Home Diseases and pests Is it good for men to cry? Health benefits of crying

Is it good for men to cry? Health benefits of crying

Chemistry of emotions

Have you ever wondered why we calm down after crying? Scientists have found that brings relief not an emotional release caused by crying, but... chemical composition tears. They contain stress hormones released by the brain at the time of outburst of emotions. Tear fluid removes from the body substances formed during nervous overstrain. After crying, a person feels calmer and even more cheerful.

But here are people who are in a depressed mood for a long time, are less likely to burst into tears than everyone else. The longer the depression, the less frequent the attacks of “crying mood”, which, in turn, is a sign of dulling of emotions– one of the most common psychological diseases. Scientists explain it this way: tears are a kind of signal, a call for help, which, after several months of hopeless melancholy, dries up. By the way, crying man 43 facial muscles are involved, while a laughing person has only 17. It turns out that Tears cause more wrinkles, rather than from laughter.


Our ancestors - the ancient Slavs - had curious custom: married women They collected their tears in special vessels, and then mixed them with rose water and used them to treat wounds. By the way, the women of Byzantium and Persia did the same, who have long noticed that tears have an amazing the ability to heal wounded warriors.

The secret is that the tear fluid contains antimicrobial protein lysozyme, which successfully neutralizes bacteria and prevents them from causing dangerous infections. That is why in fairy tales the power of “living” water is attributed to tears: after crying for three days and three nights over her dead lover, the beauty most magically returned him from the kingdom of the dead.

Miracle lenses

And ophthalmologists believe that tears we need it in order... to see better: The tear film on the cornea, constantly renewed by supply from the lacrimal gland, ensures the sharpness of our vision. It can be compared to the water lens that was equipped with the kinescope on the old TV.

Tears also play a vital role important role, lubricating the eyeball and cleansing it of irritants. Moreover, in addition to antibacterial agents in tears contains oxygen and nutrients for the cornea of ​​the eye, which does not have its own blood supply.

So that the tear fluid does not stagnate, but spreads evenly, the eyelids are periodically closed. By blinking, a person, like all land animals, wets the surface of the eyeball, otherwise it will dry out. It turns out that the eye is constantly crying. In order to produce this amount of fluid, the lacrimal glands work around the clock.

Bitter and salty

Some particularly sensitive people admit that they are sometimes embarrassed to watch a film in a group, or listen to music in a concert hall, for fear of seeming overly sentimental. According to the results of a German survey, cry from what he saw, read, heard a work of art characteristic of 71% of women and 40% of men.

It's funny, but these so-called bright tears are shed much more often than bitter - from sad events real life. The liquid that is formed in this case, although it does not remove harmful substances from the body, softens the effect of adrenaline, the amount of which increases sharply when excited. The exact same mechanism explains the tears that flow from uncontrollable laughter. At the same time, the salinity of the most bitter tears - from pain and despair - is only 9% of ocean water . Tears that well up in our eyes when we peel onions, drink too much hot tea or we clean the speck out of our eyes, more insipid ones.

Dry eye syndrome

When the tear film does not cover the cornea enough or becomes thin in separate place, the nerve endings immediately signal to us: it seems as if a speck has gotten into the eye. The eyes become red and inflamed.

Sometimes the lack of tears is due to side effect from the effects of certain medications– antihistamines and antidepressants. Taking many oral contraceptives also leads to dry eye syndrome. Tear production almost always decreases during menopause, but with the onset of menopause this process normalizes.

Tear production also decreases with age: 20% of people over 55 suffer from dry eyes. Very noticeable inconvenience is also felt by those who, after sitting at a midnight vigil at the computer, complain of a “dry” pain in the eyes. There is not enough tear fluid in rooms where air conditioning is running.

Almost all people suffer from dry eye syndrome everyone who uses contact lenses . Dry eyes and blepharoplasty - cosmetic surgery to tighten senile skin on the eyelids.

In all these cases, you need to purchase drops and ointments from pharmacies containing artificial polymers that lubricate the surfaces of the eyes and partly cope with other important functions performed by tears. Whatever one may say, but no tears - nowhere!


