Home Grape Service on Palm Sunday evening. What to do at home with consecrated willow. Properties of the consecrated willow

Service on Palm Sunday evening. What to do at home with consecrated willow. Properties of the consecrated willow

Palm Sunday is the last Sunday before Easter. returning to bible stories we learn that on this day the Lord's entry into Jerusalem took place. Jesus Christ rode into the city on a donkey, at a time when the people of Israel were under the claims of the Romans, and on the eve of significant event, the resurrection of the deceased Lazarus, Christ was greeted as a winner, as the Messiah, about whom the prophets prophesied.

Icon of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem

All the events described in the Bible are parables, or symbolize something. The entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem in meaning symbolizes the entrance righteous man to heaven. They met Jesus as the King of kings, not earthly, but heavenly. Those who met perceived this event as a holiday. At that time, it was customary to meet kings with palm branches and flowers in their hands, meaning respect and admiration for the ruler or the winner. No one yet knew what fate was prepared for the Savior in the next seven days, and how those who praised Him would crucify Him in a few days...

IN southern countries, where almost the whole year is very hot, palm trees are not rare plants, their leaves are wide fans, like royal fans. As in biblical times, this day of the week is called flower-bearing Sunday.

Palm trees do not grow in our latitudes, but willow is the very first of the plants that comes to life in spring, even if the snow has not yet melted. Even before the leaves and grass are pecked, willow buds fluff out on the branches, meaning that the winter season has ended. Therefore, it was the willow that became the symbol of the coming rebirth and the threshold of Easter.

By the way, if you pay attention, the branches brought to the temple look different. This is because they belong to plants of the willow family, which have different names: willow, willow, willow, willow, and various botanical classification. But all of them are the first to open fluffy silvery buds.

On the eve of the resurrection, at the all-night Saturday service, willow branches, which can be combined with flowers in bouquets, are consecrated after reading the Gospel, censing and sprinkling with holy water. This Orthodox tradition echoes the meeting of Jesus in Jerusalem.

Sometimes parishioners in churches during the consecration of willows worry about whether their branches were sprinkled with holy water enough. But believers should know that lighting occurs by the grace of the Holy Spirit, so no matter how much water got on the branches, it is important true faith and a deep understanding of the significance of the coming days. Sprinkling can be repeated on the day of the holiday itself. In some churches, consecrated willow is also offered in church shops.

In Russian Orthodox traditions Palm Sunday long familiar religious holiday, and in the handling of willow branches one can see the response of a pre-Orthodox pagan quality. It is customary to knock each other with a consecrated willow branch, thereby expelling evil spirits and ailments, giving vitality and health. And it is also believed that the consecrated willow twig is able to control even the most naughty pets, and the willows placed at the head of the bed keep the family hearth. Of course, these are superstitions, but for many centuries this tradition has been remembered by the people.

Artist Vladimir Sulkovsky "Palm Week"

The consecrated willow branches preserve the entire next year. According to old traditions, they are dried and left next to home icons.

If you need to dispose of branches that have lost their appearance, then it is recommended to burn them separately from other branches and debris, this can be done in some temples in specially designated places.

But if you keep them in water, they can germinate and give good roots, willows take root quite easily. Then take them to the dacha or find a place in the yard where you can plant a willow that will bloom with delicate fluffy buds every spring.

As Palm Sunday approaches, signs become especially important and significant. At this time, it is customary to make forecasts almost a year ahead about the weather and the future harvest.

Lazarus Saturday

Another holiday celebrated on Saturday of Palm Week is the Resurrection of Lazarus.

Word was sent to Jesus that his friend and companion Lazarus of Bethany was seriously ill, and they asked him to hurry. It was not clear why Christ was in no hurry. And only after the news that Lazarus had died, he set off.

When he arrived in Bethany, four days had passed since his death. The relatives and friends of the deceased were in deep sorrow. Jesus prayed earnestly near the cave where Lazarus was buried.

He appealed to God with requests to perform a miracle. After the prayer, the stone blocking the entrance was moved away, and those present saw the miracle of the resurrection. 4 days ago, Lazar turned out to be alive.

