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Space Rangers 3 planetary quests walkthrough. Guide (planetary quests)

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If it weren't for the Coastal Brotherhood, you would never have embarked on a journey to the New World, because there would not be a single French colony in it that you ought to visit.
R. Sabatini, "Good luck to Captain Blood"

When the first "Rangers" appeared, it was a sensation: they knew absolutely nothing about the game, 1C did not bother to give a single advertisement.

Now, of course, that furore will no longer be: what is "Space Rangers", everyone knows. Even those snobs who turn up their noses in disgust at all two-dimensional engines are aware that the game is a hit, and, therefore, its second part is obliged to collect its share of applause.

Elemental Games could well have made KP2 with minimal changes: new plot, replicas, quests, several types of weapons. Well, paint on the graphics. And this already would be a success. But they went much further.

While preparing this guide for you, I found myself in a difficult situation: on the one hand, there are many familiar things in the game for seasoned space pilots, on the other, many familiar things have acquired new meaning. Therefore, I will describe the game as if from scratch, but I will especially focus on the innovations of the second part.

So, from this guide, you will learn about:

Races, professions, ranger skills and experience set;

Ships, planets and space stations;

All kinds of equipment;

Text quests and their passage;

Planetary (ground) battles;

Tactics, strategies and keys to defeating dominators.

For those who are familiar with Space Rangers and want to find out about the main novelties of the second part as soon as possible, I recommend paying attention to the following chapters:

Flying Heroes - Skills section.

"A flying keg or something else?" - section "Space stations".

“On the dusty paths of distant planets” is all about planetary battles.

"Cold iron" - section "Hull".

Flying Heroes or about the role system

As before, at the initial stage of our career, we will have a choice of five races - Malok, bearing, human, Feyan, Gaalese - and professions, of which there are now not three, but also five: warrior, mercenary, merchant, corsair and pirate.


As before, the choice does not really oblige you to anything. No one interferes with the merchant, having saved up some money for decent weapons, to become a space hero, the pirate - to "reforge", and the fighter to engage in racketeering or honest business. Only the initial parameters and the provided vessel depend on the choice.

Tip: a beginner in the world of CD should start as a trader. The life of "business sharks" has become much more pleasant in the second part, since trade can now bring quick profits.


Race choice doesn't have to determine your entire life either; initial relationships and equipment depend on him, but friendship with other races is not difficult to establish by fighting with dominators (and spoil by piracy). The set of available text quests also depends on the race (some, very few, are not given to everyone), but ... the race, if desired, can also be changed. At the pirate base.

Gaalians- a race of thinkers and sages, predominantly engaged in the creation and contemplation of beauty. As a result, they have a pretty decent relationship with everyone, and on their planets you can (relatively) purchase luxury goods on the cheap. The Gaalis' equipment is insanely expensive, but reliable. Alcohol, drugs and weapons are outlawed among the Gaalis (and the Faeyang).

It is interesting: the degree of observance of prohibitions depends on the state system on the planet. For example, in anarchy, you don't give a damn about any restrictions. But the Gaalians almost always prohibit drugs: apparently, because they love them very much (the prices for them are prohibitive among the Gaalians).

Feyane- "Eggheads", a race of engineers and scientists. They are usually the first to appear all sorts of technical innovations - naturally, not cheap. Their planets often have good prices for equipment and medicines. The Faeyans completely ruined their relations with maloks and bearings.

It is interesting: when playing as a faeyan, you will not be faced with the question of gender. The Faeyans are hermaphrodites.

People- as expected, average in everything, which in this case is not bad at all. Their clothes show a good "balance" between price and quality. People are in close friendship with the Faeyans and are very cold towards small animals. They have illegal drugs and weapons, but alcohol is too important an element of human culture.

It is interesting: galactic credits, on which the economy of the entire galaxy operates, is originally human currency.

Bearings, amphibians, also known as "vile toads", have the most infamous reputation in the universe, including the dominators. They do not disdain anything, they have the most abundant pirate fleet. On their planets it is allowed for sale all... It is clear that no one likes them (although the Gaals and people somehow tolerate). Often, on the planet Pelenga, you can buy something completely incredible - well, a pirate got it, drove it at home ...

The most greedy rangers sometimes buy from bearings with all sorts of illegalities and then sell them to the Gaals in one batch (or even not for long). Enrichment is really instant, but check if your gills grow after such tricks ...

Be careful when completing peleng quests. Inflating with payment is the cutest thing for them.

It is interesting: in galactic jargon, "to find" means to compare with a bearing, i.e. inflict a grave insult, humiliate.

Maloki- brutal thugs professing the cult of brute force. Accordingly, their space technology is made with the help of a crowbar and such and such a mother, so it costs a penny and is repaired almost for nothing, but it also breaks down at the first opportunity. Since these brave guys do not tolerate effeminacy, they, the only ones in the entire Universe, have illegal luxury (and usually drugs and alcohol, but only a latent suicide can prohibit small boys from selling weapons). Maloks have decent relations with bearings, with Gaals - so-so, with the rest - on the verge of a massacre.

It is interesting: Maloki despise trade, so you can spoil your relationship with them simply by trading too often on their planet. Speculation is, in their opinion, the most heinous of perversions. It is much more honest to select what you need: therefore, they have very moderate complaints about the pirates.


There are six skills. For their development, you should invest in them, as before, experience points.

But there is an important difference from the first part: experience is now given not for the surrender of protoplasm (now it is called "nodes"), but directly for participation in hostilities. Well, and for the quests, of course.

Accuracy and maneuverability- fighting skills: on them depends, respectively, the size of the damage inflicted when firing and the scale of damage that you receive from hits. A fighter should develop them harmoniously, but it seems that accuracy is a little more valuable.

Technique- a skill that reduces the wear and tear of equipment (including under enemy fire), which means that it provides soldiers with great cost savings. Although the level of wear reduction is actually not very high, it is still worth considering (but not first). Technique also increases the number of probes that can be monitored - see below in the Science Stations chapter.

Trade provides the best selling prices equipment(and only him). But if earlier this skill actually determined the amount of profit for a battle (because the main income of a warrior is the delivery of dominator spare parts), now on scientific stations always buy them at face value. Morale: Trading is a contender for Most Useless Ranger Skill.

Charm- on the contrary, a great thing, because it increases the profit from quests (however, do not forget to visit the medical bases (see below) for the Ragobam whisper). In addition, charming rangers are better off hunting for dominators and more willing to forgive piracy and smuggling.

Leadership- for those who prefer to fight in the company. This skill, as before, determines the number of available mercenaries.

Flying keg or something else? or about what may be encountered in outer space

The world is made of ink and luminaries,
A lot of nasty things float in it.
The stars fly without rudders and sails,
The galaxies rush like a whirlwind.
Our world is like a ball.
The Hedgehog is sleeping in the center.

O. Ledenev

It's time to talk about what we might encounter in distant space.

For seasoned rangers, I will immediately inform you that the list has become significantly longer, and many familiar and familiar objects have changed their meaning. Therefore, having seen in space the familiar "flying barrel" of the ranger station, do not rush to draw your conclusion.

Stars and planets

As before, there is always one star in the system, and its only meaning is that it is not worth flying too close - the case will start to be damaged from the heat. Oh yes: also, if you hover the mouse over it, you can get a list of planets and stations in the system.

Well, there is much more entertainment on the planet - according to at least if this planet inhabited.

First, there is shop with an abundance of various goods for trade and another with ship equipment. Column-shaped gable badge lets you chat with a representative governments: here our brother is given assignments, awards for the work performed, sometimes useful information ... well, sometimes it’s a headwash, if you deserve it.

V ship screen by calling it from here, you can repair any part of the equipment - or all of it. You can also send part of the cargo to the warehouse, so that later, if necessary, pick it up.

Advice: Going to a large trade raid, remove all unnecessary: ​​a droid, a scanner, and even cannons (if the engine is good). More hold - more turnover ...

In the same screen, we are now improving our abilities for experience points.

A very useful button - information centre... There you can regularly hear rumors about planned military operations, places of profitable purchase or sale of goods, and for a ridiculous price of 3 credits - get a certificate from the local network. This is the most important opportunity for any merchant, this is how flights with goods are planned - after looking at the prices on the planet of interest. In addition, the information network will help to find planets or stations where advanced technology has already gone on sale.

Hangar- he is the take-off screen - as before, it allows you to refuel and repair frame ship.

It is interesting: now on the planet, by entering the take-off screen, you can see what other ships are currently in the port. True, nothing can be done with them, but at least you can find out where this damn "Phantom Lyme", for which we have a contract with Mars, has gone ...

But this is all about inhabited planets. What about uninhabited?

They are no longer decorative objects, serving only during rare quests or for hiding from pursuit. Now, on any uninhabited planet, you can look for something valuable. For this they serve probes.

The probe is purchased from a research station. Arriving on the planet, you leave him in orbit, and after a while you arrive - and see what he managed to sniff out. Lightning enrichment usually does not happen, but it is quite possible to make money in this way.

Space stations

Huge structures, lazily floating in orbits on a par with the planets, are space stations. They can do everything that is on the planets (excluding communication with the government - well, it is not there!) - plus something else, special for each type of station.

During the invasion of Dominators, every decent ranger tries to stay close to such stations. First, they help to shoot back, and you can make repairs on them; but the main thing is that if the stations are not defended, they will be blown to pieces, and even after the valiant reconquest of the system, they will not appear ... at least not immediately. Left without a single business center or scientific base for many parsecs around, you will immediately feel some ... discomfort.

Ranger Center

Home, sweet home! Here I received the first fatherly order of the captain, here I was taught to fly ... Here I once, puffing, dumped tanks with Klisan protoplasm, receiving honor, rating and experience for this.

Dominators, due to their mechanical nature, do not have protoplasm, but this deficit is made up by “micronodes”. What it is and how it differs from protoplasm - I have no idea. Well, there were green snot, now they are multi-colored ... But they are still being handed over here. True, this is not the main source of experience. But for the surrendered nodes they give micromodules.

The micromodule in the magical worlds would be called "enchantment". This is such a little thing that improves the performance of some piece of iron, usually with a side effect (for example, the object grows in size). In general, about the same thing that is done at a scientific station for ordinary money (and the wise guys there do everything without bad consequences).

Advice: do not transfer micromodules to shoddy equipment. You can't get them out of there later. Put them on something that you plan to fly with for more than one month.

In general, I have to state: the center of the rangers has ceased to be the center of the universe for us.

Scientific stations

A mysterious tribe of eggheads (no, I'm not talking about the Faeyans, or rather, not only about them) lives at scientific stations. There they are engaged in "research of dominators" - or rather, their pieces, which I sometimes bring them.

The main thing why we are at war with the dominators is the “feeding” of scientists with dominator spare parts. Like our ancestors - Klisans.

At the same time, scientists for some reason are developing separate funds from each of the three types of dominators - which is strange, because their ships are exactly the same. And I, therefore, should try not just to fight the dominators anyhow, but to choose exactly those whose spare parts are now in short supply.

In fact, you can give them parts from the "wrong" dominators, but this is simply not profitable: if you hand over pieces of "red" dominators to the "blazeroid" section (blue - to the kelleroid, green - to the terronoid), then they will be taken in double price, and this very good money. It is quite possible to live only by this, without exchanging for more peaceful activities.

In their free time (from work at the scrap metal collection point), scientists can, as before, improve your equipment, charging a not modest fee for this. But it's worth it. In addition, only here and at the pirates can artifacts be repaired.

Finally, there is such a funny innovation as probes: with their help, you can find some material values ​​on uninhabited planets. But not to say that it was so profitable: the search usually goes on for a rather long time, then you come back after half a year - and you find some scrap metal worth 500 ... Moreover, the probe needs to be repaired from time to time ... However, a technically advanced probe scans the planet fast enough that, say, returning to the system for quest money, you can already harvest.

Medical centers

There were no such stations in space three hundred years ago, and if there were, the war with the Klisans would have ended many years earlier.

The fact is that here they give out the most powerful stimulants with whom the most sniffed ranger can become a great hero. Do you want to fight from the first days of the game? That way.

Here are the most important of the tools here:

Galistra of time. I never thought that dripping turpentine onto the rear of the ranger accelerates not only himself, but also his engine. However, facts are stubborn things. Maneuverability also increases from the gaalistra, in general, with it you will leave your grandmother, you will leave your grandfather, and even more so from the urgant. It also has a peaceful application - flying to trade or doing quests with such a "afterburner" is also a pleasure.

Malokskaya sizha. This good is already a purely combat stimulant, thoroughly increasing accuracy and maneuverability. Until you pumped it yourself - must have.

Star dust. Since gaalistra and sitting can be bought not always and everywhere, dust also finds its connoisseurs. It simply increases almost all skills by one notch.

Ragobama whisper. They accept him, intending to earn extra money: with him the rewards for quests increase markedly. It also allows you to eat ragobam toads. If anyone finds at least one, be sure to report it to the Discovery channel.

Supertechnician. This substance instills powerful engineering knowledge in you so that the equipment on your boat does not wear out. For a fighter, the importance of such an injection cannot be overestimated, because repairing the interior of the ship is the main expense, and the hull can be repaired with a droid.

There are a few more less important ones - they increase the charm, the power of the scanner and the radar, and the most, perhaps, the funniest one makes the merchants throw cargo into space at the first request. The pirate can make a fortune on this.

In addition to all this addiction, diseases are also treated here, but such an attack will happen to you infrequently.

However, when it does occur, action must be taken urgently. How do you, for example, holy fanaticism when all ships without exception seem dominator? Or chekumash, at which "phantoms" appear around - nonexistent planets, black holes, ships? Or mysterious luatantia, is it a viral pacifism (here severe mental suffering is slightly brightened up by regular donations from the Luatanese support fund)? Or bitter shroud, in which the sufferer begins to destroy equipment on his own ship?

But in general, you need to know the main thing about illness: if you get sick, do not play the fool and get treatment quickly.

Military bases

Many rangers visit these establishments only to receive the next title and the prize attached to it (which, as a rule, is immediately driven to the flea market due to its irrelevance). But recently, two more reasons have appeared for this:

Combat programs awarded from time to time to distinguished Rangers. They can do a lot, it's a pity that the number of "charges" is very small. But those who want to feel like a magician and a wizard are happy to make the dominator shoot into the white light or throw their own droid and cannon overboard ...

Military operation order- the latest achievement of military-economic thought. Indeed, if a ranger wants to join the battle fleet, and not fight at his own peril and risk, why not pay for this privilege? A relatively modest contribution (over time, its modesty significantly decreases) - and now the squadron of Malok "Drakars" is ready to take off.

The only pity is that they define the goal themselves.

Pirate bases

Are you in trouble with the law? Are you wanted on forty-two planets? Do you want to urgently grow gills so that no one else would guess that it is you? That way. Here, for a modest amount, you will undergo a plastic surgery with a change of race, and not a single cop will ever dig into you, sorry for the pun ...

Would you like fake nodes to demonstrate trustworthiness at the ranger center? Prepare loans and everything will be done.

All services - at reduced prices for those who are not constrained by moral standards and do not respect the existing order too much.

Business centers

Well, for those who have no problems with the law, and on their face is written an ardent love for the authorities (especially those of their representatives that are depicted on the banknotes), there is a direct road to the business center. It is to these institutions that we owe the fact that in modern space trade is more than a profitable activity.

The first opportunity is getting a loan... This is where life in big business most often begins. The terms and interest are quite soft, and if you miss the "hour H" - just pay a fine. True, if you remain deaf to the voice of debts, sooner or later deceived businessmen will spread dirty rumors about you throughout the galaxy (and no one will give you a single quest without bribing), and they will also set pirates on you.

Further - market research... For a fairly moderate amount, you are offered ready-made options for the most profitable trade routes! Of course, the same thing can be found by digging in the local network for a long time, but this is much easier and more enjoyable. Consider only that they choose according to the only principle - the maximum difference in percents between purchased and selling price... In other words, it may sometimes be more profitable to trade on less remarkable difference, but more expensive goods (10% in the price of luxury is often more pleasant than 30% in the price of groceries).

Investments- the funniest innovation. Don't like the location of the stations? Ha, I have a problem too! A small financial transaction - and here's a brand new business center or a military base ... The only pity is that the possible deployment locations are determined without our help.

Well, and the last one - insurance... Everything is simple here: pay the money, and for several years you will be able to use the services of doctors for half the price. In my opinion, there is nothing to think about: everyone must have a policy!

Asteroids and space debris

In KR 1, many initially chose the career of a "space scavenger": they shot asteroids, collected free-floating minerals, or ran after them into hyperspace. The latter is problematic now, but to hunt for asteroids - here you are in your right. However, do not flatter yourself too much: garbage is inexpensive, and time flies.

If you decide to deal with garbage, firstly, take care of the engine more decently (asteroids run fast), secondly - about an industrial laser (only it splits the asteroid, retaining most of the minerals - the rest have very low efficiency), thirdly - about a decent radar, otherwise you will be looking for these volatile warehouses for a long time.

Black holes

Black holes - randomly opening passages from one star to another - have remained the same. As before, in the black hole, an arcade battle awaits us with one or more ships of unknown citizenship, and the reward is an artifact - and a certain amount of minerals. And, of course, the final meeting with the dominator boss is supposed to be there.

There are more black holes now than there were. This is understandable: after all we no longer have other sources of arcade battles, the opportunity to fight pirates in a clot of hyperspace during an interstellar transition was taken away from us. As before, the inhabitants of the holes twist the faster the more often you visit them. And sometimes, apart from UFOs, you can find this ...

The battles, perhaps, did not become harder, only now you need to fly more actively, because there are a lot of healing prizes on the new maps, and if you do not harvest first, the enemies will resist you for a very long time. I will not describe the combat technique in detail - I will refer you to the manual on the first CD on our disk. I will only say that the "tachanka" tactic, when we fly exclusively backwards, turning with cannons to the enemy, is still more than relevant.

It is important: if you want to collect prizes in hyperspace after the battle, pick them up with the Alt key, and not with a mouse click: the mouse now immediately after the battle is over brings out of hyper.

Sometimes it is known in advance (from galactic news) exactly where the hole leads.

Love black holes, the source of artifacts and "free" travel across the galaxy.

Ships of sentient races

Space is full of diverse people running somewhere on their own business. Many of them don't care about you at all, others are ready to attack at the first opportunity, and still others are potential comrades in arms. But everyone has their own occupation, except for "serving as a decoration for a great hero."

The nationality of most ships is determined by the color of the hull and the dot on the radar, and you can tell ahead of time what to expect. Red - maloka, green - bearings, blue - people, mauve - Faeyans, yellow - Gaals. But this does not apply to the Rangers (and some pirates): what kind of body they have acquired, this is their color. The fact that you are flying on a Faeyan ship does not yet make you a friend to all Faeyans ...

The direction of the ship is indicated by the radar (if the ship is within range). The number of hits it has remaining is the scanner (unless the ship's defense is better than the one that the scanner can overcome.

It is important: and yet, even without a scanner at all, you can get some information about the enemy's remaining hits. If the questions (which stand instead of numbers) have turned brown, it means that the adversary will not smoke the sky for long.

If the ship is within radar range, you can talk to it. This can be useful to:

Find out the direction of movement of the military squadron (whom they are going to release);

Find out any rumors about profitable goods (for this we talk with transports);

Agree on a joint attack (with a pirate - against a peaceful ship, with a peaceful or military ship - against a pirate, with a ranger - against a dominator);

Demand "wallet or life";

Agree to hire a ranger for your service.

Peaceful ships

Liners, diplomats and transport, as a rule, are not the first to go into battle (except against a well-known pirate, and only in a bunch), often show pliability in the issue of ransom, and, in general, do not like to fight. Although at times the number of guns on board and the good spirits of the "Maloka peaceful tractor" may surprise you.

The pirate benefits from them a lot, the rest can only learn about supply and demand or request help against a bandit.


These gentlemen are usually found in flocks and are not at all averse to punching pirates on the forehead, enemies of their race or their home planet. It is not easy to come to an agreement with them, if they already have a grudge against you. As a rule, warships are well armed, but the government always skimps on good engines, so in which case it is quite possible to “go to plan B”. True, soldiers usually fly without cargo, which affects speed.

Destroying a warship seems to have a stronger effect on relations with the race than robbing a civilian transport, but weaker than attacking a diplomat.

The benefit of the soldiers is, first of all, that they fly in a big heap to free the worlds from the dominators, and behind their wide backs you can shoot to your heart's content at the flying evil spirits. As a rule, they keep a weak military secret, they easily admit to whom they are going to go, and it is not difficult to cling to. As I said, the operation can be ordered at an army base for your own money. Since the engines of the soldiers are so-so, you can easily leave from under fire according to the principle that one wizard once outlined:

"Are you hoping to run faster than a troll with this spell?"

No, I hope to run faster than the rest of the company!

However, there is one drawback in joint hunting with the army: soldiers are alien to profit, they, as a rule, have no capture, and therefore, in the absence of more worthy targets, they simply shoot everything that flies in space. How can such a guy fire into a generator for 20,000 coins - anti-army sentiments flare up in all rangers at once!

Warriors (maybe, except for the Pelengs) always willingly respond to the proposal to jointly pile on the pirate.


These fly everywhere and are very interested in weakly protected ships, from which cargo or money is solicited. Many rangers who are seduced by illegal income fall into the same category. This living creature is especially abundantly born in the vicinity of its bases, as well as in the Peleng and - slightly less - Malok worlds.

Oddly enough, pirates usually fly on antediluvian pelvis, and all that is really good for them is cannons and, sometimes, an engine.

The pirates have a well-developed instinct for self-preservation, and, deciding that they are superior in firepower, they calmly sit down on the planet, where they sit out hard times.

Often you are given a quest to destroy the next John Silver, and this property of the Jolly Roger knights hampers you greatly. What to do?

Here's what. Wait on the sidelines for the pirate to take off and head for the edge of the map. Do not fly too fast after him until he is far enough away, after which try to get between him and the planet... In addition, in the hunt for corsairs, the cannon named treton slowing down an enemy ship.

Shooting pirates (even without a quest) is not prohibited by anyone except ... the pirate's home planet. She can sometimes take offense at such concern about the safety of her orbit. Especially if the planet is Pelenga or Malok. It can be extremely disappointing to see an army squadron on its tail, which has taken up arms against you for "cruel treatment of pirates" ...

To prevent the pirates from touching you, usually 3-4 guns are enough. Suspecting that you can get it in the face, the pirates will fly around you by the tenth road. And, of course, a fast engine will deprive them of the chance to make any claims to you.


The Ranger Brothers are doing about the same thing as you, and enjoy the same degree of freedom, except that they do not touch text quests. The ranger can meet you in any guise, on any ship, he is free to become an indifferent merchant, a die-hard warrior or a greedy pirate.

But in general, the Rangers are not so much your competitors as your colleagues. At least 80% of the merit in freeing systems and at least 50% in protecting them from dominators belongs to rangers. And as long as you are interested in the ultimate victory, don't hunt rangers, even if they behave disgustingly, they dirtyly extort money from passers-by and swear in Maloki.

No, in principle, a particularly impudent specimen can be pinned down, but this should be an exception. In addition, pirate rangers often get lost in a flock, so you really have to deal with not one, but three or four.

Rangers, unlike warriors, are independent guys, and it is impossible to order their visit to this or that system. But you can cooperate with them like this:

Hire for service;

"Hang out" near the coolest fighters among the rangers, knowing that they are almost all the time busy cleaning up star systems (you can learn about the movements of these heroes from the galactic news);

Arrive at the system where they are already fighting (navigate by the crossed blades icon, which is not very convenient, because everything may be over by your arrival);

Try to negotiate directly (rather difficult);

Start an attack and wait for their arrival.

The latter is worth mentioning in more detail. The fact is that rangers, like you, know how to look at the map and find icons with crossed blades there. And they, too, prefer not to fight the dominators alone. Therefore, for colleagues to appear in the system, it is often enough to fly around several circles around the edge of the map, avoiding the shelling. After making sure of your serious intentions, the rangers will catch up ...

On a note: to ensure the protection of the planetary system (you never know, suddenly it is something dear to you ...), sometimes it is worth ordering there (with the help of the nearest business center) a ranger base. Rangers try to protect them and do not give them up to be devoured by dominators. A military base has a similar effect on the army.

Fighting side by side with comrades, remember that rangers are by no means disinterested and will gladly collect pieces of dominators and nodes flying in space, and they will give preference to the first. And, unlike warriors, they may well do this even when a fat, juicy dominatorial equentor is floating nearby.

True, the ranger is limited by the possibilities of his capture, and the good that he cannot pick up, never does not shoot. And thanks for that.

By the way, your colleagues are absolutely stupid people in terms of business. Believe it or not, they never donate their booty to a scientific base. Although there you can earn several times more - after all, they accept good at full price, and if you turn it over to the right department, then double! But no matter how you fly to the scientific base, there is only that rubbish that you brought personally. And this is amazing.


And here they are, those for whom we have gathered here today. The figures show samples of the kelleroid fauna; Blazeroids prefer red to blue, and terronoids to green.

Interestingly, the dominant military thought clearly developed under the influence of the Klisan. In the spike one can easily guess a brave duddy, the urgant was a nondus in girlhood, and the equentor was made under the license of the Egemon plant.

