Home Mushrooms How to get rid of anxiety - proven, working methods. How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxiety

How to get rid of anxiety - proven, working methods. How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxiety

Obsessive thoughts or anxiety are far from the best companions of a fulfilling life for any person. How to get rid of this problem and where it comes from, you will find out from this article.

What is anxiety, obsessive thoughts, fears - where do they come from

Intrusive thoughts accompanied by fear and anxiety are mental phenomenon, which creates a painful feeling in a person, sometimes leading to inappropriate behavior. One of the main reasons for the appearance of any form of an obsessive state can be called the habit of internal dialogue with oneself. Also, another reason is considered to be a deep belief in one’s own beliefs, and the subsequent obsession with these attitudes. In general, in one form or another, many people have obsessive thinking, but not all of us think about it, considering this state of affairs to be quite natural. Becoming a habit internal dialogue may subsequently manifest itself not only in important issues but also in elementary household items. As a result, the constant scrolling of internal conversations, which are often simply useless, results in serious overwork and desire get rid of such thoughts. If the problem is not solved, then the situation is aggravated and does not allow a person to relax. The result of all this is an obsessive state, which is accompanied by fear, insomnia, anxiety and some health problems.

How to get rid of fears and obsessive thoughts on your own

Before you begin to deal with an obsessive state, you need to consider some of the nuances:1) The problem will not be solved if you think too much about it. 2) Any obsessive thought lacks a rational basis. If it is related to a specific problem, then you should immediately deal with its solution, and not think about it. Now let's determine what actions can help in confronting an obsessive state.
    Recognition of the problem. First of all, you should recognize that the problem exists, and it needs to be eliminated. You need to make a firm decision to leave this trouble in the past and later life build without it. Awareness of the absurdity of obsessive thoughts. With the help of some logical reasoning, you realize how absurd your thoughts are. It is important that your argumentation be concise and understandable, do not start another protracted argument with obsessive thoughts, so that they do not take precedence over logic. Self-hypnosis. As you know, self-hypnosis has great power. It can help relieve physical pain and positively affect psychological condition. By the way, psychologists have been using this method for a long time. But self-hypnosis does not always work for the good. Once in a difficult situation, a person consciously pronounces statements that negatively affect general condition. Self-hypnosis comes into play, which only reinforces the feeling of helplessness, which turns into nervous disorders. If you catch yourself repeating a negative thought, try to immediately change the setting to the completely opposite one and now start repeating it. Switching attention. One more pretty effective way. If the thought of some circumstance or anxiety does not allow you to exist calmly, then you should be distracted by something else. It can be a public or creative activity. You may also be distracted by cleaning the house, cooking an elaborate meal, watching a thrilling movie, or meeting up with friends. Try to occupy yourself with something, and, probably, obsessive thoughts will gradually begin to recede. Muscular relaxation. In the fight against obsessive thoughts, muscle relaxation may well help - this is quite effective method! In moments of complete relaxation of the body and removal of muscle tension, fears retreat, the intensity of obsessive thoughts decreases. Try to achieve maximum relaxation of the body - all its muscles. You should feel absolute peace. You can also relax a little by imagining yourself in some place you like - near a waterfall, on the beach, in the mountains. If possible, turn on the recording with the sounds of nature, remove all extraneous thoughts from your mind. It is advisable to carry out a similar procedure daily for half an hour.

How to get rid of anxiety and worry for no reason

If a feeling of anxiety has begun to haunt you, but at the same time you cannot identify its cause, then pay attention to some recommendations that will help you return to a normal psychological state.

    Active lifestyle. Be active, periodically resort to physical activity. By the way, it is not their intensity that is more important, but the frequency. A person who is forced to lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle should get up from his meta from time to time and do a warm-up. Try to find it for a few minutes throughout the day. If you just sit all day and attend intense workouts in the evening, then panic attacks will not recede - you need to be active regularly. Proper nutrition. Moreover, do not forget about healthy eating. If the body lacks certain minerals and vitamins, this can turn into a constant feeling of anxiety for it. Review your diet, start eating right. In addition, it will not be superfluous to purchase vitamin complexes. By the way, on the Web you can find many examples of menus with proper nutrition for a week or several days. You can also consult a nutritionist. Cognitive therapy. This method will help to get rid of anxiety through positive thinking, which blocks negative installations. Force yourself to ignore small problems, and challenge yourself to find positive sides in any of them, even if it seems absurd. Gradually you will learn to perceive differently the world and get rid of negative thinking that provokes feelings of fear and anxiety.

