Home Fertilizers How to relieve muscle tone in adults. Muscular hypertonia in children and adults. Causes and Treatment

How to relieve muscle tone in adults. Muscular hypertonia in children and adults. Causes and Treatment

Muscle tone is the minimum physiological tension of skeletal muscles at rest. It is necessary to support and change the position of the body in space. The tone is regulated by the brain and spinal cord. In infancy, its correctness directly affects the child's ability to master basic motor skills. That is why the condition of the muscles is assessed both immediately after birth and at every routine examination by a pediatrician. In this case, hyper- or hypotension in infants can be detected. .

In the first weeks of life, the newborn has an increased tone. This is due to the fact that during his stay in the womb, his movements were limited: the limbs and chin were pressed against the body, and the muscles were constantly tense.

As the child grows, the nervous system adapts to new conditions. He learns to control his movements, and muscle tone gradually normalizes. The main stages of motor development:

  1. Up to 1 month. The baby often stays in the "embryo" position - bends the arms and legs, pressing them to the body. His fists are tightly closed, while thumbs are inside. He can randomly swing his arms and push his legs. The tone of the extensor muscles of the limbs is greater than that of the flexors. When laid out on the tummy, the child turns his head to the side. In an upright position, he cannot hold her.
  2. 1 to 3 months. The baby makes more movements with the limbs, more often straightens them, touches his face, squeezes the rattles placed in his hand. He turns his head to the side loud sound or a bright object. Gradually, the baby learns to hold the head, first in the prone position, then in the upright position. Some crumbs make crawling movements.
  3. 3 to 6 months. The toddler is actively developing. His palms are open. He can pick up and throw toys. Learns to roll over. Holds his head confidently. Learns to sit down and crawl.
  4. 6 to 9 months. The baby sits well, actively crawls and stands, holding on to the support, some kids “jump”, bending and unbending their legs.
  5. 9 to 12 months. The infant learns to walk first with support, then independently.

Normally, muscle tone in infants decreases by 3-4 months, and by 5-6 it should become physiological and even. If this does not happen, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

There are three types of violations:

  • hypertonicity - excessive muscle tension, which is diagnosed in almost 50% of children;
  • hypotonia - lethargy and weakness of skeletal muscles, which is relatively rare;
  • dystonia - a combination of hypo- and hyper- and normal tone on different parts the body, most often the muscles of the legs are tense, and the muscles of the arms are relaxed.


Impaired muscle tone in newborns can be the result of various factors that have arisen both during pregnancy and after birth. Common reasons:

  1. Problems During Pregnancy - Diseases future mother, Rh-conflict, late toxicosis, improper nutrition, bad habits, stress, unfavorable ecological situation... This leads to intrauterine hypoxia and insufficient nutrition of the tissues of the body of the unborn child. As a result, dystrophy (atrophy) of his muscles is observed, provoking hypotonia, or damage to the central nervous system, accompanied by hypertonicity.
  2. Taking medications during pregnancy. A number of agents (some antibiotics, magnesium sulfate) cause developmental disorders nervous system the child, subsequently the brain cannot sufficiently regulate the work of the muscles.
  3. Underweight baby, which is usually observed with multiple pregnancy, premature birth, severe intrauterine hypoxia. It leads to hypotonia.
  4. Difficulties during childbirth - trauma, emergency or prolonged childbirth, use of stimulants. These factors provoke damage to the central nervous system of varying degrees.
  5. Congenital and acquired diseases of the infant. For hypotension - myopathy (Guillain-Barré syndrome), poliomyelitis, botulism, severe infectious pathologies. For hypertonicity - perinatal encephalopathy, increased intracranial pressure, meningitis, cerebral palsy.
  6. a lack of nutrients in the child's diet. As a result, the baby loses or loses weight, its muscles do not develop, and hypotonia occurs.

One of the reasons for the violation of tone may be an excess of vitamin D. This drug is prescribed to infants to prevent rickets. Hypervitaminosis is accompanied by muscle spasms and cramps.



With hypertonicity, the baby seems tense. Most he spends time with legs and arms pressed to the body, as well as with tightly coupled fists. Other signs:

  • restless behavior - the baby often cries, is capricious, has difficulty falling asleep, sleep periods last less than an hour;
  • it is difficult for a child to forcibly straighten the arms and legs while changing clothes;
  • profuse regurgitation after each meal;
  • throwing back the head and arching the back during sleep;
  • keeping the head upright from the first days of life;
  • strong tension of all muscles and arching of the body during hysteria, chin trembling;
  • flinching and crying in the presence of sudden noise or light;
  • walking on toes.

Hypertonicity in infants can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. In the first case, the muscle tension is the same on both sides of the body. With an asymmetric disorder, also called torticollis, the muscles on one side of the body work normally. You can notice the disease by laying the child on his stomach and carefully examining the back. Symptoms of torticollis:

  1. turning the head in the direction where hypertonicity is noted;
  2. tension of one handle and arch of the back;
  3. uneven folds in the thighs and buttocks.


