Home Garden on the windowsill Why dream that they give spirits. Why dream of toilet water

Why dream that they give spirits. Why dream of toilet water

What spirits dream about, to choke them in a dream, is connected with the sphere of emotions and feelings. It is in this hidden area that the most significant events about which the dream book will tell. It is quite natural that some experiences will be inspired from outside. The details of the dream will tell you when to be careful.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book presents a variety of explanations for what spirits dream of. Choking in a dream happens on the eve of exciting events filled with romance. When you dreamed of catching a delicate aroma, but did not have a chance to see where it comes from, good news about or from your loved one is just around the corner.

If you are lucky enough to take a fragrant bath, joyful excitement lies ahead. When the smell seems suffocating, beware of the catch. Spilled perfume reminds you of the need to protect what you value.

All ages are submissive

The 21st century dream book explains why young dreamers dream of perfumery. If a girl in love had a chance to see perfume, to choke herself in a dream, it is highly likely that a wedding will take place soon. If a guy dreamed of the aromatic products of his beloved, an unforgettable date awaits them.

In Grishina's dream book for couples the symbol means the return of former romance. For older people, a pleasant smell in a dream promises joyful events.

Have you seen my bottle?

Dream Interpretation Hasse will tell you what the location of the perfume bottle means. Choking in front of a mirror is for those who in reality pay a lot of attention to their appearance and are full of narcissism.

If you are lucky enough to see an elegant bottle in an old sideboard, stable well-being lies ahead. This item in the purse testifies to foresight and rationalism. Those who keep it under their pillow in a dream have something to hide in real life.

What smells?

In order to more accurately predict why one dreams of choosing perfumes, smelling them, one should understand the varieties of perfumes.

  • If a woman dreamed of cologne, a strong man will appear in real life;
  • A similar smell in a man's dream portends the appearance of a rival;
  • An alien, purely feminine aroma promises the dreamer malaise or a bad mood;
  • Seeing eau de toilette happens shortly before a new romantic attraction;
  • Fruity and citrus aromas serve as harbingers of walks and trips together;
  • If you dreamed of exotic vibes in the air, you will feel great;
  • Rose-scented perfumes promise mutual love;
  • Did you dream of choking on perfumes that do not smell of anything? You have a secret admirer;
  • A chic perfume in a dream portends an increase in well-being.

Actions and events

In the dream book of the Birthdays there is an explanation of why you dream of acquiring a huge bottle for a nominal fee: the circumstances will turn out so that you will not spend a penny on the upcoming voyage. If in a dream you managed to steal toilet water, the journey will be long and long.

Buying expensive perfumes portends extra costs. If it was bought as a gift, you will have to face misunderstanding. If you had to receive perfume as a gift and perfume yourself with it, good news is already rushing to you. If you manage to spill them, something can disrupt plans.

Know when to stop

The interpretation of sleep, which caused suffocating and obsessive odors, often sounds like a warning. Stuart Robinson argues that the inability to use perfume, overdo it increases the likelihood of infidelity. Esoteric dream book advises to beware of infectious diseases.

If in a dream you had a chance to choose perfumes, then the dream book is sure: in reality you are comforted by unfounded hopes and often “hovering in the clouds”. Why dream of this strange image yet? Hints should be sought in the details of the dream plot.

Trust your intuition!

The dream interpretation claims: if in a dream you had to see shelves abundantly filled with perfume and choose perfumes, then in real life you have to make some extremely difficult choice.

You are probably at the contemplative stage, believing that you can harm yourself with your decision. A vision will help you decide, for this it is enough to remember what aroma the perfume product had in a dream.

According to Miller

IN in general terms the dream image tells you that you are on the right track, but count on outside help do not do it. The dream interpretation insists: as soon as you completely trust your own fate, your troubles will end.


Why else dream that you had to choose perfume in a dream? The dream interpretation reminds that smells in night dreams are much rarer than ordinary visual images.

Therefore, he advises basing the interpretation of sleep precisely on the characteristics of aromas and the emotions that they evoke or are associated with.

Approximate transcripts

  • Vanilla is good news.
  • Floral (without exact definition) are sad but purifying experiences.
  • Bergamot, jasmine, geranium - stress, tension.
  • Rose, nutmeg - positive emotions, love.
  • Citrus, mint, lavender - activity, awakening.
  • Needles, sandalwood - relaxation, sensuality.

