Home Flowers How to choose the right name for the patronymic? Baby name and numerology: free online calculation by name

How to choose the right name for the patronymic? Baby name and numerology: free online calculation by name

In the vast majority of cases, a person turns to the help of numerology, having already reached middle age. At the same time, he already understands the features of his personality quite well, soberly assesses his advantages and disadvantages. He takes the numerological description of his character as a given. Indeed, the numbers that form the name and date of birth have already deeply and firmly penetrated into all areas of his life, formed his environment, set the right directions for development. In this case, there are no more ways to influence fate, you can only understand yourself deeper, become more flexible and learn how to reliably cover up those personality traits that, by definition, cannot be developed.

The fate and character of the child by name, date of birth

A completely different situation arises in the case of born child. Future parents have a fantastic opportunity to give their baby something that they can no longer do for themselves. A competent approach to choosing a child's name allows you to lay the foundation for the development of outstanding and bright qualities of a future personality, make his character balanced, significantly reduce the risks of unwanted deviations (alcohol, drugs, mental trauma, etc.).

It all sounds like science fiction, but what about Fate? - You ask. And you will be absolutely right. The thing is that we cannot influence many parameters. First of all, this concerns the date of birth, as you know, the exact moment of birth cannot be predicted. Secondly, do not forget about the surname and patronymic of the child, they are already predetermined and very few are capable of such an ambiguous act as changing these components of the future name of the baby.

How to choose a name for a child, taking into account patronymics and surnames of parents ?

Each letter of the full name (last name, first name and patronymic) corresponds to numerical value which contributes to the character, abilities and talents of the child. A large number of identical numbers indicate qualities that will manifest themselves brightly, missing numbers determine weak sides and personal pain points. Total value the numerical series of the name sets the capabilities of a person, his predisposition to certain areas of activity and professions.

You can choose suitable name for your child by completing following form. The calculation is free, sending SMS is not required.

Name selection by date of birth of the child or by month of birth

If your baby has already been born, but you have not yet chosen a suitable name for him, we suggest using the service for selecting a child's name by date of birth. This is the most accurate method, giving the most complete description future personality.

If your baby has not yet been born, you can only enter the month and year of birth. The calculation is absolutely free, sending SMS is not required.

I decided to come up with a name for the child in advance, and there were two reasons for that. Firstly, the experience of one friend who, even before the birth of the baby, called her tummy Glebushka. And in truth, Glebushka was born a healthy, active boy. And secondly, another experience of acquaintances, when the child was almost a month old, and the whole family quarreled over a name. The young mother is already emotionally exhausted, and then her relatives add fuel to the fire.

And after the first ultrasound at 12 weeks, when we were told that it would most likely be a boy, I became choose a name. I chose two names: Vitaly and Vladislav. And since the first ultrasound is not yet accurate, I chose the names Victoria and Violetta for the girl. At the second ultrasound, the doctor said: "Congratulations, you have a girlfriend!" And for reliability showed everything on the screen. And immediately the names Victoria and Violetta stopped liking me.

I decided to look at the month of birth - my daughter was supposed to be born in November. I read on the Internet that girls born in November have a rather firm, stubborn character. (Now, after birth, it is already felt - a true scorpion!) And it is better for them to choose a soft, feminine name - then there was a list of names. I began to choose a name for the surname and patronymic - Efimova and Alexandrovna. I thought that the name should harmonize well with them.

I chose the names: Anna, Anastasia, Elizabeth and Elena. After thinking, Anastasia ruled out: many friends had that name for their children. I imagined that I would walk and call "Nastya!", And two Nastyas would immediately come running to me. The name Elizabeth did not please her husband. And Elena is mother-in-law. Anna remained. The whole family liked it. This is how I chose the name. And already before the birth of our daughter, we called her Anyuta. The daughter's name suits her very well.


Name for girls by honor charyevna

06/23/2017 15:09:18, Bahar

Well, it’s nice, but so that no one else would come running, it was necessary for Lena)) although ten mothers will turn on Lena)
take into account the opinion of the mother-in-law is a bid for victory)

That Anya may not come running alone is also a risk. But the name is great, and the girl is painfully charming :)

Anna - beautiful name. And your baby is charming :-) Health to her!