Hypotonicity in infants is accompanied by pronounced relaxation of the skeletal muscles. The main symptoms are:

  • inert behavior - inactive movement, long periods of sleep;
  • straight arms and legs during sleep, open palms;
  • sluggish sucking of the breast, refusal to eat;
  • high plasticity of muscles and joints;
  • difficulties in mastering basic motor skills, which include holding the head upright, grabbing objects, rolling from back to stomach, sitting, walking.


With dystonia, an uneven distribution of tone is observed. Violations can have varying degrees severity: from subtle to significant. Possible signs:

  • excessive tension of some muscles and relaxation of others;
  • unnatural position of limbs - unfolding of the hands and feet outward or inward;
  • walking on toes or support on the entire plane of the foot, leading to clubfoot;
  • difficulties with the development of motor skills.

Self check

Parents can make sure that the child's muscle tone is impaired using simple tests:

  1. Spread the legs and arms of the crumbs to the sides. With hypertonicity, a very strong muscle resistance is felt, the baby screams. Attempting to re-dilute is accompanied by even more stress. With hypotonia, such manipulations are very easy, the child does not experience discomfort. Normally, there should be little resistance when spreading the arms and legs.
  2. Place the baby (up to 2 months old) on a vertical surface. With a physiological tone, he leans on the foot and reflexively takes several steps. In case of hypertonicity, the baby stands on its toes and bends its fingers. With hypotonia, he sits on bent legs.
  3. Pull up the baby (after 2-3 months) lying on his back by the arms. Normally he will try to lift upper part telase due to muscle contraction. With hypertonicity, the baby will very easily move to an upright position. In case of hypotonia, it will "sag" in the arms, the tummy will protrude forward, the back will be rounded, and the head will sink back.

Muscle tone disorders in the future can lead to serious consequences- late development of motor skills, delay intellectual development, curvature of the spine, problems with posture, deformities of the limbs, flat feet, muscle dystrophy. But with early seeking help, the development of most pathological conditions can be prevented.


Increased or decreased tone in infants is diagnosed by a neurologist. The doctor will do a visual examination and check your innate reflexes. Many of them gradually disappear in the first year. Too early or late attenuation of the reflex may indicate a neurological pathology.

To identify the causes of hypo- or hypertonicity, comprehensive examination... Basic methods:

  • neurosonography - ultrasound of the brain through the fontanelle, which allows to identify congenital and acquired pathologies;
  • electromyography - registration of electrical activity of muscles, demonstrating the speed of transmission of nerve impulses and the strength of various muscle groups;
  • computed tomography of the brain (in difficult situations) - a procedure that allows you to visualize the internal structure of an organ.

In addition, tests for genetic diseases, ultrasound of the thymus gland, and so on may be prescribed. If it is not possible to establish the cause of the violation of tone, then a diagnosis of PEP (perinatal encephalopathy) is made.


Help with hypo- and hypertonicity includes massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy and medications. As a rule, improvements are observed after 3 months of therapy. How younger child, the faster the results become visible. In the absence of severe lesions of the central nervous system and adequate treatment, it is possible to completely neutralize the consequences of a violation of muscle tone.

Massage and gymnastics

The massage is prescribed by a neurologist or orthopedist and performed by a specialist. If desired, parents can consult with a massage therapist, learn the basic techniques and perform all the manipulations on their own. The average course is 10-15 sessions. If necessary, it can be repeated after a month.

With hypertonicity, the purpose of the massage is to relax the muscles and relieve spasms. In this regard, the most gentle techniques are used - stroking and rubbing movements, chiseled effects. You can't flex your muscles, put strong pressure on them, clap, knock.

In the case of hypotonia, massage is aimed at stimulating muscle work and improving tissue nutrition. Stroking with moderate intensity, rubbing, pinching, kneading, tapping are used. Arms, legs and back are processed with active rhythmic movements, pressure is made on bioactive points.

In addition, with hypo- and hypertonicity, passive gymnastics is shown, involving movements of the arms and legs. Fitball exercises are also helpful. The complex depends on the specifics of the child's condition.

Massage and gymnastics can cause discomfort and resistance in your toddler. Some experts consider this a normal phenomenon, others - a sign of wrong actions. If the baby cries during each procedure, it may be worth looking for another massage therapist.

Physiotherapy and other methods

Of the physiotherapy procedures with increased or decreased tone, the following are most often prescribed:

  1. magnetotherapy;
  2. mud therapy;
  3. paraffin applications;
  4. electrophoresis with euphyllin, dibazol, papaverine;
  5. saline heating pads.

In addition, the following help to normalize muscle function:

  • swimming and exercise in water;
  • baths with motherwort, lingonberry leaf, valerian, sage;
  • osteopathic techniques.

With hypertonia, diving, the use of walkers and jumpers are contraindicated, as well as dynamic gymnastics... When a child starts to walk, it is important to choose the correct orthopedic shoes for the prevention of flat feet.


Drug treatment is used in difficult situations when massage, gymnastics and physiotherapy do not give the desired result. The doctor may prescribe:

  1. muscle relaxants - drugs that promote muscle relaxation ("Mydocalm", "Baclofen");
  2. diuretics - for excretion excess fluid from the ventricles of the brain (with hydrocephalus);
  3. neuroprotective agents - drugs that eliminate or reduce the degree of damage to neurons ("Cerebrolysin");
  4. nootropics - means that improve brain activity (Semax, Cortexin, Pantocalcin);
  5. B vitamins - they accelerate the regeneration of nerve fibers and tissue metabolism.

