Home Diseases and pests Auspicious days in September. The Magic of Numbers

Auspicious days in September. The Magic of Numbers

The phases of the moon have an impact on the nature around us, and on every person, even if we do not always notice the obvious. Knowing everything about the state of the moon, you will be able to manage your future, build only realistic plans and get rid of mistakes.

Moon phases in September 2016

  • New Moon: September 1;
  • Growing Moon: from 2 to 15 September;
  • Full Moon: September 16;
  • Waning Moon: from 17 to 30 September.
  • New moon astrologers

    The New Moon in September 2016 is in Virgo. And this is a favorable combination for any practical matter, for example, in order to fight bad habits, repay debts, strengthen life or carry out repairs. But be careful: solar eclipse, which astronomers also scheduled for the 1st, threatens to confuse plans and turn into unpredictable consequences. To be ready for anything, you can.

    Astrologers about the growing moon

    According to the lunar calendar, the growing moon will be the most favorable time in September 2016. At this time, the energy of summer has not yet given way to the energy of extinction, which is often activated in autumn. Until September 15, days can be considered summer, despite the weather, as they are charged with the sun and creative energy. During this time, you can easily close the gestalts, finish the things that you have been putting off, perhaps, all summer.

    A particularly good growing moon affects the condition of the hair. Read more about this, especially if you are going to not indulge in autumn depression, but instead change the image along with the hairstyle or color of your curls.

    Full moon astrologers

    The full moon in September 2016 will appear in the sky on the 16th. The moon is in Pisces, and this entails uncertainty and the first signs of an autumn bad mood. Drive him away! Astrologers will tell you how not to make mistakes on the Full Moon, guided by your Zodiac Sign.

    Be careful with alcoholic drinks, even if you are not driving, but today you have a meeting with friends. A hot drink can also negatively affect the agreement between close friends, and even if you are at a corporate party or among unfamiliar people, alcohol can even cause you to not make the impression you were counting on.

    Astrologers about the waning moon

    The waning moon in September is great for taking care of your health and finances. Usually in the second half of September it is customary to stock up for the winter, thinking about the first results. For many, this time will bring the well-deserved fruits of your efforts for the year.

    Useful advice regarding the rituals for the aging moon, psychic Elena Yasevich can give. Learn more about how to bring money and harmony into your home by clearing your mind with meditation.

    Look in more often, and you will not know a mistake, and your affairs will always argue in your hands. We wish you success and don't forget to press the buttons and

    30.08.2016 03:43

    Moon calendar - good helper for effective planning. Expert advice will help you figure out which days...

    Money troubles, perhaps, hit on nervous system and by general mood hurts the most. Moon calendar...

Helpful Hints

This month may bring you enough excitement about money. not excluded different kind surprises, especially closer to the middle of the month. Therefore, you should take it seriously any expenses and especially for large purchases. If the lunar calendar indicates that purchases will be unsuccessful, you should not tempt fate.

Important moments of the month - eclipsesSeptember 1 and 16, 2016. On these dates, you can not carry out complex monetary transactions, risk money, as the consequences may not be the most favorable, may affect your future life.

Be careful this month with the signing of any important financial documents, because for almost the entire month Mercury will be in retrograde motion A: It's easy to make mistakes.

Most bad days for important monetary transactions, preparation of financial documents: 1, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 28, 30 September 2016.

Not worth it lend money or borrow: 1, 5-9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 21-25, 28, 30 September 2016.

Most lucky days for solutions financial matters: 2, 19, 20 and 27 September 2016.


SEPTEMBER 1, Thursday. 30th lunar day1st lunar day from 12:03.VIRGO . NEW MOON at 12:03. Annular SOLAR ECLIPSE at 12:07. This day is not suitable for starting something radically new, even though this is the first day of autumn. In addition to the fact that this is the day of the new moon, when you need to make plans, but not act, today there will be a solar eclipse, so postpone all very important things for more good time. You can continue to do business, but it is especially good to plan things for the future ( from 12:00). Today it is also good to dream, you can bring the fulfillment of your financial dreams closer. Purchases : it is better to postpone.