Well, as Anna Alexandrovna, I can’t help but agree :)

But An now, too, sooo much.

Comment on the article "How to name a girl? Choosing a name by month of birth, last name and patronymic"

Charitable Diagnostic Center women's health "White Rose opened its doors in VEGAS Crocus City! The White Rose Center is a project of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives led by Svetlana Medvedeva. The founders hope that the new medical Center will allow more frequent detection oncological diseases on the early stages when the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment is the highest. In addition, doctors intend to conduct educational work - to explain the need for regular...

Rulev M.A. These are the questions you regularly ask your children. I wonder if they always give accurate answers to them? I propose to ask them again and now wait for answers; if the answers are not to your liking, work on "rebooting the LBR system" so that your children know everything clearly. Question #1. Ask your child to give their exact first, last, and middle names, as well as the first and middle names of mom and dad (or the adult who is caring for the child). If it doesn't work, help me learn. What for. If a child has to...

Oleg likes the name, but the resulting patronymic is not very good. What names are combined with this patronymic? Do you know anyone with this patronymic? I want a beautiful name for the child)) If necessary, the approximate time of birth is December. I think a girl, but there is no confirmation of this yet. Therefore, men are also interesting.

I will calculate and determine by date of birth and name: character, health, luck, important dates life, compatibility of partners and other qualities. These are not predictions, but data that are embedded in numbers and a name at birth. There is a lot of information, 95% coincides, very interesting. I send all the information not briefly, but expanded, on 15 sheets. I can send an example of the calculation work. I will calculate for you and your loved ones: 1. Compatibility of partners by name, compatibility index, psychomatrix. 2. Number of health...

Now we are just in that exciting period when we need to find a name for such a long-awaited kitten. They are on the move different ways searches: reading out all the names in alphabetical order with writing out the ones you like, viewing popular names, calendars, inventing offensive nicknames, combining with the patronymic and surname, as well as the sounding of the full name and other abbreviations, inventing patronymics on behalf of (in case it is still a boy) , reading forums discussing this, as it turned out, global ...

This is a story from my friend's life. She gave birth to a girl, she decided to name Ilona. it wasn't here. Arriving from the hospital, her mother Lyuba and mother-in-law Nina met her at home. Everything was fine, they admired the baby, until, like a bolt from the blue, the mother-in-law asked the question: - What will you name the child? Girlfriend: Ilonka Mother-in-law: No, name it after one of the grandmothers!!! I represent the state of a friend. But the victory was in favor of Lyuba's mother. so the baby was named Love. Mother-in-law was very offended. This is understandable...


A friend had a great reason - not to offend either of the two grandmothers to name the child by a third name. But she did not use it, so who is to blame now.

With such a choice, I would name myself after myself, because in the life of my children there is no one more important than me.

How did you choose a name for your children? Did you look at the interpretation of the name or just liked it. Are the characters of your children similar to the interpretation of the name?

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of the name, rare names, a combination of first name, patronymic, last name. How to name a child? Name for a girl by month of birth, last name and patronymic. The whole family liked the name for the daughter and the baby came up.


Name Varenka! I have a daughter Varenka, only positive emotions on behalf of her. and at me with the husband and relatives and at associates.
By the way, we also have the surname P and the patronymic - Frolova Varvara Sergeevna.
when we were waiting, we thought we would name either Varya or Dasha or Lisa. Daria disappeared even before the birth - well, there were sooo many of them in our environment. and when the daughter was born, they looked and immediately both realized that, of course, it was Varya. Well, it wasn't Lisa at all. and now I am very pleased with this choice - just HER name.
and how many affectionate names you can think of! Varya, Varyusha, Varyunya, Varena, Varyasha, Varek, we sometimes call our Varenik or Mitten.
And my daughter loves her name.
in general - I'm all hands FOR COOKING!!!

To start choosing a name, please read the methods and recommendations listed on this page. The service is paid.

