Home Fruit trees The meaning of the cards wheel of the year princess of wands. Interesting review of the deck. I have not worked with the Wheel of the Year Tarot. I'm interested in the review, I think I should buy it

The meaning of the cards wheel of the year princess of wands. Interesting review of the deck. I have not worked with the Wheel of the Year Tarot. I'm interested in the review, I think I should buy it

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This book introduces the reader to the Wheel of the Year Tarot deck and introduces the reader to the tradition and some of the neo-pagan rituals that this deck represents. The wheel is a symbol of cyclicity and movement, including the symbol of the Sun, which moves across the sky year after year and entails changes in nature, which we call the change of seasons. The Wheel of the Year is a cycle of holidays corresponding to the equinoxes and solstices and marking the transition from one season to another. The suits of the Minor Arcana Tarot of the Wheel of the Year deck correspond to these 8 holidays, so a separate large article is devoted to them in the book. This book is about the close connection of man with nature, about how to learn to live in harmony with the natural flow of time.

Associated with the Wiccan magical tradition, the Wheel of the Year Tarot deck radiates an inexplicable charm and appeal that makes you pick it up again and again.

-Who is this book for?

Tarot “Wheel of the Year” is a rich, colorful deck with “talking” images. Bright and optimistic, simple but not boring. Versatile, responds well to everyday, domestic issues about work, health, relationships. The best way Suitable for beginners, those who are just starting to master Tarot cards. The images of this deck have not lost the main, deep meaning of the Arcana, at the same time, bright, specific images allow you to understand the meaning of the card without often turning to auxiliary materials. We can safely recommend it as the first deck.

Tarot “Wheel of the Year” will be no less interesting for professionals. The theme of this deck is inextricably linked with the theme of the movement of time and the change of time cycles, so the “Wheel of the Year” will help to understand the difficult to diagnose and controversial problem of determining time using Tarot cards. Psychologists who use Tarot in their consultations will be interested in the themes of social roles and age (biological and psychological), which are well represented in this deck.

- What is this book for?

This is a reference book for working with the “Wheel of the Year” deck. The book clearly spells out the specific meanings of the cards in one or another position of the layout. It will be useful as an auxiliary material for working with this deck.


PARTIMajor Arcana

Description of the map

General value

Period of time

Times of Day



Work and income



Psychological picture

Social role


PARTIIMinor Arcana and Court cards(interpretation according to the same scheme).

Imbolc is a holiday of candles. Bowls, number cards.

Ostara – the beginning of spring. Bowls, court cards.

Beltane is a celebration of the return of fertility. Wands, number cards.

Lita – the beginning of summer. Wands, court cards.

Lughnasadh is a festival of bread and gratitude for the harvest. Pentacles, number cards.

Mabon - the beginning of autumn. Pentacles, court cards.

Samhain is the celebration of the end of the harvest. Swords, number cards.

Yule is the beginning of winter. Swords, court cards.

PARTIIILayouts. Case studies.

Abstract Introduction

1. Wheel of the Year – restoration of lost unity with nature.

In ancient times, man lived among nature and in harmony with it. He felt himself to be part of a world in which all living things exist and develop according to general laws: they are born, grow up, grow old, die and are born again. These natural cycles in the revived neo-pagan tradition are represented by the Wheel of the Year (further - more about the Wheel of the Year, connection with seasonal agricultural work, collective celebration of “Sabbaths”).

Features of the Wheel of the Year deck. Archetypes of the Major Arcana, represented in the images of neo-pagan (Wiccan) deities and natural phenomena. The Minor Arcana and Court cards are structurally related to the eight holidays of the Wheel of the Year.

2. Eight Holy Days of the Year.

Like the eight cardinal directions, main and intermediate, eight spokes in a cart wheel, without which the life of a peasant is unthinkable, the Wheel of the Year carries 8 holidays, marking the end of one and the beginning of another cycle of time. They are called “Sabbats” - Great Sabbats or Days of Feast ( detailed description meaning, purpose and rituals of each holiday).

