Home Diseases and pests Folklore. T. V. Zueva B. P. Kirdan Russian folklore textbook

Folklore. T. V. Zueva B. P. Kirdan Russian folklore textbook

6th grade

Theme of the lesson: "Calendar- ritual folklore».

Lesson type: Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Target: acquaintance of students with the concept of "calendar-ritual folklore"

Planned results: knowledge of the concept of folklore, ritual folklore, the main features of folklore in the life of the people, to interest in old Russian ritual poetry, to learn to compare folklore and literary works expressively read folklore works.


1. to reveal the basic concepts of the topic: folklore, ritual, ritual folklore, calendar and ritual poetry.

2. Get acquainted with samples of ritual folklore and ancient Russian ritual poetry.

3. Raise love and respect for the traditions of the Russian people.

Equipment: Anikin V.P., Kruglov Yu.G. "Russian folk poetry", presentation, illustrations for works of oral folk art, videos of the reconstruction of folk ritual holidays

During the classes:

-Organizing time.

- Formulation of the problem:

Which words from the topic are familiar to you?

What words do you know the meaning of?

Children get to know exact value words.

RITE - a set of actions established by custom, in which religious ideas and customs are embodied.

ritual folklore - these are songs, dances, various actions that are performed during the rituals.

Calendar-ritual folklore are rituals associated with folk calendar, which was based on the change of seasons and the schedule of agricultural work.

Oral folk art is embodied in ritual songs, dances, fairy tales, legends, traditions, and other works.

Folklore was an integral part of folk life. He accompanied the first plowing and harvesting of the last sheaf in the field, youth festivities and Christmas or Trinity rites, christenings and weddings. Ritual songs were considered as obligatory integral part rites, as well as the main ritual actions. It was even believed that if all ritual actions were not performed and the songs accompanying them were not performed, then the desired result would not be achieved.

Scenes from various rituals are played out:



Ritual songs.

Folk rites are divided into two cycles:

- calendar rituals associated with the economic activity of the peasant (agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting). Calendar rituals are timed to winter, spring, summer, autumn - in connection with the schedule of agricultural work for the seasons, as well as the winter and summer solstice (December 21, 22 and June 21, 22)

- family rituals associated with the birth of a person, his marriage, seeing off into the army or death. The wedding ceremony consisted of a series of successive actions, none of which was skipped. At the funeral, lamentations were performed by professional mourners (shouters): these laments accompanied all episodes of the funeral rite.

Let's look at the calendar-ritual folklore.

Calendar ritual songs belong to ancient species folk art, and they got their name because of the connection with the folk agricultural calendar - the schedule of work according to the seasons. Calendar-ritual songs, as a rule, are small in volume and simple in poetic structure. In the songs they beg, call for good Kolyada, Shrovetide, Spring, Trinity, and sometimes reproach for deceit and frivolity.

    Winter holidays.

Christmas time.

Christmas new year holidays lasted from December 24 to January 6. These holidays are associated with winter solstice- one of important days agricultural calendar, which separated one annual life cycle from another. Christian church refers to this day and the day of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Caroling began on Christmas Eve, December 24th. This was the name of the festive detours of houses with the singing of carols, in which the owners of the house were famous and contained wishes for wealth, harvest, etc.carols were performed by children or young people who carried a star on a pole. This star symbolized the Star of Bethlehem, which appeared in the sky at the time of the birth of Christ.

The hosts presented carolers with sweets, cookies, and money. If the owners were stingy, then carolers sang mischievous carols with comic threats(listening to the audio recording of "Kolyada walking-wandering"):

Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
Give me a cow
And God forbid that
Who is in this house!
The rye is thick for him,
supper rye;
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
From half-grain - a pie.
The Lord would give you
And live, and be,
And wealth
And create for you, Lord,
Yet better than that!

The meaning of any carol is in a kind of “calling” of happiness and wealth to a generous owner. The more he gives to carolers, the more he will gain in the coming year. Treats are a sign of the fullness of the house. A carol is a spell song, a conspiracy song, a conditional magical game of the owner and carolers.

The composition of carols is simple: the formula for the arrival of the holiday, then - the formula for finding a house, its description (with exaggeration), the formula for praising the owners, a request, and in the finale - a wish or a threat.