It is believed that with or without reason 74% of women and 20% of men cry 2-3 times a month. True, the latter will never admit to this weakness. 36% of women and 25% of men cry from pain. From love and the experiences associated with it - 41% women and 22% men. Why are ladies more willing to shed tears? It turns out that it’s not about masculinity or femininity, but about the biochemistry of male and female female organisms. The weaker sex is more tearful due to the hormone prolactin contained in the blood, which is responsible not only for the ability to shed tears, but also for the production of milk during breastfeeding. And men are prevented from swallowing tears by the hormone testosterone, which prevents the accumulation of tear fluid.

By the way

How babies cry. Even before learning to speak, the baby is fluent in the language of crying. Is it true, babies cry without tears. In babies, the lacrimal glands function from birth, but they produce little fluid - it is only enough to moisturize the eyes and protect them from infection. As the child gets older, he already resorts to real tears, with the help of which he relieves emotional stress.

“I cry all the time—whether there is a reason or not!” What to do with tears over trifles if they interfere with a normal life? And why do people cry for no reason? Excessive emotionality since childhood? Not at all.

The modern rhythm of life is accompanied by regular stress, haste and tension. Surely, each of us, against the background of overwork, was overtaken by sudden, causeless tears. Let's try to figure out what are the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. And let's look at the simple ones practical ways that will help solve the problem.

Why do people cry for no reason?

Everyone has probably thought about where crying without a reason comes from when they are in difficult times. emotional situation. Even when . Have you probably witnessed or actor such a picture. We remember that tears are an expression of emotions accumulated in our body. But what exactly can trigger tears for no reason?

Reasons why you want to cry for no reason

  1. Accumulated neuroses and stress.

    Stress overtakes us at work, in transport, on the street, at home. That the most amazing irritation and nervousness often arises on vacation, where a person does not expect it at all. It is almost impossible to predict and prevent such a phenomenon. Negative emotions consume us and accumulate in the body. They negatively affect our nervous system, weakening it.

    Without realizing it, we become “exhausted” from overwork and stress. And tears for no reason become the body’s reaction to the emotional overload with which our exhausted nervous system unable to cope on her own.

  2. Severe stress due to long-standing events.

    The human brain is capable of absorbing and remembering the most vivid moments. It's about about positive and negative phenomena. Even if it seems to you that everything has long passed and been forgotten, memories are stored at the level of the subconscious, which is sometimes capable of behaving unpredictably. Why do they cry for no reason at the most unpredictable moments, when everything seems to be fine? Try to look for the cause of sudden tears in the past - perhaps you have not been able to let go of some events. Maybe it's a reaction to a memory. Your brain has found something “painful” in specific situation, film, music track. And he reacted with unexpected and causeless tears.

  3. Disturbances in the body.

    Unreasonable tears can also occur against the background of hormonal imbalances. Most often society. An excess or deficiency of certain substances in the body affects a person’s emotional state. Along with the “tearful” reaction, the body produces other unintended consequences– weight loss or gain, drowsiness or insomnia, poor or increased appetite.

    If the tears that appear on their own are not accompanied by emotional stress and a disturbance in the emotional state, consult an ophthalmologist. It happens that you don’t want to cry, but tears appear involuntarily. This can also be caused by a blockage or cold in the eye canal. At the same time, there may be discomfort in the corners of the eyes.

“I constantly cry for no reason, what should I do about it?”

If, in addition to causeless tears, you begin to notice other problems in the body, you should definitely make an appointment with a doctor. Perhaps you are lacking some substance in your body and it would not hurt to get tested for hormones thyroid gland. In any case, a specialist will examine you and help identify and eliminate the root of the problem. If necessary, he will refer you to see a psychotherapist, whom you did not consider necessary to go to on your own.

But if causeless tears are caused chronic fatigue, rest is indicated for you. Based on the situation, choose the best course of action. Evening walks before bed and relaxing baths will help cope with irritability. Or maybe you need a day off for good sleep? And if you haven’t gone anywhere for a long time, plan a picnic or fishing for the weekend. Rest helps to cope with the consequences of chronic neurosis and normalize the nervous system.

How to react to causeless crying?

Where's the best place to cry?

Even strong people They have the right to tears and there is no need to be afraid of it.
If you really want to cry, it’s better to cry in a psychologist’s office, at the same time together you will find the real reason and be able to solve your problems.
Suppressing feelings and emotions is much more dangerous.