In addition, almost any bright smell portends grandiose changes that will occur, regardless of the will of the dreamer. At the same time, a very strong train, according to the dream book, warns of intrigues, and a subtle one can dream of deception.

Fall in love!

Had a dream that you had a chance to sniff and choose perfumes? If the aroma was pleasant, then you will seriously fall in love, and in life there will be happy events.

Sniffing perfume in a dream means that an exciting amorous adventure awaits you. For women, the dream book promises a quick marriage.

Why else dream that you were lucky enough to sniff perfume? You will have a great time at a spontaneous picnic or an impromptu party with friends.

Support or hate?

The dream interpretation is sure: pleasant notes prophesy success in business and reliable support of an influential person. Dreamed of a disgusting smell? In a dream, he warns of the ridicule of others and problems in relations with management.

If in a dream you had a chance to choose perfumes, but only “not tasty” ones came across, then someone will experience the most negative feelings Ranging from banal hostility and ending with hatred. It directly depends on how much you were disgusted by the perfume.

Moderate ambition!

Why dream that it happened to choose perfume in a store? Seeing that you are spraying them on your hand or clothes for testing means that minor flattery will help to solve matters.

Most often, a dream fragrance is a reminder of some person or event that took place in real life. But if you dreamed Eau de Toilette, then be sure to remember what feelings her smell caused you, what you did with her in a dream, and what the bottle with fragrant liquid looked like - these details will help you understand what the perfume is dreaming of, dream books assure.

Interpretation of sleep by Miller

Miller's dream book, explaining why perfume is dreaming, gives a lot various interpretations. So, for example, inhaling the pleasant aroma of perfume in a dream is a sign of good news about a loved one.

Smothering with toilet water is a sign of the romantic adventures that you are in the mood for. And if in a dream you are haunted bad smell perfume or one that causes irritation and headache, then this is a signal that you should be more careful with what you have.

Risky pleasures await you

Medea's dream book, explaining why the choice of eau de toilette is dreamed of in a dream, explains it this way: choosing a perfume for yourself is a sign of the beginning of an event that will be fraught with risk and material costs; and if in a dream you chose her for a gift, then you can prepare for amusing adventures.

Had a dream that you stole eau de parfum, tempted by its aroma? This means that you are prone to rash acts, succumbing to a momentary mood. Be careful, dream books advise, sometimes the risks do not justify themselves, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste.

Boredom and sadness will visit you

Did you dream that you broke a bottle of women's toilet water? If you are a woman, then such a vision means broken hopes to continue the relationship with a new acquaintance. Most likely, you will take the wrong step, which will scare the guy away from you, dream books suggest.

And if a man sees this, then he should be more careful with the lady of the heart, otherwise she will be disappointed, considering you either too boring or too eccentric.

Choking in a dream with women's perfumed water and pouring the contents of the entire bottle onto yourself is a signal of satiety. It is likely that you are tired of the monotonous pastime, whatever it may be, even passive, even extreme. Change interests or activities, at least for a while, advises Miss Hasse's dream book.

Get ready for a long-term relationship

Explaining why you dream of buying eau de toilette, which you use in reality, the Italian dream book assures that this is a symbol of constancy and steadfastness. It is difficult to dissuade you of something, and if you decide on something, you will see it through to the end.

Do you see in a dream that your beloved bought you your favorite perfume in reality? This suggests that the relationship with this person promises to be strong and long-term. You can even hope imminent marriage.

IN modern world It is difficult to find people who are indifferent to perfume. And it’s completely unnecessary to talk about the fact that almost every representative of the fair sex has at least one bottle of perfume at home. But what if the perfume in one form or another dreamed of us in a dream? We propose to find the answer to this question by turning to several of the most accurate and complete collections of interpretations available today.

perfume in a dream

If you dreamed that you were sniffing perfume and you really like the smell, then soon in reality fate will give you a chance to change your life for the better. Don't miss this opportunity! Why dream of buying perfume? Such a vision hints that you will soon have a fan.