The beginning of the year was given special significance. How will you spend New Year and it will be like this for the rest of the year. Therefore, they tried to make the table plentiful, people cheerful, wishing each other happiness and good luck. Cheerful short carols were the song form of such wishes.

One of the types of New Year's songs and rites of the holy week is "sub-satellite songs", when the girls guessed their fate, taking out their decorations from a dish covered with a towel to the songs.

Fortune-telling scene.

    Spring holidays.

Pancake week.

Maslenitsa is a moving holiday. On Shrovetide they had fun from the heart: they rode troikas with bells, went to visit, baked ruddy pancakes, sang, danced and played. V. I. Dal wrote that every day of Maslenitsa had its own name: Monday - meeting, Tuesday - flirting, Wednesday - gourmet, Thursday - wide Thursday, Friday - mother-in-law evenings, Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings, Sunday - seeing off. In the same week, it was customary to ride from the mountains on a sled. The central ritual actions of the holiday were the meeting of Maslenitsa and seeing it off, which, obviously, personified the end of winter and the beginning of spring. To meet Maslenitsa they went outside the village, putting a stuffed animal in a sleigh, solemnly returned and drove through the streets singing songs in which they praised Maslenitsa. At the end of the week, she was also taken out of the village with songs and burned, which, according to the peasants, should have contributed to a rich harvest.

Characterizingcarnival songs , it can be noted that in them she, Maslenitsa, is scolded, ridiculed, urged to return, called comic human names: Avdotyushka, Izotievna, Akulina Savvishna, etc.

(listening to the audio recording “Oh, oily near”)

Our annual Shrovetide
She is a dear guest
She does not walk to us,
Everything rides on horseback,
So that the horses were black,
To keep the servants young.

The performers of Shrovetide rites peculiarly "conjured the sun" and with this, according to folk beliefs, caused its spring "flare up". Skating "in the sun", in a circle and a steady custom of baking and eating pancakes, became traditional, round form which was, as it were, a symbolic "sign" of the sun.

The rituals of seeing off Shrovetide were accompanied by traditional songs. In some, they asked not to leave longer:

And we saw off our oil,
It’s hard - importantly, they sighed for her:
- And butter, butter, come back,
Stretch until the greatest day!

In others, the expression of love for Shrove Tuesday was replaced by a manifestation of joy that it was held:

And we rolled our oil,
Buried in a hole
Lie down, carnival, until the raid ...
Maslyanitsa - wettail!
Drive home from the yard
Your time has passed!
We have streams from the mountains,
play ravines,
Turn out the shafts
Set up a sohu.

Spring meeting.

In Russia, the rite of meeting spring was widely used. Late spring brought famine. At the beginning of March, adults baked ritual cookies in the form of larks, and children carried them into the field or climbed onto the roofs, tossed them up and called outspring songs, in which they conjured spring to come quickly and drive away the cold winter.

(listening to the audio recording "Oh, larks, larks ..."

Spring Rites were performed on the days of the main Great Lent of the year, so they almost did not have a festive game character.

The main spring genre is stoneflies. They, in fact, were not sung, but called, climbing the hillocks and roofs. They called for spring and parted with winter.

The joyfully welcomed spring was supposed to bring its gifts - a rich harvest, livestock offspring, good luck in economic affairs.

Spring, beautiful spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy
With great mercy:
Freak flax high,
Rye, oats are good!

In the evening, the day before Palm Sunday and the annunciation, women and girls gathered on the banks of the river, lit a fire, which symbolized the spring "flare" and danced around it.

summer holidays - open widefeast of the Trinity.

Trinity was bright and poetic - the seventh Sunday after Easter. This time was popularly called the "mermaid" week or "green Christmas time". This holiday celebrated the flowering of nature. They decorated the porch and the house with greenery, flowers, and more often with fresh birch branches. The center of the holiday was a birch tree, which was "curled" and "developed". The birch among the Russian people personified spring nature:

Curl, birch,
Curly, curly!
We came to you, we came
With dumplings, with fried eggs,
With wheat pies!

Curled and decorated "birch" was cut down and worn around the village. If birch trees were "curled" in the forest, then the rite of "nepotism" was added to this: the girls kissed each other in pairs through wreaths and thus swore to each other in friendship and love, they became "godfathers".