Christians have been celebrating Lazarus Saturday since the 4th century. Three and a half centuries later, a certain canon for holding services on this day was developed. The hymns during the service do not point to an accidental miracle, but to an important symbol of the strengthening of faith.

After sunset, during the evening service, willow branches begin to be blessed. This is the beginning of the celebration of Palm Sunday.

Holiday Palm Sunday

As mentioned above, Palm Sunday church canons starts on Saturday evening. But the main services and the consecration of the willow are held on Sunday.

Among other things, in Russia this holiday personifies the awakening of nature after long winter. No wonder the northern Slavs chose willow as a symbol of this day. The tree is a harbinger of spring. As soon as the sun warms the air, fluffy lumps hatch into the light. It is they who give faith in the coming warm days.

Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday with joy. How is this day celebrated in Russia? People of all ages go to Sunday morning in nearest church to consecrate willow branches. The churched parishioners stand the service, praying and participating in hymns. Upon returning home, it is customary to slightly unfasten the home with willow with wishes of health and grace.

The consecrated branches are placed next to the icons, braided into braids, made into amulets, nailed to outbuildings. A year later, on the eve of a new holiday, the willow is burned.

If you know the exact date celebrations, you can prepare in advance. How to calculate what date Palm Sunday will be celebrated in a given year? To determine the date, you need to know what day Easter will be. Exactly one week before the Resurrection of the Lord, the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem is celebrated.

What not to do

Palm Sunday is a significant holiday for Christians. Any work on this day is undesirable. Some don't even recommend cooking. IN modern world everything is much easier. There are such services and professions that involve the daily performance of work, regardless of calendar dates. But if there is no special need for any business, then it is better, of course, to postpone it.

In the old days, women were forbidden to comb their hair on this day, just like on the Annunciation. It is clear that now this is hardly possible. Although the owners of long curls can comply with the ban. Braided hair, covered with a scarf on top, may well do without combing for a day.

What other prohibitions exist on Palm Sunday? What is completely unacceptable is to indulge in gluttony. The end of the sixth week of fasting does not imply a plentiful feast. A little wine, lenten dishes prepared with vegetable oil, fish - this is the basis of the festive table.

Holiday traditions

The main and main tradition of the holiday is the consecration of willow branches. It is believed that there should be exactly as many as there are people in the family. For some peoples, family amulets are woven from these branches. Their power is great. They protect the house from unkind people and fire, save from hurricanes and floods, from poverty, despondency and disease.

On Palm Sunday, weather and harvest signs are especially reliable. They have been supported by families for generations. This is especially important for residents involved in agriculture.

The tradition of putting coins in bread comes from Belarus. Thus, it is possible to determine who will be accompanied by good luck and prosperity throughout the year.

In some areas, it is customary to put consecrated branches into the coffin of the deceased. This tradition goes back to the very beginning of Christianity. It is believed that thanks to the willow, one can enter the gates of paradise and greet the Savior there. Among other things, the willow tree is a symbol of life and awakening.

Traditional willow bazaars. Children especially love this entertainment, as the main product is sweets. In addition, they offer pleasant trifles for the household and all the same willow, collected in bouquets and decorated with ribbons and paper angels.

A tree grown from a consecrated branch increases wealth in the house. Therefore, the bouquets brought from the church are placed in water and carefully watched for roots to appear.

Rites and customs

Many folk omens on Palm Sunday have long grown into rituals, customs and rituals.

If you live near a river, try dropping a willow twig into the water. If she floats away from you, then in the near future, prosperity is expected to be added to the house.

Branches attached to the roof will protect the inhabitants of the house from illness and mental anguish.

Whipping children with branches on a holiday is the most common ritual. With each blow, a wish for health is also spoken.

And here is another custom for increasing wealth. At total ban anything to do on this day is still recommended to plant indoor plant with thick round leaves. If the flower is accepted and grows rapidly, you can be sure that wealth will come to the house.

Rites on Palm Sunday are traditions dating back to the depths of centuries. To believe them, to observe whether - everyone decides for himself. For some, this is the principle of life, while for others it is just a beautiful addition to the day off.

