Home Berries Why is there no gps position in rush. What to do if GPS does not find satellites on Android

Why is there no gps position in rush. What to do if GPS does not find satellites on Android

Modern gadgets are already so sophisticated that you can determine your location without resorting to the help of GPS navigators. Sometimes this is necessary for the correct operation of applications, sometimes it is necessary to create the correct route. When GPS does not work on Android, this becomes difficult. What could be the reason for this and what should be done to solve this problem?

Any device does not catch well or does not catch a satellite signal at all if it is indoors. Therefore, it is better to engage in determining your location on the street. Ideally, the space should be free even from tall buildings and trees so that the sky is completely open, so that nothing prevents the gadget from searching for a working signal and connecting to the necessary satellites.

Wrong GPS setting

All devices are endowed with two GPS modules. One is a standard receiver that can be enabled in the settings (General - Location - Mode). When choosing mobile networks or wifi device will determine the location by the towers without connecting to GPS satellites. This method is the fastest, but it does not always give an accurate result.

When you select GPS Only mode, your phone or tablet will connect to the satellites, but the device will take some time to do so. At the same time, it is desirable to be on the street on open area or at least put the gadget on the windowsill. It is for the operation of the second module that you need correct setting. How to check if the device is receiving a signal? To do this, you will have to download and install GPS Test - a diagnostic application.

After starting the program, in the AGPS settings, select Update only, and in Settings - Keep Screen On. Now you need to return to the main program window, the GPS test will begin on your tablet or phone. It is important, however, that Wi-Fi and mobile data should neither be enabled in the Location settings nor be in use at the moment.

If the diagnostics showed that the device does not find satellites, then you should check whether the GPS settings on Android have been correctly configured. How to set up GPS? To do this, you must first download any application that can process the GPS signal. If it does not help, you need to check the settings of the communicator's COM port.

Unsuccessful flashing

After not the most successful attempts to flash a gadget or a specific GPS module, not only the system, but simply its individual parts, for example, geolocation, may stop functioning. It is also common to see GPS stop working on a Chinese device.

To fix this situation, you need to enable AGPS in the location and GPS settings. After that, you need to enter through the dialing window into engineering menu(for all phones the combination is different). If you fail to enter it, you will have to use any special program, but already with as root. Procedure in:

  • on the Satellites tab of the YGPS tab, check if there is a signal, i.e. whether the phone or tablet is trying to find satellites at all;
  • go to the Information tab and there, in order, press the buttons full, warm, hot, cold (this is necessary to reset the previous settings);
  • on the NMEA Log tab, click start;
  • return to the Satellites tab and wait 5 to 15 minutes until the device finds maximum amount satellites, and scales GPS signal do not turn green;
  • back to the NMEA Log tab, click stop.

This method is shown in more detail in the video.

Primary binding and calibration

It happens that the device is located in some remote area. In this case, it is desirable to long time put it in an open area and wait for the search and binding to pass.
Sometimes navigation may stop working because the compass calibration is incorrect. Such a phone or tablet will be incorrectly oriented, resulting in a problem with the GPS on the device. To calibrate you need to download special application, GPS Essentials. After installing and running it, you need:

  1. Click on the compass icon.
  2. Select a smooth, level surface, place your device on it, and remove all electrical appliances from it.
  3. Smoothly turn the device around each axis 3 times.

After that, you need to try to connect again and, if necessary, repeat the calibration.

Problems with the device itself

If the gadget, checked and configured in accordance with all the rules, still does not catch satellites, only the service center will help you check the GPS settings and find the reason. It may be that the problem lies in the device itself.

On the Android based does not determine / determines the location incorrectly. Navigation does not work or does not work correctly. What to do and how to fix?

Many users face the problem when phone either android tablet starts acting up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with by the fact that it has ceased to determine its location either on tablet e or phone navigation not working. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software failure- i.e. the problem is crash software

2nd: hardware failure- i.e. the problem lies in the "hardware" (i.e. - replacement or restoration of spare parts of the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems operation of the function of location recognition, geolocation, satellite detection, navigation, etc. smartphone a or android tablet is to blame software failure, which you can fix on your own.

Fixing a software bug:

Method 1. Pretty simple - go to "settings", find there « backup and reset" in which you choose full reset settings to delete all data. Be careful, using this method often turns out to be effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if the problem persists after it, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone ov and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a few of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more, as a rule, it is effective. Best of all controls the system functions, corrects and corrects all possible settings and synchronization errors small and easy to handle, free utility for Android devices. Download app from Google Play and you can see its additional options in the description. After installing the application, it remains only to launch it. Further, from you, in principle, nothing more is required. The application will take full control of the device functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will start charging 20% ​​faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading and operation speed of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs on 50% faster.)