Impaired muscle tone in a child is a common problem. Excessive muscle tension is more often observed, less often - their weakness. In any case, parents notice a non-physiological position of the limbs, strange behavior the baby and the lag in the development of motor skills. It is necessary to immediately contact a neurologist to diagnose and identify the causes of hypo- or hypertonicity. The main areas of treatment are massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy, sometimes medications are used. It is important not only to follow the doctor's instructions, but to create a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family, then the baby will quickly recover.

Muscle hypertonicity is a pathological condition in which there is increased muscle resistance when performing any passive movements. Thus, muscle fibers remain tense during periods of relaxation and rest. The increased muscle tone creates an obstacle for the performance of voluntary actions.

In neurology, this pathological condition is diagnosed quite often. It occurs in both adults and children. This violation has an extremely negative impact on a person's ability to lead a full-fledged lifestyle, since it becomes the cause of physical discomfort.

Causes of pathology

Hypertonicity muscle tissue in most cases it is a symptom of other pathological conditions and disorders. Muscle tone largely depends on the elasticity of muscle tissue, the correct functioning of the motor neurons located in the spinal cord. In addition, the motor center of the brain is responsible for the regulation of muscle tone.

Thus, the appearance of hypertonicity can be the result of damage to both muscle tissue and the nerves of the central and peripheral nervous system, which regulate tension and relaxation of the muscles of the body. The reasons for the development of hypertonia in patients of different ages differ. In adults, the causes of this disorder can be roughly divided into physiological and pathological. The physiological reasons for the appearance of such a problem include:

  • overstrain of muscle fibers;
  • being in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • defensive reaction to pain;
  • stressful situations and bruises.

With a strong overstrain of the muscles, the depletion of the energy accumulated in them is observed. This leads to the fact that the muscles freeze in a tense position until the moment the necessary energy is accumulated for relaxation. Overexertion often results in spasms. calf muscles shins after running or intense physical exercise.

Overload is observed when in an uncomfortable position individual groups s muscles, which leads to an increase in their tone. Often, such a violation occurs during prolonged work at the computer. Hypertonicity of the lumbar and cervical spine is often diagnosed.

The muscles of the back with such prolonged tension do not completely relax even when the posture is changed. With hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck and lower back, the likelihood of lumbago is high. The spinal cord and nerve endings extending from it can be subject to compression.

Often, the appearance of spasticity of certain muscle groups can be a reaction to severe pain. Often this is observed with vasospasm of the lower extremities. Less often, a similar problem occurs when the nerve roots of the spinal cord are damaged as a result of the progression of osteochondrosis. In this case, hypertonicity of the lumbar and cervical muscles is often observed.

TO pathological reasons the occurrence of muscle hypertonicity in adults includes disorders arising from the following pathological conditions:

  • tumors of the spinal cord and brain;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • infectious lesion of the central nervous system;
  • syndrome of spastic torticollis;
  • epilepsy;
  • vascular pathologies of the spinal cord and brain;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • dystonic syndrome;
  • tetanus;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • vasculitis;
  • lack of calcium;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke;
  • bruxism.

In young children, symptoms of hypertension are common. The following disorders predispose to the appearance of such a pathology in newborns:

  • hypoxia during intrauterine development;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • birth trauma;
  • intracranial hemorrhage;
  • congenital developmental anomalies;

The risk of developing this pathological condition is increased in children who appear against the background of the presence of Rh-conflict in the mother and the fetus. Perinatal encephalopathy experienced by the child can contribute to the appearance of hypertonicity. The risk of developing pathology is higher in the presence of early and late toxicosis.

Localization of the disease

All muscles of the body can be affected by hypertonicity. Often there is damage to the muscles of the thigh and calf muscles. The subclavian, trapezius, deltoid and sternum muscles may be affected.

In addition, a similar problem often affects the rhomboid muscles, as well as the elements involved in raising the scapula. With damage to the spine, hypertonicity of the posterior cervical muscles is observed. Often there is spasm of the square muscle of the lower back. The occipital muscle may also be affected.

Typical symptoms

The development of hypertonia is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms. In adults, this pathological condition appears as follows:

  • feeling of tension;
  • increased muscle density;
  • tightness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • feeling tired;
  • deterioration of the flexors;
  • painful cramps;
  • tremor.

In children, in addition to these symptoms, the appearance of additional signs is observed. A developmental disorder may indicate the presence of hypertonicity in a child. fine motor skills and coordination of movement. Often in children at the age of 3 months with hypertonicity, the tendency to squeeze the hands into fists remains.

The baby begins to hold his head too early. Chin tremors and frequent spitting up may also indicate the presence of a similar problem in a child. In severe cases, children arch and throw their heads back. The onset of the problem may be indicated by the reflex of support and automatic walking. In this case, the child stands on one foot and at the same time tries to take a step with the other.