Selection options

Method 1 is one of the main ones. With the help of numerology, you can determine the character of a person, his habits, inclinations, aspirations, as well as what awaits him in the future. According to the numerical numerological alphabet, all possible names are compared with a specific patronymic and surname, and the results of calculating fate are determined by this method. Since as a result of deciphering the name there are both positive and negative values, the system analyzes and displays only those names that have only positive values in terms of numerology.

Examples of values ​​​​of the numerological alphabet: positive - well-being, love, family, political activity, desire for profit, courage, honesty, etc., negative - war, disaster, sacrifice, destruction, disastrous consequences, poverty, crime, narrow-mindedness. We analyzed many people and the results showed that the values ​​obtained after deciphering the name of the surname and patronymic are somehow reflected in the fate of a person. And if he strives to reduce negative values, then the fate of a person will be easier and more successful. This numerological alphabet allows you to get a certain imprint of the fate of a person by full name, and depending on the chosen name, we impose a certain fate on a person. The presented alphabet allows you to get this data in an understandable, simple form and make an appropriate choice of name.

On our one of the first sites proimena.ru on the page Mystery of the name, numerology of the name in the section "Secrets of the name -> fate" you can make completely free calculations of your data, relatives, etc. and better understand how it all works. Therefore, the name selection service is based on the fact that only such names are selected, the meanings of which turned out to be favorable when deciphering the name, surname and patronymic.

As a result of the selection, we get a list of names that, by pronunciation or by meaning, may not be liked. For example, you choose from popular names, and the resulting transcript is not very good, then at least you can pick up the second "correct" name. In ancient times, several names were always given to a person, although this tradition has remained to this day. The first is a worldly name, and the second secret name is kept secret so that they do not jinx it, and do not cause damage, etc. As one option, you can choose a secret name using this method.

The priest's answer about the second "secret" name:
“At the same time, the presence of several names in a person from ancient times was a common phenomenon and did not lead to any bifurcation. Many biblical persons had two names: the patriarchs Jacob (Israel) and Joseph (Tzafnaf-paneah). Prophet Daniel in Babylon was given middle name - Belshazzar.He held high government positions under the Chaldean and Persian kings. Therefore, his second name was in constant use. On behalf (Daniel), which was given to him during circumcision on the 8th day, he never refused. Simon, brother of Andrew the First-Called, our Lord Jesus Christ, accepting among His apostles, called Peter (John 1:42). The name given by the parents also survived during his later life: "Jesus says to Simon Peter: Simon of Jonas!" (John 21:15). Many Russian saints had two names: led. book. Olga (in holy baptism Elena), led. book. Vladimir (baptized Vasily). His children: St. Boris (Roman) and Gleba (David). Monks often do not have the same worldly name and the one given during tonsure. And since the name remains the same in the passport, when issuing any document, you have to give the former name.

Vivid examples effective use numerology is the fact that successful and popular personalities resort to it: politicians, businessmen, artists, athletes. Although, maybe they became successful precisely because of the application of this knowledge in practice.

Method 2 One of the numerological rules says: if the number of the birthday is higher than the number of the name, this means that this person tends to follow his basic inclinations, which can make it difficult to develop the features of his name or the vibration number of the name. Conversely, if the number of the name is higher than the number of the birthday, then the ambition and goals expressed by this number of the name predominate in a person, so that the natural traits and inclinations of the person are directed to the circumstances of her choice. The human tendency is to set conditions rather than obey them.
Man with the same number birthday and name has the opportunity to develop an even harmonious character, the ability to easily take on all matters.
It is not for nothing that many writers, actors and other people of creative professions take a pseudonym for themselves so that it coincides with the birthday number if it is successful, or improves it if it is not so successful.
Therefore, you can choose a name in which the number of the name will correspond to the number of birth. Calculate the birth date of the child.

When choosing a name, it is best to give preference to the first method, and the second method can be used as an addition to the first. It is also possible to apply both methods separately, for this you need to select the appropriate setting on the name selection page.