Dream interpretation horoscope: if you dreamed of perfume

This dream book interprets perfume as a risk of losing something or losing something. So, buying a fragrance predicts that you will be misled and subsequently deceived by a person who is throwing dust in your eyes. To pour perfume - to the loss of all hopes for reciprocity on the part of the subject of your sighs.

Dreamed of perfume: Modern dream book

Sniffing perfume - to happy events in your life. If in a dream you feel a very pleasant aroma of perfume, then soon a fascinating romantic acquaintance awaits you. For a young woman, such a vision means an early marriage. In general, dreaming spirits are interpreted by this collection of interpretations as a harbinger of your soon receiving an unexpected gift from an unfamiliar person. The dream in which you buy perfume hints that in real life you indulge yourself in vain illusions about this or that person or event. If you dreamed that you were spraying perfume on your outfit or the clothes of another person, then in order to achieve your goals in reality you will be forced to resort to low flattery. A vision in which you are strangling yourself in front of a mirror hints that you are trying your best to live in a big way, but you cannot afford it. Try to think about all your expenses, otherwise you risk being completely left without a livelihood. Shedding perfume - to the loss of something that gives you great pleasure. If you dreamed that you broke a bottle of perfume, then, despite the very promising course of affairs, your most secret desires not destined to come true.

Why do perfumes dream: Islamic dream book

Sniffing perfume - to participate in a good cause (for women) and to get married soon (for young women). If a criminal or a deceiver sees in a dream that he has perfumed himself with perfume, then soon he will repent and confess his crime or deceit. For seriously ill people, dreaming incense can serve as a symbol of imminent death.

Dream interpretation from A to Z: spirits in a dream

To feel the delicate aroma of perfume is a fun and interesting pastime in the company of old friends. Perhaps you decide to go out of town for a picnic. If you dreamed that you were using perfume when you were going to a meeting or a date with a person dear to you, then in real life you not only know your worth, but also appreciate the people around you. A dream in which you are talking with a representative of the opposite sex, who smells of perfume that you do not like, means that in reality you are too biased towards most people. Breaking a bottle of perfume in a dream - to the loss of some things that you will regret at first, but then you will realize that without them your life has become easier and better. Pouring perfume or breaking a container with it against the wall - to unrestrained causeless fun, with which you will infect everyone around you. Choosing perfume in a dream - to exciting events and experiences. Seeing someone else buying perfume is a vain expectation. If you dreamed that you received a fragrance as a gift, then soon someone will confess their love to you. Most likely, this will happen completely unexpectedly for you.

Perfume in a dream: American dream book

Buying perfume and clearly feeling their aroma - to the awakening of sensuality. It is possible that an exciting romantic adventure awaits you in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of the Future: Spirits in a Dream

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations, perfume in one form or another promises disappointment in a loved one.

Old English dream book: if you dreamed of perfume

According to information from given source, perfumes are exclusively good sign. So, if you dreamed that you were buying them or smelling a pleasant aroma, then not only good luck and success in business await you, but also harmonious relationship both with friends and loved ones.

Gypsy dream book: perfume

Perfume is considered by the compilers of this collection of interpretations as a harbinger of an imminent meeting with a very attractive representative of the opposite sex. You will become so fascinated with him that you will consider entering into a serious relationship with him.

Perfume in a dream: Family dream book

Perfume was presented - to the awakening of feelings that, as you thought, had long since died out. You may want to rekindle your relationship with former friend or lover.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century: spirits in a dream

If you dreamed of a perfume or a situation in which you present it to someone as a gift, then in the near future you run the risk of running into a series of troubles and minor problems, as in business area, as well as in personal or family life. Receiving perfume as a gift promises good news, successful acquisitions and profitable investments. If in a dream you saw cologne, then soon an exciting romantic adventure awaits you, which has every chance of developing into a serious long-term relationship. It is also possible that you will marry this person. Breaking a bottle of perfume in a dream - to the vain illusions you experience in real life in relation to this or that person or situation. Most likely, someone from the inner circle, as they say, is throwing dust in your eyes, using you to achieve their own goals. Try to find out as soon as possible who this person is in order to avoid severe disappointment.

For those who happened to smell perfume in a dream, the dream book prophesies changes in life, interesting and unforgettable events. Why else dream of such a plot? The interpretation of sleep is associated with the sensations and feelings of a sleeping person.