The wheel is round. It has neither beginning nor end, so there is no consensus on which Holiday opens the year. For the Celts it is Samhain, for the Scandinavians it is Yule. The next holiday is Imbolc - the holiday of candles, the time when nature awakens from hibernation and you can already feel the breath of spring. In the Wheel of the Year Tarot deck, the Minor Arcana and Court Cards are inextricably linked with the eight “Sabbaths”, and the authors of the deck decided to begin the description of the suits with this holiday - the holiday of candles.

3.Social roles

The more urbanized a society is, the more fragmented it is. Modern man, losing touch with nature and his roots, he seeks and finds his own individuality, but ceases to notice those invisible connections between people that exist in any society. He often doesn't understand social role which is assigned to him by society. The "Wheel of the Year" takes us back through Wiccan and neo-pagan traditions to a time when people lived in communities. Together we experienced difficult and joyful times, together we harvested crops and celebrated holidays. And everyone in this community had their own place and role. (Further - the definition of a social role, types of roles, role conflict, conditions for freedom from a social role).

4. Time cycles in the Tarot Wheel of the Year

The main theme of the Wheel of the Year Tarot is the theme of changing natural cycles. The dying away of the old and the birth of the new, active life activity or passive waiting. Therefore, “Wheel of the Year,” like no other Tarot deck, is able to answer questions about the timeliness of the planned enterprise, how long the process is taking and when the result can be expected. Since the suits of the Minor Arcana are directly tied to calendar holidays and seasons, we can determine the approximate duration of an event, the end of a particular enterprise, or choose the time for its productive beginning. Accordingly, we can determine the life cycle of a person, his age, not only calendar, but also biological to identify physical capabilities or psychological, to help psychologists work. (Next are ways to determine time using the Major and Minor Arcana).

CourtXXRoad to the light

Description of the map

Young beautiful woman stands barefoot in the snow. She seems to be rising from her knees and reaching out to the rays of the spring sun, which are already breaking through the winter night sky. A heavy fur cloak falls from the woman’s shoulders, and underneath is a thin chiffon dress in a delicate pink color. The landscape on the map is still winter: everything around is covered with snow, there are massive mountains on the horizon, symbolizing motionless processes. But the sun is already beginning to warm the earth and the flowers emerging from under the snow give hope for liberation and renewal.

General value


Liberation from fetters, restrictions and oppressive obligations. A feeling of inner freedom and lightness. The onset of a new stage of life. Second wind. Enlightenment. Overcoming psychological crises. Important, irreversible changes associated with the passage of time, and acceptance of oneself in a new capacity.

Upside down

A person does not feel the passage of time. Changes have occurred, but he does not accept them, resists them and tries to live according to the old laws. Does not understand the meaning of changes, their patterns. Or, on the contrary, he is rushing for time when the situation is not yet ripe and the event is impossible. From rejection and dissatisfaction, he becomes depressed, or, on the contrary, becomes aggressive and commits rash acts.

Period of time

A time of serious changes associated with human biological cycles or with the way out of psychological crises. Final phases biological processes(mainly in women) - puberty, first birth, menopause. For men, social changes that may not be tied to age are more important - first salary, marriage, retirement.

Times of Day - dawn

Season - end of winter, first glimpses of spring

Age - All age crises, especially adolescence and crisis adolescence. Approximately: 15 – 18 years, 25 – 29, 39 – 45, 55 60.


Any event that brings with it irreversible changes, usually perceived in a positive way. Transition to a new quality, acquisition of a different status. A girl becomes a girl, a bride becomes a wife, a father becomes a grandfather, etc. Marriages, divorces, first sexual experience, birth of children and grandchildren, radical change of job, retirement, departure for permanent residence, etc. These are long-awaited events; they are perceived as liberation from old programs and previous responsibilities. Usually joyful, but not always. “Judgment” can mean, for example, the death of a person after a serious illness, when relatives are relieved of their obligations to care for him.

Work and income

Dramatic changes that follow better times. The first job of a young specialist. Getting a long-awaited position or salary increase. Transition to a qualitatively different professional and material level that a person deserves. Liberation from routine, uninteresting work. Retirement. Often - refusal of career growth in favor of the independence of a “free artist”.


