Home indoor flowers Social adaptation as a technology. Social work with the elderly. pedagogically neglected children, which, in turn, include children and adolescents who are socially maladjusted, with deviant and pre-criminal behavior, that is, those who behave

Social adaptation as a technology. Social work with the elderly. pedagogically neglected children, which, in turn, include children and adolescents who are socially maladjusted, with deviant and pre-criminal behavior, that is, those who behave

Social technologies in relation to social work are interpreted as a set of techniques, methods and influences used by social services, individual social institutions of social services and individual social workers to achieve goals in the process of social work, to solve various social problems, to ensure the effective implementation of tasks social protection population. The main difference between social work technologies and other social technologies is their focus on a person (i.e., on a client of social work - an individual or a group).

One of the most demanded technologies of social work is social adaptation. Special attention when characterizing social adaptation, it is necessary to pay attention to the concept of "socialization".

Both concepts characterize the assimilation of something new and adaptation to any changes.

But socialization is a long, gradual process carried out throughout a person's life.

And adaptation is a short-term and intensive process, the speed of which allows you to normalize social functioning faster or slower.

The process of social adaptation is a unity of the following stages:

  • 1) Adaptation shock, which is understood as a general disorder of functions social subject due to some kind of shock of a sociogenic nature, caused by a sharp violation of the usual interaction with external environment. This stage is the most severe, accompanied by frustration, paralyzing fear, or excessive physical activity. In some cases, adaptive shock can become the basis for the destruction of the human personality or even its physical death;
  • 2) Mobilization of adaptation resources. At this stage, there comes a deep understanding of the situation and concentration of efforts on a conscious search for the optimal way out of it. This stage involves the activation of the adaptive potential of the subject. It is understood as a set of properties and resources that a person or group has in a hidden form, and is activated and updated in the process of social adaptation;
  • 3) The response to the "environmental challenge" is the final stage of social adaptation. Its content is the implementation of a specific model of behavior and activity that is chosen by the subject, taking into account their own adaptive resources and capabilities, ideas about what is happening, as well as the main characteristics of the social environment in which the process of social adaptation takes place.

The successive change of the main stages of social adaptation involves the use of various mechanisms at each of them, each of which is distinguished by its originality and adaptive capabilities that appear in a person or group and solve the problem of adaptation to new conditions of their life with their help.

The technology of social adaptation is carried out using different mechanisms. The following mechanisms can be distinguished:

  • 1) Mental mechanisms aimed at the formation and development of the subject's psyche, the impact on it of various factors of the social environment. This group includes, for example, psychological protection. psychological trauma, psychological suggestion, persuasion;
  • 2) Socio-psychological mechanisms. They are designed to adapt the individual to the environment through its development in various ways. This includes, firstly, cognitive mechanisms - that is, adaptation to the environment through its study, study and cognition (the mechanism of imagination, thinking, cognitive activity). Secondly, emotional mechanisms - the adaptation of the subject to the environment through those emotional states which she invokes. Thirdly, behavioral mechanisms - the choice and implementation by the subject in a new situation for him of a certain model of behavior and activity;
  • 3) Social mechanisms are the most significant elements of such a group of phenomena. These include, first of all, the mechanism of social activity. It can be considered as a universal mechanism of social adaptation. It is in the process of social activity that the subject is actually included in the new system. social relations, norms and values. Within the framework of social activity, the subject acquires new social statuses and roles that allow him to enter a new social environment.

Also, the mechanism of this group is the mechanism of social communication. It allows the subject to improve the subject's communication skills and acquire new ones, expand the social environment of his own life and learn new social norms and values. The external form of adaptive processes, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about how successfully they proceed in each specific case, is adaptive behavior. It is a process of interaction between the subject and the social environment, during which mutual requirements and expectations are coordinated and certain mechanisms of social adaptation are implemented.

Also, social adaptation is classified depending on the willingness to accept the subject:

  • 1) Voluntary adaptation is a situation in which the new conditions of life offered to the subject by the environment do not contradict his system of value orientations, beliefs and ideals and opens up new opportunities and prospects for the subject, therefore it is accepted without resistance;
  • 2) Forced adaptation is a situation opposite to the previous one. In this case, the characteristics and properties of the new environment for the subject of life do not correspond and contradict his value-normative attitudes. But at the same time, the subject cannot but accept these new characteristics.

Thus, social adaptation is a rather broad concept. As a technology of social work, social adaptation is a system of measures aimed at adapting a citizen who is in a difficult life situation to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, his environment of life. Consideration of social adaptation as a technology points to a certain sequence of actions that lines up the goal, means and result.

Therefore, social adaptation can be represented as a specific algorithm.

An algorithm is a problem solving program that precisely prescribes how and in what sequence of actions to obtain a result with certain initial data. In relation to social work, this is a sequence of influences aimed at transforming the client of social work and transferring him to the desired state. Thus, the algorithm of social adaptation as a technology of social work includes the following successively implemented stages:

  • 1) Diagnostic - it determines the causes and duration of the necessary impact on the client;
  • 2) Formative - the social worker determines the degree of readiness of the client for possible changes in his life;
  • 3) Teaching - a specialist explains and teaches clients such forms of education that will contribute to the normalization of his social functioning;
  • 4) Realizing - the client begins to implement new forms of behavior or corrects old ones. This process can take place either under the supervision of a specialist (when the client is pointed out a specific direction of change), or with support (i.e., creating the most optimal conditions for independent implementation by the client of new forms of behavior or correction of old ones);
  • 5) Final - the social worker evaluates the results taking into account the goals and objectives of the adaptive impact.

Obviously, when using this technology, the specialist follows certain principles. And first of all - the principle of self-reliance. This is especially true at the implementing stage of the social adaptation algorithm.

Therefore, the social worker tries not to control, but to accompany the client in the implementation of new forms of behavior or the correction of old ones. It is important to develop independence among social work clients and activate their adaptive potential.

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion


Relevance of the topic.

Adaptation occupies a significant place in the content of social work. It characterizes, on the one hand, the process of interaction of the object of social work with the social environment, and on the other hand, it is a reflection certain result social work, which can serve as a criterion for its effectiveness. Therefore, understanding the essence of adaptive processes, their mechanism - necessary condition professionalism of the social worker. Social adaptation is not only a human condition, but also a process during which the social organism acquires balance and resistance to the influence and impact of the social environment. Social adaptation acquires exceptional relevance in critical periods, both in human life, and in periods of radical economic and social reforms. At present, increased attention to the development of this problem is determined by the needs of solving practical problems related to accelerating the process of human adaptation to new conditions in various spheres of life: professional, domestic, political and legal, etc.

The purpose of the work is to characterize the concept of social adaptation and the main methods of its regulation.


1) Describe the concept of "adaptation, its types.

2) Determine the role of a social work specialist in the adaptation of various categories of the population.