Diagnostic methods

In the presence of manifestations of hypertonicity, the patient needs a consultation with a neurologist, since it is possible to determine the presence of this pathology even by conducting special neurological tests. Anamnesis is being collected. The patient may need to consult a psychiatrist and endocrinologist. After that, general and biochemical blood tests are performed.

The determination of the level of electrolytes and CPK in the blood is mandatory. To determine the speed of conduction of nerve impulses, an EMG is prescribed. To assess the patient's condition and identify the cause of the problem, CT and MRI can be prescribed.

CSF analysis is required. Often, a biopsy of nerves and muscles is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

Treatment methods

To remove hypertonicity, therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the primary pathology that caused the problem. To relieve increased tone, various conservative methods treatment. Often prescribed medications with a sedative effect. These drugs help to suppress psycho-emotional stress.

In some cases, antispastic medications and muscle relaxants are prescribed to reduce hypertonicity. In addition, it can be introduced into the therapy regimen. In most cases, only drug treatment to eliminate hypertonicity is not enough.

Introduced into the course of therapy. To improve the condition, at least 10 procedures are required. Electrophoresis procedures are introduced into the treatment regimen. Swimming and specially selected therapeutic exercises can contribute to the relaxation of muscle fibers. Unlearn exercise therapy complex follows under the supervision of an instructor. In the future, you can do physical education at home.

For elimination increased tone muscles can be recommended warm baths with herbal decoctions of thyme, chamomile, pine needles or valerian root. Such decoctions can be made at home from herbs that are sold in finished form in the pharmacy, because their recipe is extremely simple. To prepare a strong decoction for the bath, take about 50 g of the selected herbal component and pour 3 liters of boiling water. You need to put the composition on fire and boil for 5 minutes.

After that, you should remove the broth from the stove and leave for 3 hours. The composition must be filtered and added to the water collected in the bath. To reduce muscle tone, warm paraffin wrapping procedures and acupuncture are prescribed.

Folk remedies intended for oral administration are ineffective for hypertension. Such funds should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, tk. for some pathological conditions that can provoke the appearance of a problem, medicinal herbs may impair health.


Hypertonia can be both congenital and acquired pathological condition. Despite the fact that this violation gives the patient a lot of discomfort, when carrying out complex therapy, it is possible to achieve a pronounced improvement. In mild to moderate cases, treatment can completely correct the problem.

Muscle tone problems are one of the manifestations of diseases of the nervous system. Among them, hypertonicity is considered the most common disease.

Muscle tone is the residual tension of the main muscle groups during their relaxation, as well as during increased physical activity... In addition, it can be part of the resistance to passive movements during arbitrary relaxation of the muscles of various groups. Muscle tone can be characterized as minimal muscle tension that persists against a background of relaxation and rest.

A change in tone can be caused by painful conditions and traumatic injuries. different levels muscular system of the body. Depending on what specific violation occurs, the tone can be increased or decreased. In clinical practice, doctors most often come across the concept of hypertonicity - increased muscle tone. His common features are muscle tension, their excessive density and a small range of motion. A person feels some discomfort, the amplitude of his movements decreases. He may feel better after massage or mechanical rubbing of the skin surface. Moderate hypertonicity is characterized by muscle spasms that cause severe pain. More difficult situations characterized by muscle compaction, as a result of which the response to mechanical influences is quite painful.

Why is muscle hypertonicity dangerous?

Muscle hypertonicity is dangerous at any age, but it is especially dangerous for children. Parents must definitely react to its manifestations, because if you do not take action, the following consequences are possible:

  • persistent violations of normal coordination of movements;
  • violations of the full development of motor skills of movements;
  • poor posture and heavy gait;
  • frequent and severe pain in the lumbar spine;
  • problems with speech at all stages of development.

Also, muscle hypertonia is very dangerous in adults at any age. He is able to cause such consequences:

  • violations of normal coordination of movements;
  • the development of persistent and severe pain in muscles and joints;
  • violations of normal gait;
  • heaviness in posture and movements;
  • violations of the normal process of blood circulation in the muscles.

The danger of hypertonicity of muscle groups is also in the unpredictability of the time of its detection. The consequences can appear many years later in the form of the development of pathological conditions and the failure of the functioning of many vital organs and systems.

Types of increased muscle tone

The types of increased muscle tone differ in patients depending on their age and gender. Below are several basic options for the described condition.


This is the name of a special condition of the musculature of skeletal muscles, which occurs as a result of organic or functional disorders of the activity of the brain. It is part of a condition that is interpreted as catalepsy. The manifestation of this type of hypertonia is explained by the development in the body of such a condition in which the functions of the formations in the subcortex of the brain are disrupted. Treatment is prescribed mainly inpatient, as a result of which therapy of the consequences of what is happening is carried out and all accompanying symptoms are eliminated.

With plastic hypertonia, persistent disturbances in the functioning of muscle groups that have undergone enslavement are noted, as well as the destruction of cells in the subcortex of the brain over time. Symptoms develop and outward signs stochastic spasm in the muscle groups affected by the tone.