Things are not as bad as previously thought. Liberation from unpleasant premonitions and depressing thoughts about your health. Feeling of lightness and fullness of strength. Cure from a long debilitating illness. Perhaps a refutation of a dangerous diagnosis. Way out of a psychological crisis.


Long-awaited marriage. Divorce as liberation from an outdated relationship. Serious conversation, which puts everything in its place. To make a new acquaintance - an important, fateful meeting will very likely lead to happy marriage. Acquiring a reliable business partner or true friend who will always help in difficult times.

Psychological picture

Internally strong, uncompromising person. He always knows what he wants, and especially what he doesn’t want. Firmly moves towards the goal. Open to everything new and unknown. In communication he is careful, but not closed. It is important for him to have deep, serious relationships.

Social role

A person free from any framework, including social ones. Most often, he is completely outside of society, outside the system, or he himself, voluntarily, chooses his role in society.


Solution of a problem. Finding a way out of a dead end. Transition to another, qualitatively new level. A feeling of relief, a breath of fresh air.


Raise your head to the light and feel the arrival of spring. Boldly and confidently get down to business. Don't be afraid of change. Free yourself from the old, outdated and unnecessary.

8 of Pentacles Blacksmith

Description of the map

The map shows a blacksmith at work. His horseshoe is almost ready. The basic, rough work is done. All that remains is to painstakingly hone the details and bring the job to completion. The blacksmith smiles: his work gives him pleasure. He likes both the process and the result. Work brings not only emotional satisfaction, but also good income. This is indicated by the coins lying on the table. Behind the blacksmith, in the stall, there is a bay horse - a symbol of desire, vitality And natural energy which a person skillfully manages.

The door of the forge is open and we can see a huge tree with a spreading crown. It is associated with long-term growth and accumulation of resources, strength and prosperity, with belonging to a large family and ancestral roots. The leaves on the tree are still green, but the grass has already turned yellow. Summer is coming to an end and autumn is already approaching.

General value

In a straight position. Stable, confident progress towards the goal. The final stage of work. Passion for the activity, love for the chosen business. Self-realization, reliance on experience and skill. Excellent quality of work performed. Precision and attention to detail. Contribution to the common cause. Continuation of traditions.

Upside down. In the inverted position, the characteristic of the card changes to the opposite. Fatigue from routine and loss of interest entail a reluctance to diligently and methodically achieve results, negligence and inaccuracy in work, weakened physical potential. Accumulation of resources is impossible; previously accumulated resources are wasted. Laziness, passivity, despondency. The need for rest or a change of activity.

Period of time

The harvest period, the time to reap the fruits of long days or many years of labor. The time when experience and professionalism already work for a person. It's time to actively accumulate reserves for a calmer or difficult period calm and inaction.

Times of Day - between 5 and 6 pm or shortly before sunset

Season - end of summer, beginning of autumn, shortly before the autumnal equinox.

Age - 45 - 50 years old, closer to 50. A mature person who has successfully overcome a midlife crisis.


A large amount of familiar work that a person does skillfully and with pleasure. Making your own items, such as jewelry, talismans, or amulets.

Work and income

Constant work, work for every day. Activities that require perseverance, precision and accuracy. Practical use knowledge. Mine own business. A family business, passing on skills from father to son. An experienced professional in his field, versed in all the intricacies and details, deserving of a good reward for his work. The income is constant, allowing you to save and save money.


The man is in excellent physical shape. Good heredity. Health is not a concern. Lots of strength and energy. High fertility (ability to bear children). The disease is not dangerous, recovery is quick, but additional treatment procedures may be required.


A strong, well-established union of two people who understand each other. Interest and physical attraction. It is possible to be overly enthusiastic about work, but partnership and family relations it doesn't interfere. On new meeting– Potentially promising relationships, but they need to be built. In a work team, a member of a well-coordinated team, where everyone does their job, but everyone does one common thing.

Psychological picture

Self-sufficient, self-confident person. Hardworking, full of strength and energy. He solves his problems himself and does not shift them onto anyone. Responsible, psychologically mature. Skillful master.

Social role

A highly qualified specialist in his field, working for the benefit of a large team. Continuator of family traditions.


You will be able to show your best quality. What happens will become part of something big and lasting.