The use of consecrated willow in folk medicine

It has long been believed that a willow contained a huge healing power. Sprinkling with holy water multiplies it several times. How can you use the twigs brought from the church on Palm Sunday? What to do with them to improve health? Here are some examples of the use of willow for medicinal purposes:

  • Taking a decoction of the branches, you can get rid of headaches, fever, fever, insomnia.
  • Rubbing the decoction on sore spots relieves rheumatic pains.
  • Willow infusion on vodka will help to cope with intestinal infections and disorders.
  • The leaves are able to heal wounds.
  • Swallowing consecrated open buds helps with infertility.
  • Babies sleep more peacefully after bathing in water infused with willow branches.

Willow in traditional medicine used wherever it grows and enjoys well-deserved respect.

Folk omens

Folk omens for Palm Sunday have long come into use. They are passed from elders to younger and become part of our lives.

Calm sunny weather promises a warm windless summer and a rich harvest. A strong wind promised chilly weather.

A cold but clear day gave hope for the productivity of spring crops.

Palm Sunday without frost increases the chance for an abundance of fruit.

The number of blooming earrings also served as an indicator of the future harvest.

And on this day, it is customary to mentally call on a loved one, and the meeting will definitely take place.

Every year for many centuries the church opens its doors to everyone who believes in salvation. Palm Sunday is a holiday that symbolizes the power of faith, its rebirth. Willow branches and bouquets bring peace and protection to the house. Following the first rays of the sun, hope for the best is born in the hearts. And even if this day is fraught with a lot of sadness, it is still a harbinger of the Light Sunday of Christ and the salvation of all mankind.

Where to put willow twigs after Palm Sunday?

Palm branch B Ancient Egypt And Ancient Greece symbolized victory, glory, health and longevity. About his victory warriors Ancient Hellas reported by sending a messenger to their people with a palm branch.

Participants received a palm branch as a sign of victory. Olympic Games. In the Roman Empire, palm twigs were used as home decor during the Saturnalia festival. A palm branch was also left on the tombstones of valiant warriors and nobility.

  • In Jerusalem, the palm branch symbolized veneration: war heroes and representatives royal family greeted with palm branches.
  • Jesus was also greeted by the people with a palm branch when he arrived in Jerusalem, because they saw in him the Messiah, who was known from the prophecies.
  • According to Christian tradition palm branches are a symbol of eternity, the victory of Christ over death.

Where to put the old consecrated willow from last year before Palm Sunday?

The absence of palm trees in Russia was compensated by willow branches, which usually begin to bloom by Palm Sunday.

Worship during the celebration All-night vigil) of the day of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on Saturday is accompanied by prayers and singing, during the performance of which they bless the willow. This happens after reading the Gospel, when the repentant 50th psalm is pronounced.

People who come to the temple on this day are sprinkled with holy water by the priest and read a special prayer. The consecration of palm twigs after the divine service does not make sense: it is important not to leave the church with a twig, but to defend the Liturgy with it.

  • With a consecrated willow, people receive help, because the text of the prayer is a request to observe and save the one who holds the twig in his hands.
  • Willow twigs that were consecrated during the service are brought home to be put in a vase or attached to the icon.
  • It is necessary for consecrated willow twigs to stand next to the icons for a year before the next holiday.

  • Willow twigs brought home after the service should not be thrown away with the rest of the garbage.
  • Last year's twigs are burned before Palm Sunday, taking out the ashes to a place where no one walks. You can pour the ashes into the river (but not into stagnant water).
  • If willow branches that have taken root are planted in the ground, they will quickly take root if they are provided with abundant watering.

Where are consecrated willow branches placed?

  • next to the icons
  • fastened to crucifixes
  • put near fireplaces, stoves
  • bringing pets into stalls
  • left in vases with water

Children are “quilted” with consecrated willow branches so that they grow up healthy

Palm branches, consecrated during the service, are a powerful protection against misfortunes, ailments and troubles for the whole year. It is better to make room for fresh consecrated willow twigs before going to church for a festive service or returning from the temple.

When will willow blossom and bloom?

