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Luxembourg: attractions and general information. Population of Luxembourg: description, composition, employment and size

A small country in Western Europe - Luxembourg. Despite its diminutive size, the state has a rich history, a peculiar culture and a very patriotic population. Luxembourg is different high quality life, which has a positive effect on the demography of the country.


It is not easy to see Luxembourg on a map of Europe. The capital, area, population can be characterized in very small numbers. The area of ​​the country, for example, is only 2,586.4 km². Next to such neighbors as Belgium, Germany and France, the country, of course, looks very modest. However, the state and the population, for which Luxembourg is a beloved Motherland, are very proud of the fact that they manage to maintain sovereignty surrounded by such powerful countries.

The relief of the country is predominantly hilly upland, which in the north abuts against the Ardennes mountains. The main waterway of the state is its tributaries. There are also several more medium-sized reservoirs flowing here. If you look at the map of Luxembourg, it becomes clear that the country is predominantly populated. The free territory (about 20% of the total area) is occupied by dense forests and rivers. The climate here is temperate, influenced by the nearby Atlantic. Luxembourgers often compare their state with Switzerland, claiming that they have similar living conditions. However, the mountains are smaller and the climate is milder.

Settlement history

The territory on which modern Luxembourg is located was inhabited already in ancient times. Archaeologists have found a lot of evidence that already in the Upper Neolithic there were human settlements here. A sedentary population appears around the 13th century BC. Later Gauls and Franks lived here. During this period, the population of Luxembourg was small. Actually, the history of the country begins in the Middle Ages, when a defensive fort was created here in the 10th century. At this time, a gradual mass settlement of the territory begins. Over the course of several centuries, this piece of land has been inherited by several aristocratic families of Europe. Castles, cities are built here, the population density is growing. Soon the country takes on a modern look.

State of Luxembourg

Luxembourg - a state whose population is of interest because of its size - has all the attributes modern country... From point of view political structure the power is a constitutional monarchy. The main person in the state is the Grand Duke, today it is Henri, or Heinrich (in the German manner), from the monarchical family of Nassau. He has the right to accept and dismiss the government, interfere in legislative activities, and represent the country at the highest levels. In addition, it can have some impact on the work of the MPs.

However, in fact, all legislature remains with the parliament, and the executive - with the government. The Duke is only the face of the country. The state is established. Thanks to democratic elections, parliament is elected. The state of Luxembourg has a lot of weight in Here are located several institutions of the united Europe, including the treasury. In 1867, the state's permanent neutrality was proclaimed. And only to enter the united Europe, the country decided to give up part of its sovereignty.

Territorial division

The country is divided into three districts, which, in turn, are divided into cantons, and those into communes. The main population of the country of Luxembourg lives in cities. There are 12 cantons in total, each of which is headed by a large locality... The largest city is the capital of the same name. Its population is about 100 thousand people. The second largest is the city of El-sur-Alzette. Its population is about 30 thousand. Further there are almost equal Differdange and Dudelange, slightly below 20 thousand each. The rest of the cities are home to less than 10 thousand people. The smallest town is Vianden. Only 1.5 thousand inhabitants live here.

Tradition and culture

The population, demography, religion, traditions, customs, culture of Luxembourg is a subject for long discussion and research. Briefly, it can be noted that local features were formed under the strong influence of the closest neighbors, especially Germany and France. The culture of the Netherlands also had a certain impact. Despite a rather short independent history, the population, for which Luxembourg is a beloved Motherland, is very patriotic and diligently supporting its national identity... Since the state was formed on the basis of a Christian monastery, the canons of faith are still very strong here.

Approximately 70% of the population profess Catholicism, but Orthodox, Jews, Protestants and Anglicans coexist in peace and harmony with them. The most beloved and widely celebrated holiday in the country is Easter. On this day, national dishes are prepared, festivals and concerts are held. Luxembourg's cuisine is unique, although the features of neighboring countries can be seen in it. Locals They love meat and know how to cook it; they also have a lot of pastries, cheeses and unique Moselle wines on their tables. The population of the country is different healthy conservatism... They do not like innovations very much here and respect traditions. Also, residents are extremely polite.


Close proximity to several big countries forces the population to be polyglot. Officially state languages Luxembourg are German and French. This allows the residents of the country to easily communicate with their neighbors. In 1982, Luxembourgish, which is a Moselle-Frankish dialect, received the status of an official language. All local residents own it. It is on him that they prefer to talk in Everyday life... Today, integration into greater Europe is forcing residents to learn English... And young people speak it fluently. But people in small villages may not understand this language at all.