Confidently, with love, take on the enterprise. There is enough strength and skill for this. Believe in yourself. Take advantage of your professionalism and experience. Take your time and painstakingly finish the work. Pay attention to detail or finishing. Contribute to the common cause.

Tarot Wheel of the Year (originally Wheel of the Year Tarot) is a stunningly unusual deck that introduces us to the long-forgotten customs of our ancestors.

It immerses us in a time when there was unity, harmony and balance between man and nature, when there was a balance between the material and spiritual worlds. Tarot Wheel of the Year is designed to remind us of our origins, of the inextricable connection between man and Mother Earth. Bright and sometimes very colorful images, filled with pagan symbolism and the wisdom of low-lying nature, take us into the world of bewitching beauty and sacred mysteries. Tarot Wheel of the Year shows everyone famous times years through the prism of pagan holidays (Sabbaths), which our ancestors celebrated, placing great hopes on them. As you already understand, the name Wheel of the Year for this deck was taken for a reason. Firstly, the cards represent their affiliation with different times of the year. And secondly, the Wheel of the Year in pagan cultures was a symbol of the changing seasons and stages of human development - from the day of his birth to the day of death. The Wheel of the Year is also a kind of symbol indicating the time for ritual ceremonies dedicated to the holidays of the seasons, to the moment of change of periods. Therefore, the authors of the Tarot Wheel of the Year, Marya Karatti and Antonella Platano, tried to create the most complete and self-sufficient deck. They also did not skimp on the illustrations, which accurately reflect the hopes, expectations and experiences of people, their gratitude and praise for each season. So, let's get acquainted with the features and structure of the cards to understand how to tell the Wheel of the Year Tarot.

Deck structure

Let's move on to the structure of the deck. The Wheel of the Year Tarot consists of 78 cards of the Major and Minor Arcana, 22 and 56 in number, respectively. The Major Arcana closely resonate with classical meanings Tarot systems. However, they also have a twist. It lies in the fact that the Major Arcana in the Tarot Wheel of the Year personify the Great Sabbats (festivals of the transition from season to season). They carry symbols and signs belonging to one of the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Thus, the Arcanum “The Hermit” walks through a blizzard, “Justice,” like a deity, separates the two seasons, and “Lovers” hold a wedding ceremony in a spring meadow dotted with many flowers. Unlike the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana in the Wheel of the Year Tarot have a clear order and belong to the Minor Sabbats. Therefore, their meaning in the Wheel of the Year Tarot does not always agree with the standard interpretation. Each suit of the Minor Arcana represents 2 Sabbats, Minor and Major. Thus, the “Chalices” reveal the mystery of the Sabbats of Imbolc and Ostara; "Wands" - Beltane and Lytha; "Denarius" - Lammas and Mabon; and “Swords” represent the holidays of Samhain and Yule. Probably, this set of incomprehensible words does not tell you anything, so I will say it differently: Lesser Sabbats correspond to the equinoxes and solstice signs. These ones unclear words These are the days and signs that signify them. But let's not get away from the point. The court cards of the Minor Arcana in the Wheel of the Year Tarot are fully correlated with the Major Sabbats or, more simply, with the Major Arcana. Thus, all Arcana (both Minor and Senior) follow the rotation of the Wheel of the Year and are subject to the constant renewal of the cycle of life, which manifests itself not only in the change of periods, but also in the change of day and night, life and death, flourishing and maturity, etc. d.

Tarot Wheel of the Year: layouts and card meanings

Tarot Wheel of the Year will be an indispensable assistant in matters relating to relationships, careers and general everyday life. Maps are especially accurate in predicting time periods. But for this you will have to delve into the essence and mystery of at least the main pagan sabbaths. Based on this, we can say that it is better to choose Wheel of the Year Tarot layouts, taking into account the above topics. This deck also has its own original layouts, which are best done on Sabbath days. But in Everyday life Tarot Wheel of the Year also interacts well with conventional universal layouts. Therefore, if you are not a fan of pagan culture, as well as everything outlandish and insanely ancient, then you can safely work with the usual layouts. Well, for advanced users there is the opportunity to use original thematic (pagan themed) layouts. Tarot Wheel of the Year is a very bright deck, so it will be suitable more than that who loves colorful images, who has creative approach to everything around him, with intuitive imagination and optimism. It is suitable for both an experienced tarot reader and a person just trying to learn all the subtleties and mysteries of the Tarot. And, of course, Tarot Wheel of the Year, like a missing piece of a puzzle, will fit perfectly into your life if you feel at one with nature, if you are interested in or study the sacraments and rituals of paganism, if you are fascinated by the force that constantly turns us in rhythm Wheels of the Year.