  • Willow is a wind-pollinated plant. Male flowers spread their pollen with the help of the wind, thanks to the same wind, male pollen falls on female flowers.
  • Flowering of wind pollinated plants occurs before the leaves bloom. Air currents move next to the flowers, carrying light grains of pollen, and the foliage does not interfere with pollination.
  • Willow catkins during the flowering period are abundantly covered with pollen, which attracts bees and bumblebees, which in early spring are in search of boxes of nectar. That is why the willow is classified as secondarily adapted to pollination by insects.
  • Willow shoots acquire a red-brown color in April or early May due to films appearing on flower buds that have a reddish tint.
  • After that, delicate fluffy grayish-white colors open on the branches. These are male willow flowers. They are collected in earrings.
  • From them, long stamens with pollen soon appear and gray fluffs turn into yellow ones. Willow buds from gray sheep turn into tiny chickens. By May-June, seeds are formed in the willow.

When do you need to tear the willow on Palm Sunday?

The flowering period of the holly willow just falls on Palm Sunday. On the eve of the Day of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, namely on Lazarus Saturday before Palm Sunday, it is supposed to tear the willow for consecration.

How to save willow until Palm Sunday?

If you stocked up on willow branches on the eve of the holiday or a few days before it, then put the branches in the water. So the blossoming fluffy buds will not dry out and will not wither.

How to decorate a willow with your own hands to the church?

If you decide to decorate willow branches for the holiday with your own hands, then look at the photo selection below. Here you will find many wonderful options.

Willow branches look beautiful with the first spring flowers: tulips, daffodils.

Having collected a whole bouquet of willow branches with your own hands, you can wrap it with a ribbon or twine, and as additional element decor use tiny birds or easter bunnies.

From artificial willow twigs, you can weave a wreath or basket and put small decorative eggs in it.

When do they bless the willow in the church: on Saturday or Sunday?

  • Festive worship takes place on Saturday night. During the service, the priest reads a prayer and sprinkles the people who came to church with holy water.
  • If you came to church without symbolic twigs, then after the service you can take a consecrated willow with you - a sign of readiness to meet the Savior.
  • At the same time, it is not important how much holy water fell on the willow, but that it was sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

What to do with the consecrated willow after the holiday?

Some Orthodox do not know what to do with willow branches brought from the temple. Ordinary twigs plucked the day before become a shrine that recalls the solemn appearance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.

But besides this, willow branches brought from the church retain their magical qualities all year round, which is why it is so important to keep them in the house until next spring:

  • willow twigs are used to decorate rooms
  • willow twigs, along with other flowers, are used in flower arrangements, they make bouquets
  • consecrated willow twigs can be used to cleanse the house of evil (twigs are set on fire and carried around the house, while saying a prayer)
  • for the same purpose, willow twigs are burned in the oven during the baking of Easter cakes
  • after the willow has fulfilled its functions, it can be taken to the temple (there it will be slowly burned, reading prayers)
  • last year's willow twigs are swept around the corners, and, having said words of gratitude for the service, they are thrown into the fire
    so that the children grow up and do not get sick, adults jokingly beat them with willow twigs
  • willow twigs that have survived from the past Palm Sunday can be burned by pouring ashes where no one walks (for example, under a tree in a garden or in a forest, ashes are often thrown into a flowing river)
  • willow twigs are rafted downstream of water or stream

How much should willow stand after Palm Sunday?

  • Willow branches brought home at the end of the service are placed in the places where the icons stand. There they must stand for a whole year until next spring. And so that the branches stand for a long time and do not crumble, put them in an empty dry vase.
  • If on Palm Sunday you did not go to the temple and you do not have fresh willow branches in the house, then you can leave last year's ones. They will stand for another year, showing their wonderful properties.

How many willow branches should be planted at home?

  • Since willow twigs are a symbolic reminder of the meeting with the Savior, there is no unambiguous answer to the question of how many willow twigs you need to take with you to worship.
  • Believers choose for themselves the number of branches
    they take an unpaired number of branches, take as many branches as there are households in the family.

How to bless willow at home?