Therefore, the tactics of dealing with them are very similar. In particular:

The most dangerous ships are Smershi (former Katauri). It is they who first of all determine the combat capability of the dominator squadron. The menok and the pin with a well-armed ranger (five modern barrels) shoot in 2-4 volleys, and the urgant and the equentor are so lazy and clumsy that you can easily carry out the "Grill" maneuver with them (see below);

Dominators almost never retreat, and only very few of them know the third law of robotics (the one that tells you to keep yourself intact. However, two other laws are unknown to any of the dominators);

You can safely count on the fact that if you cannot be reached, and someone else is reasonable and kind is floating nearby, the dominator will cheat on you and start ardent love with the nearest available goal;

They are also unnerved by parts and nodes floating in space, and if they cannot reach you, they are engaged in shooting all this stuff, so you need to try to lead them so that they do not have the opportunity to destroy your prey;

Urgants and equentors like to spread a harmful wave around them, while shooting off all the trophies in the vicinity at once.

But there is also something new.

Although dominators rarely refuse to attack you, they do not necessarily fly towards you. shortest path... Therefore, it is not as easy to lure them as the Klisan used to be to “bask in the sun,” and moreover, they are able to choose a course of anticipation, surround them, etc. Sometimes they even decide to retreat in order to calmly repair (but this happens so rarely that I do not even know if this is a planned measure or a failure).

If there are several different targets nearby, dominators try to select a target according to the principle of “maximum harm and maximum vulnerability”. They seem to determine these parameters by honest scanning, so the protection generator can prevent them from doing so. At the same time, dominators try not to set several heavy ships (urgants, equentors) on one target, if there is more than one in their reach.

Scan Dominator ships impossible... True, the scanner regularly shows the enemy's remaining hits (if, of course, it overcomes the defense).

Dominators of different varieties differ in equipment. So, blazeroids are better armed than others, and kelleroids usually fly faster. In addition, there are the following types of "branded" equipment:

blazeroids usually armed with torpedoes (and generally have a weakness for missile weapons);

kelleroids- lovers of a strange contraption called "vertix";

terronoids carry a weak but easily penetrating defense gun "IMHO-9000".

Grill maneuver

There is nothing fundamentally new in this idea, it worked with Klisans, but there is some specificity.

The point is, whirling around the star, drive the bastards closer to the sun and make them gently fry.

Firstly, even the flight around the star itself, if you manage to fly around a sufficiently large arc, makes sense: dominator missiles and torpedoes fly towards you in a straight line, which means they will burn up in the flame of the sun.

Secondly, you have to completely abandon this kind of weapon - for obvious reasons.

Thirdly, in order to lure the dominator "to the light", you first need to fry yourself a little - fly to a dangerous distance and let the dominator catch up with you there. After that, the program no longer prevents him from sunbathing until he is completely satisfied! Of course, if you fly too far, he will crawl out of his tanning bed, but until then he will sit there, and you are completely safe from his missiles, and hits are written from him pretty quickly.

Of course, this can only be done with urgants and equalizers - the rest are not inferior to you in maneuverability. And do not forget that if the enemy explodes in the zone of action of the solar flame, all the loot will disappear with him. As the numbers of his hits turn brown - let the roast out, or it will burn.

Ships of no known race are commonly found in hyperspace and serve as a source of adrenaline and artifacts. However, I met a strange brown ship twice in ordinary space. The first time he was "gnawed" by the dominators, the second I "had time before."

It did not want to enter into negotiations, attacked immediately and was, despite good weapons, destroyed. Two (!) Artifacts and a very decent cannon were found in his remains. What it did in the Vitta Pryonis system has not yet been established by science. If this riddle is solved, I will not hesitate to inform you about it.

On the dusty paths of distant planets or about battles in unearthly firmament

I would give all these heroes-flyers and sailors to the infantry for a month. To see what kind of war it is, when you look at it without a telescope.
F. Konyshev

As everyone who followed the announcements of the game knows, battles on the planets appeared in KP2, and they go in RTS mode.

To begin with, I will reassure everyone who has these three Latin letters causing an allergic reaction, as well as those who, in the morning, turning their faces to the monitor, say: “There is no RTS, except Warcraft,” and Arthas is her prophet. ” that this regime is only for those who wish, and no one will force you to clean up the planets.

Planetary battles are just another type of quest, equal to the popular text quests. And those who are sick of the thought of RTS in Rangers can tell the quest giver that “such tasks do not interest me”, after which no one will bother them with dirty offers anymore.

No time is wasted on these quests: they usually have to be completed right on the spot, where asked. And time is still the ranger's most valuable resource;

It doesn't matter to them what kind of equipment you have, how many guns and whether the engine is fast;

Finally, it's just nice.

Before the fight

So, we succumbed to the temptation of novelty and landed on the surface of the planet. Before that, we were given the opportunity to choose between three options:

Get pluses for armor;

Receive more frequent reinforcements from the base;

Do without these benefits to make more money and experience.

If you are confident in yourself - you are on the third track, but I will honestly tell you that some of the RTS-missions (for example, the one where you need to clear the auto track from dominators) are very difficult without "indulgences". Well, with the strengthening, most of the tasks are passed with a bang.

It is important: in planetary missions, as in text quests and hyperspace skirmishes, save the game No... There is only a restart from the beginning (but after the choice of the advantage).

Which plus to choose depends on the mission, and this is not always obvious at the beginning. You may need to load the game before the mission to make the choice again.

If you have problems with resources, it is better to attend to frequent reinforcements. If there is a lot of everything and you basically play with as many robots as possible, then armor will help better.

Rules of the game

You have a certain number of bases and factories, as well as the enemy.

The factory is a source of resources, besides them, it can only produce gun turrets, and only at pre-marked places. Each plant produces resources of one of four types (titanium, micromodules, energy, plasma).

The base (its characteristic feature is the elevator platform in front of the building) is able to do two more things: to produce combat robots and from time to time call for reinforcements (if you stint on more frequent delivery of reinforcements, this will be very infrequently).

Robots are produced very quickly - literally in a couple of seconds, turrets - relatively long, and the base can only build one thing at a time (so if you need to quickly defend the base, it is often wiser to build robots).

In addition to the rate of profit of resources, the number of bases and factories depends on limit of the number of robots that you can call to your service.

The task, you guessed it, is to rid the enemy of the property. As a rule, you will have more than one rivals, and they also fight among themselves - this should be used.

To privatize a building, it is necessary and sufficient to command your (any) robot to seize the building (the button in the center of the command bar) and wait until the building becomes your property. Of course, it would be nice if your fighter was not shot during this time ...

Probably the most significant novelty of planetary combat is the ability design a robot to your liking. You do not have an initially set range of fighters - there is only a set of "spare parts" from which the working configuration is assembled.

While you are fiddling with the design of the robot, the game is paused.

Assembling robots

The robot consists of a body, an engine, guns - from 1 to 4, depending on the selected body - as well as 1-2 additional modules.

Each detail costs some resources, and most of them also affect armor.

The hull primarily determines the number of gun ports. To be honest: I used one-two-port only at the very beginning of the battle, and then I only got such fighters as help from the customer.

From the trunks, pay particular attention to repairer... Without it, your robots and buildings will not regenerate at all, so not using repairmen is pure suicide. Build a four-barreled repairman on a fast enough chassis (just make sure he doesn't roll forward of the squad) with maximum armor and send with any squad. And with large groups, even two repairmen are better; let's not forget that he cannot heal himself!

The most powerful cannon is the Plasmogun, but it wants a lot of plasma, you just can't get enough of it. When there are a lot of resources, then please: such a robot takes down turrets in just a couple of seconds. And more often you have to make do with rocket launchers. Plus, all combat robots should be supplied with an additional, fifth barrel - a mortar. But it’s better not to have a repairman, because this is another reason for him to get into a fight.

There is also such a tricky thing as a discharger - in theory, it paralyzes an enemy robot. True, they often defend themselves against him. But still put one a spark gap for one robot out of three - pays off.

The rest of the barrels can be installed as needed, but on average, in my opinion, they pay off worse than the rocket launchers.

Now about the chassis. They differ in speed and cross-country ability. It would seem that you can get anywhere by road, so the latter should be irrelevant: however, this is a mistake. The fact is that wheeled robots (and others with low traffic) are forced to build on the road in a column, in single file. As you know, this is the most unsuccessful formation for battle.

In the beginning, in order to quickly capture neutral factories, we rivet robots on antigravs; in the future, for the sake of saving, you can get by with acroplanes. If the group is intended mainly for defense or for a slow mass assault, let it go on tracked tracks (they provide maximum protection).

Well, and additional equipment ... Protection from an arrester is rarely needed, as a rule, a mortar is better (with the exception of a repairman). Additional armor looks best on the head, although there is also different schools thoughts.

Tactical advice

Main tactical technique here is a "concave mirror": in front of the bottleneck we place the army in an arc so that all enemy robots that do not fly are forced to act individually into the focus of fire. 3-4 robots in full armor plus one repairman behind in this way can repel an attack of almost any scale even without turrets. You should also move in an arc, keeping "healers" behind the arc, so that any target falls into the field of fire of the entire brigade at once.

Since we have several opponents, the choice of direction for expansion is very important. Divide and conquer, as usual. Our map is a kind of labyrinth with nodal junctions; if such a node is common for you and two opponents, do not rush to capture it, let them thin out each other themselves. And do not beat the weakest of the enemies - by doing so, you allow the more dangerous to be strengthened.

If the adversary has dug in at the base and does not want to get out, the method of false attack by a heavily armored tracked brigade facilitates. And the main assault group - of course, on the antigravs - is waiting for everyone to crawl out to repel the invasion and quickly breaks through.

It is possible - and sometimes necessary - to capture a plant or base before that how the turrets will be destroyed. But you should not get carried away with this: the turrets will have enough "ingenuity" to shoot at the invader first of all. But the maneuver, when in this way the fire is diverted to the most armored of your monsters, sometimes works (especially if there is a repairman nearby); it is a pity that tracked robots will not crawl to the capture point fast enough anyway.

Turret selection

As you know, we have four turrets. What is this or that type good for?

As turrets outside the base, most actively use rocket launchers... They need plasma, but if you not equip your robots with plasma guns, this resource you will not have in great deficit. And other funds are spent on them little. In addition, the missiles are powerful enough to hit armor well.

Inside the same base is an ideal remedy - heavy cannon... It gives the most powerful damage, and its not very long range will not affect there. But a heavy cannon is not cheap, and using it often means cutting back on the resources needed by mobile units.

Laser turret expensive and not very effective, but there is one situation when it is in place: if the enemy is carried away by heavy armor ( characteristic feature- tracked robots). The laser beam doesn't give a damn about the armor. At key points of defense, sometimes you should not skimp on the laser.

What is it good for light cannon? The answer to this question is unknown to modern science. Of course, it costs almost nothing, but who is rich enough to buy cheap guns? Especially when they occupy extremely scarce weapon sites? In theory, its two rapid-fire barrels should help against the high-speed "runners" on antigravs. In practice, it can be described in one word: outdated

Cold iron or about equipment

There is a case on the table - not low, not high, not lying, not SLIM, and a power supply unit with it.
L. Kaganov

In this chapter, we will talk about everything the ranger ship is equipped with. Of course, it will not surprise anyone that many new types of weapons, artifacts, etc have appeared; but note that the rules about the case have changed very significantly. In addition, the chapter "Micromodules" tells about a fundamentally new type of equipment.

It makes no sense to give exact parameters - they change, and even on the same planet you can easily find a couple of industrial lasers with different parameters. But I will bring complete lists all types of basic equipment - if only because it is easier to search for them in a local search engine. The larger the number of the item, the better and more expensive it is (although do not forget about the mass: a hefty heavy piece of iron is, of course, cheaper, but it is better not to take it - the whole hold will take up).

The race-manufacturer is also of some importance. As its technical advancement grows (in the order: Malok, Bearing, Human, Feyanin, Gaalian), the technique wears out more slowly, but it also costs more (including in terms of repair). In addition, many micromodules are limited by the manufacturer's race.


If in the first "Rangers" all the hulls differed only in size (aka the volume of the hold, aka the number of hits), absorption capabilities of armor and appearance, now another important difference has been added: the number of positions for equipment of all types.

In the picture you can see the diagram of the case. For different buildings, certain cells can be painted over - this means that nothing can be put here. For example, in our example, two of the five cells for weapons are painted over - therefore, more than three cannons will not fit here; painted over two of the four artifacts - the conclusion is clear. There are hulls without a droid, without a scanner, without a grip ... Only the engine and the fuel tank are always present.

It is important: pay special attention to this unique "button". In cases without the afterburner function, it is not painted over, but is absent. You don't need to put anything there, it's just a hull property that does not require additional equipment. Afterburner is the ability to dramatically increase speed due to rapid engine wear. It's not a stupid idea to fly on a weak and cheap engine, but burn it with the afterburner and reach high speed. In any case, with an afterburner, you will always have an extra chance to escape, catch up, and so on. The most valuable thing!

Nothing prevents you from starting not one, but several buildings, and keeping the extra ones in warehouses. For example, acquire a special transport corps for trade operations - a huge hold and no cannons.

The battle corps is, as a rule, all five (or at least four) cannon ports, certainly a droid, almost certainly a capture (you did not take a vow of poverty, did you?) And, normally, at least two artifacts (an anti-gravitator and a rocket launcher , for example - a great combination). Afterburner is very desirable. The scanner can be neglected, the radar too, although this is already more difficult. The protective field generator is not relevant since the beginning of the game - less than 25-30% protection is not worth the space it occupies in the hold. Well, and I would like the dimensions not quite Spartan ... So that, so to speak, there is no sting in the shoulders. According to these principles, we will choose our corps for battles. And the absorption properties of armor are, of course, an important thing, but, at worst, they can be developed for money on a scientific basis.

Types of enclosures:
1. Gravity.

2. Mesostructural.

3. Hornostovy.

4. Brominated.

5. Chrobyte.

6. Polymorphic.

7. Nanochitinic.

8. Bio-slot.

It is important: the configuration of the case is determined not at all by its appearance, but by the series (for example, "Hershey" or "Ideal"). Regrettably, the local search engine for the hull series cannot search, and it is possible to find the Ideal (this is a hull with all open cells and an afterburner) only by accident. The best thing to do is to look for a "ranger's corps" or a "pirate's corps" - most often you come across something decent among them.


Nothing has changed here. As before, the engine model determines the maximum speed and range of the jump. As before, a heavy ship with the same engine goes slower than a light one (which makes the anti-gravitator perhaps the most valuable of the artifacts).

On a note: an artifact named "hypergenerator" replaces jump range by 40 regardless of engine model.

The "base" speed assumes a mass of 500 units. With a greater weight of the vessel, the speed decreases (formula: speed in% = 122.333 - 0.045 * Weight), but never falls below a third of the baseline.

This applies, however, only to the speed in the "calm" state: in battle, if you are often hit, the engine overheats, and the speed drops (it can drop by half from the initial one). The artifact with the colorful name "Thugs" protects from this effect. Also a cannon called "Treton" additionally reduces the speed of the target.

Although afterburner + hypergenerator is a combination that quite well replaces a high-quality engine, and the "time gallistra" stimulator can correct the "motor" shortcomings, it is still not worth saving on the engine. After all, both speed in battle and the ability to quickly trade and complete tasks depend on him ... Although there is such an unambiguous dependence, as in the first CD - as his colleague Khorev said, “ the engine is the key to absolutely everything"- is no longer observed.

Engine types:
1. Diving.

2. Singular.

3. Gallbladder.

4. Streaming.

5. Splash.

6. Gravitonic.

7. Stanserny.

8. Temporal.

Fuel tank

Fuel is spent on hyperjumping, and nothing more. You need to have a tank no less than the maximum jump range that the engine allows. Do you need a margin on top of that? Sometimes - yes, it will allow you to fly without refueling, in particular - to escape from an unfavorable battle. But no one forbids you to simply carry with you a spare tank or tank for refueling in the hold.

Advice: since much of the tank is not needed, it is often advantageous to take a low-class tank and reinforce it with a micromodule - then its repair will cost nothing. The same is true for capture and radar.

Tank types:
1. Hyperfluid.

2. Condensate.

3. Reduction.

4. Protobubble.

5. Positional.

6. Endoclastic.

7. Gyroscopic.

8. Tecrine.


The thing is not strictly required, but very simplifying life, because without it you will have to look for everything manually, determine the value of the loot "by smell", abandon negotiations and mercenaries, from scanning (yes, the scanner also does not work without a radar!). In general, it is better to carry the radar after all. But the latest model is definitely optional. Let it be at least some.

Radar types:

1. Wave.

2. Subtransfer.

4. Beam.

5. Catfish.

6. Neuro-flowing.

7. Ethane.

8. Null pin.


Hundreds of rangers have lived and will live without a scanner. Is it that a pirate might be interested in how valuable the cargo is carried by the transport and what is better to offer - to give the cargo or pay a fee? For the rest, only information about the number of hits is valuable, but you can definitely do without it - when the ship is close to death, this can be understood by the color of the line of hits.

The operation of the scanner is hampered by the protective field generator (they are divided according to the penetration power). Dominators cannot be scanned.

Scanner types:
1. Traction.

2. Vortex.

3. Neuroprobe.

4. Molecular.

5. Colloidal.

6. Tector.

7. Deatomic.

8. Quantum.


The droid, on the other hand, is a must for anyone planning to take part in battles. And even an inveterate pacifist should get at least an inferior one - so as not to spend money on repairing the hull after an accidental projectile or collision with an asteroid. Well, for a fighter, a droid is almost the most important indicator of his "toughness".

The droid determines how many hits the body will heal per turn (the simplest, biotic, gives 5 units, suspensor - 10 ...). The best models sometimes provide complete recovery after a salvo of a pair of deaths!

But don't forget the droid repairs body only... Damage to the engine, guns, other equipment (and the droid itself) will have to be repaired for money.

Advice: repairing on a planet or base, if you are not going to immediately return to battle, do not use "full repair" - fix things one by one. Otherwise, you will be charged a tidy sum to repair the case, which the droid will fix anyway.

Droid models:
1. Biotic.

2. Suspension.

3. Trekking.

4. Stem.

5. Bolid.

6. Tensor.

7. Pin.

8. Duplex.

Generator protection

This device reflects some percentage of the damage done to you (short-wave generator - 5%, then 5% per step). In addition, it protects against scanning (if the scanner is weaker than the generator, scanning is not possible).

At first, the generator is a waste of money and, more importantly, space in the hold, since 5-10% of the rejected damage really does not make the weather. The real benefit starts from about 20-25%, and by the time zone generators appear, this is already necessary element equipment of any fighter.

Generator types:
1. Shortwave.

2. Polarizing.

3. Meson.

4. Mesh.

5. Polygonal.

6. Zonal.

7. Microlevel.

8. Ultraplasma.


The capture determines only one thing - a piece of what size the ship can drag into its hold without choking, and from what distance it will be able to do it.

In fact, even the most ordinary, starting one, is quite enough, if you strengthen it on a scientific basis and add a micromodule: then repairing it will cost a penny, and he will be able to pick up more than 100 units, which will be enough in 99% of cases. True, there is an unverified opinion that steeper grips also pull the object faster, and this can be critical if you collect trophies right in the thick of the battle.

You can exist completely without capture only if you are not interested in trophies in principle. Therefore, it is not a sin to unload it, going for a quest or on a trade voyage, but only avid non-mercenaries go to war without capture.

Types of grippers:
1. Activator.

2. Telekinetic.

3. Plasmonite.

4. Ectogenic.

5. Piezotronic.

6. Erimetroid.

7. Optical.

8. Microtonal.


So we got to our hope and joy - all kinds of weapons and rays. From the last time, only the industrial laser remained with us, the rest of the list was altered.

Weapons are now divided into three types: fragmentation, energy, missile. The difference between the two first classes is not large, but it depends on which micromodules can be installed; missile is very different - see the details on the side panel. In what follows, fragmentation and energy weapons, as opposed to missile weapons, will be called "cannons."

As before, the cannons can be divided into groups based on their range. In Space Rangers, long-range weapons outperformed close ones, despite the lesser damage; in KR2, the imbalance smoothed out a little, but nevertheless it makes sense to take either only long-range barrels (possibly together with missiles), or only heavy melee weapons. A variegated collection of both is inappropriate: in close combat you will be overpowered by those who have only heavy weapons, and in long-range combat they will shoot you because of the small number of weapons reaching the enemy.

Industrial laser
Damage 1E

Range 2

Not so much a weapon as a tool: when it breaks asteroids, it turns out much more minerals than if you use anything else. If “gathering” doesn’t hate you, carry the laser with you. At first they even fight them ...

Fragmentation weapon
Damage 2O

Range 1

The first weapon with a reasonable level of damage, but you can actually beat them at close range.

Damage 2E

Range 5

The most long-range cannon of the early period. Due to this, it remains relevant even before the appearance of disintegrators.


Range 4

In a past life, the treton was called a retractor. It is remarkable in that a successful hit from it reduces the target's speed. Therefore, a running maneuver with its help is to shoot a treton at a strong enemy so that he lags behind the weak one, at which the rest of the guns are aimed.

Wave Phaser
Damage 3E

Range 2

It hits hard, but not too much, and the stream blaster (spawning around the same time) is much better.

Stream Blaster

Range 4

The best weapon of its time, without a doubt. It hits very far, and nothing available at this time outweighs it significantly in strength.

Electronic cutter
Damage 2E

Range 3

The weapon of perverts and dominators, because it destroys the internal equipment of the enemy. In theory, they should become defenseless from this, but your trophies really die ...

Damage 4O

Range 3

The thing is powerful and relatively long-range; it can be used as a basis for a "medium range" configuration.

Atomic vision
Damage 4E

Range 4

Not only is it powerful and long-range, it also acts across areas. A set of five visions "lays down" changes and dowels in whole squadrons.

Damage 5E

Range 5

In my personal opinion - the best weapon in the game. And let the turbogravir hit harder, but the disintegrator is not much inferior to it, and its distance is such that few cannon can reach it at such a distance. The professional's choice!

Damage 6E

Range 3

The heaviest of all cannons. Point.

Damage 3O

Range 3

I have no idea what the terronoids had in mind when creating this signature weapon of theirs. It's called funny, but I didn't notice much sense from it. Maybe there is some special effect, I'm not sure.

Damage 3E

Range 3

And the Kelleroids are no better either. An equally cumbersome and stupid thing.

Rocket Launcher - Superweapon or Scrap Metal?

This question worries many rangers. Rocket weapons are very different from everything else, and the question is - should they be used? - is far from obvious.

pros missiles and torpedoes are as follows:

Their range is almost unlimited, you can shoot through half a map, while if, as usual, the dominators are chasing you, they will fly in and poke their foreheads into your missiles;

They inflict very serious damage (torpedoes - by themselves, missiles - thanks to a salvo);

Rockets (but not torpedoes) take up very little space. This is perhaps the lightest weapon of all.

a rocket can be shot down from a cannon (a torpedo, too, but it has a lot of hits, and it does not always succeed);

This weapon needs recharging, which costs a pretty penny, and even when the systems are released, it is difficult;

You won't be able to fly around the sun - your rockets will burn up in it;

Damage is inflicted far from immediately, which means that the enemy will still have time to shoot, and besides, it is more difficult to calculate fire - after all, if the target is destroyed, and the missiles are still flying towards it, then the missile salvo was wasted.

At first glance, it may seem that the cons outweigh the pros, but this is not entirely true. With a fast engine (or afterburner, or with a gaalistra of time), you can shoot several pins and changes with missiles, earning valuable experience (or even prey), while, having come within the range of the beam, you will be destroyed. Missiles do not force you into the threat zone, and the importance of this cannot be overemphasized. And having completely switched to missiles, it is quite possible to destroy even the equentors.

The main trick: don't use rocket launchers by the piece... While a couple of missiles are flying at the enemy, he will probably have time to shoot them. And if you load it from four barrels - even the equator won't have enough weapon power!

Sometimes it seems that it is unprofitable to shoot missiles, turning backwards towards the enemy that is catching up, while these missiles are still deployed ... But this is not so: if the missiles eventually fly towards the enemy, this means that in a move they will probably approach a distance, greater range of his guns! That is, he will not be able to shoot a single missile and will receive all the ammunition on board.

And finally, let's not forget that the cost of constantly recharging rocket launchers is to some extent offset by the fact that much less money is spent on repairing damaged equipment (you are not exposed to fire!).

In general, the moral is simple: rockets are good if you use them a lot, if you are not lazy from time to time to earn extra money on quests, and if you do not forget to switch from them to newer weapons when the enemy's defense becomes too strong for a rocket launcher (approximately in the era of mass production of streaming blasters).

Should we then arm ourselves with torpedoes? It's over complex issue... By this time, many are no longer afraid to come under fire; it is more important for them to have time to collect trophies. But if you are lucky enough to mine several torpedo tubes with a low mass - try this method of combat ...


Artifacts are obtained in only three ways: in black holes (guaranteed), at a military base as bonuses (sometimes) and as a reward for quests (rarely).

