Home Flowers 11 lunar day today is the characteristic of the day. Eleventh lunar day. What effect does this lunar day have on health

11 lunar day today is the characteristic of the day. Eleventh lunar day. What effect does this lunar day have on health

Everything in the world is interconnected. The signs of the Zodiac, which are tied to a specific time of year and month, are no exception. November gives the world amazing characters. The zodiac sign of those born at the beginning of this rainy month is Scorpio. Like the weather itself at this time, the symbol appears to the world as uncompromising and cold.

general characteristics

November is the time when the harvest has long been harvested. It's time to sum up and analyze the past year. Wise and thoughtful Scorpios are born at this time. The sign has remarkable analytical abilities. He is able to get to the bottom of events as accurately as if he knows some secret of the universe.

However, most likely, she is really known to him, since no other sign is distinguished by such a mystical and mysterious filling.

Scorpio is ruled by the element of Water. It endows representatives with qualities that fully characterize the features of the element:

  • emotionality;
  • susceptibility;
  • the capacity for compassion;
  • vulnerability;
  • daydreaming.

In addition to the element of Water, Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto. This is the most unknown and controversial heavenly body. In astrology, Pluto represents rebirth. In his power are death and rebirth.

Like the patron planet, Scorpio resembles the Phoenix bird. He is constantly burned in trouble, after which he is reborn from the ashes. At the same time, the sign is more loyal to women. But he, as a rule, tests men for strength all his life. Even minor accomplishments are given to them with great difficulty.

The element of Water endowed Scorpio with a fine mental organization and increased emotionality. At the same time, Pluto makes his pet secretive and silent. As a result, the sign appears before the world as a person deep in himself. Hurricanes rage in his soul, but outsiders do not know about it.

All the powerful energy of Scorpio is directed to his inner world. He thinks, analyzes, worries, but rarely shows his feelings. It is a dark pond whose waters are never clear or calm.

Description of the water scorpion

The exciting and emotional element of Water is precisely described by those born in November. According to the horoscope, what sign do astrologers consider the most powerful element of Water, if not Scorpio. He is extremely strong and durable. Any difficulties only temper his powerful temper, although in a fit of emotions, the sign may well fall into a short-lived apathy.

foundation of character

Like any other sign, Scorpio is woven from several basic features that drive it to life path. All these qualities add up an amazing picture of the sign's temperament.

Scorpio has the following characteristics:

  • Passion. The sign likes to go to extremes, so any business either captures him with his head, or is generally indifferent to him. There are no semitones for the sign.
  • Rage. His internal energy is extremely strong. It also has poison. Scorpio does not forgive anyone, because his spiritual wounds never heal. For the slightest offense, he is ready to take revenge even years later.
  • Self control. With age, most representatives of the sign somewhat pacify their hot temper. Scorpio learns self-control from their own mistakes. This is how Pluto manifests itself, thirsting for new knowledge and improvement.

The sign has a pronounced ego. His opinion of himself is strong and unshakable. No criticism or flattery will make him doubt his own abilities. He is firm in his judgments and decisive in his actions.

Scorpio's reaction is always minimal. His restraint is visible in his behavior, manner of speaking and moving. He simply does not want to waste valuable energy on the world. However, his emotions are always sincere. If the sign says it's true. If he smiles, then only truthfully.

Society and friendship

In communication, Scorpio also adheres to minimalism. As a rule, he has few friends: a couple of good acquaintances, long time-tested. He doesn't care about the rest. He is self-sufficient and does not need a team.

Part of the reason for the hermit's lifestyle lies in the straightforwardness of the sign. He will never be silent if he knows some truth. His comments always look like sharp remarks, because he is not used to embellish reality. As a result of such straightforwardness, only the strongest and most sincere characters remain with Scorpio. Lovers of sweet lies and flattery simply do not pass this casting.

Scorpio, a lover of extremes, often attracts either loyal admirers or ardent enemies. But respect for him will be experienced by both.

Love and relationships

Outwardly, the representatives of the sign look cold and indifferent. But upon closer inspection, Scorpio does not seem so detached. it true friend and a reliable partner. The love of the sign is sincere, like a baby's tear. But in interpersonal relationships of such a plan, he acts as a rather difficult partner.