How to deal with intrusive thoughts

Work on yourself and self-control will help remove fears from the subconscious

Of course, the feeling of fear and anxiety can be most effectively eliminated after a course of therapy with a specialist who will help to find the origins of the problem. However, you yourself are able to take control own feelings and respond correctly to the onset of the first symptoms of unreasonable anxiety. Feeling the approach of an obsessive state, switch your attention to the simplest sports exercises, or call close person, which will distract you from this state. If you feel that the physical manifestations of anxiety are approaching, such as high blood pressure, shortness of breath, and so on, try to take control of your condition. For example, you can breathe under the count, thereby distracting yourself from the problem that has arisen and normalizing your heart rate.

Pills and drugs for obsessive thoughts and fears

If you go to a doctor, he will probably prescribe you a drug therapy that helps get rid of fears and anxious thoughts that have arisen for no apparent reason. It should be noted that taking medications in tandem with psychotherapy has the greatest effect. The fact is that patients who choose only a medicinal method of treatment subsequently relapse more often. The initial stage mental illness can be overcome with mild antidepressants. If the doctor sees a positive trend, then he will probably prescribe maintenance therapy, which will last for several months. For each patient, drugs are prescribed individually, based on his stage and severity of the disease. If the case is really severe, then pills for fear and anxiety will not work - most likely, the patient will be sent to the hospital, where he will be given antipsychotics, insulin and antidepressants in the form of injections. We also note that there are drugs that have a tranquilizing effect and are sold in pharmacies without a medical prescription. These include "Valerian", "Novo-passit", "Grandaxin", "Persen". You can read about the action of each of these drugs on the Web, and choose what suits you best. However, note that consultation with a doctor is still preferable.

Help from a psychologist

With the indicated problem, behavioral psychotherapy can help, which is aimed at transforming unwanted behavior. Usually mental disorder can be completely cured after 5-20 meetings with a specialist. By conducting diagnostic tests and reviewing the results of the patient's tests, the doctor helps to get rid of the negative mindsets that fuel anxious feelings. This method is aimed at the patient's thinking, and does not focus only on his behavior. The specialist again and again immerses the patient in a situation that causes fear in him, thereby giving him more and more control over what is happening. Meeting “face to face” with fear does not harm at all, on the contrary, the feeling of anxiety gradually disappears. Note that obsessive and disturbing thoughts respond remarkably well to therapy. The same applies to unreasonable fears. At the same time, positive results can be achieved in a very short time. Also, to the most effective techniques(in addition to the behavioral psychotherapy already described) that can eliminate anxiety disorders include: sequential desensitization, hypnosis, physical rehabilitation. The specialist will easily select the right treatment, based on the severity and type of mental disorder.

- 5 tips to get rid of your worries
- 10 ways to deal with anxiety
How to say stop anxiety in 4 steps

1) Write down everything that really annoys you and think about how you can get rid of the irritant.

2) Before you “splash out” your irritability on others, try to concentrate on something else for at least a couple of minutes: count to ten, drink a glass of water, and at least recite Pushkin’s poems!

3) Get enough sleep. no series or television show can match the plot of your dreams.

4) Rest properly and in sufficient quantities if you want to get rid of irritability, anxiety, depression. It can be a walk in the park, a run around the stadium, a sauna, a spontaneous picnic, a movie, and other joys of life, especially if you have a sedentary job.

5) Make it a rule to talk about what annoys you if you don't want your irritability to bring you to a heart attack. Get rid of the habit of "digesting" everything inside yourself.

- 10 ways to deal with anxiety

1) Repeat the situation that causes you anxiety and fear until you feel the absurdity of the feeling that arises.
For example, when you enter the elevator, you begin to experience anxiety (what if the elevator stops between floors or falls down?). It's understandable that you'd rather take the stairs than ride the lift. But try to act contrary to your fear - take the elevator ten, a hundred times in a row. Eventually there will come a point where you feel like you don't feel fear at all.