If you didn’t manage to visit the temple on Palm Sunday or didn’t have the opportunity to ask someone you know to bring you consecrated willow twigs after the service, then consecrate them yourself. For this, holy water is used.

  • The crumbling willow "seals" from the consecrated bouquets should be collected and stacked where the rest of the willow twigs are.
  • And only before the onset of Palm Sunday, twigs and fallen buds can be burned so that fresh blossoming willow takes their place.

Is it possible to plant a consecrated willow on the site?

Sprouted willow twigs that have stood in a vase of water for a long time can be planted in the ground, but not in the yard (it is better to plant near a river or in a forest, because it is believed that a person who planted a willow will die as soon as a shovel can be made from a branch).

Video: Willow / To light or not to light / Where to put the old willow / Palm Sunday

This issue is resolved at the parish individually. However, the true consecration of the willow, as in the old days, is carried out under special prayers on Saturday. In 2017, it falls on April 8th. Many do not know when the willow is illuminated on Saturday or Sunday. The question is complex, in many respects it depends on the orders in the temple. Here is what modern sources write about this.

Saturday Eve

It is called Lazareva, in honor of one of the most striking miracles of Jesus Christ. An event took place in it, during which Christ was able to resurrect Lazarus, who had been dead for 4 days and had already begun to decompose. According to legend, he also symbolized the Savior himself, who will rise on the 3rd day after his death on the cross. However, the resurrection of Lazarus allowed hundreds of thousands of witnesses to believe in his power and divine calling. That is why Lazarus Saturday smoothly transitions into Palm Sunday, when Christ was greeted during his entry into Jerusalem. And according to the Jewish calendar, the holidays all begin the night before. It is for this reason that the willow begins to be blessed on Saturday at the evening service. It was at this time that the priest reads special prayers for the consecration of the vayi - this is how the willow is called in Church Slavonic. If in the southern countries Christians present various flowers and palm branches, as in Greece, then the Russians buy young willow branches on Palm Sunday. They can be picked up in the forest belt, but it is better to buy in the market or near the temple. They are sold in the temple, as well as church candles. It is necessary before the service (it starts at 16 or 15 o'clock) to buy a church candle and several willow branches. A candle can be placed in the temple in front of the icon or kept from consecrating the willow. Usually such prayers are read at the end of the service in order to bless the willow. Then the priest sprinkles holy water on her, and then she can already be taken from the temple. Those who cannot bring willow can buy it at the temple. After that, you can use it to put it at home.

However, for those who cannot, for various reasons, be in the temple on Saturday evening, after sunset, they make a special consecration of the willow in the temple. The priest usually talks about his time at the end of the service on the evening of Lazarus Saturday, but you can find out from the announcement at the temple or from parishioners. What exactly is the consecration of the willow on Sunday, you need to find out only in the temple.

Sunday afternoon

You can find out the date of worship on Saturday or call the temple. Sometimes on morning service, which starts at 8 o'clock, you can find out what time it will be (at the end). Then you should go to the market or near the temple to buy a few willow branches. Then come in specified time. In it, usually consecration takes place not in the temple, but not in the street. The priest simply walks with holy water, baptizes the willow and after that you can carry it home. It is considered a good omen if you can bring the flame of a candle to your house without it burning out. After that, she carries a source of grace to the house, protecting it from troubles and witchcraft.

What is the consecration of the willow for and what does it give people

Holy willow is considered a very useful home protection from evil spirits. Its manifestations can be completely different. She protects some people from passions (in the church they mean suffering), the effects of witchcraft or despair due to misfortune. During Palm Sunday, it is known that the fast is slightly weakened. At this time, you can not do various agricultural work, house cleaning, laundry, major business. Worth cooking festive table and put some willow branches in the middle. They will remind you of spring and happiness, give hope for best time. Here's what this table can be and what must be present.

