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Scientologists: A Shortcut From Religion to Business

Scary: Scientologists continue to work in kindergartens and schools September 15th, 2016

I was surprised to learn that Scientologists still operate in schools and kindergartens. Income and connections allow them, despite the fact that the state has decided not to recognize them as a religious organization, to build their own religious centers, collect money, milk their fellow citizens.

In general, they threw me here in a personal letter with a link to the hackers' site. The guys just hacked the Scientologists and posted the details on the network.

"The parish of the Church of Scientology in Moscow numbers almost 15,000. Below is a part of the list of parishioners. In the Files tab, you can get acquainted with the entire list and look for your neighbors, friends and colleagues there =))).

On the mail server of Scientologists, we found a number of interesting correspondences, with some of them we will share with you ...

For example, the head of the Church of Scientology in Moscow, Anton Lychkin, is in correspondence with the head of the Church of Scientology in St. Petersburg, Ivan Matsitsky. Lychkin sends Matsitsky "Preliminary price list for 2016". The cost of books, for example, is 4,000-8,000 rubles, courses up to Clear cost 3,500,000 rubles, and courses up to OT 5, no less than 20,000,000 rubles.

Also on the mail server, we found a correspondence with the topic "school", which discusses some September events in schools. What's really scary is that several schools have agreed, among them 457, 414, 401, 464, 396, 354, 528,525, 592, 1276, 1284, 555, 1221, 1219, 128, 553, 1216, 1275. 1468, 1233. Schools 1305, 1277, 1271, 1225, 1276, 528, 1227, 1278, 435, 397 - our hacktivist respect, for refusing to arrogant sectarians.

There is another interesting correspondence - someone from the mail [email protected] communicates with [email protected] about increasing the dosage of vitamins. We hacked mail [email protected] and it turned out that it belongs to a private kindergarten"Wonderland" http://www.baby-smile.ru/ , whose pupils are fed with incomprehensible vitamins. We will post soon interesting materials about this kindergarten.

(I went to the page of this kindergarten. It turns out that the kindergarten is the Montessori Center "NaVi".)

Also on file server Scientologists in the folder "July" was found the file "cash flows".

Based on this file, we can judge that in one month Scientologists earn about 120,000,000 rubles from two departments (their exact location is still a mystery). Of these, "Parish" brings about 50 million, "Projects" about 55 million, "Courses" 22 million. rubles. So the largest item of income - "Sale of materials", brought Scientologists 27,871,400 rubles. The largest expense item is “Transfer to the USA” - 25,000,000 rubles.

Interestingly, the item of expenditure includes the item "Santa Barbara" - 15,000,000 rubles. At first we thought Scientologists were heating bones in California for summer vacation, but then we found the following file:

For those who do not spit on foreign - in short:

“Scientologists from all over the world unite !!! We need to support our brothers and specifically these people and their institutions. "

Who these persons are and why they need to be supported is completely unclear, one can only hope that the number assigned to unknown people is generated by chance, for 92,813,323 Scientologists are scary.

(it is possible that "some support" from Santa Barbara was provided to Yasin Yevgeny Grigorievich - the scientific leader of the National research university « graduate School Economics "and Dmitry Borisovich Zimin - the head of the" Dynasty "fund)

Interestingly, in the income table, in the column "Branch 1", in the line "Sponsors", the amount is "7,000,000 rubles." The so-called sponsors of Scientologists in July were 5 wealthy people and one company. These 5 people are marked in the list of parishioners with the uncomplicated Americanism "Vip". In addition to them, there are other persons on the list marked in a similar way.

As a result of studying the receipts, it turned out that the largest amount of donations was made by Alexey Vladimirovich Andreyev (through LLC Profile) - 5,000,000 rubles. Then Smirnov Alexey Vladimirovich - 600,000 rubles, Vasiliev Viktor Stepanovich - 500,000 rubles, EPOS Plus LLC - 500,000 rubles, Boytsev Anatoly Alexandrovich - 400,000 rubles.

(in the photo - Andreev Alexey Vladimirovich)

As it turned out, Mr. Andreev, through the company "PROFIL", owned by OJSC DSK "AVTOBAN", gene. The director of which he is, transferred 5,000,000 rubles to the account of the Scientology Church.

The transfer was carried out through Expobank LLC, 8.76% of which belongs to Autobahn.