3) Analyze the concepts of socialization and personality conformism.

social adaptation work disabled

1. Social adaptation: essence, types, methods of regulation

The concept of "adaptation" comes from the Latin word adaptatio - adaptation. The most important task of the adaptation process is the problem of human survival, through the adaptation of the individual's body with the processes of the natural and social environment. There are various processes of human interaction with the outside world, and therefore it is vital to find optimal mechanisms and ways of adaptation. human body(his physiological organization) with individual-personal aspects (mental organization) and needs, needs, requirements and norms of social arrangement (system of social relations). The specificity of human adaptation is that this process is associated with the socialization of a person, with the process of assimilation of social norms of behavior, with "growing into the social world." In essence, social adaptation is the most important mechanism of socialization. But if "socialization" is a gradual process of personality formation in certain social conditions, then the concept of "social adaptation" emphasizes that in a relatively short period of time, a person or group actively masters a new social environment, which arises either as a result of social or territorial displacement, or when social conditions change.

Under social adaptation is understood the process of active adaptation of a person to new social conditions of life. In the process of adaptation, a person acts as an object of influence of the social environment and an active subject, aware of the influence of this environment.

The process of adaptation is a wide polyphony of the assimilation of social values ​​through the mechanisms of socialization. A person as an active subject masters and uses in his life the products of human civilization, which include managerial, economic, psychological, pedagogical technologies and methods of developing social space. In fact, all elements of human culture are involved in the formation of personality through the mechanism of adaptation, which is an integral integral part, the necessary dominant social development.

The process of social adaptation is of a concrete historical nature, which affects the individual in different ways or pushes him to a certain choice of mechanisms of action in a given context of time.

The process of social adaptation must be considered at three levels:

society (macroenvironment) - adaptation of the individual and social strata to the characteristics of the socio-economic, political, spiritual and cultural development of society;

social group (microenvironment) - adaptation of a person or, conversely, a discrepancy between the interests of a person and a social group (production team, family, educational team, etc.);

the individual himself (intrapersonal adaptation) - the desire to achieve harmony, balance of the internal position and its self-esteem from the position of other individuals.

A person is included in a wide system of professional, business, interpersonal, social relations that allow him to adapt in this society. The system of social adaptation includes different types of adaptive processes: industrial and professional adaptation; household; leisure; political and economic; adaptation to the forms of social consciousness (science, religion, art, morality, etc.); to nature, etc.

Any kind of social adaptation requires certain abilities from a person. The nature and degree of adaptation or maladjustment of a person depends largely on the biological, physiological, mental properties of a person and his social development. But, on the other hand, well-organized professional work on the part of social services of various profiles is aimed at providing assistance to individuals, groups, social strata of society at various stages of their development and the level of their social adaptation.

It is necessary to study adaptation as a complex mechanism of personality socialization, including, in particular, the development of new social roles by people, the formation of a motivational sphere, the perception of individuals themselves, their environment, and many other psychological phenomena, states and formations.

Adaptation as a type of interaction of an individual (or group) with the social environment, during which the requirements and expectations of its participants are coordinated, largely depends on the initial, self-identified position in the system of social hierarchy determined by the individual. Self-identification of the individual, the choice that the individual will make, is carried out in accordance with the self-determination of the individual, with a comparison of himself and the changed social environment.

Complete social adaptation of a person includes physiological, managerial, economic, pedagogical, psychological and professional adaptation.

managerial adaptation. Without management, it is impossible to provide a person with favorable conditions (at work, at home), create prerequisites for the development of his social role, influence him, and ensure activities that meet the interests of society and the individual.

Economic adaptation. This is the most difficult process of assimilation of new socio-economic norms and principles of economic relations of individuals, subjects. For the technology of social work, the so-called "social block" is important, including the adaptation to real social reality of the size of unemployment benefits, pension benefits. They must meet not only the physiological, but also the socio-cultural needs of a person.

Pedagogical adaptation. This is an adaptation to the system of education, training and upbringing, which form the system of value orientations of the individual. It should also be pointed out that human adaptation depends on the complex impact of natural, hereditary, and geographical factors on him. Adaptive changes are more or less conscious changes that a person goes through as a result of transformation, a change in the situation. Changes constantly accompany a person’s life, therefore it is important for each individual to be prepared for critical periods, turning points, a conscious revision of one’s life position in new circumstances. This creates real prerequisites for readiness for full-fledged, active adaptation.

Psychological adaptation. In psychology, adaptation is considered as a process of adaptation of the sense organs to the characteristics of the stimuli acting on them in order to better perceive them and protect the receptors from excessive load. The process of psychological adaptation of a person is continuous, since the socio-economic conditions of life, political and moral and ethical orientations, the ecological situation, etc. are constantly changing. In 1936, the Canadian physiologist G. Selye introduced the concepts of "stress" and "adaptation syndrome". Stress is a state of psychological tension in the course of activity in difficult conditions, as Everyday life, and under special circumstances (for example, the work of an astronaut). Adaptation syndrome is a set of reactions of the human body in response to adverse effects (stressors). These concepts are extremely widespread. One of the main reasons for the popularity of the theory of stress is that it claims to explain many phenomena of everyday life, human reactions to unexpected events, difficulties that arise: the development of the most various diseases both somatic and mental.

Normal human life is unthinkable without a certain degree of physical and neuropsychic stress. A certain optimal tone of tension is characteristic of a person. Each person must examine himself and find the level of tension at which he feels most "comfortable", whatever occupation he chooses. Otherwise, the distress of idleness may develop. So, for a person who finds himself without a job, a long-term state of unemployment is especially dangerous. It is long-term unemployment that acts destructively on a person, undermines his ability to return to the system of social relations as a full-fledged worker. Western statistics show that if a person is unemployed for more than a year, then he, as a rule, loses the ability to find a job.

In the system of psychological adaptation, therapeutic (psychotherapeutic) methods of influence play an important role: such as discussion therapy, interactive and communicative methods (psychodrama, gestalt therapy, transactional analysis), methods based on non-verbal activity (art therapy, music therapy, pantomime, choreotherapy, etc. .), group (individual) behavioral therapy, suggestive methods.

Psychological support is part of a wider program social assistance individuals to eliminate crisis situations and provide assistance to a person or group of persons (legal, psychological, sexological, informational, etc.). The main efforts of social workers should be aimed at promoting social adaptation in the new socio-economic conditions (assisting the client in finding a job, asserting social status, restoring faith in spiritual values, etc.).

professional adaptation. It is the adaptation of the individual to a new species. professional activity, a new social environment, working conditions and characteristics of a particular specialty. The success of professional adaptation depends on the inclination of the adaptant to a specific professional activity, the coincidence of social and personal labor motivation, and other reasons. Adaptation includes a wide range of concepts: from the elementary experience of adapting a living organism to the environment to the most complex socio-psychological adaptation of a person in the process of socialization. A person - the subject of activity must be considered as a complex, multidimensional socio-psychological-biophysiological system. As part of systems approach personality adaptation appears both as a process and as a result of the functioning of an integral self-regulating system, the adaptability of which is ensured through the interaction of its individual elements. Consequently, a full-fledged study of human adaptation is possible only with the implementation of an integrated approach to the study of all levels of human organization: from psychosocial to biological, taking into account their interconnections and mutual influences.