  1. A fish dish. It replaces meat. It is best to make baked fish, for example, with garlic, various spices, dill and basil. It is best to choose carps for this purpose, gut them and bake them with spices. It can be done according to the number of people in the house. For those who have little time to cook, you can cook pike perch in tomato, salmon or soup from it, and even crayfish. The tastier the fish dish is prepared - the main one for this holiday, the better your holiday will be.
  2. Salad with mussels, shrimps and seafood. You can do them in different ways. The simplest and most delicious - mussels with crab sticks, sweet corn, lettuce and orange slices. It will be a very tasty and pleasant snack, addition to a fish dish.
  3. Wine. It is better to use red or quality white wine, but not beer, champagne or cocktails.
  4. Fruits and sweets. You can use a variety of dishes that will make dinner tasty and enjoyable. On the table you can put lemonade or juice for children. Different kinds chocolate will let you feel the festive mood.

The holiday is advised to be celebrated in a family or friendly circle without wild fun and an abundance of booze. Such a holiday will be pleasant to all households. Don't forget to also select

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Week of Vay, Palm Sunday) - a holiday that takes place on the sixth Sunday and is established in remembrance of the solemn entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. This holiday passing, that is, its date changes every year and depends on . Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, the last and most important part of Lent.

Palm Sunday 2018 April 1st

Palm Sunday. holiday event

Solemn entry of the Lord into Jerusalem preceded by the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus from Bethany. We find a touching account of this event in the Gospel of John. When Lazarus fell ill, his sisters Martha and Mary were immediately sent to tell the Savior about it. Lazarus soon died and was buried, and only four days later the Lord came to Bethany. “Lord, if you were here, my brother would not have died!” said Martha. The Savior replied that Lazarus would rise again, and went to the cave where he was buried. When the stone was rolled away, the Lord prayed, and then called out in a loud voice: “Lazarus, get out!” And Lazarus, entangled in grave clothes, came out of the tomb, in which he had lain for four days.

The Lord has resurrected the dead before, shortly after death. But this miracle especially shocked all those present, because the smell of decay was already coming from the deceased, he was buried and lay in the coffin for several days. Many who saw and heard about this event believed in Christ.

When the next day the Savior entered Jerusalem, where many pilgrims had gathered before the feast of the Old Testament Passover, He was greeted as a conqueror. The scribes and high priests, who were looking for the slightest reason to kill Jesus Christ, wanted to kill the resurrected one as well. Lazar went into hiding and subsequently became the first bishop of Cyprus. He lived another 30 years.

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem solemn meeting describe all four Evangelists. The disciples, at the command of the Lord, brought to him a donkey and a young donkey, on which they laid their clothes, and He sat on top of them. Many people who learned about the great miracle met the Savior: they spread their clothes on the road, others laid cut branches. Accompanying and meeting people loudly exclaimed:

Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!

The donkey and the young donkey, not yet walking under the saddle, symbolized the Old Testament Israel and the pagans, who also believed in Christ. The Evangelists note that Jesus Christ, as the Son of David, enters Jerusalem on a young donkey, just like David did after the victory over Goliath.

The people greeted Christ as a victor and a triumphant, but the Lord went to Jerusalem not for earthly power, not in order to free the Jews from the power of the Roman invaders. He went to suffering and death on the cross. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday. Only a few days will pass, and again many people will gather. But this time the crowd will shout, "Crucify Him, crucify Him!"

Palm Sunday. history of the holiday

Celebration Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem known since the first centuries of Christianity. Already in the III century, St. Methodius of Patara mentions him in his teaching. The Holy Fathers Ambrose of Milan and Epiphanius of Cyprus, who lived in the 4th century, in their sermons say that the holiday is celebrated solemnly, many believers go on this day in a solemn procession with branches in their hands. Therefore, the holiday received another name - the Week of vay or flower-bearing. In Russia, fluffy earrings bloom just at this time. Hence and vernacular name holiday - Palm Sunday. On this day, food with fish is allowed. On the eve, on Lazarus Saturday, it is customary to eat caviar.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Festive worship

In the hymns to the holiday, first of all, the humility of the Savior, modestly walking on a dumb colt, is indicated, and an appeal is made to believers to meet the Coming One with jubilant singing: “ Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest". Texts Orthodox service not only describe the events that took place in Jerusalem two thousand years ago, but also show us their significance, in particular, the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. The first proverb (Gen. XLIX, 1-2, 8-12) contains the prophecy of Patriarch Jacob to the son of Judah that kings will come from his family until the Conciliator appears (i.e., the Lord Jesus Christ); in the second proverb (Zephaniah III, 14-19) it is prophesied about the triumph of Zion and the rejoicing of Israel, because among them is the Lord, the King of Israel. The third proverb (Zechariah IX, 9-15) predicts the solemn entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on a young donkey:

Your king is coming to you, righteous and saving; He is meek and sits on a colt and a young colt.