“I often cry for no reason. What to do when tears appear at the most inopportune moment - at work, on the street or in public places?

First of all, do not be alarmed by this reaction of the body. If your emotionality suddenly manifested itself, even attracting the attention of others, this is not the worst thing in life. You can handle everything. If for some reason you feel like crying for no reason, there is still a reason. You need to look for her. But first of all, you need to calm down. Try the following techniques if you experience sudden tears:

  1. Talk.

    Moral support from a loved one is a great way to cope with emotions, calm down and look at what is happening in a new way. Sometimes talking with a stranger can save you. Without fearing the reaction of loved ones, you simply express what worries you. Against the backdrop of emotional unloading, sudden tears also occur.

  2. Self-control.

    If you often find yourself in tears for no reason, you will have to learn to control them. This cannot be done without initial efforts. Don't try - it won't do much good. It’s better to consciously set yourself to calm down. Take a deep breath several times, follow your breath, focus on it, get up, drink some water, try to switch your attention to any object around you - look at it and tell yourself about it: what color it is, why it is here, etc. Your task is to switch your thoughts to something that does not cause you obvious emotional reaction. Try to achieve complete muscle relaxation and redirect the flow of thoughts, this will help you calm down.

  3. Medication assistance.

    Any pharmacological drug must be taken as prescribed by a doctor. But you can also purchase a complex of vitamins on your own - despite the popular belief that causeless tears need to be “treated,” it doesn’t hurt to do some simple prevention. Vitamins and mild sedatives are suitable if you often feel anxious or upset. There is no need to shy away from medical support; your nervous system requires care just like other body systems.

  4. Help from a psychoanalyst.

    There is no need to be afraid of psychotherapists. Do you feel that it has become difficult for you to cope with surging emotions? Or maybe causeless tears began to “attack” you very often? Make an appointment with a specialist. Your doctor will help you determine the cause of your increased emotionality. In the process of a simple conversation, you yourself will reveal to him your irritant. It is easier for a psychoanalyst to understand what provokes your condition. Unreasonable tears can arise against the background of regular nagging from the boss, inattention from the husband or misunderstanding of the children, or they can hide much more serious ones. psychological disorders, which are almost impossible to cope with on your own.

Only by understanding the causes of tearfulness can you find the best way to solve this problem. Learn to respond to disruptions in your body in a timely manner to avoid unexpected emotional shocks. Take care of yourself. If your body gives a signal - it will be crying for no reason or other manifestations - do not let them pass your attention. Your body will thank you.

Tears are the liquid secreted by the lacrimal gland. They consist almost entirely (up to 99%) of water. The rest - inorganic substances: sodium chloride (this is the basis of table salt - hence the salty taste of tears), calcium sulfate and phosphate, sodium and magnesium carbonate.

Tears also contain lysozyme, an enzyme that gives them antibacterial properties, and oleamide, which forms the basis of an oily layer that prevents moisture from evaporating.

Why are tears needed at all?

They perform several important functions. Tears supply the cornea of ​​the eye, which does not blood vessels, all necessary nutrients, clean the surface of the eyeball from foreign particles and maintain the normal functioning of the organ of vision.

Tears secreted to moisturize and protect the eyes are called reflex, or physiological. And those that are associated with any experiences are considered emotional. Scientists have long established a neural connection between the tear glands and the area of ​​the brain responsible for emotions.

So crying is part of what makes us human.

Do animals cry?

Animals definitely produce physiological tears. It is believed that our smaller brothers cannot experience emotions close to human ones. This means they don’t cry from worry. But the more scientists study this topic, the more they become convinced that not everything is so simple.

For example, University of Colorado Professor Emeritus Marc Bekoff mentioned Do Elephants Weep as an Emotional Response? about scientific research that confirms that elephants and other animals may cry in response to emotional distress. In his opinion, this issue requires deeper study.

What about crocodile tears?

Crocodiles actually cry while they eat. But not because they supposedly feel sorry for the victim. Tears are secreted due to excess salts in the body of alligators. And the process of eating food mechanically activates their release.

Turtles, iguanas, and sea snakes cry in the same way.

Is it true that there are different types of tears?