There are quite a few of them in the game, but I will not describe all of them - I will limit myself to the most useful or interesting ones. And I will divide them into groups, so to speak, by occupation.

I did not begin to describe a whole series of artifacts that allow you to change the structure of the ship - for example, connect additional guns instead of a defense generator or three artifacts instead of a droid, as well as amplifiers for weapons and some other items.


Antigravitator. Reduces the mass of the ship, and since it affects speed very strongly, it is one of the most useful artifacts in the entire game.

Hypergenerator. Regardless of the engine, the jump range becomes 40 parsecs. If you find this thing early enough, completing quests becomes a bonanza.

Thugs. Eliminate the effect of engine slowdown in battle due to overheating and tretons. Without them, your speed in battle will gradually decrease.

Psi-accelerator of matter. It just increases the speed of the ship.

The battle Droid junior. The extra droid in the kit hasn't bothered anyone yet.

:Iron bugs. As before, they increase the absorption capacity of the housing.

Quark bomb. Throw it out of the hold, fly to the side and blow it up with a weapon - and everyone around becomes very sad and sad.

Swallow, racquetball provide additional protection against energy and missile weapons, respectively. At the same time, the swallow is much more powerful.

Tranclucator- an additional warship, which, being unloaded from the hold, fights for you! By the end of the game, he is of little use, but at the beginning he is capable of making you a career alone.


Blast wave localizer. Significantly increases the amount of loot dropped from the victim! With him, "shooting" a full hold of light and expensive parts is a matter of minutes.

Nanitoids. As before, nanitoids provide the greatest profit to the fighter, eliminating the cost of repairing all equipment except the nanitoids themselves. They slowly but surely mend everything they can reach. By the way, they lost their stupid habit of starting with the repair of loot in the hold.

Oblivion connector. Same as nanitoids, but only repairs the engine. But fast enough that you can fly with the afterburner for a very long time! Therefore, this is actually the most powerful acceleration of the ship.

Black goo. Gradually fills the tank with fuel. If in the first CD it was the most valuable thing, because it allowed you to escape from the enemy system without recharging, now no one bothers to carry refueling with you, and the importance of the slurry has noticeably decreased.


A micromodule is an improvement to any "piece of hardware" in your ship. They are obtained for the surrendered nodes in the ranger center, as well as as a reward for quests and for freeing systems. Sometimes they also "fall out" of the knocked down dominators.

By itself, the micromodule weighs almost nothing, and, which is especially nice, does not modify (unless otherwise stated) the price of the item in which it is installed. This means that an old gripper with a micromodule for a capacity of +70 is being repaired as before for a penny ...

It is impossible to remove the supplied micromodule.

It is important: do not rush to install a micromodule if you plan to improve a thing at a scientific station. They do not work with objects that have “something non-standard” in them. First, improve, you will always have time to install the module.

The search for the names of the modules (as well as the series of cases), alas, does not work.

There are modules that can be installed in different types of equipment, for example, in a droid or in a protection generator. If the description of the module says something like "Droid: +5 units, generator: + 5%", this means that they can enhance either one or the other. It will not give both effects at the same time, because you have to put it in some specific device. But if both effects refer to the same device - for example, engine speed and jump range - then both will work.

Below, if I write "+ so many units" about a weapon, I mean damage units, not range.

Micromodules of the third level (the cheapest)

Antenna. Improves the performance of scanning and radar devices. Built into the antenna amplifier, increasing its power. Radar range: +210 units. Scanner power: +3 units.

Upper. Increases engine and radar power by increasing energy conversion efficiency. Engine: +20 speed, radar: +400 radius.

Berserk. Supplements weapon systems with a fairly massive particle accelerator and antimatter generator, significantly increasing the combat characteristics of the weapon. Strength of any weapon: +5 units. Shooting range: +20 units.

Botter. Updates the repair droid software to make its actions more accurate and efficient. Compatible with Feyan equipment only. Droid efficiency: +5 units.

Brond. It is capable of generating superdense particles at high speed, which are used in the defense of the ship. Compatible with housing and field generator. Hull armor: +3 pts. Field generator: +5 units.

Vortex. Contains an additional high-precision microcontroller for engine navigation systems. Due to the higher accuracy of calculations, the speed and range of the jump increases. Compatible with human motors only. Engine speed: +30 units. Jump range: +3 units.

Gromodryn. Removes unnecessary service blocks from the droid (protection from noise, radiation, fool, etc.), replacing them with additional repair modules. This operation, which increases the efficiency of the droid at the expense of its cost, is feasible only on droids made in Malok and Peleng. Droid efficiency: +15 units. Cost: -50%

Gugaal. Allows you to maximize the high-speed potential of Gaal engines, which was laid down constructively, but is not used in modern propulsion systems... The design changes are minor, but they nevertheless increase the cost of the engine by 25%. Engine speed: +60 units.

Ranging. Reduces the inertia of the gun's corrective systems, increasing the firing range. Range: +25 units.

Dalstar. Allows to increase the range of the equipment by eliminating the statistical error of calculations, which manifests itself in the bearing equipment when calculating in the limit intervals. Compatible with Bearing types of equipment only. Jump range: +8 units. Radar range: +500 units. Weapon firing range: +30 units.

Dronner. Increases the capabilities of the droid, replacing some of the parts with more effective, but also heavier ones. The droid's weight increases. Droid efficiency: +20 pts. Size: + 18%

Interdesign. Due to a more rational re-equipment of the ship's premises, the hull capacity is increased by 7%. Hull size: + 7%

Klein. Increases the power of any weapon, while reducing its firing range. Power of energy weapons: +7 pts. Power of fragmentation weapons: +15 units. Strength of rocket weapons: +10 units. Firing range: -20 units.

Mini-sized. Produces a number of replacements of large texo elements for more compact ones, but at the same time they are very cheap. Compatible only with equipment of the human race. Does not interact with energy and missile weapons, as well as with the hull. Size: -20%. Cost: -30%

Paxton. Allows you to more rationally rearrange the elements of the protection generator made according to the Malok technology. This leads to a reduction in the size of the device, while its performance is not impaired, but the power drops slightly. Field generator: -2 units Size: -75%

Patch 0.96 alpha. Contains a set of flashing modules for software of computing and correcting devices of some types of equipment. The patch increases the precision and speed of floating point calculations. The alpha version is compatible with equipment of all races. Engine speed: +25 units. Radar range: +250 units. Scanner power: +2 units. Droid repair: +4 pts. Shooting range: +30 units.

Platinos. Coats equipment with a thin layer of platinum, increasing its cost. Cost: + 20%.

Streaming. It is built into the flow unit of the scanner and allows you to increase the spectrum of the received waves. Scanner power: +5 units.

Rocketon. Micromodule containing non-directional beta conductors. Significantly increases the strength of rocket weapons, partly energy. Energy weapons: +4 units. Rockets: +10 units.

Resize. Softens and deforms the walls of the fuel tank, increasing its volume. Buck: +10 units, size increases by 20%.

Fajoule. It is added to the navigation system of the engine, increasing the clock frequency of the computing unit of the device. Compatible with Feyan equipment only. Engine speed: +25 units. Jump range: +8 units. Size: + 20%

Cent. Affects the material component of any item (except for the body), slightly increasing the size of the item. On the contrary, the cost is reduced by 4 times, which leads to the profitability of subsequent repairs. Size: + 10%.

Rustle. Increases the efficiency of the interference filter of the protective field generator. In this case, the active micromodule occupies a rather large volume. Generator power: +5 units. Size: + 25%

Electro. Affects the strength of energy weapons using the principle of multiplying the power of the pulse generator. Energy weapons: +5 units.

Micromodules of the second level

Addon. Attaches an additional cargo compartment to the hull, increasing its capacity by 15%. For some reason, application to bearing corps is impossible. Hull size: + 15%.

Armored package. Equips the ship's hull with additional composite armor plates. Placed inside the hull, gyroscopic hinges for armor plates and shock absorbers occupy a rather large volume, significantly reducing the ship's capacity. Hull armor: +8 pts. Size: -10%.

Dioschit. Replaces the moving parts of the protective field generator and rocket weapons with elements of the dominator principle of action. A joint development of the feyans and humans, works only with the equipment of these races. Field generator: +8 units. Strength of rocket weapons: +10 units.

Dronz. Improves vector-type batteries so that the droid can last longer and therefore repair more damage. Not useful to Human, Faeyan, and Gaalic droid models. Droid efficiency: +25 pts.

Impelgan. Replaces the magnetic generator of the scanner with a more expensive pulse-gravitational one, thereby increasing the power of the device. Scanner power: +12 units. Cost: + 25%

Integrator. Increases the damage ratio of the weapon by singularly amplifying the initial impulse. Power of energy weapons: +5 units. Power of fragmentation weapons: +15 units. Strength of rocket weapons: +5 units. Size: + 25%

Oscillator. Improves the characteristics of wave emitters of devices. Increases the power of equipment using CW and wave-characteristic fields such as radar, capture, and field generator. Radar range: +700 units. Capture: +40 units. Field generator: +5 units.

Convector. Built into the mechanical part of the device. Increases scanner power and radar range. Compatible with human equipment only. Radar range: +1000 units. Scanner power: +10 units.

Magnikum. Increases the potential of the field generated by the capture, thereby increasing the power of the device. Capture power: +70 units.

Maform. Produces a physical deformation of the compensatory modules of the Malok armament in the direction of increase, while the damage inflicted increases. Since this is one of the most expensive units, the cost of the weapon rises sharply. Size: + 20%. Cost: + 60%

Microshot. Replaces the corrective module's coordinate system with the Feyan ecliptic, increasing the firing range of guns and the range of the engine's hyperjump. Not suitable for use in Malok and Peleng equipment. Jump range: +10 units. Shooting range: +50 units.

Volumetric. Curves the area of ​​space within the tank to accommodate a larger volume of fuel while maintaining the same weight and size of the tank itself. Compatible with Peleng and Feyan equipment. Tank volume: +20 units.

Optimizer. Removes non-functional and decorative knots and details from Peleng equipment, reducing it dimensions... Not used for hulls and weapon systems. Reduction of volume by 20%.

Paragon. Replaces the capture energy source with a more powerful and expensive one. However, the new generator takes up more space. Not compatible with equipment of the Peleng race. Capture power: +80 units. Size: + 10%. Cost: + 20%.

Patch 0.95 beta. Contains a set of flashing modules for software of computing and correcting devices of some types of equipment. The patch increases the precision and speed of floating point calculations. Due to its dampness, the patch conflicts with the software of the Faeyan and Malokian hardware. Engine speed: +50 units. Radar range: +500 units. Scanner power: +5 units. Droid repair: +5 pts. Shooting range: +50 units.

Shift. Modifies the engine acceleration system, thereby increasing the jump range in hyperspace. Adapted for bearing and human engines. Jump range: +14 units.

Squeeze. Replaces the largest boards with their smaller modern counterparts. Reduces the size of any equipment and weapons except the hull. Compatible with Feyian equipment types only. Size: -40%.

Spay. A quasi-intelligent unit that significantly increases the power of a Gaal radar or scanner through the use of "pseudo-intuition". Radar range: +1500 units. Scanner power: +17 units.

Splinter. Adjusts the bolt mechanism of fragmentation weapons, increasing the effectiveness of firing. Compatible with Malok and Peleng weapons. Shrapnel weapons: +10 units.

Stoplay. Replaces moving parts of equipment with stronger platinum ones. Reduces size and increases equipment cost. Not applicable for weapon systems and hulls. Size: -30%. Cost: + 50%.

Strater. Generates a zero-friction field, reducing the energy loss of the motor at the output, thereby increasing the speed. Compatible with Malok equipment only. Engine speed: +80 units.

Turing. Replaces a massive turret with a power support. Part of the generator's energy is spent on damping the recoil, so the range and power of the shot are reduced, but the weapon takes up half the volume. Weapon power: -5 units. Firing range: -10 units. Size: -50%

Exploder. Built into the engine. Destabilizes the molecular structure of the fuel, increasing its detonation properties. This allows the engine speed to be increased, however, due to the high G-forces, the hyperjump range decreases. Unfortunately, the engines from Malok cannot withstand the increased loads. Engine speed: +150 units. Jump range: +7 units.

Energos. Added as an auxiliary device to the beam synthesizer for energy weapon types. Energy weapons: +7

Excalibur. Invented by human scientists, this micromodule modifies the converters of energy weapons, significantly increasing their damaging ability. For patriotic reasons, this module is only compatible with human equipment. Power of energy weapons: +15 units.

Level 1 micromodules

Antifey. Increases the charge of rocket weapons. For unknown reasons, it is rejected by the Faeyan equipment. Rocket weapon power: +30 units.

Bach. Special nanobots make changes in the molecular structure of the fuel, reducing its real volume, which makes it possible to store large quantity fuel with unchanged characteristics of the fuel equipment itself. Compatible with the equipment of the Gaalians and people. Tank volume: +35 units.

Broing. The unique and expensive generator creates a surface repulsive field with a high degree of absorption of kinetic and thermal energy, and can be used to increase the protective properties of the housing and the field generator. Compatible with Peleng devices only. Hull armor: +13 pts. Field generator: +13 units. Cost: + 40%.

Vintar. Increases the explosive power of fragmentation weapons by increasing the critical mass. Weapon cost increases by 50%. Suitable only for Malok and Bearing types of weapons. Power of fragmentation weapons: +35 units.

Dalpun. Builds on an atmic weapon targeting system, increasing the range of energy and fragmentation weapons. Increases the occupied space due to the built-in atmic scanner. Incompatible with Gaal weapon types. Firing range: +120 units. Size: + 35%.

Dvima. Modifies motor crystal fillers, increasing jump speed and range. Suitable for Malok engines. Speed: +180 units. Jump range: +20 units.

Jump switch 3.11. Patches the software part of the navigation module and instant engine correction to version 3.11, increasing the jump range of the engine. Jump range: +20 units. Cost: + 40%

Jake. Replaces fuel filters, increasing the degree of fuel purification, thereby increasing engine speed. Speed: +140 units.

Zhampa. Installs an additional transducer that allows for a short time increase the energy potential of the fuel. This increases the jump range. Jump range: +14 units. Size: + 20%.

Burning sensations. Adds additional damaging elements to projectiles using antimatter particles. Significantly increases the power of weapons, especially the fragmentation type. Compatible with Gaal and Peleng weapons. Power of energy weapons: +20 units. Power of fragmentation weapons: +40 pts. Strength of rocket weapons: +30 units.

Iikebanit. Applies a decorative spray that gives any Gaalic equipment the color of the finished Gaalic Iike-baana. The cost of such equipment grows 2.5 times. Cost: + 150%.

Krepchak. Built into the body. Secures its microgrid of repulsive stationary nanobots, partially blocking the received damage. Compatible with Bearing and Human type hulls only. Hull armor: +12 pts.

Micro-sized. Reduces the distance in the molecular networks of any equipment and compensates for changes in intramolecular forces. Cannot be used for hulls and weapons, as in this case their functionality is lost. The micromodule can reduce the size of the equipment by up to 30%. Use in Gaal equipment is not possible.

Minivision. Replaces the radar navigation unit with a new miniature balanced and highly efficient element. Radar range: +1500 units. Size: -15%.

Carapace. Conducts high-frequency bombardment of the hull with energetic quanta, increasing the protective characteristics of the material. This processing is included in the standard operations for the manufacture of hulls for all races, except for Maloks, therefore it is effective only for Malok hulls. Hull armor: +14 pts.

Redusa. Reduces the inner diameter of the engine nozzles by building up composite crystals, resulting in an increase in the velocity of the jet jet. Used only for bearing motors. Engine speed: +140 units.

Univers. It is built into a standard expansion slot of any equipment. He actively participates in the operation of the device, optimizing the calculations and the scheme of equipment functioning. Hull armor: +10 pts. Tank volume: +15 units. Engine speed: +70 units. Radar range: +800 units. Scanner power: +10 units. Droid efficiency: +20 pts. Power of fragmentation weapons: +30 pts. Strength of rocket weapons: +20 units.

Hub. Attaches an additional hub-block to the case, increasing its volume by 25%. Originally designed exclusively for human hulls, the Faeyans also licensed and adapted it for their ships. Hull size: + 25%.

Hokus. Changes the oscillation period of the capture wave field in accordance with the characteristics of the material of the captured object, increasing the penetrating power of the field and, accordingly, the capture power. Gripping power: +150 pts.

Extremer. Due to a more rational program of using the internal space of the cargo compartment and eliminating non-functional structures, it increases the capacity and cost of the ship's hull. Suitable only for Malok buildings. Size: + 20%. Cost: + 60%.

Anti-dominator programs

Strictly speaking, this is not really equipment, because it does not take up space.

You get them at military bases - simply for military service. The assortment depends on number of surrendered nodes, so do not neglect this activity.

Anti-dominator programs are really powerful, but you won't be able to use them regularly, because the supply of "charges" is limited. So, from time to time - to "solo" free the system or beat down a particularly harmful urgant. Or force the Equator to throw valuable equipment overboard.

To use the programs, you need an Intercom - Dominator Signal Decoder. The number of his "charges" is also limited, keep an eye on him.

List of programs:

Emergency Signal. Upon receiving an emergency signal, the dominator will discard some of the equipment and weapons. Valuable because you can pick it up right away.

W-Coder. Universal codec for guessing and replacing passwords for weapon systems. The dominator will need time to recover the data. Doesn't work very well.

Gatrix matrix. A huge matrix of messy data overloads the robot's electronic circuits with a flood of information. The robot flies aimlessly and shoots at random. There is almost no useful effect.

Shocker-5300. The program interferes with the work of electrical circuits, makes navigation difficult. The robot flies slowly, shoots poorly. Slightly better than the previous one, but not much.

The ultimate weapon. Self-destruct order of zero level. Dominators obey unquestioningly.

System shutdown. All robot data is deleted. The dominator turns off, does not react to anything else.

Uncle Harpagon's Advice or how to get rich

In the first CD, the advice was simple: go to jail and win initial capital in prison. After the patch, it has changed: fly over safe blobs of hyper and pick up trash, that is, minerals.

Now, neither one nor the other can no longer be called an ideal way of making money. Nowadays, other methods are honored.


Trading in KR2, in contrast to KR1, really brings excellent income. The main thing is to act according to science, and not at random.

First of all, we fly to the nearest business center and boldly take a loan there: nowhere without it. There are different loans; if we can immediately purchase a decent engine (we found it with the help of a search engine nearby and not too heavy) - we take a large loan, if not - such that there was something to trade for.

Right there, in the center, we leave everything superfluous - that is, all equipment, except for the engine and the tank, for the lazy - also the radar. Yes, yes, including cannons and capture.

Now we ask for a market analysis - for short and long distance routes right away - and we begin to study the proposed options. Analysts offer us the best routes in terms of percent of profit, but we are not interested in this, but in profit per unit volume: if the loan just taken out is big enough, we have enough money to fill the hold, and there is no need to fiddle with cheap things. However, it is worth doing everything that was recommended.

Having arrived on the planet with the optimal selling price, before purchasing, we do two operations:

Check if it is still purchase price where we are going to carry the cargo is good enough;

Isn't there a closer look, first of all - right in this star system, a planet where all this can be sold at a good price. Let it be a couple of coins lower than somewhere out there, distant lands - but we will float the goods quickly and gain time.

The rest is more or less clear.

Having made a profit, we try first of all to strengthen the engine and the hold. If we plan to engage in trade for a long time in order to make a decent capital, it makes sense even to buy a merchant's hull or a liner, many we don't need guns at this stage. A pair of barrels will be enough to protect against a pirate - and the hulls of the liners will allow you to carry these guns and leave enough space for the cargo. Just remember to leave enough money for trading.

Don't have a decent engine? Do not despair. Ride the afterburner hull and the cost of repairing a cheap engine will easily pay off.

Especially for bearings, let me remind you that loans are supposed to be given back. Otherwise, fortune will quickly turn its back on you: business centers will simply stop serving you, the planets will get angry, and pirates, tempted by a prize for your head, will begin to take an active interest in it.

Small and unprincipled people can get a one-time super-profit by purchasing cheap illegal goods from bearings and driving them to Gaals or Feyans. But if you abuse it, your red curls will become familiar, and they will start to beat you. Do not forget that business centers operate legally and do not report any contraband flights.

By the way, pay for health insurance. You will need stimulants.


There is not much to say here, but still I will give a couple of tips.

Firstly, this method is for those with a decent reputation. Pirates and smugglers don't have to worry. Secondly, before the "quest" certainly pump up at the medical station with the Ragobam whisper; at will and opportunity - the Absolute status (with it you can safely take the conditions "more difficult", the terms are soft) and the Gaalistra of time (speeds up your wanderings).

The most profitable of all quests are planetary battles: you don't need to fly anywhere, everything is here, on the spot, without the slightest expense you make a profit.

Text quests are the next in terms of profitability, followed by courier ones. If you have a decent engine (especially in terms of jump range), take the conditions harder, and the golden key is in your pocket.

The pirate hunt offers a large fee, but, as before, it is inconvenient. Not because the pirate resists, but because he strives to take refuge on the planet, and then, what good, thunder into the jail - and then your quest cried. It's good at least that in this case you can see his ship on the planet where he was landed ...

Protecting star systems is a tedious and unpleasant task. Firstly, you can miss something, and secondly, it takes a very long time. On the other hand, pirates are not often kill peaceful ships, but for the fact that they just fired at the liner, you will not be deducted from you; so you can use this time to trade in the system.

But the quests like "our liner is in distress, bring the medicines" from the second part disappeared somewhere. Apparently, the liners have learned to bring them on their own?

When flying on quests, carry a spare tank of fuel with you so as not to land on the planet during a transit flight. Of course, this is if the main tank is not enough for two jumps.


The war has become a profitable business. Selling dominator parts for double the price (and not half, as was the case with the Klisans), you can make a great business.

But "collecting carrion", as it once was, is now more difficult. Dominator parts will be assembled without you. Nodes - those are lying around freely, and if desired, you can collect them even on transport, when the warriors beat the dominators. But they give little money for the nodes. True, as one Faeyan poet said, “protoplasm is not for sale, but modules can be sold” ...

Do not forget that when some research is completed, the corresponding parts will no longer be sold at double the price. You can hand them over to other departments one by one. And when all three studies are completed, this way of earning will be closed ... but why do you need to earn money after that?

Alas, in the war you not only earn, but also spend - on repairs, and this pleasure is very expensive. Profits and costs are usually quite comparable. But there are a few things you can do to keep costs down. Namely:

Take the Super-Technician stimulant regularly. It pays off, and many times over, especially towards the end of the game;

Train knowledge of technology;

Obtaining nanitoids is the most important artifact for saving money;

Never use a complete repair: repair things separately, and let the droid repair the case - for free (this can save 10-20 percent, according to the situation);

Earn a pirate rating at the beginning of the game, and then repair on pirate bases at a reduced price;

Use the "Cent" micromodule, which reduces the cost of the part, especially for the engine and, occasionally, guns;

Secondary parts - a gripper, a radar, a scanner, sometimes a tank - are taken from the cheapest models, reinforced with micromodules (the gripper is better still Feyan or Gaal, so that it does not break too often, but the most primitive version): micromodules, without increasing the price, greatly raise the characteristics of these details;

Get an atomic vision and shoot them in such a way as to detonate a cloud of enemy missiles.


The most controversial way to make money, because there are a lot of big shots for it, and the income is so-so. We will probably come back to this topic in separate tips from the masters.

It makes sense to pirate mainly at the very beginning of the game. It is recommended to choose the appropriate race - bearing or small, so that at least at home you will be loved and understood.

Start your pirate career with taking out a loan - walking like that - and getting medical insurance. Try to always fly under Gaalistra + One-Eyed Hamas.

Hamas makes it possible to demand and receive tribute: otherwise, even the most peaceful ships do not always agree to share their cargo. A robbed ship is much better for your reputation than a killed one.

Try to rob the ships of alien races so as not inadvertently to be unable to land on your own planet. It's not bad, for example, to arrive in the Gaal system, rob a couple of transports (they carry luxury and equipment there) - and quickly escape to another.

When "you are already known everywhere" - at the pirate base, change your citizenship to a trustworthy Faeyan, human or Gaalian, and rejoice in the "resurrected" reputation.

An option for "honest pirates" is to pump up your charm and go to war with the dominators. To restore this reputation from "below the plinth" to an excellent one is real. Especially if you make a pre-payment in the business center to benefit the families of the deceased rangers.

Perhaps the most important plus of such a career is the pirate rating earned, allowing cheap repairs in pirate bases. It makes your further war much more economical.

Black holes

Black holes have ceased to be important source income. No, a visit there brings some profit in the form of minerals and an obligatory artifact, but you won't get rich selling artifacts, and minerals, as always, are cheap.

Do not forget that you can collect minerals with Alt and click, but after winning, clicking immediately takes you out of the black hole, so only Alt remains. Hopefully the patch will fix this inconvenience.


A way for the most humble and unhurried. You need a large hold (to carry a cheap cargo), a decent engine (to catch up with the asteroid), an industrial laser (don't even try to do this without it - 20 tons of minerals will fall out of the asteroid, which won't even cover the cost of beer for your hero).