Being a born loner Scorpio and in love carries the banner of an egocentrist. He focuses on himself and his feelings. He is not indifferent to the soul mate, but one should not expect full dedication to her interests.

In a pair, he prefers to lead, although he can agree to equality if he meets worthy partner. By the way, he often falls in love with those who are strong in spirit, because he simply despises the weak.

The initiative in relationships usually comes from Scorpio. In love, he is a predator and needs prey. At the same time, the more inaccessible the object of his adoration is, the greater the heat will kindle feelings in him.

In love, gentle and caring. The poisonous shell and caustic nature remain on the shelf when the Scorpio is in the arms of a loved one. Feeling loved, the sign is transformed beyond recognition. At the same time, he deftly sneaks into the soul of his partner, himself remaining a secret behind seven locks.

Scorpio prefers to splash out unspent energy in intimate matters. This sign is passionate and sexy. Feels real depression when it is impossible to love and receive love. At the same time from internal state sign depends on his manner of expressing feelings. Weak and unrealized Scorpios gravitate toward violence and rough dominance. Strong in spirit prefer competent equality.

Influence of the decade

As with any other constellation, the time of Scorpio is divided into three equal parts. Occupies this sign of the Zodiac October, November. Scorpio reigns from October 24 and lasts until November 22:

  1. First decade: October 24 - November 2.
  2. Second: November 3-12.
  3. Third: November 13-22.

Pure sign representative

Representatives of the first decade are the purest Scorpions. They are not characterized by the features of neighbors in the elements.

This Scorpio saves his emotions more than others. Silent and restrained. Knows his own worth. Demanding of himself and others. Passion drives him in everything. If the case really captures him, he is ready to improve for days in order to achieve a result.

Independent. Can work in a team, but prefers to lead rather than obey. Not indifferent to authority and craves respect for himself. At the same time, he does not pay attention to the opinions of others, guided by his own feelings.

Scorpios are competitive and ready to compete in everything. They remember the insult for a long time and are able to relive it again, only remembering an unpleasant event.

At the same time, the representative of the first decade is gentle and attentive in relationships. The sign never directs its poison to loved ones. He is careful in words and actions. In love, he prefers to dominate. Able to take responsibility for the other half. His love is all-consuming, trying to completely possess the chosen one.

The strength of the sign is a sharp intellect. He knows how to find a way out of the most difficult situations plunging into the beloved analysis and search for truth.

The manifestation of the features of Pisces

Scorpio of the second decade contains the features of its sign, as well as some of the habits of Pisces. This man is clearly creativity. He is dreamy, but, unlike real Pisces, he clearly distinguishes between dreams and reality.

Intellectual. This Scorpio is interested in art, music and has many talents himself. Well-read and erudite. Has a lively and active mind, with the help of which it generates unusual ideas and plans.

Persistent and active. Faithful to his ideas and able to lay down the bones in order to achieve what he wants. Unshakable. On the way to the goal, he deftly bypasses obstacles and avoids clashes of interests. Of all the Scorpios, the least conflicted.

Pisces taught this character to subtly feel others. But, unlike the owner of fins, he knows how to protect himself from other people's experiences.

Independent and prefers to manage his own destiny. The rules adopted in society are skeptical. Doesn't like to depend on someone.

Pisces brought tenderness to the character of this sign. and the thrill of love. Scorpio of the second decade is devoted to the soul mate and seeks to share with her all her experiences. Often unpredictable, as guided by the voice of the heart. Often his actions are incomprehensible to others.

His inherent vindictiveness is somewhat leveled under the influence of Pisces. He still acutely feels the experience, but is more inclined to accumulate resentment than to rush at the offender with his fists. Primal rage can only be aroused by an insult inflicted on his loved ones. The wrath of the sign will be terrible.

Influenced by Cancer

Undoubtedly, the most amazing personalities are born at the end of November. This man's zodiac sign is Scorpio-Cancer. A neighbor in the elements endowed the stinging sign with incredible determination. He is still sensitive, but already knows how to control his emotions from an early age.