  • Likewise, in order to achieve top speed data exchange over the Internet, it is recommended to install on your Android device high speed browser Yandex Browser which you can download from Google Play.

Method 3.

Changing the device software, or, as it is also called "re firmware ".This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and is solved by contacting the Service Center. For the independent implementation of this task, you need to contact the manufacturer's website of your device, download the utilities necessary for the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brought results, unfortunately, you will have to contact Service center for repair of your tablet a or smartphone a.

An Android phone or tablet does not determine / determines the location incorrectly. Navigation does not work or does not work correctly. What to do and how to fix?

When the GPS-navigator does not see or does not find satellites. There are several reasons for this situation, the most common being the following:

  • failure of the navigation almanac;
  • device firmware failure;
  • technical features of the windshields of some cars;
  • mechanical damage or failure of the receiving antenna.

To accurately determine the cause of the loss of communication with satellites, it is necessary to carry out appropriate diagnostics. Let's consider in more detail each of the reasons for the incorrect operation of the navigator.

The navigator does not see satellites due to an almanac failure

In the operation of the navigator, there are three modes of positioning: cold, warm and hot start.

In cold start mode, the device does not have any information about its location. Therefore, the search for satellites in this mode takes longest time and is about 10 minutes or more. In this mode, the navigation device must receive an almanac and orbit parameters that allow you to determine the position of the satellite with high accuracy. Further, the device receives ephemeris - parameters that allow you to more accurately determine the position of the satellite and tie it to the exact time.

In the warm start mode, the GPS navigator has in its memory the saved almanac, which was received during the previous switch-on, as well as information about binding to the exact time. The duration of the search for satellites in this case is reduced to a few minutes.

The hot start mode assumes that the device was switched off recently and the information about the almanac and ephemeris has not had time to become outdated. The search time in this case is reduced to 10–25 seconds.

It should be noted that the lifetime of the almanac is 2-3 months, and the ephemeris is only a couple of hours. After the expiration of this period, the ephemeris and almanac data must be updated. Therefore, turning off the device for a long time will make the almanac obsolete. Usually, after that, the navigator boots from a cold start and then works in normal mode. But there are cases when, after a long shutdown, software failures occur that distort information and the navigator searches for a long time (several hours) and does not find its location. To bring such a device to normal operation, it is recommended to leave it for several hours in the satellite search mode, ensuring good visibility of the sky. A few hours of searching should bring it back to normal operation.

The navigator does not catch satellites due to a firmware failure

Quite often, devices cease to function normally and lose contact with satellites due to a failure of the installed software. To restore normal operation, it is recommended to flash it. Installing newer versions on the GPS navigator will provide it with more stable operation, as well as allow you to use new functionality that was previously limited to old version firmware.

Quite often, the reason that the navigator does not see or does not find satellites is the athermal windshield installed on the car. Such glass has a special composition that can jam the signal. In this case, the device can be installed in such a way that it can receive a signal through the side windows or orient it to a special pass-through "window" that many manufacturers provide with their athermal glasses.

Receiving antenna failure

One of the most serious reasons for losing connection with satellites is the failure of the GPS antenna. Navigators use two types of antennas - soldered to the board and external, connected to GPS navigator separately. An antenna soldered to the board is more difficult and expensive to replace, but this type of antenna fails less often. Replacing an external antenna is much easier. In addition, many external antennas are interchangeable, which simplifies the diagnosis of the device and the search for the necessary spare parts.

Ten years ago car GPS navigators were a curiosity in the domestic market electronic devices. But even today it is difficult to surprise anyone with the presence of built-in global positioning systems in modern smartphones and tablets.

General information about GPS

Most modern smartphones and tablets on the mobile device market today are equipped with a GPS module for positioning. This is a really convenient and advanced option. In addition to laying out a route for a car or bicycle on the ground, the GPS module will be able to determine its own location with a high accuracy of up to ten meters. Along with this, the system makes it possible to turn on some programs or activate the reminder function on the phone when you are at a certain point the globe. on Android?

The main disadvantage of GPS positioning

The main disadvantage of GPS positioning in a smartphone is the rapid discharge of the battery. In this connection important point seems correct adjustment mode of operation Below we will consider the main tools for how to set up GPS on Android, as well as the principles of working in the engineering menu of a smartphone in case of incorrect system functioning.