2. The role of a social work specialist in the adaptation of various categories of the population

Social work is a universal and multifaceted type of professional activity. The problems that the social worker is called upon to solve are the pressing problems of our life today. The tasks of adaptation and readaptation of people (youth, pensioners, people who have lost their jobs, etc.), supporting a person in difficult, crisis moments of life, assistance in exercising his rights, creating conditions for a person to more fully realize his capabilities, assistance in solving various kinds of social and psychological problems - this is not a complete list of tasks facing a new, human-oriented, professional activity. The success of solving professional problems by a social worker depends on mastering the system of knowledge, both practical and theoretical, compliance with ethical standards and principles, the presence of certain personal qualities, the status and reputation of the profession in society, the legalized powers of a specialist.

Social work with children at risk

The current situation in Russian society is characterized by the presence of many unfavorable factors influencing the increase in the proportion of children at risk. Among them are the preservation of a high level of social and property differentiation of the population, low income, the prevalence of domestic drunkenness and alcoholism, increased unemployment in recent years, and others. All this reduces the educational potential of the family and gives rise to problems of insufficient attention to children, pedagogical neglect, neglect, which, in turn, manifests itself in multiple and different in content and severity of behavioral deviations characteristic of children at risk.

The following children are at risk:

1) pedagogically launched children, which, in turn, include children and adolescents who are socially maladjusted, with deviant and pre-criminal behavior, that is, those whose behavior significantly goes beyond the boundaries of the social norm, who actively resist educational influences from teachers and parents.

2) underachievers children, that is, those who experience persistent difficulties in assimilation curriculum or a particular discipline.

3) children, requiring medical help. The most severe situation associated with the loss of health is the disability of the child. With regard to children requiring medical care, at least two tasks are set and solved: to help children develop, if possible, in accordance with the norm; minimize possible negative consequences of their health status and performance.

4) children, the remaining without care parents. Among such children there are: abandoned (left without care at the request of the mother or both parents in maternity hospitals, children's homes, hospitals); foundlings (left by parents on the street, in a store, at a train station, in other public places so that the state, society takes care of their maintenance and upbringing); selected (the rights of whose parents are limited by the court); also children left without parents, in the event of the death of two or a single parent.

The central problem of social assistance to children in state care is overcoming social helplessness, developing independence in life self-determination, support in obtaining a quality education, successful post-boarding adaptation, well-formedness social knowledge and skills, good orientation in their rights and duties, the ability to adequately respond to life situations. Consequently, social work with children deprived of parental care and brought up in state institutions is designed to help them take the position of a respectable adult, to realize themselves in the world, to understand their purpose in life. For this, it is necessary to: create in such institutions a developing educational environment based on the principles of unconditional respect for the personality of the child, his fundamental needs and interests, students' own activity in communication, activities, interaction with other people, motivation for success and well-being in independent life, enrichment of social experience; conducting purposeful preparation of children for independent living in the process of implementing a set of programs.

5) neglected And homeless children. These are children deprived of supervision, attention, care, positive influence on the part of parents or persons replacing them, the children's team and, at the same time, with the indifference of parents and educators to children. Child homelessness is a social phenomenon, which consists in the lack of proper family or state care, pedagogical supervision, normal living conditions for children and adolescents that arise as one of the results of social disasters - wars, famine, unemployment, epidemics, extreme need of parents. Street children, therefore, are those who do not have the care of adults, permanent place living, age-appropriate positive activities, systematic learning. They are victims of economic growth, poverty, loss of values, domestic violence, physical and moral abuse. They can be conditionally called children of the streets.

Work with street children begins with an assessment of the situation, determining their needs and requirements, which makes it possible to predict what actions are needed to improve their living conditions. The main stages of assessing the situation of such minors include: the choice of methods for collecting information (individual interviews, group discussions, focus groups); selection of sources of information. The next step is to analyze this information and prepare an action plan in the process of finding answers to the questions: what are the priority problems?, what areas of work need improvement?, what is desirable to do immediately?, what new programs or services are needed? And finally - responding to the needs and problems of homeless and neglected children, that is, facilitating their access to education, creating a safe, supportive environment; developing life skills and maintaining healthy, positive relationships with others.

The activities of the social worker will be:

informing. Homeless and neglected children have the right to learn about their rights and obligations, the state of health, the nature of services that can be obtained in a certain area, the location of services that should be contacted in case of specific problems;

formation skills and abilities for safe life, which include learning to make decisions and share problems, creative thinking and critical assessment, communication and interpersonal skills, overcoming (coping) emotions and stress;

psychological counseling, which is targeted assistance to such children during periods crisis conditions, is focused on understanding by a minor the essence of the situation that has arisen in order to make a decision to overcome it. Counseling is aimed at empathy, moral support of the individual, encouragement of those who are aimed at the active and responsible implementation of recommendations, weakening children's feelings of fear, mistrust, trusting relationship to medical social services;

organization learning homeless and neglected children, contributing to changes in the style of the child's behavior, in psychological attitudes, practical skills and abilities. The literature suggests using the following forms of learning: group discussion; demonstration (display); educational, staged The topics of such training can be: "Reproductive health", "Protection measures during sexual contact", "Pregnancy and contraception", "Dangers of using psychoactive substances"," Sex against desire: its consequences "and others;

organization practical development skills self-help: the ability to persevere, negotiate, find friends, establish contacts, maintain relationships, counteract negative pressure, master socially acceptable ways of expressing one's own requirements.

Social work with the elderly

In recent decades, demographic aging has been observed in Russia; the proportion of elderly and old people in the total population is increasing. The complex restructuring of the mechanism of higher nervous activity that occurs during aging forms the basis of age-related changes in mental functions, mental activity and human behavior. First of all, this concerns such a complex phenomenon as intelligence. Age-related changes in mental activity also depend on its interaction with social factors that can significantly change the mental make-up of a person, his personality. Most of these psychological characteristics is seen as a violation of adaptation in old age. In particular, older people are painfully aware of the collapse of former ideals and values ​​(including respectful attitude society to old age), attempts to denigrate the old pages of life. Therefore, the priority task of social service workers is to overcome the lack of demand for the life experience of the knowledge of older people.