2) Pretend that things are even worse.
Trying too hard to control your anxieties will only make them worse. Instead, try to provoke the event you fear yourself and see what happens.

3) Get back to reality.
Often the fears are much more dramatic than the actual state of affairs. 90% of the misfortunes we experience happen only in our imagination.

4) Admit your fears to be false.
Very often, we interpret many thoughts and sensations as signals for anxiety and even panic, although we have no reason for this.

5) Turn your anxiety into movie frames.
You can switch off your thoughts by turning them into a kind of show. Every movie ends sooner or later!

6) Set aside the excitement for a while.
Too often we give too much time to our restless thoughts. Try to install some certain time, say, from 17.00 to 17.30, when you will think about your problems.

7) Let things take their course.
Sometimes we fuss, try to solve a problem, but only confuse everything even more. And if you wait a while, the solution may become more obvious. It's a paradox, but when you feel like you've given up, that's when you have much more control over the situation.

8) Relax.
Don't forget to breathe when you're anxious. In order to cultivate the ability to relax, it is very useful to engage in meditation.

9) Take a time jump.
When something worries you very much, try to imagine how you will feel about it in a month, in a year. Often, past problems even seem ridiculous to us after a while.

10) Don't let worries get in the way of your life.
Many of them will turn out to be false, so you should not waste time on them and risk your health. Do not fence yourself off from life, try to fill it with various joyful shades. And don't forget to reward yourself whenever you manage to overcome your fears and anxieties.

How to say stop anxiety in 4 steps

The anxiety control steps that are described below involve the body level and muscles, behavioral, and use a paradoxical technique.

Step 1 to get rid of anxiety: RELAXATION.
The arsenal that you can use at this level is huge: progressive muscle relaxation, abdominal breathing and signal relaxation, qigong on the couch.

These methods are so effective because of the simple and indisputable fact that in a relaxed body, anxiety and fear do not take root.

At least once a day, preferably 2 times, do the qigong exercise or relax in any way you know. By practicing relaxation daily, you will gradually break the cycle of anxiety at the body level. It is important to achieve deep relaxation - this will allow you to keep the level physical stress under control.

Step 2 of anxiety control: RISK ASSESSMENT.
If you are familiar with the problem of anxiety, you may not know the art of risk assessment.

The tendency to overestimate risks, corresponding to the emergence of anxiety, is based on experience and faith.

Having once experienced some kind of frightening experience, or sometimes simply learning from the lips of your friends about a similar experience of other people (1 event), a transfer is made for your whole life.

At the level of faith, deep but unsubstantiated beliefs arise that exacerbate anxiety.

A woman who is worried that her husband will leave her believes that he will leave her because she thinks about it so much.

The second version of the trap is believing in the protective power of anxiety. In this case, you subconsciously hope that nothing bad is happening to you because you are constantly worrying about it. You are like a vigilant sentry on duty, always ready to repulse the enemy.

Step 3 to get rid of anxiety: DIVE INTO ANXIETY.
Another effective and effective way to get anxiety under control.
The method is simple, but very effective, although no one has yet been able to unravel the mechanism of action.

Step 4 to Stop Worrying: SAY STOP WORRYING BEHAVIOR.
At this step we are talking about ritual and preventive behavior, which not only do not stop anxiety, but only more deeply root anxiety and fears in the mind.

For example, Ivan never read obituaries and did not drive past the cemetery, believing that this would save his loved ones from death. His mother always knocked on wood so as not to jinx something good. Careful avoidance of obituaries and cemeteries only made Ivan worry about death more often, he understood with his mind that such avoidance would never save people from death.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Many of us often experience an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety, which is very difficult to control and sometimes we cannot even explain what caused this unpleasant phenomenon. Anxiety, fear and other feelings of anxiety are usually accompanied by other problems. Along with anxiety, insomnia may appear. This suggests that the nervous system is out of order and is in a stressful state. Therefore, the first thing to do is to nervous system to get rid of constant anxiety.