SEPTEMBER 2, Friday. 2nd lunar day from 06:35.VIRGO . Any commerce will be successful, you can make a will or other monetary documents. Any work that requires accuracy of calculations, attentiveness and accuracy will be successful. Purchases : medical equipment, household appliances.

SEPTEMBER 3, Saturday. 3rd lunar day.SCALES . A rather favorable and positive day, it is especially suitable for negotiations with partners, clients and colleagues. Today it will be easier to come to an agreement and conclude mutually beneficial agreements. Transactions related to the production or trade in beauty items will be especially successful. Purchases : clothing, perfumery.

SEPTEMBER 4, Sunday. 4th lunar day.SCALES . Today you can apply for a refund. In general, any negotiations should lead to the benefit of both parties. Do not miss this day if you need to agree on something with partners. There may be unexpected expenses. Purchases : cosmetics, bijouterie, objects of art.

SEPTEMBER 5, Monday. 5th lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 15:39. Moon off course until 15:38. On this day, we do not recommend planning the start of important matters, the result of which is important to you. You can continue what you started earlier. You can not start a new position, move to new job. It is also not recommended to engage in the sale or purchase of an apartment or house. Purchases : small and insignificant.

SEPTEMBER 6, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:04.SCORPION . Pretty positive and successful day. If you use his energy correctly. For example, today it is good to work in cooperation with someone. You can resolve issues related to other people's money, you can take out insurance. This day is suitable for taking important decisions. Purchases : cars, antiques.

SEPTEMBER 7, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:08.SCORPION . Another positive day when you can do a lot. It's still good to take out insurance. But it is not worth borrowing or lending money yet. Purchases : You can buy or sell new equipment or machines.

SEPTEMBER 8, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:11. SAGITTARIUS. This day is less successful than the previous one. Unforeseen expenses may arise, be careful with shopping, it is better to save more on this day. Purchases : inexpensive books, guidebooks, maps of the area or highways.

Money calendar for 2016

SEPTEMBER 9, Friday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 14:10. SAGITTARIUS. The second phase of the moon from 14:50. Dangerous and unfavorable day. Do not plan on it to solve important financial issues, especially those related to construction. Purchases : it is better to postpone.

SEPTEMBER 10, Saturday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:05. SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN from 15:56. Moon off course until 15:55. Most of the day the Moon will be off course, so this day may be useless in solving some problems. important issues, on at least, until 16:00. IN evening time you can draw up and sign important financial papers. Purchases

SEPTEMBER 11, Sunday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:55. CAPRICORN. Even though it's Sunday, there's a lot you can do today to reach your professional and financial goals. You can take on new responsibilities or do difficult overtime work that pays well. Purchases : real estate, land if purchases have been planned for a long time. Small expenses should be done with care.

SEPTEMBER 12, Monday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 16:38. CAPRICORN. Moon without a course from 13:00. Try to plan the solution of all important matters until 13:00. You can start any long-term projects that require seriousness. Purchases : furniture, everything for repair. There may be unexpected expenses.

SEPTEMBER 13, Tuesday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:15. AQUARIUS. A good time to promote innovative and original ideas, collection useful information, useful acquaintances that can bring you the desired income. You can take out loans. Purchases : items modern interior, real estate.

SEPTEMBER 14, Wednesday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:38. AQUARIUS. Moon off course from 18:31. Today, success awaits those who work in the field of new technologies, who deal with modern equipment and technology. Still a good day for lending money and making loans: more likely that the money will be returned on time or will be invested profitably. Purchases : appliances, televisions, computers, mobile phones, gadgets.

SEPTEMBER 15, Thursday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:16. FISHES. Today is not the best day for solving financial issues: there may be errors, deceptions, incorrect data. It is better to postpone all important things. Unforeseen expenses are excluded. Purchases A: small and insignificant, it is better to save.