This type of hypertonicity is characterized by uniform involuntary contractions of muscle groups in the main areas of the lesion. It is accompanied by persistent pain in the described places, which have the likelihood of subsequent recurrence. Spastic spasms are periodic, occurring at regular intervals, and constant, which are characterized by regularity and persistent nature of the course. This type of the described condition is characterized by a persistent violation of coordination of movement in the future, the development of neuralgia of the affected muscle groups and regular disorders of motor activity. Treatment in in this case symptomatic is used, aimed at eliminating external symptoms, depending on the type of manifestation in each specific situation... It is observed mainly in elderly people, while there are cases of its occurrence in adolescents and relatively young people.

Reasons for high tone

The reasons for high muscle tone are not always associated with impaired functioning of various organs and systems of the body. They can also be purely physiological:

  1. Excessive stress on the spinal muscles. This happens in cases when they need to work for a long period of time, due to the complete depletion of the energy supply at their disposal. As a result, muscle fibers fade in a certain position. Mobility comes back with great difficulty; this requires spending a very large amount of energy.
  2. Frequent uncomfortable situations. This is a very common reason, statistically noted in about 65% of all cases. This is especially true for people who work a lot and for a long time at the computer. The load in this case falls on the cervical spine. Gardeners suffering from increased hypertonicity of the back muscles have similar prerequisites. It is hard enough to be eliminated.
  3. The body's response to pain... A muscle spasm is very often an involuntary response to muscle pain. Dorsal muscle spasms are observed in cases where there are injuries to the thoracic, cervical and lumbar spine. At the same time, the spine suffers greatly and experiences significant discomfort.
  4. Stress and constant bruises.

Frequent diseases often lead to the occurrence of hypertonia. Of all their diversity, the following can be noted:

  • the occurrence of tumors in the patient's brain;
  • strokes;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • frequent cases of tetanus;
  • multiple form of sclerosis;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • other possible disorders of muscle and motor activity.

The list goes on and on. A high tone in a patient can be noted at any age and can be observed due to a variety of circumstances. A correct understanding of the causes of what is happening is the basis for the appointment of measures to eliminate such a disease.

Typical symptoms

The signs of the described condition are diverse and depend on the age of the patient and the nature of his state of health. Basically, the symptoms are reduced to some of the manifestations described below.

In children

Symptoms of high muscle tone in children are as follows:

  • the child begins to steadily hold the head much earlier than the due date;
  • by about the third month of his life, the baby still does not know how to open his palm in order to grab and hold the thing he needs;
  • the baby's head constantly tilts in the same direction;
  • the child's chin constantly trembles and twitches, he often arches and his head tilts back;
  • in the case of hypertonicity in a child on his back, he often spits up and regularly vomits.

Symptoms like these are not permanent and can change over time. In addition, depending on the age of the baby, as he grows up, they can be diluted with other manifestations.

In adults

Hypertonicity in adults manifests itself in a slightly different way. Among its main symptoms are the following:

  • severe, persistent pain in the affected parts of the back;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • a feeling of muscle congestion during prolonged stay in a certain position of the body;
  • disruptions in motor activity;
  • difficulty staying in a certain position for a long time;
  • development of problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • other symptoms characteristic of the type of disease in question.

In an adult, symptoms can change over time and depend on his general physiological state... With the development of symptoms of such a phenomenon, a deterioration in the general condition of the patient is observed.

How to remove hypertonicity?

Removal of symptoms of the described kind is possible by various methods. Some of them are listed below.

Physiotherapy methods

Paraffin wax and electrophoresis are among the most common physiotherapy methods. In particular, such techniques prove their own effectiveness when applied to young children. Physiotherapy acts in this situation as one of the options for conducting psychotherapy.

A preventive interview is conducted with children, the basics of what is happening are explained and removed possible reasons fears causing the described problems. In addition, a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures may include the practice of massage in addition to the main measures of influence.

Exercise and massage

Among physical exercises, complexes of muscular-articular gymnastics and exercises for strengthening skeletal muscles stand out. It is recommended to perform the complex gymnastic exercises to work out the spine. They include a series of exercises performed on the floor from a supine position. A series of sequential crunches also help align pinched muscle groups and straighten muscle fibers in various parts of the body. Particular results are achieved in this matter when performing a set of traditional yoga exercises. Among them, it is necessary to single out, first of all, asanas, built on twisting all kinds of parts of the body. This simple option is recommended. From a supine position, straighten your arms to the sides, after which right foot reach for your left hand. If possible, do not tear the shoulder blades off the floor. Hold for half a minute. Then return to starting position and twist in the opposite direction. Withstand a similar time. Regular practice of performing such exercises will be quite sufficient to maintain the effect of a stable extension of the tense muscles.

The massage is performed primarily in the most tight places of the body, usually the back and lower back. Smoothing movements are made clockwise and counterclockwise sequentially. If necessary, you can apply pressure to the most tense areas, while ensuring that the patient does not experience excessive pain. Subsequently, with a gradual leveling out of the situation and weakening as a result of performing the indicated techniques of clamping in the muscles, the execution time massage treatments should be phased out.


Among the recommended in such situations medical supplies sedatives are released. Herbal infusions, chamomile and ginseng teas are often used to counteract emotional outbursts. This is one of the means of alternative, traditional medicine.