We were interested in the personality of Mr. Andreev, and we found out that he is a deputy of the KhMAO Duma, a member of the faction " United Russia", The General Director of JSC DSK" AVTOBAN ", in respect of which two criminal cases were initiated by the State Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the articles" Illegal banking activity "and" Fraud ", as well as that in 2011 Andreev took 178th place in the Forbes list" The Richest businessmen of Russia ".

We found it outrageous that the elected representative of the people in power sponsors the activities of a sectarian organization and, at the same time, he himself, quite possibly, is not clean on hand. We decided not to stop there and began to “listen” to the traffic of the AVTOBAN company (for more details about the process of wiretapping traffic, see technical description hacking). "Wiretapping" of traffic showed that the company "AVTOBAN" uses a Bit-coin client. We found out the identifier of the bitcoin wallet and found out to which bitcoin wallet Autobahn transfers money, it turned out that this is the same bitcoin wallet to which Moscow Scientologists transfer money. The amount of the transfer was $ 1,000,000 (the sniffer data is in the tab "technical description of the hack"). This is where taxpayer money goes. And laughter and sin, as they say.

In the folder with the files for the download there is another interesting correspondence, between Anton Lychkin, the head of the sectarian church, and a certain Tatiana Kavun, the dialogue is about the construction of the church. In particular, the following is mentioned "... .. We have a very influential deputy in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, he said that there is already a place", "In the 35A micro district near the Snezhinka base. If they do not allocate there, we will bargain with the Russian Orthodox Church, they have many places in the city, the deputy will lobby for our interests …… ”.

Surprisingly, Google knows that there is microdistrict 35A in the city of Surgut just at the base called Snezhinka, and there, by the way, the first stone has already been laid in the construction Orthodox church... The temple is being built on the money of the parishioners, so it will take a long time before the object is commissioned. The most interesting thing is that our comrade Andreev is a deputy of the KhMAO Duma, and if the KhMAO Duma has not yet been filled with Scientologists, it is quite possible that he is that influential deputy.

Also, the site is still full of different interesting information... In general, dig, download, study the enemy in the face.

The oligarch will cut budgets together with the head of Avtodor Sergey Kelbakh.

The Spanish firm Sacyr Concession has ceased to be a contractor for the Moscow Central Ring Road (TsKAD). The only company that should complete the construction of the highway, which is vital for the capital, is the Avtoban DSK of the billionaire and deputy from Ugra, Alexei Andreev ...

"In the circle of the Central Ring Road"

At one time, the Avtodor company reported that only one application was received for the construction of the third section of the Central Circle road(TsKAD) - from the consortium "Road Construction Corporation", which includes DSK "Autobahn" and the Spanish Sacyr Concession. The piquancy of the situation is that "Autobahn" has no experience in working with concessions! But there is an influential leader. General Director of JSC DSK Avtoban Andreev Alexey Vladimirovich - former head of the Department of Road Construction and Design Methodology of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Nobody else wanted to apply for the implementation of an expensive project. Avtodor has 30 days to study the application. If it meets the requirements, then the concession agreement will be concluded with this consortium. Note that the third section is 105.3 km, which will connect the new high-speed road Moscow - St. Petersburg and the M7 Volga road. It is interesting that the competition committee had four more applications: from North-Eastern Highway, SOK 24 Russia, Invest Finance, and Ring Highway. Why did they all "merge"?

Unexpectedly in early 2015 potential participants were asked to change the terms of the competition due to the deteriorating macroeconomic situation, and the government postponed the competition. The government has partially assumed inflationary risks. Avtodor agreed to index investment payments for inflation and reduce the collateral from 1 billion to 400 million rubles. Everything would be fine: the construction will require 74.9 billion rubles, of which 42.2 billion will be provided by Avtodor. But there was only one participant in the competition! Former competitors say that after fraud and threats, they decided to abandon the tender.

Now the financial partner of Autobahn will be RDIF with co-investors - sovereign wealth funds of the Middle East. After that, "Autobahn" agreed on loans with "Sberbank", "Rosselkhozbank" and other structures. The most interesting thing is that Avtoban will be the general contractor, and its management does not exclude the involvement of a subcontractor. In other words, Andreev can hire those who have not passed the competition for a lower amount.

Send "to the ban"

The key figure and sole owner of Autobahn is Alexey Andreev. Not just a former high-ranking official, but also a current deputy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Duma autonomous region, a member of the United Russia party. In 2011 Forbes the only time included Andreev in the list of the richest Russians with a fortune of $ 500 million. In 2014, the businessman was included in the ranking of "Kings of the State Order-2014" - "Autobahn" in 2013 won 15 government contracts for total amount about 28 billion rubles The funny thing is, Andreev's representative explains that he is a deputy on a non-permanent basis, so he can combine business with social activities! Those. businessman-deputy!