Ivan Kupala Day - the culmination of the earth's annual circle.

Kupala rites . A major holiday was the feast of Ivan Kupala. For the peasant, after Ivan Kupala, the hottest time began - haymaking and harvest. An important place was occupied by rituals with water: to be healthy, strong, beautiful, they poured themselves with water, bathed. In some places, young people walked around the village and sang a song that conjured the rye “clean, spiked, vigorous” so that the harvest would be rich.

    autumn holidays

Harvest, hay.

At the beginning of the harvest, rituals were performed with the first sheaf. It was called the name day, with songs it was transferred from the field to the threshing floor. During the harvest they sangliving songs.


Questions are being discussed.

1. What kind of folklore is called ritual?

2. What songs can be called calendar-ritual?

3. When and where were carols performed? How are they different from other songs?

4. What calendar and ritual songs can be called the most fun?

5. Have you heard similar songs? Where and under what circumstances?

6. Have you ever performed such songs yourself? Tell us more about it.

Homework. Group mini-project "Come to our holiday"

Used Books:

    Textbook - reader for educational institutions in 2 parts. Author - compiler V.P. Polukhina, V.Ya. Korovina and others - M.: Enlightenment

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: In 3 volumes / Ed. Prof. D.N. Ushakova - M .: Veche. Book World, 2001

    Anikin V.P., Kruglov Yu.G. Russian folk poetry. - L .: Education, Leningrad. department, - 1987

    Erudite series. Language and folklore. - M .: LLC "TD" Publishing House "World of Books", 2006

    ritual folklore

    Ritual folklore

    Folklore genres performed as part of various rituals. The rite is a complex of symbolic actions, the purpose of which is to influence otherworldly forces in order to achieve the desired result (fertility, cure for a disease, birth of a child, protection from dangers, etc.). The vast majority of rituals are accompanied by texts of different genres. Calendar rituals are characterized by the use of calendar songs (carols, Shrovetide, Kupala, etc.), during wedding ceremony, along with songs, laments or lamentations are performed, partly reminiscent of funeral lamentations. The most common genre of ritual folklore is incantations, magical texts that accompany medical, meteorological, agrarian, and other rites and directly express the purpose of the rite.

    Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

    See what "ritual folklore" is in other dictionaries:

      Family ritual folklore- texts accompanying the commission of this. rites (and, more broadly, rites of the life cycle). Resp. these are the texts accompanying all the main. events in people life. On the one hand, on the basis of ritual confinement, they belong to the rite. ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic Dictionary

      - (in the cultural aspect) in the “broad” sense (all folk traditional peasant spiritual and partly material culture) and “narrow” (oral peasant verbal artistic tradition). Folklore is a collection of ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

      Musical folklore of the Urals- multinational by nature, which is due to the diversity of nat. composition of us. region. The areas of settlement of peoples on the territory. U. intertwined, this contributes to the emergence of decomp. ethnic contacts, which are also manifested in music. folklore. Naib.… …

      folklore- a, only unit, m. 1) Oral folk art. Collectors of folklore. Cossack folklore. Urban folklore. school folklore. High level the development of folklore made it possible to perceive new aesthetic values, which she introduced ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

      The collection of Russian texts folk culture, transmitted mainly orally, having the status of authorless, anonymous and not belonging to certain individual performers, although the names of some outstanding masters of performers are known: ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

      Bashkir folklore- distributed not only in Bashkir, but also in adjacent Saratov, Samara, Perm., Sverdl., Chelyab., Kurg., Orenb. region, in Tatarstan, where the Bashkirs live compactly, as well as in the Rep. Sakha, Tyumen region and in a number of CIS countries. The most ancient... Ural Historical Encyclopedia

      RSFSR. I. General information The RSFSR was formed on October 25 (November 7), 1917. It borders in the northwest with Norway and Finland, in the west with Poland, in the southeast with China, the MPR, and the DPRK, as well as with the union republics that are part of the USSR: to the W. with ... ...

