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Gifts in Italian style. Italian party at home: script, menu, design and competitions. Menu for an Italian party

Italy is a real museum under open air, a historical and cultural treasure trove of Europe. It is very difficult to list all its attractions, and it is even more difficult to imagine how so many historically memorable places could be located on such a territory. And precisely because the history of the republic is so rich, a variety of souvenirs and gifts can remind you of Italy.

Without a doubt, one of the most popular souvenirs that we find in street shops in Italy is pasta. So much variety pasta the most different forms, colors and sizes cannot be found, perhaps, in any country in the world. And various sauces and sets of peppers in beautiful packages will be a great addition to pasta.

Of course, from Italy, as from any other country in the world, you can bring all kinds of magnets, T-shirts, sweets, mugs, plates with images of attractions, as well as various souvenirs on religious themes.

But another gift that will immediately remind you of Italy is everything related to the carnival. For example, Venetian masks are the most different sizes, made of clay, plaster or leather, or carnival figurines, painted or dressed in appropriate costumes.

And of course, in addition to the usual souvenirs, you can bring from Italy, a trendsetter leather bags and accessories, fashionable clothes and great shoes.

Italy is a wonderful country that attracts crowds of tourists, and its inhabitants are somewhat similar to us Russians, probably in their emotionality, indifference to everything beautiful, the habit of eating deliciously, and the ability to love passionately. But the question of what to give an Italian as a gift is for many real problem, which only professionals can handle. And in the Valley of Gifts online store you will solve it at once.

First of all, for those who don’t know what to give an Italian, we advise you to take a closer look at gifts that will not only please, but will also surprise the recipient. These are mostly unusual things, because the hero of the occasion can buy everything ordinary, standard and traditional for himself. Let's talk about several options that are guaranteed to not leave the recipient indifferent.

Portrait from photo

Today, everyone can become the owner of their own portrait without posing for an artist. At the same time, the image captured on canvas can be anything, it all depends on the preferences of the customer. The website of our online resource presents a wide range of interesting samples of your future painting. You can depict the person being congratulated as a king, general, musketeer, captain, Santa Claus, etc. The image from the photo is transferred to the canvas using a special program. In this case, the picture will look as if it was painted by a famous artist with his own hand; you can even distinguish separate strokes.

T-shirts and mugs with bright comic inscriptions

If you don’t know what to give an Italian and don’t have an impressive amount of money, we recommend purchasing a T-shirt or mug on our website and ordering an unusual inscription or bright print on the product. This approach is sure to please even the most pretentious Italian. Absolutely everyone wears T-shirts today, but products with unusual design are in much greater demand, no one wants to be like someone else. The same applies to mugs. The mug itself will not surprise anyone, but the inscription written on it can make its owner forget about other dishes and use exclusively your gift. Italians value attention to their own person.

Gifts for travelers

It's no secret that almost all European beaches are simply crowded with Italians. Yes, they love to travel, and although most of these are trips to neighboring countries, the fact remains. They also love to talk about where they have been. In connection with this, an excellent gift option and solution to the problem of what to give an Italian would be a Traveler’s Personalized Card. A presentable product, made on canvas and framed in an elegant frame, is sure to appeal to everyone, even those with a refined taste. On the card, the recipient will see his name and kind words addressed to him. The map also comes with pin flags, with which its owner will mark the fulfillment of his geographical ambitions. Such a gift will certainly inspire new travels.

All unusual gifts can be found in the section of the same name in our online store. We are pleased to offer you and your loved ones only the most successful creative solutions to improve your mood and turn any event into an unforgettable celebration.

The radiant, temperamental, sun-kissed country that has given the world so many talents makes you fall in love the first time and forever. The homeland of brilliant painters, famous opera singers and film actors, Italy played huge role in the development of European art. Here is the “heart” of the Catholic faith, the Vatican, the unique city on the water of Venice, and the famous La Scala. The country is also famous for its seaside resorts, beaches, hospitality and developed light industry. The extraordinary generosity of nature, multiplied by the talent and hard work of Italians, gives the world a lot of unique products and various goods. Clothes, shoes, spaghetti, wines, cheeses, olive oil highly valued on the world market. Massifs of olive groves, endless grape plantations, tangerine and orange gardens adorn the fertile land washed by 4 seas. None of the tourists have problems choosing what to bring from Italy as a gift - it is very rich.