Monetary lunar calendar 2016

SEPTEMBER 16, Friday, 15th lunar day. FISH. Penumbral LUNAR ECLIPSE at 21:54. FULL MOON at 22:05. Can't do it today important actions. It is better to postpone any financial transactions. You can't lend or borrow money. Purchases : it is better to postpone.


SEPTEMBER 17, Saturday, 16th lunar day.ARIES. A good day for paying off debts or depositing a large sum to repay a loan. But it is better not to invest in any long-term projects today. Purchases : be more economical today: there is a risk of spending more than you planned. You can buy household knives or knife sharpeners.

SEPTEMBER 18, Sunday, 17th lunar day.ARIES. Today we do not recommend solving financial issues and taking loans. Be careful when spending money, as it is very easy to make a rash purchase that you will regret. Purchases : Sports Equipment. It is better not to buy clothes and jewelry: you will quickly stop liking them.

September 19, Monday, 18th lunar day.TAURUS. Auspicious day for solving all sorts of financial issues. Cases related to real estate, property, agriculture. You can buy or sell apartments or houses, land. Purchases : real estate, land plots.

SEPTEMBER 20, Tuesday, 19th lunar day.TAURUS. Any investments, exchange transactions and financial transactions concluded on this day promise to be successful. You can engage in the transfer or receipt of money, conclude financial contracts. This is one of the most successful days of the month for solving money issues. Purchases : clothing, cosmetics, perfumery, securities.

SEPTEMBER 21, Wednesday, 20th lunar day.TWINS . Moon without a course from 06:32 to 08:53. Today is not the best day to start some very important things. You can easily lose money. You should not take risks, lend and trust your finances to unfamiliar people. Purchases : small and insignificant.

SEPTEMBER 22, Thursday, 21st lunar day.TWINS. The day is good for trading, trade transactions and information exchange. You can arrange sales, place ads for the sale of something. Nevertheless, with retro Mercury, one should approach these issues with great caution. Purchases : small purchases, you can not buy real estate, furniture, Appliances, expensive jewelry and art objects (with caution: there is a risk of return).

Lunar money calendar 2016

SEPTEMBER 23, Friday, 22nd lunar day.TWINS , CANCER from 11:34. Moon without a course from 10:57 to 11:33. The fourth phase of the moon from 12:57. Busy day: shift lunar phase. Be especially careful with money today, as there is a risk of unexpected expenses. It's better not to buy anything at all. Postpone all important financial matters. Purchases : it is better to postpone.

SEPTEMBER 24, Saturday, 23rd lunar day.CANCER. Today we can discuss family budget, make a plan for future purchases, pay bills. Trade in food and any items for home improvement will be successful. We do not recommend investing, lending, or taking loans. Purchases : small household items: dishes, bed linen.

SEPTEMBER 25, Sunday, 24th lunar day.CANCER , A LION from 16:49. Moon without a course until 16:48. Today, any financial affairs should be handled with caution, as the Moon will be in a negative aspect with Venus, and this may give obstacles. Don't start new important matters until 17:00 if the result is important to you. You can not lend money: there will be problems with the return. Purchases : household goods.

September 26, Monday, 25th lunar day.A LION . Nice day to join new position and admission to a new place of work, appeals to superiors for a raise. Today is also a good day for speculative activities and for entertainment. Purchases : beauty items and any products for creative activities.

SEPTEMBER 27, Tuesday, 26th lunar day.A LION . Moon off course since 11:52. This day is good for advertising and self-promotion, for the provision of their goods and services, for speculation. Do not deal with important financial documents today, do not make wills and do not buy real estate. Purchases : gifts and goods for children, lottery tickets (until 11:52).

SEPTEMBER 28, Wednesday, 27th lunar day.VIRGO . Today, beware of unexpected expenses, it is better to plan everything in advance, and go shopping with a clear list of necessary goods. Today we do not recommend buying real estate. You can trade, place ads for the sale of something (except real estate). Purchases : home plants and everything for their cultivation (especially before 12:00).