It should be noted here that among the objects of "Autobahn" there are federal highways M-4 "Don", M-3 "Ukraine", M-7 "Volga", approaches to bridges across the Ob and Irtysh rivers and other objects in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra ... The group's revenue in 2014 was 24.9 billion rubles, and its net profit was 1.3 billion rubles. Rumor has it that Andreev met the head of Avtodor, Sergei Kelbakh, through Arkady Rotenberg, who often visits Ugra.

After all, it is from Ugra that the roots of Andreev's success grow. In 1999 he became the head of the road-building company "Autobahn", which united several construction companies Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

An "active" sectarian?

Undoubtedly, belief in God or participation in a sect is the free choice of any person. Mr. Andreev is not a Satanist, but a Scientologist. It is worth recalling the scandal when Georgy Fedorov, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, began familiarizing himself with the materials for preparing a request addressed to the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, with a request to check the facts of illegal activities of the leadership of the Autobahn road construction concern. What does Scientology have to do with it? As it turned out, part of the budget allocated for road construction, went abroad on fictitious transactions, including in favor of the Church of Scientology!

“I hope that the law enforcement agencies will check the activities of Autobahn and Mr. Andreev and make their competent decision on the facts. I would like the fight against corruption in the country to be systemic rather than one-off. So that nowhere and never corrupt officials feel safe and unpunished. Now I am studying the materials of the case, and if from my point of view everything is confirmed, then I will prepare a request, ”Fedorov said in mid-2015.

But it seems that Andreyev was able to come to an agreement with law enforcement agencies in the same way as with Avtodor.

"Religion does not allow"

Let us recall one more dubious episode from the business life of Mr. Andreev. In 2015, Andreev appealed to the Internal Security Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a complaint about multimillion-dollar extortion by investigative officers. The businessman-deputy said that the detectives demanded a substantial amount of money from his subordinates in order to close the criminal case against his company. At the same time, according to Andreev, the detectives have already managed to cash in on him at 35 million rubles! What happened? What did they ask for - if they asked? In 2014, the Ugra security officials suspected the management of the largest road construction company of fraudulent transactions with accounts and came to the headquarters of the firm with searches.

Andreev, discovering that 35 million disappeared precisely during the operational activities, decided to interview his employees. As a result, the three guards admitted that they voluntarily transferred the money to the investigators so that the case was closed! “After our employees gave this amount to law enforcement officers, they not only did not stop the criminal prosecution, but also opened a new case under the article“ Fraud ”. Then the investigators asked our firm for another four million dollars: for this money they promised to slow down criminal cases and stop all investigative measures in the company, ”Andreeva's assistant Elena Usmanbaeva was indignant.

Thereafter investigative committee on southeastern district Moscow filed a case against the same employees of Andreev's firm under the article “Giving a bribe”. Investigators brought charges against the head of the Autobahn security service, Yuri Korabelnikov, and two of his subordinates, Yuri Narozhny and Oleg Ivanov, who handed over the same 35 million to law enforcement agencies.

The Internal Security Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not discover the fact of receiving a bribe by the investigators (!), While the criminal case against the guards continues. But Andreev is doing well, after the contract with Avtodor it will be possible to “fill up the money” of the security officials so that they become silent.

Woe builder?

The municipal authorities of Nefteyugansk demanded from JSC DSK Avtoban more than 40 million rubles spent by the budget on the restoration of house No. 87 in microdistrict No. 16 a. Meanwhile, the builders previously denied their involvement in the situation, which created the risks of "collapse of a residential building." DSK pointed out that "the problems of this building began long before the company entered the construction site." However, the courts of various instances in this moment"See a connection between the work of DSK" Autobahn "and the damage residential building", Which enables the administration to return the money to the budget.

By 2012, the construction of residential building No. 25 was completed, but in the course of work in the neighboring building No. 87, cracks and deformations of doorways began to appear. Residents linked this situation directly with the construction site, which was led by "Autobahn". And over time, the situation only worsened - there was a danger of the collapse of a residential building. As a result, in 2013, by a decree of the head of the city administration within the borders land plot residential building was introduced into an emergency regime. At the same time, an examination was carried out, which recognized the house number 87 as emergency.

However, we should return to the main lobbyist Andreev. This is the state corporation Avtodor, headed by Sergei Kelbakh.

