Home Fertilizers Attract good luck on your own. Bay leaf to attract good luck

Attract good luck on your own. Bay leaf to attract good luck


Our subconscious mind is designed in such a way that it remembers most of all the negative moments of life, such as unsuccessful deals, a break in a relationship, or an experienced fear. Hence, uncertainty and doubts arise that negative experience can be repeated. And we must take into account how happiness is not attracted to people with negative thoughts. Indeed, why should a person if he is not in tune with this and can easily miss his own. To prevent this from happening, you need to set aside 10 minutes daily for happy thoughts. Imagine that you already have what you dream of. Relive moments of excitement, as if you have already bought a brand new car or met your own. Dream when you rush to work and when you go to bed. Hence, the dreams that you made up will begin to embody the picture. happy life, and the thought that you deserve to be happy will be firmly planted in your subconscious. After a month of such exercises, changes in better side.

If there is a series of unsuccessful events, then in no case should you dwell on them. Happened - and, in the end, we learn from mistakes and any experience is very important. It is necessary to survive the situation and it from yourself. So you will pull faster happiness, because as the proverb says - "after the strip, there is always a white one."

For a more detailed representation of a happy life and its speedy one, you can draw a picture in which you should display your dreams. When a person draws with inspiration, his subconscious mind remembers the moments associated with joy, luck, anticipation of love and a new stage in life. So a person will tune in to a light wave, and happiness will knock on him imperceptibly soon.

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Everyone wants happiness. And no matter how he presents it myself everyone living on earth. It can be similar desires, or maybe opposite, one thing is clear - no matter what bird of happiness one sees, everyone dreams of catching it or at least from time to time to hold it in their hands. In our real life there are certain techniques to help these dreams come true. They are available to everyone, one has only to arm oneself with undivided faith and a great desire to learn how to attract myself happiness.


Installation on the positive. There are classic opposing views in the same situation. Two people looked through the prison bars: one saw the dirt, the other the stars. Learn to notice only "stars" under any circumstances, and very soon the changes in your life will start to pleasantly surprise you. Chinese philosopher Hong Zicheng said: “Learn joy in life - that's The best way attract happiness».

Replacing the minus with a plus. As soon as you find yourself in a negative field (scandal, abuse, skirmish) or "caught" yourself in a state of anger and irritation, quickly perform a ritual that psychologists call neutralization. It will take no more than 3 seconds to execute it. Inhale sharply, concentrating all the inhalation force in the area with a characteristic sound similar to grunting or snoring. As you exhale, pronounce several consonant sounds in a row - a kind of abbreviation for a phrase that you can think of yourself for such a case. For example, some say "PWB", "Pshel out, blockhead", or "CHSP" - "I feel great." A bit of a funny ritual, but everything is explained simply: on a snoring inhalation, the throat chakra, which is responsible for emotions, begins to vibrate. This technique produces cleansing and changes in your personal space, as well as around you. That is, the channels are released through which positive emotions can easily flow, anticipating happiness... When surrounded by people, this technique can be performed intelligently. Pretend that you are clearing your throat, coughing slightly, and it is enough to pronounce the abbreviation mentally, the throat ligaments themselves will take the right position.

Harmony and infinity. An amazingly effective technique that should be performed at high speed for 20- (with eyes closed or open, whichever is more convenient for you). Sit back, relax. Imagine a silvery volumetric figure eight glowing from within in front of you, directly opposite your chest. Launch a stream of light into it and drive this shining clot in figure eight at a speed convenient for you. Then gently "release" the figure eight into space, imagining how it melts away from you. This technique extinguishes the negativity around you, "heals" any, even the most difficult situation. It is good to do this technique before bed as it must not be interrupted. Although, if you are sure that you will complete the process to the end, you can do it anywhere, even in, even in public transport.

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You can not follow these recommendations, and then your life will go on as usual, not for a moment bringing you closer to happiness. But, as they say, if you really want an apple, you should at least get off the couch and go out into the garden. That's why you can start your journey to happiness with these easy exercises and action. You will see the results in a day. The main thing is not to stop.