SEPTEMBER 29, Thursday, 28th lunar day.VIRGO . Moon off course from 13:05. Today, you can engage in advanced training, sign up for relevant courses, find suitable literature, etc. This will allow you to increase your income in the future. Purchases : small items, books.

SEPTEMBER 30, Friday, 29th lunar day.VIRGO , SCALES from 09:53. Moon off course until 10:52. Unfavorable day: one of the most bad days month. Postpone any important financial matters. There may be quarrels with partners over money. Purchases : it is better to postpone.

Solving financial issues: 2, 19, 20, 28, 29
Capital investment: 19, 20
Credits, loans, money in debt (to give and receive): 3, 12 (after 13:00), 13, 14
Reimbursement request: 3, 4, 10-12, 17, 18, 26, 27
Commercial activity: 17, 21, 22
Winning in gambling and lotteries: 26, 27
Exchange operations: 19, 20
Signing financial contracts: 2, 19, 20, 28 (until 12:00)
Making wills: 2, 19, 20
Registration of monetary documents: 2, 19, 20
Transfers and receiving money: 19-22
Insurance: 2, 6, 7, 28, 29
Advertising: 6, 13, 14, 25-27
Probability of unexpected expenses: 1, 4, 8, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24
Loss of money, deceit, scam, fraud: 1, 8, 15, 21, 28
The most successful and auspicious days of the month: 2, 19, 20, 27
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 1, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 28, 30

The moon is able to influence the energy of a person and, accordingly, his behavior. Therefore change lunar cycles quite a stressful period, but if you know the forecasts of the moon in advance, you can avoid many mistakes. Find out the favorable days in the first autumn month by looking at the lunar calendar, as well as.

Moon phases

The phases of the moon are forms of the part of the moon illuminated by the Sun, which to one degree or another affect the state of the body and vitality all in all. There are four phases of the moon: the new moon is the conjunction of the moon and the sun, the full moon is their opposition. The period between the new moon and the full moon is called the waxing moon, and between the full moon and the new moon is called the waning moon.

Growing Moon in September 2016

The growing moon in the first month of autumn will be from September 1 to September 16. Astrologers say that this time is favorable for all kinds of undertakings and renewal, as the growing moon carries astral information and fills the world with energy. Also, this period is favorable for cosmetic and wellness procedures, in particular, for cutting and dyeing hair, starting a diet, and skin care. In addition, the growing moon will help to effectively compensate for the lack of minerals and vitamins. Keep in mind. That in her time preparations of magnesium, calcium, iron work much better.

Waning moon in September 2016

The waning moon in the first autumn month can be observed from 17 to 30 September. At this time, it is better to finish the things that have already been started or calmly continue their implementation in accordance with your plans, because the body is tuned for energy consumption, for release and purification. Also during this period, we endure pain more easily, as well as quickly cope with the infection and recover more easily from illnesses and operations. Therefore, any surgical healing procedures it is desirable to carry out when the moon is waning. As for the beauty calendar for September 2016, during the waning moon it is easier for the skin to get rid of something superfluous - acne, acne, freckles, age spots and other external "troubles". Therefore, during this period, you can and even need to do different kinds cleanings.

New Moon September 2016

In September 2016, the new moon will take place on Thursday, September 1 at 12:03 Kyiv time. This is the phase when the moon is not visible. At the same time, this is a kind of transition point from the waning moon to the growing one. It is curious that the energy of the period is practically absent, but at the same time there is a huge potential. Therefore, the time is excellent for a variety of beginnings - I can’t do anything, but there are great abilities to learn!

Full moon in September 2016

The full moon will take place on September 18 at 12:26 pm. This is a rather difficult period, especially for women, children, the elderly and sensitive natures. Just at this time, increased nervous and excessive emotional excitability often appears, so even the most insignificant quarrel can develop into a protracted conflict in a matter of minutes.

Knowing which days are favorable for building relationships and moving up career ladder, you can correctly distribute your plans for the next month.

Along with the lunar calendar, which determines good days based on the energy of the eternal satellite of the Earth, the knowledge of numerologists can be applied. If you calculate and learn how to use your personal destiny number, luck will enter your life for a long time.