Dubious tender

Scandals related to the construction of the Moscow - St. Petersburg highway continue. Now the state corporation "Avtodor" is looking for applicants for the construction, maintenance, repair and operation of the section of the Moscow - St. Petersburg road (M11) from 58th to 149th km. Experts in the road sector told The Moscow Post. It is about the last unplayed section of the M11 toll highway, which should be fully prepared for the 2018 FIFA World Cup (2018).

"Gift" for the contractor

The media said that the initial cost of the contract (reduced during the competition) increased from 69.8 billion to 74.6 billion rubles, and the contractor's expenses almost halved - from 13.96 billion to 7.5 billion rubles. The competition will now be one-stage, rather than two-stage, which simplifies and speeds up the procedure. But the most interesting thing is that this competition has not yet taken place, and the media say that Mostotrest will participate in the tender, which has the greatest chances to win. It is possible that the real competitors of Mostotrest will simply not be admitted to this tender.

It seems that the head of Avtodor, Sergei Kelbakh, specially facilitated the conditions of the competition for Mostotrest and has some kind of "behind-the-scenes agreements" with the management of this company.

Who is behind Mostotrest?

Previously, Mostotrest, one of the largest general contractors in Russia, was controlled by Arkady Rotenberg (owner of SMP-Bank). However, in April 2015, a non-state controlled by Russian Railways became the controlling shareholder of Mostotrest. Pension Fund(NPF) "Welfare". This pension fund received 63.63% of Mostotrest shares.

Formally, Mostotrest is now controlled by the structures of Russian Railways, but experts are confident that Arkady Rotenberg retained his influence on the management of this contractor.

Communication with the head of Russian Railways

But Belozerov's partner in Lagun OJSC, Andrey Kadkin, took part in the work of the Yavara-Neva judo club, created by Rotenberg together with Gennady Timchenko. In addition, Belozerov is well acquainted with Dmitry Kalantyrsky, former head Bank Severny sea ​​route"(SMP-Bank), owned by the Rotenberg family.

Tenders for "friends"

Of course, the friendship between Belozerov and Rotenberg had its "financial equivalent". The thing is that the former Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation and the current head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov, from 2004 to 2009 headed the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor), which organized tenders for road construction. Even then, Belozerov was called in the press "the man of the Rotenbergs." According to experts, his loyalty to the brothers allowed the Rotenbergs to enter projects for the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, the federal highway M-4 Don, M-11 Narva and M9 Baltia, etc.

"Cut" for two

In expert circles, there was an opinion that Belozerov, being the deputy head of the Ministry of Transport, could have lobbied for Rotenberg's structures to get Avtodor's tenders. Moreover, Sergei Kelbakh was clearly not against this scenario. This track was built by the company of Arkady Rotenberg (the same native of the "Petersburg team" as the head of "Avtodor" Kelbakh). Experts suspected that these 6.6 billion rubles could be "cut" between Kelbach and Rotenberg. But here it is worth returning to the Central Ring Road.

How much was stolen at the Central Ring Road?

According to counterintelligence agents, this money was paid from the Russian Investment Fund for the development of project documentation Central Ring Road. However, as a result of various fraudulent schemes, “unidentified persons” stole these funds. Some of them were cashed. There are rumors that the current head of Avtodor was allegedly involved in the theft of these 9 billion rubles. By the way, funds were stolen, which were allocated through the Federal State Institution "Roads of Russia".

Kelbach is involved in asset stripping?

Previously, it was this FGU that was the customer of the Central Ring Road project, but at the end of 2010 this project was transferred to the state-owned company Avtodor. As a reminder, on December 27, 2011, Vladimir Putin dismissed Sergei Kostin, chairman of Avtodor. Sergey Kelbakh was appointed to his place. Kelbakh-Andreev "sang" in tandem. Andreev lives on bribes, Kelbakh - on kickbacks. Isn't it time for the security officials to take care of this "sweet couple"?

Autobahn SU-905, KMDS or the Church of Scientology is looking for slaves ...

Before I talk about the scammers of the chiefs of this DSK, I will explain what Scientology has to do with it. I ask you to love and favor: Andreev Alexey Vladimirovich, the owner of the Autobahn. MP, Scientologist.