      VIII. Public education and cultural and educational institutions = History public education on the territory of the RSFSR goes into deep antiquity. IN Kievan Rus elementary literacy was distributed among different layers population, about what ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      Tsintsius, Vera Ivanovna- (1903 1981) Ethnographer; linguist, specialist in Tunguso Manchu. lang. Genus. in the city of Ligovo, Petersburg province. She studied at the women's gymnasium Nikitina Podobed. OK. ethnogr. otd. geogr. fact ta/in ta Leningrad State University (1923 29). From stud. years participated in ethnogr. ... ... Biobibliographic Dictionary of Orientalists - Victims of Political Terror in the Soviet Period


    • Folklore of small social groups. Tradition and modernity, . The collection presents the materials of the conference "Folklore of small social groups: traditions and modernity", held by the State Republican Center of Russian Folklore and dedicated to ...

    Before the emergence of literature, along with the formation of human speech, there appeared

    various forms of oral verbal creativity, i.e. folklore. He came to us from the deepest antiquity. With the advent of writing and then literature, folklore did not disappear. It existed and developed in parallel with literature.

    To understand the many features folklore works you need to know what the old traditional life of the people was like and what role folklore played in it.

    Folklore was an integral part of folk life. He accompanied the first plowing and harvesting of the last sheaf in the field, youth festivities and Christmas or Trinity rites, christenings and weddings.

    ritual songs were considered the same obligatory component of the rite as the main ritual actions. It was even believed that if all ritual actions were not performed and the songs accompanying them were not performed, then the desired result would not be achieved.

    Calendar and ritual songs belong to the oldest type of folk art, and they got their name because of the connection with the folk agricultural calendar - the schedule of work according to the seasons.

    Calendar-ritual songs, as a rule, are small in volume and simple in poetic structure. They contain anxiety and glee, uncertainty and hope. One of common features- personification of the main image associated with the meaning of the rite. So, in Christmas songs, Kolyada is drawn, who walks around the yards, looking for the owner, endowing him with all sorts of blessings. FROM similar images- Shrovetide, Spring, Trinity - we meet in many calendar songs. Songs beg, these strange creatures call for good, and sometimes reproach them with deceit and frivolity.

    In their form, these songs are short poems, which with one stroke, two or three lines, indicate the mood, the lyrical situation.

    Russian folk ritual poetry is closely connected with the old traditional way of life and at the same time conceals an amazing wealth of poetry that has withstood the centuries-old test of time. For example, the Christmas New Year holidays lasted from December 24 to January 6. These holidays were associated with the winter solstice - one of the most important days of the agricultural calendar, which separated one annual life cycle from another. The Christian Church refers to this day and the day of the birth of Jesus Christ.

    caroling started on Christmas Eve, December 24th. This was the name of the festive detours of houses with the singing of carols, in which the owners of the house were famous and contained wishes for wealth, harvest, etc.

    Carols were sung by children or young people who carried a star on a pole. This star symbolized the Star of Bethlehem, which appeared in the sky at the time of the birth of Christ.

    The hosts presented carolers with sweets, cookies, and money. If the owners were stingy, then the carolers sang mischievous carols with comic threats, for example:

    Don't give me a pie -
    We are the cow by the horns.
    Do not give the gut -
    We are a pig by the temple.
    Do not give a pancake -
    We are the host in Pinka.

    The beginning of the year was given special significance. As you spend the New Year, so will the whole coming year. Therefore, they tried to make the table plentiful, people cheerful, wishing each other happiness and good luck. Cheerful short carols were the song form of such wishes.

    One of the types of New Year's songs were sub-songs. They accompanied New Year's divination. V. A. Zhukovsky in the poem "Svetlana" retells one of the most popular spy songs:

    Forge me gold and a new crown,
    Buy a golden ring.
    I should marry that crown
    Get engaged to that ring
    At the holy tax.

    You can compare it with the folklore version:
    There is a blacksmith from the forge, glory!
    The blacksmith carries three hammers, glory!
    Forge, blacksmith, I have a golden crown, glory!
    From the swatches I have a gold ring, glory!
    From the remnants, I get a pin, thank you!
    Marry me with that crown, glory!
    Get engaged with that ring, glory!
    And with that pin I'll ubrus
    stick, glory!
    That will come true, it will not pass, glory!