It is important for social workers dealing with families of the elderly to know the characteristics of this category of clients. With the retirement of the elderly, habitual life stereotypes change, not only material, but also psychological difficulties arise. Sometimes this leads to a feeling of loneliness, uselessness. Most often it occurs as a result of the death of one of the spouses. In this case, the family is considered incomplete elderly. Taking into account the reduction in the life expectancy of men, an elderly family most often ends with female loneliness, which entails depression, reduces the body's adaptation to changes taking place in the nearest society, and makes it difficult to self-service. A social worker may also encounter such a phenomenon in the life of older people as "social loneliness". It is typical for incomplete elderly families with children and other relatives, but who have practically lost contact with them. The people around them, the church, and social workers can help the elderly to overcome this condition. Moreover, not only help is important, but also mutual assistance, which makes life easier for lonely elderly people. An unexpected loss of loved ones, relatives, friends, acquaintances, as well as an unexpected change of residence can deepen loneliness. This situation is associated with deep feelings and, as a rule, creates a stressful state. In this case, the help of a social work specialist is needed.

It has long been proven that the number of diseases increases with age. There are 3.5 to 7 chronic diseases per elderly person. The most typical of them are sclerosis, arterial hypertension, oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the respiratory system, digestive tract, with age, hearing acuity decreases in older people, vision deteriorates. A special place in the elderly is occupied by diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders. Among the elderly, the so-called senile infirmity is common - a condition when a person, as a result of a long chronic illness, is unable to perform daily functions that are necessary for a normal independent life. Naturally, such a state requires constant care and assistance, since a person cannot live alone. In case of severe and chronic illnesses, the help of the family or coming people. A special role in such cases is assigned to social workers, social services. Many older people need advice on personal hygiene, selection of clothes, shoes, proper nutrition, motor mode, physiotherapy exercises, active social life, etc. Some of this advice comes from a social worker.

Given the psychology of older people, their conservatism in terms of everyday habits, housing, etc., it is important to develop such a direction of social and medical care as home care.

Social workers provide many different services at home, including: home delivery of food and hot meals; essential goods; assistance in paying for housing, utilities and other services; delivery of things and household items for washing, dry cleaning, repair; assistance and receipt of medical care, including accompaniment to medical institutions, visits to hospitals; assistance in passing the medical and social examination; assistance in obtaining vouchers for sanatorium treatment, including preferential ones; providing assistance in matters of pension provision and provision of other social benefits; organization of housing repairs, provision of fuel, processing of personal plots, water delivery; assistance in providing books, magazines, newspapers, attending concerts, film screenings, exhibitions; assistance in writing letters, paperwork, including the exchange and privatization of residential premises, etc.

Social work with the disabled

A person with a disability very often encounters difficulties that contribute to his removal from society and isolation in himself, forming a "problem field" in which there are: limited access to institutions of culture and sports; lack of communication; lack of leisure activities. The cultural and leisure activities of the disabled include communication, rest, evening meetings, walks, physical culture and recreational activities (playing checkers, chess, darts, tennis, etc.), intellectual and cognitive activities of the active (reading, excursions, classes in circles, studios, publishing a newspaper) and passive (watching TV, listening to music, etc.), amateur activities of an applied nature (sewing, photography, testoplasty, design, modeling), active social work. The role of a social work specialist is to create conditions for the active acquisition of knowledge and skills that reveal the abilities and capabilities of people with disabilities, activating and stimulating their participation in personally significant cultural and leisure activities.

The technology of social adaptation of disabled people can also be implemented with the help of such forms as games, social training, excursions, and conversations. The game as a form of technology for the social adaptation of a disabled person imitates the real social environment in which a disabled person can actually find himself. In the process of social adaptation of citizens with handicapped health, various types of business games are widely used: simulation games, "business theater", etc. In general, social adaptation as a technological process allows you to: include a disabled person in a small group, help him learn established norms, relationships, patterns of behavior, develop skills and communication skills , will be included in the social and professional sphere accessible to him.

The technology of social therapy includes the following methods: art therapy, fairy tale therapy, occupational therapy, etc. A social work specialist who carries out art therapy specially selects paintings, music, literary works.

Thus, the use of various technologies of social work contributes to self-expression, self-affirmation of a disabled person and allows him to master social skills. Created by the client in the process of social work technologies creative work and their recognition by others increase his self-esteem, the level of his self-recognition.

Social work with low-income citizens

In the current socio-economic conditions, social protection is aimed at targeted support for individual strata and groups of the population that are most in need of it. The category of low-income most often includes: families with low monetary income per family member (most often these are families with many children); citizens who have lost their breadwinner; mothers raising children alone; disabled people; elderly; pensioners receiving insufficient pension; students living on a scholarship; unemployed; persons affected by natural disasters, political and social conflicts and other categories of citizens. All these people need social protection from society and the state.

Low-income citizens experience a state of poverty in which a person or social group (family) cannot fully satisfy the basic needs necessary to maintain health and livelihoods due to lack or insufficiency of funds.

The main criterion for determining the level of poverty in the Russian Federation is living wage. Social work with low-income and lonely citizens is carried out with the help of individual and group forms of social work. Individuals include initial appointments, counseling, etc. To group: social patronage. During the initial appointment, the social work specialist collects information about the reasons that led to the low property status or poverty of the client. He tells the citizen about the types of state social assistance, lists and explains the requirements for paperwork required to receive social services. A specialist in social work clarifies the following information from a person: his age, actual and real place of residence, marital status. According to the client (in the absence of documents: certificates of employment, birth certificates of children), information about the place of work, the presence of children under the age of 18 is entered. The social work specialist enters all this data into the registration log. For a second consultation, a citizen must provide all the documents necessary for the provision of state assistance to him. The social work specialist explains to the client how to apply for the provision of social services and agrees with him on the date of social patronage.

A special form of social service at home is social patronage, which involves visiting clients for diagnostic, social and rehabilitation purposes. This form social work reveals the resources of a poor citizen, contributing to a way out of a difficult life situation. When providing social assistance to low-income citizens, primary and planned social patronage is used.

Primary social patronage is carried out to identify, register and provide emergency assistance to the client. Planned social patronage allows you to identify possible changes that have occurred in a low-income citizen since the last visit.

When determining the average per capita income of a family and the income of a lone citizen, a social work specialist takes into account the amount of income of each family member or lone citizen received both in cash and in kind over the last three calendar months preceding the month of filing an application for state social security. help. During the consultation, the social work specialist accepts all documents from the client (certificates: about the composition of the family, about the amount of wages, about the amount of pensions, scholarships, etc.) and conducts their initial examination. Then the presence of the seal and signature of the responsible persons who certified the documents is checked, it is monitored whether the application for state social assistance is correctly executed by the client, whether all sources of income are reflected in it. A social work specialist has the right to check the following information indicated by a citizen in an application for state social assistance: the place of residence or stay of a family or a single client; income; the degree of kinship of family members, their cohabitation and management of a joint household; property owned by a citizen by right of ownership.