It should be noted that the Avtoban concern cannot be called regional - roads are being built throughout Russia, and the head office is located in Moscow. According to the information that came to the journalist Evgeny Fedorov, based on judicial and investigative documents, certificates and
correspondence between the management of the company and its partners on government orders, many questions arise about the activities of the company.
In particular, it follows from the testimony of an Autobahn employee that the company has many violations, and the deputy himself, who also belongs to the Church of Scientology, is involved in giving a large bribe. (This info is taken from open sources Runet)

Now you shouldn't be surprised why in some divisions of the Autobahn there are liar chiefs. And for them the MAN'S WORD, so. Zilch! Really, NIKOLAI ?! This is the one that HUNTERS in the sense ... Tell me not? Then I'll tell you that there are audio recordings where you gave your word and where you later rejected it ... I can post these recordings here.
What? Low, mean act? And what do you do with those hard workers who normally worked the watch and quit? You throw them for money! And you don't care that they have children to feed.

I worked two watches (even two and a half) in SU905, near the town of Malaya Vishera. Serving two asphalt plants. 1.5 months as a locksmith. And the second watch as a welder.

The rotational camp is located in the forest, 40 km from the town of Malaya Vishera. Ineta, there are no hard workers at all. cellular intermittently, the best MTS. 4 people in a trailer. Outdoor amenities. Bath. There is a canteen, food is fine, but prices rise every watch. Meals at your own expense.

So, when I got a job as a welder, it turned out that I needed not a welder, but a locksmith with the skills of a welder. That is, to receive the salary of a locksmith, and also to cook well, being responsible for it! Not a bad idea, isn't it? Well main reason of this post, this is how hard workers are lured to these watches!
You see an ad, call (+79044514931) a certain Okhotnikov Nikolay (he is supposedly in HR and finance for hard workers in the Autobahn) and they tell you that you will receive 35-40 thousand FOR 2 WEEKS! And the watch is 1 month. And so you add 2 salaries for 1 month, realizing that for a shift in 1 month 70-80 thousand, for NW Russia that's good money! You come to watch and they "open" your eyes ...

The point is that first of all, in two weeks you will receive 30 thousand! This is maximum. Minus food in the canteen. In short, 25. And secondly, your monthly salary is divided into two parts and the second part is paid when you are at home. On a shift in 1 month! It turns out that in 1 month you will actually earn 25,000 rubles! And at home there are such salaries ... In short, it makes no sense to go! Alone work there all the time
elderly men who are 2-5 years old before retirement and have nowhere to go. There is a constant turnover on the shifts, the permanent ones are forced to work one and a half or two shifts in a row. And at the expense of the payment of compensation for travel to work and back, too, at a low price! We came to watch by car, so they did not give money for gasoline. And back when I was driving home from watch, there were no train tickets from Malaya Vishera. I had to take a ticket from Nebolchi. The personnel department told me that the ticket must be from the town of Malaya Vishera and it says that there were no tickets. In short, no one returned the money.

And upon dismissal, I was paid 15,000 rubles. I called the guys who also quit, the same picture! They were paid 10-15 thousand ...

I called the Security Council of Autobahn (+79161387888), explaining the situation that due to deception in salaries, the company is losing specialists. As I understand it, no one in the Security Council cares about that. And why? Their time is ticking, their salaries are dripping ...

Now separately to Nikolay Okhotnikov: I sincerely feel sorry for you Nikolay! Maybe you didn't have a father at all? And if there was, then it is entirely his fault that he did not explain at one time the importance of the given masculine word, promises, self-esteem! You don't respect yourself Nikolai, so no one will respect you. And the higher you take off, the more painful it will be, then it will fall!

General manager Joint Stock Company"Road construction company" AVTOBAN "(JSC" DSK "AVTOBAN"), deputy of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug for the Megion single-mandate constituency No. 6 Alexey Andreev sent 5,000,000 rubles to the accounts of the Church of Scientology and received the Order of Honor from Vladimir Putin.

From Honorary Road Builder to Scientologist

The site of the NAT hacker team contains data downloaded from the server of the Church of Scientology in Russia. In July 2016, Scientologists received more than 150,000,000 rubles from just two of their departments. Of these, “Parish” - 50 million, “Projects” - 55 million, “Courses” - 22 million, “Sale of materials” - 28 million rubles.

Until 2017, Scientologists worked in the Russian Federation legally on the basis of the current legislation. For example, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration of Russia Sergei Kiriyenko graduated from the School of the Church of Scientology in 1994 and is an “enlightened” adept.

The main provisions and symbolism of Scientologists are close to Satanism, the organization itself is classified as a totalitarian sect, and Scientology methods are assessed as having a destructive effect on the human body and psyche. Scientology Adepts identify themselves as "the world's chosen elite" and act according to the principle "the end justifies the means." In Russia, the Church of Scientology of Moscow and the Church of Scientologists of St. Petersburg were liquidated by the decision of the courts of all instances in 2016.