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Every person at least once in his life thought about how good it would be if dreams came true. But many do not know that in order for desires to be fulfilled, it is necessary to dream correctly. Almost every reasonable desire can come true. Dreams from the category of fantasy are practically not given to come true. For example, you are unlikely to be able to ride a unicorn, but anyone can join equestrian sports. Before you desire something, think about how useful it is for you to fulfill this desire, because it can come true.


Affirmations have a powerful effect on the realization of thoughts and desires. Practice positive affirmations daily. Say them out loud when alone and to yourself so as not to embarrass others. For example, if you dream of buying a car, but Money while there is not enough, entice them with the statement: "I bought the car of my dreams, I like ironing the seat upholstery, I inhale the smell of my new foreign car."

Words and thoughts will be realized faster if supplemented with visualization. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, feel your breathing, relax your body. In a few minutes you will feel ready to dive into your own thoughts and dreams. Do not be distracted by problems, now you are busy fulfilling your own desires. The mind's eye will automatically see a picture describing your thoughts... Imagine that this is already reality, this is your present. Live your own, fix yourself all the sensations and feelings that arose during the implementation of desire. Gradually get out of the meditative state, keeping within yourself the confidence that your dream has already come true.

Perhaps, during visualization, mental blocks will begin to emerge, which interfere with the realization of your desire, for example, the words of others. It is these negative ones, which yours recorded, that you need to eradicate with positive statements in the future. Choose a suitable affirmation for yourself, for example: "I am surrounded only by those people who will help me to fulfill my own." Gradually, you will notice that the block goes away, and inside you there is a feeling and a willingness to be determined to achieve the goal.

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Almost every person at least once in his life thought about how to attract to myself event... Many people prefer to seek help from specialists - astrologers and psychologists, so that they can help understand myself and attract what you want event as soon as possible. However, there are those who can simply think about this or that desire, without doing anything.


It has long been proven that thought is material. What does it mean? This means that you need to think and dream about what you really want. You can even visualize the object of desires, watch event but very neat. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that, fantasizing and imagining, you will simply experience event, and it will automatically come true.

Thoughts give rise to events in the future. Attract event will succeed faster if it is positive. Accordingly, it can be done about the fact that positive thoughts generate positive events. In life happen different situations that leave their mark on the subconscious and the vision of the world as a whole. The constant stream of negative events leads to the fact that you become irritable, there is a lack of confidence in myself... And it prevents you from concentrating on what you want.

The latest events in life leave their mark. But never forget your dream, oh own desires achieve anything.

Choose a convenient time for yourself to devote every day myself at least 10 minutes. At this time, you do not think about any extraneous things. Concentrate on myself... Understand what you really want, analyze what prevents you from achieving what you want. To myself event, think about how to implement it every day. Follow your desires, listen to yourself. Imagine this event came true. Feel your delight and joy, live 10 minutes with this event m as if it were already. Look at the situation from the other side. You got what you wanted, you pulled to myself event... Now answer the question yourself: what was stopping you, what was stopping you from fulfilling this desire?


The path to achieving the goal is a difficult path. Remember, in order to attract this or that event, you need to act. The event will not happen by itself. Take action.
Your life is in your hands.

Helpful advice

Do this exercise every day. These are small steps up the ladder to bring about a desired event.

Who doesn't want to be a lucky person? Luck is a direct path to success and self-confidence. Of course, getting it takes some effort. So what exactly needs to be done in order for luck to smile more and more often?

Believe in yourself! Without self-confidence, there will be no luck. Whatever difficult situation I was not present in your life, do not lose hope, fight for a better outcome, believe that you can put things right. This is the only way you can succeed. Belief in your own luck works wonders!

Don't miss the moment! If there is such a moment in your life in which you can rely on luck, do not miss it! Take advantage of every opportunity to make a difference in your life.

Learn to channel your luck back on track! Of course, luck, like everything else in the world, tends to end, so you shouldn't use it unnecessarily. Listen to your intuition, she will always tell you what to do and how, but do not turn off your head. Before taking important decision think over everything to the smallest detail.