He clearly knows what he wants. Achieves goals stubbornly, like Sagittarius, born in December. At the same time, he still likes to analyze and reflect. Until middle age, he forms his own philosophy, which he follows throughout his life.

Interested in politics and history. He himself is a strategist and tactician, like his favorite historical figures.

Cancer endowed this character with heightened expressiveness. The stinger can flare up out of the blue. His edge is always ready. Such irascibility is especially characteristic of women, since in beautiful field feminine Cancer manifests itself very brightly and emotionally..

Adventurer and risk taker. Able to instantly decide on a dubious deal and cooperation, having an excellent instinct for human feelings.

The complexities of his character lead to a long search for a soul mate. In relations with the opposite sex, he acts as an idealist. It does not forgive mistakes and does not tolerate halftones. The representative of the third decade either selflessly loves or vehemently hates. Very jealous. But the reference is true and crystal truthful.

Astrologers are sure that most Scorpios are great people. Those born in November, as well as at the end of October, are the strongest personalities, who would be worth learning from many representatives of the horoscope.

Attention, only TODAY!

Those born in November correspond to the zodiac sign Scorpio (until November 22) or Sagittarius (from November 23). AT last month Autumn is dominated by Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. People who were born during this period are born with a mission to change the world, as regards both internal and external space. At the same time they long time they can take a wait-and-see attitude, delving into the essence of what is happening, and then, when they feel ready, proceed to energetic actions. Moreover, their impact energy is always identical to the target energy. These people are given to penetrate deeply into the thoughts of the interlocutor, who, being under energy influence born in November, able to reveal all the hidden corners inner world. But it is necessary for the birthday this month not for the sake of idle curiosity, they can show the right path in any problem, inspire activity, and much of what seemed unsolvable loses its significance altogether. These people are very emotional and, showing feelings, they are able to convey them to others, and not everyone is able to disconnect from their perception. They are perceptive to other people's weaknesses, which they often use mercilessly towards their enemies, but they will never offend the unprotected and flawed. People born in November are very fond of animals, they are also able to perceive their energy.

Those born in November are strong and proud!

Those born in November are brave!

People born in November (Scorpions or Sagittarius according to the zodiac sign) have a special tenacity, a strong grip, with which, having taken what they want in their hands, they will never let it go. These are people who do not lose heart at the sight of difficult obstacles, they will never return, retreat and try to bypass them. Those born in November will take risks, boldly striving forward, but at the same time clearly calculating their steps in advance. These people always keep their word and fulfill their promises, but they accept obligations only if they are completely sure that they can fulfill them. They are very resistant to other people's criticism, slander, they are able to put up a kind of shield-reflector between themselves and the enemy. Even if someone manages to hit them, they will never show their weakness, suffering, they will not complain to anyone. But they will always remember their offenders, with a good chance, striking them back. These people are very proud, under no circumstances will they please anyone. As a rule, they have few friends (most often, one), and even before them they do not fully reveal their soul. But at the same time they are faithful, keep secrets, devoted and always ready to help. They will not tolerate betrayal and deceit. These people are well aware of their shortcomings, but they cannot stand it when someone tries to point them out to them. They have excellent intellect and erudition, most of them devote much of their lives to education. Those born in November tend to be leaders, in extreme cases, “gray cardinals”.

Those born in November are looking for their ideal in love!

Those born in November (Scorpios or Sagittarius according to the zodiac sign) are proud, but capable of passionate, sometimes sacrificial feelings. They are very picky when choosing a life partner, they try to find an ideal that they themselves came up with (often not existing at all), therefore they stay alone for a long time or allow episodic relationships that they quickly get bored with. If, nevertheless, those born in November are lucky enough to meet their true other half, then they are able to feel this person, recognize him among the crowd intuitively. Then, thanks to the innate charm, strength and grip, they enclose him in their spell and literally fall in love with them. AT family relationships they become supportive patrons, experiencing feelings akin to parental ones, while combined with passion, a strong attraction, both physical and spiritual. These people will be infinitely loyal and faithful to their other half. Love is reflected in the whole life of these people, is able to "inspire" them, turn their lives around. Those born in November dream of cozy home, where you can spend quiet evenings with your family, have intimate conversations. AT hearth they see complete peace, finding peace of mind. They become wonderful parents, trying to develop in their children only best qualities and not convey to them their shortcomings, which, as already mentioned, they are fully aware of.