Tip 1. Consider everything when choosing a name possible options. How will it sound in combination with a patronymic, surname. Are there easy-to-pronounce and sonorous name options for peers? Finally, is it easy for the baby himself to pronounce it, because he will have to do it often! The more various variants of the name there are, the more different sides of the personality will be able to acquire their name. So if you want your child to be flexible, free to different situations and with diverse people, choose a name that is easy to vary. If, on the contrary, you want to encourage his fidelity, stability and constancy, look for, respectively, a name that is difficult to change.

Tip 2. Whichever way you go, usually the name you choose for your baby is associated with some person. And intuitively try on your baby to him, expect from him similar reactions, actions, abilities. This is not bad, it is natural and normal, this is the mechanism of the influence of your parental message expressed in the name. You should be wary when the child’s name becomes an excuse for some undesirable features that interfere with him (on the principle of “what can you do, Peters are all so stubborn!”) Or when you begin to pay attention to those shortcomings of the baby that upset you in the prototype.

Tip 3. In no case should you give a name to a child in honor of the memory of deceased relatives, for example, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister. This can cause the child on a subconscious level to be inferior. Likewise, the child is subjected to negative influence the fate of deceased relatives, because parents, choosing the name of the child in honor of deceased relatives, recognize the possibility of repeating their fate in the life of the child.

Tip 4. Be aware that by choosing a name, you are, consciously or not, encouraging and supporting certain traits in your son or daughter. This is your first message to the baby about how you want him to be, what fate you wish for him.

We sincerely hope that the presented materials and services will play an important role in the process of choosing a name for your child, and when he grows up, he will be pleased with him.

The value of a name for a person is difficult to overestimate. A good choice largely determines in life.

In ancient Slavic culture, it was customary to give a person not one, but several names. At the same time, the present was carefully hidden until a certain age. It was believed that this would help protect the baby from unwanted influences.

Nowadays, the tradition of changing the name has been preserved, for example, when initiating a new faith, spiritual dignity, etc. New name means new life stage. An adult is able to make his choice consciously.Choosing a name for a childlies entirely with parental responsibility. The baby will simply accept what you give him.

That's why it's so importantchoose the right name for your baby.

The child's name must matchhis psychophysical features, fit into sociocultural context, be consonant family values and traditions.

What are they usually guided by when choosing a name for a child:

  • Church calendar;
  • Names of relatives;
  • Names of close friends, favorite heroes, musicians, politicians;
  • Astrological and other techniques.
  • Fire: Alexander, Andrey, Arkady, Marina, Maria, Arina, Regina (voiced vowels, open consonants);
  • Earth: Sophia, Stepan, Mikhail, Timothy (deaf consonants, obsolete names);
  • Air: Semyon, Dmitry, Alexei, Lydia, Elena (voiced consonants, double vowels);
  • Water: Ilya, Olga, Julia, Tatyana (softness of sound).

However, the most interesting and exciting way to choose a name is asteroids.It is about them that we will discuss further. Asteroids receive undeservedly little attention. Although many of them have an obvious influence on our characters and destinies.

What are asteroids?

These are small bodies of the solar system that formed in its inner region. Translated from Greek, asteroid means “star-like”.

Asteroids are extremely numerous. In our solar system there are over a million. At the same time, more than 17,000 have official names.

The main asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Such their location gave rise to the hypothesis of the planet Phaethon that died at this place. The period of revolution around the Sun for most asteroids is from 3.5 to 6 years.

Ceres, Pallas, Vesta and Hygiea are the largest objects. They are well studied and used by some astrologers. The rest of the asteroids elude our direct attention.

How to choose a name for a child?

Many asteroids are named after people. Since there are a lot of such objects in the sky, then possible choice great names. We will be primarily interested in asteroids:

  • In conjunction with natal Sun or the moon.
  • Conjunct Ascendant, 1st house planets, 1st lord;
  • Having other major aspects with the indicated points.

Selection example

Let's say you need to choose a name for a child born on August 20, 2016 at 17:36, St. Petersburg.

The natal Sun is located in the 28th degree of Leo, the Moon is in the 28th degree of Pisces, the Ascendant is in the 22nd Sagittarius, the ruler of the Ascendant Jupiter is in the 26th degree of Virgo.