Stop constantly remembering the past and thinking about the future

The past stays in the past, so put past failures out of your mind. No need to grieve in vain, it is better to learn from the experience and continue to move on. Get rid of the burden that is holding you back.

Many people do not stop looking back and trying to look and predict the future. We do not know what will happen tomorrow, then we should not guess: "What will happen if ...". Stop constantly worrying about tomorrow, start living and enjoying today.

A good cure for inner anxiety is to find something to do

The causes of feelings of fear and anxiety are sometimes incomprehensible to a person. Therefore, in order to get rid of anxiety, you need to find yourself useful activity. A busy person doesn't have time to worry. Since our brain does not allow us to think about two things at the same time, then one thought has to crowd out the other.

The best way to overcome inner anxiety is to expand the scope own interests. You will be doing interesting things for you that will help you stay afloat. It can be any hobby, like sports, and creativity, go in for tourism, embroidery, work.

When should you see a doctor?

It is common for everyone to experience feelings of anxiety or fear of anxiety from time to time. If it becomes difficult for you to overcome the state of anxiety on your own, it does not leave you. long time interferes with work, then you need to see a doctor. Three reasons to see a doctor:

  • When, in addition to constant anxiety, you are short of breath, chest pain and dizziness.
  • During panic attacks, you have periods of unexplained intense fear.
  • To get rid of feelings of anxiety, you begin to avoid people or situations.

Breathing exercises help to get rid of the constant feeling of anxiety.

People who often experience anxiety are recommended to practice yoga. This helps not only to relax the body, but also to get rid of negative emotions. With the help of these exercises, the muscles of the chest and abdomen are strengthened and relaxed, and the flow of vital energy is restored.

  1. To do the exercise correctly, you first need to kneel, put one hand on your stomach, and the other on your thigh. It is important here to feel how your abdominal wall rises when you inhale and retracts when you exhale.
  2. The palms should be placed on the chest, while inhaling - raise the chest, while exhaling - lower the chest, pressing on it with your hands.
  3. For this exercise, you need to tighten your abdominal muscles. While inhaling, raise your shoulders with top chest while exhaling, lower your shoulders, while relaxing your abdominal muscles.

Feelings of anxiety and fear during pregnancy

During pregnancy, almost every woman will be accompanied by such a feeling as fear. Feelings of anxiety may come with the thought that is growing inside you new life and you have a huge responsibility for it. These feelings will visit you day after day, but you will not always be able to explain what they are caused by. In order to overcome these emotions, you first need to figure out what causes them.

The first and most important reason is hormonal changes in a woman's body. Each woman will react differently to these changes. One becomes calm, balanced, the other becomes whiny and irritable.

Also big role plays the original disturbing background. It is influenced by the experience of a previous pregnancy, the state of health of the mother, various psychological factors, as a relationship in the family, the desirability of this pregnancy.

Often, fears are associated with medical information that falls on the expectant mother. Stories of familiar women about their pregnancy and their feelings. All this leads a pregnant woman into confusion, who does not know who to believe. The main advice in this case is to remember that all women are different and each pregnancy is individual and unique.

Book by Dmitry Kovpak How to get rid of anxiety and fear. Practical guide for a psychotherapist " (brief review of the book)

I would like to draw your attention to the book of the famous psychotherapist Dmitry Kovpak How to get rid of anxiety and fear. Practical guide psychotherapist." This book describes well-known fears, anxieties, anxieties that are fraught with consequences. This book will become good helper people who want to solve this problem.

Video on how to cope with fear and not succumb to panic at a decisive moment.

In the source, the article is called a little differently. Namely, the following words were added to the title: “I can’t find a place for myself.” Only a Russian will understand this, a literal analogue, for example, in English, will not sound like that.

Therefore, in the USA, where I now live, Russian Americans try to go to a Russian doctor in order to more accurately and fully explain what is happening to them. This applies not only to psychologists, but also to any other doctors. And even car mechanics!

In the article that I suggest you read today, we are talking about such a state when a person literally does not find a place for himself. In medicine, this is called anxiety.

Well, how to get rid of it? Read the article, there are specific and working methods. I personally liked the article, I think that it is very useful for people who are overcome by anxiety.