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Many countries can boast of the quality of their chocolate, but the Italian dessert enjoys increased demand. The country exports 45% of the sweet product every year to the richest European states, India, China and Australia. Turin has been the chocolate capital of the European Union for many years. Various brands of sweet bars are made here. Modico chocolate, produced in the town of the same name in Sicily, is in particular demand. When preparing this type, they are based on ancient recipe Aztecs without heating at high temperatures.

The famous Ferrero candies, light, airy, with nut filling have become the world's favorite delicacy. Chocolate “Baki Perugino” is a symbol of lovers, an indispensable attribute of a romantic date. The dark chocolate “Amadeus Toscano” and “Toscano” won sympathy, having received awards from the Academy of Chocolate. The production was founded by a young entrepreneur, whose company produces truffles, bars, chocolate paste and bars, which have won recognition among those with a sweet tooth. Do you want to surprise your family in an unusual way? delicious sweetness, buy some of these brands of chocolate.

Prosciutto and sausages

In a variety of different meat products Italy is not inferior to Germany. Sausages and ham (prosciutto) have long won the sympathy of foreigners. They are preparing from different types meat: pork, beef, lamb, goat, donkey, horse meat. Poultry is also used - geese and turkey, from which salami is made.

Everyone can choose a product according to their tastes and religious canons. Prosciutto (cured ham) turns out to be very tasty and nutritious as a result of a long ripening period (300 days). Ham is also prepared by cooking in a steam oven at +70° - prosciutto cotto. Dry-cured ham lasts longer – it’s better to buy this type as a gift. Salami sausage is extremely popular, many types of which are on sale.

In addition to pepper, garlic, fennel, nutmeg, juniper fruits, myrtle, red wine. The stores offer different varieties of salami, from tiny sausages weighing 25 grams. up to 5 kg specimens. But the production process of this sausage is equally complex. In addition to salami, pancetta bacon or raw smoked Speck ham would be a good present.


Just by the name it is easy to determine that this is something related to lemon. Yes it alcoholic drink, prepared using lemon zest. The recipe for making lemon liqueur, at first glance, is very simple: lemon zest is poured with alcohol, left to infuse for several days, then water and sugar are added in a certain proportion. The mixture is filtered, emulsified and bottled. The infusion method allows you to preserve all the vitamins, useful microelements and extract essential oils contained in the zest.

The higher quality the lemons, the better the zest, which gives the liqueur an amazing aroma. The liqueur is prepared throughout Italy, but the most famous variety is produced in Sorrento. Lemons grown on volcanic soil are large in size and have aromatic peel. Liquor Villa Massa, Liquore di limoni - elite brands produced according to old recipes. The liqueur produced in Trentino, Bertaqnolli, has earned recognition. Palinni, popular among the people - inexpensive, but good in price taste qualities drink. The choice of limoncello is rich, buying it is not a problem.

Carnival masks

Remember Strauss's brilliant, witty operetta " Bat", where a wife hidden under a carnival mask makes her husband fall in love with her again? The tradition of wearing masks appeared in Venice with the advent of the Commedia del Arto - street performances. Gradually they became an indispensable attribute of the Venetian carnivals, and the tradition spread throughout Europe. Craftsmen made them light, using papier-mâché technology and all kinds of decorations.

After a long period of oblivion due to the cancellation of carnivals, masks lost popularity. The craft of making them was revived in the country in the last century (1979) along with the resumption of festive carnivals. Nowadays Carnival masks They are sold not only in Venice, but also in other cities and in online stores. Many of them are real artistic masterpieces. Typical Del Art characters are still popular: Columbine, Harlequin, Pierrot, Brighella.

Classic masks are in demand: Bauta, Cat, Volto, Plague Doctor, Venetian Lady, etc. Each of them has its own interpretation and history. Bauta - mask of black or white- a type of Russian Babai, a funny scarecrow for children. The appearance of the Cat is due to a Chinese who visited Venice with a cat who caught many mice. The mask you purchased is an extravagant, rare gift.

Murano glass

The invention of the ancient Egyptians, which became indispensable for human existence, acquired unique features in Italy in the form of Murano glass. It is made on the Venetian island of Murano according to ancient technology, kept in strict confidence. For its disclosure there was a threat the death penalty, craftsmen and members of their families were prohibited from leaving the island. Colored Murano glass is made from Venetian silicate sand manually, adding chemical elements to give different shades. There are 6 categories of Murano glass, differing in individual nuances.