We need to see which asteroids were located in the specified degrees at the time of birth. Many astrological programs provide such an opportunity. As a rule, for this you need to go to a special directory and select the desired objects.

Display on natal chart all asteroids is impossible, because for each chosen degree of the Zodiac there will be several of them. Indeed, let's see what we got. We will try to choose only those names that are obviously associated with the names of people.

We see what can already be done by the Sun preselection: Inna, Ada. According to the Almuten of the first house, Nadia is read, according to the Ascendant - Sophia.

It is interesting to select names by association. In the Ascendant column is the name of the asteroid - Simonov. Let's ask who it is.

We ask Yandex and find out that this is the same writer and poet Konstantin Simonov. Remember “Wait for me and I'll be back…”? Therefore, we consider the name Constantine.

You can also start from the map of the parents. For example, to see which asteroids interact with the cusp and the ruler of the fifth house of the child's mother.

Orbis should be taken small, up to one and a half degrees. Consider only major aspects, giving preference to the connection.

Playing asteroids can be extremely educational and exciting. Try to match the elements of your first house with the asteroids. The coincidences are sometimes amazing.

For example, in my natal chart, an asteroid with the name of my child makes an exact trine to the cusp of my fifth house. It would be too bold to talk about rectification with the help of asteroids. However, it is possible to use asteroids as confirmation of the map's accuracy.


I wish you new discoveries in your own natal chart and the charts of your loved ones!

Well, if you are interested in learning astrology and want to plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

Deep in the subconscious, each name is associated with specific person, therefore, a person pleasant to us is always associated with his name. In addition, there is a theory that the sounds present in each name and differing in height are able to excite certain parts of the brain and thus affect not only their carrier, but also the people around him.

Today we will talk about how to choose the right names for boys by patronymic and in the table that you will find below, you can choose the names most consonant with the patronymic for the boy.

Some names have a hard, hard sound: Dmitry, Igor, Anatoly, etc. Children with such names are constantly affected by a sound stimulus, due to which they form a stubborn and persistent character. These children are independent and determined. Owners of names that sound soft (for example, Alexey, Mikhail, Vasily, Ilya and the like) usually have a calm and complaisant character.

Between hard and soft names, there are also intermediate, neutral names: Andrey, Arkady, Artem, Alexander, Vitaly, Valentin, Pavel, Roman, etc. For people with such names, poise, prudence, and some perseverance are characteristic.

Middle name also plays great importance . Excellent patronymics Vladimirovich and Yaroslavovich, they remarkably contribute to the achievement of the result. The next on the list are Mikhailovichi, Sergeevichi, Pavlovichi and Petrovichi.

Combinations of names ending in a consonant sound, with patronymics beginning with it, sound difficult. And if at the same time they themselves have a lot of consonants, for example, Eduard Dmitrievich, Alexander Dmitrievich, then the interlocutors often distort the name and patronymic, which leads to constant anxiety person, to the expectation of another distortion. When choosing a name for your child, try to consider such patronymic names of boys that form the most harmonious pronunciation in the combination of first name and patronymic.

Choosing a name for a child, parents often make the same mistake - they do not take into account how the middle name will affect the name of the child. At best, a simply consonant combination of a name and patronymic is selected, while the influence of the father's name, that is, the patronymic, is not taken into account at all. But the patronymic is the connection of the child with the father, the foundation on which the name of the child will be based. The influence of the patronymic does not appear immediately, but only after a rather long time, namely, at the moment the child enters adult life and the start of his career.

It is in the correct choice of a name for a patronymic that the future pride of the child for himself lies. When, addressing him, people will respectfully call him by his first name and patronymic - what could be more pleasant. When choosing a name, be sure to take into account the influence of the patronymic, as well as their overall influence on the character of a person, on his inclinations, abilities, attitudes in life, because in the end all this affects the fate of a person.

Try to choose a harmonious and easy to pronounce paired with a patronymic name for your baby. Below you can see the table of boys' names by patronymic and which combinations with the patronymic are the most harmonious.

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