American biochemist William Frey found that emotional tears differ in chemical composition from physiological tears caused by irritation from the caustic fumes of onions. It turned out that the former contain more proteins. Frey suggested that in this way the body gets rid of chemical substances, the release of which was provoked.

This is why emotional tears are more viscous and are more visible on the skin. They may also contain stress hormones and other substances found in excess in the body, such as manganese.

So it's good to cry?

Research shows that people with stomach ulcers and colitis (common stress-related illnesses) tend to cry less often than people without such disorders.

Ad Vingerhoets, a professor at Tilburg University, concluded after extensive research that many people feel worse immediately after crying. But after an hour and a half, their emotional state stabilizes. And then it gets better than it was before they started crying.

Lauren M. Bylsma from the University of Pittsburgh found out When is crying cathartic?: An international study. that people are more likely to feel better after crying that was caused by positive emotions, or if the tears helped to understand and realize something.

If the tears are caused by suffering or the person is ashamed of crying, he will feel worse.

Also, the condition will depend on the witnesses to the crying. Those who shed tears alone or in the presence of one person (especially if it was close person, ready to support), felt better than those who cried in front of two or more people.

Why do we cry not only from grief, but also from joy?

Crying is defensive reaction the body in response to stress. And it can be caused by both negative and positive emotions. It doesn't matter what feelings caused the crying. Tears help the body recover faster from stress.

What is the reason that women cry more often than men?

Mainly with the common stereotype that crying is a sign of weakness. That’s why they simply try not to show tears in public. Surveys show that they actually cry much more often than they think. Just no witnesses.

The lack of restrictions associated with tears among the weaker sex may be one of the reasons that women live on average longer than men. More crying means less stress.

Scientists suggest that hormones influence the frequency of crying. Testosterone can suppress crying, and the female hormone prolactin most likely provokes it.

And one more important nuance. Dianne Van Hemert, Ph.D., Sr. Researcher Dutch organization for applied scientific research, found that residents of more prosperous countries may cry more often, since it is not condemned by society.

Are there people who don't cry?

Lacrimal glands healthy person They usually produce from 0.5 to 1 milliliter of tears per day (an average of half a glass per year). Stress increases their number, and some diseases reduce it.

For example, dry eye is characteristic of Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease. Scientists have found that such patients suffer not only from discomfort associated with the eyes. It is often more difficult for them to understand and express their feelings and emotions, resolve conflicts, and establish connections with others. This once again proves the importance of tears and crying.

What if you can’t cry, but really want to?

  • Try to control your breathing. Take several deep breaths through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth.
  • To hold back tears, you can blink quickly.
  • Try to force a smile while looking at yourself in the mirror.
  • Take a few sips cold water, wash your face, apply ice to your temples or forehead.
  • Try to switch your attention to something neutral, start looking at some object, remember the multiplication table or the alphabet.
  • Pinch yourself, bite your lip, but without fanaticism, so as not to cry from pain.
  • Do a little exercise: wave your arms, turn your head, squat or do push-ups several times, stand for a couple of minutes.
  • If tears are choking you, try screaming. Usually after this the emotional tension quickly subsides.

If possible, it is better not to hold back your tears. Don't rub your eyes, don't cry with your face into the pillow, apply a cold compress to your eyelids. All this will help you quickly get yourself in order.

People who cry frequently have a reputation for being emotionally unstable. This common belief causes many to hold back their feelings and not express them outward. But doctors say that by accumulating negative emotions, we are harming our health. Tears not only tell others about your mood, but also benefit the body.

The editors of the site talk about whether crying is healthy and why you shouldn’t hold back your tears.

Why are tears needed in the body?

A thin film covers the eye. It shouldn't be dry. Therefore, the tear fluid drains and is retained on the film. 1 ml per day is enough to keep the eye constantly moisturized.

The composition of tears is unique: 98% is water, 1.5% is sodium chlorine (salt), the rest is lipid fat and lysozyme. Lipids are surface layer tears. He doesn't let it evaporate. Lysozyme has an antibacterial effect. It kills germs that come from external environment. But the chemical composition of tear fluid changes depending on your emotional state.