By interacting with the cards of the Wheel of the Year deck, you understand more deeply the cyclical nature of time and the changing of seasons. The images present on the lassos fill vital energy and strengthen connections to ancient archetypes and spiritual roots. The symbols captured in these Tarot cards are unusually expressive and wise.

About the Wheel of the Year Tarot deck

“Mysticism and fantasy sprout greenery in our hearts and call us home to the forest”
- from a book about Tarot

The inspiration for the creation of this deck was the customs of distant ancestors. In ancient times, man was in balance with the material and spiritual components of the world.

The task of the Wheel of the Year Tarot is a reminder of the origins, restoring a person’s connection with nature and with himself. Pagan symbols, bright colors and sensual images are chosen for maximum inclusion in the experience of sacred sacraments.

The usual seasons in the arcana of the Wheel of the Year are reflected in the paradigm of archaic celebrations (Sabbaths), revered by the ancestors. In pagan culture, the change of seasons was also symbolically associated with the alternation life cycles and stages of development from the moment of birth to departure to another world.

The creators of this deck, Marya Karatti and Antonella Platano, were guided by a rich theoretical base. Special attention should be paid to illustrations that are emotionally charged and reliably reflect relevant experiences.

Review of card meanings (mbk) in the Wheel of the Year deck

The set of arcana in the deck is equal to 78 cards of the Major and Minor Arcana, in quantities of 22 and 56, respectively. Correspondence of the Major Arcana with traditional meanings Tarot system is obvious, but there are also characteristic differences.

Each of the cards has symbols and signs that are consonant with one of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. For example, the lasso Hermit makes his way through a blizzard; Justice, at the level of the highest deity, draws the boundary between the seasons; Lovers personify the triumph of life in the midst of spring.

The classification of the Minor Arcana presupposes a clear systematization and response to the minor sabbaths (celebrations). The meaning of these cards is only partially consistent with the classical interpretation of the Tarot.

Minor celebrations occur on the days of the equinox and solstices, which are recorded in the images of the Minor Arcana of the Wheel of the Year deck. However, the court cards have some correspondence with the Great Sabbats and Major Arcana.

Like a rotating wheel, the images and meanings of the cards change in a strict numerological order that exists in the deck, which reflects the cycles of changing seasons, night and day, life and death.

Original card meanings included with the Wheel of the Year Tarot deck

One of the clear advantages of this deck in a predictive manner is the ability to predict temporary landmarks. In the area of ​​competence of the Tarot Wheel of the Year questions interpersonal relationships, household and career. But knowledge is not enough to master the necessary skills general theory Tarot.

It will take some deepening into the spiritual essence of pagan celebrations. Layouts specially designed for this deck are most effective on dates that fall on Sabbaths. The usual schemes for working with the Tarot arcana can also be used on the described deck.

In-depth study/discussion of Tarot Wheel of the Year

Users seeking in-depth knowledge can use this deck to practice original pagan thematic layouts. Also, the language of images of the arcana of the Wheel of the Year will appeal to creative people whose intuition awakens through sensory perception of the world around them.

The depth of symbolism in the images of the arcana is expressed in ways that are understandable to both beginners in the art of Tarot and experienced tarot readers.

Tarot Wheel of the Year is distinguished by its non-standard interpretation of the system as a whole and its individual arcana in particular. Archetypal images and symbols depicted on the cards suggest the elaboration of deep aspects of reality and inner world person.


This deck contains a rich theoretical base and is a convenient tool for work by both an experienced tarot reader and an amateur. The choice of this Tarot will be especially successful for a person who is interested in ancient sacraments and rituals, who studies the structure of the world.

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