If you wish, you can make up the starting capital for trading in this way. But why, if you can take out a loan at not extortionate interest?

How to save the galaxy

We talked a lot about what you can do in the game. What's in it necessary do?

Dominators, like Gaul of the time of G.Yu. Caesar, are divided into three parts. Red, blue, green, or blazeroids, kelleroids and terronoids. For the final victory, you must get rid of their command centers.

In theory, you can just find them and try to destroy ... But, even if the armor is strong and the droid is fast, it will not be easy; except that Keller is not well armed for his position. For the sake of an experiment, your humble servant for many months ran in a circle from Mr. Terron and his associates, engraving him with five decorated turbo-engravings on all sides, all over his ears in stimulants, and I will say: hammer him really. But he has 10,000 hitoa, armor 15 and 46% protection, so judge for yourself. And the retinue does not sleep. True, Terron's droid heals only 30 hits per turn, which is kind of frivolous for such a carcass. And this is your chance.

If you decide to apply the method "head-on", then the advice is simple: first, shoot your retinue, the boss lives in a stationary orbit and wanted to sneeze at you. Before arriving in the system, take stimulants, of which the main one this time will be super tech: The hardest part in a protracted battle is keeping the droid and the cannon intact. When you have cleared the sky of trifles, you can fight on the machine, just make sure not to slip into zero hits, and if necessary, fly to the side from time to time for treatment. As you can see, there is nothing supernatural, but there is nothing to do with low accuracy, weak weapons or a bad droid. Of course, the quark bomb is very helpful - with Terron's predictable trajectory, it's easy to set it up.

The Blaser is getting worse because he is heavier armed.

How do I find bosses? Blazer and Terron usually live in the farthest corner of the Universe from your starting world (yes, the one where the whole corner of the map is occupied by dominators. There are usually three worlds - blazeroid, terronoid and kelleroid. Two bosses live at home, and Keller walks, and you will have to run after him. But you can also find him. Try to find a world where the dominators have just invaded and at about the same time a black hole opened - most likely, this is where Keller lives. Or - a system with a black hole, occupied "Blue" dominators. In this case, probably, Keller is not in the system, but in this very hole. In any case, he will almost certainly have to be killed in hypera, and not in ordinary space.

Regular method of destruction

But it's not in vain that we have been feeding scientific bases all this time? There is also a regular way to achieve victory. Sooner or later, scientists will develop means that allow one way or another to exterminate the leaders of the dominators.

On a note: no one forbids you to hand over terronoid parts to the blazeroid department, etc. At the same time, you will not receive double money, but research will be in full swing!

However, it’s not just about finding a boss and wave scientific development ...


This is the easiest thing to do. You really only need to enter into a conversation with him and win these negotiations. There is only one trick here: when you offer Blaser a "new super program" and he asks what you want for it, explain that you hope to receive a guarantee of immunity, otherwise he will not believe. Well, after downloading the program, calmly tell Blaser to command all his robots to make hara-kiri, and go to the defense program of his system himself ...


Scientists refuse to destroy Keller: he, you see, is their colleague, and his murder is sickening to these rotten intellectuals. Therefore, you first have to frolic with him in a black hole, where it will be covered by the equentor and some smaller animals. Moreover, with the healers in this area, there is a sheer misfortune - only one for the entire map, in the center, and if Keller picks it up, it won't seem like a little. The moral is obvious - to lure him to the edge and from time to time make quick raids to the healer.

It sounds scary, but you really don't have to be the "superbison" of arcade battles to bring Keller to the point where he tends to negotiate.

After that, it remains only to convince Keller to stop his scientific activities. He objects that disassembly for parts - natural method research, and the fact that after that you do not know how to get back together is your personal difficulties. He is very grateful to the living for what they made him, but this is not a reason to refuse to know you.

True, you can postpone it for a while, since some material has already been collected, and completely unexplored Klisans live and live in the next dimension. So send him there, to the delight of all the Machpellas ... Of course, in a couple of hundred years they will come here to see who is so smart here, and you will receive the glory of the new Rachekhan you spent the war from KR1 in the rear, evading for health reasons). But, in the end, we already know how to defeat the Klisan?

If you chose this method (and not the destruction of Keller), then the Kelleroids will still remain in the systems. But it is no longer necessary to fight them - even if they are not destroyed, it will still count as a victory for you.


If Blaser is victorious in space, and Keller is victorious in hyper, then Terron - where? That's right, in a planetary battle. The planet, funny as it may seem, is Terron himself.

To do this, you need to apply a program from scientists for breaking the planetary shield and land directly on the boss's surface. Then the most interesting RTS mission in the game awaits you.

You have two groups of robots: one is a balanced army at the bottom of the map, with four repairmen, the other is higher, a group of kamikaze armed with bombs. There is no base - and where would it come from? The enemy has many, many turrets and several robots with them.

The lower group moves neatly, disabling the turrets one at a time. To do this, three assault robots creep up to the turret in a neat row, followed by three repairmen. You cannot afford any significant losses, so "bare" turrets must be taken in such a way that you do not scratch the skin. Bombers are ramming themselves with bombs the passage from the corridor where they were originally sitting.

After the reunification, the logic is simple - ahead of the bomber, followed by the assault group.

As you can see, one significant part of the game is left behind the scenes - text quests. Alas, it simply did not fit into the room entirely, and giving a part of it seems inappropriate. Therefore, I regret to inform you that we will talk about text quests in the February issue of LCI. But you won't be tempted to go through the cheat sheet right away, and you will probably get even more fun!

Have a good flight!

Did you know...... that in Space Rangers 2 you can optionally play any quest, planetary battle or arcade skirmish?
To do this, in the main menu, press:

Calling up the list of quests: Ctrl + Shift + livebook

Calling the list of maps of planetary battles: Ctrl + Shift + robotrumble

Arcade Mode Activation: Ctrl + Shift + fastfingers

... how to see portraits of developers in КР2?
Connoisseurs of the first part are probably already wondering where they were hidden this time. They now "sit" deeper than before.

You need to fight Terron on his planet (or load the terron battle map, as indicated above) and bring one robot with a bomb and full health (!) To the room in the center of the map. Blow it up there - and observe the effect ...


& nbsp
Space Rangers 2: Dominators "contains 35 quests.
& nbsp
All quests are divided into two groups: mathematical and atmospheric - text. In mathematical
you need to solve the task or logic puzzle. In narratives you need
plunge into the atmosphere of the life of the planet and help the characters in some way.
& nbsp
Here I describe a short walkthrough of quests
& nbsp
A short description of all quests:

& nbsp

Genre: Adventure Shooter
Difficulty: above average
Duration: above average
& nbsp
Well, who would have thought that at first glance, the most common task from good-natured Gaalians
will turn into a bloody marathon with mountains of corpses and piles of corpses? And it's in between
attempts to remember your past and find out your future, because barely finding yourself on this planet,
the ranger gets hit on the head and becomes the owner of a disappointing diagnosis - "amnesia". AND
instead of completing a government task (for which the fee has already been paid!) it seems
formidable and kind of like a ranger rushing around an unfamiliar city in search of the right and the wrong,
rewarding both as they deserve, and most of them posthumously.= & gt


& nbsp

Genre: logical cognitive game
Difficulty: medium
Duration: medium
& nbsp
What could be more difficult than making a good impression on the stern Malokian prince?
To impress his eccentric, by Malokian standards, of course, his wife. Well, and if
try to do it at a gala banquet under the sight of TV cameras and blasters
bodyguards, then there is no time for high politics - to save your head. Serve the regal
a couple at an official reception - it is not for you to destroy harmless dominators, this dangerous
work can only be done by a resourceful, fearless and arrogant ranger with a high pain
threshold and atrophied instinct for self-preservation.
= & gt


Mini robot battles:
& nbsp

Genre: tactical fighting
Difficulty: below average
Duration: medium
& nbsp
Surely the inventor of this most dangerous sport suffered from acute dominator-phobia. Well who
the idea of ​​arranging deadly duels between combat robots could still have come to mind,
equipped with the latest means destruction? However, the crowd always demanded "bread and
spectacles ", therefore such championships are used great success from the audience, and experienced
combat robot pilots - a well-deserved popularity. With three such opponents, and there is
fight the ranger in the arena to get the coveted prize. But for the well-deserved
Dominator fighter is not a problem?
= & gt


& nbsp

Genre: logic-tactical game
Difficulty: medium
Duration: medium
& nbsp
The arms race is still waged among the races of the Galaxy - even if only
small. Now Malok generals abandoned the tactics of "total destruction" they
prefer intimidation and semi-total extermination, because the Malok army
a new high-performance bomber arrives, designed for selective
impact on a probable adversary. There remains a mere trifle - to test a new weapon in
business. And, of course, this business can only be entrusted to an experienced, absolutely immoral pilot,
who will not be missed by relatives and whose death will make everyone happy - to the ranger.
= & gt


& nbsp

Genre: adventure game with arcade elements
Difficulty: below average
Duration: below average
& nbsp
Fighting piracy is an honorable duty of every law-abiding citizen of the Galaxy. And doubly
- illegal, because in addition to winning fame, they get rid of competitors. On wide
the shoulders of the ranger are given an honorable mission - the search and destruction of the lair of the most dangerous lyakusha
Borzukhan. Grenades - in your pockets, your will - to a notary, and you can go into battle. The main thing is not
forget that the ranger is opposed not just by frostbitten thugs, but by organized and
trained units of frostbitten thugs. Plus, they fight on their own.
territory and for substantial fees.
= & gt


& nbsp

Genre: Truck Driver Simulator
Difficulty: medium
Duration: above average
& nbsp
Carrying cargo and passengers, delivering goods to customers and troubles for raiders - everything
this is a familiar thing for every ranger. And let not the helm of the starship and the plasma
a rifle, but just a steering wheel of a truck and an old shotgun - even changing overalls
the pilot's worn ranger trucker jacket remains a ranger. Full of dangers and
unexpected encounters of the track, sociable fellow travelers and aggressive representatives of local gangs
waiting for the driver in a world scorched by war, a world ruled by power and money, and
The lords of the roads - long-distance truckers - roam the tracks between the scattered corners of civilization.
= & gt


& nbsp

Genre: Adventurer
Difficulty: medium
Duration: short
& nbsp
In space and air, on land and in water ... And now also under water - wherever it throws
the fate of the adventurer. Of course, there is no one else in our vast Galaxy
go down to the bottom of the ocean, find out the cause of the death of the underwater station and stop the missile launch.
So the ranger has to take off his flight suit and try on a diving
equipment. Wandering at random through the flooded underwater labyrinths, among the decaying
station personnel remains - what could be more fun? And the mechanism does not give you completely boredom
self-destruction, measuring the seconds of a ranger's life ... Tick-tock, tick-tock ...
= & gt


Military enlistment office:
& nbsp

Genre: recruiting office manager
Difficulty: medium
Duration: medium
& nbsp
"Fight - and seek, find - and call everyone" - this proverb will become your working slogan for
this time. After all, only a beloved and respected ranger is able to help military enlistment offices
fulfill the plan for conscripts. For some reason, patriotism is not in vogue today, and young people do not want
go under the shells of the dominators not only for an idea, but even for a can of stew and two outfits outside
queue. Disorder. But now a specialist gets down to business, and every potential recruit
will be found and called, despite the three-volume certificates, congenital sclerosis and hereditary
pregnancy, dad president and a modest date of birth 3200 in the passport ...
= & gt


& nbsp

Genre: campaign simulator
Difficulty: low
Duration: short
& nbsp
"Head over heels in politics" - this is how the new assignment can be characterized. At least SUCH
the ranger really didn’t have to do errands before. However, for a thunderstorm
to win the dominators in the planetary presidential elections is a sheer trifle. Conquer
nationwide love? And not that they won ... Overtake the competitors? With broken legs
will not go far ... Press conferences and meetings with the electorate? Autographing and shine
spotlights for a national hero is a usual thing ... Voter campaigning? Who is with me is the one
the hero who is against me is ... ask the dominators - they know ...
= & gt



Genre: logic puzzle
Difficulty: high
Duration: high
& nbsp
"Well, ranger, are you ready to reboot?" We do not have some kind of Matrix here, but the most
there is a Hyde-No, here it is not enough to be able to wave your arms and legs, here you also need to think ... I hope you
came with your hard drive, and did not forget to upload HackSens to it? Or do you think that the server
breaks with a sledgehammer and a Malok mother? Well, upload your exploit programs and
activate the disguise mode. Hopefully surfing skills without using the standard
Do you have a Hyde-Net navigation shell? Then go ahead - to conquer cyberspace, and
remember, ranger, watchdogs are on alert. Welcome to the Web ... "
= & gt



Genre: logic-math game
Difficulty: high
Duration: high
& nbsp
Surely most pilots believe that flying a powerful battle starship is much
harder than a conventional submarine. No matter how it is! And to dispel the last doubts,
you are invited to "steer" a similar device, descending into the depths of the ocean.
Find a strange object at the bottom that collapsed into the ocean from space? Yes Easy! In a difficult
relief of the ocean floor, in pitch darkness? Yes, easily! Maneuver surrounded
aggressive underwater inhabitants, while relying solely on a couple of primitive
navigation devices and your intuition? Where is your exit here?
= & gt


& nbsp

Genre: logic puzzle
Difficulty: high
Duration: medium
& nbsp
I wonder if there were no brave rangers ready to risk their heads, who would
experienced the latest inventions of Faeyan scholars? This time the ranger really
you will have to risk your head - in the test laboratory, the ceilings are very low, and the jumps
will have to make very high and long ones. At least the inventor of this hopping
The knapsack assures that the jumps will be long and high. The feeling of free flight - what
could it be more wonderful? Of course, the feeling of a soft landing after this flight. Don't believe me?
Try it yourself, you will love it! The main thing is an accurate calculation of range and coordination.= & gt


& nbsp

Genre: Adventurer
Difficulty: medium
Duration: medium
& nbsp
Detective, scientist-xenologist, fighter with dominators and cook of the first category all rolled into one. Whoever
could it be? Of course, the ranger who agreed to find out who, how and why had already killed two
scientific researchers, and even in such a brutal way, on one of the uninhabited planets. Circle
suspects are not that wide: four people, more precisely, a humanoid from the maintenance staff
stations, and a whole tribe of harmless aborigines - akabos, lovely creatures with
mind and stuck in their development somewhere at the level of the Stone Age. However, the task is complicated
the need to maintain good relations with Aboriginal people ...
= & gt



Genre: logic puzzle
Difficulty: medium
Duration: short
& nbsp
Now the hard fate and the dream of a solid fee are forcing the star wanderer to become the most
a real breadwinner and drinker for half a dozen strange creatures collected from all over
galaxies. The task is, in principle, simple, if not for one circumstance - a vile manual
Shpetsoklyak, the "favorite" of the owner of the xenopark, contrived to swap the signs on the cages.
So now understand which of the "animals" is sitting in which cage, and what kind of rubbish you need to feed it
bogeyman so that it does not throw away claws / hooves / flippers / tentacles / ranger corpse (needed
emphasize) - only the most outstanding ranger can do it.
= & gt



Genre: Adventure game with logic puzzles
Difficulty: high
Duration: high
& nbsp
In order to gain the trust of the mysterious wrells, the ranger must undergo a ceremony of initiation into warriors,
called the "Dispute of the Gods". In principle, it is not so difficult to arrange a fight between penchekryak and khvachik -
grab a little more and throw it away, and then they themselves will figure out which of them is whose dinner. But,
first, you still need to get these hvachik somewhere. And this is the most difficult part of the mission -
wandering in a tangled maze in search of baker's eggs is not the most pleasant pastime.
Even if you do not take into account that the air is poisoned here and every minute you can stumble on
a bloodthirsty baker, who has not feasted on candidates for war for a long time. = & gt

Easy job:
& nbsp

Genre: logic puzzles and math problems
Difficulty: high
Duration: high
& nbsp
"Free cheese is only in a mousetrap." And easy work usually translates into hard
consequences, multiple injuries and financial shocks for the performer, that is
ranger. It would seem that a completely trifling task - to take the parcel to the customer. But it
complicated by the absence of the customer, in search of which, the ranger is entangled in a whole
a series of mysterious murders and falls into the cycle of mystical events - a mysterious cult,
sacrifices, terrible monsters and other fun. Along the way, you will have to more than once
brainwash by opening various locks, picking passwords or choosing fighters in a group
capture. Capturing whom? And you will find out if you undertake to do this not at all easy work. = & gt

Ski resort:
& nbsp

Genre: economic simulator
Difficulty: below average
Duration: medium
& nbsp
“If you like to ride - love to carry sledges” - this is how an ancient human proverb says. In this
case, before riding with the breeze along the ski slope, the ranger must first
to rebuild this very track. Despite the fact that this is a common business for a ranger - someone
to build, everything is not so simple, because the customer needs the most real fashionable ski
resort, with restaurants, hotels and a variety of trails. This resort should attract
visitors and bring its owner a decent income. So, rolling up your sleeves and pulling on
the foreman's cap, the ranger gets to work. = & gt


Genre: adventure game with logical elements
Difficulty: low
Duration: medium
& nbsp
Actually, getting permission to rent an island no one needs is not that difficult.
task. This is if you use the full power of a combat starship and weapons prohibited by the authorities. A
if it needs to be done officially, in compliance with all formalities and with the signing of all
necessary papers, then the task becomes simply impossible. Compared to the unforgiving and
a ruthless machine called bureaucracy, dominators are just tickling machines,
children's toy constructor. But the ranger is not afraid of difficulties and boldly rushes into battle
against the system. Tremble the keepers of standard forms and masters of stationery seals! = & gt
& Nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Page:

Attention! This text is recommended for reading only for those who either cannot go through some quest in any way, or for those who want to find new ways to complete some task. For those who have not yet tried to complete the task on their own, the text is contraindicated, the pleasure of the quest can disappear completely!

The text quests in Space Rangers are one of the best parts of the game. They are extremely interesting, challenging and bring additional adventures to the life of the ranger that create a unique atmosphere of the game.

The text is intended for those who have already tried to complete the tasks, so they are not given here detailed descriptions, but different ways of passing and hard-to-reach things are considered.

Since in many quests the starting conditions are generated differently each time, it is very difficult to give one hundred percent tactics that always work, so if you cannot go through the proposed method, try again and it will work.

In most quests, there are several ways to successfully complete the quest. I tried to briefly consider all of them, but I also give one of the detailed ways of passing (where possible).

Here is a list of all of the game's text quests:
A boat
Terrible death

The Prison quest is highlighted separately due to its features.

Purpose: to find out the time of the change of protection and the password
Customer: Gaals
Execution planet: bearings
Player Requirements: No

To begin with, you need to say twice in a row about the letter from the planet of customers: the first time hit the wrong door, the second - as a password. You can get it Additional information on the purpose of the quest, and then proceed.

There are two ways to find out the time of the guard change - from the chief of security or from the general manager. The first day will not work anyway, but you need to try to get the equipment for the second day. So, let's go to the library. We read books on taxation and good manners, or about the latest types of alarms and about hatchball. Next, we go to the computer store. We ask for cool programs and buy a chess sharper. We return, install the sharper on the laptop and go to the bank. We are trying to open an account, and then, depending on the books we have read, we either start a conversation about alarms, or about interplanetary transfers. In the first case, the chief of security will come, who needs to be invited to a hatchball, in the second - a bank manager, who is eager to hear about how good she smells of mud, and then an invitation to a restaurant.

I have to play chess with the bank computer. Run the program from a laptop and ask to show the log file. There is no sense yet, but this action must be remembered. We return home.

We go to the pharmacy, where we are trying to buy psychotropic drugs, but we are not given. We return with nothing (you can, of course, buy ordinary things). We go back to the library and read new books - if for the head of security, then about the subtleties of hunting pencheryaks and Billinger - a bank robber, if for a manager, then about ikebana and the unique civilization of menzols. We buy tickets (we reserve a table). Go for a walk.

The option with the bar and the head of the security service: we start a dispute about the reasons for the defeat of the team (not in vain did you read books?). We buy beer and either mix or not mix drugs - the point is the same. We are talking about the hunt and the bank robber. We part as friends.

Option with a restaurant and a manager: pay the bill and talk about the menzols. While the interlocutor is talking on the phone, we mix (do not mix) something into the glass, then we give out a story about ikebana. We are parting.

We go to the agent and admit our failure. We are offered to live today again, but at a new level. We agree.

The beginning is the same - we go to the library and read books on the chosen topic. Next, we make a trip to the software store and say hello from Lyakusha Yaycentner. The owner of the store instantly changes his attitude towards us and offers a bunch of all kinds of disks to choose from. We are buying a chess cheat, Trojan and password cracker. We install the Trojan at the headquarters, put a cheat as the outer shell, and the password cracker as the inner shell. We go to the bank.

The difference between this stage and the previous day will be only in the fact that when we play with the computer and view its log, we will find out the password to the safe.

We are moving to the pharmacy. If further actions are related to the head of the security service, then you need to buy Sleeping pills in the department of psychotropic drugs, showing the doctor's certificate - Agressin. If it is planned to fool the manager, then only Otkrovin is in the department of psychotropic drugs. We return to the headquarters.

Return visit to the library. Everything is like the first time. Then we book a table (buy tickets) and begin to spend the evening culturally.

The option with a bar and the head of the security service: everything is on the beaten track, just remember to mix the Aggressin pill, and then pay the bill for broken glass and mix in the Soporific.

Option with a restaurant and a manager: at the time of the opponent's phone call, add Otkrovin and extract the data.

We pass the information to the agent and return to the ship.

Objective: to rescue an agent at the bearing base
Customer: people
Execution planet: bearings
Player Requirements: No

At the beginning, they offer to choose one type of equipment for rescuing the agent: a blaster, an invisibility hoop or a rocket belt. Each of the items has two charges, that is, they can only be used twice. You can complete the quest with any of them, just the actions will change slightly. And now, the choice of the subject is behind, and the choice of the path is ahead. There are three of them: through the sewers, through the main gate and through the fence. The last path is only available with a rocket belt.

In this quest, the ranger has two changeable parameters: health and courage. Falling to zero of any of them is fatal. Almost every action reduces their values, some less, others more. Fighting more affects health, and various flanking maneuvers reduce courage. For example, when meeting a rat in the sewers, you can shoot from a blaster, but the rat will still hit the ranger by five health units, or you can turn on the hoop. At the same time, health will remain the same, but from the experienced excitement, courage will decrease by five points.

There are many ways to complete the quest, I will give one of them, not the most interesting, but you can easily find the rest yourself. We select the blaster and go to the sewers. We meet the rat with a blow, and then we knock out the grate with our shoulder. We put the blaster to the temple of the descended soldier, wait for the second one to descend, and then we kill both. We enter the opening and turn left. We cut out the soldier, find the agent and remove the keys from the sleeping guard. We're leaving. Again in the opening, and then forward and into the tunnel. We shoot the rat from the blaster. Quest completed, diamond

Objective: steal a diamond from the safe
Customer: bearings
Planet of fulfillment: malok
Player Requirements: Not a Warrior

In this task, in addition to breaking the safe, it is necessary to carry out operations to penetrate the bank and safely rescue. We will go to business with Zelif and Yomir. Much will depend on their attitude towards the ranger, for example, if the attitude is good, then you can let the accomplice under the bullets, and if it is bad, then you have to do everything yourself. Attitude can be improved during preparation for a robbery (going to the bank or fighting), as well as during a robbery, if you call the enemy fire on yourself. A bad attitude can also come back to haunt very badly after returning from the bank - the sidekick decides that their share will be greater without us.

Some recommendations for opening the safe. We start by entering a strip of identical numbers, for example, 1111. If the oscilloscope shows 0, then there is no one at all, if 13, then there is such a figure. Then we check the following numbers until the qualitative composition of the code becomes clear (you need to use the exclusion method). Also, when two numbers are recognized, you can enter not strips of identical numbers, but of two. Example: 1111-13, 2222-13, 3333-13, 4455-0, 6677-2. 8 you can no longer check, it is clear that it is not there anyway .. Then you can try to find the location. We try 1122-22, therefore, both 1 and 2 have fallen into place, which can then be clarified. Further 3377-11. This means that the location of the triple was guessed, but the 7 is not in the code. Also, the code 6677-2 has already been checked - the number 6 should be either in the last or in the penultimate place. Taking all this into account, we check 1424-2 (there is no four, it serves as a "dummy"). Two says that we have not guessed a single location, but it doesn’t matter, so the true value is 3162.

Here is an example of the passage of this quest. Arriving at the base of the robbers, we chat with Kramer. The next day we go to the shooting with Yomir, and then all day we play cards with Zelif. Then we go for energy therapy with Yomir and proceed to the robbery. We get out first, then we take cover at the table and shoot at the guards. We go down the stairs. We start hacking using the rules outlined.

We go up the stairs. We attack the cannons all together. Then we hide behind the table and do not stick out until there are two enemies left, after which we attack from cover. We take the grenade launcher from Zelif and carry the jeep, then ask Zelif to finish off the second one. When we leave, we ask the customs officer to open the suitcase himself. Quest complete.