For treatment pharmaceutical preparations muscle relaxants and antispastic agents are used. When choosing them, first of all, the ability medications perform the functions of restraining convulsive muscle contraction. Spasticity decreases, while there is no effect on the strength indicators of muscle groups and their elasticity.

Among the muscle relaxants most often used in the country: Tizanidine, Tolperisone, Baclofen, Gedozepam. It is recommended to use them exclusively as directed by a doctor; self-medication in such situations is contraindicated.

Features of the treatment of hypertonicity in children

The main feature of therapy in young children is attentiveness to the manifestations of such a condition and the timeliness of taking measures to eliminate it. Timely prescribed treatment helps to get rid of the problem condition quickly and without problems.

The doctor may recommend a bath with pine needles to soothe the child, motherwort and sage are also used. All these herbs have a qualitative sedative effect and the ability to eliminate hypertonicity at any stage of its development. The course of treatment is ten days from the date of the first application. It is supposed to be used daily, from the first to the tenth day.

The use of lavender and rose hips in an optimally selected combination has a beneficial effect. You can also replace the rosehip with eucalyptus, the general practical results from this do not worsen.

Swimming is shown to all children, regardless of their age. It is able to have a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system, remove nerve impulses in the muscles and set the child in a favorable mood. The toddler is not necessary, from the very first days of life, should be with their parents in the pool. It is enough to swim in the bathtub, with a special circle worn around the baby's neck. In the future, as the baby grows, you can visit the pool and swim at the time set for each age. The child is shown massages after swimming if there are certain problems with muscle tightening. It is recommended to preliminarily consult with your doctor in order to develop therapy measures and the subsequent elimination of the described problems.

You can read more about the treatment of infants in the article "Hypertonicity in infants - Babies (children)".

Muscle tone refers to the presence of muscle tissue resistance when performing passive joint movements. This is how muscle tone is examined. Symmetry is also compared in certain areas of the body, for example, on both arms or legs.

Muscle tone depends on:

  • elasticity of muscle tissue;
  • conditions of neuromuscular transmission;
  • peripheral nerve fibers;
  • spinal cord motor neurons;
  • centers of regulation of movements in the brain, its basal ganglia, reticular formation, cerebellum and brain stem, the state of the vestibular apparatus.

Thus, the reasons for the violation of muscle tone can be hidden both in the damage to the muscle tissue itself, and in the presence of pathology of the nervous system at all its levels (from peripheral to central). There are two groups of muscle tone disorders - hypotension (decreased) and hypertonicity (increased). It is about the latter that will be discussed in this article.

Impaired muscle tone can occur due to damage to the neuromuscular transmission mechanism

What is muscle hypertonia and how does it happen

It is important to understand that muscle hypertonicity is not separate disease, but just a symptom a large number ailments and pathological conditions, the bulk of which are neurological problems.

In neurology, it is customary to distinguish between two types of muscle hypertonia: spastic (pyramidal) and plastic (extrapyramidal).

Spastic type occurs when the structures of the pyramidal system are damaged (a chain of neurons that transmit commands about movements for skeletal muscles from the center in the brain). In case of damage to the central neuron of this system, spastic hypertonicity occurs. In this case, passive movements are performed with great difficulty (resistance), but only at the very beginning of the movement. Further, the limb gives in easily, the so-called "jackknife" symptom. This symptom is especially noticeable if the movements are performed very quickly. Since the reason lies in damage to the motor center of the brain, such disorders are very often widespread, that is, not one muscle is affected, but a whole group of them, for example, the extensors of the lower leg, flexors of the foot on lower limbs... Most illustrative example spastic hypertonia - in patients who have suffered a stroke with damage to the motor centers of the brain.

Plastic type hypertonicity is observed when the extrapyramidal nervous system is damaged (a set of brain structures and nerve pathways that take part in the regulation and control of movements that do not require activation of attention, for example, maintaining a posture in space, organizing a motor reaction when laughing, crying, etc.). This type of hypertonia is also called muscle rigidity, which differs from spasticity in that resistance to passive movement is constantly present, and not only at the beginning of the movement. A characteristic feature is that the limb freezes in the position that is given to it, the so-called "wax flexibility". In the case of rapid execution of passive movements, the symptom of a "cogwheel" is characteristic - a kind of discontinuity of resistance during passive movements. The most obvious example of plastic hypertonia is in patients with Parkinson's disease.

In some cases, with damage to the pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems, a mixed type of hypertonia may occur, for example, with brain tumors. In such patients, signs of spastic and plastic hypertonicity are combined.

Hypertonicity of muscles in adults

Increased muscle tone in adults does not always indicate pathology. It can also occur as a physiological process. But it is important to remember that in medicine, hypertonicity is called a persistent increase, and temporary disorders, rather, should be called muscle spasm.