Further, the social work specialist, having determined the average per capita income of a family or a single citizen, appoints the type of state social assistance, namely social benefits, social supplements to pensions, subsidies, services and essential goods or other measures of social support. In some regions of the country, such a type of targeted social assistance has been introduced for low-income citizens living alone as charitable hot meals. Elderly people, disabled people, people with neuropsychiatric diseases and those who find themselves in extreme situations can visit social canteens. For clients with mobility restrictions, hot meals and semi-finished products are delivered to their homes. Specialists in social work hold fairs of products manufactured at the enterprises of public organizations of the disabled, workshops of social service centers for the population, and social rehabilitation institutions. This form of social work with low-income citizens allows them to profit from the sale of products, maintain and increase jobs for them, gives people the opportunity to feel able to work and create products that are in demand.

Social work with migrants

Population migration is characteristic modern development of society. A migrant is a person who has left their place of permanent residence for more than six months under the influence of push or pull factors. Social work with migrants is built in accordance with the main directions of the State migration policy, the purpose of which is the effective management of migration processes for the sustainable socio-economic and demographic development of the country, ensuring its national security, geopolitical interests, rights and freedoms of man and citizen. But not all categories of migrants can equally count on social support from the state. In the Russian Federation, socially supported categories of migrants include: students - migrants; forced migrants and refugees; highly skilled labor voluntary migrants; legal migrants belonging to socially disadvantaged segments of the population (large families, disabled people, children, the elderly).

The goals of social work with socially approved categories of migrants are: on the one hand, to increase the social status and improve the position of the migrant; and on the other hand, the impact on the environment in which they are included. The result should be “reconciliation” with the new social environment, integration in it. Social support for legal migrants is aimed at alleviating a difficult life situation, creating conditions for their successful adaptation and integration into the host society. The situation of illegal migrants is much more difficult. main lines: firstly, facilitating the procedure for obtaining legal status of a migrant in the country (primarily for migrants from the CIS countries); secondly, control and expulsion of illegal migrants.

Another category of migrants is students - migrants. An important type of social support for migrant students is their housing for the period of study at a university or college. Student dormitories are a must educational institutions vocational education. One of the important forms of social support for migrant students is their socio-economic support, carried out in the form of scholarships. Another form of social support for students is the introduction of compensation for transportation costs in the form of discount tickets for city and suburban (for students included in commuting) routes.

The role of a social worker is the organization of socio-psychological support for this category of students. The main goals of socio-psychological support for migrant students are: psychological support for free and harmonious development personality in the process of adaptation to the changed social conditions of life; prevention of negative trends in the psychology of migrant students, overcoming the difficulties of personal growth, correction of deviant behavior, elimination of conflict situations in relationships with others.

Thus, in social work, in relation to migrant students, great attention, both at the federal and regional levels as well as at the level of specific educational institutions. In general, the category of migrant students in modern Russia can be called the most socially protected group.

3. Socialization and personality conformism

In sociology, personality is considered as the result of the development of the individual, the most complete embodiment of all human qualities. An individual is a single representative of the human race, a specific bearer of all social and psychological traits of humanity: mind, will, needs, interests, etc. The mechanism and process of personality formation is revealed in sociology on the basis of the concept of "socialization".

Socialization is a process by which an individual learns the basic elements of culture: symbols, meanings, values, norms. On the basis of this assimilation in the course of socialization, the formation of social qualities, properties, deeds and skills takes place, thanks to which a person becomes a capable participant in social interaction. Socialization is the process of becoming a social "I". The individual and society interact in the process of socialization: society transmits socio-historical experience, norms, symbols, and the individual assimilates them depending on their qualities. The meaning of the process of socialization in its early stages is the search for one's social place.

In sociology, two levels of socialization are distinguished: primary and secondary. At each of these levels, various agents and institutions of socialization operate. The agents of socialization are specific people responsible for the transfer of cultural experience. Socialization institutions are institutions that influence and guide the process of socialization.

Primary socialization occurs in the sphere of interpersonal relations in small groups. The immediate environment of the individual acts as the primary agents of socialization: parents, close and distant relatives, family friends, peers, doctors, coaches, etc. These people, communicating with the individual, influence the formation of his personality.

Secondary socialization occurs at the level of large social groups of institutions. Secondary agents are formal organizations, official institutions: representatives of the school administration, the army, the state, etc.

Each agent of socialization gives the individual something that the educator can teach in its development. Primary socialization agents are interchangeable and universal. Agents of secondary socialization act in a narrowly specialized way, because each institution is aimed at solving its own problems in accordance with its functions.

Socialization goes through stages coinciding with the so-called life cycles, each stage of which is accompanied by two mutually complementary processes: desocialization and resocialization. Desocialization is the process of weaning from old values, norms, roles and rules of behavior. Resocialization is the process of learning new values, norms, roles and rules of behavior to replace the old ones.

One of the first to single out the elements of the socialization of the child W. Freud. According to Freud, the personality includes three elements: "id" - a source of energy, stimulated by the desire for pleasure; "ego" - exercising control of the personality, based on the principle of reality, and "superego", or moral evaluative element. Socialization is represented by Freud as a process of deployment of the innate properties of a person, as a result of which the formation of these three constituent elements of personality occurs. Freid singled out a number of psychological mechanisms of socialization: imitation, identification, feelings of shame and guilt. Imitation is a conscious attempt by a child to copy a certain model of behavior. Identification is a way of realizing belonging to a particular community. The main influence here is the immediate environment of the child. Imitation and identification are positive mechanisms, since they are aimed at learning a certain type of behavior. Shame and guilt are negative mechanisms because they suppress or inhibit certain patterns of behavior. Feelings of shame and guilt are closely related and almost indistinguishable, but there are certain differences between them. Shame is usually associated with feeling exposed and shamed. This feeling is focused on the perception of the actions of the individual by other people. The feeling of guilt is associated with inner feelings, with a person's self-assessment of his actions. Punishment here is committed by itself, conscience acts as a controlling form.

The theory of the "mirror self" of the American C. Cooley, fixing the impact on the formation of personality environment, notes the selective nature of the behavior of individuals. Depending on the situation, a person adapts to the situation, choosing a certain role for himself (winner, victim, neutrality). According to the chosen role, the personality chooses the values ​​by which it is guided in the process of socialization.

The process of socialization reaches a certain degree of completion when the individual reaches social maturity, which is characterized by the acquisition of an integral social status by the individual. However, in the process of socialization failures and failures are possible. A manifestation of the shortcomings of socialization is deviant (deviant) behavior. This term in sociology most often denotes various forms of negative behavior of individuals, the sphere of moral vices, deviations from principles, norms of morality and law. The main forms of deviant behavior include delinquency, including crime, drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution, and suicide.