Is it healthy to cry: 5 reasons not to hold back your tears

The reasons for tears are various emotional states. Physiologists define several types of tears and explain why crying is soothing:

    Tears under stress. During shock, a person releases stress hormones: adrenaline and cortisol. They enter not only the blood, but also the tear fluid. If we cry, the body gets rid of stress hormones. By reducing the concentration of cortisol and adrenaline, a person “discharges.” Tears during stress bring relief.

    Tears of happiness. Hormonal background changes in response to psychological condition. When we are in an upbeat mood, the body produces joy hormones: serotonin and endorphin. Tears of joy increase serotonin production. Your mood improves and you feel happy.

    Tears of pain. In response to physical pain, a person involuntarily begins to cry - this is a protective reaction of the body. In this case, the chemical composition of tears includes a substance similar to morphine. Tears dull the perception of pain and promote wound healing.

    Stingy male tears. It would seem that the tears of women and men should not be different. However, male tears contain the male hormone testosterone. It suppresses stress hormones. In addition, tears remove excess testosterone, and a man becomes less aggressive. The level of male hormone decreases with age. Therefore, the older a man is, the more often he cries.

    Mechanical tears. They are not associated with emotions. This is a reflex of our body. Physiological tears protect the eyes from infection and drying out. Dry eyes affect those people who spend a lot of time watching TV or monitors. They are encouraged to blink more often. The upper eyelids distribute the tear film over the surface of the eye.

Holding back tears: a sign of strength or a bad habit

It is believed that tears are for the weak. This is wrong. In fact, it takes a lot of strength to decide to throw out your emotions and cry.

Small children cry often. This is how they communicate their emotions: pain, fear, hunger, resentment, etc.

With age, a person learns to control his mood and cries less. Negative feelings don't go outside. They choke you. At best it ends in a headache, at worst - psychosomatic illness- from stomach ulcers and hypertension to bronchial asthma and oncology.

With whom and where is it better to have a good cry?

Cultural attitudes do not allow us to cry at work or in the presence of people who are critical of us. But holding back tears is harmful. Find a secluded place and let your emotions out. You will feel relieved.

Crying can be beneficial and calming when you have a friend who can understand your emotions. So if you want to cry, find the “right” person. He will support you, sympathize with you and, most importantly, you will not be ashamed of your “weakness.”

Situations in which tears do not relieve the condition

When you have been in a depressed mood for a long time, tears will not help. See your doctor if crying doesn't get better. You may have an anxiety disorder or clinical depression. A specialist will determine your psycho-emotional well-being and help you cope with hypersensitivity.


Every person can cry, but even in childhood people are told that it is not good, that it is necessary to hide their reaction to what is happening. This is due to the fact that tears cause mixed reactions in others. If the baby behaves like this in kindergarten, then everyone around you also starts crying. If a person behaves like this, people around are very embarrassed and do not understand how to behave. It turns out that such a reaction brings very strong discomfort to everyone who is nearby. And while this can still happen at home, at work such manifestations can lead to dismissal, so that peace in the team is not disturbed.

Tears arise due to a variety of circumstances. Sometimes the reason can hardly be called valid; a person cries because he feels very sorry for himself. Instead of criticizing, trying to correct the situation, he begins to roar. From the outside, this looks like a reason to do nothing or shift responsibility onto other shoulders. Tears can be a way of blackmail, as women sometimes do to convince a man that they are right. Tears can become a barrier to difficult situations when others prefer to remain silent so as not to face hysteria. These reactions are perceived as negative and condemned, which is why people often avoid crying.

IN adolescence sensitivity is a negative quality. If a person bursts into tears in front of other people, he becomes an outcast or is often bullied. Having undergone such training, having realized that one cannot show weakness, a person often refuses to show emotions for many years. This is especially true for men, because in society they are assigned the role of strong and self-confident people, and if this is not fulfilled, others can react very negatively.

Psychologists say that crying is necessary, that it is an opportunity to survive difficult situation, throw out painful experiences. If you don’t do this, then resentment or anger accumulates inside and then can cause various diseases. But you need to cry not in a crowded place, but alone with yourself. The stronger the tears, the better. After such a reaction, relief comes, the perception of the world changes, everything seems not so scary. Such actions help relieve tension, reduce stress, and give you the opportunity to smile again. Sometimes it is even useful to cry for no reason in order to remove the small emotions that have accumulated inside. To do this, you can turn on a movie that makes you cry, or read a sad story.

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