Physiological causes

Consider the following causes of muscle spasm:

  • Overstrain and muscle fatigue. In the case when the muscles have to do a lot of work, the energy reserves in them are depleted and muscle fiber“Freezes” in a state of contraction, since the process of muscle relaxation is not at all passive, but even very energy-consuming. Therefore, until the body replenishes energy reserves, the muscle fiber will remain spasmodic. Example: Painful spasm of the calf muscles after a long run.
  • Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable or monotonous position with increased stress on a certain muscle group. The mechanism of spasm development is the same as in the previous case. Most often, such a spasm occurs in the muscles of the neck during prolonged work at the computer, back when working in the garden.
  • As a defense against pain. The development of spasticity of certain muscle groups can occur with pain syndrome as a protective reaction. For example, the protective tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, spasm of the muscles of the spine with damage to the cervical, thoracic, lumbar vertebrae.
  • Bruises and stressful situations.

The hypertonicity of the muscles of the spine increases painful sensations in patients with pathology of the spinal column

Pathological causes

There are many diseases that occur with muscle hypertonicity syndrome. Let's consider the most common ones:

  • Acute disorders of cerebral circulation (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke) - hypertonicity of the muscles of the extremities (thigh, foot, shoulder, hand), face, tongue occurs.
  • Tumors of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • (hypertonicity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle).
  • Bruxism (hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles).
  • Dystonic syndrome.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Hepatic encephalopathy.
  • Myotonia.
  • Tetanus.
  • CNS infections.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Cerebral palsy.

Treatment principles

There are two main areas of treatment for muscle hypertension:

  1. Elimination of the underlying disease.
  2. Correction of the consequences of pathology in the form of hypertonicity.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of the root cause of the pathology. In such cases, only complex therapy will help to alleviate the patient's condition and relieve muscle rigidity, which includes the use of medications, massage, therapeutic exercises, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and reflexology.

Remedial gymnastics and kinesiotherapy are effective methods elimination of increased muscle tone

Drug therapy allows you to reduce the tone of spasmodic muscles, reduce painful sensations, improve the function of nerve fibers, and establish microcirculation in the affected tissues. Most often, for this purpose, muscle relaxants and antipsychotics, B vitamins, metabolic agents are prescribed. In some cases, botulinum toxin is used to eliminate the increased tone. It can be used to eliminate stiffness in certain muscles, for example, facial, chin, etc.

Hypertonicity in a newborn child

Increased muscle tone in a newborn baby is considered completely normal. For 40 weeks of intrauterine development, the child is in the embryo position in the uterine cavity, so it is not surprising that the baby, who was born, has arms and legs tightly pressed to the body. As a rule, this condition of the muscles persists for the first 1-3 months of a child's life. Next comes normotonia, when the tone of the flexors and extensors is approximately the same. This state in pediatrics it is customary to call the physiological hypertonicity of the infant.

Hypertonicity in an infant may indicate the presence of such a serious illness as cerebral palsy.


Suspect pathological hypertonicity in little child it is possible in such cases:

  • a child at 1 month or earlier confidently holds his head;
  • at 3 months, the baby retains a tendency to squeeze the fists (the child does not open the brush to take the toy);
  • tilting the baby's head to one side;
  • when checking the reflex of support and automatic moves, the baby stands at full foot, and not only on the toes;
  • chin trembling in the baby;
  • the child throws his head back, arching;
  • frequent regurgitation.

How to identify the problem

From birth, the baby has certain reflexes, which normally should disappear in the period from 1 to 4 months. By the severity, presence, symmetry of such congenital reflexes, one can judge the presence of pathological hypertonia in a child.

Reflex props and automatic moves. If the child is placed with his feet on a hard surface, he will rest with his whole foot and straighten his legs. And if you tilt the baby forward in this position, he will "walk". Normally, this reflex is pronounced up to 1 month, and then it fades away and disappears up to 3-4 months. If it is determined at 5-6 months, we can talk about hypertonicity.

You can also check the tonic reflex. In the supine position, the child's limbs are extended, and in the prone position, the arms and legs are bent under the body. In case of hypertonicity, the arms and legs will bend in any position of the baby.

The reflex of support and automatic moves allows you to identify hypertonicity in a child

Consequences and danger

So why hypertonicity, which is caused by the position of the fetus in the uterus, can be dangerous? You should know that physiological hypertonicity disappears without a trace until 3-4 months and does not affect the health of the baby in any way. But pathological hypertonicity most often occurs due to damage to the brain tissue in the baby and can be very dangerous for the child.

The main pathological conditions that muscle hypertonia in an infant can indicate:

  • Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy;
  • syndrome of increased intracranial pressure;
  • birth injury;
  • cysts and brain tumors;
  • damage to the fetus with TORCH infections;
  • hereditary diseases of the nervous system (myotonia, myopathy);
  • spastic torticollis;
  • central nervous system infections;
  • vascular lesions of the brain.

In addition to the consequences of the underlying disease, which caused hypertension, the following consequences of this pathological condition can be observed in a child:

  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • delayed motor development;
  • the formation of an irregular gait and pathological posture;
  • the development of pain syndrome;
  • speech impairment.

How to treat hypertension in an infant

The first rule in treatment is to get rid of the cause of increased muscle tone. And only after that symptomatic therapy is prescribed, which includes several methods.

The main methods of treating hypertonicity in an infant are massage and exercise therapy. Remedial gymnastics you can do it yourself, but the massage should be done by a specialist.

