great love. This Doctor is waiting for those who feel bad, because He is always ready to lend a helping hand. He doesn't have days off or lunch breaks. He is always ready to begin healing your soul.

    This Doctor treats not with fake ones, but with eternally living, proven and very effective medications. He never refused to help anyone, but He will not force Himself on you, He will not persuade you to be treated by Him, because this Doctor respects your freedom and choice, and He does not need advertising. This Doctor simply sincerely wants to help you because he loves you. He is counting on your trust in Him and your fulfillment of His instructions.

    If you still have little trust and therefore are still afraid to turn to Him, remember that you are not risking anything. You can commit suicide even after only a year of spiritual life. After all, you still have nothing to lose.

    How does God heal heartache?

    We have already found out that pain is caused by violations of the needs of the soul. This means that this pain must be treated by satisfying these needs.

    Do not believe that the lists of human needs that have been widely circulated and practically canonized by populist psychologists (the most famous of them are Maslow's pyramid), including self-realization, recognition, social status, communication, affection - this is really what a person needs. Even if you score 100 out of 100 according to this list, you will not be happy. Because happy is the one who satisfies the needs of the soul. And they differ from the mentioned list.

    The main and only need of the soul is actually love. And God is love. Drawing closer to God increases love. Moving away from God through sins reduces love and increases mental pain.

    This means that the soul does not need some little things. She needs God Himself. Only He can satisfy her needs.

    And He is ready to give Himself to us. He wants to give himself to us and through this save us from pain and enlighten our souls with love.

    Prayer is compared to the breath of the soul or food for the soul. Those who prayed experienced the truth of these comparisons for themselves. Science has not been able to touch or measure the substance that enters the soul during prayer. The Church calls this substance grace. Prayer is the fastest healer of mental pain.

    An equally necessary source of grace for a person is the communion of the body and Blood of Christ. This article is not theological. We only want to show you the only true way to heal your soul from its pain. Therefore, regarding the great miracle of communion, we will only say that the fruits of this miracle are undoubted and tangible. Many people I know got rid of severe psychological disorders, body diseases, despair, depression after taking communion, and once, almost before my eyes, a woman recovered from melanoma (very aggressive malignant tumor). Communion is preceded by the healing sacrament of repentance - confession. During confession, a person is forgiven all his confessed sins. It’s as if all the nails that he stuck into it are removed from his soul, and all the wounds he inflicts on himself are healed. A person's conscience becomes clear. Do you still remember how good it feels when your conscience is clear?

    One can be satisfied with the short-term effect, the successful survival of a certain crisis. But then a new crisis will soon come. Perhaps heavier than before. If you don’t want to experience pain, if you want to live in love and joy, you need to take care of your soul constantly.

    You need to train yourself to give the soul what it needs and not do what hurts it. To do this you need to change your habits.

    This is a long process that requires constant attention and effort. But as you, with the help of the Doctor, find your mistakes and correct them in the depths of your soul, the heaviness will leave you, a feeling of true joy will fill your soul.

    The main work will be done not by you, but by this omniscient, unappreciated by us, loving Doctor. All you have to do is accept this wonderful gift of healing.

    If you want to be physically healthy, you must follow the rules of hygiene. If you want to be mentally healthy, then you also need to observe your hygiene standards). As Professor Zurab Kekelidze, Deputy Director of the State scientific center social and forensic psychiatry named after V.P. Serbsky: “There is such a thing as mental hygiene. Don't do anything that violates mental health! Read the Ten Commandments - everything is written there! We don’t know the laws, we do a lot of stupid things.”

    This is evidenced by the experience of generations who lived before us. They understood this well, saw it, felt the results, and passed it on to their children.

    And don’t scold the pain, don’t complain about it, don’t suffer, but go treat it.

     ( Pobedesh.ru 70 votes: 4.09 out of 5)

    Previous conversation

    Your “heart is out of place”, you do not feel physical pain, this symptom indicates pain in your soul, moral distress. What to do in such a situation and how to survive this period?

    Heartache happens different types, can sometimes be far-fetched, without any particular reason for it.

    And sometimes your soul hurts so much that you want to cry or run for three nine lands. Perhaps another blow of fate awaits you, what should you do to avoid disastrous consequences?

    The concept of “soul” is very abstract; mental pain is a very difficult thing, because coping with it requires short terms using tablets and other medications it is forbidden.

    If you do not start health therapy in a timely manner, you can pay with your life. In order to avoid this, you need to change your attitude towards life and reality in general.

    Visual form of communication

    When your soul aches for a loved one, perhaps for someone who is no longer around, you need not to give up and not become a victim of circumstances, but to use a form of visualization.

    Imagine this person in front of you, draw joyful pictures in your imagination, experience positive emotions, and be able to feel them.

    Take your mind off the bad

    Perhaps you have an unsettled personal life, and that is why you are in such a bad mood.

    Something is missing in life, depression is not far away, you urgently need to cheer up, find yourself an interesting hobby that will help fill the space that has arisen.

    If you don’t have the funds for expensive trips, you can arrange ordinary get-togethers with friends, watch an interesting film, preferably a comedy one, let this evening be dedicated only to positive moments.

    It happens that a person’s soul hurts if he experiences loneliness, there are no friends, family and friends are far away. You can figure out your problems, you need to start meditating, accept the idea that you are not alone, there are so many people around who are ready to accept you and love you like a loved one.

    If you meditate correctly and regularly, the inner emptiness will soon be filled with happiness; thanks to meditation, you can look at the world with different eyes and achieve the desired heights.

    Sometimes we can do more than we expect from ourselves. Perhaps it is enough for you to stop communicating with people who cause unpleasant emotions, or not to watch the news, which constantly upsets and causes negative emotions.

    If the past is gone, then you don’t need to keep it in your soul, reproach yourself for bad actions, retribution will come for them, and why remind yourself again that everything is so bad. Such emotions poison life and make it intolerable.

    Put things in order in your soul, regain peace and tranquility, become happy and confident in yourself and your actions. Forgive everyone for the insults, bitterness, and disappointment caused.

    Basic postulates on the path to soul purification

    There is a popular saying that time will heal everything, even mental wounds. A person needs to get enough of his experiences for some time, let go of the problem, and gradually say goodbye to it.

    Time will pass and there will be no trace of the experience, you need to remember this. Look confidently into the future, not into the past. When trying to understand your experiences, you cannot get too bogged down in the problem so that it does not drag you on for a long time.

    When your soul hurts, you can look for outside support. One of the right ways- psychologist, only a specialist can find a way out of this situation. But if for some reason you do not want to go to him, then you can use the help of your parents or other relatives.

    If we talk about drug treatment, then you need to be careful here, yes, antidepressants can relieve pain for a while, but mental wounds from such exposure do not disappear.

    Such medications should only be prescribed by a doctor, based on the results of your examination. It’s better to try to avoid chemicals and learn to cope with all emotions and experiences on your own.

    Have a heart to heart talk

    This is an excellent remedy for treating mental pain, the main thing is to choose the right person to talk to, so that tomorrow half the world won’t know about your troubles. If some things or photographs evoke negative emotions in you, remove them, remove them from your life.


    We must always remember that hopeless situations do not exist. If you calm down and look at the world sensibly, then you will definitely find a way out. Fate thanks those who do not give up, move on, knock on every door.

    May the negative past be left behind and a bright future come into your life. Come up with a picture of a beautiful bright day and live with these joyful emotions.

    To receive more, give! This brings great moral satisfaction, gratitude and encouragement from others improves your mood and gives positive emotions.

    Try to always think positively and then all the bad things will pass you by!

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