Miller's dream book: interpretation

The psychologist explains why one dreams of smelling perfume. If you dreamed of a sharp aroma, it means that in reality, the dreamer will face slander, mental anguish, and a showdown with others. Gentle, pleasant smell - promises joyful events.

Beware of conflict

The general dream book advises to control oneself, explaining why one dreams of feeling a sharp, repulsive smell of perfume. Disassembly and squabbles with loved ones are quite likely.

For a business person, to see such a picture means that the vile gossip of colleagues and others can affect the dreamer's reputation.

Love affairs...

A woman who managed to smell the scent of men's perfumes in a dream Muslim dream book prophesies an early engagement. The newest dream interpreter interprets a little differently what a similar plot is dreaming of. For a girl, to see such a picture means meeting a handsome young man.

For a married lady, feeling an unfamiliar male perfume in a dream warns of a passionate love interest. The dream interpreter advises to keep your impulses in check.

For a man to feel the sweet smell of perfume - to the appearance of a beautiful and wealthy person who will not only charm with her appearance and manners, but also provide support and financial assistance in resolving issues.

What are you hiding?

The 21st century dream book compares the pleasant, heady aroma of eau de toilette with the secret of a sleeping person who will become known to others. I dreamed that I felt a repulsive, unpleasant perfume in a dream - it warns of the likelihood of accidentally unearthing someone else's skeleton in the closet.

Attention to details

Dream Interpretation from A to Z is sure that you need to interpret the dreamed night dream based on the personal feelings of the dreamer and fragrant features. So:

  • to feel vanilla perfume notes - to receive good news;
  • the refined fragrance of perfumery - to the pleasure of being alone with your loved one;
  • intolerant incense - others will dislike you;
  • toilet water that smells like lilies - promises bright experiences;
  • gentle fragrance - portends a happy adventure;
  • the floral smell of perfume is a happy event.

About emotions...

Those who happened to smell perfume in a dream should remember the emotions that it evoked. The coniferous smell reflects the need to relax, mint or citrus - calls for vigorous activity.

Had a dream that it smells of jasmine, geranium and bergamot? So, in reality, you are highly susceptible stressful situations. If it smells of roses or nutmeg - try to relax, cleanse yourself of negative emotions.

New experiences coming

Hearing a pleasant and sweet smell of perfume portends an unexpected and unusual acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex in dream books. Despite the fact that communication with this person will be short-lived, each meeting with him will be unforgettable.

To dream that you felt sharp notes and an unpleasant trail of eau de parfum? This means that in reality you will have to fend off the flirtations of a vile admirer. The fan with his petty and stingy character will remind himself of himself with impudent antics for a long time to come.

In the modern world it is difficult to find people who are indifferent to perfume. And it’s completely unnecessary to talk about the fact that almost every representative of the fair sex has at least one bottle of perfume at home. But what if the perfume in one form or another dreamed of us in a dream? We propose to find the answer to this question by turning to several of the most accurate and complete collections of interpretations available today.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: spirits in a dream

If you dreamed that you were sniffing perfume and you really like the smell, then soon in reality fate will give you a chance to change your life for the better. Don't miss this opportunity! Why dream of buying perfume? Such a vision hints that you will soon have a fan.

Dream interpretation horoscope: if you dreamed of perfume

This dream book interprets perfume as a risk of losing something or losing something. So, buying a fragrance predicts that you will be misled and subsequently deceived by a person who is throwing dust in your eyes. To pour perfume - to the loss of all hopes for reciprocity on the part of the subject of your sighs.

Dreamed of perfume: Modern dream book

Sniffing perfume - to happy events in your life. If in a dream you feel a very pleasant aroma of perfume, then soon a fascinating romantic acquaintance awaits you. For a young woman, such a vision means an early marriage. In general, dreaming spirits are interpreted by this collection of interpretations as a harbinger of your soon receiving an unexpected gift from an unfamiliar person. The dream in which you buy perfume hints that in real life you indulge yourself in vain illusions about this or that person or event. If you dreamed that you were spraying perfume on your outfit or the clothes of another person, then in order to achieve your goals in reality you will be forced to resort to low flattery. A vision in which you are strangling yourself in front of a mirror hints that you are trying your best to live in a big way, but you cannot afford it. Try to think about all your expenses, otherwise you risk being completely left without a livelihood. Shedding perfume - to the loss of something that gives you great pleasure. If you dreamed that you broke a bottle of perfume, then, despite the very promising course of affairs, your innermost desires were not destined to come true.