People born in November get money easily!

Those born in November are generous!

People born in November (Scorpios or Sagittarius according to the zodiac sign) in the work area are very active and energetic, striving in the best possible way show your potential. They can and love to work with people, but usually in key positions or as a leader. They may be attracted to the most various areas mental and physical labor, the main thing is that the labor process should be diverse, constant movement. These people have a strategic mindset, they understand the principles of team management and have the skills to apply them. Therefore, they make bosses who know how to properly use their power and strength, to influence the power of personal authority. Under their far-sighted and logical leadership, the strongest projects are being implemented. However, in some areas, they may be hindered by a reluctance to communicate with people on an equal footing, without extolling their personality. They value innovation, originality of thoughts, self-improvement. Those born in November will invest in work only if they are financially interested in it. As a rule, money is given to them quite easily, they always know how to dispose of it in order to get double profit. These people believe that money should "work", so they never keep large amounts of money at home. These people are quite generous in relation to loved ones, help free of charge in life. important situations, but all those who earn less than them are considered just lazy. For effective work, these people need a good rest.

Moon phase: second quarter, waxing moon

Symbol: Kundalini

Stones: fire opal, hematite, carnelian

Meditations: Meditations: fire, internal processes body.

11 lunar day, a day of austerities and solitudes, a day that is better to devote to meditation, fasting, cleansing on internal plan. If it is not possible to be in solitude, then the main thing on this day is to remember that all the processes started on this day must be completed. If you decide to fast, then do not interrupt fasting ahead of time. If you decide to perform any purification process, then bring it to completion.

It is good to conduct meditations today, to work with the chakras. Do meditation to raise the kundalini energy. Today, the inner fire, the hidden inner energy, is awakening.

This day is considered the day of Ekadashi.

The spine is associated with the 11th lunar day, and the area where the Kundalini energy is hidden (the area in the coccyx area).

Description of the day: 11 lunar day - a busy day, which is considered the strongest of all lunar cycle, as well as one of the most successful of all lunar month despite the severity. In the body there is an awakening of powerful forces. Today you can see how what was thought or outlined at the beginning of the lunar month is being realized.

Impact on personality: There is a lot of concentration on this day internal energy. What you do has the power to move mountains. In addition, personal charm is enhanced, self-confidence increases, and enthusiasm does not leave you. The day is good for starting a trip, business trip, travel.

Business and money: A good day for prepared decisive action in business and other work. Be especially careful: there may be a rare chance in business area, so don't accidentally miss it. In negotiations, personal charm will help. The day is good for starting a trip, business trip, travel. On the other hand, it is not suitable for trade, activities associated with the risk of injury. Also, do not engage in unfamiliar business. Small financial matters will be resolved in your favor, but transactions with large sums it is preferable not to start, because there is a possibility of getting into a loss.

Physical exercise: On this day, rest is favorable, moderate physical exercise It is good to walk, do exercises to increase flexibility and stretching. It's time to train flexibility and stretching.

Haircut: It is quite timely, and even contributes to strengthening the influence on people.

Relations: On this day, it is especially useful to show your love for loved ones - take care of them, give them attention, gifts - you will be fully rewarded for this.

Marriage: It is believed that the day is auspicious for marriage. It was on this day of the lunar cycle that the wedding of Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller took place, but the lunar favor for star couple was not enough...

Birthday: People born on this day of the lunar cycle have outstanding talents and mental faculties and often live to a ripe old age, if they observe moderation and avoid exorbitant loads. On this day of the lunar cycle, Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie, Andrey Mironov, Vladimir Vasiliev, Alexander Kalyagin were born.