Learn to draw conclusions! Even the most fortunate people fail and fail, but an experienced person will always benefit from them and will try not to make such mistakes in the future.

Every morning and before bed pronounce the following expressions:

  • "I know that I am a lucky person."
  • "Luck is always on my side."
  • "If something doesn't work out today, it will work out tomorrow."
  • "My intuition always tells me the truth, and I trust it."
  • "I learn a lesson from any mistake and try to correct it."
  • "Good luck accompanies me in everything."

These simple sentences instill confidence in themselves and their strength. They will help you think only about the good, tune in a positive mood and do any business with confidence in your luck.

To summarize, I would like to say that luck is an integral part of a happy person. And if you believe yourself that good luck always accompanies you, then all problems will simply disappear, and any difficult task will become simple and easy for you to do.


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The ability to attract to myself cash flows helps to make dreams come true, makes a person more independent and free. It is very important to learn this as early as possible in order to feel successful and avoid the difficulties associated with a lack of money.

Sometimes every person lacks a little bit of luck and luck. Fortunately, there are surefire ways to woo Fortune and change your life for the better.

At some moments in life, luck can simply turn away from a person. To return it, you can use conspiracies, turn to feng shui techniques and even folk signs... The site specialists have prepared several ways for you to attract luck and luck into your life.

We attract luck with the power of thought

Our thoughts can work miracles. We attract into our life only what we most often think about. If you program your mind to be positive, then there will be much more happiness in life. If, on the contrary, think only about the negative, the black bar will not keep itself waiting long. It must be remembered that our thoughts can attract good luck and success in life: for this you just need to think positively and not let bad emotions take over you.

In addition, various affirmations can always help you — small positive phrases and sentences. While reading them, you must always be in a good mood, use words only in the present tense, use pronouns "I AM", "Me" and "To me" and use such affirmations regularly.

Attracting good luck with feng shui

People familiar with the feng shui technique know that the energy that determines the well-being of a person is contained in his home. Therefore, it is very important to establish the right environment in your home so that it helps to attract good luck. For example, houseplants they are the best fit so that prosperity and luck always reign in the house. They not only cleanse the house of negativity, but also contribute to luck in all matters. In feng shui, there are Special symbols that attract good luck to the house.

Laughing God - Hotei... The figurine symbolizes prosperity, wealth and good luck. Place it in your apartment and sometimes look at it with a smile, especially before leaving the house. The talisman will definitely bring luck and success to your home.

Aquarium with fish will solve your financial problems, attract profit and good luck to your house. It is important to remember that the fish must be gold.

Good luck conspiracy

Conspiracies can bring good luck into the life of every person. It should be read once a week, while staying in good mood, best in the morning:

“Happiness and luck lurk within me, and fortune is in my hands. I can do everything in the world, and all dreams and plans will come true. There is strength in me, confidence in me, and all who wish me failures, let them go away with my troubles. May it be so".

This conspiracy is very powerful and can quickly attract success into your life.

Signs for luck and profit

Our ancestors believed that luck could be attracted in several ways:

  • The kitchen table should never be empty. It should always be covered with a tablecloth, otherwise there will be no money and good luck in the house.
  • A brownie should "live" in every house. You can make a mascot figurine with your own hands or buy it in a store. It will protect your home and attract well-being and good luck to your home.
  • Money Tree will be able to attract into life not only money, but also luck.
  • A charm in the form of a pin or a horseshoe will help to enlist the support of fortune and find happiness.

To attract good luck to life, you can use completely different methods... Find the method that works for you, and don't be afraid to try new things. We wish you happiness, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.09.2018 06:19

Exactly one week before Easter, Orthodox believers annually celebrate Palm Sunday... On this day you ...

"What is" unlucky. "And how to deal with it? - many ask now. - Luck has left us altogether, God has forgotten, and nature pours rain and blows away everything in its path with winds." I bet that not everything is so sad with you, the one who is reading these lines now. On this moment in front of you is a monitor of your computer or phone, you are full, dressed, and all relatives are safe and sound, most likely. I will say even more: bombers do not fly over your head, there are no problems with food and water in the country, a sniper does not lie in wait for you on the streets. This is the world dear reader and you are really lucky to live in it. Now that we have figured out that everyone who does not experience natural disasters, war or famine is a real lucky one, let's figure out how to attract good luck and keep what you already have. Let's talk about thoughts first.

with your thoughts?