Why do perfumes dream: Islamic dream book

Sniffing perfume - to participate in a good cause (for women) and to get married soon (for young women). If a criminal or a deceiver sees in a dream that he has perfumed himself with perfume, then soon he will repent and confess his crime or deceit. For seriously ill people, dreaming incense can serve as a symbol of imminent death.

Dream interpretation from A to Z: spirits in a dream

To feel the delicate aroma of perfume is a fun and interesting pastime in the company of old friends. Perhaps you decide to go out of town for a picnic. If you dreamed that you were using perfume when you were going to a meeting or a date with a person dear to you, then in real life you not only know your worth, but also appreciate the people around you. A dream in which you are talking with a representative of the opposite sex, who smells of perfume that you do not like, means that in reality you are too biased towards most people. Breaking a bottle of perfume in a dream - to the loss of some things that you will regret at first, but then you will realize that without them your life has become easier and better. Pouring perfume or breaking a container with it against the wall - to unrestrained causeless fun, with which you will infect everyone around you. Choosing perfume in a dream - to exciting events and experiences. Seeing someone else buying perfume is a vain expectation. If you dreamed that you received a fragrance as a gift, then soon someone will confess their love to you. Most likely, this will happen completely unexpectedly for you.

Perfume in a dream: American dream book

Buying perfume and clearly feeling their aroma - to the awakening of sensuality. It is possible that an exciting romantic adventure awaits you in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of the Future: Spirits in a Dream

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations, perfume in one form or another promises disappointment in a loved one.

Old English dream book: if you dreamed of perfume

According to information from this source, perfume is an exceptionally good sign. So, if you dreamed that you were buying them or smelling a pleasant aroma, then not only good luck and success in business await you, but also harmonious relationships with both friends and your loved one.

Gypsy dream book: perfume

Perfume is considered by the compilers of this collection of interpretations as a harbinger of an imminent meeting with a very attractive representative of the opposite sex. You will become so fascinated with him that you will consider entering into a serious relationship with him.

Perfume in a dream: Family dream book

Perfume was presented - to the awakening of feelings that, as you thought, had faded away long ago. You may want to "rekindle" a relationship with a former friend or lover.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century: spirits in a dream

If you dreamed of a perfume or a situation in which you present it to someone as a gift, then in the near future you run the risk of encountering a series of troubles and minor problems both in the business sphere and in your personal or family life. Receiving perfume as a gift promises good news, successful acquisitions and profitable investments. If in a dream you saw cologne, then soon an exciting romantic adventure awaits you, which has every chance of developing into a serious long-term relationship. It is also possible that you will marry this person. Breaking a bottle of perfume in a dream - to the vain illusions you experience in real life in relation to this or that person or situation. Most likely, someone from the inner circle, as they say, is throwing dust in your eyes, using you to achieve their own goals. Try to find out as soon as possible who this person is in order to avoid severe disappointment.

Dreams are a very important and mysterious part of life, which brings into reality both the joyful anticipation of changes for the better and the anxious expectation of something bad. Without them, life loses many colors. They can help in making important decisions or simply provide an opportunity to return to happy moments. Therefore, most people at least sometimes try to unravel their dreams and understand what they portend. Why do spirits dream? Is there a difference what they are, who dreams of? How is this symbol interpreted? different dream books, and on what does its interpretation depend?

Of course, there is no single meaning of dreaming spirits.

Why do perfumes dream: interpretations in dream books

Of course, there is no single meaning for dreaming spirits. After all, there are many situations when perfume (or toilet water) is dreamed of:

  • Spirits in a dream can be seen
  • You can smell their smell, both pleasant and repulsive.
  • Perfume can be bought or sold
  • You can receive them as a gift or give them yourself.
  • You can break (accidentally or on purpose) a bottle of perfume, etc.