    The well-known sub-song is quoted in the 5th chapter of "Eugene Onegin" by A. S. Pushkin.
    A. S. Pushkin:
    And she took out a ring
    Under the song old days:
    All the men there are rich.
    They row silver with a shovel.
    To whom we sing, that's good
    And glory!

    Folk song:
    Rich men live beyond the river, glory!
    Rowing gold with a shovel, glory!
    To whom we sing a song, good, glory!
    That will come true, it will not pass, glory!

    In Shrovetide songs, Maslenitsa is usually scolded, ridiculed, called to return, called by comic human names: Avdotyushka, Izotievna, Akulina Savvishna ...

    V. I. Dal wrote that every day of Maslenitsa had its own name: Monday - meeting, Tuesday - flirting, Wednesday - gourmet, Thursday - wide Thursday, Friday - mother-in-law evenings, Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings, Sunday - seeing off. On the same
    week it was customary to ride from the mountains on a sled.

    As for the Trinity cycle, it should be noted that it was the richest in calendar and ritual songs, games, round dances. No wonder the poetic images and melodies of these songs attracted the attention of many Russian writers, for example
    A. N. Ostrovsky: Lel’s famous song “A cloud colluded with thunder” and a ritual song

    trinity cycle:
    A cloud with thunder conspired:
    "Let's go, cloud, walk on the field,
    To that field, to the Factory!
    You with the rain, and I with mercy,
    You will water, and I will grow!”…

    as well as composers (the song “In the field stood a birch tree ...” in the Fifth Symphony of P. I. Tchaikovsky, “The Snow Maiden” by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, etc.).

    The spring rituals were performed on the days of the main Great Lent of the year, so they almost did not have a festive game character.

    The main spring genre is stoneflies. They, in fact, were not sung, but called, climbing the hillocks and roofs. They called for spring and parted with winter.

    Some stoneflies resemble the lines familiar from childhood “Cockroaches” or “Flies-sokotuhi” (“cockroaches - into drums”).

    Here is one of this kind:

    ... Tits, tits,
    Bring on the needle!
    Bring on the sewing!
    The rosary, the rosary,
    Bring on the brush!
    Then, ducks
    Blow into the pipes
    Cockroaches -
    To the drums!

    Questions and tasks:

    • What folklore is called ritual?
    • What songs can be called calendar-ceremonial?
    • When and where were the carols sung? How are they different from other songs?
    • What calendar and ritual songs can be called the most cheerful?
    • Have you heard similar songs? Where and under what circumstances? Tell us more about it.
    • Explain the meaning of the words:

    oatmeal -

    bast shoes - _____________________________________________________________________________

    sickle - ________________________________________________________________________________

    reap - ________________________________________________________________________________

    Ritual poetry was interested in such outstanding Russian writers, poets, composers as A. S. Pushkin, N. A. Nekrasov, A. N. Ostrovsky, S. A. Yesenin, M. I. Glinka,

    N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, P.I. Tchaikovsky and others.

    • What interested them all in Russian folklore, Russian folk ritual poetry?



    What is ritual folklore? First of all, it is folk art, collective or individual, oral, less often written. The folklore style of communication between people usually did not involve emotions. It expressed thoughts and desires related to certain events and associated with them. Therefore, the rites mainly consist of songs, lamentations, family stories, lullabies, wedding praises. Occasional conspiracies, spells and incantations, counting rhymes and slander are considered a separate category.

    What is ritual folklore in a broader sense

    These are works of art small form associated with traditions, customs, religious and ethnographic genres. It should be noted that in all cases the rites bear signs of a folk character. At the same time, modernity seems to be blurred. ancient traditions Customs fit best in the past tense.

    The range of folklore rituals is quite wide. This is village choreography, choral singing in nature, during field work, haymaking or grazing. Since traditional customs were present in life ordinary people constantly, the ritual folklore of the Russian people has been and remains an integral part of their existence. The emergence of customs is always associated with long-term circumstances. The incessant drought that threatens the harvest can be an occasion for people to turn to God for help. Any natural phenomena, dangerous for a person, also make him look for a way out of this situation. And most often these are prayers and requests, candles and notes in churches.