You've probably heard that thoughts become reality one day for each person? The brighter and more joyful your thoughts, the better your life is going. It's proven quantum physics, many works have been written on this topic, and we only have to make the choice one day to stop thinking and speaking badly about ourselves and about others. Good luck comes to those who believe in it, wait and hope for it. If you were lucky, would you want to come to a place where you are not expected and said that you simply do not exist? The first rule of success is to think about what's going on in your head and breaking out of your tongue! Thus, we determine what will happen to us tomorrow, in a week, in a year. As the saying goes, if you call a person a pig for a long time, he grunts. Use the power of thought and word to your advantage, do not allow negative statements to appear in your life anymore, but to set yourself up for success, come up with personal new statements of your new successful life.

  • I expect miracles from life!
  • I am grateful for life!
  • I love the Earth!
  • I love money!
  • I am good, and there are kind and helpful people around!

The affirmations given above are suitable for any particular case, just come up with your own text for each situation, which most fully reflects your innermost desires. Write them every day anew in a special notebook and repeat after that aloud for at least 1 month. This exercise has changed more than one fate, so why not try it? Another secret about how to attract good luck in money says that you can not scold the government and the country in which you live, and also you should not listen to such conversations and support them. This is due to the fact that money is energetically linked to the government and the country - it is their offspring, their tool and bargaining chip. Negativeness towards the state diverts the energy of money from such a person.

To be happy in amorous affairs, you must simply become happy. It’s a paradox, but this is the complexity of success - in the paradox of its components. Imagine that a sad person is walking down the street, and when someone tries to contact him with help, he snaps and walks away. Or another picture: a fun party with a lot of young people at it. Who will get to know each other faster - with a gloomy company or with merry fellows? So it is with luck in love: until you love yourself, how will others love you if you are at odds with yourself? In this matter, positive affirmations, faith in love and the fact that you will definitely meet your soul mate, as well as joy, a smile, a good mood, help!

How to bring good luck into your life with forgiveness?

We often walk on vicious circle failures because we give our energy to other people, namely offenders and enemies. You urgently need to forgive them all, or at least try, otherwise you will not see success. The fact is that when you take offense at others, get angry, hate, then you give all your life force to your “enemies”. Are you not disgusted with feeding unpleasant people with your energy? Then stop at least thinking about them and get your luck!

In this article:

The magic of money belongs to white magic. It reduces the influence negative factors and increases the influence of the positive, especially those associated with money. In the old days, people trusted magic more than they do today. Almost every life process was associated with various rituals, be it buying a cow or a wedding. For what? To deal with evil forces and with the blessing of good forces.

White magic was more revered and widespread than black magic, since its main function was protection.

The magic of money in white magic did not last place, since it was on her that the well-being of the family and the individual depended.

Money magic is divided into:

  • Money conspiracies;
  • Prayers; Spells;
  • Amulets; Amulets;
  • Special rituals.

The most popular in the magic of money are conspiracies that help and tell how to attract luck and money. Most often they are used by trade workers, businessmen and ordinary citizens on the eve of major transactions or purchases.

Simple conspiracy for money

Go to the market or store, buy something or sell, while receiving payment or change, say to yourself:

“Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

New moon money conspiracy

On the first day of the new moon, at 24:00, go out onto the road, taking 12 coins with you. Substitute coins under the glow of the moon and say 7 times:

“Everything that grows and lives multiplies under sunlight and money is under the light of the moon. Money, grow, multiply, add. Enrich me (name), never forget. May it be so!".

Clutch the money in your fist and do not unclench it until you come home, where you put it in your wallet.

To find money

If you urgently need large sum money that should be received from someone, or even better, just find, complete a conspiracy on a green candle. Write your name and the required amount on the candle, then lubricate the candle. vegetable oil, then roll in the basil powder and light it with the words:

"Money comes, money grows, money will find my way into my pocket!"