The word "conformity" in everyday speech means accommodating or, more precisely, conformity to some recognized or required standard. The opposite concept is independence, the independence of a person who himself develops a certain opinion and defends it before others.

Conformity as a socio-psychological phenomenon must be distinguished from some other outwardly similar phenomena. Thus, the uniformity of social beliefs, values ​​and habits can be explained by various reasons and is not necessarily associated with social pressure. The concept of conformity is applicable only to a certain way of resolving a conflict between an individual and a group; the measure of conformity is the degree to which an individual is subject to group standards and requirements. This submission can only be external: the individual does not change his views, but does not voice his disagreements out loud, pretending to accept the position of the group (hypocrisy). In this case, as soon as the pressure stops, or as soon as the individual is out of control of the respective group, he again acts in accordance with his personal setting. Much more complicated and deeper is "internal" conformity, when a person, under the pressure of a group, changes his initial opinion, assimilating the opinion of the majority. What determines the degree of conformity and what social function does it perform? First of all, the degree of conformity depends on the nature of the relevant situation, both objective and subjective. People are not divided into conformists and independent by nature, and the reaction of each person to group pressure will be different depending on specific conditions. Thus, the composition and structure of the group matter, the significance (authority) of the group for the individual and his own position in the group, the significance of the issues discussed, how much they affect the direct interests of the subject and how prepared he is for them, the degree of authority of the participants in the relationship, etc.

Divergence with an authoritative group, belonging to which is essential for the role structure of the individual, inevitably affects both its value orientations and its self-respect. Personality is not a simple function of a private social role or situation; in each of our actions, all of our conscious and unconscious is accumulated. life experience. A person brought up primarily in the spirit of unquestioning obedience to discipline will show less inclination to independence than one who has been educated from childhood to the habit of initiative and independence. Both discipline and independence are social values, and their correlation in a particular society depends not so much on the excellent qualities of individuals as on the types of social relations.

In the field of cognitive functions, conformists show a less developed intellect than independents; they are characterized by inflexibility of thought processes and poverty of ideas. In the area of ​​motivation and emotional functions, conformists show less strength of character, less ability to control themselves in stressful conditions; they are characterized by great emotional stiffness, suppressed impulses, a tendency to anxiety.

In the realm of self-awareness, conformists are prone to overt feelings of personal inferiority and failure. They lack confidence in themselves. Their self-image is more superficial and less realistic than that of independents.

In the sphere of interpersonal relations, conformists are typically preoccupied with the opinions of other people about them. In their relations with people, they show great passivity, suggestibility, dependence on others. At the same time, their attitudes towards other people are characterized by distrust and alertness, and the ability to correctly judge another person is lower than that of an independent subject.

In this way, high degree conformity turns out to be associated with general dogmatism, authoritarianism, and stereotyped thinking. The desire for conformity is the rule rather than the exception. This is due to two reasons: the limited biological capabilities of man and the limitations caused by culture. It is not difficult to understand what we mean when we talk about limited biological capabilities: a person is not able to fly without wings, and he cannot be taught to do so. Since any culture selects only certain patterns of behavior from a variety of possible ones, it also limits socialization, only partially using the biological capabilities of a person.


The problem of social adaptation is one of the most fundamental interdisciplinary scientific problems, which is studied both at the pedagogical, psychological, and socio-economic, biomedical and other levels.

Adaptation - the adaptation of an organism, personality, their systems to the nature of individual influences or to the changed conditions of life in general. Compensates for the insufficiency of habitual behavior in new conditions. The process of adaptation itself is associated with the restructuring of the functions of certain organs, mechanisms, with the development of updated skills, habits, qualities, which leads to the adequacy of the individual and the environment. The adaptation process is characterized by duality. It acquires new capabilities and at the same time rebuilds existing ones. Maintaining the effectiveness of activities is due to the readiness to get used to other situations.

From all of the above, we note that only a person tends to create certain social institutions, norms, traditions that facilitate the process of his adaptation in a given social environment. A person consciously acts as a subject of social adaptation, changing his views, attitudes, value orientations under the influence of circumstances. Only a person is able, with the help of a special technology, to purposefully control and regulate the process of social adaptation, while varying his behavior when conditions and circumstances change.

List of used literature

1. Andrienko E.V. Social psychology: textbook. allowance for students of higher education. ped. textbook institutions / edited by V.A. Slastenin. - 3rd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2004. - 264 p.

2. Basov N.F. Social work with various groups of the population. M., 2010.

3. Klimantova G.I. State family policy of modern Russia: textbook. allowance / G.I. Klimantova. - M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2004. - 132 p.

4. Fundamentals of social work: textbook / otv. ed.P.D. Peacock. - M.: INFRA-M, 1999. - 268 p.

5. Social work / ed. prof.V.I. Kurbatov. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 1999. - 576 p.

6. Technologies of social work: textbook / ed. ed. Prof. E.I. Single. - M.: INFRA-M, 2004. - 400 p.

7. Technology of social work / Ed. Zainysheva I. - M.: Vlados, 2002. - 49-54c.

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Technology of social adaptation.
Social adaptation - adaptive processes in social workers and methods of their regulation
Adaptation - adaptation, the term was first used in medicine in 1860
In a broad sense, adaptation is the interaction of a person with institutions (their subordination to a person)
In a narrow sense: adaptation of a person to something (to politics, economics, ecology)
The adaptation process has two sides:
1. objective - does not depend on the will and consciousness of a person; a person in the course of his life acquires various social properties
2. subjective - the acquisition of social properties depending on its social status, psychological and physical health.
The process of social adaptation is the process of mastering relatively stable conditions of the social environment, solving recurring typical problems by using the accepted method of social explanations, actions.
Influences the process of adaptation (mechanism of social adaptation)
1. FROM THE OBJECT (client)
- social status and activity
- health (mental and physical)
- work skills and abilities
- desire and ability
- sociability
If the object does not have these qualities, then it withdraws into itself. Loses status, becomes marginalized
2. FROM THE SUBJECT (what works for the client)
— social institutions (family, labor, student groups)
- the moral and psychological climate of society
— ecology
- social economy position in society
- military conflicts
- unemployment, homelessness
— population migration
- lack of quality education (fee)
- lack of quality health care
- lack of quality leisure activities, sports
Adaptation appears:
1. Through a change in the orientation of a person
2. Through social activities, communication and self-awareness

SOCIAL ACTIVITY - the leading specific mechanism in the organization of human adaptation in the unity of its constituent parties:
- communication
- teaching
- labor
- games
All this allows for full inclusion in the social environment.
The mechanism of adaptation in social activities includes:
1. the needs of the individual (awareness of the needs that are the motives for making a decision and encourage action and social adaptation). Depending on the results achieved, the mechanism can be repeated, but at a different qualitative level.
Problems of a social worker: in case of failure, find a weak, insufficiently effective side of the mechanism, make a correction.
- introduce a person to a new team
- for emigrants: to introduce them into the life, traditions, customs of the area.