General recommendations: Planned preparation for today's affairs requires systematic preparation - if preparation is not carried out, then it is not worth starting business. You can’t overload yourself, but passivity is also contraindicated. Be attentive, careful and keep balance in everything. Today it is better to direct your energy not to the result, but to the process and make efforts to complete what you started. It is important that actions have a positive direction, otherwise powerful energy can destroy everything in its path. It is not recommended to quit what you started, you need to bring everything to the end.

Warnings: Today it is better to exclude hunting from plans, because this day is the day of interaction with the animal world. In addition, careful handling of insects is suggested, avoid bites. Be careful with piercing and cutting objects. Today is the day when falling knives and forks warn of danger. For those who do not control their strength and energy, it would be preferable to refrain from serious matters.

Dreams: The dreams of these lunar day as a rule, they show how harmoniously we move in the material and spiritual world. The images that appear to you quite clearly express your position on this moment time. If the dream is good and you are acting in a positive role, then your development is going in the right direction. If you act in the role where they cause trouble to you, or you yourself cause them, then somewhere in life you are not doing the right thing, or your spiritual world is in desolation. Good dreams these lunar days fortunately. They can carry useful information, to be prophetic, and as a rule are fulfilled. Sometimes they say that the dream you had that night can come true in 3 days. Sometimes at this time you may not have dreams, then life gives you the opportunity to just relax, because the day itself is not the easiest and very energetic.

Moon phase: Second quarter, waxing moon.
Eleventh symbol lunar day is a labyrinth, a crown, a fiery sword.
Day 11 stones - hematite, opal, selenite.

The energy of the eleventh lunar day of the month reaches its maximum point on this day. It is so strong that it causes a huge burst of energy in the body. It is important for a person to control all his actions during this period of time, because the force that is active on this day can harm the person himself.

A person can begin to implement plans that were thought out in the first days of the month. But if he has any doubts or uncertainty, then you should not take on important matters.

Usually, on the 11th lunar day, strength, courage, self-confidence and self-confidence are felt. If a person started a business today, then in no case is it recommended to quit it. It must be completely completed.

The energy of this day dictates its own rules of conduct. You can not concentrate only on material values, it is important to pay attention to your spirituality. Don't overburden yourself, but don't be passive either. It is important to observe the "golden mean", to pay maximum attention to your family and friends, to help them in word and deed.

Eleventh lunar day of the month auspicious time to start construction. But it is necessary to start construction only if a person can bring it to the end. If construction is suspended for some time, then most likely it will not be completed.

During this period of time, you can go on a trip. If there is doubt, then the trip should be postponed until better times.

The eleventh lunar day of the month is good for preparing decisive steps in business. At this time, a chance may present itself that will open up new business opportunities. It is recommended that you carefully consider everything that happens.

This day will require a full commitment from a person. Today it is necessary to complete the work begun on these lunar days. In negotiations with business partners, one must show flexibility, charm and sociability.

The 11th lunar day is favorable for business trips and travel, but you should refrain from trading activities and you can't do things you don't know.
Conduct large financial transactions not worth it today. This can lead to losses, but minor financial issues can be resolved positively.

Diseases that manifest themselves on the eleventh lunar day of the month are dangerous for women. They are difficult to treat and sometimes fraught with complications.
On these lunar days Special attention should be given to the spine. People suffering from heart disease are recommended to carry out preventive procedures.

It would be nice to arrange a fasting day or fasting on the eleventh day of the moon. If, for reasons of your health, it is not possible to fast, then it is necessary to exclude legumes from your diet. It is strictly forbidden to overeat on this day.

Long walks in nature will be useful today, as well as physical exercises to strengthen and stretch muscles. All this will give additional forces a person and the opportunity to cope with the energy of this difficult lunar day.
Marriage on the eleventh lunar day of the month is considered auspicious.

The most powerful energy day of the lunar month has come. The symbol of the eleventh lunar day is a sword that has concentrated the power of the element of Fire. A fiery sword will give its owner power, indomitable strength, guaranteed victory, but only if a person can hold it in his hands. An inexperienced, insecure, doubting person is capable of inadvertently turning this powerful energy weapon into a means of destruction.

Today the most high level energy concentration. You can achieve a lot if you have the makings of a leader. For politicians, this is a great day to launch an election campaign, athletes will be able to start their careers. But all indecisive people better be careful (remember the sword analogy). Energy surges must be under your control, otherwise the power of the eleventh lunar day will turn against you.