There are almost 15,000 Scientologists in Moscow. Among them are members of the board of directors of "AVTOBAN" Alexander Yugov and Elena Usmanbaeva, as well as the general director of JSC "DSK" AVTOBAN "Alexey Andreev.

"Preliminary price list for 2016" for sponsors from the head of the Church of Scientology of Moscow Anton Lychkin.

Alexey Vladimirovich Andreev was born on August 13, 1959 in Moscow. He began his career in 1981 after graduating from the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction Institute as an engineer in the road department of the Soyuzdorproekt State Design Institute in Moscow.

Since 1983, he worked as a foreman, foreman, senior foreman of the Mechanized Column No. 129 of the Nizhnevartovskdorstroy Trust, the head of the PTO "Construction Department No. 920" in the town of Megion, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

In 1989 he became the general director of SU-920. In 1998 he was appointed General Director of Khanty-Mansiyskdorstroy OJSC.

In 1999 A.V. Andreev became the head of the road-building company "AVTOBAN". DSK AVTOBAN JSC includes 13 construction departments in Western Siberia, the European part of Russia and abroad.

Since 2001 A.V. Andreev is a deputy of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. He is a permanent member of the Commission on Budget, Economy and Finance in the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. Member of the United Russia faction.

Since 2003 - a member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, an associate member of the Intergovernmental Council of CIS Road Workers, "Honorary Road Builder of the Commonwealth of Independent States".

"Vip" sponsor

On the server of Scientologists, Mr. Andreev is among the "VIP" sponsors. Alexey Vladimirovich transferred 5,000,000 rubles to the account of the Church of Scientology through the company LLC PROFIL, owned by JSC DSK AVTOBAN. The transfer was carried out through Expobank, 8.76% of which belongs to AVTOBAN.

The wiretapping by the employees of "NAT" of the traffic of "AUTOBAN" showed that Alexey Andreev's company uses a Bit-coin client. The hackers found out the identifier of the bitcoin wallet and found out to which of them "AUTOBAN" sends money. It turned out that this is the same wallet to which Moscow Scientologists are transferring money. The transfer amount was $ 1,000,000.

In a relationship general director"AVTOBANA" of the State Investigation Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation initiated and successfully closed two criminal cases under the articles "Illegal banking activity" and "Fraud".

Andreev carried out dubious projects with Scientologist Alexander Tkachenko, convicted under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to eight years in prison. In the Moscow region, Tkachenko created a company called Vash Dom and announced the sale of phantom real estate in several districts of the region. Hundreds of gullible people became victims of the fraudster.

Now Alexey Andreev is trying to re-register the land plots belonging to the already convicted Tkachenko in order to save them from seizure to compensate for the damage caused to the victims.

Have tax authorities there are claims for 99,000,000 rubles against OAO Khanty-Mansiyskdorstroy. The company is registered in the city of Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and belongs to Alexey Vladimirovich Andreev.

Order for the Central Ring Road

Alexey Andreev's AVTOBAN is the main general contractor of the Russian Highways Group (Avtodor) for the construction of the so-called Central Ring Road (TsKAD).

The construction of another useless ring highway in the Moscow Region is nothing more than a way to develop the Moscow Region territories for “New Moscow” and a unique opportunity to smuggle the scarce resources of the Russian budget into the pockets of the grief builders. Transport problems The unprecedented criminal and corruption of Putin's "mega-project" cannot solve the Moscow region.

Instead of real field surveys, the designers of the Central Ring Road used archival materials 40-60 years ago, and under the guise of route surveys they filmed the area from the window of cars. The swindling designers of Soyuzdorproekt received funds from the Investment Fund of Russia for the development of project documentation in the amount of nine billion rubles.