In most cases, the spirits seen in a dream are associated with gifts or losses in reality, as well as with love experiences. There are dream books (for example, an old English dream book) that consider spirits a good sign: if you dreamed that you hear a pleasant aroma or get perfume, then success will accompany you, and relationships with loved ones will delight you. At the same time, the Dream Interpretation of the Future and the Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita interpret this symbol in a negative way: the dreaming spirits in any case indicate that you will be disappointed in the one you love.

As a rule, the interpretation depends primarily on emotional background dreams (what sensations the smell of perfume gives rise to and the situation itself, sympathy or dislike is caused by a dreaming person). Pleasant sensations in a dream promise good things in real life. Negative experiences experienced at night portend unpleasant events in reality. But also individual parts dreams matter.

Perfume in a dream book (video)

Why dream of perfume in a bottle

The dream in which you saw the original perfume bottle asks to be more attentive: before taking important decisions, collect more information. He also warns that people's appearances can be deceiving.

The dream in which you saw the original perfume bottle asks to be more attentive

Perhaps, a broken bottle of toilet water is interpreted in the same way in different sources: dreams and hopes will turn out to be in vain. But breaking a bottle of perfume yourself, for example, against a wall, does not mean anything bad. On the contrary, fun will soon await you, and for no reason, and even others will be drawn into it.

What does it mean to see male or female perfume in a dream

For a woman to see a men's perfume in a dream - good dream, meaning that next to her is strong and reliable man. Or he will soon appear someone who will really care about her.

According to Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer cologne in a dream promises new plans, a trip or a new romantic acquaintance.

But women's perfumes speak of the need to pay attention to their health.

But there is another interpretation. According to her, perfume reflects the attitude of a woman towards a man:

  1. If the main thing for a lady is the price of perfume, then in a man she first of all appreciates material security.
  2. If in a dream she first pays attention to the packaging, it means that it is the appearance of a man that is especially important for her.
  3. If the main thing for a woman is the aroma of perfume, then she is especially concerned about the attitude towards a man from others.

Sniffing perfume in a dream - what to expect in reality?

According to dream books, smelling perfumes in a dream that you like is a good omen:

  • Ahead of you are pleasant changes, happy events, new opportunities will open up. Especially if in a dream you dreamed that you were smelling the perfume donated by your loved one, you will enjoy your life.
  • For women, such a dream promises a possible declaration of love, even an early marriage (for young girls). Miller's dream book predicts a meeting with a loved one.
Ahead of you are pleasant changes, happy events, new opportunities will open up

If the smell turned out to be unpleasant, then the changes, most likely, will not please, and the beloved may disappoint.

Feel in a dream the smell, the aroma of perfume

According to dream book of the XXI century if in a dream you felt the aroma of perfume, get ready for some secret of yours to be revealed (you may be convicted of treason, for example). dream interpretation Miller calls to pay attention to the smell of perfume: a sharp one prophesies sadness and anxiety, and a pleasant one - joyful events.

According to the 21st century dream book, if in a dream you felt the aroma of perfume, get ready for some secret of yours to be revealed.

Aromas are different, and its interpretation depends on what smell you heard in your dream:

  • Sweet smells indicate that the sleeper is in love (but if the smell is too cloying and sweet, then think about it: do you spend a lot of time on entertainment?)
  • Did the dream perfume have a fruity scent? It means that you are active, you always have a positive attitude, you do not dwell on the negative.
  • wood and floral fragrances say you are too great importance you give to how you look and how others perceive you.
  • The perfume smelled strange (the smell of paint, some kind of food, etc.) - you do not want to accept reality, preferring to see everything the way you want.

If the sharp, repulsive smell of perfume comes from another person, then in reality you are too harsh in relations with others.

It happens that the perfume bottle is open, but you do not feel the aroma. Such a dream should make you reconsider the rhythm of your real life - your fatigue is so strong that you can no longer rejoice and have fun, you just need rest.

Suffocate with perfume in a dream

Now about the meaning of dreams, in which the sleeper not only smells perfume, but also strangles them. Many dream books agree that choking while in the realm of dreams means pleasant events in life, the fulfillment of what is desired. If you use a fragrant liquid when you are going to a meeting in your night vision, then you know your worth, and treat others well.

But if the dreamer is not just choking himself, but downright pouring perfume on himself, then such a dream is a warning: limit yourself. You are too wasteful and this can lead to bad consequences.