Ethnic composition

Recent statistics on the population of Luxembourg show that 60% of its composition are native Luxembourgers. These are the descendants of Celtic tribes with a large admixture of Germanic and Frankish blood. Also, many people from Germany, Belgium and France live in the country. The Dutch diaspora is quite numerous. V last years Luxembourg experienced a large influx of immigrants from Italy and Portugal. In connection with the recent events in the Middle East, the country expects the appearance of Syrian refugees, but so far their number has not reached a significant figure. The government is taking certain actions to discourage the large flow of visitors. Therefore, so far nothing threatens the number of the indigenous population.

Population dynamics

The main value of the country is the population of Luxembourg. Over 300 years of observing the dynamics of growth, the population has grown by more than 100 times. Today, more than 500 thousand people live in the country. And sociologists predict further population growth. On average, the dynamics of the country changes as follows: about 18 children are born here every day. 12 people die every day. Also, an average of 30 emigrants come to Luxembourg every day.

Today the country has one of the most high densities population in Europe. And experts say that this figure will only grow, especially as a result of today's density - more than 156 people per square kilometer. For example, in Russia this figure is calculated at 8.5, and in France - 116.

Demographic indicators

Today the population of Luxembourg is growing by just over 2,000 people a year. At the same time, the increase is mainly provided by emigrants, since the birth rate here, as in all of Europe, is not very high. So, over the past 100 years in the country, this figure has decreased from 31 to 11 people per 1000 inhabitants. But in the state there is a steady increase in life expectancy. It is today: for men - 73 years, for women - 80 years. This is slightly higher than the world average. Sociologists estimate the dependency ratio in the country, that is, the number of the disabled population. It includes people under 15 and over 65 years old. This figure is 49.5. It is considered to be quite low, since the number of the working population is quite able to feed the dependents. Aged dependency ratio is 22%.

Speaking about age indicators, it should be noted that Luxembourg belongs to a successful rejuvenating type of state. The number of young people here predominates over the elderly by about 15%, and greatest number are residents of working age. The sex ratio in Luxembourg is generally in line with the European trend. At birth, the number of boys slightly predominates over girls, and at the age of 65, the number of men is already almost one third less than women.


The country has recorded enough a large number of residents. The population, for whom Luxembourg is a place of permanent residence, is experiencing some difficulties in finding employment. The unemployment rate is 6.6. This is due to the fact that labor migrants come to the state every year, whose number reaches 50% of the working population. About 80% of the population is employed in the service sector, a considerable share of which is catering and tourism. About 18% work in industrial production, in agriculture - only 2.5%.

A country's economy

Luxembourg, which is about 100 thousand dollars, is one of the richest countries in the world. The locals are used to high level life and do not want to part with him. Today the country has one of the best medical services in Europe. The government constantly cares about the quality of education and the living conditions of its population. The power has enough low level unemployment and low inflation. Today the crisis is leaving its mark on economic indicators but they are quite optimistic.

The country is actively developing industry. If earlier the main source of income was the steel industry, today it is developing chemical industry, food production is growing. The most big problem Luxembourg's economy is huge external debt. It is 80% in relation to GDP. The government is trying to reduce economic risks by actively diversifying production and promoting the development of entrepreneurship.

Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ( Grand-Duche de Luxembourg), a state in Western Europe. In the north and west it borders with Belgium, in the east - with Germany, in the south - with France. Together with Belgium and the Netherlands, Luxembourg is part of the so-called Benelux. The area of ​​the country is 2.6 thousand square kilometers. Administratively, Luxembourg is divided into districts (3), which, in turn, are divided into cantons (12), and cantons - into communes (118). Form of government - hereditary a constitutional monarchy... The head of state is the Grand Duke. The current Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Henri (Henry), ascended the throne on 7 October 2000. Legislature - Chamber of Deputies. Since 1995, Jean-Claude Juncker has been the Prime Minister of Luxembourg.

Luxembourg map:

The capital is Luxembourg. Largest cities: Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Differdange, Dudelange, Sanem. Population 480 thousand (2007), mainly Luxembourgers. The average population density is about 171 people per sq. Km. Urban population about 86%. Official language- German, French and Luxembourgish. The overwhelming majority of believers are Catholics, there are Protestants. Average duration life: 72 years - men, 79 years - women. The birth rate (per 1000 people) is 11.1. The mortality rate (per 1000 people) is 9.3.