Social communication is a mechanism of social adaptation, aimed at expanding the range of assimilation of social activities, in contact with other individuals or social groups.
Adaptation is affected by gender, age, social status of the individual, and so on.
This is not only a type of activity and a need, but also the interaction of a social worker with a client, which needs to be expanded in the system of social practice. The most important mechanism in social practice is the self-awareness of the individual - the mechanism of adaptation of the individual himself. At the same time, the formulation and comprehension of one's social affiliation and decision-making. Self-consciousness of the individual should be understood as a single process of communication and self-consciousness, the social activity of the individual.

Social work as a professional activity contributes to the social adaptation of people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, and creates conditions that ensure their integration into society. The result of the process of social adaptation is the development of a person's ability to self-control, the establishment and expansion of social ties.

A set of legal documents testifies to the public and state attention to this area of ​​social work. In particular, the Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” (1998) interprets social adaptation as a process of actively adapting a child in a difficult life situation to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, as well as the process of overcoming the consequences of psychological and moral injury. Activities that promote social adaptation are aimed at solving problems associated with a change of residence, loss of work or lack of a family for disabled citizens.

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Approval of the Model Regulations on the Establishment of Social Assistance for Persons Without certain place residence and employment” (1996), social work specialists assist in the implementation of measures for the social adaptation of persons who have lost socially useful ties (primarily citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty) to the conditions of life in society.

In the practice of military social work, a complex of social technologies is being developed that contributes to the integration of military personnel into civil society. The International Fund for Social Adaptation, founded on December 13, 1998, promotes

the formation of the middle class of the population as a guarantee of increasing the level of welfare of the state. The main areas of assistance in the social adaptation of military personnel are: assistance in retraining in specialties that are in demand on the labor market; assistance in finding employment through social adaptation centers; assistance in socio-psychological and medical rehabilitation through the relevant centers; support for innovative and experimental projects and programs, such as "Conversion of military camps", "Non-governmental organizations".

To provide support for military personnel, a state program “Social adaptation of military personnel subject to dismissal from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, and members of their families” was developed, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2001.

The implementation of the program involves the preparation of military personnel for the conditions civil life and includes the following areas of social adaptation: vocational guidance, retraining, employment and socio-psychological support for military personnel subject to dismissal from military service, and members of their families. Military social work involves consulting and professional orientation at information and advisory points at military units, military educational institutions vocational education.

In the centers of social adaptation of military personnel, scientific and methodological guidance is provided for the development of areas of social adaptation, a set of measures for vocational guidance, retraining and employment of trained citizens. Ensuring their employment is achieved through specialized units created at labor exchanges and labor agencies that are focused on working only with this category of the population and know the professional capabilities, demands, and work experience of military personnel.

The emergence of a difficult life situation for certain categories of clients is mediated by changes in the external conditions of the social environment, in particular, the migration of refugees and internally displaced persons entails a change in place of residence, place of work, and sometimes the scope of professional activity. For unemployed citizens, for example, when organizing their employment, the process of social adaptation involves the establishment of relations in a new work collective and inclusion in production activities.

Therefore, for social work, it is important to study favorable external and facilitating internal conditions, with the help of which the client increases his social status and reaches

balance with the social environment. In socio-psychological studies, social adaptation is considered to be, firstly, the process of active inclusion in the social environment and, Secondly, the state of harmony between man and the social environment. This means that, realizing their needs, a person does not violate the requirements of the social environment (social norms, moral principles, traditions, etc.).

The joint activity of a social work specialist and a client, creating opportunities for establishing relationships with a stranger, modeling a difficult situation during communication, from which it is necessary to find a way out, involving preparation for a creative work and discussion of the results, contains a number of problematic situations, resolving which a person gains experience and develops abilities that ensure its social adaptation.

Each process of overcoming problem situations can be considered "a process of socio-psychological adaptation of the individual, during which she uses the skills and behavioral mechanisms acquired at previous stages of her development and socialization or discovers new ways of behavior and solving life problems" 1 .

Social activities, organized by a social work specialist and including specially designed practical situations, allow the client to express himself, his skills and develop new ways of behavior that contribute to social adaptation.

At active type of adaptation process the client transforms or eliminates the problem situation. The adaptive resources of the individual are mobilized to comprehend the options for solving the problem. In this case, creative abilities are developed, new knowledge and skills of social competence are acquired.

Passive type of adaptation process manifests itself in the preservation of the problem situation in its original form and involves the avoidance and self-elimination of the client from solving the problem, adaptation to reality. A. A. Nalchadzhyan notes that to denote the adaptation of a personality with the preservation of a problem situation, it is legitimate to use the term “adaptation”: the personality changes, but the situation basically remains unchanged. Mechanisms and strategies of adaptation in this case are all varieties of conformism.

With a passive type of adaptation process, the client, as a rule, focuses on a social work specialist, he has

1 Nalchadzhyan A.A.

dependence on other people is formed, excluding the desire to use one's own resources, acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities.

During a visit to a social service institution (day stay groups, club, long stay groups), the client develops socio-psychological adaptation. This is the state of the relationship between the individual and the group, in which "the individual, without prolonged external and internal conflicts, productively performs his leading activity, satisfies his basic needs, fully meets the role expectations that the reference group makes of him" 1 .

A person is in search of a social environment favorable for his self-realization, the disclosure of creative abilities and their free expression. A favorable social environment is created by external conditions. The preparation of the client for social adaptation is achieved through teaching certain behavior and mastering various social roles in activities organized by specialists from the social service institution.

In a social group, according to an American psychologist

E. Burn, “a person discovers one of the states I - Parent, Adult or Child. All three aspects of personality are extremely important for functioning and survival. Their changes are necessary only if one of these aspects disturbs a healthy balance” 2 . If a client who finds himself in a difficult life situation behaves in accordance with only two social roles - "child" and "parent", excluding the position of an adult, this leads to maladjustment of the personality.

Therefore, an important external condition characteristic of the institution of social services for the population is the creation in the process of joint activities of practical situations that allow the client to express himself in the social role of an adult. This state implies the ability to control the situation, the ability to understand it and evaluate it, competence, independence and the ability to be objective. By identifying himself with the social role of an adult, the client supplements his abilities, acquires new social experience of behavior, skills and abilities that develop social and psychological adaptation in him.

1 Nalchadzhyan A.A. Socio-psychological adaptation of personality (forms, mechanisms and strategies). - Yerevan, 1988. - S. 17.

2 Byrne E. Games People Play. Psychology of human relationships. People who play games. Psychology human destiny/ Common ed. M. S. Matskovsky. - M., 1988. - S. 20.