Objects that are numerous in shape, purpose and color go on sale: dishes, decorative vases, jewelry, lamps, Christmas decorations, watch. Murano glass is used in sculpture. Exclusive samples of products are actively purchased by collectors. Genuine specimens must bear the signature of the glassblower, the inscription “Murano Glass” in gold, and not just a pasted stamp. Stores always have a catalog of products; you can use it to navigate when purchasing something. A Murano glass decoration or figurine is a unique gift.

Scarves and ties

It's no secret how highly valued shoes and many other Italian-made goods are throughout the world. Also in great demand stylish accessories, complementing clothing: scarves, stoles, shawls. The Como region is the world capital for the production of men's mufflers, ties, women's scarves and scarves. 18 factories united in a consortium are leaders in the production of high-quality silk products. There is a huge selection of ties for every taste, neckerchiefs with and without various symbols.

Men's and women's cashmere scarves are famous for being soft, delicate and warm. The kaleidoscopic multicolor of various scarves and scarves on store shelves is amazing. Plain, bright, discreet, checkered, with ornaments, with embroidery - the eyes run wide from the enchanting spectacle. The range of prices for cute things is also great. In haute couture boutiques, all this is expensive, but in a small souvenir shop you can buy a very decent scarf or tie for very cheap. If a friend or relative is a football fan, he will be delighted with a scarf with the symbols of the clubs Juventus, Inter, Milan, etc.

Moleskine journal

If in the middle of the 20th century it was difficult to imagine a creative person without a notebook or notepad, then today, in the age of gadgets, you can do without them. But this in no way applies to Moleskino diaries, which are still in demand. The presence of an exclusive notebook immediately increases the status of its owner. After all, these diaries are truly legendary items, cult values. IN different eras they were used by the greats of this world, from Van Gogh to Ernest Hemingway.

They trusted the beginnings and theses of future masterpieces to Moleskine diaries for many years. The famous notebooks got their name from the moleskin fabric (mole skin) used as binding. The legendary history of Moleskines ended in 1986, when the last family-owned company in France to produce notebooks closed. However, enterprising Italians from a small publishing house saved the “legend” by registering the “Moleskino” trademark in Milan. Now more than 20 types of products are produced under this logo, intended for people of various professions.

Telephone and address directories, sketchbooks, calendars, notebooks various formats and contents, laptop cases, etc. You can buy a suitable option at any bookstore in different cities.


Knowing the history of world art, it is not surprising that the descendants of the great creators Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo are the best masters of jewelry. Their products are true masterpieces from precious metals and stones. The art of jewelry in Italy began to emerge in Great Rome and developed during the Renaissance. Today, jewelers set the tone for the whole world, creating new trends in this delicate art. Grace, noble luxury, perfection of lines and texture are the distinctive features of their jewelry.

In many areas of the country, virtuoso masters work, turning cold metal into a creation playing with life. Amazing jewelry from many famous Italian brands has won the hearts of world celebrities. The venerable communities of jewelers in Tuscany, Piedmont, Veneta, and Lombardy are trendsetters in the European Union. Some of them create top-class jewelry (Luca Carati, Fani Gioielli), some work only with silver or diamonds. Among huge assortment jewelry, everyone can choose the appropriate version of the product.

Leather products

Even at the dawn of humanity, our distant ancestors kept warm by wrapping themselves in animal skins. The instinct of self-preservation told them that it was skin and wool that would best protect them from the cold. Over the past millennia this natural material more relevant than ever. In the era of the heyday of synthetic substitutes, leather still remains at the peak of fashion and popularity. Leather products are in great demand all over the world. Excellent leather workmanship, stylishness, elegance of forms, and the general ambience of leather jackets, bags, purses, purses, and belts evoke sympathy in all countries.

Connoisseurs of leather items prefer the well-known company Barbarina, which produces various accessories. A wallet or purse with this logo is a luxurious gift for family and friends. The highest chic is to have a leather jacket, bag and accessories from the Pierotucci company. For 40 years the company has been manufacturing products from the finest leather, and at the same time very durable. A wide range and rich color spectrum of products will allow you to become the owner of an exquisite item.


Although the country cedes the world leadership in perfume production to France, this does not mean that the quality of Italian perfumes is inferior to their French counterparts. Even in prehistoric times, people actively experimented here with the creation of various flavoring liquids, incense and ointments. The first stores selling " fragrant water"appeared in Venice in the 16th century. Even then, competition between the two countries emerged, which continues to this day. Today, local perfume, along with French, is in high demand in the world.

