Home Fertilizers anki app. Anki is a powerful free tool for learning English. Other programs for learning words

anki app. Anki is a powerful free tool for learning English. Other programs for learning words

Anki - a utility that allows you to train your memory using a flash card. With its help, memorization is possible large quantity new information. At the same time, training time is reduced, increasing the amount of assimilated data. The program has flexible settings, so it will not be difficult to adjust the product according to user preferences.

The application is equipped with the function of adding tags: pictures, videos, audio files. Data is synchronized between several computers, which makes it possible to save information on all devices used. Opportunities include: learning foreign languages, preparing for legal exams, medical direction. Using the program the level increases geographical knowledge. You can learn complex guitar chords, long verses, poems.

Download the full Russian version of Anki for free from the official website without registration and SMS.

System requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 7, 8.1, Vista, XP, 10, 8
  • Bit depth: 32 bit, x86, 64 bit

Anki (Japanese 諳記 - memorization) - computer program to memorize words, expressions and other information using the spaced repetition memorization technique.

The first versions of Anki used the SuperMemo SM5 algorithm. However, according to the authors, it was discovered that the SM3 and newer algorithms, in which, unlike SM2, the answer to one card affects the appearance time of others similar to it, actually have significant disadvantages compared to SM2, in which The answer sets a gap only for this card. This is especially noticeable when accessing the program irregularly. Anki now uses an algorithm based on SM2.

With the help of this program, even the laziest will be able to quickly learn many new words and terms, so after just a few weeks of using the Anki program, new words will appear in the user’s everyday life, and it’s difficult to remember necessary information V Everyday life it will become easier. The essence of the program is both simple and ingenious - you just need to periodically repeat certain information, and soon this information will be successfully absorbed.

IN previous versions Anki program asked users to memorize only text information, so only visual memory was trained. Now users have access to lessons with audio recordings and video files, so they can also train figurative and sound memory. All tasks in the program are divided into special Anki Drive cards depending on their definition, pronunciation and other criteria. All tasks are included in the program database, and you can always download new cards with tasks to further expand your horizons and train your memory.

The Anki program also provides flexible settings, so everyone can easily customize the program to their needs and capabilities. At the same time, the program ensures the most even distribution of questions and tasks so that they are not repeated too often. Sometimes, while answering questions or completing program tasks, the user needs to leave. In this case, the program can save the card on which the user stopped. And when he starts the program again, it will offer him to continue completing tasks from the saved place or start a new training session.

Tasks in the Anki program can be divided into two groups - in one, the user is asked to answer the question posed, and in the other, he needs to define the proposed word. This achieves maximum effect memorizing new words and definitions. The program allows you to improve your long-term memory, learn to remember the necessary information, and also add many new words to your vocabulary.

Anki Features

  • Language learning.
  • Preparation for medical and legal exams.
  • Increasing geographical knowledge.
  • Learning long poems and complex guitar chords.

Anki functions

  • The basis of the Anki database (collection), stored in the format, is a list of notes (up to version 2.0 - “facts”).

Each record is a set of fields with words, definitions, pronunciations, etc., from which cards are automatically created according to the templates specified in the database. Fields can consist of styled text, images, sounds (recording is supported since version, video (from version and LaTeX.

  • When closing or synchronizing (up to version 2.0 - after entering the number of facts specified in the settings or viewing a certain number of cards) backup copy databases (without media files).
  • Anki can prevent different cards generated from the same entry (for example, “picture → word” and “word → picture”) from appearing consecutively (in version 1.x the timing is configurable; as of version 2.0.21 they are deferred by default until tomorrow, deferred items can be returned in advance).

Customization of many other variables is also available to the user.

  • If an error is made when grading an answer, the grade can be cancelled.
  • A number of statistics are available in the form of numbers and graphs.
  • There are special features to explore Japanese language- for example, when entering kanji in the “question” field, the corresponding furigana can be automatically entered into the “answer” field.