Photo: Scientology Founder Ron Hubbard

Yesterday, the Chinovnik.ru media wrote an interesting article that some of the leadership of the KhMAO-Yugra are adherents and sponsors of the Church of Scientology. In principle, this was not a discovery, because the whole of Yugra already knows about it. For example, the Yugra region sponsors their activities. oligarch Alexei Andreev, former assistant to Andreev, and now the first vice-governor of Ugra Alexey Shipilov, one of the leaders of the United Russia party in Ugra Andrey Filatov, concurrently, as many media write, the lover of the governor of Ugra Natalia Komarova and the chief federal inspector in Ugra Dmitry Kuzmenko - communication of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra with the security forces. Article in "Chinovnik.ru" http://chinovnic.com/novosti/sektoban_alekseya_andreeva.htm#2819
It would seem, and what's wrong with that? Firstly, Scientologists are prohibited in Russia. I am not an expert in the field of occultism and sectarianism, but I decided to read and see all kinds of documentaries on this topic.
It turns out Scientologists are people who believe in UFOs and worship Satanism.
The goal of Scientology is the enslavement of the World. The sect of Scientology is the richest sect in the world. And now to the facts. Scientologists recruit into their sect only through hypnosis, they do not use psychotropic drugs or drugs. For example, in the USA, not so long ago, they were arrested 11 people from the "Church of Scientologists" who stole the data from the US Department of Defense, all 11 people were employees of the US Department of Defense. Over the past 5 years, more than 15 federal judges were suspended from work in the United States, as it turned out later, they were all Scientologists .In Russia in Moscow region, in Petersburg and Kaliningrad, the security forces covered the headquarters of Scientologists, all the headquarters of these organizations were equipped hidden video cameras and recording devices.
Scientologists, as a rule, execute their enemies according to the traditions of Satanists, i.e. victims are found with severed body parts. last years parts of human bodies are regularly found in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. ordeals through which a person will raise his rank among Scientologists. If from businessmen instead of rituals the head of Scientologists simply demands money, then from civil servants and officials they are required to undergo rituals. The most common rituals of group sex, sex with minors or same-sex sex, all these orgies are recorded on camera in the form of compromising evidence, with the aim of further pressure on his victim.
And now we turn to the most interesting, everyone saw a video of oral sex with the participation of a deputy from Nizhnevartovsk Vadim Nikandrov.
This video from the testimony of journalist Eduard Shmonin gave him for further publications First Vice-Governor of Ugra Alexei Shipilov, who is a Scientologist, like ... Vadim Nikandrov himself. As a rule, Scientologists "drain" their own when they run out of money or access to power or for betrayal.
Do you think this was the most interesting?
When do you think Scientologists appeared in Ugra and who brought this infection to Ugra?
The "Church of Scientology" in Ugra got excited at the very beginning of the 2000s, or to be more precise, in 2001 it appeared in Ugra in 2 cities - this is in Surgut, where to this day their center, and in the city Nefteyugansk. But Scientologists were brought to Ugra and generously financed by the owner of the Yukos oil company, Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

The Yukos company itself was based in the city of Nefteyugansk, where Khodorkovsky killed the mayor Petukhov. Khodorkovsky brought Scientologists to Ugra with one goal - to drag all Ugra politicians into this sect to further control the main oil region of Russia, although Khodorkovsky himself was never a Scientologist. I will not argue that today's Scientologists of Ugra are working for Khodorkovsky, because Khodorkovsky was in prison for many years, therefore, he did not have control over Scientologists. former governor Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Alexander Filipenko was an avid Scientologist, but the names in each city are different for this sect, but the essence is the same, but after Khodorkovsky was imprisoned, Scientologists curtailed their activities in Ugra, but in 2012 the Church of Scienologists again started working in Ugra, possibly at the behest of Khodorkovsky. And one more detail - Khodorkovsky's puppet Alexei Navalny in Ugra, unlike other regions, opens two of his headquarters at once - in Surgut and in Nizhnevartovsk. It seems that during his time in prison, Khodorkovsky did not invent anything new and realized that his life is the oil and gas North, or rather Ugra. Moreover, Khodorkovsky has his own people in Ugra and they all work in the leadership of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Europe and Russia. As if some of the people who belong to the Scientology sect in Ugra are involved in the public propaganda of the withdrawal of the KhMAO-Ugra from the Russian Federation through the youth organizations of the ROO "Conscience" and the RMS. There is another "snag", on the Internet if you type the phrase "Kirienko and Scientologists" in a search engine, you can find great amount publications that date back to 1998, in which it is written that Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko graduated from the school of the Church of Scientology in 1994 and is an "enlightened" adept. On the one hand, when Kirienko was accused of having connections with Scientologists, Scientologists were not yet banned In Russia, there was no point in pouring mud on him. On the other hand, I personally do not really believe that Vladimir Putin would make a fanatic sectarian the chief political strategist of Russia.
Do you think this is all? No, this is only the middle of the article. Next I will publish a number of documents that I borrowed from the famous Russian journalist Oleg Lurie.
Meet the chief Scientologist of Ugra and part-time one of the leading Scientologists of all of Russia, a deputy of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra and an oligarch who is on the 178th place in the Forbes list, Alexey Andreev.