    Many rituals and ritual folklore in general have a ritual and magical significance. They underlie behavioral norms in society, and sometimes even acquire features national character. This fact testifies to the depth of folklore values, which means that

    Folklore rituals are divided into labor, holiday, family and love rituals. Russians are closely intertwined with the folklore of other Slavic peoples. And besides, they are often associated typologically with the population of some countries located on the other side of the world. The interrelationship of seemingly different cultures is often due to a historically established analogy.

    Feast of Ivan Kupala

    Ritual folklore in Russia has always been self-sufficient and did not need to be fed from outside. The originality of Russian traditions and customs not only passed from generation to generation, but also grew with new rites, often exotic ones. The most notable folklore rite is This rite has pagan roots. On the night of Ivan Kupala, high bonfires were lit, and each of those present had to jump over the fire. This was not always possible, there was a danger of falling and getting burned.

    At night on Ivan Kupala, it was customary to commit ritual atrocities, steal livestock from neighbors, destroy beehives, trample gardens and firmly prop up the doors in the huts with sticks so that the tenants could not get out. The motives for all these actions are still unclear. The next day, the outrageous fellow villagers again became balanced citizens.

    Song ritual

    A significant place in Russian ritual folklore is occupied by poetry, which can be conditionally divided into song (spells, reproachful, laudatory songs) and magic (love spells, sentences, lamentations).

    Spell songs turned to nature, asked for well-being in the household and family affairs. Magnificent sang at Maslenitsa, carols and other celebrations. The reprimanding chants were of a mocking nature.

    Rites and calendar

    Along with others, in Russia there was a ritual folklore of the calendar type, which had direct relation to agricultural work in the broad sense. Calendar and ritual songs are the most ancient folk art, historically formed over the long years of peasant labor in the field and in haymaking.

    The agricultural calendar, the schedule of field work according to the seasons - this is a kind of program of the song genre. Melodies are all folk, born behind the plow, harrow and weeding. The words are simple, but this song poetry contained the whole gamut of human experiences, hope for good luck, anxious expectations, uncertainty, replaced by glee. Nothing brings people together like a common goal for all, whether it's harvesting or singing in a choir. Social values ​​inevitably take some form. IN this case this is folklore and with it Russian customs.

    Folklore by seasons

    The songs of the spring ritual repertoire sounded cheerful. They look like jokes, reckless and daring. The tunes of the summer months seemed deeper, they were sung with a sense of accomplishment, but as if with a hidden expectation of a miracle - good harvest. In the autumn, harvest time, ritual songs rang like a stretched string. People did not relax even for a minute, otherwise you would not have time to collect everything before the rains.

    Reason for fun

    And when the bins were full, then folk fun began, ditties, round dances, dances and weddings. Ritual folklore of the calendar phase of hard work smoothly turned into festivities and free life with feasts. The youth looked closely at each other, made new acquaintances. And here the traditional customs were not forgotten, the ritual folklore of the Russian people "rose to its full height." In the huts, fortune-telling began on the betrothed, the mummers, the girls burned candles for hours and swayed rings on thin threads. Boots and felt boots were thrown over the shoulder, a whisper was heard in the upper room.

    Christmas carols

    What is ritual folklore in terms of religion? The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is considered one of the most traditional in Russia. It follows immediately after the New Year. It is generally accepted that how you spend this holiday, so the whole year will be. Christmas is considered by some to be the beginning of a new year. This is the main Russian religious event. On January 6, on Christmas Eve, caroling began. These are festive rounds of houses and apartments with songs and bags full of grain. Children usually go caroling. Everyone wants to receive a pie or a handful of sweets from the owners of the house in response to congratulations on the holiday.

    The eldest in the procession of carolers usually carries on a pole the "Star of Bethlehem", which appeared in the sky when Jesus Christ was born. The hosts, to whom they came with carols, should not skimp on gifts for children, otherwise they will have to listen to the comic reproaches of the children.

    Main night of the year

    A few days after Christmas, the New Year began (today we call it the Old New Year), which was also accompanied by folklore rites. People wished each other happiness, long life and every success in business. Congratulations were presented in the form of short carols. folk rite there were also "observant" songs that accompanied divination after midnight. That's what ritual folklore is on New Year's Eve!