From version functions for Japanese and Chinese languages moved to plugins.

Definitions from textbooks, poems, road signs- everything that can be remembered with the help of flashcards, but most often Anki is used specifically for memorizing words. Unlike Quizlet, this program uses a spaced repetition method.

Download (create) decks of cards for Anki

Anki is available for PC and mobile devices. The PC version can be downloaded from the official website. At first you will only have one empty demo deck called “Default”. To start learning words, you need to create a deck of cards; there are 3 ways to do this (they correspond to 3 buttons at the bottom of the program window).

Method 1: Download a public deck

The simplest, but also the most ineffective option. Click on “Download” and you will be taken to the public decks section of the Anki website. Select the desired category, find a suitable set of cards, download and practice.

Anki is used to learn more than just languages

The problem is that someone created these decks according to his own philosophy, and it’s far from a fact that they will suit you. The creators of Anki themselves, in the instructions, strongly recommend creating cards yourself, customizing them to your needs:

“Creating your own deck is the most effective way to learn a complex subject. Subjects like languages ​​and the sciences can’t be understood simply by memorizing facts - they require explanation and context to learn effectively. Furthermore, inputting the information yourself forces you to decide what the key points are, leading to a better understanding.”

“Creating your own sets of cards is the most effective method memorization complex material. Subjects such as languages ​​and natural Sciences, cannot be understood simply by memorizing facts—effective learning requires explanation and context. Moreover, when you enter information yourself, you have to choose the most important thing, which contributes to a better understanding of the material.”

Method 2: Create a deck directly in the program

Click on the “Create Deck” button and add cards one by one. This mode has a lot of options for fine-tuning cards. For example, you can add a field (or several fields), making the card not two-sided, but three-sided. For example: word - translation - phrase with this word. You can attach pictures and audio recordings to the cards.

Anki has many fine adjustments. On the one hand, this expands its capabilities, on the other hand, it makes it difficult to master the program.

Method 3: Import deck from file

If you have a file with a list of words that need to be memorized, then you can not fill them in one by one, but import them in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, the program will not be able to digest any list of words, but only “text separated by a tab or semicolon” ​​in UTF-8 encoding. The easiest way to create such a file for import is in the standard Windows Notepad program, the same one that creates files with the .txt extension - just remember to save the file in UTF-8 encoding. Words must be arranged in two columns and separated from each other by tabs (Tab key) or semicolons.

A list of words in an xls (Excel) table, for example mine, can also be imported. Copy the two columns of words into a txt file, save it in UTF-8 encoding and add it to Anki.

Spaced repetition method in the Anki program - learn words and don’t forget

Anki uses the spaced repetition method to learn words. Spaced repetition is a method of effective memorization; its essence is to repeat memorized information at certain intervals (without repetition, it will quickly be forgotten). The length of these intervals depends on how well the material has been learned.

I'll explain with an example. You took, say, 30 cards with words and learned them. Words will not be remembered firmly; very soon they will begin to be forgotten. Some words will be remembered better, others worse. Words learned “excellently” can be repeated after two weeks, words learned “satisfactorily” are best repeated after five days, and those memorized with a bad mark need to be refreshed the next day.

Now imagine that the 30 words you have learned need to be sorted by how well you think they were remembered and repeated at certain intervals. You'll just get confused. Moreover, in reality there will be not 30 words, but much more.

Anki sorts words automatically in the right way and issues them for repetition in strict accordance with a scientifically verified schedule. This is very convenient, you take a deck of cards with words, learn a certain number of cards in one sitting (by default it costs 20 cards per day) and do not worry about repetition - the program itself will offer to repeat the words in right time.

The learning process itself looks like this:

1. The program shows one side of the card, you need to remember the answer and click on “Show answer”.

Cards can be viewed from language A to language B. To learn words from language B to language A, you need to make an inverted version of the deck.