Auspicious days in September 2016

September 1 and 2: will lay a good foundation at the beginning of this month. The new moon just falls on the first number, and interaction with the Virgo Zodiac Sign will help to delve deeply into the essence of each case and take into account even the smallest detail when considering it. With its growing energy and increased concentration attention, you can complete all the protracted cases and start new ones. You can also plan a joint vacation or a major project.

September 6, 7 and 8: lunar energy will be at its peak. And interaction with constellations such as Scorpio and Sagittarius will give you self-confidence and activate your perseverance and determination. Feel free to move towards your goals and turn any idea into reality. The energy of the moon will help you with this. You can also use special conspiracies that will attract you the right people and good luck in general.

September 14: The moon continues to grow and will be in the constellation of Aquarius. Such a tandem will allow you to engage in self-education, and also activates your mental activity and creative potential. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to prove yourself to your superiors, as well as arrange a small surprise for your loved ones.

September 21 and 22: despite the fact that the Moon will go into the initial stage of waning, the energy of the Zodiac Sign Gemini will maintain a positive and creative mood. The time has come active action, because at the beginning of the month you had the opportunity to think and calculate everything. Now you need to act without delay, otherwise you can miss your chance.

September 28 and 29: The waning moon will be in the constellation Virgo. A return to a calm pace and the opportunity to analyze the situation without haste will help to sum up this month. These days you can retire and restore all events. Think about what you liked and what you would do differently. No need to scold yourself for mistakes, just draw conclusions and move on. If you think positively and apply the rules of wealth psychology, then you can eventually break out of vicious circle and go to a higher level.

The most dangerous days in September 2016

16 of September: The full moon, which is under the influence of the Pisces zodiac sign, will greatly exacerbate any negative aspects. Energy full moon can both play into your hands and complicate many moments. Be careful in communicating with new partners and do not rush to transfer cases to other employees. On this day, it is best to take the position of an observer and not wind yourself up on every occasion.

Also, the influence of Pisces can distract you from reality and carry you into the world of dreams. This will affect emotional condition, and many situations can be perceived from a completely different angle. Therefore, before you complain to your significant other about excessive flirting with the opposite sex or suspecting her of cheating, make sure that this situation is not a figment of your imagination.

In general, there will be quite a few favorable days in September that will allow you to achieve your goals. Runes will help enhance the effect, contributing to the fulfillment of desires and faith in one's own strengths. The lunar calendar wishes you a great start to the autumn period, sunny mood, and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.09.2016 02:06

To keep your hair healthy and manageable, it is important to cut it on auspicious days. The lunar calendar will help ...

In September, the moon will rise from September 2 to September 15. Please note that the growing Moon fills the world with energy and additional astral information, so this time is very favorable for various undertakings and general renewal. You can safely plan for the future and engage in making important decisions. Plus, these are the most favorable days for those who want to lose weight and decide on a diet and those who plan to say goodbye to bad habits. In addition, on the growing moon it is worth planning a trip to a beauty salon, as well as various home cosmetic procedures, because the time is good for taking care of your appearance, in particular - for.

New moon in September 2016: the date when it starts in Kiev time

In September 2016, the Moon will be updated on Thursday, September 1 at 12.04 Kyiv time. During the same period, a solar eclipse is observed. It is noticed that during the period of the new moon, the body experiences the greatest decline in strength, because vital energy is on the decline. Keep in mind that the new moon has a very strong effect on a person: depression may occur, negative thoughts, inattention, despondency, or vice versa, increased emotionality may appear.

But at the same time, the body is updated, freeing itself from the load accumulated over the month. Therefore, during this period it is favorable to spend therapeutic fasting, arrange a fasting day or start a diet. Also, the period of the new moon is good for getting rid of bad habits and making plans for the future.

Auspicious days in September 2016 lunar calendar for a month: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30.
Unfavorable days in September 2016 according to the lunar calendar for a month: 1, 9, 16, 17, 18, 23, 27, 28.

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