Outside the window is dark, late evening. You've been in bed for more than an hour, but you can't sleep. Perhaps you are thinking about a conflict you had at work. Perhaps some troubles with children make you mentally return to them again and again, and you toss and turn in bed, thinking and trying to find some solution.

Whatever the problems, you cannot get them out of your head day or night; you are trying to find a solution, here and now, and you keep turning restlessly from side to side. An hour has already passed and another hour has passed ... Now you begin to worry because you understand that you will not have time to sleep, and it will be very difficult for you to work tomorrow. "I must sleep!" But falling asleep becomes even more difficult. Anxiety and worry have taken their toll.

Are you familiar with this picture? Have you ever found yourself restless because of anxiety, overt or unconscious? Most likely it had to. Modern life gives us all a lot of reasons for concern: divorces, layoffs, threats of terrorism - it’s impossible to list everything! And very often we cannot somehow influence the circumstances and change them. We can only worry, sometimes not knowing how to pull ourselves together and stop being nervous, or even panicking.
Why are people worried?

The feeling of anxiety was left to us "inherited" from our distant ancestors. Anxiety helped ancient people avoid collisions with dangerous predators saved their lives. The cold sweat of anxiety is the result of the release of adrenaline into the blood, and adrenaline still serves us good service under certain circumstances.

Worry is a natural response to real stress, and this response helps us motivate ourselves and sometimes gives us the energy to take action when needed. This anxiety also helps us protect ourselves.

But, as we all know very well, it also happens like this: there is no specific threat, there is only the possibility of some kind of crisis, and that's it! The person already “turns on” the anxiety mode, and begins: “I can’t sleep at night!”, “I can’t find a place for myself!”. In such a situation, we do not think about how serious the danger is and how likely the threat is. Anxiety takes over our minds, and we begin to see danger, as they say, at every corner.

In the case of such overwhelming anxiety, people lose the ability to make the right decisions. They begin to avoid many things, they cannot concentrate on some business; anxiety at the slightest provocation haunts them from day to day. In such a situation, it is important not to miss the moment and try to help yourself, otherwise you will have to resort to professional help.

If it’s becoming more and more common for you to catch yourself thinking “I can’t find my place”, then try using two strategies. They are recommended by psychologists to help us beat anxiety. Here they are:

Analysis and neutralization of negative thoughts

Ask yourself: Are these thoughts productive? Will they somehow help me get closer to my goal? Or the fact that I can’t find a place for myself only prevents me from concentrating and making the right decision? If you come to the conclusion that your thoughts are unproductive, then you will need to try to switch your attention to something else. It's hard to do, but it's important. (In a little while, we will tell you about ten tricks to help you distract and reduce anxiety.)

Try to replace worrying thoughts with more optimistic thoughts. For example, instead of being completely paralyzed by the fear of being fired, try to direct your thoughts in a different direction: “Maybe I will be fired, maybe I will have to part with my familiar environment. But I will do everything that depends on me right now: I will save money so that some kind of reserve is created, I will start looking for information about vacancies. Maybe I can even find a job with a higher salary, and even closer to home!”

Of course, it’s very frustrating when something doesn’t go the way you planned – a presentation fails, a conversation fails, or you fail an exam. But you must be aware that it is, of course, worst result than it could be, but still there is a very high probability that the world will not collapse from this. Sometimes the worst thing that can happen to you is the panic attack itself.

The ability to relax

When people are agitated, they tend to go into shallow breathing. This only exacerbates the situation, because with superficial and frequent breathing the excitability of the nerve centers increases, while with deep breathing their excitability, on the contrary, decreases. Therefore, when you feel anxiety and excitement, try to control your breathing. Putting your palms on your stomach, inhale the air slowly and deeply, no more than 12 times per minute. Try to breathe through your diaphragm. This breathing will help you relax.