Enabling GPS Operation

To turn on GPS navigation, you can use the notification panel of your smartphone. The enabled positioning system is displayed at the top of the screen as a periodically flickering circle. To change or view the way GPS works, you need to enter the smartphone settings, then to the "Personal data" section, from there to "Location" and select "Mode". Usually, operating system provides a choice of three options, including "Device Sensors", "Battery Saver" and "High Accuracy". When it comes to phones that use latest versions"Android", the menu may look slightly different. How to set up GPS on "Android 5.1"? In this case, the listed items will be named "By all sources", "By network coordinates" and "By GPS satellites".

The highest level of GPS accuracy

The most accurate positioning option is the High Accuracy or All Sources mode. At the same time, with this order of operation, battery consumption will be the most intense and fastest. In this mode, the system tries to determine the location by all means available to it, namely: GPS, Wi-Fi and using mobile networks. The smartphone will constantly evaluate the space for the presence of a signal and try to determine the location not only in open areas, but also indoors.

This workflow is sometimes referred to as A-GPS. His distinctive feature compared to the work of conventional navigators is the possibility of obtaining additional service information about satellites via an Internet connection. This speeds up the search for satellites and obtaining data about their signals.

Other global positioning modes

The GPS operating mode "Battery saving" or "According to network coordinates" is used to receive a signal exclusively wireless networks. In this case, the GPS module is not activated. Of course, in this mode, the accuracy of determining the position is somewhat worse. At the same time, the indoor position can be determined using Wi-Fi.

The operating mode "By device sensors" or "By GPS satellites" can only function in open areas in the absence of interference. IN this case the position of the object is determined using satellites. If there is interference in the form of high-rise buildings or walls and floors of premises, the satellite signal will be lost, and the position will no longer be determined. It will be by the way to say that in this article we are talking about how to set up GPS "Android" without the Internet. But it should be noted that such installations are also possible with the help of the World Wide Web. In this case, the Internet is used to correct the situation when there is insufficient good signal from satellites.

The last mode of operation is the most economical for the battery. In addition, you can turn off the definition of your own position on the ground in the notification panel. If you need to lay a route from point A to point B, positioning can be turned on and you can follow the prompts of the navigator built into your smartphone. If you need a personalized search for an object, you should give preference to the "Battery saver" mode. Well, if the phone has a powerful and capacious battery, the user may well stop at the most expensive way of working "High accuracy". The methods described above are suitable for solving the problem of how to set up GPS on Android through the main menu of the device.

Configuration using the engineering menu of a smartphone

However, on some smartphone models, especially Chinese-made ones based on MTK processors, connection difficulties or unstable communications may occur. There are even cases when the device does not determine the location of the object at all. This is due to incorrect configuration of the GPS module for operation in domestic geographic latitudes.

This software malfunction can be leveled and GPS set to "Android" through the engineering menu of the mobile device. It should be emphasized that you can use this functionality on devices on which the Root operating mode is activated, which provides the user with the opportunity to control the smartphone as developers.

Next, a series of sequential operations should be performed. First you need to turn on GPS and Wi-Fi and go outside or the balcony of the room. After that, you will need to enter the engineering menu by entering combinations on the phone keypad: *#*#3646633*#*#, *#15963#* or *#*#4636#*#*. It should be noted that on different models smartphone combinations of symbols may differ, or even not fit at all. Then, to solve the problem of how to set up GPS on Android, you can use the Mobileuncle ToolHero application, in which, after starting, select the desired item and enter the engineering menu.

Here the user will find several tabs, among which you need to select Location, and then go to the Location Based Service. In the EPO line, check the boxes next to Enable EPO and Auto Download. It should be clarified that EPO is a system file that contains information about the coordinates of GPS satellites and the lines of their movement. This item is often disabled in some phones.

Now you need to go back a step and select YGPS, and then go to the Satellites tab, in which the user will find a map of the position of the satellites in orbit. If the satellites are displayed in red, then this indicates that mobile device sees them, but cannot receive a signal from them due to wrong settings.

To fix this problem, you need to enter the Information section, click full, and after a few seconds AGPS restart. After that, you need to return to Satellites and wait until the satellite icons light up in green. It is best to carry out this operation in an open area, since on the balcony, due to significant interference in the form of house walls and trees, the signal quality is much worse. The last step is to reboot the device, be it a smartphone or tablet. Thus, the most common ways to set up GPS on Android are considered.