The territory of the country is occupied mainly by a hilly plain, in the north - the spurs of the Ardennes (height up to 565 m). The climate is temperate, transitional from maritime to continental. Average temperatures in January are 0-2 ° С, in July 18 ° С. Precipitation is over 700 mm per year. The rivers belong to the Moselle basin. Broadleaved forests. Several reserves, part of a natural national park located in Germany.

Luxembourg is a highly developed industrial country. The economy is primarily based on a developed service sector, including in the financial field. Share in GDP (%): industry 33, agriculture 1. The main industry is ferrous metallurgy; chemical, leather, cement, earthenware, woodworking, clothing, food industry. Electricity production 1.2 billion kWh. Dairy and meat cattle breeding, grain and fodder crops, viticulture, and vegetable growing are well developed. Foreign tourism is important.

Many EU organizations are located in the city of Luxembourg. Luxembourg is a major international financial center. Thanks to favorable conditions and an offshore zone in the capital are located about 1000 investment funds and more than 200 banks - more than in any other city in the world. In 2008 Luxembourg was recognized as the richest country in the EU.

The country is a member of the UN, EU, NATO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The historical region of Luxembourg exceeded the modern borders of the Grand Duchy, it also included the province of the same name of Belgium and small districts neighboring countries... The country is now a "triangle" (2586 km²) in the center Western Europe bordering France, Belgium and Germany.

Most of the territory is located at an altitude of 300 to 500 m above sea level. Northern part countries, Esling (Oesling), located on the spurs of the Ardennes and the Rhine Shale Mountains. The relief of the Essling is similar to a mosaic: wooded interfluvial ridges, undulating foothills, river valleys. To the south, the mountains drop abruptly, forming a very rugged terrain in the central part of the country. Extreme South part Luxembourg, Gutland (Gutland.), is a low hilly plain, which gradually descends in stepped ridges from west to east to the Moselle wine valley.

The climate of Luxembourg is temperate, transitional from maritime to continental. Winters are mild, the average January temperature is from 0 to 2 ° С, in July -17 ° С. There is quite a lot of precipitation - 700-850 mm per year.

The rivers belong mainly to the Moselle basin. Woodlands, for the most part beech and oak, occupy more than a third of the country's territory. No wonder Luxembourg in late XVIII - early XIX centuries was part of France under the name "Forest Department" (Forkt).


  • II century The Romans conquered the territory of the Celtic Trever tribe.
  • V century The territory of Luxembourg was conquered by the Franks. It later became part of Charlemagne's empire.
  • XI century Conrad I appropriated the title of Count of Luxembourg and became the ancestor of a dynasty that ruled until the XIV century. 1244. The city of Luxembourg received communal rights. 1437. The Habsburgs took over the Duchy.
  • 1443. Luxembourg was captured by the Duke of Burgundy.
  • 1477. The power of the Habsburgs is restored.
  • 1555. The duchy passed to the Spanish king Philip II and, together with Holland and Flanders, fell under the rule of Spain.
  • XVII century Luxembourg was repeatedly involved in wars between Spain and France.
  • 1713. After long wars, Luxembourg fell under the rule of the Austrian Habsburgs.
  • 1815. Congress of Vienna created the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and handed it over to William I, King of the Netherlands.
  • 1830. Belgium, which belonged to William I, rebelled, Luxembourg joined it, with the exception of the capital, which was held by the Prussian garrison.
  • 1831. Great powers have proposed to divide Luxembourg. Its western (French-speaking) part became a province of independent Belgium.
  • 1867. According to the agreement of the London Conference, the Prussian garrison was withdrawn, and the fortress was liquidated. The independence and neutrality of Luxembourg is proclaimed. The throne in the Grand Duchy remained with the Nassau dynasty.
  • 1890. After the death of William III, the personal union of the Grand Duke with the Netherlands was interrupted (his daughter Wilhelmina inherited the Dutch throne)... The Grand Duchy passed to another branch of the House of Nassau - the Grand Duke Adolphus became the ruler of Luxembourg.
  • 1905-1912. The reign of William, son of Adolf.
  • 1912-1919. The reign of Grand Duchess Maria Adelaide, daughter of Adolphe.
  • 1914. Luxembourg is captured by Germany, which promised Luxembourg to pay reparations for violating its neutrality (the occupation lasted until the end of the First World War).
  • 1940. Germany violated Luxembourg's neutrality for the second time.
  • 1942, August. Accession of Luxembourg to the Third Reich. The population of the country declared a general strike, to which the Germans responded with massive repression.
  • 1945. Luxembourg is liberated from German occupation.
  • 1949. The country joined NATO.
  • 1957. Luxembourg participates in the founding of the European Economic Community.
  • 1999. Luxembourg joins the euro area.
  • 2005, March 15. According to Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Luxembourg is recognized as the safest city in the world.