Don't be surprised if your pets become aggressive, even if they were the most affectionate creatures in the world before. Animals feel fickle energy flows coming from a person, and they do not like it. Today it is generally better not to deal with animals - they can pounce on you. Also, you can not kill living beings, even insects, so it is better to refuse forays into nature or hunting.

It is undesirable to touch metal, pick up piercing and cutting objects. Surgical operations are unacceptable, even bread is better not to cut, but to break it with your hands. Cutlery falling on the floor is a bad omen. Turn on caution and attentiveness, monitor your condition, control emotions.

Today you can see how everything planned or started in the first days of the lunar month is being fulfilled. Lead an active lifestyle, do not relax, and continue to do what you have planned. You should not start new business today, unless you are confident in your abilities and will be able to complete this business today, without putting it off indefinitely.

11 Lunar Day - Characteristics

Energy of the day: Active

Symbol of the day: Labyrinth

Lucky number: 2

Planned preparation for today's affairs requires systematic preparation - if preparation is not carried out, then it is not worth starting business. You can’t overload yourself, but passivity is also contraindicated. Be attentive, careful and keep balance in everything. Today it is better to direct your energy not to the result, but to the process and make efforts to complete what you started. It is important that actions have a positive direction, otherwise powerful energy can destroy everything in its path. It is not recommended to quit what you started, you need to bring everything to the end.

Love and relationships on the 11th Lunar Day

11 lunar day is very suitable for romance and intimacy. A day of fun and emancipation, when all prejudices and shyness go into oblivion and an irresistible desire to perform sexual exploits flares up. But, marriage, on this day is not worth entering into. This love union will be accompanied by a stormy, but not lasting passion. On this lunar day, do not allow tension between you and your loved one. Wait with talk about the future. Better show care, give a gift, show your love. If you are married and dream of a child, then this is one of the better days for conception.

Work and creativity on 11 Lunar Day

It is better to postpone all new undertakings and deal with the completion of current affairs. Solution financial matters can lead to losses, it is also better not to engage in real estate transactions. It is not worth starting projects in unfamiliar activities. Negotiations can end in your favor if you turn on your charm. Be extremely careful, a rare chance for good luck may fall out today, do not miss it. The moon favors science and creativity.

Health and Nutrition on the 11th Lunar Day

A great day for self-healing and self-healing. On the eleventh lunar day, very beneficial effect Body massage is good for health. ancient scriptures on the 11th lunar day, fasting is recommended (complete refusal of food). This is necessary to improve physical health and spiritual growth. If fasting is not yet possible, then sit this day on juices. Or at least avoid meat, legumes, and any roughage.

The eleventh lunar day is ideal for starting treatment, cleansing the upper respiratory tract and lungs. The disease that began on this day in a woman is longer and more serious than in a man. But, for those who lead healthy lifestyle life, monitors his health, the diseases that arise on this day are not dangerous, since they are cured due to the hidden internal reserves of the body. Treatment with antibiotics is contraindicated.

Especially on this day, the spine and stomach are sensitive, so you should not allow physical overstrain, avoid excessive stress on the back.

Dreams on 11 Lunar Day

According to the dreams of the eleventh lunar day, one can judge how harmoniously you exist in the space around you, both in society and in the entire Universe.

For example, if you take an active position in a dream, move a lot, change situations yourself, it means that your affairs are in order, you coincided with the rhythms of nature. And if in a dream you make few movements, become a victim of circumstances, you dream that you are being killed, raped and tortured - it means that your life position leaves much to be desired. It is necessary to show more initiative and not to go with the flow of waves with a weak-willed chip. Be the builder of your own happiness.

True, this option is also possible: in a dream, you yourself become a tormentor, a rapist, a murderer, or the initiator of any destructive measures. This means that you began to take on too many unnecessary responsibilities, stopped paying attention to your spiritual world, mired in materiality and trying at any cost to lose success in society. Your life position is overactive, and this can soon lead to the most banal outcome - you simply simply "burn out at work."

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