It is impossible to list all the modern perfume companies that produce exclusive perfumes fragrant with divine aromas. Fruity, woody, citrus, berry and floral notes have subtle expression, temperamental expressiveness and tenderness. Perfume from G. Armani, Prada, Bulgari, Gucci and others earned universal gratitude. Business active ladies appreciated eau de toilette Si, released by Armani in 2016. For romantic dates Valentino compositions are ideal. There is a wide choice in the colossal assortment of perfumes, both women's and men's.


IN last years Much is being done to produce natural cosmetics from organic materials. It is important that prices are lower than in Russia, so you should definitely buy a couple of jars of cream or mask. The word “naturale” is printed on the packaging of such products, meaning that it contains 95% natural ingredients. 3 brands of organic cosmetics are widely known in Europe.

The Ligurian company I Provenziali, founded in 1965 by soap maker Ginasso, produces creams and balms for face and body, shampoos and shower gels, weight loss and makeup removers, scrubs, soaps, liquid and solid shea butter. Manufacturers use rose petals, almonds, aloe vera, algae, argan oil, etc. as ingredients. Consumers have appreciated the creams and masks for face, body and hair from L Erboristica.

The basis of the composition of all cosmetic products is oils: coconut, almond, argan, baobab, shea. Anti-aging cream perfectly moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, argan oil smoothes out wrinkles. Anti-cellulite creams from Guam are good. Natural cosmetics are sold in special erbosteria stores, pharmacies, and Inyerspar supermarkets.

The most magical holiday of the year is approaching and everyone, regardless of age, expects joy, peace and warmth from it. And also gifts. Of course, the statement that the best gifts you make for yourself is undeniable, but the element of surprise is lost, yes. Giving the right gift is difficult, but possible. In order not to miss and to avoid annoyance and disappointment, on both sides, it is enough to choose as a gift something that you yourself would be happy to receive.
I thought about it and wrote a list of very Italian things that I consider great gifts, not only for Christmas and New Year, but for any occasion.

I'll start with a banality, but I'll justify it. IN men's fashion a tie is one of the fundamental elements, and even if the lifestyle is such that you can do without wearing it, there are events in the life of every man when a tie is absolutely necessary, and not just any tie, but a good one. Girls, I assure you that you will really help your man out by giving him a really good tie, for example, Gucci, one of the best Italian brands in the world.

It’s difficult for me to describe in a few lines what coffee is for Italians. It's a cup of cappuccino early in the morning, and espresso after a long Sunday lunch, and the smell of coffee from open doors bars, and joy in the eyes of an acquaintance who, when meeting you, instead of greeting you, says to you - do you want coffee? which, translated from Italian into all other languages, will mean - I’m terribly glad to see you. Therefore, by giving a coffee machine, you are giving nothing less than a piece of Italy.

Television advertising in Italy before Christmas does not amaze with its variety; what is repeated every few minutes can be counted on one hand: cars, electronic gadgets, children's toys, panettone (traditional Christmas dessert), perfumes and Jewelry. Regarding the last point, the advertisers are very, very right, any woman will confirm this to you. If you want to give your wife or girlfriend a Pomellato ring, Pandora bracelet or Dodo - all this will be received with deep gratitude and pleasure.

Cashmere pullover is great gift. It is good because when choosing it for a gift, you practically do not risk not pleasing the taste of the recipient; as a rule, cashmere is made in classic models and shades, that is, it will be difficult to make a mistake here. Cashmere pullovers good brands, such as for example, Max Mara, are very beautiful and durable, so your gift will be appreciated.

I thought for a long time whether to include this item on the list and decided that yes, it was necessary. A few paragraphs above, I already mentioned that perfume in Italy before Christmas is one of the best-selling product categories, but here I want to say that a great gift would be a scent from one of the niche brands, of which there are many in Italy. But you need to remember that you are treading on thin ice here and you can give perfume only when you are absolutely sure that you will like it.

A variety of kitchen and other decorative items for the home are received with delight, especially if they match the style of the home of the person to whom the gift is intended. Accessories for wine, cheese, semi-decorative, semi-utilitarian items from Italian brands such as Alessi, these are all very good idea for a gift.

Italy is sun and sea, it is smiles and family meals, it is wine, cheese and olives. Such Italy, joyful and relaxed, settled in our apartment for one evening.

I share my design work and open an Italian playlist. I show you what the appetizer table had and give you a full tour of the menu.