First thing

The tourist office sells two types of discount tourist cards.

With the Luxembourg Card, you can visit many attractions throughout the country and use by public transport... The price depends on the validity period of the card, there are also family cards (for a family of two to five people)... Stater Museekart allows you to visit the main attractions of the capital for 2 days free of charge, for example: Museum of the History of the City of Luxembourg, National Museum history and art, Casino "Luxembourg" and Casemates Bock.

Changing of the Guard

Traditionally, the throne of the Grand Duchy is passed on to the eldest man in the family, and if there is none, then to the eldest daughter. The ducal family is very popular among the people. It symbolizes the stability and prosperity of the country.

In 1964, Grand Duke Jean inherited the throne after 45 years of reign by his mother, Grand Duchess Charlotte, and stood at the head of the country until 2000, when he abdicated in favor of his eldest son, Henri. Anri is married to Marie-Teresa, a Cuban woman, and they have 4 sons and a daughter.

In the centre of Europe

Luxembourg has participated in the establishment of the UN, Benelux, the European Union and the Schengen Agreement. Two representatives of Luxembourg - Gaston Thorne (1981-1984) and Jacques Santer (since 1995)- performed the functions of presidents of the EU commissions. Many institutions of the European Community are located on the territory of Luxembourg, in particular the European Parliament (along with Strasbourg), The Audit Commission, the European Investment Bank and the European Court of Auditors. Luxembourg presided over the European Union from July to December 1997.

However, the most striking event in the history of Luxembourg after the Second World War was the signing of a pan-European agreement. (1985) near the village of Schengen. From the name of this village comes the name of the visa to almost all European countries.

The most ancient artifacts of human existence on the planet were found on the territory of this state. Luxembourg - European country with very little with total area... Despite this, in this moment she is completely independent. The history of Luxembourg is connected with the development of Germany and France.

Luxembourg's rich history

The name of the country is translated from German as a small castle. begins with the construction of a small fortification, which was located near the two rivers Sauer and Alzet. Construction of the castle began in 963, when the land passed to Count Siegfred. Since then, this place has changed hands many times from one ruling dynasty to another. The originally Germanic fortification passed to England, and to the Bourbon dynasty in France, and to Spain, and to Austria, and to Prussia, and to the Netherlands, and to Belgium. The principality was a dowry and a bargaining chip in the political game.

The original territory of Luxembourg was expanded, but it was never very large. Independent history Luxembourg starts on September 9, 1867. Both world wars ended in occupation for the principality. During the Second World War, the entire royal court was in exile. Luxembourg is currently a member of the Benelux and NATO.

Capital of Luxembourg

Since ancient times capital of Luxembourg- the city of the same name, which is located within the first fortress. His modern look is in two parts. Upper Old city Is a historical part, and the lower one is a modern industrial area.

Luxembourg population

The main population of Luxembourg Are Luxembourgers. They live not only on the territory of the principality, but also in other European states... Luxembourg has a population of 285,000. The total number of all Luxembourgers is 473 thousand people.

There is an increase in the number of people in the country. In 1700, the population was 64,000, and in 2007 - 480,000. By 2050, the population is projected to increase to 720,000.

State of Luxembourg

Small State of Luxembourg has a constitutional monarchical form of government. Indigenous population represents a third of all citizens of the country. To the state Luxembourg can be accessed by means of airlines. The capital has an international airport.

Luxembourg politics

Geography of Luxembourg clearly shows us that the size of the state is small. But despite this, Luxembourg policy, both external and internal, is aimed at development and prosperity. The country has a low inflation rate and automatic indexation of wages, depending on the rise in prices. The situation in the state is stable without shocks and discontent on the part of the population.

Luxembourg's foreign policy is aimed at expanding ties with other states. The principality takes an active part in the activities of the EU, as one of its founders. Since 1965, one of the three EU centers has been located in the capital.

Language of Luxembourg

State language of Luxembourg, created on the basis of German with French borrowings, is called Luxembourgish. In addition to the official language, the country has German, French and English.