Massage is a great way to eliminate muscle hypertonicity in an infant.

Also in the complex of therapy they use:

  • warm relaxing baths, sometimes with the addition of soothing herbs (pine, valerian);
  • warm paraffin wraps;
  • electrophoresis;
  • swimming for babies;
  • drug therapy ( medications should be prescribed only by a pediatric neurologist);
  • acupressure;
  • exercises on a gymnastic ball (fitball).

Summing up, it should be said that it is much easier to prevent hypertonia and the diseases that cause it than to deal with muscle stiffness later. Therefore, you need to adhere to the principles healthy way life, and in the event of the development of pathology, consult a doctor immediately.

Muscle tone is a resistance that must be present in muscle tissue. It appears when passive movement occurs in the joint.

The tone depends on many factors, including the condition of muscles, nerve fibers and impulses; it can be low and high.

High resistance is called back muscle hypertonicity. What is characteristic of this condition? Why is it developing?


Hypertonicity of the back muscles in adults is of two types: pyramidal and extrapyramidal. Their main difference lies in damage to different parts of the nervous system.

In the first case, resistance appears only at the beginning of the movement. After that, the muscle moves freely. In the second, there is constant resistance. Sometimes a mixed type of disease develops - most often it appears with brain tumors.

Causes of increased tone

The manifestation of the disease is not always associated with disturbances in the functioning of the body. Sometimes it develops for physiological reasons.

  1. Excessive stress on the back muscles. When they have to work for quite a long period of time, they exhaust their energy reserves. The fibers contract and freeze in this position. It will be difficult to restore mobility to them, since this is a very energy-consuming action.
  2. Inconvenient posture. Most often found in those who work at a computer for a long time. In this case, the neck suffers. Another example is gardeners who have to deal with hypertonicity of the back.
  3. The body's response to pain. Muscle spasm- the body's defensive reaction to sharp pain sensations. For example, the back muscles spasm in the event of injury to the cervical, chest or lumbar spine.
  4. Bruises and frequent stress.

Of the diseases leading to the appearance of hypertonicity of the back, the following can be distinguished:

  • stroke,
  • brain tumor,
  • Parkinson's disease,
  • epilepsy,
  • tetanus,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • myotonia.

The list is endless.

How to improve the condition?

How to relieve back muscle hypertonicity? There are two ways:

  • eliminate the root cause of its appearance;
  • relieve symptoms and unpleasant consequences.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to remove the cause. However, there is an opportunity to at least slightly improve general state the patient.

Physical therapy, psychotherapy, reflexology and other similar methods of treatment have a good effect in hypertonicity.

Another treatment option is to use medicines... They will reduce the tone, relieve pain, normalize blood circulation and the process of nutrition of the affected tissues. The most popular are muscle relaxants, antipsychotics, etc.

It is worth remembering that you should consult your doctor before using any of these drugs. Self-medication can be dangerous.

Problems in children

Sometimes hypertonicity of the muscles of the back and neck occurs even in infants. And this is quite normal. Throughout pregnancy, the child is in the uterus in the position of the embryo. Even after birth, his limbs are pressed against the body.

This will continue for approximately another 1-3 months. After this period, the tone should return to normal. If this does not happen, one can judge the development of pathological hypertonia in the infant. It has some symptoms:

  1. The crumb begins to hold his head ahead of schedule.
  2. By the age of three months, the child still has not learned to open his palm in order to take, for example, a toy.
  3. The head is tilted to the same side all the time.
  4. Chin trembles. The child can arch and throw his head back.
  5. With hypertension in the back, a newborn often regurgitates.

What can cause this condition in young children?

  • encephalopathy,
  • increased intracranial pressure,
  • a brain tumor,
  • myopathy or myotonia,
  • torticollis,
  • infections.

These diseases, as the cause of hypertonia, are most common. In fact, there are many more reasons. If measures are not taken in time, serious complications may appear:

  • lack of coordination of movements;
  • delayed development of motor skills;
  • problems with gait and posture;
  • pain syndrome;
  • disorders in the development of speech.

How to remove muscle hypertonicity in children? As in the situation with adults, it is necessary to determine the cause of its appearance and get rid of it.

After that, you can take measures to eliminate symptoms and unpleasant consequences... These include massage and exercise therapy. The massage for the child is done exclusively by a specialist.

Other procedures can be attributed to the complex therapy for the elimination of hypertonicity in infants:

  1. Taking baths with herbal supplements. You can use needles, valerian, etc.
  2. Paraffin wraps.
  3. Electrophoresis.
  4. Lessons in the pool.
  5. Taking special medications. They should be prescribed exclusively by a neurologist.
  6. Performing a set of exercises on fitball.

Hypertonicity of the muscles of the back and neck can develop in both adults and children, even the smallest. This may be due to physiological factors such as excessive stress on the back or an uncomfortable posture.

Another reason is serious malfunctions in the body. These can be infections, cerebral palsy, myotonia, myopathy, etc. If you start complex treatment on time, you can noticeably improve the patient's condition.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes... This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a physician (neurologist, therapist). Please see your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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