Yes, and splashing perfume on clothes is not a very pleasant symbol, which speaks of rather rude flattery, which will soon have to be resorted to.

Choose, buy perfume in the store

A fairly common situation is when the dreamer is going to buy perfume in a store or sees another person buying them. In the first case, pleasant news and events await you, but you should analyze your attitude to some points. Perhaps you are mistaken about something. If someone else acquires the perfume, then the sleeper is waiting in vain for something that is not destined to come true.

Often dreams that you have to choose perfume

Often dreams that you have to choose perfume. This means that in reality you are faced with a choice that depends only on you. Such a vision will not give an answer what to choose, it is only a reflection of your thoughts.

If perfume was presented in a dream: meaning

But the fact that you were given a perfume in a dream is a good omen. So, in reality, gifts and good news await you. According to another interpretation, this dream portends a new person in your life (friend, admirer). Pay attention to the emotions that you experienced when receiving a gift. They will tell you what this person will be like.

Rethinking past events, an attempt to find something good in the past bad, reflects a dream where one dreams that a dead person gives perfume.

When a sleeper makes a gift, the dream brings useless chores to his loved ones.

What does a fragrance or a bottle of perfume mean in a dream (video)

Deciphering dreams is quite a fascinating thing. But you should not build your life according to the predictions of dreams. Sometimes the interpretations are so contradictory that it is easy to get confused when trying to explain the meaning of the symbols. If you dreamed of perfume, remember if you spent half an hour the day before in a perfume store, choosing a new fragrance for yourself or a friend? Perhaps this explains your night vision? On the other hand, the subconscious is always trying to help. And who is warned - he is armed. If you sometimes listen to clues from dreams, you can avoid possible troubles. And therefore - good luck in solving your dream!

Attention, only TODAY!

Dreams are a special reality. They do not come every night to a person, sometimes dreams are prophetic. It is important to interpret them correctly.

Why do spirits dream? Worth sorting out.

Why do perfumes dream - the main interpretation

Today, perfume is an indispensable household item. Their choice is huge. Someone picks them up by aroma, someone by trademark And appearance vial. It is very nice to receive perfume as a gift.

But what does the dream in which you buy your favorite fragrance mean? Such a dream suggests that soon you will be able to meet a pleasant young man with whom you will have a wonderful time. What should you pay attention to in a dream?

Where did you get perfume in a dream;

Do you like their scent;

What events are associated with them;

Who else appears in your dream;

What emotions are you feeling.

If you dream that perfume was donated by a loved one, such a dream indicates that wonderful events await you in life. Perhaps you can go on a long journey with him - this can be indicated by a dream in which the aroma of perfume is like a sea breeze.

If you dream that you have received a huge bottle of previously unknown perfume as a gift, such a dream promises a surprise. Will it be pleasant - the following events will tell about it:

If you liked the aroma, the surprise will be pleasant for you;

If you didn't like the scent, you'll be surprised;

If you did not feel the aroma of perfume, the surprise will be unpleasant.

If you dream that you long time go shopping in search of your favorite fragrance and you just can’t find it - such a dream suggests that you will be trying to find a way out of a difficult situation for a long time and you won’t succeed in any way.

If you dream that the bottle of perfume is broken, such a dream promises you trouble. Rather, you will feel the bitterness of betrayal. It is important to remember whose spirits were broken. If these are your spirits, you may witness an unpleasant trial. If this bottle of another person was broken, you have to sort things out with him. If you don’t know who it belongs to, expect trouble from a man you don’t know.

If in a dream you buy perfume for someone as a gift and for a long time you cannot choose from a variety of options - such a dream promises you hesitation in making decisions in reality. You may not be able to decide on some act for a long time. It may take you a long time to choose from several options.

It is important to interpret the dream as a whole, because any missed symbol in a dream already changes the interpretation. If you dream of a lot of perfumes in beautiful packages - such a dream suggests that it's time for you to relax, your soul wants a holiday - let it happen.

When in a dream you have a long conversation with the seller regarding the choice of perfume - such a dream portends a long decision financial issue. Further development events in reality depends on what events awaited you in a dream. If you nevertheless purchased the fragrance you like, such a dream portends a solution to an issue related to finances. If you left the store without shopping, such a dream indicates the impossibility of resolving the problem at the moment.