All modern smartphones and most tablets are equipped with a GPS location module. GPS “lays” routes through unfamiliar terrain, can determine your location with an accuracy of several tens of meters, and also automatically launches some programs or turns on reminders in specific places. Perhaps the only disadvantage of GPS is that it drains the battery of a smartphone (tablet) very quickly. Before starting GPS, let's figure out how to properly configure its mode of operation. Let's take a closer look at how this can be done, and also explain how to configure GPS using the engineering menu in case of incorrect operation.

Modern devices combine the functions of several devices at once

Setting the GPS Operation Mode

GPS is enabled in the notification bar. It is marked with an icon resembling a needle. You can determine the operating mode by going to "Settings - Personal data - Location - Mode". The system will offer you three options: "High accuracy", "Battery saving", "By device sensors". In newer Android versions they can be called: "By all sources", "By network coordinates", "By GPS satellites". Let's take a look at what's behind each of them.

  1. "High accuracy"("According to all sources"). The most accurate, but at the same time the most “gluttonous” mode. Determines coordinates by all available means: GPS, Wi-Fi and using . The space is constantly monitored for the presence of a signal, determines the location both in open areas and indoors. Specified Mode also called A-GPS. If ordinary navigators catch signals exclusively from satellites, then not every smartphone and tablet is capable of this. Additional service information downloaded from the World Wide Web will greatly speed up the search and communication with satellites.
  2. "Battery saver"("By network coordinates"). Uses only wireless networks - the GPS module is not involved. In this case, the accuracy of determining the coordinates decreases somewhat. Indoors, the location is quite accurately determined by the Wi-Fi signal, on the network mobile operator- at the signal of the radio tower.
  3. "By Device Sensors"(“By GPS satellites”). The specified mode works only in open areas - the location is determined by the satellite signal. Indoors, the signal is lost, and the location, accordingly, will not be determined.

For optimal battery consumption, select the "Device Sensors" mode and disable location in the notification panel. If you need to plot a route, then you turn on the location determination again and follow the instructions of the navigator. If you want to have one and don't mind a few increased consumption battery, then select the "Battery Saver" mode. If battery consumption issues do not bother you, and you like it when the system determines your location with an accuracy of up to a meter, then your mode is “High Accuracy”.

Setting up GPS through the engineering menu

A flawlessly working GPS module (search for satellites, fast connection to them, stable connection with them) greatly simplifies life, especially when you are moving through unfamiliar terrain.

But in Chinese models running on the MTK processor, with prolonged GPS operation, the connection may be unstable, in the worst case, the location may not be determined at all. All due to the fact that the module is not configured correctly to work in our latitudes.

In order to correct the work of GPS, enter in which you have to make a number of simple settings. We want to warn you that you will perform all actions at your own peril and risk.

So, the device must get the superuser right (it is also called Root).

  1. Turn on GPS and Wi-Fi and go out to the balcony, or better to any open place.
  2. Enter the engineering menu. To do this, on the keyboard, enter the combination *#*#3646633*#*#, or *#15963#*, or *#*#4636#*#*. It may differ from the combination for your smartphone (tablet). In the event that none of the above combinations fit, download the Mobileuncle ToolHero program and select the appropriate menu item in it. The program itself is Russified, but the engineering menu is in English.
  3. In the program menu you will see several tabs. Scrolling to the left, select the Location tab, in it go to the Location Based Service item.

  1. In the EPO tab, check the Enable EPO and Auto Download options. EPO is a system file containing information about the coordinates of satellites and their flight paths. This item is not active in all devices. How to download EPO can be found on specialized Internet forums, for example, http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=466241.
  2. Return to the previous level and select YGPS. In the Satellites tab, you will see a diagram with the location of the satellites. They will all be red. This suggests that the gadget sees them, but due to incorrect settings it cannot connect to them.
  3. Go to the Information tab, click full, then after a couple of seconds AGPS restart.
  4. Return to the Satellites tab. After a few minutes, the tablet will connect to the satellites and the points will become green color. Note that if you are setting up GPS on the balcony, then your device may still not connect to some of the satellites. This is due to signal interference.
  5. Reboot your device. Now the signal from satellites should be caught much faster and more confidently.


Now you know everything about the modes of operation of the GPS satellite module on an Android tablet, and in case of unstable operation, you can configure it.

We will be very grateful if you share your feedback on the material or add valuable additions regarding the operation of your particular device model.

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