LECTURE: Social adaptation as a technology of social work

In the process of studying the topic, it is extremely important, firstly, to find out the essence of the concept of “social adaptation”, and secondly, to study in detail the issue of patterns, conditions, types, and structure of social adaptation. Then proceed to the study of forms and methods of work to regulate adaptation processes.

A variety of social problems require a social educator to provide assistance in order to achieve social adaptation of children, youth, individuals of different ages, groups, social strata of the population. Social educators and social workers should regulate the mechanisms of a person's relationship with the environment, social institutions(families, education systems, mass media).

The term "adaptation" comes from lat. words adaptatio - adaptation. An important task of adaptation is the survival of a person through the adaptation of the potentialities of the individual's body with the processes of the natural and social environment.

Allocate four types of adaptation:

1) biological, which characterizes the processes of human adaptation to the natural environment. Of great theoretical importance for the study of biological adaptation were the positions of Ch. Darwin, I.M. Sechenov;

2) physiological- the optimal adaptation of the human body to the environment. This type of adaptation by I.P. Pavlov, A.A. Ukhtomsky;

3) psychological- mental organization, individual-personal adaptation;

4) social- adaptation to social relations, requirements, norms of the social order. Social adaptation is an important mechanism of socialization and is a process that affects a person in different ways, encourages her to choose mechanisms of action in a certain life span. This process can take place at three levels:

a) at the level of the macro environment, which will characterize the adaptation of the individual to the social, economic, political, cultural, spiritual development of society;

b) at the mesolevel - adaptation of a person in a social group (family, class, production team, etc.);

c) at the micro level - individual adaptation, the desire for harmonious relationships.

Since a person is included in a diverse system of social relations (personal, interpersonal, intimate, industrial, business, professional, economic, religious), then the types of adaptation are different: domestic, economic, political, religious, scientific, intimate, etc.
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Any kind of adaptation requires certain abilities from a person, and in this regard, it depends on its individual-personal properties; from those who organize social, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological service.

social adaptation- ϶ᴛᴏ the process and result of the adaptation of a person, a group to an environment that is changing, during which the requirements and expectations are harmonized.

Adaptation occurs at all levels of people's social life, becomes a universal means of overcoming life crises, provides a person with preparation for everything new that happens in his life, is a means of harmonizing social relations.

L.D. Stolyarenko notes that "Social adaptation is a purposeful interaction of the elements of consciousness and behavior of a social subject and the values ​​of the system of the external environment for him in order to establish correspondence between them and overcome conflicting relationships."

The main goal of adaptation is to overcome the dysfunctions of the social system and harmonize the relationship of the subject with the environment. In modern socio-economic conditions, the successful harmonization of people is hindered by inconsistency between “cultural” and social structures, which leads to the search for deviant ways to meet needs, move away from legitimate public ways satisfaction of needs and up to pseudo-adaptation. Deviant forms of behavior “better” (however paradoxical) provide people's livelihoods than legal ones, although they have a negative impact on society (racketing, theft, murder for the purpose of enrichment, etc.).

L.D. Stolyarenko also tried to explain the mechanism of formation of social adaptation on two bases: personal-subjective and external-objective.

(С+) - microenvironment with a positive orientation, (С-) - microenvironment with a negative orientation; personality: (O+) - with a positive orientation, (O-) - with a negative orientation (antisocial, negative views, etc.).

1. Successful social adaptation - the first stage of adaptation - (A +) - is possible under the conditions of interaction of a positive personality and a positive environment

(A+) = [(C+) ´ (O+)]

2. The second type of adaptation mechanism is characterized by a mismatch of expectations - the requirements of the microgroup, the team and the qualities of the individual. Possible two options:

a) the first option with an unstable positive direction:

(A+) = [(C+) ´ (O-)]

in this case, a person with an antisocial orientation has the opportunity to assimilate legal attitudes, translate them into their own special qualities, wholes, actions;

b) the second option is the entry of a positive personality into an environment with a negative moral and legal orientation, which is characterized by an unstable negative orientation:

(A-) \u003d [(C-) ´ (O +)]

in this case, the macroenvironment forms personality traits that do not meet the interests of society; as a result of interaction, negative patterns of behavior may be transferred, which is further realized in illegal behavior.

3. The third type of adaptation mechanism is carried out when there are no positive social ties that reinforce the negative orientation of the personality, that is, when a person remains in an antisocial, criminal environment:

(A-) = [(C-) ´ (O-)]

The adaptation of a person to a negative criminal environment is usually called “pseudo-adaptation”.

The effectiveness of adaptation is determined by the final result, which is determined by the indicators of the subject's achievements ͵ his satisfaction in one or another area of ​​activity.

In order to improve the adaptation of orphans, children deprived of parental care, boarding schools, orphanages, special programs are being created that are aimed at developing independence in children, adolescents, young men, controlling their behavior, self-service, housekeeping, and the ability to use money. , psychological readiness for professional activity, for family life.

Not less than important tasks stand before the social pedagogue in work with children and young people with disabilities. A social pedagogue should plan his activities for social adaptation taking into account the strengthening of medical, household, psychological, and pedagogical assistance. An important form of social adaptation of such persons is the creation of an environment of positive communication during training and recreation. Both individual and group forms of work are recommended. It should be noted that the work of a social pedagogue in this direction needs special attention, it cannot be limited to individual “acts of care”, like holidays, competitions, charity events. Such work should become purposeful, systematic, and comprehensive.

Maladaptation- ϶ᴛᴏ failure of the individual to adapt to the conditions and requirements of the social environment.

The psychological essence of the social maladaptation of children and adolescents should be understood only with the establishment of the factors, the reasons that contributed to it:

1) family factor, drunkenness of parents, neglect of children, cruelty, lack of interest in children's problems;

2) cerebral insufficiency, mild brain dysfunctions: rapid fatigue, irritability, inability to exercise for a long time, limited attention, had a number of good ratings - factors that lead to frustration, discomfort.

Here are the schematic categories of maladjusted children:

1. Difficult children(the causes of maladaptation are the complexity of temperament͵ mild brain dysfunctions, impaired attention, insufficient mental development, features of the psychological and pedagogical situation of development and education).

2. nervous kids, unable to independently cope with difficult experiences associated with the system of their relationships (parents, adults).

3. Difficult Teens who do not know how to solve their problems in a socially acceptable way.

4. Frustrated teenagers- they are characterized by the persistence of forms of self-destructive behavior dangerous to their health (alcoholism, drugs); spiritual development, the fact of existence (sexual relations, home theft), suicidal tendencies, lack of meaning in life.

5. Teenage delinquents constantly balancing the boundaries of what is allowed and what is illegal.

In science, such forms of maladjustment are defined: neglect, deprivation, frustration, internal conflict.

LECTURE: Social adaptation as a technology of social work - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "LECTION: Social adaptation as a technology of social work" 2017, 2018.

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