The canon depicts the joy of true Israel, honored to be a witness of the Lord's Royal Entry into Jerusalem, and the malice of the scribes and Pharisees and Jewish high priests, with which they looked at the triumph of the Son of David. All living beings are called to glorify the Lord, who goes to free and saving suffering.


Russian Faith Library

The evening service has a feature that distinguishes this holiday from others: after the Gospel, the priest reads a prayer over a willow, in which the dove is remembered, which brought Noah a branch of an olive tree, and the children who greeted Christ with branches with the words: “ Hosanna in the highest! Blessed are the coming ones in the name of the Lord". Having venerated the Gospel, the worshipers receive from the priest several branches of the consecrated willow, and for the rest of the service they hold them in their hands along with burning candles. Returning home, believers place a willow next to the icons. Last year's "bouquets" are not usually thrown away, they are burned or lowered into the river.

In the Apostle (Phil. IV, 4,-9) believers are called to meekness, peacefulness, prayerful mood and fidelity to the teachings of Christ. The Gospel tells of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem (John XII, 1-18) and of the supper at Bethany.

Troparion holiday explains to us spiritual meaning solemn entry of the Lord into Jerusalem:

Џ the general resurrection before its S passion ўversz, and 3z8 the dead in the engine є3si2 lazarz xrte b9e. the same and 3 we are 2 ћkw strotsy, victorious џbryz more, to you the winner of death cries out 1m, nsanna in 8 external bliss of the grave in 2 and 3mz of the city.

Russian text

Confirming the General Resurrection before Your sufferings, You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God. Therefore, we, like children, wearing the symbols of victory, say to You - the Conqueror of death: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who walks in the name of the Lord!

Holiday kontakion. Church Slavonic text:

N a prt0le on nb7si, on the lot on the earth

Russian text

Christ God, carried on the throne, and on earth on a donkey, You received the hymn from the children and the praise from the angels crying out: "Blessed is the Lord, who comes to call (from hell) Adam."

"Donkey ride"

In the XVI-XVII centuries. in Russia in Moscow, Veliky Novgorod and others big cities there was a custom procession on the day of the holiday in a special way. In Moscow, a solemn religious procession was heading from the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin to the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral), one of the aisles of which was consecrated in the name of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. The patriarch rode on a young donkey, which was led by the tsar. Most often, the "donkey" was symbolic - a horse of a light suit.

In Russia, this custom did not arise independently, but was borrowed from the Greeks. In the Church of Constantinople donkey ride was known as early as the 9th–10th centuries. The earliest Russian evidence of such a custom is found in the account books of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod for 1548. The governor of Novgorod led a donkey on which sat the archbishop. The procession went from St. Sophia Cathedral to the Church of the Entrance to Jerusalem and back. It is known that such a ceremony was also held in the 17th century in Rostov the Great, Ryazan, Kazan, Astrakhan and Tobolsk. IN late XVII century, the custom was abolished.

Palm Sunday in folk traditions

Palm Sunday was timed to coincide with some folk rituals and customs. During Matins, the peasants prayed with consecrated willow and, having come home, swallowed willow buds in order to protect themselves from illness and drive away any ailment. On the same day, women baked nuts from dough and gave them for health to all households, not excluding animals. The consecrated willow was protected until the first cattle pasture (April 23), and every pious housewife drove the cattle out of the yard without fail with a willow, and then the willow itself was either “launched into the water” or stuck under the roof of the house. This was done with the aim that the cattle would not only be preserved intact, but that they would return home regularly, and would not wander in the forest for several days.