If you dream that you are buying perfume for a gift to another person - such a dream means that you will become the culprit of pleasant changes in the life of another. If you dream that you are secretly putting a bottle of perfume under the door of your beloved, such a dream promises you secret feelings and hidden experiences. You won't be able to be honest with yourself for a while longer.

It is important to remember your emotional condition during sleep and upon awakening. If it was calm and you felt balanced, then there is nothing to fear in the future. But, if a bottle of perfume constantly fell out of your hands in a dream, or if you broke it, such a dream portends anxiety and loss in reality. It is important not to panic, but to use all the sleep tips to your advantage.

It is also important to remember all the dialogues that you had in a dream, all the words spoken by strangers. Often, when describing a fragrance, you can hear a description of your future life. If it is described as gentle, light and alluring, such a dream portends you a calm and measured future. If it is described as sweet and tart, you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you saw your favorite perfume in a dream, but their aroma is completely different, such a dream means that betrayal awaits you. Someone has been eyeing you and your work for a long time. Don't trust people so easily. Soon everything will fall into place, but now it is important to prepare the ground for the coming changes.

Why do spirits dream according to the Esoteric dream book

IN Esoteric dream book it is said what spirits dream of. Such a dream promises many pleasant changes. You will soon have to radically change your perception of the world around you. If you smell perfume in a dream, such a dream promises you a pleasant rest, a meeting with old friends.

Spraying perfume around you - such a dream speaks of the need for communication. You are too closed in on yourself, and you do not have enough live communication in order to fully relax.

If in a dream you are constantly worried about the unpleasant smell of perfume, and you can’t find where it comes from, such a dream portends you minor troubles and worries. You definitely need to relax and unwind, because soon you will have to work hard and hard on yourself.

If a young girl dreams that an unfamiliar boyfriend gave her a bottle of perfume - such a dream portends new acquaintances, new stage in personal life. If such a dream occurs married woman- she can become a victim of temptation, someone else will appear in her relationship with her husband.

Breaking a bottle of perfume is not a very favorable sign. Such a dream predicts a change in plans and priorities. If you broke your favorite perfume and can't find it anywhere else, then you will be fussing for a long time. This fuss can lead to the loss of the chosen position in life. Stand your ground and never give up on far-reaching plans.

Why do perfumes dream according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that spirits dream as a reflection hidden desire love and romance. If a man dreams of his favorite fragrance, and he can’t figure out where it comes from, such a dream foreshadows his acquaintance with a mysterious lady. It will be a short-lived union, but it will bring a lot pleasant moments into his life.

A dream in which a woman catches the pleasant aroma of male perfume predicts her infatuation with a stranger who can even destroy her already. existing relationship. A woman will have to make a choice between an existing connection and a new boyfriend. It is important to interpret all the signs of sleep. Then it will be possible to more accurately predict the future.

If you dream that you are buying a fragrance for yourself, you will be happy in your relationship. If you buy a fragrance for another person, you will bring joy to someone close to you. Seeing broken perfumes in a dream and enjoying their aroma - it is possible to restore past forgotten relationships.

Why do perfumes dream of other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that spirits dream of a new pleasant acquaintance. If you hear their aroma, and you really like it, such a dream means that you can enjoy your partner for a long time. Relationships will bring you joy and pleasure.

If you give perfume to someone in a dream, bewilderment awaits you. Buy perfume in the store - you will simply spend money. If you buy a lot of perfume and simply give them away to passers-by, such a dream speaks of your predisposition to easy relationships and flirting, but do not get carried away with such connections. Nothing permanent and bringing joy will come of them.

In the mythological dream book it is said that perfumes dream as a sign of the element of air that fills your life. Such a dream portends you an easy solution to any issue. You will simply flutter above the ground with happiness. Get ready to get a lot out of life and not be afraid to change your thoughts to positive ones.

No matter how sad or cheerful a dream seems to you, it is important to interpret all its symbols. It is also important to remember that dreams give only general clues, and the person himself decides whether to accept them or not. If you do not like the course of events that the dream predicted for you, you can change it in reality on your own. We are responsible for our actions and thoughts. Dreams only indicate options for the development of events in the future.

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