2. By clicking on “Show answer”, you will see the correct answer; you need to note how easily you guessed it - “I don’t remember”, “Just right”, “Very easy”. Based on the statistics of your answers, the program will conclude which card and when to show for repetition.

“Very easy” cards will need to be repeated after 4 days. You can change the interval in the settings, but this is for advanced users.

I will also add that in Anki, unlike some other similar programs (for example, Quizlet), there is only one memorization mode. Nothing extra.

Is it possible to learn a language using Anki?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: you can memorize a lot with Anki foreign words, which is very important in learning a language, but this in itself will not allow you to master the language (read, write, communicate).

Here's what the creators of Anki write:

“If you are a language learner, you may be tempted to download a long list of words and their translations, but this won’t teach you a language any more than memorizing scientific equations will teach you astrophysics. To learn properly, you need textbooks, teachers, or exposure to real-world sentences. […] if you attempt to study complex subjects without external material, you will probably meet with disappointing results”

“If you're learning a language, you might be tempted to download a long list of words with translations, but that won't teach you the language any more than memorizing scientific equations can teach you astrophysics. To study properly, you need textbooks, teachers or perception real language. […] Trying to study a difficult subject without additional materials, you will probably be disappointed with the result.”

Vocabulary is an important, time-consuming, but not the only side of learning a language; it is impossible to fully master a language without devoting some time and effort to grammar and practice in reading, writing, listening, oral speech. Moreover, I believe that memorizing lists of words using cards is advisable when you are just laying the foundations of your vocabulary, taking your first steps in learning a language, or want to improve some specific vocabulary topic.

Other programs for learning words

In fact, programs mobile applications There are a lot of words to remember. Many of them are not much different from each other. I will highlight two more, in my opinion, most remarkable services:

1. LinguaLeo.

2. Quizlet


If for some reason you want to learn fairly large sets of words, Anki is effective solution. Anki is convenient if you want to load words into the program and let it teach. The program uses the method of interval repetition; it will itself “throw” the right cards at the right time to you in order to reliably fix the information in memory. It is also convenient that by registering in the system, you will have access to your cards both on the PC program and on mobile version, great for in between activities (in traffic, in line, etc.)

On the other hand, Anki's clever algorithm is not always really needed, and not everyone may like it. In Anki it is difficult to create a set of words and learn it just as you please, not scientifically. In addition, in Anki you cannot freely rotate cards first from language A to language B, then vice versa. To do this you will have to create inverted duplicates.

Friends! I don't currently tutor, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site- there are native (and non-native) language teachers there 👅 for all occasions and for any pocket 🙂 I myself took more than 50 lessons with the teachers I found there!

Not so easy. To remember English words Many different ways have been invented with translation. The topic of this article is free program for memorizing English words, which is called Anki.

First of all, you need to download it to your computer, to do this just go to. You will be taken to the official website of this program, after which you need to click the “Download” button.

After clicking, you will be transferred to bottom part pages where you can select the Anki program version for different operating systems. If you have Windows, then select the appropriate tab and click the “Download Anki for Windows” button. You can also download the application for your smartphone and install it. After clicking, wait for it to download and install the application.

The fact is that the application has the ability to install Russian version program, but the translation is done rather clumsily, so much of what is written may not be clear to you. I recommend installing English version, at the same time you will practice.

But we forgot about the main thing. What is Anki?

What is Anki, a program for memorizing English words?

Anki is a convenient, easy-to-use program that won't take up much space on your disk. It allows you to display and view flashcards for memorizing English words. However, the problem is that these cards must first be found and downloaded. There is a special section on the website for this, where anyone can add their own set of cards.

These same sets of cards are called decks. You can download them. As you can see, several languages ​​are listed, which tells us that Anki allows you to learn not only English. After selecting your language, you will see a list of available decks. You can even create your own, but this is a rather tedious and time-consuming task, so it is much easier to download ready-made ones. Some flashcard decks allow you to learn English words with pronunciation (such files usually weigh a lot).