Green color plus the energy of plants is what you need to achieve the effect

To repay the debt

If you have borrowed money and they will not be returned to you in any way, try to call for help magical powers and perform the following ritual and money back conspiracy.

“I send the servant of God (the name of the debtor) to the clue: let him burn and bake him, drive him from corner to corner, break white bones, let him not eat, let him not sleep, he does not drink clean water, does not give rest (the name of the debtor), until the debt is repaid to me. "


Here is another one effective conspiracy to repay the debt. Get out the freshly whipped butter, take it in right hand, spread over the aspen plank, saying:

“The oil will be bitter, and you, God's servant(name of the debtor), you will grieve with your heart, roar with your eyes, hurt your soul, suffer with your brains. All that I owe (the name of the author) a debt to pay. Amen".

Throw this board into the debtor's house.

Braided Magic Cord

Help to become more successful and successful, and achieve fulfillment innermost desires, maybe a do-it-yourself talisman for good luck is a magic cord (a braid of colored threads).

A multi-colored mascot works great, provided that the performer has put his message into it.

Take thick threads and braid them into a braid. The task set for the amulet depends on the color of the thread. You can choose several colors at the same time or one.

  • The green thread is wealth.
  • The red thread is love.
  • The yellow thread is health.
  • The blue thread is the achievement of goals.

Having weaved a pigtail, connect its ends together, wear the resulting bracelet on the ankle of your left leg for good luck.

How to attract good luck and luck

Take a saucer, pour 3 tbsp into it. tablespoons of salt, the same amount of sugar on top, and after the same amount of rice. In the resulting slide, stick an open safety pin and leave it overnight. In the morning, pin a pin to your clothes so that no one can see it, and feel free to go to work.

Good luck conspiracy with money

This conspiracy is being done on a shiny new coin. Take it in your hands, placing it between your palms folded as in prayer and say the following words:

“I completely blow away what prevented happiness,
I attract money and good luck to my house ”.

Aromatherapy is used infrequently, only to attract certain energy

You can repeat the ritual three times, but each time using a new coin. The conspiracy coins must be taken to the nearest intersection and left there, only so that no one can see.

Chinese ritual for luck

This ritual can be repeated at least every day, the main thing is to be in a good mood.

Place any three candles and an incense stick on the table. Light the candles, and with the stick walk around the room clockwise, saying:

“I opened the door and called good luck to my house,
To live with her to live, happiness, to make money. "

A stick, unlike candles that can be extinguished, must burn out to the end. As soon as the wand burns out, a new streak will begin in your life - bright, successful, rich in events and finances.

Conspiracy for good luck at work

On the day of signing an important agreement or contract, as well as resolving work issues that affect your fate or the fate of your enterprise, get up at dawn and looking at the rising sun, smiling say:

“Sun, you shine on people from the sky, give your warmth to mother earth.
Grant me luck so that my work will succeed.
Sun, you are the earthly source of life, you are a bright light and a stream of heat.
Grant me success to become the most successful of all! "

Talisman for good luck

Get an agate crystal, wash it under running water, light a candle and in front of it, holding the future talisman in your hands, say:

"Protect from evil and help live,
Bring me happiness with good luck in everything. "

Agate is gorgeous in nature and energy

The candle should be extinguished, and the agate charmed for good luck should always be carried with you. As soon as the agate cracks or disappears, it should be replaced with a new one, since the previous one has fulfilled its protective function.

Poverty conspiracy

This conspiracy is difficult to carry out, since it requires mushrooms removed from the walls of the old hut. The mushrooms are removed and placed in a scarf, which is hidden in own home... But before you hide the bundle on it, you should utter the following words three times:

“As the hut has grown with mushrooms,
Let my hut be overgrown with wealth.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You can never tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise everything will return to normal, namely, you will be overcome by the same poverty from which you once got out.