Russian historian and ethnographer II half of XIX century M. Zabylin in the book "Russian people. His customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry” describes the traditions of Palm Week in this way.

« palm week, or the week of Vay, we are enlivened by a purely holiday of the beginning of spring; a willow or a willow, which has not yet given leaves, blooms and thereby declares, as it were, that our northern nature will soon reward us and all living on earth with new blessings. The very holiday of the Resurrection of Lazarus serves as a symbol of renewal, the revival of powerful nature. On Palm Week, children's bazaars were established in the capitals, where they sell mainly children's toys, willows, flowers and sweets, as if to commemorate the fact that small children met the spring of their lives and should rejoice in this life, and looking at the toy, study the essence of it. of their future, since each toy is a visual literacy, a visual teaching that develops further understanding in the child, brings him closer to life and develops his thinking through visualization, comparison of actions and images. On Lazarus Saturday, everyone allows eating caviar, lean pancakes and various kitchen biscuits.

On Palm Sunday, returning from church with consecrated willow twigs, village women whip their children with them, saying: “ Willow whip, beat to tears!» In Nerekhta, peasant women bake lambs on Palm Sunday, and when they come from church, they feed cattle with these lambs, and willows are stuck in the village at St. icons and protect it all year round until George's Day. This practice continues in many provinces. It is known that in our country the first spring pasture of cattle begins with St. George's Day. On this day, the peasants take a one-year-old willow, soak it in holy water, sprinkle the cattle in the yard with it, and then whip the cattle with this willow, saying: “ Lord, bless and reward with health! And sometimes just: God bless you and be healthy"... and with a willow in their hands they bring to the place of pasture. The consecrated willow is highly respected and is usually preserved by the Russian pious people behind images for a whole year. In some provinces, willow, consecrated on Palm Sunday, is used as a sympathetic remedy and put into the swill of sick cows or calves.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Icons

Images of the Savior riding on a donkey are already known in early Christian art. Almost all images of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem have a common compositional scheme, but differ significantly in details. Christ blessing right hand, sits on a donkey, He is accompanied by two apostles talking among themselves. One of them is determined by a stable iconographic type as Peter, while the second apostle, quite young, may be Thomas, Philip or John. At the bottom of the compositions, children are depicted rejoicing at the coming of the Savior. An indispensable element of the iconography of the holiday is the image of the Mount of Olives.

A significant change in the iconography of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem takes place in the XIV - early XV century. Now the Savior is most often presented in a complex perspective - he turns back to the apostles. The considered pose of Christ is present on the icons from the festive row of the iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, the Assumption Cathedral of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, tablet icons from Novgorod and many others.

In the Pskov images of the 16th century, the Savior is represented sitting with his feet forward, and left shoulder turned towards the viewer so that He enters Jerusalem almost with his back forward.

Temples in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

In many ancient cities temples in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem were built in the XIV-XV centuries. Until our time, they have survived mainly in a rebuilt form. So, the temple in Veliky Novgorod, built in 1336 by Bishop Vasily, was dismantled "for dilapidation" in 1759. At the same time, the construction of a new cathedral designed by the architect Rastrelli began. The building has survived to this day, it houses a lecture hall.

Often the temple was not independent, but was considered an aisle of the main city cathedral, even if it stood separately. Perhaps this is due to the rite of the “donkey procession”? With the appearance and spread of this custom in Russia, the construction of churches in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or aisles in Moscow (the western aisle of St. Basil's Cathedral), Ryazan, Kashin, Kazan, Suzdal and other cities also coincides.

The rector of the cathedral of Yuryevets Povolzhsky (now the Ivanovo region) was an archpriest. True, he did not serve there for long, only eight weeks. The new archpriest was so strict with the flock, trying to correct people who were accustomed to dissolute life that beat him almost to death! The governor posted guards around the house and did not allow the massacre to be completed. The rebellion did not subside, and Archpriest Avvakum was forced to flee to Kostroma, and then to Moscow, where he later served in the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square. BUT Cathedral in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem in Yuryevets It was rebuilt in the 18th century and has survived to this day.

There are no Old Believer churches consecrated in honor of this holiday.

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