Goal: find drugs in the casino of the same name
Customer: bearings
Execution planet: bearings

I recommend starting our evening at the casino by visiting the ladies' restroom and tearing off the sign that says "do not enter". How this will help in the search for drugs will become clear later. Then you need to play cards, but since we do not understand this matter yet, we need to find a teacher. They can be performed by a man in a bar, standing in the middle of the hall. If you ask him about the minuscule in the Orion preference, he will give a detailed lecture on the theory of the card game, which will allow us to beat everyone and everything. Now we approach the girl sitting in the corner at the table and ask her about drugs. Going out into the street, we hit her on the head and take the contents of our pockets. To successfully complete the quest, you need more than 3000 credits on your account, so if you already have them, you don't have to play in the casino, but you can play for the sake of additional earnings.

We go to the game room and sit down at the card table. Since we already understand the maps, there won't be any special problems. Maximum at 4.50 you need to get up and look around. Seeing a man wandering with a dull look, we follow him to the toilet, use the spray taken from the girl and hide the body in another booth, hanging up a "does not work" sign. We report up to 3000 credits into the received case and slip it under the partition. The arrival bearing is passed on to another case, the contents of which must be carefully examined. Realizing that there is spy information inside, we take the stunned courier's pistol and with its help we make our way to the owner of the casino on the second floor. We ask him to clarify the situation with the case, and then, having learned that the department of earth intelligence is working under the cover of the casino, we propose to deceive the bearings by slipping them a suitcase with drugs, allegedly taken from the courier. For sim and parting. Gladiator

Objective: to achieve victory of the ward gladiator
Customer: bearings
Planet of fulfillment: malok
Player Requirements: No

For the successful completion of this task, the Peleng gladiator Yzochen must win three battles: with a sumo wrestler, with a giant dredi spider and with a malok. For this we are provided with three parameters - strength, morale and attitude of the judges. Every fight can be fought different ways, depending on these methods, the parameters are reduced in different ways. For example, the first fight with a somoist can be won with a ranged attack, while spending a little strength and a little more morale, you can go into close combat, spending twice as much strength, but also saving spirit, or you can tie a brick to your stomach and win easily but fell heavily in the eyes of the judges.

Before the start of the battles, you can bribe the judge, or get a talisman as a gift by walking in the market. Bribery will help in the trial after the second battle, if you agree with the owner of the dredi, and the talisman will facilitate the battle with the malok.

Thus, there are several ways to complete the quest. I will cite one of them. First, walk around the market and help the merchant by getting a talisman for Yzochen. To spit mud at a sumo wrestler from afar, then during a break, summon lovely ladies to raise their spirits and go to the second fight. Go and negotiate with the owner of the spider, stuffing the muzzle. Tell our gladiator about this and watch the second battle. Before the last entrance to the arena, order Yzochen to pretend to surrender and hit at the last moment. The task is completed. You can fly for money, and after receiving it, earn a little more by selling the received cup.

Objective: get the disk by deceiving wild beast
Customer: Feyane
Execution planet: empty
Player Requirements: No

A very simple quest. We arrive on a deserted planet and follow the trail. Having entered the cave, we make a little noise so that its inhabitant wakes up, we pick up a bone and a skull from the ground. Lightly gnaw the bone and throw it to the gobzaurus, then play with the skull twice and throw it out of the cave. The monster jumps after him, and we can calmly find the disk, and then just as calmly retire to the ship.

Objective: Win a race on ancient cars
Customer: Feyane
Planet of fulfillment: humans
Player Requirements: Feyanin

General: There are three types of turns on the track: normal, steep and one very steep. They can be passed, smoothly turning, at speeds of 90, 70 and 50 km / h, respectively, while the tires are not erased. At speeds of 110, 90 and 70 km / h, already sharp turns must be used, and 10% of the tires are erased each time. It is impractical to use higher speeds on turns, since the tires are worn out especially intensively, unless you can afford such pleasure at the finish line. After examining the track, you can easily go through the quest, but just in case, I give one of the options.

We start, increase the speed twice (up to 70), turn smoothly, increase the speed twice (110), then drive without acceleration and turn sharply. The usual turns are over. Moving with constant speed, and then we slow down to 90 and again sharply turn the steering wheel. We slow down by 20 km / h and, with a quick movement, turning the steering wheel, we fit into a very sharp turn. We increase the speed to 90, go without acceleration and turn sharply again. The first circle is completed.

We accelerate and move to 110. We turn sharply, accelerate, go through a segment of the path without acceleration, then brake and again fit into the turn, applying a fast turn. Next, we proceed in the same way as on the first circle after the usual turns. Having passed the last turn, we drive into the box and change the wheels, along the way topping up gasoline.

The third circle is traversed in the same way as the first.

Objective: to open the sarcophagus in the tomb
Customer: people
Execution planet: empty
Player Requirements: Gaalese

Here is the correct order: fire, light, wind, darkness, water, earth. How is this obtained? Let's do a little research. At first, it seems that fire should be in second place, since the first two brothers put it there. But, if we accept this version, then soon we will reach a dead end, since it turns out that two elements will be in the first place at once. This means that the first and second brothers are lying about fire, but then it turns out that the second part of their phrase is correct. The rest is simple.

Goal: to make ikebana better than the champion
Customer: Gaals
Execution planet: Gaalians
Player Requirements: No

This quest is very difficult and unpredictable, so I will give only the basic strategy with which you can win in most cases. You need to make the first move and by this move ensure that an even number of even numbers remain on the field. Here's an example: there is the following ikebana: red - 1, yellow - 2, green -1, blue - 2, purple - 0. There are 3 even numbers - from yellow (2), blue (2) and purple (0) colors. You need to add either red or green color up to two. Next, you need to repeat the actions of the opponent, that is, if he increases the number of flowers from 2 to 3, then you need to do the same for another color.

What is this quest? A game of chance that depends entirely on luck and common sense in determining the rates. Together, the players take out discs with the image of animals from the bag, then place bets and look at which animal is higher in the food chain. The lowest place is occupied by an empty disc, then a disc with a sucker, then a derkvak, followed by a long-tailed crest, and even higher a person. But when a person argues with a sucker, the sucker wins. If the pictures on the discs are the same, then there is a replay. The goal is to win all the opponent's money in general, or win at least some by the time the bar closes.

I can't give any special advice here, put more on good bones and less on bad ones. That's it. Commando

Purpose: to blow up a warehouse with fibrogen
Customer: Gaals
Planet of fulfillment: malok
Requirements for the player: not small and not a merchant

So, we need to blow up an explosives warehouse. For this, the Gaals provide us with an ultra-modern machine with high protection and powerful weapons, which, however, still have to be chosen. We take 4 torpedoes, 15 missiles and 100 machine gun cartridges. Let's go.

First, you need to blow up both towers near the gate with rockets, and then the gate itself. Further, having assessed the danger, we launch a rocket at the grenade launchers on the roof and rush through the crowd of shooters. We launch a torpedo into the tower and, continuing to lead it, a rocket into one of the jeeps. The tower has lost a piece, but the jeeps, unfortunately, were not damaged. We pass them forward and shoot one by one with a rocket. Then we dodge the buckshot and finish off the second jeep. There is no time to escape from a new volley of the tower, you need to have time to knock it down. Therefore, we launch another torpedo, and then we mow down enemies with grenade launchers from a machine gun. Again I torpedo into the tower and, having driven up close, a missile at close range. A line from a machine gun or a rocket to the opened fibrogen warehouse, and we proceed to retreat. We shoot the maloks on the roof with a machine gun, and then we beat the sniper with a rocket. A tank appears on the way, but, unfortunately, there is no time to tinker with it - we need to reel in the fishing rods, so we rush past and leave the territory of the plant. Quest completed, boat

Purpose: to transport the gods across the strait
Customer: Gaals
Execution planet: empty
Player Requirements: No

So, after reading all the information provided, we proceed directly to the transportation of the gods. Here is the order: first float Ax (2) and Wow (1), Wow (1) returns. Next, Bach (5) and Ge (10) sit in the boat, Ax (2) returns. Then Ah and Wow cross the water barrier again. In total, 17 hours - we return to the ship and fly for the award.

Looking for: buy an idol from a primitive tribe
Customer: people
Execution planet: empty
Player Requirements: Merchant

An extremely interesting and difficult quest. The goal is to buy an idol from the leader of the Menzols. For this it is necessary, firstly, to earn enough money (menzolers), and secondly, to earn the respect of the leader and local population... All this is done like this: after swimming across the river, we raise the bone and go to the village. Feeling the tip of the spear between the shoulder blades, we turn around and find at the other end of the spear an enraged menzol. He explains that the bone belongs to him and that we are deeply wrong. We realize our mistake and are trying to make amends for the awkward situation by buying this bone. The starting price of four menzolera does not suit us, not because it is high, but because in order to increase the respect of the local population, it is necessary to show yourself as an experienced trader. We buy a bone for two menzolers and spank it into the village.

First of all, we go to the landfill. We find an incomprehensible subject there. We turn to the young menzole and ask about the name of the item. He takes offense, but reports that this is a broken gong, thrown out by him. We travel to a long house with two windows, break open the door and take the money, simultaneously stunning the owners. We go to a fisherman who lives in a house on the shore of the lake and give him 29 menzolers in exchange for a bag of bones. With this bag we approach the sad menzole and sell it to him, as well as the bone bought from the hunter. There is an initial capital. We return to the fisherman and ask to get the fish. He promises to do it tomorrow. We go to bed.

Now you need to start earning the respect of the Aborigines. We speak with the old menzole and in exchange for fish we ask to fix the gong. With the gong repaired, we go to the young menzole and start selling it. The offered price is too low, please ask for more. We get 53 units of local money and complete information about the leader and shaman. To the shaman and let's go further. Change the guanava cork to a jug of guanava. Next, you need to trade at a large totem. We buy a wooden ganga, a new tonga, juicy kwanga and a beautiful donga (all for money). We go to the fisherman and sell him a tong.

It's time to visit the leader. At the entrance, with the help of a bribe of 20 menzolers, we go through face control and appear before the bright eyes of the head of the tribe. We begin our conversation with a jug of guanava, and it is necessary to accept the offered mug and have a drink to the company. We invite the leader to trade and find out that the only thing that his lordship desires is tanga. Therefore, we treat him with kwanga, give him a dong and show him a statuette of Raninta. We sell the latter to the chief for 50 menzolers. We give up.

We stomp to the shore of the lake and go to the house of the hunter Murza. We ask you to show the tanga, then we jam the hunter with a stunner, take the tanga and go to the auction. We sell stuner and wooden gang. Again, our path lies to the leader, to whom we sell tanga and ask about Mgaguche. The leader agrees to sell it. There should be enough money, we buy and successfully complete the quest.

Objective: find the stolen Faeyan container
Customer: Feyane
Execution planet: bearings
Requirements for the player: not a bearing and not a pirate

I will describe the general strategy for passing this quest. The required container is located in a guarded municipality building. You can go there either as a courier, or as an electrician, or as an inspector of the terraforming service. In the first case, you need to find out the courier's secret gesture - triple scratching under the knee. This can be said either by the head of security in the very first dialogue, or indirectly hinted at by a bum in a bar with whom you need to drink beer. In the second case, you need to buy a set of a young electric lover in an antique shop. And in the third case, you need to talk to the bartender and buy documents from him.

Also, in all cases, you must know the password. You can get it in the computer club - either by playing Fallin 356 ("white ceska" - courier password), or by playing "General" ("green sharakesh" - electrical engineer password), or by playing Kwake ("purple lyakush" - Terraforming service worker password). Also, when working in a subnetwork, you can get a very high-level password - "red pachryamba" - suitable for anyone, but it is not always possible to find it out the first time.

Then we go to the municipality, scratch under the knee or communicate with the guards. We say the appropriate password and go through. The container lies in the 13th compartment, smoothly open the door and take it. Then we leave the building through any exit, the main thing is that the parameters are high enough, since, for example, it takes a lot of time to find an alternative exit and, accordingly, charge the shield, and to get out of the main entrance you need a good attitude. We return to the ship.

Tips: do not make unnecessary movements, as this will waste the screen charge of our fayan ally, and when it ends, the mission will fail. If the guards pester and demand a search, then first refer to an international convention, and then agree to an inspection.

Objective: to fight off the rebels at the Malok base
Customer: maloki
Planet of fulfillment: malok
Player Requirements: No

It is necessary to repel several attacks of the enemy. This is most effective when firing mortars at enemy tanks, which is what we will be doing. The initial data for shooting are as follows: the position of the enemy, his direction of movement and speed, as well as the direction and speed of the wind. The method of attack is as follows: depending on the number of enemy vehicles, we load mortars (moderately - for about 28 vehicles, minimum - 14, maximum - 40). Next, we divide the speed of the enemy vehicles by 50 and round to the nearest whole. The resulting value will be the number of cells that the enemy will overcome during the flight of the shells. It is necessary to adjust the point of location of the enemy in the direction of his movement by this number of cells. Example: enemy speed 39 km / h, direction southeast, current position - square D3. Rounding 39/50, we get 1. One square diagonally southeast of D3 is E4 (down-right). There will be tanks. But it must be borne in mind that the projectiles in flight will be blown away by the wind. The wind correction is calculated similarly to the movement of tanks, that is, the speed is divided by 50 and corrected in the direction of the wind. Example: the wind is blowing east at 98 km / h. This means that the projectiles will be blown two cells to the east (to the right), therefore, you need to aim two cells to the west (to the left) - in our example, this turns out to be a square C4.

During breaks, you need to request ammunition from the base - if you are good at shooting from a mortar, then shells, otherwise - buckshot. There can be three deliveries in total. After the enemy attacks with huge forces, about which the assistants will surely inform us, it is necessary to hold the defense, then evacuate. Punch the commander in the face and look at the screen indicating the successful completion of the mission.

Objective: to test Malok weapons
Customer: maloki
Planet of fulfillment: malok
Requirements for the player: not small

At the very beginning, you should choose a way of spending time before testing the weapon. You can take a walk around the city after drinking a cup of beer - then from the bummer in the bar we learn about the beam amplifier, or read your mail and learn how to break codes, or just relax, having received five units to your state. Next, we read the contract and proceed to the flight. It is advisable to start with an attempt to fly around the polygon around the perimeter. When we are shown an error, we should turn around, accidentally hitting one of the security robots. If at the beginning of the mission the mail was read, now you can try to hack the droid, or you don't need to hack, let it drag behind.

The range will feature four different targets: a remotely controlled asteroid, a repair robot, an Earth-type protective bot, and a malok combat system. Each of them can be destroyed in several ways, depending on the actions at the beginning of the mission, the state of mind and ammunition. Also, in some cases, a selected security bot can play a role. A code for hacking a vehicle or a weapon booster can only be used once, but this will help save weapon charge and morale. Uncontrolled use of weapons contributes to greater safety of the fighting spirit, but leads to the rapid waste of ammunition. Also, more than one shell shock should not be allowed - this leads to death.

Finally, after general instructions, I will give an example of the passage of this quest. This method is far from the only one. First, we read the submail and learn how to hack. We fly around the polygon, touch the robot and let it follow us. We destroy the asteroid with a powerful attack, hack, and then shoot the repair droid. We nail the earth bot with a direct attack into the engine (while getting a concussion). We substitute the droid stuck to us under the combat system of the Maloks (do we still remember it?), And then we attack with all cruelty and finish off the enemy. Quest completed.

Goal: to bring out the perfect penchekryak
Customer: maloki
Planet of fulfillment: malok
Player Requirements: No

Here is the sequence for feeding the pencheryak. To begin with, we determine to what level we will train him - this can be found out by adding up the initial values ​​of devotion and aggressiveness. After that, subtract the toothiness of our monster from the obtained value and get the dose of the first feeding with the drug "Diet Ozerin" (if the received number is more than 5, then you will have to feed it twice so that the total value coincides with the required one). Then we apply the "Catty-kit" in such a way that the cunning is equal to the toothiness. The next feeding - "Svinskas" - we bring the value of aggressiveness to toothiness. And then "Chappy-Chups" together with "Podogref Sleepers" - we align dexterity and dedication with the normative. After which the value of the force should become equal to everything else.

Goal: catch fish
Customer: Gaals
Execution planet: bearings
Player Requirements: No

I will outline the general goal and tactics of the passage. The main goal is to remove at least one fish from the pond. This is achieved in several ways - either pretend to be an honest fisherman and catch 10 kilograms of fish for the inspector and everything else for yourself, or catch at least one and pay the inspector 1000 credits. There are two types of bait for fishing - leeches and cockroaches. Leeches are less tasty food for fish, they catch less of them on it, and more on cockroaches. But the fish at the bearings is smart, if you catch some, the rest will quickly swim away from this place, and the better the bait, the faster the fish will leave.

You need to start with west coast... We plant a leech and cast the fishing rod closer to the shore. If we caught a fish, then we plant a cockroach and throw it away. If not, then go to another place clockwise (west-north-east-south), where we repeat these steps. Having caught a boot, you can go and give it to the fishery inspector, getting a couple more insects to catch.

Purpose: experiment with calic acid
Customer: bearings
Execution planet: Gaalians
Player Requirements: Human

I recommend starting my life at the bottom of an acid pool with light gymnastics - doing a few exercises. At the same time, you need to think about green grass and home. As a result, we get well-being and calm your nerves. At the command of the operator, we start running at a normal pace, then draw in air and go up. It is better to return back, paddling up with your hands.

The new test consists of examining our eye. We take the offered stick and throw it far in front of the target. Then we repeat this operation and hit the target exactly. The acid concentration rises. It is better not to sit just like that, but to walk in circles. After the deterioration of health, we remain in place and wait for new instructions.

And the next step is hand-to-hand combat. We hit the mock enemy, and then we give a sweep and hook on the kidneys. The enemy is defeated! We lie down on the floor, then get up, crawl into the lift, turn it on and find ourselves right in the hands of the hospitable Gaalians, who are smashing the secret laboratory of bearings. Oddly enough, but this is the successful completion of the task.

Goal: to build a Malokian outpost
Customer: maloki
Execution planet: empty
Player Requirements: No

Success in completing the quest depends on a large number of accidents. The choice of location is not a decisive factor - success can be achieved in any of the proposed ones. If a sandy beach is chosen, then I recommend building a completely reliable foundation. In any case, you must first operate the workers at an accelerated rate, and then build or finish at a normal pace. It is not desirable for fatigue to fall below 40%. And we must remember that the quest does not require 100% construction and decoration - the main thing is that both parameters are more than 90%. Murder

Objective: find the killer of the journalist
Customer: people
Planet of fulfillment: feyans
Player Requirements: Human and Pirate

It's good that on this fayan planet we have an old friend - shorty Lee, from whom you can get some information. We make an appointment and ask him about Katarina Fu. The next day we go to him and are interested in the life of Bidon Pomoev. Then we interrogate Katharina on the subject of drug use. She admits that Canister Slop supplies her with drugs. We interrogate Bidon and demand from him a thing that could help in the investigation. The person under investigation did not have the promised key, but now we know where it can be found - in Katharina's cell, where we are conducting a search. The next day we inspect the safe and then show the found ship's log of Dalani Hya. We ask what he can tell in his own defense, and we learn the heartbreaking story of his life and the murder of a journalist. We agree with the terms of the fayanin and the next day we prove the guilt of the sheriff in court. Quest finished Hatchball

Objective: to achieve the victory of the ward hatchball team
Customer: people
Execution planet: bearings
Player Requirements: No

The passage of this quest is very unpredictable, a lot depends on chance. To reduce their impact, follow these guidelines:
First you need to determine the most developed parameter from three data, which we will further develop. When choosing the color of the shirt, you need to be guided by this parameter - it needs to be increased in every possible way, that is, if there is strong support from the audience - choose red, judges - blue, luck - yellow.
If luck is not the leading parameter, then you can go down to the bar in the morning and accept the bearing offer. Then the first time you can use the hint, but it is better not to do this business anymore.
The choice of tactics in the game is quite random, and it is better to choose it in order to develop the leading parameter more, that is, for good luck you need hatching, for the judges - defensive play and hatching is contraindicated, for spectators - attack and defense is contraindicated. The quest describes very well which tactics work against which.
By the end of the fourth round, it is necessary that the value of the leading parameter is 80% or more. Then you will need to ask the audience for help, file a protest with the judge, or find the bug yourself (depending on which parameter it is).

Objective: to place bugs in the presidential palace
Customer: bearings
Planet of fulfillment: humans
Player Requirements: No

Upon arrival, we sell the existing crystal to the spaceport dispatcher for 150 rubles (you need to offer 200 and bargain up to 150). We spend the received money as follows: we buy two bottles of vodka and a bouquet of flowers. We'll spend the rest for now. We go to the palace. Since the journey starts from different locations every time, I will give only general recommendations:
When communicating with workers, we drink a bottle of vodka and then follow the indicated route.
We give flowers to the cloakroom attendant and find out the further way through the palace.
The security guard can pay 25 rubles and find out the way
To the question of the delegate of the congress to answer either "Always!" with the clarification "in the dialectical", or "Hurray!", complementing the "dialectical materialist". After that, by paying the delegate 25 rubles. you can find out where to go next.
Having met the blue ones, you need to run to the women's toilet, where they do not go for reasons of principle.

There is and alternative way passing the quest. We sell the mineral on duty at once for 100 rubles, we buy flowers and two bottles of vodka. We go to the red light district and, having presented the prostitute with a bouquet of flowers, we send the guy who has approached far away. After the start of hostilities, we suppress the enemy with a bottle of vodka and leave him alive. We agree to go with the guys who came up to rob the jeweler Katz. We buy a knife and wait for the arrival of the police. We ask the officer on duty in the department to call the spaceport dispatcher for a bottle of vodka and, having talked with the latter, we leave custody and go to cut Katz. You don't need to cut it, you need to scare it and force it to place the bugs. Quest completed. Exam

Purpose: go to university
Customer: Matches the ranger's race
Execution planet: Gaalians
Player Requirements: No

A very interesting quest, the choice of the path for its passage entirely depends on the random initial characteristics of our ranger. There are two exams to pass. There are five to choose from: work, physical education, chemistry, literature and mathematics. On the evening before passing the exams, you can raise the initial parameters and get the "secret weapon". Here's how it's done:

If the value of the force is 3, then immediately after filling out the documents, you need to move to the library. There, on the way, you can run into hooligans sticking to the alkaris chick. Since there is strength, you can get involved in a fight and drive away the impudent ones. In return, the chick promises to help in tomorrow's math exam. In addition, classes in the library will increase the mind by one.

If the value of the mind is 3, then you can go and relax in a tavern. Noticing an alcoholic in the hall, we ask him to join (firstly, it is not good to drink alone, and secondly, this is a professor who will take chemotherapy tomorrow and it is better to immediately establish contact with him). Also, walking around in the bar will increase your dexterity by one.

If the dexterity value is 3, then it is better to try your luck while walking around the city. There you can see the rector of the university, from whose pocket you can easily extract a book filled with the verses of the head of the university - it will come in handy for the exam. In addition, a walk in the fresh air gave us new strength (+1).

Literature can be passed directly if the value of the mind is 5. If not, then you can take a book out of the rector's pocket, study it, and boldly go to the exam. We approach the professor and return the collection of essays, carefully spicing up the return process with selective flattery. We get it perfectly automatically.

Literature is surrendered even with 3 in dexterity and 3 in strength - you need to go to take the bearing assistant, start a dispute with him on a literary topic, and then make a scandal (This alternative way of passing was suggested by Andy_AiF).

To successfully pass chemistry, you need to either be very dexterous (the value is four), or on the eve of getting drunk with the teacher, and then approach him on the exam.

If you want mathematics to become one of your subjects, then you need to make sure that either the alkaris chick saved the day before is sitting in your pocket, or the value of mind is four, or dexterity and intelligence are three or more. In the first case, we immediately ask the chick for help and say the correct answer, in the second, we ask the teacher about the calculus system and get a well-deserved five, and in the third case, we try to confuse the professor by talking about the normalized Banach space, and then say the correct answer - 11.

To pass labor, you need the values ​​of all three parameters to be at least two.

To get "excellent" in physical education, you need to be very strong - the value of this parameter should be equal to four. Or dexterity and strength in three.

If all the initial parameters are equal to 2, then for the successful completion of the quest you must return to the spaceport so as not to disgrace yourself. And along the way, it will be possible to help the children carry stones, which, as it turns out later, are preparatory classes for Labor. But all three characteristics rise to 3, after which you can pass everything except Chemistry and Labor (the examiner will kick you out of the exam) (This alternative way of passing was suggested by Andy_AiF).

Objective: to repair the power plant
Customer: people
Planet of fulfillment: humans
Player Requirements: No

The assignment consists of several separate stages. It is necessary to fill a certain container with a given amount of energy using other containers. The volume of the reservoir is given in its name, for example, 3F - the volume of three quanzors. You can fill the tank only either until it is full, or until the end of the energy in the source. For example, filling 3F from 5F, we get the full (3 quanzors) in 3F and 2 more quanzors remain in 5F.

Using the common tank and reservoirs 3F and 5F, fill 5F with four energy quansers. This is done like this: pour the full 5F from the total container, then pour 5F into 3F, pour everything from 3F into the total container and merge the two quanzors remaining in 5F into 3F. Pour 5F from the common container and drain one quanzor into 3F. In 5F, the required four energy quanzors remain. We activate the turbines.