If money has ceased to be found

On Saturday, go to the bazaar and look for money dropped by people. Put whatever you find in a new wallet. Leaving the market, throw your wallet up and say:

“Someone sowed, but I found,
So that all the money will follow me.
I bless the word, the deed,
I attach the entire money line to myself.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

To live in abundance

The plot is read on the first day new moon by shaking the wallet:

“A rich merchant comes to visit me,
He brings me a precious box as a gift,
That merchant is all dignified and very rich,
Anyone will be glad to have such a guest.
The merchant's wallet rings like gold,
Silver money thunders sweetly,
May my wallet also ring like gold,
Silver money thunders sweetly
Let everything burn and sparkle on me
Now and always, for all time.
Lips and teeth, key and lock.
Nobody could open these words. Amen. Amen.

It is impossible to live happily without a certain level of luck. Knowing how to attract luck, you can achieve stability in life and ensure your success in all your endeavors.

We have learned to use money to quickly meet our needs, forgetting that money and success are directly related to the level of luck. In real life, our dreams rarely come true, not all people have high salaries, so we are interested in how to quickly attract good luck in order to get rich and find success. Luck loves the assertive. It is your decisiveness, and most importantly, faith in your own strengths that will help to position the attention of capricious fortune. But that is not all. The pursuit of luck is not an easy task, and in it you will need the help of people who were able to catch up with it. In this article, you will find three effective ways attract good luck.

The first way is the psychology of wealth

Imagine that you have already managed to attract good luck, get rich and provide for the whole family. Now you have plenty of time to do only what you love. You no longer need to rush to work, which means you can devote yourself to rest, hobbies, creativity, family. What would you do? This question should be answered honestly and the answer should be memorized. Think so successful people... This is the psychology of wealth.

Luck and money are all energies of prosperity that everyone needs. But people often complain about their lives. Most people believe that the only way to attract luck and money is through hard work and work from dusk to dawn. This is not entirely true. A person needs to adequately assess their behavior and capabilities. If you regularly fear ruin, then it will happen. For those who dream of getting rich and becoming more successful, psychologists recommend focusing on the good: for example, on the positive emotions that you get from money. You cannot save on yourself, just as you cannot drive yourself into a frame. It is important to believe in yourself and your future success... You can change your life in one day, so don't expect someone else to do it for you.

People with the psychology of poverty have serious gaps in working with the energy of prosperity - they always have black holes in their auras that suck everything out. vitality, and most importantly, the energy of abundance flows through them. The energy of luck is alive, creative, and you need to learn to handle it correctly. Without negative programs, your life will become easier.

The second way is numerology

It is believed that the numbers that surround us everywhere influence the events of our life no less than the planets and constellations. Numerologists have calculated codes of abundance that allow not only to attract good luck, but also to neutralize all energy problems. To quickly summon good luck at the right moment, you need to repeat the number 20 to yourself. It is believed that 2 multiplies luck, and 0 removes the opposing force.

The third way is to follow the rules of feng shui

For a long time, people have followed the laws of luck, on which luck depends, in order to find ways to attract it. Using Eastern wisdom, you can instantly attract capricious fortune. The following rules based on unshakable esoteric laws, as well as on the belief in their prosperity. For luck to become your constant companion, it is not enough just to believe in it. It takes some effort. There are some simple rules to help you achieve happiness and abundance. Poverty is the lot of lazy people, so to attract good luck, you need to keep track of how you live.

  • Keep your home clean, especially the hallway. According to the golden rules of feng shui, through front door the energy of good luck comes to us, and only purity can keep it.
  • Use air fresheners, aromatic oils, and scented candles to help drive away negativity in your home.
  • Throw away old things.
  • Clear the house of negativity.
  • Do not invite envious people to your place.
  • Create an atmosphere of celebration, happiness and fun in your home.
  • Ventilate the area at all times to negative energy does not stagnate in your home.
  • A cozy atmosphere at home is a guarantee of stability and prosperity.
  • Do not save on yourself and your home, buy the best for yourself.

Almost all people think about how to attract good luck and become a happy person every day. Someone resorts to conspiracies and rituals, but this is far from the only way to improve their lives. Astrologers are advised to make yourself several talismans from natural stones. Such amulets renew energy and enhance the energy message that you send to the world. Achieving everything in life is not so difficult, you just need to believe in yourself and that everything will work out. We wish you great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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