Each of us experienced anxiety, each of us shared our anxieties with someone close to us: “I’m worried ... I’m nervous ... I can’t find a place for myself ...”. And none of us is immune from similar experiences in the future. But the good news is that we can help ourselves. And this help can be more effective than the usual advice from relatives in such a situation “not to be an alarmist” or simply “stop thinking so much about ...”. As a result latest research Anxiety specialists have developed innovative, sometimes even, at first glance, strange recommendations for overcoming fears and anxiety. It turns out that most people are able to gain control over the situation if they try to change the way they relate to their thoughts and feelings. Here's how to do it:

10 ways to deal with anxiety

1. Repeat the situation that causes you anxiety and fear until you feel the absurdity of the feeling that arises. For example, when you enter the elevator, you begin to experience anxiety (what if the elevator stops between floors or falls down?). It's understandable that you'd rather take the stairs than ride the lift. But try to act contrary to your fear - take the elevator ten, a hundred times in a row. Eventually there will come a point where you feel like you don't feel fear at all.

Do the same with worrying thoughts. Some kind of anxiety bothers you - try to think about it again and again. It only seems so - they say, I can’t find a place, I think day and night. In fact, disturbing thoughts are replaced either by thoughts about what to cook for dinner, or by interest in what is happening on the TV screen, or by thinking about what a friend said on the phone half an hour ago. And you try not to be distracted by anything - just think and think that the boss suspiciously did not greet you today. The favorite series has begun? Once upon a time, you have to think. read interesting book? Once! As a result, an unpleasant thought will run away from you. You know the story about white monkey that can't be thought of? It's the same, just in reverse.

2. Pretend it's worse. Trying too hard to control your anxieties will only make them worse. Instead, try to provoke the event you fear yourself and see what happens. For example, you need to make a presentation, and you are terribly afraid that you will lose your mind in the middle of the speech. Take it and interrupt your speech yourself, and with the words: “Hmm, what did I just talk about?” look at the sheet. What will happen? Maybe someone will start laughing or, conversely, angrily stomp their feet? You can give an absolute guarantee that no one will even raise an eyebrow, otherwise they will very kindly tell you what you were talking about. Be sure that after such a voluntary provocation, you will forever get rid of the fear of public speaking.

3. Get back to reality. Often the fears are much more dramatic than the actual state of affairs. For example, the husband drove his car out of town, and had to return in the evening. All the deadlines have already passed, but he is still gone and gone, and on phone calls he does not answer. Then it turns out: he punctured a wheel, fiddled with a spare tire in the dark, left the phone inside so as not to drop it, didn’t hear calls, didn’t notice the run of time. What about the wife? All this time, one terrible picture replaced another in her head: here he is lying on the side of the road, and the car is broken ... Here he takes a fellow traveler, he kills him and steals the car ... Or here: he is actually not out of town, but on the other, so he doesn’t answer calls ... Thoughts keep coming and coming, where they come from! And after all, what is most important is that we do not just contemplate such pictures, we really experience every variant of a possible tragedy, losing nerve cells. 90% of the misfortunes we experience happen only in our imagination. Are imaginary misfortunes worth poisoning our lives with experience?

4. Admit your fears are false. Such a “popular” fear of a fire in an apartment due to an iron left on almost never comes true. And your palpitations don't mean you're having a heart attack; it's just a natural response to arousal or physical activity so there is no need to panic. Very often, we interpret many thoughts and sensations as signals for anxiety and even panic, although we have no reason for this. Did you see a fire truck speeding towards the area where you live? Let him ride, help someone in trouble. You haven't ironed anything today!

5. Turn your anxiety into movie frames. You can switch off your thoughts by turning them into a kind of show. Perhaps it’s not you who are talking about how to stretch the money so that it is enough for the salary, but that funny aunt on the cinema screen while you are sitting with popcorn in auditorium and quietly watching her? Every movie ends sooner or later!

6. Set aside the excitement for a while. Too often we give too much time to our restless thoughts. It's like a signal Email- when we see that another letter has arrived, we stop all business and rush to open it, even if we know that it may be just spam. What if you don't respond right away? Try setting a specific time, say 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm, when you think about your problems. If you are worried about something at 10 o'clock in the morning - write it down, and resolutely postpone thinking until the evening. It often happens that by 17 o'clock the problem has already ceased to exist. And you will spend the whole day without needless anxiety.