In ancient times, the territory of Luxembourg was inhabited by Celts, akin to the Belgians. However, almost five centuries of Roman domination from the beginning of our era led to the Romanization of the local population. Later, the penetration of Germanic tribes (Franks), which drove local population on from the Moselle mixed with. The dialects of the German language formed here were very different from the dialects of the neighboring regions of Germany. Deepening dialectal differences and ethnicity of Luxembourgers occurred in conjunction with the final political separation of the fiefs of the Luxembourg house.

Although Luxembourgers are related in language to Germans, their cultural development was determined for many centuries by ties not so much with Germany as with France, which resulted in widespread French, which in the XVII century. displaces German and becomes the main one in Luxembourg. Now, according to the Luxembourg constitution, both languages ​​- German and French - are official and equal, both are necessarily taught in schools. Most of the inhabitants speak Luxembourgish - Lötzemburgesh, which is based on Low German with a significant admixture of French words and expressions.

French passed in parliament, in the field of foreign trade relations, not underway court hearings and office correspondence, government decrees are issued. And on German almost all newspapers and magazines are published. In the lower grades, schoolchildren study, in the senior grades - French, in families they speak Lötzemburgesh. Television broadcasts are in French Luxembourgish and radio broadcasts in three languages.

Religiously, almost the entire population of Luxembourg (98%) is Catholics. Luxembourg is considered one of the strongholds of Catholicism in Europe.

Among Western European countries particularly slow natural growth population. The birth rate does not exceed 13 people, but is about 12 people per 1000 inhabitants. Therefore, the influx of population from outside is of great importance. There are more foreigners in the population of Luxembourg than in any other Western European country - over 1/5 of the total population of the duchy. These are mainly foreign workers permanently or for a long time living in the country - Belgians, etc.

Luxembourg is densely populated with an average population density of 140 people per sq. km. The overwhelming majority of the population is concentrated in the south, in Gutland, the main industrial region of the country. The density is especially high in the mining region of the southwest - around the cities of Esch-sur-Alzette (over 1000 per 1 sq. Km), Rume-lange and Petange (700-800) and in the metropolitan area. In the north of the country, as a rule, it is below average (30-40), and only in the cities of Wiltz and Ettelbrück it increases to 250 people per 1 sq. km. The Moselle Valley is quite densely populated due to the high intensity Agriculture Primoselsky district.

Such a distribution of the population took shape back in the 19th century. in connection with the industrial development of the southwest and the metropolitan area. The main internal ones are now directed from the agrarian northern regions, characterized by higher fertility and natural growth rates, to the industrial centers of the South.

Luxembourg is an urban country: up to% of its inhabitants are city dwellers. Even villages with a population of only 1-1.5 thousand people have an urban look and urban living conditions. Most of the residents of such villages are employed in industry or in the service sector, often continuing to work in their small household plot.

The largest cities in the country are located in the south. These are Luxembourg (80 thousand inhabitants), Esch-sur-Alzette (30 thousand), Differdange (18 thousand) and Petange (12 thousand). In the central part of the duchy, the most big cities(having from 5 to 10 thousand inhabitants) - Mersch, Diekirch, Ettelbrück and. In the north, only one city of Wiltz has about 5 thousand people, while the rest of the towns of Essling have no more than 2-2.5 thousand inhabitants.

The appearance and layout of the cities of Luxembourg in different districts is different, but one thing in them is invariable: the monumental Catholic square always rises on the central city square. In the sparsely populated Essling, settlements occupy large areas, are characterized by free planning, wide streets and spacious houses. Peasant houses in Esling and central Luxembourg are usually two-story stone, with tiled or slate roofs and whitewashed walls. The densely populated industrial southwest, with its land cramped area, is characterized by overcrowding of settlements, which leads to their lack of amenities. There are still many dilapidated houses with blackened beams and thatched roofs.

The layout of the villages in the Moselle valley is peculiar, where the land is very expensive, since it is protected for vineyards. The villages are located right next to the river, where it cannot grow due to high humidity and possible frost. In confirmation of this, on the pediment of the city hall in the city of Luxembourg is carved: "We want to remain who we are." And the Luxembourgish retained its national identity during the long struggle, which filled almost the entire thousand-year existence of the state. The names of national poets, writers (Edmont de Fontaine, Michel Lenz, Michel Rodange, etc.) and composers (Anton Zinnett, Laurence Menager, etc.) are honored in the country.

The people of Luxembourg are very fond of music. Even in small villages there is. At the end, traditional music competitions are held.

Religion has a great influence on and even public in Luxembourg. In schools, for example, it is compulsory to teach the law of God, bread is widespread and before meals, ceremonially, and the village, as a rule, is drawn in one line.

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