Fill a container with 8F up to four using 2F and 3F. 8F is initially full. Pour from 8F three quanzors to 3F, then from 3F two quanzors to 2F and the same two quanzors to 8F. Drain the remainder from 3F to 2F and refill with 3F from 8F. We activate the frieze.

Fill the jar with 10F to five using 3F and 4F. 10F is initially full. Pour from 10F four quanzors to 4F, then from 4F three quanzors to 3F and the same three quanzors to 10F. The quanzor remaining in 4F is transferred to the 3F region and from 10F we transfer four units of psi-energy to 4F. We activate the reserve.

You need to fill 5F to four and 7F to three using the total capacity. Pour full 5F from the tank and pour into 7F, again full 5F and pour again into 7F. We activate the left supercharger. We convert energy from 7F to 5F, and from 5F to total capacity. Drain the remains from 7F into 5F. We fill to the brim with 7F from the general storage and drain the excess into 5F. We activate the right supercharger.

The last stage is optional, but completing it will add 2500 credits to your account. Using the initially full 12F and empty 5F and 7F, you need to simultaneously pour six quanzors into 12F and 7F. It is done like this: pour from 12F to 7F, switch to the management of small tanks, transfer from 7F to 5F, and from 5F to 12F, merge the remains from 7F to 5F, switch. We repeat the previous operation completely again. Again we distill the energy from 12F to 7F, switch over, merge part of 7F into 5F, and from it everything into 12F. We turn on the black switch and take our reward.

Actually, I can't call it a quest. Because this part is more like a separate game. Let's consider in order.

How to get to jail? It is necessary either to land on a planet that is hostile towards our ranger, or for the attitude to change to hostile already on the planet. In any of these cases, we are tried and punished for a period of 60 to 90 days, which will be spent in prison. The quest begins with the armored bus in which we are being taken.

If you are completely reluctant to sit (for example, there are important things to do in the opposite part of the galaxy), then you can escape. It is done like this: we start a fight with the prisoner, we grab the pistol from one of the guards and shoot at the other guards (it does not always work, sometimes the guards shoot earlier). We release the rest of the prisoners and hide. We leave the bus, and hello to the ship!

You can, by freeing the prisoners, surrender to the authorities. Then the guards will hate us, the term will be increased, but the convicts will immediately respect us.

How to live in a prison? In prison, you can go to the library, to the gym, to work, to the cafeteria, to walk, as well as to gamble, cockroach races, and participate in battles. There may be different survival tactics. You can work out in the library and, having become smart, play cards for money, while you can get out of prison with a significantly larger amount than you sat down. You can swing in the gym and participate in battles, along the way, racketeering inmates. It is better not to quarrel with the administration and security, if they demand a bribe, it is better to give.

Tips: the head of the prison can release the one who wins in fist fights ahead of schedule. If you play the cockroach race, then it should be remembered that the cockroach can run a maximum of 70 m / h, and then it dies. If the respect of inmates falls, you can make a tattoo or arrange a feast in the dining room. If you feel unwell, you need to go to the dining room to eat or pay for the services of a massage therapist.

You can get out of prison either by winning battles, or by earning a good attitude from your superiors, or after serving your term.

Attention! This text is recommended for reading only for those who either cannot go through some quest in any way, or for those who want to find new ways to complete some task. For those who have not yet tried to complete the task on their own, the text is contraindicated, the pleasure of the quest may disappear completely!

Here is a list of all of the game's text quests:

  • Amnesia

    • Customer: Gaals
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Player Requirements: No
    • After waking up in the hospital and paying the bill for our treatment, we go free. The state - like after a week of binge - I don't remember anything, I don't know anything, I can't imagine what to do. First, you need to find out what we have forgotten on this planet. We go to the spaceport and search our own ship. This does not add clarity, but now we have a stuner. Before further adventures, it is better to make a few preparations. At the grocery store we buy a bottle of vodka, and at the hunting store we buy a silencer and a telescopic sight.
    • Having prepared in this way, we go to the house of the orderly who picked us up. Before going to him, we listen to the voices coming from the next apartment. We enter there, jam the maloka with a stunner and demand a weapon from the bearing. We are becoming the happy owners of an automatic shotgun. So that the bandits who robbed the apartment do not suffer, we destroy both. And from the arriving law enforcement officer we pay off with the help of a bottle of vodka.
    • Next, we go to the orderly. After talking with him, we learn about the Gaalets from the bar "Golden Lily". We are heading there. The Gaalese partially restores our memory with his story and, having provided the password, sends us to the hunting store. Arriving there, we say the password and get a card with the location of the drug lord and several cartridges for the gun. We return to the bar and, together with the Gaalian, go to the mafiosi's villa.
    • Now the combat part of the mission begins. Hiding in the bushes, we shoot at the first guard. We go around the house and, having met two guards, we order the Gaalian to shoot at one, while we ourselves deal with the other. We go into the house and go down to the bunker. Together with the Gaalian we shoot bearings and pursue the escaped guard. He will stop at a locked door. To open the door you need to solve a problem. For those who do not want to think about it, I give a formula for calculating the lock code: X = (10 * (2 ^ n)) - 10; where n is the number of days. When the door opens, we go there. We open the nearest door and paralyze the malok sitting at the table. We examine the monitors and go down to lower floor... Having burst into the drug lord's office, we run into an ambush and prefer to save our life by surrender.
    • After that, you can laughingly learn about what our mission really was on this planet.
    • There are a few more additional possibilities in the quest. So, with the help of the password received from the killed bearing (who still had a small friend), you can get into the clutches of the bandits of Bullet Kosoruky. If you get out of this confrontation with honor, then the player's pockets will be replenished with additional cartridges. At the drug lord's villa, you can kill a large number of guards, while diligently turning out their pockets.
  • Banquet

    • Purpose: to invite the Malokian prince to visit the customer planet
    • Customer: all, except maloks
    • Planet of fulfillment: all inhabited, except maloks
    • Player Requirements: Bearing, Human, Gaalese - Warrior or Pirate
    • The Malokian prince Tardym is distinguished by a great disrespect for non-Malok races. Therefore, it is rather difficult to win his favor so that he agreed to come to visit the planet-customer. It is necessary to prove to the prince that representatives of non-Maloccan races are also worthy of attention. This can be achieved by earning the respect of the prince himself, his wife, or both. I will give a brief description of one of the possible ways of passing.
    • Starting the game with the choice of a suit, you should give preference to the strange design of belts and harness. Next, we meet the Malokian ambassadors as expected and greet the prince, cutting him with all our might in the teeth. Having received a retaliatory blow, we go to the prince's wife and kiss her hand. We bring guests to the banquet hall. We serve the table as follows: put the bowl in the center, and stick the knife and fork into the table on the sides. For the first change of dishes, sour milk should be brought from the kitchen. After that, we stand on the side of the prince and wait for the end of the change of dishes. When the conversation starts, you should tell the story about the order carved from Terron's casing. Then the people move on to strong drinks and you need to bring the ambassadors something to drink. In order not to suffer with the choice, going out into the corridor we give the waiter in the ear and take his cart. We hit the chef in the eye and roll the cart into the hall. We make a toast in verse and drink our glass in one gulp. When the time comes to give gifts, we distribute them as follows: beautiful shells for the prince, a super rifle for the princess, and a satchel for the children. Then, seeing that the prince had already reached the required degree respectful attitude to us, we invite him to go fishing on the planet the customer. This quest is considered to be successfully completed.
    • You can complete the quest, having won the respect of the princess. But in this case, you need to remember that the princess is very fond of everything exotic and alien, but at the same time she is also small, therefore she has an extremely negative attitude towards manifestations of cowardice and caution.
    • If at a certain stage you do not hit the chef in the eye, but agree to his proposal, then you can take part in the process of preparing the traditional Malokian alcoholic drink - cilantro.
  • Bomber

    • Purpose: with the help of bombing, cause panic in the city, but prevent high destruction
    • Customer: maloki
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: Not Human, Pirate
    • City map showing which projectiles provide best effect in different sectors is given below. After analyzing it, we come to the conclusion that it will be effective to load 4 seismic charges, 4 thermal charges, and 7 poisonous charges into the plane. Wind, as stated in the introductory briefing, should be taken into account in this way:
    • Speed: 1-5, no drift
    • Speed: 6-7, 0-1 sector
    • Speed: 8-12, for 1 sector
    • Speed: 13-14, for 1-2 sectors
    • Speed: 15-20, for 2 sectors
    • Speed: 20 and higher, for 2-3 sectors
    • Sector 1 2 3 4 5
    • A T S UTS TO
    • D OTS TS TS C
    • E T TCO T OST
    • The charges that give the greatest destruction in this sector and therefore are undesirable for use are marked in red. In blue - giving maximum panic.
    • Re-hitting the same sector has no effect.
    • Remember that there is a dam in sector E2. If you hit it with a seismic charge, then the city sinks under water, and the quest is considered a failed one.
  • Borzukhan

    • Objective: to destroy the base of the Lyakusha Borzukhan
    • Customer: people
    • Player Requirements: No
    • The quest has many possible ways of passing, I will give one of them. To begin with, you should take off and, circling around the fire, move to the haze seen nearby. There, sitting at a distance by the fire, we listen to the conversation. You should not listen to the bandits' conversations for a long time, it is better to carefully shoot them with a laser rifle. Having searched the corpses, we communicate with the lying man and learn about the secret passage on the coast. We take the victim back to the camp and fly to the sea. We go down, examine the rocks and find a grotto. Entering the grotto, we open a secret passage. If it is closed, then you need to cut out the lock using a laser rifle. Entering inside, we go immediately to the right. In the spacious hall we go into the left door and shoot at the bearing guarding the reactor. Having searched the body, set the explosives and leave. Borzukhan himself will be standing next to the flyer. If you need him alive to exchange him for 1000 credits, then you can try to stun him with a stuner. If not needed, then it is better to kill immediately. After that, the quest is considered to be successfully completed.
    • The way to enter the base depends on where we fly after takeoff from the camp. The described method is the safest one.
  • Driver

    • Goal: to save the captured Roland by paying a debt for him - 900 ducats
    • Customer: people
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • In order to collect the required amount, you will have to work as a truck driver, transporting goods and passengers in an area that resembles the wild west. There is no definite way of passing, so I will give only general advice.
    • Money can be earned by accidental earnings, bringing passengers up, or by transporting goods. Routes can be as follows:
    • Mines (coal at 5 ducats per ton) - Shpik (sell coal for 12 hours per ton)
    • Landfill (metal at 10 ducats per ton) - Salt (sell metal at 23 hours per ton)
    • Farm (spinach at 25 ducats per ton) - Mines (sell spinach at 45 hours per ton)
    • The rubidium mines (on the farm side) have a larger truck, so it's worth taking it.
    • In a car workshop, it is advisable to make spikes on the truck, which will greatly facilitate disassembly on the roads.
    • In the Scorpions bar you can take a traveling companion to the Spik bearing. Upon arrival at Shpik, the bearing will give back its gun.
    • When meeting on the roads, you can either pay for travel (if you have money), or break away from the pursuers (if there is no load), or board the enemy. When the gun appears, you can shoot at the bandits.
    • After 900 gold pieces have been collected, you need to go to the Iroquois to redeem Roland.
  • Diver

    • Objective: deactivate weapons at the underwater station
    • Customer: people
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • There are several ways to complete the task. Here is the shortest way to remove a warhead from a rocket. Submerged under the water, we send the container down and swim behind it. After passing the lock in the wall, we investigate the mine. We find a blockage at the bottom of the mine and in two steps we clear it, assign a red card. We swim to the control center and, looking around there, we find a yellow card in the terminal. We sail out of the control center and move to the wardroom. There we see one more card in the terminal, insert all previously detected cards into it and start working. It is required to open the missile hatches with the help of the launching device. We finish working with the terminal, sail out of the wardroom. We see that the hatch to the missile silo has opened in the airlock. We go down there and screw the head off the rocket. After that, we put the head in the container and send it upstairs, while we ourselves cling to the halyard and go up next. Having got to the ship, we give the command to sail immediately and begin to think about returning to the customer planet.
    • There is also a possibility to leave the underwater station using a bathyscaphe. But I propose to consider this ability for you on your own.
  • Military enlistment office

    • Purpose: to help fulfill the draft plan for conscription
    • Customer: Feyane
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: Merchant, Warrior
    • This quest does not have a single way of passing. It is necessary to fulfill the conscription plan. To do this, you need to methodically carry out the required promotional activities with the propaganda team. If you see that the required number of defenders of the fatherland does not reach the required number of defenders of the fatherland, then you will have to use illegal methods, such as bribes to the rector, the services of informers and raids on bars. If human rights defenders start to rally in front of the military registration and enlistment office, then it is urgent to improve their attitude. This can be done either by transferring a certain amount to their account, or by showing high loyalty to the laws when communicating with conscripts and their parents. Of course, you need to order the summons on time and take tranquilizers. And then everything will work out!
  • Elections

    • Objective: to win the presidential election on a sparsely populated planet
    • Customer: bearings
    • Execution Planet: Unpopulated
    • Player Requirements: No
    • This quest does not have a specific way of passing - a lot depends on random factors and initial parameters. But the general strategy might be like this. First, you need to determine the main races, which will be mainly designed for our election campaign. Of course, you need to focus on those races whose representatives are more on the planet. And then it is necessary to act on the basis of the chosen preferences and knowing the characteristics of the races. So, Gaalians are a race that helps others, loving beauty and harmony. The Feiyans are guided by the development of science and technology. Bearings like lawlessness and crime, as well as money. Maloki is crazy about everything military. Well, people are people.
    • Of course, the attitude of any race should not be allowed to fall below the plinth. Remember that every percentage of those who are dissatisfied with you are votes in favor of the opponent! Sometimes compromises are worth making, even if they do damage to the "main" races.
    • And a few more tricks. A press conference is a very beneficial way to build authority, but it shouldn't be used more than twice. Black PR is even more profitable, but there is a possibility that the idea will fail and you will lose a lot of votes.
  • Hyde no

    • Purpose: to get secret information from a computer network
    • Customer: bearings
    • Planet of fulfillment: feyans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • Arriving on the planet, we receive a note and, having read it, we move in the direction of the nearest point of connection to HydNet. There we pay immediately for four hours of work and sit in a chair. We get into the network. The network is a small labyrinth with various guards between locations. To deceive the guards, the player has exploits, but the number of simultaneously loaded exploits is limited.
    • There are several ways to get to the goal (those who wish can even make a map for themselves). The required location for visiting is 2-1 - there you need to find out the password. I offer one of the options for passing (not the most profitable).
    • The first step is to download from hard disk exploits to deceive the guards. We ship Shear, Jumper, Mirror and Graft. After that, we switch to hacker mode and follow this route:
    • South bridge: the first port
    • East bridge: the first port
    • South bridge: second port
    • West Bridge: second port
    • Here you need to stop and examine the found temporary files. Find out the ID-13 password. Move on:
    • East bridge: second port
    • East bridge: the first port
    • South bridge: second port
    • East bridge: second port
    • We pass the password to the system and directly download the data to HDD... After that, the quest is considered completed.
    • For those who want to try all the additional features when completing this quest, I suggest using the map that (o) ne kindly provided us. There is another option for the passage, in which the ranger receives an additional amount of money for dexterity, but I suggest you find it yourself.
  • Depth

    • Objective: to get an alien ship from the bottom of the ocean
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • This quest does not have a specific way of passing, since the basic parameters vary with each playthrough. Therefore, I will give only a few basic tips.
    • After listening to the introductory briefing, proceed to the dive. The first step is to pay attention to the depth of the target and, depending on this parameter, adjust the dive speed. It is necessary to remember about the bottom relief in order to prevent impacts on the underwater rocks. If the depth allows, then first you need to orient the bathyscaphe over the target, turning it and controlling the speed. We must not forget about the flow. When the descent to the ship will not be long, you need to hastily throw out the ballast so as not to fall directly to the bottom. Having descended to the plateau, we turn on the searchlights, we find the alien ship and, having hooked it with a grip, we proceed to the ascent. To do this, we throw out all the ballast and rise to the surface at maximum speed.
  • Jumper

    • Purpose: to conduct successful tests of the "Jumper" device
    • Customer: people, Gaalians, Faeyans
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans, Gaalians, Faeyans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • This quest is not very difficult and consists of two parts: main and additional. To complete the main part, it is necessary to "jump" a special labyrinth with the help of the device under test. This device wastes energy with great pleasure, so they give you two batteries and promise that they can be recharged at the stand. The tactics of a possible passage is as follows: with each jump we jump into the next sector, and at the minimum distance. At the required time, we change and then recharge the battery.
    • Here is one of the ways to overcome the stand: we start at Yellow-3, then jump over to Red-4, and then move to Purple-4. Change the battery and jump into Violet-3. The battery is recharging, and we are heading to Blue-3. From there - to Green-3, after which we finish the test with a clear conscience by jumping to the finish area.
    • An additional part of the quest, not required to be completed, can increase earnings. For successful execution, you need to fully charge the batteries by touching the balls suspended at a high height. Here is one of the possible (but far from ideal) ways to complete the task: on the first battery and on the first platform, we jump to the 1st and 3rd balls. We rise to the second platform and there we touch the 1st and 2nd balls. We change the battery and use the 3rd ball, after which we return to the first platform. We charge from the 4th and 5th balls, after which we change the battery, finish off the 2nd ball and, having risen to the second platform, the 4th ball. The task is completed.
  • > Elus
    • Purpose: to win the championship in the game "Elus"
    • Customer: Gaals
    • Planet of fulfillment: malok
    • Player Requirements: No
    • The Elus Championship is held in three rounds of increasing difficulty. The essence of the game is as follows: the computer puts several figures in a certain sequence, obeying one of the possible rules. The player's goal is to guess this rule and place the next pieces following it. The winner is the one who completed all the tasks with the least number of mistakes. Next, I give the possible options for the rules for all stages of the game - you just have to guess which one is used in your case.
    • The first round is the easiest. Rule options:
    • Go figure of a different size
    • Become a figure of a different color
    • Go figure of a different type
    • Go figure the same size
    • Become a figure of the same color
    • Go figure of the same type
    • The second round is more difficult. Rule options:
    • If the last sign is big, then go blue, otherwise - yellow
    • If the last sign is large, then go around, otherwise - with a sign of the same color
    • If the last sign is blue, then go around, otherwise - a rhombus
    • If the last sign is a circle, then go with a small sign, otherwise - with a large
    • If the last sign is large, then go yellow, otherwise - blue
    • If the last sign is yellow, then go around, otherwise - a rhombus
    • If the last sign is a circle, then go blue, otherwise - yellow
    • If the last sign is large, then go around, otherwise - a rhombus
    • The third most difficult one:
    • If the last sign is large, then go with a blue sign, otherwise - with a sign of the same type
    • If the last sign is large, then go with a blue sign, otherwise - with a sign of a different color
    • If the last sign is blue, then go with a big sign, otherwise - with a sign of a different type
    • If the last sign is large, then go with a yellow sign, otherwise - a rhombus
    • If the last sign is blue, then go with a big sign, otherwise - around
    • If the last sign is a circle, then go with a yellow sign, otherwise - small
  • Xenolog

    • Objective: to uncover the reasons for the strange murders based on xenologists
    • Customer: people, Gaalians, Faeyans
    • Execution Planet: Unpopulated
    • Player Requirements: No
    • Arriving on the desired planet, we listen to a short briefing and proceed to the task. The first step is to learn the local language. To do this, we go to the personnel training class and try to find out about the discs with the language from the local operator. He is not in the mood at the moment, so you need to first tell him a joke, and then try to get information about the disks. We leave the building and communicate with the robot. When asked about the disks, he says that something similar was noticed by him on the technical floor in the waste. We go there and find the first disk. Then we follow to the communication hall and, sitting in the terminal chair, we find a note. From the text of the note, it follows that the second disc lives with the professor. We go to the professor, ask about the disks, and after a while we become the happy owners of the full course of the local language. In the personnel training class, we use these disks (the password for the installation is 8) and learn to speak Akabosian.
    • Now you need to get permission to leave the base. To do this, you must pass the credit to the professor. You can answer the questions asked by him as you like - all the answers are correct. After that, we leave the building, show the robot's admission and go into the forest. There we wait for the Akabos and start communicating with them. Under no circumstances should you tell them about technical advances! Therefore, we say that we have arrived from a distant village, and then we ask what happened to the previous xenologists. The Akabos want to be sure of our intelligence, so they ask a question about the correct sawing of the plank. You don't even have to try to think about solving it - there are no correct answers among the proposed options. We answer whatever you like and return to the station. There we go to the laboratory of xenobiologists and ask to solve the problem. With a ready-made solution, we again stomp into the forest and, having waited for the aborigines, we present it to them.
    • This is followed by a battle of minds between you and the natives. Defeat the local Rock, Paper, Scissors Champion. Since this event entirely depends on a random factor, there are two possible options for further life after the game.
    • First option. The Ranger defeats the Akabos. In this case, we follow the losers and at the last moment, with the help of the shaman's intervention, we are saved from inevitable death. From the shaman we learn about the reason for the killings of the xenologists and return to the base. We tell the customer's representative about this and start preparing for departure. To obtain permission to leave, you must wake up the professor. Trying to do this on your own will get you nowhere. Therefore, we follow to the office of xenobiologists and there we learn how to wake up the professor. This requires a special whistle. We go up to the technical floor and ask the robot, which voluntarily blows the whistle. We return to the staff bedroom, whistle, wake up the professor and get permission. We again go to the technical floor and there, having presented a permit, we get off the planet.
    • Second option. The native mind defeated the ranger. In this case, further conversation with the Akabos is interrupted by the landing of the Malok ship. We run to the base, and from there to the planted ship. It is useless to communicate with maloks, it is better to immediately stomp back to the station. Having reported the situation to the chief, we proceed to resist the invasion of maloks. In the staff training room, we communicate with Andrey and perceive his idea of ​​sabotage in the Malokov camp. Also Andrey gives a detonator. It remains to find depleted uranium (cabinet in the laboratory of xenobiologists) and a timer (technical floor). In order to get the timer, you need to interrupt the recharging of the robot. After that, with all the assembled parts, we follow to the laboratory of xenologists. We commit sabotage, listen to the last explanations of the local xenologist and return to the customer planet for money.
  • Xenopark

    • Purpose: to feed rare animals with exotic food
    • Customer: bearings
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Requirements for the player: not small
    • The quest is quite simple and has only one solution. In short, its essence is as follows: rare animals are kept in the xenopark, but as a result of an accident all the plates on the cages were confused and now it is not known which animal is sitting in the cage and what to feed it with. You will have to figure it out. In total, the xenopark contains 5 cages with animals and 7 types of food. Your goal is to guess which animal is sitting in the cage and give it the right food. If the wrong food is given, the animal will either ignore the food, or get sick, or die altogether. For those who do not want to waste time on a long comparison of descriptions of animals in books with their appearance and experimenting, here is the correct solution:
    • The beast in the first cage (the Big Hubbat tablet) prefers "Kwak To-Us Skinny";
    • The beast in the second cage (the Swamp Zhvyrklats sign) adores "Haapt Balls" and "Hydrocarbon Tincture";
    • The beast in the third cage (Klisansky proto-spok plate) loves to eat "Vatskaya kryambusina";
    • The beast in the fourth cage (Noble Aishaout tablet) chooses "Ferrous Laap-Shu" and "Granulated Zirki";
    • The beast in the fifth cage (the Sandy SHIP tablet) does not like the soul in "Just photons".
    • After all the animals have been fed, you can find out what their correct names were.
  • Maze

    • Goal: remember your task and complete it
    • Customer: Feyane
    • Execution planet: Gaalians
    • Player Requirements: No
    • For the successful completion of this ritual, it is necessary to collect the required number of baker's eggs in the maze and then defeat the penchekryak with the help of the hatched bastards. First, you need to buy all the things from a hunter in the village that he sells - it will come in handy. Entering the labyrinth, you should be guided by the given map. The eggs usually lie in dead ends.
    • When meeting with a hwacher, you need to throw powder from Chwakha root into his eyes. If the purchased worm begins to squeak, then you can find the root and with its help restore some health.
    • Having collected 7-8 pieces of eggs, you can return to the exit. Khvachiki will hatch and rush to the penchekryak. It is necessary with the help of the shirt front to make the hvachikov more ferocious and angry, and then they will happily bite the monster.
  • Easy job