For those who find it difficult to understand among the many proposed options, I can offer a universal option - . These cards make it possible to learn English words with transcription. There is no pronunciation, but everything you need is there while maintaining a compact file size.

A couple more interesting decks- And . The cards in both files are voiced and allow you to remember the pronunciation of each word.

How to use the program?

Every day you will be given a certain number of words, which you look through by flipping through the cards. Some words may be familiar to you, some you may see for the first time. Most importantly, this program takes into account the fact stated in the previous sentence. Therefore, below each word you will see three options:

1) If you don't remember or don't know given word, the inscription above the button indicates that it will be shown to you in no more than 1 minute.

2) By clicking “Just Right,” you tell the program to show the word in about 10 minutes. During this time, you will be able to forget him again.

3) “Very easy” speaks for itself: you know the word well, and there is no need for this word to constantly flash before your eyes. 4 days is an excellent period. You never know, maybe by then it will be useful to refresh your memory.

Thanks to this wonderful program for memorizing English words, you can practice every day and increase your lexicon without spending a lot of time. However, some recommendations can help make working with the program even more effective.

  1. Although it is easier to download ready-made sets of cards for memorizing English words, try to create your own too. Every time you hear or see a new word or expression in newspapers, books, magazines, write it down and add it to your own deck. Thanks to this move, you will be able to expand your own unique dictionary, and your English will sound more natural and relaxed every day.
  2. Download pronunciation cards and then write down your own voice. As you view the cards, click "More" and then "Record Own Voice." This way you can compare the pronunciation of a native English speaker with your own.
  3. Don't translate into Russian. If your language proficiency is high enough, it is better to use instead regular translation a picture or some definition that will help you remember the word. You could even put a picture on one side of the card and a word or expression on the other. If you stop translating, your brain will start thinking in English.
  4. Check your stats. On a smartphone, you can open the menu and look at statistics, which will show full information about how successfully you are completing your training. For example, the time of day when you memorize words best!

Nowadays everything more people want to learn something foreign language. It's very fashionable now. But how can this be done more rationally? And is it even possible to try to at least master the basics of a particular language? We can make you happy: you can! With Anki you can master any language for free!

Anki is an absolutely free program designed for learning foreign words (phrases, sentences, etc.) using a step-by-step teaching method. This is a kind of simulator for memorizing foreign words in very long time. The program has a very nice and user-friendly interface, quite easy to use.


So, first you should download this program. Special knowledge and no installation skills are required. The archive will download, it will contain an installer, you just need to run it and wait for installation. After the installation is complete, the program will launch itself.

This program is unique in that you can learn foreign words using it using an algorithm for gradually memorizing and mastering information. This algorithm gives more good result and improves memory efficiency.

Program effectiveness

If you use this program every day for 30 minutes, then in a month you can master from 500 to 1000 words. Thus, in a year you can master from 5 to 10 thousand words, expressions, phrases, terms, etc. This unique program will allow you to master the language in a very short time good level English, as well as any other. It is also worth noting that Anki has a Russian interface, which is important.

The best way to learn a foreign language is through the delayed repetition method. The bottom line is that words should be studied with the help of special mnemonic cards, on one side of which a foreign word is written, and on the other side their translation. Having studied the words on such cards, you need to divide them into 3 categories: “Remembered well”, “Remembered poorly”, “Did not remember”. Thus, words that you did not remember well need to be repeated after 2-4 hours, words that you did not remember well should be repeated after 12-14 hours, and you can return to repeating well-remembered words after 1 or 2 days.

Where can I get the training archive?

These mnemonic cards can be taken from the Internet and worked with them in the Anki program. You can download them by clicking on a special button in the program. You will be redirected to a site where you need to select “Russian language” and then download what you need. The page will present many different mnemonic maps.

So, download this program, study daily, and within a year you will know from 5 to 10 thousand foreign words. Good luck!

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