Here you will see not only the materials of the investigation of the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in relation to Deputy Andreev, but also files from the hacked mailbox Mr. Andreev. As you already understood, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as usual, ruined 100% of the case against Andreev, why did the FSB not deal with this issue? After all, the entire oil and gas North is at stake. Another moment, when the hackers hacked Andreev, they decided to publish everything files, there are bribes, non-payment of taxes and all correspondence and payment of Scientologists, but on social networks all materials on Andreev were deleted by the administration social networks with the following explanation: "The owner Email against the publication of his personal data "that is, Mr. Andreev did not even begin to refuse that it was his mail. Durdom, and with all the files, the Ministry of Internal Affairs officially recognized Andreyev not guilty. Such a shame has never happened in the history of Russia. Although a small part of this data has Oleg Lurie published himself, but no one forced him to delete these documents. Well, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has ruined the criminal cases, and now you are catching Andreev, Khodorkovsky and other Scientologists-interventionists. Yes, God be with them, now you will catch all of Ugra when it leaves the structure Russia because everything goes to this.
Andreev makes money transfers through the bank LLC "Expobank", 8.76% of which belongs to Autobahn. Mr. Andreev through the company LLC "PROFIL", owned by OJSC DSK "AVTOBAN" The director of which he is doing translations.

The hackers set up a "wiretapping" of the traffic of the "AVTOBAN" company, the "wiretap" of the traffic showed that the "AVTOBAN" company uses a Bit-coin client. Bitcoin wallet identifier, hackers found out that this is the same Bitcoin wallet to which Moscow Scientologists transfer money. The amount of the transfer was $ 2,000,000. Let me remind you that bitcoins are actively used by Western special services to finance the opposition in hostile countries, and hackers and Alexei Navalny are also using bitcoins at the direction of Khodorkovsky. it is very difficult to trace the path of bitcoin.
And here is an interesting correspondence, between Anton Lychkin, the head of the sectarian church, and a certain Tatiana Kavun, the dialogue is about the construction of the church. In particular, the following is mentioned "... .. We have a very influential deputy in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, he said that there is already a place", "In the 35A micro district near the Snezhinka base. If they do not allocate there, we will bargain with the Russian Orthodox Church, they have many places in the city, the deputy will lobby for our interests …… ”.

There is microdistrict 35A in the city of Surgut just at the base called "Snowflake", and there, by the way, the first stone has already been laid in the construction of an Orthodox church. The temple is being built on the money of the parishioners, so it will take a long time before the object is commissioned.
Criminal proceedings under the article "Illegal banking activity", which has been in the development of the State Investigation Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow since the summer of 2014. Then law enforcement officers suspected the management of the largest road-building company in fraudulent transactions with accounts and came to the headquarters of the firm in Moscow with searches. Andreev, discovering that 35 million disappeared precisely during the operational activities, decided to interview his employees. As a result, three guards admitted that they voluntarily donated money to investigators so that the case was closed.
“After our employees gave this amount to law enforcement officers, not only did they not stop the criminal prosecution, but also opened a new case under the article“ Fraud, ”complains Andreeva's assistant Elena Usmanbaeva. - Then the investigators asked our firm for another four million dollars: for this money they promised to release criminal cases and stop all investigative measures in the company.
It turns out that the head of "Autobahn" Andreev had millions of dollars in all kinds of safe boxes and safes, which, according to his command, according to his own employees, the security service was delivering the right people to different addresses. By the way, here is an excerpt from the interrogation protocol of one of the security personnel of the Autobahn, a certain Oleg Ivanov. One of those whom they tried to accuse of transferring a bribe to investigators (who claim that they do not know about any bribe). However, like the head of "Autobahn" Mr. Andreev himself, which looks quite strange, since it was in his interests that this bribe was allegedly given.

here is another very interesting document from the internal correspondence of "Autobahn": "Gifts for the holiday. VIP ". To whom and how much is due:

Now let's move on to the "rollbacks"

The situation is more or less clear, the position of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra Natalya Komarova is also understandable. The whole Kremlin expects adequate actions from Komarova, but none of them. That's right, but where should they come from, if her entire retinue, not only that Scientologists are tied with Khodorkovsky, but most likely they are fulfilling the orders of the Western special services. Once again my assertion finds evidence that "the Kremlin has already lost, now, the main oil region of Russia."

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