    • Objective: to deal with strange things happening on the planet
    • Customer: any
    • Execution planet: Gaalians
    • Player Requirements: No
    • The quest has the only correct solution, so if you find it difficult to find it yourself, then follow the instructions provided.
    • Arriving on the planet, we forget about the agent and with a clear conscience we go to the city. There we follow to the bar "D-El" and, having looked around, we come to the bearing, in front of which there is a mountain of booze. We communicate with him and, having elicited information about the mail robot, we return to the square. From there we stamp on the post office, go to the informant robot and say the password. We find out the addresses of those who ordered the parcels and, fulfilling the request for bearing, we finish off the robot. We return to the bar and get 15 grupels from the bearing. We go to the gravitaxi parking lot to check the addresses. In order not to suffer, we immediately fly to Gryazebolotny Avenue. There we find a note, read it and move to the museum. We talk to the professor and go to the hotel. We ignore the attempts of the journalist to talk to us. Pay with grunts for the room and get a good night's sleep.
    • In the morning we go to the professor. We enter the door and find a picture of complete defeat. We rewrite the address from the professor's records and follow it. We go into the house and, having found an attacking monster, we jump to the side. After that, we slowly move to the door and, entering the corridor, we run into the far door. We press the switch and, while the monster is beating on the door, we investigate the computer. When the monster rushes into the room, we repulse his attack and continue working with the computer. When you turn on the self-destruct system, go to the dashboard and try to hack the door opening system. The moment we succeed, we run through the door opposite. We enter there and, having gone down the stairs, we proceed to the solution of the problem. You need to press the lock buttons. When pressed, the button changes the number from 1 to 0 and vice versa, and together with it, all the buttons next to it change. It is necessary that all buttons turn to zero, then the lock will open. This is achieved in the following way: you need to reduce the problem to ensuring that only one unit remains on the field in the corner (as in the found piece of paper), and then follow the solution given in this piece of paper. After the door opens, we leave the hospitable building and meet with the girl previously seen in the alley. We communicate with her and agree to participate in the assault. We rest and recruit people and equipment. The easiest way to attack is through the roof, you will need a flyer, electronic reconnaissance and a few fighters. When Molgaar, after whom this hunt is going, flies away, it will be necessary to take on the role of a rocket launcher and shoot him. The necessary adjustments for the wind must be done in accordance with the instructions given in the quest. It takes three hits to destroy the flyer.
    • The given way of passing is the simplest and bypasses a large number of details that the quest is rich in. So, you can travel to other addresses given by the mail robot, and to open one of the doors in a mansion with a monster, there is an alternative method associated with solving a logical problem. Well, you can use various tactics to attack the Molgaar mansion.
  • Ski resort

    • Goal: Earn 1,000,000 credits for a ski resort in 20 days
    • Customer: any
    • Player Requirements: Merchant
    • This quest does not have a single way of passing and is an economic simulator. To achieve your goal, you will have to increase the resort's capital from 100,000 credits to 1,000,000 in 20 days. For this, it is necessary to constantly develop the resort, giving priority to those indicators that are beginning to be lacking. Moreover, it is advisable to build new facilities without waiting for the resort's capabilities to become insufficient. On advertising at the very beginning, when there is not enough money, you can not spend money, but at the same time you need to watch closely so that the popularity of the resort does not fall to zero - then the quest will fail. In the future, it is desirable to increase deductions for advertising.
    • It is helpful to start each day with a conversation with an economist - this will allow you to most fully determine the best priorities in construction.
    • After the quest is completed, you will be asked to continue saving money by increasing your capital to 10 million. The reward for this will be an additional 10,000 credits paid out right there. Decide for yourself whether the money is worth a few more days spent at the resort.
  • Ministry

    • Purpose: to get documents for the lease of the island
    • Customer: bearings
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • The quest tests your resistance to bureaucracy. Your visit to the ministry should start with a visit to the secretariat. It is necessary to start an informal conversation with the secretary, asking her name, and then play cards with her. It all depends on your ability to play "point". You need to win a watch and points from her, and then the game will stop by itself. After the secretary loses her glasses, she will no longer be able to vigilantly monitor the trash can, and the cap can be removed from this container of waste items. Having put on the cap, we return to the hall and talk with the commandant. He, noticing our headdress and comparing it with what he saw in his youth, happily answers all questions. So, you can find out from him that the office we needed used to really live in the basement, but now it has moved to the toilet. We go there and knock on the second booth. We answer all the questions of the clerk (the answers do not matter) and, having taken the papers, we return to the secretary. We return her things (it's a pity, of course, but she can't do anything without glasses) and ask to certify the papers.
    • Now we stomp to the main house. He arranges a little testing to check our sanity. There are several correct answers to all his questions among the proposed answers, here I will give those that give a 100% positive result:
    • Switch on the vector, energy and navigation systems, check all indicators and start the engines.
    • Gingerbread is too tough for frying. It can only be boiled.
    • The answer doesn't matter.
    • They live at the expense of the people.
    • Expensive weapons.
    • Further, we learn that all the previous actions were done in vain, and we should immediately go to the head of the transport department. But he has no time for our petty pieces of paper - he urgently needs a fish. We go to our informant - the commandant and we get a fishing rod from him. We leave the ministry and approach the lake. We climb into it, ball with our hands and find a leech. We put on the leech and paddle back into the building. There we go down to the basement and throw the fishing rod into the hole with water. We catch a fish. Then we take it to the head of the transport department and complete the quest.
    • In this quest, you can earn an additional 80 credits by bargaining with the workers in the brush manager's room with a crowbar for 20 credits and using it to break through the door in the basement.
  • Mouzon

    • Objective: to win music festival
    • Customer: people
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • Arriving on the planet and sleeping off at the hotel, we proceed to create a super rock band. In theory, all musicians can be found through a computer without leaving the hotel, but this will require a lot of money. Therefore, it is better to run. To begin with, turning on the laptop, we arrange a search for musical instruments and buy strings and drum sticks. Then, so that the computer is not idle, we go to the library and begin to educate ourselves. We read a book about billiards, study the rules of etiquette and modern lyrics. Then we turn off the computer and go to the square.
    • The first step is to make ourselves look like a normal rock musician. That is, we go to a tattoo parlor, make all possible tattoos and pierce the ear. At the same time, we are interested in the presence of a musician and find out that you can try to look for a keyboard player in the billiard room. We leave and go to the rock club. There we seduce the drummer with a pierced ear and drumsticks and hire a group. We follow the long street, demonstrate tattoos and strings to the guitarist and also invite him to the team. Then we go to the hotel and wait for the night.
    • We go into the billiard room. Having found a keyboard player, we beat him at billiards and take him to the group. Then we go to the bar, where we simply conquer the bass player with our polite request. We exchange the book of poetry received at the hotel for the consent of the bass player to participate in a rock group. After that, we return to the hotel and go to bed.
    • In the morning we go outside and follow to the studio. We order our own dear song for seven minutes. Then we submit an application for participation in the concert and proceed to rehearsals. We let the money, no matter how much we pity, to improve the skill of the group as a whole and each musician (without forgetting himself or herself) separately. Then we wait for the concert and after drinking a bottle of beer to cheer up, we go to the stadium.
    • We begin our performance with musical actions. We all play together, and also each musician performs his signature numbers. All this should be interspersed with special effects and hooligan actions. As a result, if everything went as I described earlier, the rating of the group should be close to 200 units, which gives a big lead over the competitors.
  • Drugs

    • Purpose: to arrive at the specified address and provide a bearing service named Kuucha von Jucha
    • Customer: maloki
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Player Requirements: Any, except Bearing
    • The quest has several very different options for passing. The first story fork begins in the car - you can safely reach Kuuchi's lair, or you can escape from the car and plunge into life full of dangers on the Peleng planet. The action option in Kuuchi's mansion is filled with all sorts of logic puzzles, and walking around the planet is fraught with a very high danger to life. Each of the two main paths has several more forks. Here I will give the most short version escape from the car, and leave for the personal consideration of each solution to the problems of the mansion of von Yuchi.
    • So, having escaped from the car, we catch a taxi and follow the bearing that met us. On the way, we talk with the driver. After getting out of the car, we go to the shop "Anything and everything" and buy a camera. Further in the tavern we communicate with the owner, listen to his request and go to the company of bearings. We win from them in dice and we ask the delighted owner about a man with red eyes. After that, we follow him and, having seen a terrible scene of cannibalism, we photograph it. Then we pay 50 credits to the approaching bearing for silence and, having received the documents, we successfully complete the quest.
    • I highly recommend completing this quest in several ways, as it is very interesting. Solving the puzzles at Kuuchi von Yuchi's mansion can keep you busy.
  • Olympiad

    • Goal: Win your team of clerks in the "Clerks Without Borders" competition
    • Customer: people
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • First, you need to determine the specialization of your fighters. Therefore, we conduct several sparring sessions in order to find out the preferences of the fighters. Having oriented ourselves, we assign each workout in accordance with his specialization. You can even put together a small table on paper so as not to rely only on your memory. There are few workouts available, but with the right approach it should be enough. In extreme cases, you will have to pay money to spend a few more sparring sessions.
    • The schedule of all competitions and the requirements for players can be found in the Olympiad booklet. In critical cases, you can use the help of trainers in the gym, but it costs money. On the eve of the competition, it is better for the fighter who will participate in it not to train, but to get enough sleep, fatigue is a very important factor, the success of the competition largely depends on it.
  • Amusement park

    • Goal: to restore the amusement park to work
    • Customer: people
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: Merchant or Warrior
    • After talking with the communicator and assessing the scale of the disaster, we move on. You can try your luck at slot machines and earn some local money. In general, at the end of the quest, all remaining coins can be exchanged for galactic credits at a favorable rate, so you need to try to earn more of them. So, back to the indicator stone. To begin with, you should go to the left (after all, we have no horse, so there is nothing to lose!). Having pulled out a scroll from the lake, we communicate with the robot inhabiting it. To get the transport the robot needs, you will have to correctly answer Vasilisa's three questions. Here are the correct answers:
    • In the fairy tale "The Magic Ring" Martynko paid Vaska 100 rubles for the cat;
    • "Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what"? - this is how the hero was sent in the fairy tale about Fedot the Sagittarius;
    • Ivan Tsarevich became the husband of the Frog Princess.
    • After completing testing, we activate the resulting scroll with the spell and become the owner of the green cube. We return to the fork.
    • Now we follow in the right direction. After waking up after being hit on the head, we choose a weapon for the battle with the Serpent-Gorynych. You can choose any weapon, except for a spear with an ultrasonic tip and a mace with a hydraulic booster. The tactics of the battle will depend on the choice. So, with a crossbow you can fight at a distance, and with a heavy sword only in a direct attack. The best choice, in my opinion, would be a kladenets sword and a shield. Constantly changing tactics, we kill Gorynych. Having received 20 coins and an orange cube, we return to the indicator stone.
    • From there we go in the only possible direction - straight ahead. To get the blue cube, you will either have to participate in the auction, or, if there are 70 coins, peacefully negotiate with Baba Yaga. At the auction, it will be possible to bargain a cube for 40 coins. If this amount is too high, then before the auction, you should look for additional sources of funding. Answering the question of Kalistrat Mudrilo that “four sayings are false”, we get 50 coins. Now you can take part in the auction. The main thing in trading is not to assign an amount of 25 coins - after that, a loss follows.
    • Having successfully bargained a cube, we ignore the concert of "Alyonushek International" and continue with the task. In the tavern we raise our health a little (however, if you rent the entire banquet hall for a lot of money, your health will not improve). On the other hand, if the next task is performed correctly the first time, then the value of health no longer plays a special role. The blue cube, the object of this next quest, is in the md square. Having received the cube, we follow further, we communicate with the communicator. The door opens with the password "Sim-Sim, open!".
    • The cubes must be placed in the cells in such a way that the result is a rainbow, that is, under the letter A - orange, N - green, B - blue, O - blue. Next, we reboot the system, change the money at the rate and return to the customer planet for the award.
  • Pachwarash

    • Objective: to complete the sacred Peleng ritual
    • Customer: bearings
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Player Requirements: No
    • In this quest, the consciousness of the ranger will be placed in a small three-legged sacred creature - pachvarash with the help of special equipment. In the body of this animal, you will need to fulfill certain requirements: peaceful or combat. The peaceful way is to increase the weight to 100 kg, dig a hole of 50 are and win the respect of other pachvarash up to 50%. The combat path consists in killing and saving scalps of 5 pachvarash and subsequent victory in a battle with the leader.
    • Weight is gained by eating grass. The grass grows next to the burrow and in the meadow. In the meadow, it is tastier and more satisfying, but in order to eat freely there, you need to be a respected person and be able to stand up for yourself. Health is restored by rest.
    • The strategy for passing is this: first, fight weak opponents and eat grass only at the hole, and then, as your weight and respect grow, move on to strong opponents and a good meadow.
  • Pilot

    • Objective: to obtain a pilot certificate
    • Customer: bearings
    • Planet of fulfillment: feyans
    • Player Requirements: Not Feyanin
    • The quest has several options for passing. If you choose door number 1 at the very beginning, then you can help the Gaalian to arrange his personal life, bringing him together with the little Bigbuba and thereby successfully pass the theory. When choosing door number 3, we end up with a bribe-taker who, for a modest fee, indicates the correct answers to questions. Behind the second door is a Faeyan, who will have to answer questions without any help, but if you answer all three correctly, then the examiner will free us from the practical part of the exam. Just in case, here are the correct answers to all possible problems.
    • Answers to tasks:
    • Protection generator power at the price of the first engine:
    • 110 cr. - The answer is "10%" 150 cr. - the answer is "20%" 180 cr. - the answer is "15%"
    • The captain's cabin, if there is an indication in the second question:
    • "G meets" or "B meets" - the correct answer is "Cabin 1"
    • "A meets" or "never occurs" - the correct answer is "Cabin 3"
    • The cost of the flight with the capacity of the tank:
    • Capacity 47 - 240 cr. capacity 52 - 260 kr. capacity 60 - 230 kr.
    • The practical part consists in knocking down asteroids and has no difficulty for passing.
  • Pizza

    • Objective: to take one of the first three places in the competition by making a pizza that will appeal to all judges
    • Customer: all, except maloks
    • Execution planet: any inhabited
    • Player Requirements: No
    • Arriving on the planet where the competition will take place, do not be lazy and go to a restaurant. There you need to try all types of pizzas in order to understand what the judges will need from you.
    • Before the start of the competition, give the correspondent an interview to increase the sympathy of the viewers. This will work best if the answers are as follows:
    • I represent the Rangers of the Galaxy!
    • Yes. This is my debut.
    • Excellent! I'll rip their asses off.
    • It is better to use the services of a bearing, which offers to bribe a judge. It is better to bribe the judge who single-handedly represents his race in the competition. That is, if there are judges - 2 Malokas, 2 Faeyans and one person, then the person must be bribed, since in this case there will be no need to please the tastes of the human race.
    • The ingredients for the pizza must be chosen based on who sits on the jury. So, the Pelenga judges love fish, exotic and herbal supplements; for maloks, the most important thing is the calorie content of food. People love a balanced pizza that has a little bit of everything. Faeyang pizza is rather a salad full of herbal products. Well, Gaalians value the exoticism and aesthetics of pizza most of all.
    • Based on these simple rules, try to make a pizza that will satisfy all judges. If you do not succeed the first time, do not be upset. In this quest, a lot depends on a random factor. Try again and success will come to you!
  • Plasma checkers

    • Goal: you need to win the championship in hyper jumping plasma checkers
    • Customer: everyone except people
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • The task consists in solving a puzzle - you need to swap checkers in 15 moves on a board of 7 cells with 3 white and 3 black checkers. A checker can be placed on an empty space if it is adjacent, or is located one cell away from it. Here is the solution to this puzzle:
    • It is necessary to move checkers in the following sequence (the numbers of the cells on which they are located are indicated):
    • 3 5 6 4 2 1 3 5 7 6 4 2 3 5 4
  • Turntable

    • Objective: to repair an ancient device - DND-player
    • Customer: Feyane
    • Planet of fulfillment: feyans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • This quest is one of the shortest and the problem proposed in it has only one solution. When choosing cells, you must point to cells 2 and 8 (the sequence is not important). After that, you can safely fly to the customer planet for a reward.
  • Robots

    • Objective: to win battles on fighting robots
    • Customer: Gaals
    • Planet of fulfillment: malok
    • Player Requirements: No
    • A fairly simple quest, although very dependent on chance. Before each fight, you need to go to the bar and communicate with its regulars in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of opponents. Having learned about the preferences of opponents, you need to act in accordance with the information received in battle. So, if the opponent likes to use a missile attack, then the predominant method of defense should be an anti-missile maneuver, if the enemy loves torpedoes, then you need to defend yourself with a jammer. You can also spare some money and improve your attack weapons in the workshop.
    • After you win three required battles, you will be offered to take part in clandestine battles for an additional reward. In this case, you will be given a powerful robot, but there will be no information about the enemy and each subsequent enemy will be more and more powerful. Unfortunately, the reward for these battles can only be called symbolic - 250, 500, 1000 ... credits. These amounts are usually very small compared to the cost of the main part of the engagement. These battles can be ended at any time.
  • Svarokok

    • Goal: get 10 svarakok legs while hunting
    • Customer: all, except maloks
    • Planet of fulfillment: malok
    • Player Requirements: No
    • After starting the quest and listening to the instructions, we go hunting. First of all, we make ourselves a cudgel of wood, then we catch a few knash, we tear a few flowers. After that, we proceed to the actual hunt.
    • The basic rules for hunting are as follows:
    • The best way to catch svarakoks is on our knaps. In this case, health is not wasted and the legs are obtained whole. But this method works only if stealth is developed enough. If stealth is small, then you have to fight the beast in hand-to-hand combat. Then you need to focus on which parameter is greater: if the strength is great, then it is better to repel the attack of the animal with a club, but if the character is very dexterous, then you need to take up the knife.
    • While the welding is far away, you need to either train, or catch knash, or restore health. The following training types are available:
    • Working with a log increases strength;
    • Shaping a cartenga tree increases dexterity;
    • Walking through the thickets of the rump develops stealth.
    • It is better to restore health with the flowers of health found at the very beginning. If they are not there, then you can eat any other plants.
    • If the club breaks, then you can cut yourself a new one, but only if the knife has not yet serrated.
    • Svarokok can defeat a hunter, even if he is 100% strong, agile or stealthy. However, a hunter in such a situation will have the most chances when hunting with a knash as bait, then with a club, and the least chance is given by a knife.
    • You can fight with your bare hands, but it is much harder, and the foot is most often damaged.
    • You cannot make a net for knash if the welding is closer than 200 grags.
    • You cannot catch knaches and make a club if the welding is closer than 220 grags.
  • Pharaoh

    • Objective: to open the tomb
    • Customer: Gaals
    • Execution planet: bearings
    • Player Requirements: No
    • In order to successfully complete this quest, you need to solve a logic problem. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to determine the order of birth of the sons of Pharaoh. In the additional part of the quest (for a separate reward), you will be asked to guess the characters of the Pharaoh's sons. I will not give the full solution, since it is quite cumbersome, but I indicate the correct answers.
    • Birth order of brothers (1 - senior, 7 - junior):
    • (smart guy) Zampolet
    • (fighter) Eptimat
    • (glutton) Anusptis
    • (womanizer) Vertepopes
    • (merry fellow) Ramzets
    • (coward) Seremtut
    • (dirty) Moyhrenes
  • Faryuki

    • Purpose: to pull out six "Faryuk" through the checkpoint of the plant
    • Customer: everyone except feyang
    • Planet of fulfillment: feyans
    • Player Requirements: Merchant or Pirate
    • In order for the "sniffer" detector at the checkpoint not to smell faryukas in the exported wheelbarrow, it is necessary that the total value of the relative non-aroma (VOH) of the wheelbarrow should reach exactly 80 units. Each of the available faryukas is characterized by a certain value of VONi, in addition, there are ways to change the value of VONi with the help of flavors. Farayukov, taken out through the checkpoint, can be thrown back. Here is the most uneconomical (in terms of the amount of remaining flavors) solution:
    • sprinkle with vonilin on "Shaggy"
    • put in the "Shaggy" wheelbarrow
    • put in a wheelbarrow "Boot"
    • send Schnobel through the checkpoint
    • shake and sprinkle with cologne on the "Bolshoi"
    • sprinkle with vonilin on the "Bolshoi"
    • put in the "Big" car
    • put in a wheelbarrow "Yellow-eyed"
    • put in a wheelbarrow "Boot"
    • send the dowel through the checkpoint
    • sprinkle with vonilin on "Striped"
    • throw "Boot" over the fence
    • throw over the fence "Blue filling"
    • put in a wheelbarrow "Blue filling"
    • put in the "Striped" wheelbarrow
    • put in a wheelbarrow "Boot"
    • send Pugel through the checkpoint
    • There are several more ways of passing, in which there is a larger amount of flavors, but I suggest you find them yourself.
  • Foncers

    • Goal: to win races on fireballs - fonser
    • Customer: everyone except people
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • The main task in this quest is to correctly determine the choice of the fonser and the modes of movement in different areas. Fonser should be chosen based on your own preferences. Sections of the track are traversed depending on their type: on the plains you can drive at full speed, and in the canyons it is better to slow down and take care of protection.
    • It is impossible to give a specific way to complete this quest, since all its parameters change every game. But it is imperative to monitor the strength of the protective field so as not to crash to death.
  • Citadels

    • Objective: to win the Citadel competition
    • Customer: Gaals
    • Planet of fulfillment: humans
    • Player Requirements: No
    • This competition will not be new to anyone who envisions the Magic the Gathering card game system. The essence of the game is to implement your projects, increasing resources and inflicting damage on the enemy. I do not give detailed advice on the solution, since it will be too cumbersome, it is easier to play the game yourself and after a few moves everything will become clear. You need to take one of the first three places in the competition according to the Olympic system, after which the quest will be considered successfully completed.
  • Quest Prison

    • Since the first part of the game, prisons on planets have remained practically unchanged. Several new features have been added, but the base remains the same.
    • How to get to jail? It is necessary either to land on a planet that is hostile towards our ranger, or for the attitude to change to hostile already on the planet. In any of these cases, we are tried and punished for a period of 60 to 90 days, which will be spent in prison. The quest begins with the armored bus in which we are being taken.
    • If you are completely reluctant to sit (for example, there are important things to do in the opposite part of the galaxy), then you can escape. It is done like this: we start a fight with the prisoner, we grab the pistol from one of the guards and shoot at the other guards (it does not always work, sometimes the guards shoot earlier). We release the rest of the prisoners and hide. We leave the bus, and hello to the ship!
    • You can, by freeing the prisoners, surrender to the authorities. Then the guards will hate us, the term will be increased, but the convicts will immediately respect us.
    • How to live in a prison? In prison, you can go to the library, to the gym, to work, to the cafeteria, to walk, as well as to gamble, cockroach races, and participate in battles. There may be different survival tactics. You can work out in the library and, having become smart, play cards for money, while you can get out of prison with a significantly larger amount than you sat down. You can swing in the gym and participate in battles, along the way, racketeering inmates. It is better not to quarrel with the administration and security, if they demand a bribe, it is better to give.
    • Tips: the head of the prison can release the one who wins in fist fights ahead of schedule. If you play the cockroach race, then it should be remembered that the cockroach can run a maximum of 70 m / h, and then it dies. If the respect of inmates falls, you can make a tattoo or arrange a feast in the dining room. If you feel unwell, you need to go to the dining room to eat or pay for the services of a massage therapist.
    • Compared to the first part of the game, the following features have been added in the prison: now you can dig a tunnel, improve your health in the first-aid post, and also participate in amateur contests.
    • You can get out of prison by winning battles, breaking through to the end of a tunnel, earning a good attitude from your superiors, or serving your entire term.

More than two parts turned out. Continuation.


Goal: to win races on fireballs - fonser

Customer: everyone except people

Planet of fulfillment: humans

Player Requirements: No

The main task in this quest is to correctly determine the choice of the fonser and the modes of movement in different areas. Fonser should be chosen based on your own preferences. Sections of the track are traversed depending on their type: on the plains you can drive at full speed, and in the canyons it is better to slow down and take care of protection.

It is impossible to give a specific way to complete this quest, since all its parameters change every game. But it is imperative to monitor the strength of the protective field so as not to crash to death.


Objective: to win the Citadel competition

Customer: Gaals

Planet of fulfillment: humans

Player Requirements: No

This competition will not be new to anyone who envisions the Magic the Gathering card game system. The essence of the game is to implement your projects, increasing resources and inflicting damage on the enemy. I do not give detailed advice on the solution, since it will be too cumbersome, it is easier to play the game yourself and after a few moves everything will become clear. You need to take one of the first three places in the competition according to the Olympic system, after which the quest will be considered successfully completed.


Since the first part of the game, prisons on planets have remained practically unchanged. Several new features have been added, but the base remains the same.

How to get to jail? It is necessary either to land on a planet that is hostile towards our ranger, or for the attitude to change to hostile already on the planet. In any of these cases, we are tried and punished for a period of 60 to 90 days, which will be spent in prison. The quest begins with the armored bus in which we are being taken.

If you are completely reluctant to sit (for example, there are important things to do in the opposite part of the galaxy), then you can escape. It is done like this: we start a fight with the prisoner, we grab the pistol from one of the guards and shoot at the other guards (it does not always work, sometimes the guards shoot earlier). We release the rest of the prisoners and hide. We leave the bus, and hello to the ship!

You can, by freeing the prisoners, surrender to the authorities. Then the guards will hate us, the term will be increased, but the convicts will immediately respect us.

How to live in a prison? In prison, you can go to the library, to the gym, to work, to the cafeteria, to walk, as well as to gamble, cockroach races, and participate in battles. There may be different survival tactics. You can work out in the library and, having become smart, play cards for money, while you can get out of prison with a significantly larger amount than you sat down. You can swing in the gym and participate in battles, along the way, racketeering inmates. It is better not to quarrel with the administration and security, if they demand a bribe, it is better to give.