7. Let things take their course. Sometimes we fuss, try to solve a problem, but only confuse everything even more. And if you wait a while, the solution may become more obvious. It's like a drowning person: if he panics, screams, claps his hands on the water, he swallows water faster and drowns. And if he relaxes, spreads his arms and stops moving, the water itself will push him to the surface. It's a paradox, but when you feel like you've given up, that's when you have much more control over the situation.

8. Relax. Don't forget to breathe when you're anxious. In order to cultivate the ability to relax, it is very useful to engage in meditation.

9. Take a time jump. When something worries you very much, try to imagine how you will feel about it in a month, in a year. Often, past problems even seem ridiculous to us after a while. Such "time excursions" will help you reduce anxiety, somewhat devaluing its cause in your eyes. Everything passes, “and this too shall pass!” (so it was written on the ring of the wise king Solomon).

10. Don't let worries get in the way of your life. Many of them, as we have already said, will turn out to be false, so you should not waste time on them and risk your health. Do not fence yourself off from life, try to fill it with various joyful shades. And don't forget to reward yourself whenever you manage to overcome your fears and anxieties.

It happens that troubles and misfortunes really happen to us, and anxiety becomes a consequence of the stress we endured. We can live for a while as if on autopilot. But do not despair. If you work on yourself and on your feelings, then fear and anxiety will recede, and they will never poison our lives again.

What am I afraid of? What am I worried about? Everything is fine in the family, everyone is healthy, the child is happy, everything is calm at work, everything is in order with the parents. Why does the constant feeling of inner unrest prevent me from breathing normally? Why am I haunted by fear and anxiety, how to get rid of it?

There must be something wrong with me. I am constantly haunted by a feeling of anxiety and restlessness without apparent reason. I wake up with him and go to bed, with him, one way or another, I spend the day. How to get rid of anxiety and obsessive thoughts?

I have been asking these questions for many years. I was looking for reasons and ways out of this state. To no avail - it is extremely difficult to get rid of anxiety. The Internet is replete with advice that not only does not help, but most often harms. So it was before I came across a site called "Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology." I could never even think that there is such an exact explanation for the appearance of anxiety, fear, anxiety, mathematically proven by life itself!

But ... let's go in order.

Unreasonable anxiety, fear, obsessive thoughts lead to stress

People who are in such states know this firsthand.

The most interesting thing is that I could not understand why exactly I fall into a state of anxiety. What am I afraid of? What am I worried about? Logically, I start testing: everything is fine in the family, everyone is healthy, the child is happy, everything is calm at work, everything is in order with the parents. Why does the constant feeling of inner unrest prevent me from breathing normally? Why am I haunted by fear and anxiety, how to get rid of it?

Obsessive thoughts are a completely separate issue! They are spinning in my head all day long. They draw terrible pictures of the near future, make you panic and frighten with their inevitability.

Most of all I was afraid for the child, for his health, for myself, for my loved ones. It was exhausting, sucking out all the juices. It seemed that depression was about to cover with his head. And getting rid of it is even more difficult.

Being in such tension, it is simply impossible not to earn stress. A person does not feel relaxed, does not fully rest, sometimes cannot perform elementary actions, not to mention work and raising children. Loss of sleep and appetite. And if you take into account that the psyche and body are interconnected, then stress soon begins to affect health. Psychosomatic illnesses are generally the most frequent in our lives.

Systemic causes of anxiety

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals all the causes and mechanisms of anxiety, fear, anxiety. Already only from the mere understanding of their appearance, bad states release us. And following very actionable advice You can get rid of anxiety completely on your own.

System-vector psychology explains that only people with a visual vector face a similar problem. This is one of the eight vectors that nature endows us with. Often a person is born with a set of several vectors.

“It turns out that fears and anxiety “live in the throat.” And when they leave, it becomes easier to breathe. For years I suffered from unreasonable anxiety, which often came over me. Psychologists helped me, but as if one hundredth part was leaving, and then fears came again. Half the fears my rational mind gave a logical explanation. But what is the use of these explanations, if not normal life. And causeless anxiety in the evenings. By the middle of the course, I began to notice that I began to breathe freely. Clamps are gone. And by the end of the course, I suddenly noticed sharply that anxiety and fears had left me.

Want to know how to change it? Come

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

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