Italian party decoration

Whether you are 60 or 3 years old creates an instant holiday mood Balloons. I ordered for the holiday 18 helium balloons in three colors: white, green and red (colors of the Italian flag). They “floated” freely on my ceiling.

Main character evening - table with food. Before you fill it up delicious food, let's apply a light touch of Italy.

Small flags for decorating snacks. Making these flags will take a little time and patience. Print out a template for the flags on a color printer and cut out required quantity blanks, fold in half and secure to a toothpick with double-sided tape.

It’s good to think in advance about how guests will sit at the festive table. Help here name cards. You can, like me, play with the names of the guests and write them in Italian style.

So, my guest Yulia Lipina turned into Giulietta LIPPI for one evening, and the birthday boy - Sergei Maslov - was called Sergio Masleroni.

Cards with original names will immediately arouse the interest of guests, help them relax, find common topics for jokes and conversations.

Italian music

Music works wonders! A good musical selection will instantly transport your guests to sunny Italy and set great mood in the evening.

Especially for the party, I compiled a list of songs by Italian performers, as well as tracks that are somehow associated with Italy.

The music program included such performers as Adriano Celentano, the group Ricchi E Poveri, as well as music from the popular films "Roman Holiday", " Godfather", "Letters to Juliet", "The Taming of the Shrew", "The Sweet Life" (La Dolce Vita).

My playlist is available on the Yandex.Music service at this link
Yandex. Music. allows you to create a playlist from the desired songs and then play them either one by one or in random order. Important: Internet access is required to listen.

It’s good to turn on the music before the guests arrive, so that you can feel the atmosphere yourself.

Menu for an Italian party

Italian cuisine is considered quite simple, but at the same time balanced, bright and interesting. And most importantly, everyone loves her: both adults and children.

All dishes presented below either have Italian roots or are somehow associated with Italian cuisine. Following the links you can find detailed recipes with photos step by step. Please note that the recipes are adapted to Russian reality. Choose the ones you like and combine the menu for your Italian party.


Bruschetta. These are traditional Italian sandwiches with a variety of fillings. I prepared three different types.
  • Bruschetta with cream cheese and baked sweet peppers
  • Bruschetta with curd cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and basil
  • Bruschetta with eggplant and champignons
  • Bruschtettes with red fish and avocado
Cheese plate. The recipe is simple: choose the cheese that you like, cut it into pieces per clove, and arrange it beautifully on a flat plate or wooden board.

Serve with honey, apricot jam, nuts, pear and figs. Important! There must be cheese room temperature, so we take it out of the refrigerator 1 hour before the guests arrive.
Fish plate. Italy is all about fish and seafood. Therefore, it is logical to serve a “pickled” fish plate. It is good to dilute the traditional cut of red fish with other tasty fish. I recommend butterfish, hot smoked terpus, smoked mackerel with spices.

Olives and black olives. No comments.

Meat plate. It's good to move away from the traditional smoked sausages and carbonates. If Italian Prosciutto isn't your thing, look for turkey carpaccio and sliced ​​salami.


Caesar salad. The most famous and popular salad. Don't be lazy to cook homemade gas station and use classic ingredients (no Chinese cabbage, boiled chicken and “kirieshki” instead of croutons).

Caprese salad. Fabulous light salad, which also cooks in 5 minutes. During the winter months, use cherry tomatoes for it (they all year round sweet and tasty). I also highly recommend making your own homemade pesto - it's amazing.

Panzanella Salad. Classic Tuscan salad with aromatic tomatoes, sweet roasted peppers and dressing with anchovies and capers.

Second courses. Hot

Pizza. Thin crust pizza stuffed with selected ingredients is worthy of being on festive table. She wouldn’t dare call fast food an offensive word. Pizza is also fun - invite your guests to make pizza together.
Prepare the pizza dough in advance and have plenty of different ingredients for the toppings. I had: champignons, pineapples, pepperoni sausage, ham, carb, bacon, cheese (mozzarella, feta, parmesan), pepper, chili, tomato sauce (Dolmio), pesto sauce (left over from Caprese salad), tomatoes, basil, olives , garlic, red onion, arugula, spinach.

Each ingredient was decorated with a nameplate.

Download sign template
Depending on the number of guests, divide them into teams and give them a task - to prepare a pizza that the birthday person will like. The winner is announced accordingly by the hero of the occasion, and the Pizza Master is awarded a prize.

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