Tips: the head of the prison can release the one who wins in fist fights ahead of schedule. If you play the cockroach race, then it should be remembered that the cockroach can run a maximum of 70 m / h, and then it dies. If the respect of inmates falls, you can make a tattoo or arrange a feast in the dining room. If you feel unwell, you need to go to the dining room to eat or pay for the services of a massage therapist.

Compared to the first part of the game, the following features have been added in the prison: now you can dig a tunnel, improve your health in the first-aid post, and also participate in amateur contests.

You can get out of prison by winning battles, breaking through to the end of a tunnel, earning a good attitude from your superiors, or serving your entire term.


Customer: maloki

Artist: any

What a news! It turns out that the Maloks have a logic game that we have to play. On the field, consisting of three columns (in the first and third - three cells, in the second - five), there are four chips: one belongs to the player and can move in any direction (if it is in the uppermost cell, then diagonally). Opponent pieces are not allowed to move backward. The player's goal is to reach the lowest cell of the field, while the enemy must lock the opponent's piece so that he cannot make a move.

Our main task is to break the "formation" of the enemy and be at least on the same level with his chips. There is no unambiguous combination of moves leading to victory, the opponent's steps change every time, but the following method works quite often. The first move we step back, then we rush left and right, occasionally going up, and as soon as a gap is formed, we go to this cell. Do not forget that both you and the opponent are obliged to move the piece every move - using this rule, you can force your opponent to make a knowingly failed move. Difficulties with this quest should not arise, you are confronted by little ones, but they still do not differ in a special mind.


Customer: bearings

Artist: anyone except Gaalian

The Pelengs started a war on a single Gaalic planet, and we are asked to send military supplies from orbit by "trains". We have four tracks at our disposal, each of which can take no more than twenty cars; if the limit is exceeded, the path is closed. Our makeshift station regularly receives trains (from 1 to 11 cars each) with four types of cargo - equipment, weapons, fuel and soldiers. We have to sort the arriving trains along four paths and send them to the planet. As soon as the track is filled with twenty cars of the same type, the express train is automatically sent into the thick of hostilities. From time to time, instead of trains, tractors are brought to the station, which can take with them an unlimited number of wagons. We also have at our disposal several mini-tractors that can send from 1 to 5 wagons to the planet. For any violation (overloading the track, "mixing" trains of different types), we are given a penalty, if there are more than three of them, the task will be failed.

In this quest, the random number generator rules the ball, so it does not have an unambiguous solution, I can only give a few tips. Firstly, to complete the main quest, you need to accept thirty trains, however, during the task, this figure is not taken into account anywhere. Therefore, I advise you to count them yourself. Secondly, if we add a train with equipment to the train with soldiers, then at the end we will get a penalty and a long train with equipment. Such is the simple equality. Thirdly, sometimes it makes sense to get a claim, but send the train out of the way, adding up to twenty cars.

Do not waste mini-tractors, after completing the main quest you will be offered a hack - the essence is the same, but one way is closed. To complete an additional task, timely unload the tracks with mini-tractors where there are a small number of cars.


Customer: any race, except maloks and bearings

Artist: any

We have to try ourselves in the role of an engineer and install the Edelweiss radio transmission complex on the planet famous for dust storms. The situation is somewhat overshadowed by the fact that our predecessor died, moreover, in a very mysterious way. After a short educational program conducted by the local chief on the radio, we land at a small geological station. Now contact with outside world is possible only during the second takeoff over the storm, since this can be done almost at any time. First of all, we will go to our cabin, where we find a transformer screwdriver and instructions for installing Edelweiss. To mount the device, you need to use the terrain analyzer to find a suitable site, then take the device there, go back and conduct a test communication session. Please note that the equipment is very heavy - picking up the analyzer and Edelweiss will not work. After reading the instructions, we will visit the local geologist - the Faeyan Gaiolak, whose cabin is just nearby. The only inhabitant of the station does not really like us, but he answers questions, albeit reluctantly. Having pulled out all the available information from it and taking the radar, we go to the equipment and, putting on a spacesuit and taking the analyzer, we go out to the surface.

Our task is to find a place suitable for the installation of Edelweiss. As a rule, it is three to four cells from the base. The scanning method is very simple - a map is displayed on the left side of the screen; 0 denotes unexplored territory, 8 - explored, 1 - our current location, 2 - almost ideal site for installing a radio station. We run from the base to the edge of the map, then go up one cell (or down) and go back. At the base, we replenish the supply of oxygen, and again on the road - to the bitter end. There are two main dangers on the surface of the planet: a broken radar (in this case, do not panic - as soon as you continue on your way, everything will return to normal) and ring crawlers, which our geologist friend loves to tinker with. They are aggressive, but stupid creatures - a couple of blows with a screwdriver will send them to the worm Valhalla.

During the next run with the analyzer, we stumble upon the corpse of our predecessor, which, moreover, had a cut off the oxygen supply hose. Something is unclean here! We memorize his badge number and go to the base. Now, in our cabin, you can watch a video file recorded by a Gaalian shortly before his death. In addition to speculation that Gaiolak is doing some dirty business at the station, we learn a secret combination that opens access to a secret compartment in the swindler's locker (we successively open the second, third, first, second doors). We go out to the surface again, find a place to install "Edelweiss" and return to the base.

Taking off the spacesuit, we find that the medical device in our cabin is broken, and the radio station has disappeared. Having visited the empty cabin of the Feynin, we find the missing "Edelweiss", and by introducing a secret combination, we get hold of with a circular saw. Gaiolak is not visible nearby, and to hell with him - it would be faster to complete the mission and fly away from here. Returning to the airlock, we find the spacesuit is missing; have to go without him. Each step takes away health, therefore, without being distracted by extraneous desires, we go to the set point, install "Edelweiss" and return. What a surprise - Gaiolak appears on our way, and even in a missing spacesuit. His intentions are clearly unfriendly - it turns out that we are preventing the Faetian from secretly extracting gold nuggets from the stomachs of worms, which the local soil is rich in. Attempts to come to an agreement will not lead to anything good, so we use the last argument - a circular. Having put on the spacesuit of the killed geologist, we return to the base, where we get in touch with the authorities. Congratulations, mission accomplished! And what to do with the two corpses is no longer our business.

Fishing Championship

Customer: people, bearings

Artist: any

The life of a ranger is full of surprises and surprises - the government of another planet sends us to the fishing championship, and even pays money for it. Sheer joy, not a task. Having arrived at the destination and received 800 marks for purchases, we learn that our main enemy is the Vulture bearing, which has won these competitions for five years in a row. Well, nothing, tomorrow's tournament will show who really knows how to fish, and who was lucky for five years in a row. To begin with, we will go to the hut, which was allocated for us for the night, and examine the closet - in addition to the fisherman's guide, there is a possibility of finding 10-20 marks. A trifle, but nice. Having studied the directory, we learn that there are three types of fish in the local lake. In the reeds, there are small (on average - 300 grams) cheriki that bite on anything, and the quality of the tackle does not particularly affect their capture. Murlocs swim in shallow water, medium-sized (from 400 to 600 grams) predators that hunt worms (which means they swim in the reeds) and prefer white worms. To catch a murloc, you need a good tackle. Deep pools were chosen by massive (from 700 to 1000 grams) volts, which hate reeds, but love to feast on green worms. You can't catch a Volt without good tackle and fishing rods.

[Space Rangers 2 screenshot, 159KB]

For 2007, the graphics look, to put it mildly, outdated.

Now our path lies in the bar where the future rival - the Vulture - settled. Approaching him, we learn that he is not averse to measuring strength in armwrestling. The winner receives one hundred marks. It's a sin not to take the opportunity.

We have three techniques at our disposal: pull the opponent's hand down with force, use a sharp technique and break the hand. The fight takes place on the principle of "rock-paper-scissors" - a power technique is effective against a sharp technique, and in a hall - against a power technique. A sharp jerk, respectively, knocks down the hall. Using these techniques, we defeat the bearing and approach the dice players who are sitting nearby. The rules of the game are elementary: threw out more than the opponent's, got 40 marks, less - gave 20. If the numbers are the same, got ten. It all depends on chance, but I can advise especially superstitious ones to leave the table during protracted losses. Our goal is to accumulate 1,160 marks. As soon as the amount is reached (if you lost outright, it is better to restart the quest), we go to the stall, where, regardless of cheap trinkets, we buy the most expensive tackle and a fishing rod, as well as twenty green worms - we will not need others. After all the above procedures, it's time to indulge in a healthy sleep - you need to come to the championship after a good night's sleep.

So, the competition begins - we have half an hour to catch as much as possible more fish... The first step is to find a deep place without reeds - we will catch volts. And then it was a matter of technology: they planted a worm, abandoned the fishing rod, waited a bit and caught a fish. By the end of the championship, the weight of the fish you catch will be almost twice the catch of the Vulture - good tackle has done its job. Now, after a short-term communication with nature, you can go back into space - the dominators are not asleep.


Customer: any, except maloks and bearings

The mission promised to be quite simple - all you need is to meet with the head of the Esen & Co corporation, Eisa-Gan, in a restaurant and convince him to give the patent for the production of xentvo emitters to us. However, already at the exit from the spaceport, trouble awaits us - a negligent taxi driver drove us around the city for forty minutes, and then completely announced that the car had broken down. After asking for directions from a passer-by, we find out that the restaurant is located at the other end of the city. Having got there, we listen to Aisa-Gan's reproach for lack of punctuality, but we are in no hurry to tell the truth - in their area, unlike ours, a taxi driver who does not know the way is not a rule, but an exception. A much more pleasant impression on the big boss will be made by sweet lies about the modern technological equipment of the local spaceport. However, it's time to start eating, and the head of Esen & Co leaves the choice of dishes to us. The optimal menu looks like this: onnareik in greenery, extruder on a stick, neon-propane solution. After the meal, we are asked why our planet is so eager to get a patent? To please the technophile, we answer that the emitters will help to better study the structure of the dominators. The interlocutor leaves us for a few minutes, but we do not remain alone - we are accompanied by a suspicious subject who delicately asks to refuse the patent, because own life more expensive than the reward for the successful completion of the mission. Naturally, such threats cannot penetrate the seasoned ranger, so we meet Ace-Gan, find out that it was we who won the patent, and take the suitcase with the documents. However, we will not be able to walk with him for a long time - in a nearby alley they beat us to the point of loss of consciousness and take away our valuable cargo. We come to ourselves already in the hospital, in the company of a doctor and a couple of police officers, who are asked to draw up a verbal portrait of the attacker. The signs are: thin, triangular face, long braid, a liquid mustache, like a bearing, narrow eyes, an ordinary nose, a calm, quiet voice, four fingers on his hand. This description is sufficient to identify the culprit. The bandit was caught, the documents were returned, the mission was completed.


Customer: any race, except bearings

Artist: Human, Gaalese

This task is a standard (by the standards of "Space Rangers", of course) a text action movie, which differs in many tactics of passing. Below I will give only one, which fundamentally does not correspond to the name of the quest. The goal of our mission is to hijack a new stealth plane from a hangar located near the military base. To help us, two mercenaries are allocated (they promised three, but the last one disappeared somewhere), a malok and a fayanin, who take you to the place of the operation in a small jeep, while fervently arguing which is better - firearms with tremendous destructive power, but a low hit rate, or an accurate and quiet energetic one. We don't care about their dispute, so you can safely snooze in the back seat.

This is important: if you choose a different tactic for passing, support one of the two mercenaries in the dispute, then ask him for a weapon. Faeyanin will give a blaster, malok - a shotgun.

Our sleep is interrupted by an explosion - cunning guards hit the car. Before us is a difficult choice - to pull out a malok (remove the machine gun from the body), a feyanin (we get a sniper rifle), a camouflage box (first aid kit, grenades, mines - your choice), or take our legs away (then we will completely preserve our health, in other cases a couple of percent is lost ). We choose the first option and turn onto the path - there is an hour left before the arrival of reinforcements from the base, if we do not have time to complete the task during this time, we will have to kill five more well-armed opponents. Then we run to the east. Seeing the opponents, we begin to sneak (this increases the accuracy of shooting), and then we scare the surprised guards with a burst from a machine gun. Ideally, one shot is enough for each enemy. It's not worth searching bodies, we don't have much time, however, for a corpse in a spacesuit and a corpse in glasses, we will still make an exception - we will take the key from the first, and special glasses from the second. Do not forget the mercenary tokens, which are on every deceased, however, the process of removing them is quite long. With the help of such simple gestures, we quickly reach the hangar, finish off the remaining guards and go inside. We put on glasses, get on the plane, start it up, shoot the gate, try to finish off the bearing, which turns out to be our third escort (he, you see, slept!), If there is a desire, we sell him tokens (I was offered the symbolic 50 Cr per token) and finish mission.

Bad ranger day

Customer: any race, except Maloks and Gaalians

Performer: anyone except malok

This is important: this quest is one of the most atmospheric in the add-on, so I strongly advise you to first try to go through it yourself and only then look into this deliberately dry passage.

Arriving at the spaceport, we look around and buy all the provisions from the seller in the stall - bottles of water and alcohol, bread and a meat sandwich, then we talk to the bartender and go to the named address. We enter, go up the left stairs, fall into the tunnel, distract the spider with a meat sandwich, leave the room through the metal door - we are again at the entrance. We rise along the right stairs, we go to the fifth door, we rummage in the table, we find a magnetic card and a photo album, we look through the last one. By the way, do not try to call on the videophone - your mental health will deteriorate (hello Fahrenheit!). We go to the first door, use a magnetic card, in the dialogue we select "The best lyakusha ..." and "Another lyakusha", we receive an electronic key and a request to find a dress. We go downstairs, open the right door with a key, break down the door, ignoring the puzzle, take the body and carry it back to the first room, get a metal key. We go into the fourth room, throw water and bread into the cauldron, make a healing potion. We go down again. We pass through the left door, open the wooden door with a metal key. Select the blind statue, take the hammer, exit through the metal door and open the central one. We hit the bell with a hammer, go upstairs to the second room. We throw alcohol into the enemy, then we hit with a hammer, not forgetting to drink the potion. After defeating the enemy, we listen to a prosaic explanation and enjoy the completed task.

Faeyan psychiatric hospital

Customer: bearings

Artist: Anyone except Feynin

Whoever we have been in our long ranger life! Now you have to try on the skin of an ordinary psycho. Do not be afraid, everything is in order with our minds, we just need to take out some documents collected by the Peleng resident, who also pretended to be insane. The hospital is divided into four floors, in order to rise higher, you need to activate the elevator through various actions - from clapping your hands to exclamations of "Sim-sim, open up!" The patients of this clinic know exactly what action to perform, but each one needs a special approach.

So, the first floor. The dictator must be delicately greeted ("Greetings, oh ..."), and then asked if he really finds a timely refuge modest. The answer to the cryptor's question is "2". Malok the fireman must be hit in the shoulder and told about his exploits in the war with the dominators. The Pelenga teacher will be very happy to hear "152" as an answer. But the violent Faejanin under no circumstances makes contact. What else did you expect from a person who constantly shouts: "Phnglui mglvnafh Rleh Cthulhu vgahnagl fkhtagn!"?

We rise to the second floor. Malok the writer will help you if you suggest calling his book "Notes on the Walls of a Prison Cell." The Crazy Infernett will happily tell you the elevator activation code if you speak to him in Infernet Slang. To find out the desired combination from a bearing with a split personality, you need to try to cut both halves of it. The card that the fan of gambling asks you about is "five".

On the third floor, a crazy dragon will tell you which elevator to use if the letter you call him becomes M. In the verses of Maniac Y it is said about a blaster.

On the fourth floor you will find the Pelengian "psycho" we need, and all that remains is to climb out onto the cornice, grab the medical robot and slowly glide down.


Customer: any race

Artist: Human, not a pirate

This task is purely a collection of logical tasks, the essence of which is to transfer a group of tourists across a number of bridges. For each, you must go through one, and only once. The complexity of the tasks increases on an increasing basis - if even a primary school student can easily solve the first one ("Little House", without taking the pen off the paper, did everyone draw?) it is not clear where a third of all bridges lead. Possible solutions for each of the four tasks are presented below.

1 task: A, D, H, F, E, C, B, D;

2nd task: red, blue, green, orange, purple, pink, aquamarine, light green, yellow, brown, blue;

3 task: 1, 15, 14, 4, 12, 5, 2, 6, 11, 9, 8, 3, 10, 13, 7;

4 task (additional): f, s, c, e, g, i, n, o, q, p, m, l, j, h, a, b, d, r, t;

Finally, a couple of tips. First, after the second task, you will be asked to visit a restaurant or casino. In the first establishment, you can meet a bearing, which, for a certain amount, will show a card for the fourth task, and in a casino you can try to increase your fortune using a slot machine. Secondly, if at the very end of the mission you shoot your employers (they, I must say, deserve it), you will receive an amount somewhat larger than that which was stipulated in the contract.

Leonardo da Vinci

Customer: people, Gaals

Artist: anyone other than a pirate

Quests in "Space Rangers" are sometimes striking in originality. At least, I have not met a simulator of an artist until this moment. Driven by the thirst for profit, we go to the tournament of artists, where we will have to fight with three worthy fighters of brush and paint. The mechanics of the game are quite simple, there are three rounds in the tournament, in each of them you have to paint a picture with three parameters: interesting, cleanliness and flavor. Each of the parameters is influenced by a huge number of components - from your characteristics to the speed at which you draw. The main ones are listed below.

First, the styles in which you will work play a big role. Impressionism increases interestingness by 2, but decreases purity and color by 1. Realism adds 1 to purity and color. Cubism increases interestingness by 3, but decreases purity by 1. Primitivism has a very beneficial effect on interestingness, increasing it by 4, but decreasing the rest stats by 1. Surrealism increases interestingness by 2.

Secondly, the choice of colors is important. Fluorescent colors have a good effect on the interestingness of the picture, however, to the detriment of purity, ordinary paints behave exactly the opposite.

Thirdly, the characteristics of the player - fantasy, accuracy and literacy - have a direct impact on the parameters of the picture. Initially, each of them is equal to 3, however there are several ways to increase them. This can be done with the help of books sold in the spaceport: "Stories" by Lem will increase imagination by 1 point, "A guide to embroidery" - accuracy, and "How to learn to draw without drawing a single picture" - literacy. Please note that you can buy only two books, but you can read them three times (that is, one - two or all three times, while the characteristics also increase. Is repetition the mother of learning?). The second way to improve performance is to watch TV after the second round. A fantastic film will increase fantasy by 1, decreasing literacy by the same amount, a culinary show will increase accuracy by 1 due to a decrease in the value of fantasy, and an art program will drop literacy by as much as 2 points, however, you will have to sacrifice the rest of the characteristics - one will be subtracted from them.

In the process of creativity, you should pay attention to the speed with which you draw - the more accurately, the more time it takes. If you do not have time to meet an hour, the work will simply not be appreciated and will be given zero points. By the way, fast is not always bad, a carelessly drawn part of a picture can sometimes pass for an innovative primitivist solution. Also, the time spent on drawing is affected by fatigue - the higher it is, the slower you are given this or that part of the picture. However, this characteristic is important only in the first round - having devoted the whole night to reading books, we did not get much sleep, - in the future we don't have to think about it, the nights will be calm.

The fruits of our labors are evaluated by three judges: Leevi-taan from Gaale, a well-known realist painter who extremely appreciates the purity of a painting, a man with the surname Satimov, a primitivist painter who evaluates works by their interest, and Malok B "Ugarra, who is absolutely not versed in art, but approving coloring.

Well, perhaps now you know enough to create your own masterpiece that will be admired for many generations. Finally, I will give a scheme that almost always leads to victory in the competition:

We buy Lemovskie "Stories" and "How to learn to draw without drawing a single picture", read the first one once, the second two, then go to bed. Since we are tired, in the first round we do not draw very carefully, otherwise there will be no time. We choose fluorescent paints, impressionism, we do without a pencil sketch, then quickly but carefully (except for the head of an animal - we draw it extremely carelessly) we paint a landscape as a background, a teapot instead of a head, snake rings will serve as the body, and the limbs of a dragon will complete the composition. The ratings are not the highest. But there are still two days ahead.

We come to the second round having slept enough, so we can afford to draw with the highest accuracy. Our choice is fluorescent paints, impressionism, a sketch, a Klisan cockpit, a spiked contraption instead of wings, the body as we imagined it in childhood. And space will act as a background. It is not entirely clear how such a spaceship can fly, but the judges really like it.

In the evening we watch a culinary show, but in the morning there is a tempting opportunity to rummage in the pocket of our main competitor, Kasyak's bearing - an experienced drug addict who, in a state of expanded consciousness, creates masterpieces. If we are lucky, we will pull out the joint, if we are not lucky, they will break our nose and the third round will pass us by. To take risks or not is up to you. Since the theme of the final round is a portrait, we will focus on ordinary colors and realism. After a pencil sketch, with the utmost accuracy, we draw a bowler hat and a mustache as a contour of the face, lips with a bow, a nose like an ancient deity. We complete the portrait with the eyes of a malok who has not slept for a week. The judges are delighted, the audience is delighted, and we take the cup and fly for the award. If your competitor scored the same number of points as you, an additional competition is held. It is necessary to determine how many mixes this or that color can be obtained. For light purple, the correct answer is 2, for brown, 1, and for turquoise, 3.

Volcanic island

Customer: maloki, people

Artist: Human, not a merchant

And again we have a task that has more than one solution. I will give here the most obvious of the options for passing. This time we have to land (more precisely, simulate a disaster) on a tropical island and learn about the new power plant, which is located inside the local volcano. We ransack passengers' luggage, visit the pilots, buy two bottles of vodka from them, go to the toilet, where we also find a lot of useful things. While we were busy, the time came for the crash - we shout at the fat businessman, otherwise he would not jump out of the plane, on landing we set up camp and go to bed.

It seems that while we were dozing, the situation changed dramatically - we inspect the surroundings and go to the village, where we put on beads for the leader and say an obscene word. After this ritual, the savages will not pay much attention to us. First of all, we go to the coast, where we kill an excessively aggressive big guy, for which we get 500 units of local currency. Further, our path lies in the fortune teller's fabric tent. After answering the questions ("Put on a stake", "Fasten a knife on the upper tree ...", 25, 24), we get another one and a half thousand. Using the accumulated money, we buy a wooden card and a box of cartridges from a merchant and distill vodka into a combustible mixture. If there is a need for treatment, you can go to the leader and dine with cilantro (we pay off the guard either with vodka or with a bribe), at the same time the head of the village will tell us about the local military base. Now our path lies to the volcano. Leaving the village, we rip off the pineapple grenades from the branches (don’t even take it from the ground - they can explode in our hands!) And go up to the metal door. It's time to use a wooden "plastic" card. A pleasant surprise awaits us on the doorstep - a box of cartridges. Now the running around the corridors begins - it is necessary to find many different cards (the blue card opens the safe, in which the red card is, the red one opens the safe, in which the yellow one ...). The room is small, the cards are easy to search, there is no point in describing the search in detail. Kill guards without a twinge of conscience by any means - almost every corpse has a first-aid kit and cartridges. Having found all the cards, a wrench and opening the water, we install an impromptu bomb on the glass door, then we show the spy transmitter to the guard, shoot everyone except the main lyakusha, find out from him the background of what is happening, drag it with us into the hangar and fly away.

Lost hero

Customer: any race, except Gaalians

Performer: anyone other than bearing and fayanin, not a merchant

And again before us is a very multifaceted, albeit somewhat "damp" quest in terms of technology, which has many ways to solve. The fastest way to pass is in front of you.

Explosion, disaster ... death? Very unusual start... However, do not be afraid, after a while we regain consciousness. We are alive - this is good, but the lack of food, shelter and, most importantly, means of communication with the outside world is somewhat frustrating. The first step is to search for the transmitter, otherwise in a few days the island will be covered with carpet bombing. The item you are looking for is usually located in one of two places: in the first case, we go to the bunker in the south, turn on the generator and through the ventilation (the turn leading to the transmitter is a variable value, but do not try to press the button in the right corridor) in shower we crawl into the command center. If it was not possible to establish communication in the bunker, we swim (this will slightly improve our health) and go east, where we dive into the lake with a sunken flyer. First of all, we search the warehouse, where a strange monster is waiting for us - a fish with a drill instead of a nose. Having defeated the nightmarish creature of someone's unhealthy mind, not forgetting to replenish oxygen reserves, we search the rest of the compartments. A transmitter should be waiting for us in the cockpit.

Now it remains to wait for help. In order not to perish from the paws of wild animals, hunger and cold, we make a fire, collect food (you can eat porcini mushrooms, yellow and black berries, you can only eat red and yellow mushrooms), get building materials (for an inferior hut you need ten bamboo stalks and ten palm leaves) and build ourselves a temporary shelter. The hut will be ready in time for the evening (after collecting building materials it is better to rest), so we go to bed, and in the morning we meet the arriving reinforcements, we go on an assault, listen to the interrogation and get a well-deserved reward. The task is completed, but the island keeps many secrets in its depths.

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I will publish the last part tomorrow.

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