    And when winter is running out, it's time to see her off - and the people take to the streets to celebrate Maslenitsa. This is the time of cheerful folklore winter rites with skating in troikas, with races on squeaky sledges, with games on skates with clubs. The fun continues until dark, and late in the evening the whole family sits down by the stove and remembers the past holiday. During such gatherings, they sang songs, sang ditties, played games. This is also the ritual family folklore of the Russian people. It includes family stories, wedding songs, lullabies, lamentations, and much more.

    The culture of the Russian people is rich in traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. That is why ancient traditions and customs have been preserved. The majority of the Russian people adhere to the Christian faith of their Orthodox denomination, the values ​​of which are reflected in folk art. The whole life of the Russian people is subject to the unshakable traditions and customs of their people.

    Folklore is oral folk art, which is formed from the rites and customs of any people. In folklore, religious and everyday, everyday customs and beliefs of the people are intertwined.


    Baptism - traditions

    This is a mandatory rite in Orthodoxy, according to which it is customary to baptize, that is, to accept all newborn children into the bosom of the church. At the rite of baptism, in addition to the parents, the godmother and father should be present, whose duty was to spiritually guide the child as he grows up. The child's mother prepared the baptismal shirt ahead of time and pectoral cross, but godmother gave the child an icon depicting the patron saint. According to the Orthodox custom, the child at baptism was called the name of the saint, which was in the Saints on the day the child was baptized.

    christening gifts

    The guests invited to the christening gave the child memorable gifts, and the parents prepared a table with a rich treat. The mother of the child kept the baptismal shirt, and it happened that all subsequent children in the family were baptized in this baptismal shirt. When a child turns one year old, the godmother gives him a silver or gold spoon "for a tooth", which was kept in the family as a family heirloom.


    If you are baptized, then for all questions regarding the observance of customs and traditions, contact your confessor.

    How to observe household ritual traditions?

    Modern young people seek and find the origins of folk customs and traditions. Even people who are far from knowledge of customs, when celebrating calendar or household holidays, try to observe ritual traditions. Just go to the original sources.

    Russian wedding traditions

    Wedding festivities usually took place between fasts, mainly in the fall after the end of the harvest in the fields or in the winter at the so-called "wedding party" - the time from Christmas to Maslenitsa. After the couple from the future bride and groom had already been determined, according to tradition, a Conspiracy was held, at which the parents of the bride and groom agreed on all the conditions for the conclusion marriage union. Parents agreed that they would give the young to set up their own farm, where the young would live. The ceremony of marriage took place only through a wedding in the church. Only those who were baptized and of only one religion could get married. If one of the future spouses professed a different faith, then an indispensable condition was his transition and baptism into Orthodoxy.


    Future spouses before the altar take an oath to the Lord God himself, so the divorce of married couples was almost impossible.

    Before the wedding

    Before the wedding, the bride and groom had to fast for 7 days, and on the day of the wedding they had to perform the sacrament of communion. The icons of the Savior and the Mother of God were used in the wedding ceremony. Parents of the young for the wedding had to prepare candles, a towel and wedding rings. The wedding was attended by the groom's best man, and from the bride's side by her bridesmaids.

    After the wedding

    After the wedding, on the threshold of the house, already young, the parents met with bread and salt and vigilantly watched which of the young would break larger piece from the loaf. It is believed that the one who breaks off a larger piece will dominate the family.


    A generous treat is prepared for the invited guests, and before being seated at the table, the guests were led to show the bride's dowry, which was the pride and symbol of the rich bride. The more linen, dishes in the dowry, the richer the bride is considered and the more favorably the daughter-in-law is accepted into the husband's family. Walking at Russian weddings can last from three days to a week.

    Customs and rituals in Russian folklore

    Knowledge and adherence to national customs give a Russian person a sense of belonging to their roots, which is very much appreciated in traditional Russian culture. Particularly revered Russian folklore traditions are most clearly manifested in holidays: Maslenitsa, Easter, Christmas, Christmas time, Ivan Kupaly's day - these are especially revered holidays that relate to calendar holidays. Baptism, weddings and funerals are part of everyday ritual traditions.


    The Church most firmly and traditionally observes all the customs and traditions inherent in the Orthodox denomination. Modern young people seek and find the origins of folk customs and traditions. Even people who are far from knowledge of customs, when celebrating calendar or household holidays, try to observe ritual traditions.

    History of Russian folklore

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